Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos. “Lazy” achma from Armenian lavash and feta cheese Recipe Georgian achma with cheese

Today I bring to your attention a masterpiece of Georgian (Adjarian) cuisine - Achma khachapuri.

I’ll warn you right away (in order to avoid oohs and aahs regarding the calorie content): Achma, on the one hand, is an incredibly tasty thing, but on the other hand, it’s just a calorie bomb. This is a special type of khachapuri, consisting of layers of dough, layered with cheese and sealed in the form of a large pie.

One more point: before you bring Achma to life, you need to have some experience in cooking; the dish is not for beginners. The cooking process is not complicated, but labor-intensive.

Therefore, this pastry is classified as “holiday” and not everyday (like regular khachapuri, for example).

And in order for you to understand the process as much as possible, below the cut, the preparation of achma step by step.

Many thanks toulia_maktyb for this work!!!

In terms of composition (products), Achma couldn’t be simpler. The most important thing here is good brine cheese. The ideal cheese for Achma is lightly salted Imeretian cheese. I guess that many of you will have a problem getting exactly this kind of cheese, so you can find an analogue: you can take only Suluguni or only Adyghe, or 50/50 Suluguni and Adyghe, or Suluguni and feta. The main thing is that the cheese should not be salty (otherwise the taste of the baked goods will suffer).

To prepare achma, I use a standard oven tray and all proportions are designed for khachaprui, the size of a baking tray. It must have sides (an important point)

To prepare achma we take the following products:

5 pcs - large fresh chicken eggs

420g - butter (good quality)

1 kg - sifted flour (+ for rolling and adding)

1 tsp (heaped) - salt

400ml - Matsoni

When I don’t have homemade matsoni, I take this company’s (this is not an advertisement) proven product and I really like it.

1 kg 600g - lightly salted brine Imeretian cheese

Additionally you will need:

  1. Wooden rolling pin (for rolling out)

  2. Large container (like a basin - I have an enameled one)

  3. Colander

  4. The towel is clean

  5. Baking tray with sides - 1 piece

  6. culinary brush

  7. Skimmer (for laying out layers of dough from boiling water)

Let's start with the filling

Grate the cheese

If it is not salty at all, add a little salt. Set aside the prepared cheese.

Preparation of the Dough:

  • Lightly beat all the eggs

  • Add matsoni and salt to them and lightly beat again

  • Add flour (in parts) and knead into a stiff, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

Immediately divide the dough into 9 parts. 2 parts of which should be larger than the rest

Place a bowl of cold salted water on the stove and let it boil.

Melt the butter.

Let's get back to the test.

We take the first part of the dough (which is one of the larger ones) - it will be the basis of Achma.

Roll it out thinly to the size of our baking sheet.

Place this part on a baking sheet so that the edges of the layer extend 1-2 cm beyond the mold.

The second part of the dough (large) will cover the pie; for now we put it aside and work with seven small parts.

7 parts of the dough will have the same preparation technology, I will show you using the 1st layer as an example.

Take the 1st part and roll it out as thin as possible (even if the dough tears slightly, it’s okay), the most important thing is that the layer should be very thin!

Using your hands, very carefully, lower the prepared layer into boiling (!) water for 15 seconds.

Then, using a slotted spoon, just as carefully, transfer the layer to a colander (which is installed in the kitchen sink) and pour over it with a stream of cold water.

Using your hands, transfer the cooked layer onto a towel.

And only then - on a baking sheet, place it on top of the damp layer.

Grease with oil (distribute over the boiled layer)

Top with a layer of cheese

Similar work is carried out with the remaining 6 (six) layers

2nd layer (boiled) the same as 1st part (boiled)

3rd layer (boiled) the same as 1st part (boiled)

4th layer (boiled) the same as 1st part (boiled)

5th layer (boiled) the same as 1st part (boiled)

6th layer (boiled) the same as 1st part (boiled)

We prepare the 7th layer using the same technology (cook), BUT - we DO NOT put cheese on top.

The achma is almost assembled, all that remains is to roll out the postponed (large) 2nd part

We roll it out just as thinly (as the first (raw) one) and cover all the inner layers of Achma. Cover the top so that the cheese does not leak out, tuck the top layer under the first one, form it in the form of a pie

An important point(!) the top layer of dough should NOT tear under any circumstances.

