Church Orthodox holiday of June. Church Orthodox holiday of June of St. Ignatius of Rostov, bishop

June 10(May 28 according to the “old style” - the church Julian calendar). 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, All the saints who shone forth in the Russian land(that is, the second Sunday after the great twelfth feast of the Holy Trinity, otherwise called Pentecost, in the Russian Orthodox Church dedicated to all its saints). Due to the fact that every Sunday is a “little Easter” for Christians, and also because the statutory rules of Peter’s Lent regarding food restrictions are “lighter” than during the Great and Dormition Lents, the use of fish. Today the memory of fifteen Orthodox saints is also celebrated (and separately - the celebration To the Council of all the venerable and God-bearing fathers who shone forth in Holy Mount Athos) and the day of two shrines - icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Next we will briefly talk about them.

Saint Nikita the Confessor, Bishop of Chalcedon. Archpastor second half of the 8th century, a time when the heresy of iconoclasm dominated the Roman Empire (Byzantium), which rejected the Orthodox teaching about the need to venerate images of saints, as well as their honest relics. Saint Nikita became famous for his merciful attitude towards the poor and disadvantaged, towards the elderly, widows and orphans, whom he always helped with everything he could. And at the same time, this ascetic was very firm in matters of faith, boldly denouncing not only high dignitaries for the heresy of iconoclasm, but also the heretic emperor Leo the Armenian himself. For this the saint was subjected to torture and exile, in which he died in early 9th century. Numerous healings immediately began to occur from the relics of Saint Nikita.

Saint Nikita the Confessor, Bishop of Chalcedon. Photo:

Saint Ignatius of Rostov. Head of the Rostov diocese in second half of the 13th century, famous miracle worker. In his youth, he was acquainted with the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky, who nominated Archimandrite Ignatius as an assistant to the Rostov Bishop Kirill (after whose repose the future saint headed the episcopal see of Rostov the Great). Despite his high church position, he became famous for his non-covetousness, deep prayerfulness and lifetime miracles. He reconciled the princes and visited the Horde several times, interceding so that the Horde would not oppress the Russian Church.

Saint Ignatius of Rostov. Photo:

Venerable Elena Diveevskaya. One of the spiritual children and disciples of St. Seraphim of Sarov. A young noblewoman, daughter of the titular councilor Vasily Manturov, in 1822 A 17-year-old girl decided to take monastic vows. At first, the Monk Seraphim did not bless her to leave the world, and only after the future saint spent three years in voluntary home seclusion was she tonsured a nun. IN 1832 The Venerable Elena departed to the Lord and was buried near the grave of the founder of the Diveyevo Monastery, the Venerable Alexandra.

Venerable Elena Diveevskaya. Photo:

Hieromartyr Eutykhios, Bishop of Melitino. A disciple and prayer worker of the apostles, one of the first sufferers for Christ, who accepted martyrdom in the city of Melitene in 1st century.

Martyr Eliconidas. Thessalonian Christian woman who suffered for her faith in III century from the Nativity of Christ. While preaching the Word of God to the inhabitants of Corinth, the pagans seized the ascetic, who, first by persuasion, then by threats, and ultimately by monstrous torment, they tried to force to renounce Christ. In conclusion, the Savior Himself appeared to the martyr with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, who healed the wounds of the holy sufferer Eliconidas. It was also a great miracle that when she was thrown to be devoured by lions, the predators submitted to the saint, after which they rushed at her tormentors. IN 244 from the Nativity of Christ Saint Eliconidas was beheaded.

Saint Herman, Bishop of Paris. Saint of the Western Church before its separation from Orthodoxy. He headed the episcopal see of the city of Paris until his death in 576 from the Nativity of Christ. He became famous for fighting for the piety of the clergy, as well as for the remnants of paganism, boldly denouncing the vices and crimes of the nobility, and did a lot to overcome the internecine warfare of representatives of the Merovingian dynasty.

