Viagra recipes at home: how to make a powerful aphrodisiac yourself. Smoothie made from watermelon, apples and pears

Not every man knows that watermelon and lemon can replace the well-known “Viagra”. Yes, the combination of a citrus fruit and a large berry is an analogue of an active laboratory substance that is part of the world's most famous drug for increasing potency. What reviews do watermelon and lemon deserve for potency, and how? Our review is about this, as well as about other available components that replace expensive chemicals. The problem with potency has become much “younger”, and this worries urologists in a broad sense. Many recommend paying attention to this aspect and working on maintaining and preventing sexual performance. Therefore, we offer several effective recipes from traditional medicine. They are time-tested and guarantee effective use.

How does Viagra work?

As you know, the substance sildenafil was tested to treat problems with blood vessels. But it was precisely the side reaction (increased erection) that made the substance known throughout the world and turned it into a drug with a household name - Viagra. Now there are an endless number of offers in this specific market, some sell original branded drugs, others offer generics of less thorough purification. But the essence is the same - to quickly enhance a man’s masculine abilities, simultaneously giving more sensuality, sensations and helping to prolong sexual intercourse. Sildenafil is a substance synthesized in laboratory conditions. But there are also a lot of natural remedies. These are plant extracts, mineral compounds, vitamins and microelements combined into complex ones that help increase potency and strength. There are several conditions under which such means give the required result:

  • Both chemical compounds and natural remedies should speed up blood circulation inside the male body in order to fill the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood. This gives a stable erection;
  • There should be no adverse reactions that complicate subsequent sexual intercourse;
  • Male potency needs to be enhanced not just once, but by gradually restoring the natural rhythm and health of the reproductive system.

It is obvious that Viagra and its chemical analogues cope with the task quickly and effectively. And all natural remedies require longer and more systematic use to be effective, but they restore internal relationships, making the body healthier.

Viagra at home

In order to make the product at home, you do not need flasks and retorts, and it is not at all necessary to understand chemistry as in science. Everything you need can be found on the shelves in grocery stores, and something has long lived in the average kitchen, even among avid bachelors and machos. As Western scientists have found out, an ordinary watermelon, or rather, in the white layer under the green skin, contains a substance called citrulline. This is actually a natural analogue of sildenafil, although it would be more accurate to say that the chemical component has become a copy of what nature has long given. It is the white crust that can give an incredible influx of strength and potency, and will help surprise your sexual partner.

A natural remedy for increasing libido and sexual performance is prepared as follows (step-by-step algorithm):

  • Remove the green striped crust, leaving a white layer on the red pulp;
  • Cut into pieces and place in a blender or juicer;
  • It is advisable to get a liter of juice without pulp and put it to boil over low heat;
  • While the watermelon juice is boiling, squeeze the juice from two large lemons. Make sure that the citrus is ripe, but not spoiled;
  • After the watermelon juice boils, add lemon juice to it and evaporate the mixture until 0.5 liters remain;
  • Allow the mixture to cool, pour into a dark container and keep in the refrigerator;
  • Use 2 tablespoons daily on an empty stomach.

This recipe is good for combating the initial stage of erectile dysfunction, but is not suitable for solving the problem of impotence.

Homemade Viagra recipes

Naturally, this is not the only possible option for a natural mixture for potency. Additional ingredients only enhance the effect, restore the capabilities of the male body, and provoke increased erection. All the following recipes are prepared with your own hands, which eliminates the need for sympathetic glances and the need to explain and admit your intimate temporary difficulties.

Schisandra for potency

Chop the ginger root and add hot water (about 3 liters per root). Then add lemon slices, after lightly squeezing them into the ginger broth. On the tip of a knife, add ground red pepper and ½ spoon of ground cinnamon. Seal it all and leave it to cool, then drink throughout the day. For each new day, you need the next decoction, so you should prepare lemongrass in the evening, leave the tincture overnight, and take it with you in the morning and drink it throughout the day.

Viagra recipe from herbal infusions

Grate the ginseng root, put it in a saucepan and add water, covering the mixture twice. Then put on low heat and simmer for two hours. After cooking, cut 50 grams of fresh or dried nettle, and add the decoction, letting it brew for another half hour. Take the tincture before meals, adding a spoon or.

