Seraphim: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character. The meaning of the name Seraphim Seraphim what does it mean

Seraphim is a girl's name that is a variation of the Hebrew male name Seraphim. In Russian it is defined as “fiery angel”. The origin of the name Seraphim is closely connected with the Orthodox Church and the Bible. Seraphim in the Bible is a six-winged angel. So the origin and meaning of the female name Seraphim is also considered amorphous or religious. Over time, this name quickly gained interest and became widespread among ordinary people. But during the heyday of socialism, when everything churchly was denied, the name Seraphim, which means “fiery,” was forgotten by everyone. His popularity began to decline. Nowadays, many young parents prefer to give their children Orthodox names, which have a touch of antiquity in their sound. Seraphim is exactly such an option.


The meaning of the name Seraphim for a girl determines her tendency to be the center of attention. The baby is growing up as an active, sociable and cheerful child, easily winning over people of the same age as her and adults. In order to be the center of attention, nature has endowed her with all the necessary qualities. She has many talents, she is not shy about showing emotions and is quite eccentric. If you need to sing or dance to attract attention, Seraphima will do it without any problems. Even a very little girl does not tolerate competition. She does everything to leave her opponent far behind.

Serafima Shnurova

Seraphim, whose name is associated with the religious world, may not in fact always be an angel. Since childhood, Fima has been dreaming of a beautiful, luxurious life, filled with bright events, in which she plays a leading role. Sometimes such reliance on dreams can develop into excessive pride. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the girl’s changing behavior and suppress narcissistic traits in her. The meaning of the name Seraphim leaves a significant imprint on the girl’s school years.

The baby is growing up to be a real angel, an easy-going and diligent student with many talents. She has excellent school performance in all subjects. Unlike other children, Fima does not need to put in a lot of effort, sit for hours on lessons or have perseverance. Nature took care of her, giving her a unique gift - since childhood, her parents have noticed what an excellent memory Sima has and the ability to instantly assimilate any information. The girl’s natural curiosity extends not only to games and fun that are interesting in childhood, but also to the school curriculum.

Personal life

An adult girl acquires such not very positive traits as absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. With age, she begins to forget why she came into the room, what she was going to do. Seraphima often gets used to shifting things “for later,” although at the moment she is not busy with anything. Irresponsibility is what the name Seraphim means and will haunt the girl throughout her life, but she is comfortable living with this quality. Despite him, she always remains open and responsive.

In each specific case, it can manifest itself differently, somewhere showing excessive caution and being scared, somewhere remaining childishly careless. She makes wrong decisions that lead to trouble. The name Seraphim, the meaning of the name and fate decreed that that girl, endowed with natural femininity and beautiful appearance, always has many admirers. But Seraphim is in no hurry to choose the only one among them to whom she will give her heart.

She is always guided by her sixth sense, which is well developed and determines whether a guy has been sent to her by fate. If she does not feel this astrological connection, then she immediately ends the relationship with him without any regret. This girl always lives in a world of mysterious signs, guided in life by premonitions and signs. She mostly relies on the stars, so if a black cat crosses her path, Sima will quickly cancel the date.

Seraphim marries for love to a patient and calm man. She turns into an affectionate, attentive, caring and gentle wife, although by nature she always tries to be independent, self-confident and independent. Family life changes Seraphim, turning her into a loving mother, a caring devoted wife. If her husband does not give her the same care and love in return, family life becomes unbearable for her. Fima will find it difficult to get along with her chosen one, who constantly forbids her something. This woman cannot live within any boundaries. Seraphima - the meaning of this girl’s name does not allow her to endure loneliness. She always tries to be around other people and enjoys spending time in society.

Business and career

According to the meaning and nature of the name, Seraphima’s fate will inevitably be connected with work, which she loves very much. When starting her professional career, Seraphim hides negative character traits deep within herself and tries to prove herself as the best possible employee. She can try to realize herself in various industries and she will succeed. A woman is distinguished by high efficiency and responsibility, which is impossible to notice in everyday life.

