Military Institute of Airborne Forces. Higher military schools (institutes, academies, universities, educational institutions) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Admission conditions: physical training

Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharova

retired colonel E. A. ANDREEV

Full name of the school: Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (Military Institute) named after General V.F. Margelov" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Abbreviated name: Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (Military Institute) named after Army General V.F. Margelova.

Abbreviation of the school: RVVDKU.

Location and postal address: Russia, 390031, Ryazan, Margelov Square, 1

History of RVVDKU

By order of the People's Commissar of Military Affairs of August 29, 1918 No. 743, formations began to take shape in Ryazan and by November they were The 1st Ryazan Soviet Infantry Courses for Command Staff of the Red Army were formed.

In 1920, the courses were renamed the 30th Ryazan Soviet Infantry Course, and then the 15th Ryazan Infantry School (commanders) with the transition to a 3-year training system.

In 1921 (November), the Ryazan Infantry School was awarded the Revolutionary Red Banner of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for the courage and bravery of its personnel.

In March 1937, the school was renamed the Ryazan Command Infantry School (RKPU) named after. K.E. Voroshilov.

In 1941, in Kuibyshev (now Samara), on the basis of an infantry school, the Military Parachute School was secretly created for the training of military personnel of the Airborne Forces, which was carefully hidden behind the number of military unit 75021.

In September 1942, the school settled in Moscow, in the building of the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy, which was evacuated to Tashkent.

On November 12, 1943, in connection with the 25th anniversary of its formation, for its great contribution to the training of military personnel and high combat training, the Ryazan Command Infantry School was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

By the end of 1943, the front moved to the west and all institutions began to return to Moscow from evacuation. Once again the school had to go to the Moscow region, to Nakhabino, where the Higher Airborne Officer Courses were located. Having sheltered the cadets of the “nomadic” school, the courses, which graduated only specialists and chiefs of parachute services, seemed to “absorb” the educational institution, which had lost all independence.

After the war, in 1946, the command of the Airborne Forces decided to recreate the school, and the commander of the disbanded 7th separate training parachute regiment, stationed in Zvenigorod, was sent with a reconnaissance group to the Kyrgyz SSR (Frunze) to search for a base schools. The school was revived again, starting classes in 1946.

In 1947, the Supreme Council of the Kirghiz SSR decided to grant military unit 75021, or the Military Parachute School, the right to bear the name of the highest body of state power of the Republic.

With this name (military unit 75021, or Military Parachute School named after the Supreme Soviet of the Kirghiz SSR), at the end of September 1947 the school moved to Alma-Ata.

In 1948, soldiers and sergeants – front-line soldiers – were trained at the school. For them, the training period was one year and ten months. By September 1949, the school had finally formed its organizational structure and switched to a three-year education system; civilian youth also began to be accepted.

In June 1958, by a Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ryazan Red Banner Infantry School (secondary) was transformed into a Higher Combined Arms Command School with a four-year training period. These transformations did not in any way affect the Almaty Airborne School, and the commander of the Airborne Forces V.F. Margelov proposed to the country's leadership a merger of the two schools.

On May 1, 1959, the first echelon of paratrooper cadets, headed by Colonel A.S., set off from Kazakhstan to Ryazan. Leontyev, appointed head of the Ryazan Higher Combined Arms Command Red Banner School.

On April 4, 1964, by the end of all graduations of infantry cadets, the school was renamed the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Red Banner School and was transformed beyond recognition.

On February 23, 1968, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the second time for its great merits in officer training, and on August 29, 1968 it was given the honorary name of the Lenin Komsomol.

In 1994, the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School switched to a 5-year officer training system (5 battalions of 400 cadets each were formed, and military interpreters were redeployed to Novosibirsk to the combined arms command school).

On November 12, 1996, taking into account numerous requests from the school’s personnel and veterans, on the 78th anniversary of its founding, by Decree of the President of Russia, the RVVDKU was named after Army General V.F. Margelova.

On August 29, 1998, in connection with the reorganization of military educational institutions, the school was renamed the Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces. In the same year, for its great contribution to the training of Polish military personnel, the educational institution was awarded the “Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Polish People’s Republic” in memory of the famous village camps of the school, where in 1943 the division of Tadeusz Kosciuszko was formed and trained, in whose ranks the future president of Poland fought V. Jaruzelski.

On November 11, 2002, taking into account numerous requests from personnel and veterans, and on the anniversary of the school, by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 807, the name of Army General V.F. was returned to the Airborne Institute. Margelov, and on July 9, 2004 it was again renamed the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (military institute) named after Army General V.F. Margelov (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 937R dated July 9, 2004).

In 2006, by Order of the Minister of Defense of Russia, the school was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense of Russia for courage, military valor and high combat training.