Hieromartyr Elladius of the East. Little information has been preserved about this saint. It is known that he was a bishop in IV century and suffered for Christ either from pagan persecution or from the attack of the Persians. According to legend, the Savior Himself appeared to this saint in prison and healed his wounds.

Saint Helladius of the East with his retinue. Photo:

Saint Gerontius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'. One of the first Primates of the autocephalous Russian Church, the High Hierarch of the Third Rome, the Mother See of Moscow, which became the center of the Orthodox world after the fall of Constantinople. Under Saint Gerontius, many stone churches were erected in the capital, including the completion of the construction of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, in which he was buried after his blessed death in 1489.

Venerable Martyrs Macarius and Dionysius, Hieromartyr Nicholas the Deacon, Martyrs Ignatius and Peter- holy sufferers who died for their faith in 1931 and glorified among the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church. Also on the same day, the memory of two other saints who suffered for their faith during the years of Soviet atheistic persecution is commemorated: St. Heraclius the Confessor(went to the Lord in 1936) and the Venerable Martyr Hermogena (who died in 1942 in the Onega forced labor camp).

Also on June 10, the day of two miraculous images of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated. Icons of the Mother of God of Nicea, who became famous in the city of Nicaea in 304 from the Nativity of Christ, that is, still during the period of anti-Christian persecution. AND Icon of the Mother of God of Galich-Chukhloma “Tenderness”, revealed to the Venerable Abraham of Galich, a disciple of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, in 1350.

Congratulations to Orthodox Christians on the day of these shrines and the memory of all today's saints! Through their prayers, Lord, save and have mercy on us all! We are happy to congratulate those who received names in their honor in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or in the rank of monastic tonsure! As they used to say in Rus' in the old days: “To the Guardian Angels - a golden crown, and to you - good health!” To our departed relatives and friends - eternal memory!

On June 10, 5 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, and days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

What church holiday is today, June 10: Sunday of All Saints who shone in the Russian land

The celebration of the Council of all saints who shone forth in the Russian land, established in the 50s of the 16th century and forgotten during the synodal era, was restored in 1918, and since 1946 it began to be solemnly celebrated on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost (Trinity).

It is associated with the name of the Novgorod Archbishop Macarius, whose main merit was his many years of painstaking work in collecting and systematizing the entire hagiographic and hymnographic heritage of Orthodox Rus', known by that time.
For more than 12 years (1529 - 1541), Saint Macarius and his assistants worked on compiling a 12-volume collection, which went down in history under the name of the Great Macarius Chetya Menaion. This collection includes the lives of many Russian saints.

In 1547 - 1549, having become the primate of the Russian Church, Saint Macarius held several councils in Moscow, which resulted in the solemn glorification of 30 new church-wide and 9 locally revered saints and the establishment of a day of common memory of the “new Russian wonderworkers.”

However, after a great spiritual upsurge caused by the Moscow Councils of 1547 and 1549, by the end of the 16th century, the holiday of All Russian Saints began to be forgotten and throughout the synodal period was preserved only by the Old Believers.

It was restored by the Local Council of the Russian Church in 1917-1918. But due to the subsequent persecution of the church, the widespread celebration of the memory of All Russian Saints really began only after the Great Patriotic War.

Saint John of Shanghai (Maksimovich) wrote about him:

“The Day of Remembrance of the saints who shone forth in the Russian land points us to the spiritual sky under which the Russian land was created and lived... The Orthodox Church united disparate tribes into one people, and the most essential property of the Russian people was faith in the Kingdom of God, the search for it, the search truth... Holy Prince Vladimir gave the Russian people a new meaning of life and new vitality. Disasters, failures, defeats are powerless before the main force of life, powerless before the spiritual life, the spiritual joy of participation in it remains unaffected. Human…

People are always sinful, but it is important and salutary when there is a consciousness of good and evil, when there is a desire for truth, for then there can be an uprising from the depths of the fall. Sinful Moscow, the capital of sinful Russia, fell to the bottom in its historical life, but rose because the consciousness of truth did not die...