Sima can become a good public figure and teacher thanks to her ability to find a common language with people. Also, the role of a performer is more suitable for Seraphima, so it is worth taking this factor into account when choosing a profession. She should choose areas where she can take care of others, for example, becoming a doctor, in particular a children's doctor, a teacher, a social worker, a librarian, or a museum employee.


The character of the name Seraphim is quite peculiar and contradictory. Often this girl herself does not know what she wants. This can be seen in her changing behavior, when she so passionately desires something, but, having received it, does not experience joy, although this girl is not used to hiding her emotions. In her aspirations, she is often impulsive, commits rash acts, her goals and desires are more likely whims or caprices. Sooner or later she will have to take her desires seriously and responsibly.

Growing up, Seraphima retains the character traits characteristic of her in childhood. Even an adult woman will be characterized by childlike simplicity, spontaneity, naivety and purity of expression of emotions. These character traits are difficult to reconcile with Seraphim’s external extravagance. But getting to know her better, those around her understand that there is a certain presence of ostentation in this. Seraphima belongs to the category of people who do not like to take responsibility for committing any actions and deeds, which is very negatively accepted by others. Fima cannot be called a man of her word; she often neglects her promises, does not fulfill obligations, and is often late. But what saves this girl is her excellent communication skills and her ability to please people. She knows how to find an approach to every person and win his favor, so she always has many friends.

The nature of the meaning of the name Seraphim is determined by the time of year when the girl was born. Winter Fima is this fickle person who doesn’t know what she wants, unbalanced and eccentric. Can become a fashion model, cutter, hairdresser. Born in autumn, Sima is calculating, decisive and collected. Such qualities allow her to become an accountant and economist. Spring Fima is a very subtle, gentle, vulnerable nature, which, despite being impulsive and emotional, remains responsive and good-natured. The professions of a doctor, photographer, and artist suit her. Excessive emotionality distinguishes summer Sima, who may suffer from nervous disorders.


According to the meaning of the name, Seraphim has favorable compatibility with Alexei, David, Maxim, Mikhail, Timofey, Sergei, Prokhor, Pavel, Eldar, Ignat, Thomas. Sima will be able to enter into a lasting marriage with a man with that name. The maximum strength of feelings, which can go far or lead to nothing, appears to Vadim, Arseny, Vsevolod, Eric, Rodion, Arkady. Seraphima has poor compatibility with Vitaly, Vladimir, German, Stepan, Semyon, Ivan, Denis, Mark, Konstantin, Philip, Yuri, Khariton, Ruslan, Peter, Felix.

The name Seraphim is patronized by the planet Mercury, and its appropriate zodiac sign is Aquarius. The woman's totem animal is the kingfisher, her talisman stone is jasper, her lucky color is purple, and her lucky plant is ficus.

Meaning, origin: Seraphim - the female form from the male Hebrew name Seraphim (plural from the word “saraph” - burning, fiery): lights, torches, fiery, flaming; fiery six-winged angels, especially close to God, glorifying him. In the name Seraphim, the ending “im” is plural. Among the Russians, this word, due to a misunderstanding, acquired the meaning of a singular number. The same thing happened with the close word cherub. These two words in the Russian language have, so to speak, a plural of the second level: seraphim, cherubim. We can say that our names Seraphim and Seraphim belong to the rarest category of personal names that have a plural form. Seraphim are heavenly beings. The Prophet Isaiah, who saw the seraphim in one of his visions, said that each of them had “six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two his tsogs, and with two he flew.” They stood around the throne of God. And all the air in the temple vibrated with the movement of the wings spreading the incense. When Isaiah grieved in anguish that his lips were not clean, one of the angels took a hot coal from the altar and touched his lips. And he said to Isaiah: “...your iniquity is removed from you, and your sin is cleansed.” The prototype of the seraphim was the ancient Babylonian six-winged demon, holding a snake in each hand. Inspired by these legends, A. S. Pushkin wrote in the poem “The Prophet”: And he came to my lips, And tore out my sinful tongue, And the idle and the wicked, And the sting of the wise serpent Into my open mouth He put his bloody right hand... Seraphim - name very interesting. Firstly, it is angelic in the full sense of the word, so to speak, on the same level as the cherubim. Secondly, unlike cherubs, Seraphim’s “angel-likeness” is not so noticeable, which means it deprives the name of excessive pretentiousness. Thirdly, the name has a very unique energy. The sound of the name Seraphim begins on some kind of rise (SERA-), and ends with a much calmer exhalation (-FIMA), as if a person breathed a sigh of relief. The name means fiery, fiery, tongues flame, burning.