2008 - for the first time, the Ryazan Airborne Command School began accepting female cadets (20 people) for training in the military specialization “Use of Airborne Support Units.” These will be female officers, commanders of platoons of parachute handlers, who ensure parachute jumps by military personnel, as well as the release of military equipment using special platforms and multi-dome systems.

On March 29, 2008, on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007, the Battle Banner of the school “Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov (military institute)" with two ribbons of the Order of the Red Banner.

On July 8, 2009, the school was transferred to another staff and is maintained as a separate structural unit of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (Moscow).

On July 21, 2009, the school was awarded the diploma of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces No. 001 for its services in training highly qualified personnel for the RF Armed Forces.

On December 17, 2009, the school was transferred to a new state, including the reformed military educational institutions: the Ryazan Military Automobile Institute and the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications as faculties (automotive and communications).

On January 29, 2010, by Directive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. D-6 dsp from a separate structural unit of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (Moscow), a branch of the specified training center in Ryazan is formed in RVVDKU, which became known as the “Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (branch, Ryazan).

On October 26, 2011, based on the instructions of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, the branch was transferred to a new staff as a structural unit of the VUNTS SV "OVA RF Armed Forces".

On September 12, 2013, in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 895-r, the school became independent and subordinate to the Commander of the Airborne Forces.

11/15/2013, Ryazan 13:27:18 The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, today opened the “Star of Heroes” monument of the “Alley of Heroes” memorial complex of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (RVVDKU).

“The names of 127 of them - Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia - are immortalized on the obelisks of the Star of Heroes monument,” recalled the Minister of Defense.

On November 15, 2013, in accordance with Decree No. 842 of November 14, 2013, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. For services in strengthening the country's defense capability and training highly qualified military personnel, he awarded the Order of Suvorov to the school.

The airborne school annually graduates about 400 officers into the troops.

Heroes of RVVDKU

The heroes of the school date back to the battles with the Japanese at Khalkhin Gol (August 1938), where four graduates of the Ryazan school became the first Heroes of the Soviet Union, and during the Great Patriotic War, 30 graduates were awarded this high title. During the war in Afghanistan, 7 graduates of the school were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, many were awarded military orders and medals. Currently, 29 officers who participated in the Afghan war are serving at the school, as well as 109 military personnel who took part in combat operations in Chechnya. Of these, 119 military personnel were awarded military awards.

Among the graduates of the RVVDKU are 45 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 68 Heroes of the Russian Federation.

In the last decades alone, the Ryazan Airborne School has trained a whole galaxy of honored military leaders, prominent government and public figures.

Among the graduates of the school are Colonel General Alexander Kolmakov, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation; Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov - commander of the Airborne Forces; Lieutenant General Valery Evtukhovich - former commander of the Airborne Forces; Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General Pavel Grachev - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation from 1992 to 1996; Colonel General Georgy Shpak - former commander of the Airborne Forces, governor of the Ryazan region; Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General Valery Vostrotin - Deputy of the State Duma; Lieutenant General Alexander Lebed - former secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory... And this is not a complete list of those who continued and continue the glorious traditions of the school.

Military personnel from near and far abroad countries are trained at the RVVDKU base: Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Mali.

At the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov is being trained to be the real elite of the army.

Material from the book “Soldiers of Victory 1941-1945”.
–RYAZAN: PRESS Publishing House, 2010.
retired colonel E.A. ANDREEV

The rapid growth of automobile construction in the pre-war years made it possible to significantly increase the supply of cars to the army, which contributed to an increase in the degree of its motorization, mobility and maneuverability. The growth in production and a significant increase in the number of armored weapons and military vehicles entering the army also required the creation of a new system for training competent military specialists for its operation, maintenance and use in a combat situation that meets modern requirements of the military-political situation.

In January 1940, on the basis of a directive from the General Staff of the Red Army, the Oryol Military District began to form the Ordzhonikidzegrad Infantry School (Ordzhonikidzegrad, later Bezhitsa, and now one of the districts of the city of Bryansk).

Planned training sessions with cadets began on April 15, 1940. The founding date of the school was set as May 1, and on February 21, 1941, it was awarded the Revolutionary Red Banner - a symbol of military honor, valor and glory.

In the spring of 1941, great changes took place at the school; for it, in essence, a new stage of development began - automobile: on the basis of Order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0127 of March 28, 1941, the Ordzhonikidzegrad Infantry School was transformed into a military automobile school.

The first graduation of young commanders trained at the school took place 11 days before the start of the Great Patriotic War. The Red Army received 794 lieutenants. Almost all of them left for military units stationed in the western border military districts as commanders of rifle and machine-gun platoons.

