Barbarian female name meaning. Female name Varvara: meaning and features. Varvara celebrates Orthodox name day

Like most names, the meaning of the name Varvara must be sought in the history of its origin. The history of the name is connected with the Greek word "Barbarian", which means foreigner or stranger. In the feminine gender, Varvara = Varvara (Βαρβάρα), that is, a foreigner. This is what the Greeks called all non-Greeks, as they considered them less cultured. Even the Romans were barbarians for the Greeks, but let’s not delve into history. Read the detailed history of the name in the article “Origin of the name Varvara”.

As you probably already understood, The name Varvara means "stranger". In Western Europe, the name Varvara has a slightly different sound - Barbara. Its most famous abbreviation is well known to us - this is Barbie, the name of the most famous doll in the world.

The meaning of the name Varvara for a girl

The name Varvara is very strong, which leaves its mark on the character of little Varvara. Varvara often displays traits unusual for girls. She is very strong, active and brave, which can scare away other children. At the age of 4-5 years, when children begin to understand gender differences, the first problems arise. The task of parents is to support the child and level out difficulties in communicating with peers.

Varvara is also a rather reserved girl. She is hardworking and knows how to set goals for herself, even as a child. She loves to play sports, but she especially likes dancing.

Varya is a good student. As with all children, the level of preparation before school and its further maintenance are important here. She is missing a star from heaven and studying is not particularly important in her life. You just have to study, so she studies. Especially talented teachers can awaken a real passion for learning in Var. Then she will see truly serious success.

Varvara’s health is good, but like any active child, there is an increased incidence of injuries. It is unlikely that her parents will be able to teach Varvara to be neat. Over time, she herself will become more feminine, but she will have to wait 15 years.

Short name Varvara

Varya, Varka, Varvarka, Vara, Varyukha, Varyuta.

Diminutive pet names

Varechka, Varenka, Varvarochka, Varyunya, Varyusha, Varyusha, Varyusha.

Name Varvara in English

As we have already written, in English Varvara is spelled a little differently - Barbara (Barbara) or Barbra (Barbra).

Name Varvara for international passport- VARVARA.

Translation of the name Varvara into other languages

in Belarusian - Varvara
in Hungarian - Borbala
in Greek - Βαρβάρα (Barbara)
in Spanish - Bárbara (Barbara), the diminutive will be Barbarita (Barbarita);
in Italian - Barbara (Barbara), diminutives - Barbarella (Barbarella),
in Chinese - 瓦瓦拉 (Vavala)
in German - Barbara (Barbara)
in Polish - Barbara
in Ukrainian - Varvara
in Czech - Barbora (Barbora), Barbara (Barbara)
in French - Barbe (Barb, Barba)
in Japanese - 残酷美 (Zankokumi)

Church name Varvara(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Varvara is a church name. However, at baptism, Varvara could take any other church name, so she and her godparents know her church name.

Characteristics of the name Varvara

Varvara's character is often difficult to recognize. She is a rather reserved person and few people know the real Varya. Her masculine character traits, characteristic of childhood, become less noticeable with age. She becomes more feminine and feminine characteristics are more noticeable. She has strong intuition and often relies on it. A tendency towards creativity becomes noticeable.

At work, Varvara is an excellent employee. She rarely works where it would be a burden for her to work. This approach allows you to work joyfully. As a nature prone to creativity, monotonous and uninitiative work is unlikely to suit her. She loves to solve new problems, but working according to the rules is not for her.

Varvara’s family occupies a very important place in her life. She enjoys doing housework and setting things up. Children are a great joy for Varya and she enjoys working with them. Like any woman, she sometimes likes to be weak. It takes a long time to choose a husband and is very picky.

The secret of the name Varvara

Varya's slowness is one of her serious secrets. She doesn't like to do anything without inspiration, and she can wait a long time for inspiration. Then she will do the necessary for five, but many do not understand this and are tense. Know this secret of hers and just don’t rush her, if of course there is such a possibility.

Varya’s touchiness is unknown to many and this is due to her isolation. She is a vulnerable person, but when she is offended she rarely speaks about it. Try not to offend Varvara, and sometimes just ask about your possible mistakes. This way you can win her trust and your relationship will acquire a certain warmth.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Albatross.