Now, lightly press the finished achma with your hands and grease (with a brush) the surface and sides with melted butter.

Place in the refrigerator (at least 5-6 hours or overnight).

Before baking, preheat the oven (I have a gas oven)

Baking temperature - 170 C

Baking time - about 1 hour

Before baking, cut the achma (but not completely) with a sharp knife into portioned pieces

The finished Achma should brown, but in moderation.

Signs that you have prepared the right Achma

  • She must be tall

  • The inner layers should be thin

And finally, in conclusion I will say - this khachapuri is very filling, but nevertheless incredibly tasty. Achma is worth the painstaking work, I definitely (I advise) prepare it.

Achma should be served in a bitter form; when it has cooled down, it can and should be reheated.

And if anyone needs itunes download free- I’m happy to share the link, it was useful to me! By the way, it is in Russian. Everything is simple, accessible and understandable!

Traditionally, achma is a multi-layer pie with cheese filling sandwiched between the layers. The dish belongs to popular Georgian cuisine, but its recipe is so simple and successfully adapted to our products that any housewife can master the art of preparing it. The main principle on which to rely when creating achma is that the dough is unsweetened, and the cheese is selected only salty.

By the way, Georgians use Suluguni cheese for achma, but this does not mean that it cannot be replaced. As an alternative, you can mix Suluguni with other types of salty cheeses, for example, with feta cheese - it will turn out very original and tasty. And the dough for achma is made in the most ordinary way, like for dumplings or dumplings, although there are more complex options.

The main secret of the dough is that before forming the pie, the rolled out layers, except for the bottom and top, are boiled in salted water. After which each of them is laid out on a baking sheet and generously sprinkled with grated cheese. The last, unboiled layer is usually greased with soft butter. Then the formed achma is sent to a hot oven for fifteen to twenty minutes, until the cheese is melted and the top is browned.

Achma - food preparation

For classic achma, we will need the following set of ingredients: high-gluten flour, chicken eggs (usually two pieces), fresh butter and hard cheese. Sour cream and herbs are often used in preparing achma. It is better to select a baking dish with high sides, although this is not essential.

Another point to consider: the dough for achma should be rolled out into fairly thin layers. Sometimes the traditional Georgian pie recipe is diluted with other ingredients that go well with cheese, such as mushrooms or garlic.

Achma - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Achma with sour cream

Achma is by no means a low-calorie dish, but so juicy and tasty! Anyone who has tasted it at least once will never be able to forget this taste. Achma with sour cream, like any other, despite the simplicity of preparation, is a very rich in taste dish. We guarantee you will fall in love with it from the first bite!


— 500 gr. Suluguni cheese (or Suluguni + Brynza)
- 400 gr. flour
- 200 gr. sour cream
— 170 gr. butter
- half a glass of water
- three eggs
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Mix water, salt, flour and eggs into a tight dough. If the specified amount of flour is not enough, then add it. We remove the dough for half an hour so that it infuses a little.

2. Melt the butter in a water bath, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix it with sour cream and butter. Divide the finished dough into nine parts. One of them should be larger than the others.

3. Roll out the largest part of the dough into a thin layer and place it on the bottom of a mold with high sides. The layer should cover the entire inside of the mold, including the sides. Lubricate it generously with oil.

4. Place water in a saucepan to boil, and a bowl of cold water next to it. Next, roll out the remaining portions of the dough to fit the mold. When the water boils, lower each layer in turn into boiling water for two minutes, then immediately dip it in cold water.

5. On the lowest (wet) layer, which is in the mold, place one boiled one and sprinkle it with cheese. And we do the same with the remaining layers. Then we close the pie with dough sides (from the bottom layer). Grease it with butter and place it in a hot oven (heat to 200 C) for 30-40 minutes.

When the achma is baked, take it out of the oven, grease it with oil again and cover it tightly with a clean towel or paper for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 2: “Lazy” Achma

Preparing a classic achma will require some effort and time from you when rolling out the dough, however, there is a recipe for the so-called “lazy” achma, which uses sheet pita bread or ready-made layers for lasagna. It tastes in no way inferior to the traditional one, but is prepared much faster and easier.


— thin pita breads – 6 pcs.
- suluguni 400 gr.
- Adyghe cheese - 300 gr.
- 500 ml kefir
- garlic 2 cloves
- a bunch of dill
- three eggs
- butter 50-70 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Grate both types of cheese, chop half of all the greens and mix with the cheese, add chopped garlic. Using a mixer, beat kefir with eggs and mix the mixture with the second half of the greens. Let's add a little salt.