There was a war ahead, difficult tests of strength and stamina, difficult, almost impassable roads, the bitterness of defeats and the joy of victories, heartache from the loss of comrades, relatives and friends... By decision of the Military Council of the Oryol Military District, the school was relocated to the city in August 1941 Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region.

In October 1941, when the front line approached Ostrogozhsk less than 150 kilometers, on the basis of an order from the General Staff of the Red Army, the school began relocation to the city of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Since April 1943, most of the cadets were transferred to a new training profile for the training of platoon commanders of motor transport units.

In June 1943, the school was relocated from Minusinsk to Ryazan.

On August 10, 1944, the school was awarded a new type of Red Banner, approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 24, 1942.

During the Great Patriotic War, despite enormous difficulties, the school’s personnel successfully completed the tasks assigned to it. During the war, more than five thousand (5075) officers were trained as motorists and motorcyclists who participated in battles with the enemy on all fronts of the Great Patriotic War by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 18, 1965 for great services in training highly qualified officers during the During the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war period, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

In November 1960, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, the school was renamed the Ryazan Military Automobile School.

In July 1968, our school was transformed into a higher military school. It became known as the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Command School of the Order of the Red Star.

In August 1974, the school was transformed into a higher engineering school with a five-year training period and became known as the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Engineering School of the Order of the Red Star.

On March 26, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 234 “On the transformation of the Ryazan Higher Military Automotive Engineering School into the Military Automotive Institute.”

1999 - the Ussuriysk Higher Military Automotive Command School, abolished on April 1, 1999, which was transformed in 2001 into a branch of the institute, became part of the institute as a faculty. Since the Ussuri Higher Military Automotive Command School became a structural subdivision of the institute, its history since April 1, 1999 has become an organic part of our history.

Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union are graduates of the Ryazan Automobile Institute:

Senior Lieutenant Baranov Ivan Egorovich,

Captain Berdyshev Mikhail Alexandrovich,

Captain Bychkov Nikolay Vasilievich,

Major Emelyanov Petr Nikolaevich,

Colonel Kotov Yakov Mikhailovich,

Lieutenant colonel Kuturga Ivan Vasilievich,

Captain Lapushkin Anatoly Semenovich,

Senior Lieutenant Polezhaikin Sergey Ivanovich,

Major Polyakov Ivan Vasilievich,

Lieutenant Tarasenko Vasily Fedorovich,

Lieutenant colonel Fedin Nikolay Alekseevich,

Senior Lieutenant Shkulipa Nikolai Ivanovich,

Major Yukhnin Viktor Mikhailovich.

In the post-war years, he joined the ranks of the Heroes of the Ryazan Automobile - Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Dukanov Oleg Mikhailovich, who once again convincingly proved that there is always a place for heroism in life.

For 70 years at the Ryazan Military Automobile Institute of the Order of the Red Star named after Army General V.P. Dubynin trained more than 28 thousand highly qualified officers. Among them are a large number of prominent leaders and organizers of the armored service and logistics of the Armed Forces, honored military specialists, prominent scientists, honored workers of science and technology of the Russian Federation, working not only in the structures of the Ministry of Defense, but also in other law enforcement agencies, government bodies and management of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations, institutions, enterprises of various forms of ownership.

In February 2010, the Ryazan Military Institute named after. V.P. Dubynin was transformed into the automotive department of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov. The automotive faculties of the institute in Ryazan and Chelyabinsk were transferred to Omsk, to the base of the Omsk Tank Engineering Institute named after Marshal of the Soviet Union P.K. Koshevoy.

On August 26, 2010, a farewell to the battle flag took place on the parade ground of the institute. On August 30, the last motor cadets went to Omsk.

Currently, the institute's campus is used by the automotive department of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School.

Material from an article by Major General K.V. Stoyan "RVVKUS im. Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharov"
from the thematic collection “Communications in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - 2006” (Part 2)

The history of the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications (RVVKUS) dates back to July 22, 1941, when the formation of the Gorky Military School of Radio Specialists was announced by order of the NPO. It was located in one of the buildings of the Gorky Kremlin. At the first stage of development, which lasted until the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Gorky Military School of Radio Specialists was tasked with quickly training junior radio communications specialists for the front. According to the program, designed for 1–2 months, the school trained qualified radio operators, telegraph operators and radio mechanics for the active army. With the improvement of the control system and technical equipment of the communications troops, there has become a need to train qualitatively new command personnel, including technically competent radio specialists to service new communications centers.