Name color- Crimson.

Tree- Hornbeam.

Plant- Narcissus.

Stone- Ruby.

The noble name Varvara is rarely found these days, but it bears the imprint of antiquity, long history, and legend. The name has strong energy. Suitable for strong-willed, purposeful, persistent people. The famous heroine of the Russian fairy tale, Varvara the Beauty, became famous for her intelligence, ingenuity, and dexterity. A beautiful, distinctive name reflects the attractiveness, charm and self-confidence of its owner.

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      The meaning of the name Varvara

      There is something sharp and guttural in the sound of the name with the repeated letter “r”. To the refined ears of the ancient Greeks, the speech of strangers seemed like such an incomprehensible set of sounds. Therefore, everyone who could not speak Greek was called “barbarians.” This word described an uneducated person. Later, the nickname “barbarian” acquired an additional negative connotation. They began to give it to rude people, people who did not know how to behave with dignity in society.

      • In Rus', another version has taken root, explaining the meaning of the name. Etymology experts believe that the root “var” is of Indo-European origin. It is translated as "protection", and when repeated - "double protection". The meaning of the name Varvara - “protector”.

        For affectionate addresses, diminutive forms are used: Varechka, Varyunya, Varusya, Varyusha. Derivatives of the main name are used as abbreviations: Vara, Ara, Arya, Vava. English-language versions have become widespread abroad: Barvara, Barba, Barbie.

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        Name day

        The name Varvara is included in the Orthodox calendar, And has its heavenly patroness - the martyr Varvara. She lived in the 4th century in a wealthy pagan family. The father kept the girl in strictness and obedience. Varya spent a lot of time in solitude, often thinking about the way of life and the role of higher powers in it. One day, while walking, the girl met Christians. They attracted her with their friendliness and willingness to help each other. From them, Varya learned about the Savior and was imbued with faith in Him. The father tried to force his daughter to renounce Christianity and insisted on marrying a noble pagan. But the girl’s faith was unshakable. She was subjected to severe torture and executed. The father cut off Varvara's head with his own hands and at the same moment was struck by lightning. Barbara was canonized as a saint for her steadfastness and steadfastness. The miraculous relics of the great martyr are kept in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv.

        Bearers of the glorious name remember the heavenly intercessor in the days of her memory:

        • January 11;
        • March 7;
        • April 5;
        • July 18;
        • December 17.


        Varvara has a solid character and a rich inner world. She is conservative in many ways, restrained in expressing her feelings. From the outside it seems strict, closed, aloof. In reality, Varya has a subtle, vulnerable nature. She is very inquisitive and impressionable. Varvara cannot be assessed unambiguously; her character combines contradictory traits. Their manifestation depends on the environment and upbringing.

        Depending on her birth at different times of the year, Varvara’s character traits will manifest themselves in their own way.

        • “Winter” - judicious, unhurried, likes to first weigh and consider in detail any planned business;
        • “Summer” - demanding of herself and others, flirtatious, domineering;
        • “Autumn” - calm, serious;
        • “Spring” - indecisive, shy, timid.


        Little Varya is growing up as a quiet, calm child. She causes little trouble for parents. He is not capricious and does not fight with other children. Prefers to play alone or sit quietly on the sidelines. A tendency towards solitude and isolation is characteristic of Varvara at any age.

        In childhood, the main traits of her character are laid. During this period, relationships with parents play an important role. Their kindness, understanding, and patience will have a beneficial effect on Varenka’s disposition. She will grow up to be an affectionate, sympathetic girl. If her loved ones do not show attention to her, Varya will withdraw into herself even more and begin to harbor resentment. In the future, he will show the most unsightly qualities, such as selfishness, rancor, and intrigue.

        At school, among her peers, Varya will try not to stand out. She does not strive for leadership and does not achieve high levels of academic achievement. Slowness and laziness are limiting factors. A quiet, non-conflict girl will calmly move from class to class.

        At this time, she begins to plan her future life. Order and predictability are important qualities in Varvara’s behavior.