The grave suffering of the Russian people is a consequence of Russia’s betrayal of itself, its path, its calling... Russia will rise in the same way as it rebelled before. Will rise when faith flares up. When people rise spiritually, when they again have a clear, firm faith in the truth of the Savior’s words: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33). Russia will rise when it falls in love with the faith and confession of Orthodoxy, when it sees and loves the Orthodox righteous and confessors...

Russia will rise when it lifts its gaze and sees that all the saints who have shone in the Russian land are alive in the Kingdom of God, that they have the spirit of eternal life and that we need to be with them and spiritually touch and partake of their eternal life. This is the salvation of Russia and the whole world.
In Russia there is no spirit of life, no joy of life. Everyone is afraid of her, as they are afraid of demons. Russia used to be just as scary to other powers, but because it attracted peoples to itself. The Russian sky, the Russian saints call us to be with them, as they are with us. They are calling to join the spirit of eternal life, and the whole world thirsts for that spirit. A restored Russia is needed by the whole world, from which the spirit of life has departed, and it is all shaking in fear, as if before an earthquake.”

Church Orthodox holidays June 10: Peter's Fast (Apostolic) - 7th day

Multi-day fast. Installed in honor of the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Peter's Fast is one of the shortest and least strict fasts in the Orthodox religion. This time is associated with the memory of the two apostles, Peter and Paul, and has its own signs and traditions.

Peter's Fast begins a week after the celebration of Trinity, and at this time the church calls on Orthodox Christians to observe all church covenants. During Lent, they remember the apostles who spread Christianity everywhere and helped people establish themselves in the faith. Remembering the great martyrs, all believers thank them for their righteous deeds and tirelessly pray to the Higher Powers for mercy and forgiveness. Summer fasting is intended not only to pacify the body, but also the spirit. By observing abstinence, everyone helps his soul to cleanse himself of sins committed voluntarily and involuntarily.

Orthodox holiday June 10: St. Nikita the Confessor, Bishop of Chalcedon

Memorial Day of Bishop Nikita of Chalcedon. Years of life: 2nd half of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century. He was persecuted by the iconoclast Leo the Armenian and sent into exile.

Nikita the Confessor, Bishop of Chalcedon, lived in the 2nd half of the 8th century. The Monk Nikita, Bishop of Chalcedon, devoted himself to God from a young age, renouncing the world. For his holy life he was ordained a bishop. Having become an archpastor, he cared only about being a good example for his flock. Saint Nikita was distinguished by his mercy, helping the poor, caring for orphans and widows, and interceding for the offended. During the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813 - 820), Saint Nikita courageously denounced the iconoclastic heresy and convinced his flock to reverently honor the images of Christ, the Mother of God and the saints of God. For this persistence, he suffered a lot from the civil authorities, was tortured and sent into exile. The holy confessor Nikita died at the beginning of the 9th century. Miracles of healing were performed at his relics. In the canon of service to him, written by the Constantinople presbyter Joseph, the brother of Saint Nikita, Saint Ignatius, is also glorified.

Feast 06/10/2018 according to the church calendar: St. Ignatius of Rostov, bishop

It is considered the day of remembrance of the holy Rostov wonderworker Ignatius. Lived until 1288.

Saint Ignatius was a bishop in Rostov. At a young age, he went to a monastery, where he was made an archimandrite for his holy life. Then in 1262 he was made a bishop. St. Ignatius founded the first monastery of the Holy Trinity in the Belozersky region, from where monks came out to spread the Christian faith under his leadership between the Chud and the Korels. Twice he undertook an arduous journey to the Tatar Horde on church affairs. He served as a priest for 25 years and became famous for working miracles during his lifetime, which is why after his death his relics were not buried in the ground, but were laid openly in the church, where they rest to this day. Saint Ignatius died in 1288.

Church holiday today, June 7: St. Gerontius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Celebrating the memory of Moscow Metropolitan Gerontius. Lived until 1489.