Therefore, in March 1942, the Gorky Military School was reorganized into an advanced school for training radio specialists of at least 2nd grade. The training period for cadets has been increased to 4 months. On August 6, 1944, for its success in training communications specialists for the front, the school was awarded the Red Banner of Battle on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, 13,500 radio specialists graduated from the school. Its graduates, who were awarded high military awards, became famous for their exploits on the battlefields. In August 1945, the school was reorganized into the Gorky School for the training of senior radio specialists. Significant changes have occurred in the educational process due to the transition to a peacetime program. Another qualitative stage in the development of the school began in March 1948. The school was transformed into the Gorky Military School of Communications Technicians. The duration of training has increased to 3 years. Not only the organizational structure has changed, but also the content of teaching technical disciplines. The cadets, along with military subjects, studied a whole range of technical disciplines, which gave them the right to receive a technician diploma in the corresponding specialty of the all-Union model.

The school's educational process and curricula underwent the next radical restructuring in September 1960, when it was relocated to Ryazan and renamed the Ryazan Military School of Communications. The new academic year, which began on October 20, 1960, was marked by a significant increase in the requirements for command qualities and technical training of military school graduates. The process of development of the Armed Forces, improvement of equipment and weapons in the 60s rapidly accelerated. When changing the structure of the signal troops, special attention was paid to staffing them with engineering and technical personnel, since the complex equipment that entered service could only be serviced by highly qualified specialists.

In 1969, the school was transformed into the Ryazan Higher Command School of Communications.

Since 1994, the school switched to a 5-year training program.

In 1998, according to the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the school was reorganized into the Ryazan branch of the Military University of Communications.

In July 2004, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications (military institute) named after Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharov was created on the basis of the Ryazan branch of the Military University of Communications. The school has created an educational and material base, equipped with modern means of communication and computer technology, allowing the use of modern, including information, educational technologies in the educational process.

Officers who graduate from the school receive military specialized education, as well as a state engineer diploma in the specialties: “Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television” and “Communication networks and communication systems.”

There are 14 generals among the school’s graduates. A 1965 graduate, Lieutenant General V.P. Sharlapov was the chief of communications of the Russian Ground Forces. All positions, from platoon commander to chief of communications of the Russian Armed Forces - deputy chief of the General Staff, were held by a 1956 graduate, Colonel General O. S. Lisovsky. In 2001, celebrating its sixtieth anniversary, the school was one of the best universities of communications. More than 300 students of the school passed the test in Afghanistan and Chechnya, many participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Graduates who have received high awards

Gennady Pushkin - On July 15, 1986, while escorting a convoy near the village of Ghazni in Afghanistan, G. Pushkin’s platoon was ambushed. In a surprise attack, Gennady Pushkin managed to withdraw his personnel from a remote gorge without loss, carried a wounded soldier out of a burning armored personnel carrier and provided him with first aid. He was mortally wounded by a shrapnel and died without regaining consciousness. Awarded the Order of the Red Star (posthumously).

Oleg Ilyin - in September 2004, as part of the operational combat unit of the TsSN FSB of Russia, he participated in a special operation to free hostages captured by terrorists in a Beslan high school. Oleg Gennadievich died heroically, overshadowing the children. Awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Andrei Chirikhin - died on August 28, 2000 during an operation to clear the village of Tsentoroi from militants. During the operation, one of the militants, hiding behind women and children, opened fire with a firearm and mortally wounded A. Chirikhin. Awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously).

Alexander Kramarenko- On April 4, 1985, in Afghanistan, while rescuing a wounded soldier, he was blown up by a mine. Died from a serious wound. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.


In 2009, the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications (military institute) named after Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharov was disbanded.

On May 6, 2011, the 70th anniversary of the school was celebrated. Officially, this day became the last day of the existence of RVVKUS.

(institutes, academies, universities, educational institutions). Now higher military schools have a different abbreviation. For example, such as VUNTS SV "OA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" military institute or branch. All former higher military schools (institutes, educational institutions) are attached to one or another academies. Here is a complete list of all higher military educational institutions of the RF Ministry of Defense for training officers in the interests of the RF Armed Forces in 2013:

1. VUNTS SV "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Moscow)

1.1 VUNTS SV "JSC RF Armed Forces" (Moscow) Military Institute (combined arms)

Use of motorized rifle units

1.2 VUNTS SV "JSC RF Armed Forces" (branch, Ryazan)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application of airborne units:

Use of Airborne Forces (mountain) units

Use of airborne support units:

The use of military reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces

Use of Airborne Forces communications units

1.3 VUNTS SV "JSC RF Armed Forces" (branch, Kazan)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Use of tank units

1.4 VUNTS SV "JSC RF Armed Forces" (branch, Novosibirsk)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Use of special reconnaissance units

Use of military reconnaissance units

1.5 VUNTS SV "JSC RF Armed Forces" (branch, Blagoveshchensk)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Use of motorized rifle units:

Use of motorized rifle units (mountain)

Use of motorized rifle units (Arctic)