        She will never chase fashionable new items and try to get into the spotlight of others. However, an innate sense of style and love for beauty will always help you stand out from the crowd.


        A reasonable, strong-willed disposition, the ability to understand people well and, if necessary, use them help Varvara in building a career. Possessing these qualities, she can become an extraordinary businessman, financier, and manager. Creative professions are also suitable for Varya: designer, artist, fashion designer. Through creation, she will be able to reveal her inner world and satisfy the need for self-expression.

        Attention and patience contribute to Varvara’s development in the field of psychology, jurisprudence, and pedagogy. However, when choosing a profession, she should take into account her difficult character, which will complicate her existence in the team. The bosses will highly value Varvara’s hard work, and will ignore her colleagues for her penchant for intrigue and absurdity.

        Monotonous activity is completely unsuitable for Varya. The need to do the same thing day after day causes irritation and apathy in her.

        Marriage and family

        Inner romance and dreaminess do not prevent Varvara from taking a balanced approach to choosing her future husband. The woman critically evaluates all applicants and chooses the most worthy one. Most often, Varvara’s husband becomes a mature man with whom she feels protected. Their relationship is more like that of a father and daughter.

        Varvara greatly values ​​family comfort and does everything to create a comfortable nest at home. She is a wonderful wife and housewife. Strong marriage bonds usually last a lifetime. If for some reason the first family experience was unsuccessful, Varvara will be even more demanding and selective when selecting a new partner. As a rule, remarriage goes well.

        A successful marriage is guaranteed with a man named Mikhail, Peter, Fedor, Georgy, Boris, Alexey, Alexander or Bogdan.


        Since childhood, Varvara has been predisposed to colds. In order to harden herself, she begins to play sports. Patience and endurance allow you to achieve tangible results. But if things don’t work out, Varya gives up her hobby without regret.

        To maintain shape, she should pay attention to proper nutrition, moderate exercise, and not worry too much. This will help preserve your health for many years.

        The name Varvara is equally masculine and feminine. Severity, prudence, pragmatism coexist with daydreaming, impressionability, and modesty. It depends on fate and upbringing what exactly will be more visibly manifested in Varya’s behavior.

A representative of the fair sex, bearing such a feminine name as Varvara, immediately attracts everyone's attention in any society. She is especially majestic and assertive. The meaning of the name Varvara makes her a sociable and pleasant person to talk to. She may be overly sensitive and knows how to empathize.

The meaning of the name Varvara for a girl indicates that she has good ingenuity. Such a child is smart and active. Likes to come up with something new and easily solves difficult situations. Varya is so energetic that her parents need to constantly monitor her so that no trouble happens. Control in this case is of great importance.

The meaning of the name Varvara for a child gives this baby an extraordinary strong character. Varunya has her own view of all the things around her. Parents will have to be patient during her teenage years. During this period, the girl will unintentionally cause a lot of problems for her loved ones. In this way, she will learn about the world around her.

Also, the interpretation of the name allows us to talk about the inherent curiosity of this baby. Everything is interesting and surprising to her. Loves to learn new things, learn, and improve himself. It is curiosity that often gets Varunya into trouble. Many difficulties that arise due to curiosity can be resolved only thanks to the girl’s natural charm.


She is a very amorous woman, which means she is able to experience loving feelings even for several men at the same time. Emotional lift is important to her. Despite this, when communicating with representatives of the stronger sex, he may experience severe timidity. In a relationship with a man, she can be touchy and overly demanding.

It can truly excite men and even drive them into a frenzy with its inaccessibility. Barbara often has several fans at once, desperately seeking her favor and attention. A harmonious relationship is only possible with a man-father. Only he will be able to endure numerous antics and force himself to be respected.

Loyalty in a relationship is of great importance to her. Not prone to betrayal. Likes to talk about his feelings extremely openly. He tries to resolve conflicts in relationships immediately after they arise. He always dresses stylishly and tastefully. The price of the clothes doesn't matter. She is capable of choosing a harmonious wardrobe even for a small amount of money.


Varya is by nature a real homebody. This fact means that she loves to make things cozy and prepare delicious lunches and dinners for her loved ones. The wife chooses quite long and meticulously. Often he finds family happiness in his second marriage. But the first marriage in some cases can also be successful, especially if Barbara does not take offense at her husband without reason.