2. Cut four pita breads into several large pieces. We leave two intact. Grease a deep mold with oil and place whole pita bread on the bottom so that the edges hang over the sides of the mold.

3. Evenly distribute a layer of grated cheese and herbs. Dip large pieces of pita bread into the kefir mixture and place it on the cheese in a second layer. We repeat the procedure with each layer (there should be 4-5 pieces).

4. Cover the pie with the second whole pita bread, carefully seal the edges and pour the remaining kefir mixture over the pie. Grate the frozen butter and distribute it over the surface of the bowl.

5. Place the pie in the oven (preheated to 200 C) for twenty minutes. Then we take it out, cut it and enjoy a tasty and satisfying dish.

Recipe 3: Achma with mushrooms

Classic achma is incredibly tasty, but why not try diluting its recipe with other ingredients! Mushrooms go great with cheese, you need to take advantage of it!


- six eggs
— 700 gr. flour
- half a glass of water
- three tbsp. lie vegetable oil (preferably olive)
- teaspoon of salt
- 300 gr. butter
— 700 gr. Suluguni
- 300 gr. feta cheese
- 300 gr. champignons
- a bunch of greenery
- 250 ml non-acidic sour cream
- a couple of cloves of garlic

Cooking method:

1. From water, vegetable oil, four eggs, flour and salt, make an elastic dough so that it is easy to roll out. Divide the dough into eight parts.

2. Chop the garlic with a knife, and also finely chop the mushrooms. Fry the champignons in vegetable oil, at the end add garlic, pepper and a little salt (not enough salt).

3. Melt the butter. Mix sour cream in a bowl with chopped herbs. Three cheeses on a coarse grater.

4. Set water to boil in a saucepan. Roll out one part of the dough into a very thin layer (the dough is plastic, so we help with our hands). And place it on the bottom of the greased pan so that the sides hang down.

5. Lay out a layer of cheese. We also roll out the remaining parts of the dough to the size of the mold and lower them into boiling water (each layer for 2 minutes). We take it out with a slotted spoon and fold the pie, greasing each sheet with butter and covering it with a layer of cheese. Place the fried mushrooms between 4 and 5 layers, and pour sour cream and herbs between 2-3 and 6-7.

6. Place the remaining cheese on the last 7th layer and seal the achma with the 8th layer (we also boil it). Brush the top of the pie with the remaining two eggs and place it in the preheated oven for half an hour. Then we take it out, cut it into portions and eat. Bon appetit everyone!

— When buying Suluguni cheese, be sure to press it and make sure that whey appears between its layers. This is usually the main indicator of the authenticity, freshness and quality of the cheese;

— Achma is tasty only when it’s hot, but the “highlight” of the Georgian pie is that it can be reheated in the oven (microwave) several times. This will not make him lose any taste.

Achma is a layer cake with delicate lacy pulp and a crispy crust, inside of which there is melted cheese. I see that you have already licked your lips. Yes, this Adjarian pie, prepared in your home kitchen, is a real delicacy. But I won’t hide it; in order to prepare this delicious dish, you need experience: the recipe for preparing achma is not so simple. Follow my recommendations and everything will work out). I will tell you in great detail how this is done.

You will need:

For the test:

  • egg 2 pcs
  • water 2 tbsp.
  • olive oil 1 tsp. (or any vegetable)
  • premium wheat flour 14-16 tbsp. with a slide

For the filling:

  • Suluguni cheese 0.5 kg (or any young cheese)
  • butter 200 gr

You will need round shape with a diameter of 26-28 cm with high sides.

The specialty of this pie- the layers of dough that make it up are pre-boiled, so prepare two large bowls or pots ( with boiling and cold water), in which you will boil and cool the dough before baking. You will also need a large one wooden spoon And colander.


Dough for achma Prepare in the same way as for homemade noodles.

Sift into a bowl flour, make a hole in the flour and break it into it 2 eggs. Add 2 tbsp. water(half a shell from a broken egg is 1 tablespoon), a pinch salt and a teaspoon olive oil. Knead the dough with your hand, spoon or knife, gradually mixing the flour into the eggs. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer the dough to a floured table or board on which you will knead it.

Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. You can do this on a board or take the dough in your hands. Like this.

There is no need to add all the flour; as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film so as not to dry out, and let it rest for 20-30 minutes.

While the dough is resting prepare the cheese. Cheese for achma should be young and salty. Suluguni, Ossetian, Imeretian, Adyghe, mozzarella, feta cheese are suitable. You can use a mixture of cheeses.

The cheese can be crumbled by hand, passed through a meat grinder or grated. In a word, the cheese needs to be chopped. If the cheese is lightly salted, be sure to salt it. The dough for achma is unleavened and the salty cheese contrasts well with it.

Let's continue working with the test. To roll out the dough, cut the ball into 8 pieces and roll into balls.

Roll them out one at a time. At first flatten the ball into a flat cake and then roll it out on a board with a rolling pin from the middle to the edges, adding flour. The thinner you roll out the dough, the better. The photo shows that the dough allows light to pass through. The diameter of the cakes should be 3-4 cm larger than the mold diameter.

Rolled out sheets of dough put on a tray, sprinkling with flour so as not to stick together. Just exhale - one of the difficult stages is completed, congratulations! But don't relax, it will still be hot!

Let the dough rest while you melt the butter until liquid.

Add 3-4 tablespoons of melted butter to the shredded cheese and stir.

Grease the mold with butter. If you don't have a brush, do it by hand.

Place in mold first layer of raw dough and brush it with melted butter. The first and last layers of achma are not boiled.

Second sheet omit the test for achma into boiling salted water using wave-like movements to prevent the dough from sticking together. Adjust it with a wooden spoon.

As soon as the water with the dough boils again, use a spoon and a colander to catch the dough and place it in a bowl of cold water - it should be nearby.

Make sure that there is water in the basin where the dough will cool. cold. You can change it, you can add ice.

In just a few seconds the dough will cool down. Hands carefully take it out of the water And put in shape. In Georgia, the dough is dried using two towels: laid out on one and blotted with the other. I just let the water drain and put it in the mold. Don't try to lay the dough flat. Firstly, it is difficult, and secondly, all these folds and bubbles will ultimately give that layered lace effect. It's okay if the dough breaks. Be sure to brush the dough with melted butter.

Do everything described above with third And fourth sheets test: Boil, cool, place in a mold, grease with oil. INadd the prepared cheese onto the fourth layer of dough and smooth it out.

Return to the stove and cook one by one fifth,sixth And seventh sheets of dough. Cool and stack them on top of each other, brushing with oil.

Cover the pie with the remaining eighth uncooked sheet of dough and tuck the edges in. The top layer of achma, as well as the bottom one, must be damp. In Georgia, the formed achma is placed in the refrigerator overnight and baked the next day. I bake right away. Before baking, cut the cake into portions and pour the remaining melted butter over the cuts. I usually cut out a circle in the middle, and draw rays from it to the edges of the mold - this makes 9 servings.
Bake the achma in a preheated oven t 200°C 30-40 minutes. Since the dough is pre-boiled, we just wait for the pie to brown.

Like all traditional dishes of folk cuisines, Achma is a very rich pie- a dish for those who spend a lot of energy. Therefore, be moderate and be sure to drink hot green tea - it is good for digestion. The Georgian feast is famous for the abundance of delicious homemade wine, and such fatty food neutralizes alcohol well. This pie keeps well in the refrigerator, but since... it is eaten warm, warm up the mixture before use.

Delicate lace dough, crispy crust and melted cheese! Bon appetit!

On the website "Mom's Stove" already more two hundred and sixty recipes for every taste!
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Georgian cuisine is noble, varied and very tasty. One of the most striking dishes of this cuisine is a cheese pie called achma. This is a pie for those who spend a lot of energy. Therefore, those who are watching their figure or following a healthy diet need to be extremely careful with this dish, because once you try a piece, it’s hard to put it down. Tested many times both on myself and on friends. If you decide to treat yourself to such a wonderful piece of pie, wash it down with green tea, because it promotes digestion. It is also recommended to serve Georgian achma at feasts with alcohol, since such fatty foods neutralize it well.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Pour water at room temperature into a deep bowl, add salt and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then begin adding the sifted flour in small portions.

Knead soft and elastic dough.