Use of Marine Corps units

1.6 VUNTS SV "JSC RF Armed Forces" (branch, Tyumen)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

The use of engineering units and the operation of engineering weapons:

The use of airborne engineering units and the operation of engineering weapons

the use of pontoon-bridge, motor-building and road units of the engineering troops

The use of controlled mining units and the operation of radio-electronic engineering weapons

Application of units and operation of electrical engineering equipment

2. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

The use of units and the operation of complexes of tactical, operational-tactical missiles, multiple launch rocket systems and special products

Use of artillery units:

Use of Marine Artillery Units

Use of airborne artillery units

Use of artillery reconnaissance units

3. Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical, Biological Defense and Engineering Troops (Kostroma)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

The use of units and the operation of weapons and means of NBC protection

Operation of devices, equipment and means of RCB protection during the study of physiologically active substances

Operation and technology of new materials in weapons and military equipment

4. VUNTS SV "Air Force Academy" (Voronezh)

4.1 VUNTS Air Force "VVA" (Voronezh)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

The use of units and the operation of radio equipment to support aviation flights

Use of units and operation of engineering and aerodrome support for aviation flights

The use of units and the operation of engineering and technical support for aviation flights

Application and operation of ground-based aerial reconnaissance assets

Application of units and operation of aviation communications equipment:

Application of units and operation of on-board aviation communications equipment

Use of units and operation of aviation electronic warfare equipment

Use of units and operation of electronic warfare equipment with ground control systems

The use of units and the operation of electronic warfare equipment by aerospace systems for command and control of troops and weapons

The use of units and the operation of complex technical control means of countermeasures against technical intelligence

Use of units and operation of information warfare means

Staff and organizational-mobilization work

Providing troops (forces) with aviation technical equipment

Providing troops (forces) with aviation weapons

Operation of airplanes, helicopters and aircraft engines

Operation of aviation weapons

Operation of aviation equipment

Operation of avionics equipment

Operation of cryogenic machines, installations and electric gas equipment

Operation of technical systems and life support systems of special structures and aviation facilities

Use of long-range aviation units

Use of fighter aircraft units

4.2 VUNTS Air Force "VVA" (branch Krasnodar)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Use of naval missile-carrying and anti-submarine aviation units

The use of front-line bomber and attack aviation units

Use of military transport aviation units

4.3 VUNTS Air Force "VVA" (branch Chelyabinsk)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application of aviation and air traffic controls

Application of air navigation systems for long-range aviation

Application of air navigation systems for fighter aircraft

Application of helicopter air navigation systems

Application of air navigation systems of front-line bomber aviation

Application of air navigation systems for naval aviation

4.4 VUNTS Air Force "VVA" (branch of Syzran, Samara region)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application of army aviation units:

The use of helicopter units of aviation of the front forces

5. VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" (St. Petersburg)

5.1 VUNTS Navy "VMA" (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (naval)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Use of nuclear support units and operation of nuclear weapons

Application and operation of navigational-hydrographic (oceanological) and hydrometeorological aids

Application and operation of submarine missiles

5.2 VUNTS Navy "VMA" (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Search and rescue support for naval forces

Application and operation of weapons and means of NBC protection of ships

Operation of nuclear power plants of ships

Operation of shipborne diesel-electric power plants

Operation of steam power gas turbine power plants of ships

Operation of ship electrical power systems

Construction and repair of ships

Application and operation of electronic warfare equipment of naval forces

Application and operation of fleet automated control systems

Operation of shipborne combat information control systems

5.3 VUNTS Navy "VMA" (branch Kaliningrad)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application and operation of missile and artillery weapons of surface ships

Application and operation of maritime electronic reconnaissance equipment

5.4 VUNTS Navy "VMA" (branch Vladivostok)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application and operation of coastal missile systems and artillery

Navigation and operation of marine navigation aids

The use of mine and torpedo weapons on ships and submarines

Application and operation of ship radio equipment

Application and operation of hydroacoustic means

Application and operation of ship communication systems

Operation of avionics equipment for cruise missiles and anti-submarine systems of naval aviation

6. Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces (Moscow)

6.1 VA Strategic Missile Forces (Moscow)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Operation and development of rocket fuels, explosives and pyro-automatics

Experimental testing of rocket and space weapons

Automation of operational planning of combat use and control of combat operations

Operation and repair of remote control systems for the preparation and launch of ground-based ballistic strategic missiles

Operation of technical systems and life support systems of ground and underground structures of strategic missile systems of the Strategic Missile Forces

6.2 VA Strategic Missile Forces (branch, Serpukhov, Moscow region)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Operation of control systems and test and launch equipment of strategic missiles