In these recipes, each substance helps to enhance potency and. therefore, the time spent on preparation will be more than repaid by the tenderness and affection received from your sexual partner.

Honey and walnuts

In fact, many products provide sexual health to men. You just need to know and save the following list of products that replace Viagra in full:

  • Honey, nuts (any), watermelon juice;
  • Persimmons, pomegranates, lemons, cinnamon and;
  • Caviar, oysters, shrimp and seafood are powerful aphrodisiacs;
  • Olive oil, red pepper, olives, chocolate;
  • , asparagus, ginseng;
  • Dill, thyme, nettle, St. John's wort.

To restore erectile function, you can consume watermelon broth and a handful of various nuts mixed with a spoon of dark honey. This breakfast is the most satisfying, correct in composition, and maximally saturated with “male” vitamins and microelements that enter the body from the outside.

Hello everyone, friends!

Summer is the best time of the year to take advantage of the gifts of nature. Detox water is an excellent remedy for cleansing and losing weight. It will help you remove toxins from your body, get enough vitamins and simply become healthier and happier.

The detox drink is a refreshing blend of fruits and vegetables that you can experiment with based on your taste preferences. I will present you the best combinations, and also recommend what else you can add.

To make detox water you will have to stock up on some ingredients, including: cucumber, lemon or lime, mint leaves and water. Let's take a look at the benefits of each component in order.

Watermelon and cucumber

With the help of watermelon, the body gets rid of toxins, since this fruit contains an organic substance - citrulline, which acts as an amino acid. Thanks to the work of the liver and kidneys, it removes ammonia.

This substance is considered a byproduct of proteins that our bodies burn for energy. But it is harmful. Cucumber also contains citrulline, but in less quantity than watermelon.


H2O is very beneficial for the body, it helps flush out accumulated toxins. Thus, the cleansed liver and kidneys will cope with their functions much better. Water also starts rejuvenation processes and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

mint leaves

They add a pleasant and refreshing aroma to any drink. In addition, they help digest food more efficiently and improve the flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine, where lipids are destroyed. Peppermint leaves also relax the abdominal muscles.

Lemon and lime

The juice from these fruits stimulates and regulates the gastrointestinal tract, the production and dilution of bile, which allows it to flow easily and freely. Bile is produced by the liver, then it is injected into the small intestine, where it breaks down fats. Lime and lemon are also beneficial for problems such as constipation, heartburn and gas.

Cleansing Drink Recipe

You will need:

  • water (1-2 l);
  • watermelon (1 part) or cucumber (1 piece);
  • lemon or lime (1 pc.);
  • fresh mint leaves (1 handful);
  • ice cubes optional.


Cut enough peeled watermelon into cubes and place them in a glass jar. Then proceed to the lime, you can cut it into small triangles, and then put it in a jar with the watermelon.

Now it's the mint's turn, throw it in with the watermelon and lime. Pour 2 liters of cool water, filling the jar to the very top. Place it in the refrigerator overnight. During this time, the liquid will be filled with useful substances and pleasant aromas.

When you want to drink this drink, strain the water and add a few ice cubes to it. This will help cool the body in the summer heat and invigorate. Can be enjoyed daily. This drink also looks very attractive in a glass container.

If you are preparing cleansing water with cucumber and lemon, then cut the first into circles and the second into triangles. You can add mint. Fill with water in the same way. Let it brew overnight and enjoy some nice water.

Cleansing drinks are a whole field for experimentation. You can try the following.

  1. You can create other combinations, such as watermelon with lemon and cucumber with lime. And choose which drink you like best.
  2. You can first pour water into the jar and then add the chopped ingredients.
  3. Do not throw ice into the entire container, but rather directly into the glass before drinking. Otherwise, it will melt and dilute the infused water.
  4. You can experiment with the duration of infusion. Increase it or reduce it a little.
  5. You can squeeze some lime juice and add it to the lemon triangles or vice versa.

What else can you use to make detox water?

We all have different tastes and preferences. Therefore, in addition to the above ingredients, you can add various other fruits and vegetables. Next, I will list the best components that have high detoxifying properties.