Zodiac name: Lion.

Planet: Sun (Mercury).

Name color: Bright yellow, green, silver, purple. The most favorable is brown.

Talisman stone: Aventurine, jasper.

Plant: Elm, sunflower.

Animal: Salamander, trout.

Main features: Excitability, impulsiveness, receptivity, lack of restraint, sociability, intuitiveness, good abilities.

Type: Very picky. This is a neurasthenic choleric with an unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed. Any failure drives her to despair. Capricious, not in control of her emotions.

Name and character: Seraphim radiates friendliness, love, tenderness and wants to receive all this from others. She has positive energy. She has a good sense of humor, which makes communicating with her easier. Has many friends and acquaintances. As a rule, since childhood, Sima has been distinguished by her mobility and cheerful optimism, and with age, a gloomy mood is uncharacteristic for her.

Fate: Seraphima is one of those women who reveal the secrets of life. She knows how to please. She has many chances to live up to her extraordinary name.

Psyche: Does not tolerate reproaches: he will either flare up ugly in response, or withdraw into himself, losing most of his charm. This is a woman-child who you want to protect and protect. From childhood, she must be taught to keep her word and not be a coward in the face of danger. It’s not difficult to touch her to the quick. Resentment does not live long in her soul, but this does not mean that she will return her favor to the offender. If the resentment is deep, she may even stop communicating with that person. But thoughts of revenge are alien to her. In people, she values, above all, sincerity, honesty and constancy.

Intuition: Attaches great importance to his intuition. Lives in a mysterious world of signs and premonitions. This is a rather sensitive person.

Intelligence: Seraphima is an intellectual, but she acts so quickly that she often makes big mistakes. The memory is so weak that it forgets not only about the umbrella, but even about the husband.

Moral: Serafima is very responsive. Since she has an instant reaction, she does not come to help, but literally rushes. However, increased sensitivity makes her often quite touchy. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character - they can only bring harm.

Health: Not very strong, depends on the psyche. Weak intestines and genitals.

Sexuality: Seraphima is pretty. The word "sex" scares her. He does not know and does not want to understand his desires, so he often deals with partners who are far from ideal. She herself does not know what her ideal is and what she expects from life. Seraphim first of all needs love and tenderness.

Marriage: There are no particular difficulties in Seraphim’s family life. In most cases, her girlish amorousness in marriage gives way to deeper and more mature feelings. Seraphim's sincerity, kindness and quick approach do not allow the usual misunderstandings in the family to turn into a reason for divorce. This woman cannot stand being alone. She adapts her lifestyle to those she loves, and therefore family life with her is a pleasure: she is democratic, financially independent, and stands firmly on her own two feet.

Hobbies: Seraphima is a dreamer. It happens that her dreams of some bright future help her quickly regain peace of mind.

Field of activity: Seraphima is not very active. Interested in medicine and early childhood education. These are excellent mothers, gentle wives.

Business: In business, Seraphim lacks some persistence. Oddly enough, her inherent optimism and lightness get in the way. This is especially true for career success and thoughts of financial independence. Here she cannot do without cultivating perseverance and determination. Values ​​his reputation.

Celebrities: Birman.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Fiery, fiery” (biblical)

Energy of the name and character: Seraphim is a very interesting name. Firstly, it is angelic in the full sense of the word, so to speak, on the same level as the Cherubim. Secondly, unlike the Cherubim, Seraphim’s “angel-likeness” is not so noticeable, and therefore does not become an eyesore and deprives the name of excessive pretentiousness. Thirdly, the name has a very unique energy, which, in general, is the most interesting.