Application and operation of automated control systems for missile systems

Operation of launch and technological complexes of strategic missiles

Use of nuclear support units and operation of nuclear weapons

Application and operation of special control means for nuclear explosions

Application and operation of communications systems and complexes of the Strategic Missile Forces

Application and operation of aiming devices and astronomical and geodetic support for missile systems

Operation of radio systems of missile systems and uniform time service:

Operation of radio combat control systems

Operation of weapon mobility means

7. Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg)

7.1 VKA (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application of launch and operation units for launch vehicles and spacecraft

Navigation and ballistic support for the use of missiles and spacecraft

Application and operation of missile attack warning systems

Application and operation of fire protection equipment

Application and operation of anti-space defense and space control means

Application and operation of RKO computer systems

Software and algorithmic support for ACS RKO

Application of military intelligence systems, processing and analysis of intelligence data

Application of engineering cryptographic analysis tools

Application and operation of radio-technical space reconnaissance equipment

Application and operation of specific space reconnaissance means

Application and operation of space complex communication systems

Mathematical support for automated control systems for spacecraft

Application and operation of space electronic warfare equipment

Application of geodetic and navigation units and operation of topographic and geodetic equipment

Application of topographic and navigation units and operation of topographic and geodetic equipment

Application of cartographic and navigation units and operation of topographic and geodetic equipment

Hydrometeorological and geophysical support for troops (forces)

Operation of automated systems for preparing and launching rockets and spacecraft

Operation of technological equipment of launch and technical complexes of launch vehicles and spacecraft

Operation and testing of launch vehicle engines and upper stages

Operation of cryogenic equipment, refueling equipment and temperature control systems for launch vehicles and spacecraft

Operation of control systems of launch vehicles and spacecraft:

Operation of optical and optical-electronic means of spacecraft

Operation of spacecraft and orbital space vehicles

Operation of on-board radio systems of spacecraft, launch vehicles and upper stages

Operation of radio engineering and optical-electronic systems of space complexes and uniform time service

Operation of information and control complexes of radio-electronic systems

Automated processing and analysis of information from space assets

Application and operation of electronic reconnaissance equipment for space complexes

Development and application of mathematical and software reconnaissance tools

Technical support for automated control systems with spacecraft

Mathematical, software and information support for computer technology and automated systems

Operation of power supply facilities for special-purpose facilities

Operation of technical systems and life support systems of ground and underground structures of rocket and rocket-space complexes

Metrological support of weapons and military equipment

7.2 VKA (branch, Yaroslavl)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

The use of units and the operation of means of detection and target designation of command posts of anti-aircraft missile systems of air defense

The use of units and operation of launch, technological and power equipment of anti-aircraft missile systems of air defense

Use of units and operation of air defense radio equipment

The use of units and the operation of radio-technical guidance of anti-aircraft missile systems

Application and operation of automated control systems for air defense radio equipment

Application and operation of automation equipment for anti-aircraft missile defense systems

Use of units and operation of radar equipment to support aviation flights

Application and operation of air defense automated control systems

Application and operation of aviation automated control systems

8. Military Academy of Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Smolensk)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Use of units and operation of short-range anti-aircraft missile systems

Use of units and operation of short-range autonomous anti-aircraft missile systems (complexes)

The use of units and the operation of anti-aircraft artillery and short-range anti-aircraft missile systems:

The use of units and the operation of air defense systems of the Airborne Forces

The use of units and the operation of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft gun and missile systems

The use of units and the operation of multi-channel medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems of military air defense

The use of units and the operation of medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems of military air defense

Application and operation of automation equipment for radio engineering and anti-aircraft missile systems of military air defense

9. Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg)

9.1 VAS (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application of units and operation of radio communication systems

Application of units and operation of satellite communication systems

Application of units and operation of multi-channel telecommunication systems

Application of units and operation of wired communication systems:

Application of courier and postal service units

Use of Airborne Forces communications units

Application of units and operation of optical communication systems

Application and operation of automation control and communication tools

ACS technical support

Operation of computers, complexes, systems and networks

9.2 VAS (Krasnodar branch)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Organization of protection of state secrets in the troops (forces)

10. Military Academy (Moscow)

10.1 VA (branch, Cherepovets, Vologda region)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Application and operation of special reconnaissance radio communications

Application of complexes and means of information and analytical processing of electronic intelligence data

Use of electronic intelligence units

Application and operation of ground-based systems and electronic reconnaissance equipment

Operation of radio signal analysis and processing tools

Application and operation of radio interception equipment and location of electronic reconnaissance

Operation of means of providing access to information and telecommunication systems

Application and operation of automation equipment for intelligence units and units

11. Military University (Moscow)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Moral and psychological support for troops

Linguistic support for military activities:

Organization of psychological struggle

Obtaining and processing intelligence information

Analysis of foreign military information

Ensuring regional military cooperation

Legal support of military activities

Prosecutor's work

Investigative work

Organization of military band service and conducting a military brass band

12. Military Academy of MTO (St. Petersburg)

12.1 VA MTO (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

The use of units and units for the construction, operation, restoration and technical cover of military bridges and crossings

The use of units and units for the construction, operation, restoration and technical cover of military roads

Application of units and units of logistics support

12.1 VA MTO (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (railway troops and military communications)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

The use of units for the restoration and construction of automation, telemechanics and communications devices on railways

Organization of military communications and military transportation

Application of mechanization units for restoration and construction of railways

The use of units for the restoration and construction of artificial structures on railways

The use of units for the restoration and construction of railway tracks

Application of railway operation units

12.3 VA MTO (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (engineering and technical)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Installation, operation and repair of electromechanical installations of fleet infrastructure facilities

Construction and operation of buildings and structures

The use of engineering positional units, the construction and operation of fortifications and camouflage

12.4 VA MTO (branch, Volsk, Saratov region)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Joint Troop Support

Providing troops with rocket fuel and fuel

Joint support of fleet forces

12.5 VA MTO (branch, Penza)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Operation of rocket and artillery weapons:

Operation of small arms, personal armor protection and optical-electronic devices

Operation of ammunition, fuses, lighting and signaling equipment

Operation of artillery radio equipment

12.5 VA MTO (branch, Omsk)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Tank technical support for troops:

Tank technical support for the Airborne Forces

Automotive support for troops:

Automotive technical support for the Airborne Forces

13. Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg)

13.1 VMedA (St. Petersburg)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Students who do not have the military rank of officer, with a training period of 3 years: Dentistry

Medical and preventive care


Students with a duration of study of 7 years:

Medical practice in aviation

Medicine in the Navy

Cadets with a training period of 7 years:

Medical practice in ground forces

Medical practice in aviation

Medicine in the Navy

13.1 VMedA (St. Petersburg) Military Institute (physical culture)

Military specialties (specializations) of training:

Organization of physical training and sports

All conditions and procedures for admission to military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are described in

Who are the current sergeants? What does their training look like? Having visited the RVVDKU, I received an answer to these questions, communicating with teachers and cadets for two days, observing their life and studies. In this part we will talk about contract cadets studying sergeant training for 2 years and 10 months, the so-called. professional sergeants.

Faculty of Secondary Professional Education of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (Military Institute) named after Army General V.F. Margelov (branch) of the Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” in Ryazan was created in accordance with the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008 No. D-112 and on the basis of the staff approved by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2009 No. 17\269.

At the faculty, cadets are trained in the following specialties:
Specialty "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" qualification "technician", in nine military specialties:
- combined arms specialists intended to fill military positions as deputy commander of a motorized rifle platoon (rifle platoon, security platoon).
- specialists of parachute units intended to fill military positions - deputy commander of a parachute platoon;
- airborne service specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy commander (squad commander) of an airborne support platoon.
- military intelligence specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy commander of a reconnaissance platoon.
- intelligence specialists (special purpose military units) intended to fill the vacant position of group commander.
- combined arms specialists intended to fill military positions: commander of a repair platoon; deputy commander of a repair platoon; commander of an automobile platoon, support platoon.

Specialty "Communication networks and switching systems" qualification "technician"
- communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of senior technician.
Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.
Specialty "Multichannel telecommunication systems" qualification "technician"
- communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of station manager, department head, senior technician.
Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.
Specialty "Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television" qualification "technician"
- communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy platoon commander.
Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.

Total for studying at the Faculty of Open Secondary Education in 2009-2010. 448 people were enrolled, 343 people remain to serve at the moment.
Several hundred people were screened out before admission because... they showed no desire to study, but simply hoped to receive a 10-20 thousand scholarship, eat for free and have a roof over their heads. There is evidence of poor performance by military registration and enlistment offices and unit commands in selecting candidates.
During the training, another 105 people dropped out for the following reasons:
Cadets who pass the entrance examination “satisfactorily” receive a salary in the amount of 7,000 rubles, this amount does not satisfy them;
During service (by conscription or contract) in other troops there were no strict requirements regarding service, but when entering for training they were faced with demands, the need to comply with established rules of behavior, and fulfill the prescribed norms of military service;
They made a mistake in choosing their future profession and realized that military service was not their calling;
Close relatives and family members are not happy with the choice made and do not agree that training takes place in isolation from families.

Initially, C grade students received 7,000 rubles each, but at the moment the situation regarding payments with all bonuses looks like this:
if there is at least one C grade in any of the subjects - 10 thousand;
if there is at least one B in any of the subjects - 15 thousand;
if all grades are A - 20 thousand.
Those who fail are simply expelled. The teachers very much approve of this decision, because... There is no need to drag out outright incompetents and quitters.