Whenever possible, try to use only natural ingredients when preparing detox drinks that will not contain harmful chemicals or pesticides.

  • Cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens.

This group includes many vegetarian products and therefore drinks for cleansing the liver and kidneys are green. The healthiest foods here are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, lettuce and spinach.

Various types of cabbage help increase the amount of organic compounds in the body, namely glucosinolates, which help create enzymes for the successful digestion of food.

Leafy greens have the ability to neutralize metals, chemicals and pesticides that penetrate every cell of our body.

This fruit helps the body produce the antioxidant, glutathione, with the help of which the liver begins to perform its function correctly and stably.

  • Grapefruit.

The high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C found in grapefruit itself or its juice help the liver remove carcinogens, cancer-causing substances, and pesticides from the body.

Carcinogens can appear due to an unhealthy lifestyle, for example, frequent consumption of fried foods, smoking, etc.

  • Beet.

This vegetable is especially helpful in detoxifying the liver. Beets normalize the functioning of the entire body, forcing every system and organ to work smoothly and without failures. It also removes excess fluid, heavy and radioactive metals.

  • Papaya.

This overseas orange fruit contains a lot of antioxidants that will help rejuvenate the body and also remove all harmful substances from the liver. Papaya also lowers cholesterol and tones the intestines.

In the next video you can learn about several more recipes.

That's all for me. In the summer months, you can make cool detox water, and in the winter, experiment with detox teas. I will write about them later. I hope you enjoyed these cleansing drink recipes. After all, in addition to detoxification, they also help you lose weight. Be sure to try it, you won't be disappointed.

Good health to you! See you!

Natural Viagra, there is no other name for this miracle drink! The secret of this proposed remedy is in the high amount of aphrodisiacs that help increase sexual desire in men and women. The drink suits everyone!

For sexual dysfunction, men often resort to pharmaceutical drugs. Chemicals solve the problem, but only for a short moment, until the effect of the pill wears off... It is much more effective to go the other way.
It is worth paying more attention to your general health, monitoring your diet, sleep and rest patterns, and engaging in active physical activity. As soon as you tone your body completely, sexual issues will be resolved by themselves! Do not neglect folk remedies to increase potency, and here is a recipe whose effectiveness is surprising...


1 watermelon
1 lemon
Cut a whole watermelon into small pieces and squeeze the juice out of it, you can use a juicer. You will get approximately 1 liter of fresh, aromatic watermelon juice. Also squeeze the juice from 1 lemon.
Pour watermelon juice into a saucepan, heat and boil for 3 minutes. Then add lemon juice. Reduce heat and simmer the drink for about 15 minutes. As a result, the contents of the pan should decrease.
Cool the watermelon-lemon mixture, pour into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Take the product on an empty stomach, the dose depends on your weight: approximately 2-5 tbsp. l. 1 time per day.
Citrulline is an amino acid found in watermelon pulp. This substance helps increase physical activity, endurance, and helps improve blood flow.
Watermelon is also rich in lycopene, a strong antioxidant that increases energy levels and the body's ability to perform all its functions at the highest level.

Increasing potency in men with the help of watermelon and lemon is one of the unconventional, but absolutely safe ways to improve the quality of sexual life. However, it is worth considering that this approach will not provide immediate restoration of erectile function.

It will take at least 1-2 months to achieve the expected result, provided that the problem progresses slightly. Watermelon and lemon are not a panacea for “male strength”, but only a way to improve your health.

What are the benefits?

Both natural products remain natural sources of a number of unique nutrients. They fill the body with vitamins and minerals, which ensure the normalization of all metabolic processes in the body.

Watermelon and lemon are mainly used fresh to increase potency, however, you can prepare a variety of dishes to give them a more pleasant taste.

Watermelon seeds also remain very popular. They can be prepared in large quantities for long-term use.

Lemon and potency

The popular citrus fruit remains an almost universal remedy in the treatment of most known pathologies. Of course, it doesn’t work miracles, but it can slightly improve men’s health.