It is not difficult to notice that in its sound the name Seraphim begins on some kind of rise, and ends with a much calmer exhalation, as if a person breathed a sigh of relief. Thus, a certain contrast is created in the energy - the tension at the beginning makes Seraphim a rather sensitive person, and the relief at the end gives mental tension a calm and safe outlet. All this can have a very beneficial effect on her destiny, and although positive energy is not yet a character, nevertheless Seraphima has many chances to live up to her extraordinary name.

As a rule, since childhood, Sima has been distinguished by mobility and cheerful optimism, and with age, a gloomy mood is uncharacteristic for her. She is kind and responsive, always ready to help, but her increased sensitivity often makes her quite touchy. However, grievances do not linger in Seraphima’s soul for long and quickly pass, giving way to the usual optimism and good nature. She is very sociable and has a good sense of humor, which makes communicating with her much easier. It will not be surprising if there are many friends and acquaintances next to her. Seraphima’s family life is also not expected to have any special difficulties; in most cases, her girlish amorousness in marriage gives way to deeper and more mature feelings, and Sima’s sincerity, kindness and quick adaptability do not allow the usual misunderstandings in the family to turn into a reason for divorce.

It should also be noted that Seraphima is dreamy - it happens that dreams of some bright future help her quickly regain peace of mind. It’s just a pity that in order to realize her dreams in real life, Serafima lacks some persistence - oddly enough, her inherent optimism and lightness get in the way. This is especially true for success in her career and thoughts of her financial independence; here she cannot do without cultivating perseverance and determination.

Secrets of communication: It is not so difficult for Seraphim to touch a nerve, and although grievances do not live long in her soul, this does not mean that she will return her favor to the offender - if the grievance is deep, she may simply stop communicating with this person. Another thing is that thoughts of any kind of revenge are alien to her. In people, Seraphim values ​​sincerity, honesty and constancy most of all.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of the Seraphim

“Each of them had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew,” - this is how the Old Testament prophet Isaiah describes the seraphim - angels especially close to God.

It is interesting that at the beginning of the 6th century, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite compiled a clear table of all the angelic ranks, apparently based on the consideration that if everything is “on earth as in heaven,” then the heavenly spheres must have their own hierarchy. So, if you believe this learned theologian, the closest to God is the so-called first triad: seraphim, cherubim and thrones, the second triad consists of dominion, strength and power, while the third, located in close proximity to man, is the principles, archangels and angels.

Returning to the seraphim, according to the Book of Enoch, they are in the sixth heaven, under the jurisdiction of the Archangel Gabriel himself. It is interesting that this angelic rank, which gave rise to such sonorous and meek names as Seraphim and Seraphim, in fact always seemed formidable and terrifying. Indeed, one of the most common subjects of Christian icon painting is the seraphim, who, touching the lips of the prophet with a burning coal taken directly from the altar, cleanses them, thereby preparing him for service. This is not surprising, since the prototype of the seraphim was none other than the ancient Babylonian six-winged demon, holding a snake in each hand. Inspired by these legends, A. S. Pushkin wrote the poem “The Prophet,” which well reflected Christian ideas about the experience of human communication with menacing, light-emitting seraphim, not at all similar to rosy-cheeked baby angels:

"...And the six-winged seraph

At a crossroads he appeared to me...

And he came to my lips,

And my sinner tore out my tongue,

And idle and crafty,

And the sting of the wise snake

Into my open mouth

He put it with his bloody right hand."

According to Higir

Feminine form of the male name Seraphim. The Hebrew word “seraphim” means: lights, torches, fiery angels (Seraphim - fiery).

Serafima, Sima is not a fashionable name today. Meanwhile, it gives a person a wonderful character. These are affectionate, kind people, incapable of hurting another, and never raising their voices. It is no coincidence that those around them call them nothing less than affectionately: Simochka.

Outwardly, they are similar to their fathers, but, as a rule, they are short and plump, which does not prevent them from being very active in their youth.

Seraphim are great workers, excellent cooks and very caring mothers. It is extremely rare to remarry, primarily because of children, fearing that the stepfather, no matter how good he may seem, will still bring dissonance into their cozy family world. At the same time, Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often find themselves deceived and not very happy in their marriage.