Saint Gerontius was elevated to the high priestly see on June 29, 1471. Previously, he was the abbot of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow and the bishop of Kolomna.

The reign of Saint Gerontius was marked by the expansion of church construction, writes the Therussiantimes website. With the participation of the saint, the metropolitan house was restored after the fire and the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin was built, the consecration of which took place on August 12, 1479. On August 24, the solemn transfer of the relics of St. Peter to the new cathedral took place.

Saint Gerontius had a strong character and defended the independence of the Church from the interference of even the Grand Duke John III. Being adamant in church affairs, the saint was always a good adviser and ally of the Grand Duke in state affairs.

Until his blessed death, the saint successfully managed church affairs. He reposed on May 28, 1489, on the eve of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Saint Gerontius was buried in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Soon his veneration began; in the 17th century, an icon of the saint was already known in the cathedral.

On January 27, 2001, the name of St. Gerontius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, was included in the Council of Moscow Saints.

Hieromartyr Eutyches, Bishop of Melitino

Hieromartyr Eutyches, Bishop of Melitino, a colleague of the holy apostles, suffered for Christ in the city of Melitino in the 1st century.

2nd Sunday after Pentecost, All the saints who shone in the Russian land. Voice 1st.
. St. Ignatius, bishop Rostovsky (1288). St. Elena Diveevskaya (1832).
St. Gerontia, Metropolitan Moscow and all Russia (1489) 1. . . St. Herman, bishop Paris (576). . All the venerable and God-bearing fathers who shone forth in Holy Mount Athos(movable celebration on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost) (service may be moved to Saturday, May 27).
Prmchch. Makaria Morzhova, Dionisia Petushkova, schmch. Nicholas Aristov deacon, martyr. Ignatius Markov and Peter Yudin (1931); St. Irakli Motyakha Spanish (1936); prmts. Hermogenes Kadomtseva (1942).
and icons of the Mother of God.

The service is performed according to Octoechos and Menea-Mai (M., Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2002. Part 3). At Matins, the glorification of all the saints who have shone in the Russian land is sung.

1. Troparion and Kontakion of St. For Gerontius, see Appendix 4.

Troparion and Kontakion Sunday 1st tone(see Appendix 1) Troparion of Russian Saints, tone 8:“Like the red fruit of Your saving sowing, / the Russian land brings to You, O Lord, all the saints who shone forth in that one. / By those prayers in the deep world // Our Church and country were preserved by the Mother of God and, Most merciful. Troparion of the Russian Saints, tone 4: Citizens of Jerusalem, the Most High,/ who have risen up from our land,/ and have pleased God in every rank and in every deed,/ come, let us sing to the faithful:/ about the all-blessedness of the land of Ross Oi intercessors,/ pray to the Lord,/ may He have mercy this from His wrath,/ healing her contrition,// and he will comfort his faithful people. Kontakion of Russian Saints, Tone 3: Today the face of the saints who have pleased God in our land stands in the Church/ and invisibly prays to God for us./ The angels praise him with him,/ and all the saints of the Church of Christ celebrate him,/ they pray for us everything is together// of the Eternal God. The greatness of the Russian saints: We bless you,/ wonderworkers of our glory,/ who have illuminated the Russian land with your virtues/ and have shown us the image of salvation// in a luminous manner.

Today we celebrate the day of All Saints who shone in the Russian land. These are our relatives and fellow citizens, these are our brothers and sisters who showed the image of holiness, the Divine ideal of human life. These are heroes of the spirit, many of whom became heroes of our literature - the same one that has its origins in the hagiographic literature of Ancient Rus' and which nourished and nourishes the culture of our people with its powerful spiritual roots. The holy saints are not far from us - we can’t even imagine how close they are to us, how they stand next to us today. And the one who goes against the heavenly army, against the spiritual army of Rus', will never be able to win, because this army is with God and God is with it.

... so that the child gains the same strength that a young ear has... (Photo: Natalia Kirichenko, Shutterstock)

Old style date: May 28

On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of St. Nikita of Chalcedon, known as a confessor.