In order for your married life to be as successful as possible, you should choose men whose names are either Alexander, Vladimir, or Boris. You should not try to connect your life with Ivan, Oleg and Egor. Long-term relationships with these representatives of the stronger sex most likely will not work out or will be accompanied by scandals and various unpleasant situations.

Business and career

Barbara's advantage is her ability to bring any task she starts to completion. A character trait such as quarrelsomeness can prevent you from building a good career, which means you need to try to eradicate it. Varya should try herself in the artistic and musical fields. In addition, she can become a talented dancer, nurse, model or model.

Origin of the name Varvara

There are two options for where this feminine dialect came from. According to one of them, the origin of the name is associated with the ancient Greek word “barbarus”. This word is translated as “foreigner”, “non-Greek”, “barbarian” and “savage”. The etymology from Latin is “cruel, rude.”

The secret of the name tells that this adverb took its final form during its transition from Byzantium to Russia. History also reports a second origin. It is assumed that the adverb originated in the ancient Aryan language. Women whose name was Varvara were then considered strong protectors.

Characteristics of the name Varvara

Varya’s main character traits are hard work, flexibility, and modesty. These qualities help her greatly throughout her life. Such women are often prevented from expressing themselves fully by indecision. If Barbara takes on some business, then there is no doubt that she will definitely see it through to the end. The characteristics of the name also allow us to talk about some isolation and prudence of this lady.

In character and even in appearance, Barbara is often similar to her father. Mental comfort is of great importance to her. Varya often feels good only in a fantasy world. She loves to dream of majestic palaces, expensive jewelry and crowded, lavish receptions.

Capable of intrigue to achieve what she wants. Loves to chat. Has excellent visual memory. Her close and dear people are of great importance to Barbara. She prefers to spend her free time with her family. He also likes to play any kind of sport.

The pros and cons of her personality make Varya a very interesting and charming person. If such women can overcome their laziness, then they will be able to achieve much of what they want. Varya will have to struggle hard with laziness throughout her life.

Barbara needs to be especially careful about her health. Various serious illnesses arising from nervous conditions cannot be ruled out. In such women, weak organs are the intestines, spine, pancreas and kidneys. Long walks in the fresh air, as well as the most correct and varied diet, are of considerable importance for the health of such women.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone ruby, carnelian and agate.
  • Name day December 17th.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Famous people

  • Varvara Tretyakova (born in 1993) is a participant in the scandalous popular television project called “House 2”.
  • Varvara (1973) is a Russian singer and Honored Artist of Russia.

In different languages

The translation of the name Varvara from Latin is “cruel, rude.” Translation from ancient Greek - “foreigner”, “barbarian” and “savage”. Below is how the adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in several foreign languages:

  • In Chinese it is wǎwǎlā (sounds like Vavala).
  • In Japanese - zankokumi (translation - cruel).
  • In English – Barbara.
  • In Spanish - Bárbara (Barbara).

Name forms

  • Full name: Varvara.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Varya, Varyukha, Varyusha, Ara, Vava, Varyunya, Varyusha, Varyuta.
  • Declension of the name - Varvara - Varvara - Varvara.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Varvara.

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Short form of the name Varvara. Varya, Varechka, Varunya, Varusya, Varyuta, Varyukha, Varyusha, Ara, Arya, Vava, Varvarka, Vara, Barbie, Barba.
Synonyms for the name Varvara. Barbara, Barba, Barbora.
Origin of the name Varvara. The name Varvara is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Varvara has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Varvara is of ancient Roman or Greek origin. Initially, it seemed to the “civilized” Romans that foreigners were saying “var-var” - something incomprehensible. Then, when the Roman Empire grew and people from the colonies began to come to Rome, they began to be called that - Varvarus. The name came to Europe from the Romans and Greeks. The Russian “barbarian” appeared in Rus' back in the times of the Slavs from the Greeks, took root and became a common designation for foreigners, and later transformed into the name Varvara. Then “barbarian” in Greek acquired the meaning “cruel”, “rude” and corresponds to the modern meaning of this word.