When choosing Seraphim as a wife, one should remember that she must be treated with care, like a child, for she has a vulnerable heart.

In her old age, Seraphima often has problems with the pancreas and thyroid glands.

1. Personality: those who discover the secrets of life

2.Color: green

3. Main features: excitability - receptivity - sociability - intuition

4. Totem plant: maple

5. Spirit animal: trout

6. Sign: Pisces

7. Type. Neurasthenic choleric people with an unstable nervous system. They are easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair. Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

8. Psyche. They are certainly charming, they are “women-children” whom you want to protect and protect. If life becomes too difficult for their sensitive nature, they withdraw into themselves. From childhood they must be taught to keep their word and not retreat in the face of danger.

9. Will. Very changeable.

10. Excitability. More than strong.

11. Reaction speed. These are women with unpredictable lightning-fast reactions, just like their totem - the trout.

12. Field of activity. They are not very active. They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. These are excellent mothers, gentle and devoted wives.

13. Intuition. They place excessive emphasis on intuition. They live in a mysterious world of “signs” and premonitions.

14. Intelligence. They are intellectuals, but they act so quickly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

15. Receptivity. Very responsive, but somewhat careless. In their attentive eyes you can read great love, tenderness and desire for a calm, problem-free life.

16. Morality. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character; they can only cause harm; these women, first of all, need love and tenderness.

17. Health. Not very strong, depends on mental state. Susceptible to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

18. Sexuality. The very word scares them! They don’t know and don’t want to understand their desires, so they often deal with partners who are far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

19. Activity. It is made up of dreams, unjustified enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. They put off until tomorrow what can and should be done today.

20. Sociability. They need love and cannot stand loneliness. They are very influenced and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. Very attached to family and friends.

21. Conclusion. These are charming and attractive women. Very variable and therefore quite difficult to understand.

Name Seraphim is the feminine version of the male Hebrew name Seraphim. Both of them come from the word “saraf”, which translates as “burning” or “fiery”. The fiery six-winged angels closest to God were also called seraphim. Accordingly, name Seraphim can be deciphered as “fiery,” “burning,” “fiery,” or “seraph-like.”

The names Seraphim and Seraphim there is an interesting feature. In this Hebrew word, the ending “im” denotes the plural. But in Russian, the plural ending of the second degree was added to it, which gave rise to the word “seraphim.” And it turns out name Seraphim belongs to one of the rarest categories of personal names - those that have a plural form. Name Seraphim very close to the meaning of “angelic”. But unlike the same Angelina, Seraphim the name is much less pretentious. As already mentioned, the name has a masculine form, and is usually abbreviated as “Sima”.

Character of Seraphim

Already as a child Seraphim shows others his inexhaustible optimism. She is characterized by increased mobility; it is very difficult to keep track of this child. Nothing changes with age - Seraphim still hyperactive and cheerful. She is a very kind and sympathetic child, and if something happens somewhere, she will be the first to help. True, such sensitivity makes her somewhat touchy. But it takes a long time to be offended Seraphim doesn’t know how, and therefore all the troubles are quickly forgotten, and the usual optimism and good nature take their place. Seraphim very sociable and has a wonderful sense of humor. This and her kind character contribute to the fact that she always has many friends around her.

Seraphim characterized by a certain dreaminess. It often happens that she restores her shaky balance solely with dreams of the distant or near future. But it is worth noting that making your dreams come true Seraphim succeeds with difficulty. She lacks perseverance, perseverance and determination, and therefore her dreams most often remain dreams. And therefore parents Seraphim From childhood you need to teach her to be firmer. In this case, the girl will grow up independent, financially independent and will stand firmly on her own two feet. Seraphim Usually she is very immersed in her own fictional worlds, and the main choice of her actions will be controlled by dream books, horoscopes, omens and various mystical teachings. However, this does not at all prevent her from acting quite reasonably.

Seraphim's health

Health Seraphim average, and therefore she will have to pay attention to it often - this is the only way to achieve good health. The most common health problems are Seraphim appear in the area of ​​the intestines, genitourinary system, as well as not the strongest psyche and memory. Seraphima has to develop her memory from childhood, otherwise her forgetfulness may lead to consequences.