The people called the saint the guardian of the geese, or simply the Goosekeeper. According to popular belief, Nikita primarily protects goslings, rather than adult birds, and protects them from eagles, hawks and other predators.

The second name of this day is Midday. This was the name given to special spirits who looked like ordinary earthly women. Stately and beautiful, on hot days they flew in circles over the fields and attracted working peasants. It was believed that they wanted to torment men and deprive them of their virility. At this time you were supposed to close your eyes and say: "Lord, save me from temptation". However, it was impossible to anger these spirits, otherwise they would get angry and dry up the fields.

Pregnant women were specially sent to the field on this day so that the child would gain the same strength as a young ear of corn. There was a belief that giving birth in a grain field meant an easy birth and a healthy child.

They also paid attention to Nikita and the signs of the weather. If the day was quiet, they expected a good harvest in the fall.

Name day on this day

Vasily, Dmitry, Elena, Zakhar, Ignatius, Irakli, Makar, Nikita, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter

Professional holiday of light industry workers

In Russia and some other former Soviet republics, it is traditionally celebrated every second Sunday in June. This holiday, which has existed for more than 30 years, was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days.”

Light industry is undoubtedly one of the industries closest to the consumer and buyer. The main sub-sectors of light industry are traditionally called the textile, clothing, leather, fur, shoe industries, as well as the production of artificial leather and polymer film materials.

This day is a professional holiday for workers and veterans of light industry. It is thanks to them that the population of regions and cities has the opportunity to purchase high-quality locally produced products. After all, today light industry enterprises, constantly improving production technology, are expanding the range and improving the quality of their products.

The Border Service represents the interests of the state at the State Border

On June 10, the border guards of the Republic of Moldova celebrate their professional holiday. Border Troops Day was established in the Republic by Presidential Decree No. 162 of May 27, 1995.

And a year earlier, on May 17, 1994, the Parliament of Moldova adopted the “Law on the State Border of the Republic of Moldova,” which came into force on November 3, 1994. According to the Law: the border service represents the interests of the state at the State Border and is responsible for the implementation of international treaties (agreements) and legislation on the State Border.

The formation of the border troops of Moldova began in 1992. The basis was the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 400 adopted on June 15, 1992, in accordance with which the border troops of the Republic of Moldova were created. Since then, the number of troops has been established by the Government of the Republic.

On July 1, 2012, the Border Service of Moldova, in accordance with the Law on Border Police, adopted by the country's parliament on December 29, 2011, was transformed into the Border Police and became subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic. This transformation became part of the reform of the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main goal of which is to transform the legislation of Moldova in accordance with European requirements.

In addition, the Government of Moldova has approved other provisions regarding the functioning of the Border Police Department. Thus, the responsibilities provided for by the new structure include the fight against cross-border crime, investigation of offenses, legal examination of travel documents, criminal prosecution, operational investigative activities, etc.

The Border Police is the central sectoral body of public administration that ensures the implementation of state border policy, the protection of the interests of the Republic of Moldova at the State Border, the organization of border protection services and the legality of its crossing at established checkpoints.

Veterans of the Border Service of Moldova are members of the International Union of Public Associations of Veterans (Pensioners) of the Border Service, in which they actively work to instill patriotism, love for the Motherland in the younger generation, strengthen and expand ties between border guards and representatives of local administrations.

Night of Power and Predestination (Photo: David Berry, Shutterstock)

There is night in the Holy month of Ramadan Laylat al-Qadr - Night of Power and Predestination- the most significant night. The first suras of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad on this very night.

Islamic scholars suggest a number of reasons, why this night was called “Laylatul-qadr” (Night of Power):

“Its power and majesty lies in the fact that the Holy Quran was revealed on this very night. An incredibly large number of angels descend to earth this night. The manifestation of the grace, mercy and forgiveness of the Almighty on this night is incomparable with other nights in its significance. A believer who spends this night in prayer acquires, by the grace of the Almighty, an unusually greater amount of strength and vital energy.”.