According to the next version, the name Varvara is of Indo-European origin; in this name the root “var” is repeated twice, which means “protection”. Therefore, this name is translated as “double protection.” Similar and related cognate words for the name Varvara will be the words “cook” – i.e. to disinfect from microbes during heat treatment, “vara” is a refuge in Iranian mythology, “varta” is a watchtower.

Behind Varvara's external calm, prudence and isolation, real Shakespearean passions are often hidden. This woman is characterized by timidity and indecision, she has stunning patience. Varvara’s character contains both inflexibility and dreaminess. On the one hand, she is a powerful, vindictive and arrogant woman, on the other hand, she constantly has her head in the clouds, dreaming of princes, castles and receptions. At the same time, Varvara is modest, patient and very hardworking.

Varvara has excellent taste, so the profession of an artist or fashion model is suitable for her. In addition, she can try herself in programming, teaching, medical activities, and in the field of trade. The only thing Varvara will not do is get up early in the morning and go to work at the factory. Varvara needs an interesting thing that she could get carried away with, then she will definitely see it through to the end. Varya has enviable insight, which helps her quickly find a common language with colleagues.

In love relationships, Varvara shows indecisiveness. Varvara is very amorous, but she is more likely to be happy in her second marriage than in her first. It is Varvara’s inherent patience that plays a key role in saving the marriage. This woman is an excellent housewife, her home is clean and comfortable, she gladly receives guests at home. In general, Varya is a homebody; she prefers to replace parties with the participation of unfamiliar people with dinner with close people. Perhaps this is why Varvara gets married later than her friends and does not always find long-awaited happiness in marriage.

In her family life, Varvara appears as a flower woman, a woman-child, who drives every admirer crazy. However, this woman’s partner will be a man-father who will tolerate all her antics. Varvara knows how to please men; she dresses skillfully thanks to her excellent artistic taste.

Varvara is sociable, loves to chat and enjoys intriguing. At the same time, she is secretive and will not pour out her soul to each of her friends. Communication is more successful with men, while friendship with women can be problematic. Varvara tends to use others, especially gentlemen, to achieve her own goals. She will never forget about the insult, but will skillfully hide her feelings through restraint. Varvara does not take part in the lives of others, but tries to involve others in her life. Varvara is outwardly sociable and friendly, but under this mask lies constant internal tension. Often, improper upbringing can make Varvara selfish, then a cold, calculating mind will hide behind her restraint. If Varvara learns to open up and overcome her shyness, then she will turn out to be a sincere and sympathetic woman.