Sexuality and marriage of Seraphim

Seraphim- absolute monogamous people. Having fallen in love once in their youth, they try to woo their lover and, if they succeed, stay with him for the rest of their lives. Seraphim They know how to love passionately, but in relationships they are usually somewhat constrained and embarrassed. Next to the man you love Seraphim she herself becomes a child for a while, and therefore the chosen one needs to treat her with special care. Seraphim knows how to resolve family conflicts, and therefore peace and harmony always reign in her family. But if it turns out that the husband left the family, Seraphim she will be ready to sacrifice her happiness and not get married a second time - she is afraid that this will be a blow for the children. Seraphim These are great housewives. They always have delicious food ready, the house is cozy, and the children shine.

Seraphim's career

In life Seraphim career is not in the first place. Family will always be more important to her. In addition, her own business is not very good for her - she is too hampered by her gentleness and friendliness, lacking perseverance and character. Seraphim values ​​his reputation, and therefore can go against his superiors if he believes that it would be more correct.

Derivatives: Seraphim, Sima, Simulya, Simunya, Simura, Syura, Simukha, Simusha, Sera, Fima, Ima, Fina.

There are worldly names, and there are those whose sound immediately reminds one of communion with Christianity. Believers love them. By giving such a name to a child, the mother hopes that heavenly protection will extend over her child all his life. But is this really so?

This is a biblical, Hebrew name. It comes from the word “saraf”, meaning “flaming”, “flying dragon” (an image symbolizing trials on the path to victory), “lightning snake”.

In the Bible, this name is given to a six-winged angel standing near the throne itself.

If the birth of a girl falls on the day of this angel, the priest may advise the parents to name her Seraphim.

This name is given by the patronymic: Serafimovich (Serafimych), Serafimovna.

Friendly address to the bearer of this name: Sima, Fima, Simka, Fimka, Simochka, Fimochka, Simushka, Fimushka.

In other countries it is transformed into: Serafin (Spain, France, Czech Republic), Serafino (Italy).

Character that only Seraphim possesses

Advantages: he is a generous, pure-hearted person. He is very independent in his opinions, has both a creative touch and the ability to learn and think logically. He is active and can quickly respond to changes.

Most Seraphim love traveling, so they either become avid tourists or move to live from city to city (or village).

Disadvantages: he is a fickle, impetuous man. Due to her eternal incontinence (including in words), Fima’s life cannot be called calm. If he learns to be careful, he will heal much better.

This man does not like control, so he may often argue with his wife or superiors. If his freedom is at stake, he will quit his job or get divorced.

The fate of the bearer of this name in our country

  • Childhood (early years of life). This is a very diligent, independent toddler. He is very friendly with elders. Cheerful, loves outdoor games.
  • School period. Many classmates believe that he is unscrupulously lucky, but in fact, Sima gets excellent grades thanks to his hard work. He is also very inquisitive, which teachers cannot help but like. The main task of parents is to instill willpower in the boy.
  • Youth, character development. As a boy and young man, he loves to read, and making friends with his classmates may not seem interesting to him, since he has nothing to talk about with them. He can find friends in a club of similar interests (it could even be a sports club).
  • Mature years. This is a strong-willed, talented man who knows his worth well. He loves peace, although he is not averse to having fun in good company. Friends consider him very sociable, and certainly not boring.

Patrons and talismans

  • Planet named: Saturn.
  • Zodiac sign that will suit you better than others: Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20).
  • Name color: yellow.
  • A stone that will become an ideal talisman: amber.
  • Totem animal: this is a bird, a kingfisher.
  • Name plant: indoor - ficus, as well as yard flower - phlox.

Angel Day and patron saint

  1. January 15 for Orthodox Christians, January 2 for Catholics. On this day they remember St. Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833). From his youth he chose the monastic path. He had the gift of prophecy and healed physical and mental illnesses through prayer. He revered the Virgin Mary very much, and she repeatedly appeared in his cell.
  2. December 17 (December 4). Day of the Hieromartyr Seraphim, a bishop killed by the Turks at the very beginning of the 17th century.