On June 10, 5 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, and days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays June 10

Peter's Fast (Apostolic) - 7th day

Multi-day fast. Installed in honor of the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Peter's Fast is one of the shortest and least strict fasts in the Orthodox religion. This time is associated with the memory of the two apostles, Peter and Paul, and has its own signs and traditions.

Peter's Fast begins a week after the celebration of Trinity, and at this time the church calls on Orthodox Christians to observe all church covenants. During Lent, they remember the apostles who spread Christianity everywhere and helped people establish themselves in the faith. Remembering the great martyrs, all believers thank them for their righteous deeds and tirelessly pray to the Higher Powers for mercy and forgiveness. Summer fasting is intended not only to pacify the body, but also the spirit. By observing abstinence, everyone helps his soul to cleanse himself of sins committed voluntarily and involuntarily.

Venerable Nikita the Confessor, Bishop of Chalcedon

Memorial Day of Bishop Nikita of Chalcedon. Years of life: 2nd half of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century. He was persecuted by the iconoclast Leo the Armenian and sent into exile.

Nikita the Confessor, Bishop of Chalcedon, lived in the 2nd half of the 8th century. The Monk Nikita, Bishop of Chalcedon, devoted himself to God from a young age, renouncing the world. For his holy life he was ordained a bishop. Having become an archpastor, he cared only about being a good example for his flock. Saint Nikita was distinguished by his mercy, helping the poor, caring for orphans and widows, and interceding for the offended. During the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813 - 820), Saint Nikita courageously denounced the iconoclastic heresy and convinced his flock to reverently honor the images of Christ, the Mother of God and the saints of God. For this persistence, he suffered a lot from the civil authorities, was tortured and sent into exile. The holy confessor Nikita died at the beginning of the 9th century. Miracles of healing were performed at his relics. In the canon of service to him, written by the Constantinople presbyter Joseph, the brother of Saint Nikita, Saint Ignatius, is also glorified.

Saint Ignatius of Rostov, bishop

It is considered the day of remembrance of the holy Rostov wonderworker Ignatius. Lived until 1288.

Saint Ignatius was a bishop in Rostov. At a young age, he went to a monastery, where he was made an archimandrite for his holy life. Then in 1262 he was made a bishop. St. Ignatius founded the first monastery of the Holy Trinity in the Belozersky region, from where monks came out to spread the Christian faith under his leadership between the Chud and the Korels. Twice he undertook an arduous journey to the Tatar Horde on church affairs. He served as a priest for 25 years and became famous for working miracles during his lifetime, which is why after his death his relics were not buried in the ground, but were laid openly in the church, where they rest to this day. Saint Ignatius died in 1288.

Saint Gerontius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Celebrating the memory of Moscow Metropolitan Gerontius. Lived until 1489.

Saint Gerontius was elevated to the high priestly see on June 29, 1471. Previously, he was the abbot of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow and the bishop of Kolomna.

The reign of Saint Gerontius was marked by the expansion of church construction. With the participation of the saint, the metropolitan house was restored after the fire and the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin was built, the consecration of which took place on August 12, 1479. On August 24, the solemn transfer of the relics of St. Peter to the new cathedral took place.

Saint Gerontius had a strong character and defended the independence of the Church from the interference of even the Grand Duke John III. Being adamant in church affairs, the saint was always a good adviser and ally of the Grand Duke in state affairs.

Until his blessed death, the saint successfully managed church affairs. He reposed on May 28, 1489, on the eve of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Saint Gerontius was buried in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Soon his veneration began; in the 17th century, an icon of the saint was already known in the cathedral.

On January 27, 2001, the name of St. Gerontius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, was included in the Council of Moscow Saints.

Hieromartyr Eutyches, Bishop of Melitino

Hieromartyr Eutyches, Bishop of Melitino, a colleague of the holy apostles, suffered for Christ in the city of Melitino in the 1st century.

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