Pour vegetable oil on top and continue kneading for 5-7 minutes. It should not stick to your hands. The structure of the dough will resemble children's plasticine, which rolls easily in your hands and leaves no marks.

Cut off 1/7 of the total piece and roll it into a thin layer, ~2 mm, and line a baking dish with it. The edges of the dough must hang down; they are necessary to form the top of the pie. Sprinkle the top of the dough generously with grated cheese.

All subsequent layers of the pie must be boiled. To do this, boil water in a large saucepan or cauldron. And immerse a thinly rolled out layer of dough into it.

As soon as the water boils again, remove the dough using a slotted spoon and place it on a towel.

After 1-2 minutes, transfer the dough to the next layer of the pie, distributing it evenly over the surface. Brush it generously with melted butter.

And then sprinkle generously with grated cheese again.

And so continue to alternate layers until both the dough and the cheese are gone. The hanging edges of the first layer must be folded up and greased with butter.

Place the pan in the oven for 30 minutes. Bake Georgian achma at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Cut the achma into portions and serve warm. You can store it in the refrigerator, but you should still reheat it before serving, it’s much tastier.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

Achma is a traditional Georgian dish, one of many varieties of khachapuri. There are several differences from traditional khachapuri, the first is that the dough for achma is not yeast, the second is that the dough is rolled out very thin, the third is that the dough for achma is lightly boiled, the fourth is that the achma is assembled in the form of a layer cake. For fans of khachapuri, our website also provides a recipe.

Product set:

Flour - 2 cups (but you may need a little more for adding while rolling out the dough);

Eggs - 3 pcs;

Plain water (you can use chilled boiled water) - 150g;

Salt - a pinch in the dough;

Suluguni cheese (or Adyghe cheese, or unsalted soft cheese, or an assortment of several cheeses) - 400g;

Butter - 200g.

Recipe for preparing Georgian achma:

  1. Let's prepare the dough. At the same time, while the dough is being prepared, put a wide pan of water on the fire, let the water boil slightly. To make the dough, in a deep bowl, mix the sifted flour with salt, add eggs and water and knead with your hands into a soft, elastic dough, like dumplings or dumplings. Sprinkle the dough with flour and set it aside for 10-15 minutes, let it sit until the gluten swells.
  2. Melt the butter.
    3. Grate suluguni cheese (or soft, unsalted feta cheese or Adyghe cheese), I repeat - you can use several types of cheese at the same time.
    4. Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a long roll and cut into 7 or 9 pieces with a knife (depending on your baking dish, if the form is not very large, it is better to make more pieces). Make two pieces a little larger than the rest - these will be the bottom and top layers. The rest are about the same size.
    5. Grease the baking dish, bottom and sides with melted butter. Roll out the first piece of dough (the larger one) quite thin.
    6. Place the prepared sheet of dough in a baking dish. The edges of the dough should extend slightly over the sides of the pan.
    7. Pour butter over the sheet of dough in the pan.
    8. Roll out the next sheet of dough and place it in a pan of boiling water for 1 minute, no more.
    9. Then remove with a slotted spoon and place in a container with cold water.
    10. Squeeze the dough out of the water with your hands, or blot it on a clean towel and place it in a baking dish, grease it with butter. The dough does not have to lie evenly in the mold, perhaps in some places it will go in waves - this should be the case, this is what will subsequently give the Georgian Achma its unique texture.
    11. Sprinkle the dough with a layer of grated cheese. Then you should proceed by analogy with all the remaining pieces of dough (roll out, boil for 1 minute, place in cold water, squeeze out or dry from moisture, place in a mold, grease with butter, sprinkle with cheese), except for the last layer. You should try to separate the cheese and butter into equal parts, which are enough to evenly coat and cover the boiled layers of dough.
    12. Roll out the last sheet of dough much larger than the previous ones; there is no need to boil it. Cover the previous layers of dough with the rolled out dough and tuck the edges under the remaining layers, covering them completely and giving a neat pie shape. Brush the top generously with the remaining butter.
    13. Now you can cut the achma into squares, but do not cut through the layers to the bottom, about 1-2 layers. Or you can skip this step and immediately place the achma in a preheated oven and bake there for 35-45 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. This is very individual, it all depends on your equipment (oven).
    14. Cut the finished achma into pieces and serve hot. Achma is also tasty when cold. For variety, you can add very finely chopped dill to the dough and cheese.
    15. Bon appetit!
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