In different life situations, Seraphim will do this...

  • Love and relationships. Fima has been looking for her beloved for a long time. May visit the registry office several times. It is important for him that his chosen one is a true caretaker of the hearth. It often turns out that his wife looks like a carbon copy of his mother.
  • Family life. He is economical. She sincerely cares about her spouse and children, turning a blind eye to many of their shortcomings (you must admit, this is a very rare quality). During a conflict, he knows how not to aggravate, but, on the contrary, to soften the situation. He is a good, loving father, although he can be strict when necessary.
  • Friends. Sima has many close friends, as he is a reliable and loyal friend. And besides, people are attracted to his education and erudition.
  • Work and career. In work, this person is talented and ready to take calculated risks. He is inquisitive (even one step away from retirement) and hardworking, so he has a good career. Colleagues and subordinates respect him. The bearer of this name should choose a job based on communication with people - a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer. However, his creative streak can manifest itself well in a more creative profession - an architect, an actor, a musician.
  • Diseases and health. As a child, he visits the pediatrician quite often (as do most of his classmates). Its vulnerable organs are the gastrointestinal tract. He shouldn't go hungry for long periods of time, so keep snacks on hand at all times. And of course, a guy’s (man’s) diet should be healthy.

Compatibility with female names: good and bad

Successful relationships, happy marriage: Ada, . And besides, this man will be happy with a woman whose church or secular name is Euphrosyne.

Short relationships, broken marriage: , Zina, Fedora, .

Famous and respected namesakes

  1. Seraphim Anikeev (1904-1962) - operetta artist from the USSR.
  2. Serafim Parnyakov (1913-1987) - scientist from the USSR, creator of many instruments for satellites and military missiles.
  3. Seraphim Orekhov (1904-1950) is another Soviet engineer working for the benefit of the army.
  4. Seraphim Kudryashev (1907-1943) is already a botanist scientist. Born in Kazan, worked in Tajikistan. He made many discoveries, thanks to which several plants bear his name.
  5. Seraphim Vlasov (1910-2000) - Russian engineer, author of textbooks on mechanics.
  6. Hieromonk Seraphim (1934-1982) is the church name of a monk of the Russian Orthodox Church. Interestingly, he lived and worked in California, USA. The Holy Father wrote a lot about Orthodoxy and Russia at that time.
  7. Seraphim Pinto Junior, or Pipi (1915-2001) - football player from Brazil, unfortunately, not very famous in our country
  8. Serafim Todorov (1969) - boxer from Bulgaria, European and world champion, Olympic medalist.

In modern Russian culture, this name is often found in films:

  1. “My Boyfriend is an Angel” (2011), feature youth film. Seraphim is the name of the main character, played by Smolyaninov.
  2. “The Extraordinary Journey of Seraphim” (2015) - an animated film with a religious theme. This cartoon received the Golden Eagle Award.

If you are a Christian and are interested in the personality of St. Seraphim of Sarov, you can learn a lot of useful and very enlightening information about him from this film, which tells in detail about his life and miracles (both lifetime and posthumous).

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shopping according to the dream book If you bought something in a dream, then in real life joyful events await you, which, moreover, will bring tangible...

Dream interpretation of a rake Why do you dream of a rake? An agricultural tool seen cannot always be interpreted unambiguously. The thing is...

If you do not have personal associations, then staying in foreign countries is a symbol of a non-standard approach to solving problems. They are waiting for you...

Profit; order in the house. 1 Rake according to the English dream book Seeing a rake in a dream means: They are used to break,...
It has always been believed that cocaine is used by creative individuals and not by the poorest. This is quite an expensive pleasure. But nevertheless...
On Saturday, December 11, 2010, in the very center of the capital on Manezhnaya Square, according to law enforcement agencies, about 5...
As practice shows, some management companies are confused about the concepts of “costs of management services” in housing legislation and...
This right can be exercised by residents of the Russian Federation who are in our country for at least 183 consecutive days within 12 months. These...
We present to our readers a modern interior design project for a home located in Turin, Italy. Archisbang Studio with...