Varvara's name day

Famous people named Varvara

  • Barbara of Iliopolis ((d. ​​306) Christian great martyr, is considered the patroness against sudden death, which in Christianity is considered in most cases a punishment such as death without repentance and communion. In the Catholic Church she is one of the fourteen holy helpers. Many geographical locations are named in honor of Saint Barbara locations such as Santa Barbara.)
  • Varvara ((c.1850 - 1918) in the world - Varvara Yakovleva; venerable martyr, one of the first sisters of the Martha and Mary Convent, cell attendant of its founder Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna)
  • Barbara Cui Lian (Chinese Catholic saint)
  • Barbara Zilli ((d.1451) daughter of the Count of Celje, wife of the German-Roman Emperor Sigismund; received the epithet “Messalina of Germany”, stood at the origins of the Order of the Dragon, ruled Hungary as regent in the absence of her husband)
  • Barbara Radziwill ((1520 - 1551) Varvara Radziwill, famous Lithuanian beauty, Renaissance type personality, heiress of the Gashtold estates, wife of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland Sigismund II Augustus)
  • Varvara Massalitinova ((1878 - 1945) Russian Soviet theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1933), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1941))
  • Varvara Panina ((1872 - 1911) pop singer, performer of romances)
  • Varvara Ryzhova ((1871 - 1963) Russian and Soviet theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1937), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943), holder of two Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner of Labor)
  • Varvara Stepanova ((1894 - 1958) Soviet artist and avant-garde style designer)
  • Barbra Streisand ((born 1942) American singer and actress, composer, director, producer and political activist; winner of two Oscars in the categories “Best Actress” and “Best Original Song”, as well as Emmy and Grammy awards and Golden Globe)
  • Varvara Bakhmeteva ((1815 - 1851) Russian noblewoman, lover of the poet Mikhail Lermontov)
  • Varvara May ((1912 - 1995) ballerina, teacher, Honored Artist of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1969))
  • Varvara Orlova ((1907 - 1991) Russian linguist, specialist in the history of the Russian language and dialectology, one of the authors of the currently accepted dialect division of the Russian language)
  • Varvara Semennikova ((1890 - 2008) nee Dyakonova; Russian Evenki woman, according to unconfirmed data, considered the oldest person on the planet since August 2007 (her age is 117 years). The Guinness Book of Records and the Gerontological Research Group have not confirmed this record and the only agency that certified her age was the National Archives of Yakutia.)
  • Varvara Adrianova-Peretz ((1888 - 1972) a famous literary critic in the field of research of Old Russian satire, folklore, poetry, religious legends of the 11th-17th centuries. She made a great contribution to the research of the surviving first Old Russian editions of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “Walking for Three sea" by Afanasy Nikitin, etc.)
  • Varvara Karaulova ((1774 - 1842) married - Princess; Russian translator and writer)
  • Barbara Brylska ((born 1941) Polish theater and film actress)
  • Barbara la Marr ((1896 - 1926) née Rita Watson; American film actress, dancer, screenwriter; silent film legend, became famous as a vamp)
  • Barbara Stanwyck ((1907 - 1990) née Ruby Stevens; popular American actress in the 1930s and 1940s)
  • Barbie (full name - Barbara Millicent Roberts; world famous doll)
  • Barbara Hershey (American actress)
  • Varvara Lepchenko ((born 1986) American tennis player, until September 2007 she represented Uzbekistan at international competitions)
  • Varvara Kazakova ((born 1918) doctor, Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor (1969); Knight of the Order of Lenin, Honor, Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class, awarded many medals, Honorary Citizen of the city of Kirov (1986))
  • Varvara Strelskaya ((1838 - 1915) real name - Starova, married name - Stukolkina; Russian dramatic actress)

The girl Varvara has been a good-natured, smiling and modest person since childhood. Most often, she inherits her appearance and character traits from her father. Dad loves Varya very much. They say about such people that she is daddy's daughter. But the indecision in her childhood continues in her character into adulthood. Varvara is a little lazy, unhurried, and in no hurry to finish the job she has started. As a child, Varya is often ashamed of her name and is offended by her parents who called her that. The character of Varvara will depend on her upbringing. If parents raise their daughter correctly, she will not grow up to be selfish.

Varvara’s appearance does not show concern, but her feelings are raging inside her. It doesn’t matter how old Varya is: she always behaves friendly, but secretly. The owner of this name always has friends, but even they do not know about what is happening in the girl’s soul. Because of this, complete trust with close friends and relatives is impossible. Varvara often realizes that her secretive nature can be used for her own purposes. If a girl manages to overcome her secrecy, it would be difficult to find a more sincere person than Varvara. The specialty of a psychologist is suitable for her. She is well versed in this area even without receiving special education. Varya often uses this skill for her own purposes. She easily manipulates people. It is possible that Varvara will be seen in intrigue. She often does not pay attention to her voice of conscience. Varya can also become a good teacher, accountant, salesman or librarian. Varya has excellent taste. She dresses stylishly, which makes a good impression on people.

Varvara is a home person, and all her free time she prefers to be with her family. Because of this, Varya gets married late and has children. Often she can agree to a marriage proposal from the first person she meets. Varvara's marriage cannot always be called happy. But thanks to such qualities as patience, kindness and complaisance, she manages to save her marriage. But Varya will never tolerate lies from her husband. Having been deceived, she becomes a completely different person who is capable of decisive action. As she gets older, Varvara becomes unbearable and completely different from her younger self.

Varvara, born in winter, is very reserved and reserved. She will not splash out negative emotions on others. But accumulated internal experiences can harm the owner of the name. Winter Varvara is reasonable and extremely leisurely. She calculates every step she takes when achieving her goal. Varya, who was born in the summer, is very touchy. She demands a lot from herself and those around her.

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