All thanks to the following effects:

  • The presence of vitamin C helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood rheology improves and the filling of the penis with it increases. This leads to stronger and longer erections.
  • The antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid additionally protects the body from the pathological effects of free radicals, normalizing other metabolic processes. The condition of all organs and systems, including the reproductive system, improves.

Lemon has long been considered a good stimulant, which is also true in the case of erectile dysfunction. However, you should not rely only on him. To get the desired result, you need to eat at least half a fruit in any form per day. To increase potency, watermelon and lemon “work” much more effectively in tandem. Therefore, it is better to combine two natural products.

The benefits of watermelon for men's health

For many representatives of the stronger sex, the enormous benefits of such a garden can be a kind of discovery. However, the healing properties of watermelon for potency have been known since the times of ancient Rus'. It was used in folk medicine as a remedy for some simple diseases and to enhance libido.

The secret lies in the unique composition of the product. The most important substances that allow watermelon to be called natural Viagra are:

  • Citrulline. This compound is one of the components of the most popular means for improving the quality of a man’s sex life. Citrulline in the blood is converted into the amino acid arginine, which can significantly enhance the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the penis. As a result, erection increases and sexual intercourse prolongs.
  • Lycopene. A microelement that is necessary to accelerate metabolic processes and keep the skin elastic. It also increases sex drive.
  • Watermelon has the ability to neutralize toxins and harmful substances. This indirectly improves the quality of sex by normalizing the general condition of the body.

The benefits of watermelon seeds

Another important element of a natural product is its seeds. It has been scientifically proven that they can be used as a natural “male power” stimulant.

This effect is achieved due to the presence of the following microelements in their composition:

  • Zinc.
  • Selenium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E).

They play a key role in ensuring the required quality of a man's sperm. Zinc and selenium are needed for the production of germ cells of the stronger sex. Without enough of them, they may be incomplete. Magnesium helps enhance their activity. Tocopherol acts as an antioxidant and prevents peroxidation of ready-made cells.

The most popular method of preparing watermelon seeds to increase potency is the following recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of dried seeds need to be crushed.
  • Mix them with the same amount of honey.
  • Divide the resulting mass into even small balls.
  • Store them in the refrigerator.

You need to take these sweet pills 2 times a day before meals for 1-2 months or until the desired result is achieved.

As you can see, watermelon and lemon for potency remain natural and safe means for improving the quality of sexual life of men. However, you need to understand that they can only be used to enhance the effectiveness of traditional medicines. On their own, they are unlikely to be able to provide the necessary result, especially if the problem arose against the background of organic damage to the reproductive system. In any case, you should first consult with your doctor before using such folk remedies.

Watermelon Lemonade is an easy to make, colorful and delicious refreshing drink made from four basic ingredients. Prepared from watermelon pulp, with the addition of a small amount of mint, sugar, lemon zest and juice, the drink has a very appetizing, spicy taste with sweet and sour notes, is bright in appearance and perfectly refreshing.

With minimal changes in composition, watermelon lemonade can be served both as an everyday seasonal drink and as a sparkling non-alcoholic and/or alcoholic cocktail. To do this, simply add carbonated water to the aromatic base of lemonade instead of regular drinking water, and for the alcoholic version, white rum. Try it!

To make watermelon lemonade you will need the following ingredients.

Prepare aromatic sugar syrup. Combine 70 grams of sugar, zest of 1 lemon, 2-3 sprigs of mint and 250 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil.

When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer the mixture for 1-2 minutes. Then turn off the heat, cover the container and leave at room temperature until cooled.

Strain the cooled syrup, removing the lemon zest and mint.

Remove the seeds from the watermelon pulp, place in a blender bowl and blend for 30-60 seconds until smooth. You will need 750-800 ml of the resulting watermelon juice, for the preparation of which you usually need 0.9-1 kg of watermelon pulp.

Add prepared aromatic syrup and lemon juice to watermelon juice. Beat for another 20-30 seconds.

Dilute the mixture to your taste by adding drinking water (approximately 400-500 ml).

Add 2-3 ice cubes to each glass. Pour the drink into glasses, garnish the glasses with lemon slices or mint leaves if desired, add straws and serve.

Watermelon lemonade is ready.

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