The training program is as follows:

At the end of the training, final state certification of graduates is carried out:
1. Final interdisciplinary exam in the specialty
- General tactics
- Specific tactics
- Management and communications
- Engineering support
- RCB protection
- Military topography
2. State exam in the discipline “Physical education (preparation)”

The working time schedule looks like this:
...after morning activities (getting up, exercise, washing, examination, breakfast, training), the FSF cadets leave for scheduled classes. From 9.00 to 14.00, in accordance with the class schedule, cadets are in class. After scheduled classes and lunch, they are given time to independently prepare for classes the next day. After completing independent training, from 18.40 to 19.20, planned activities are carried out with the cadets: sports work and educational work.
After completing self-training and carrying out mandatory activities, from 19.30 cadets are given personal time with the right to leave the faculty territory (departure for the city).
Since all cadets of the faculty of secondary vocational education are military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, then in accordance with Art. 244 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces is allowed to stay outside the school for up to 24 hours, and for family cadets (whose families live with them) until 7.30 the next day.
Control of personnel departing from the territory of the faculty is carried out by the unit commander, the officer who controls the daily routine and the company duty officer.

At the moment, first-year (193 people) and second-year (150 people) cadets are studying. We can confidently say that only those who really want to study and serve as a sergeant remain, the rest have dropped out, for example, now 43 cadets are excellent students, 128 are studying for four and five, the rest have a range of grades from “3” to “5”. I talked to the guys about why they decided to become sergeants. Many are motivated by a good salary and social package promised upon admission, which adds up to the desire to be a military man. There are some cadets who were unsure that they would be able to study under a higher education program to become an officer, so they chose something simpler - a secondary vocational sergeant. The contract is signed for 8 years at once - 2 years and 10 months of training, then 5 years in the military. Recently an order was issued according to which a cadet who refused further studies at his own request must return to the state the money spent on his education; until this moment it was possible to quit without any consequences.
Sergeant cadets and officer cadets undergo training in the military directly at the school, commanding platoons of three-month conscript cadets.
The guys’ vision of their future is very interesting: “We are sergeants of the new army! We are the best! We will change the armed forces! We will train soldiers in a new way!” Moreover, they say this without any bragging, but as a matter of course.

I'll move on to photos and videos. On the day of my arrival, the Faculty of Special Education was supposed to have parachute jumps. During a year of training, future sergeants make four jumps, and the fourth is necessarily from an Il-76.

Snow fell every now and then, so the flight was postponed and postponed. In order not to stand on their feet, the cadets rested their legs

I took a photo of one of those landing in a circle

Sling cutter

This is a mechanical safety device designed to open a parachute after a specified time interval (using a clock mechanism) if the parachutist for some reason did not do this on his own.

Shoes for jumping were clearly chosen democratically - some in felt boots, some in high boots, some in sneakers

When the sky brightened a little and the snow stopped, several people boarded the An-2 for a test jump

The first one is gone!

The next group is getting ready


Equipment inspection

As you can see, the gloves are quite a free sample

School emblem

Unfortunately, as soon as the An-2 landed after the second batch, it started snowing again and the jumps were finally canceled that day.

I took these photos and videos during classes

One of the teachers. At the moment, 60% of the school’s teaching staff is on staff, awaiting either appointment or dismissal, while the prospects are not very clear. The school needs to reach a full recruitment of three-year sergeants (according to the plan, 1,615 people) in order to retain all the teachers, but so far there are not so many candidates recruited. A real solution to the problem can only be achieved next year, when pay for military personnel is increased, and military service will regain its former prestige.

Stowing parachutes


to the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command Order of Suvorov twice Red Banner School

named after Army General V.F. Margelov in 2020

1. These Rules regulate the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov for training in basic educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185 dated April 7, 2015 of the year “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for admission to educational organizations of higher education, which are under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.”

The number of candidates to be enrolled as cadets in the first courses in each military specialty (specialization) is determined by the annual calculations of staffing the first courses of universities with a variable composition, developed by the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Full information about admission is contained on the school’s website:, email address: [email protected].

2. Admission to the RVVDKU for the first year is carried out on a competitive basis with July 1. Citizens accepted to study at the school are: fit for health reasons to serve in the Airborne Forces:

those who have not undergone military service - up to 22 years of age;

those who have completed military service, conscripted military personnel - under the age of 24;

contract military personnel - up to 27 years of age (age is determined as of August 1 of the year of admission).

Citizens until they reach age are considered as candidates for admission to higher military educational institutions to study as cadets in programs with secondary military special training. 30 years.

Admission conditions for higher education programs

3. For citizens with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, the conditions for admission to study in higher education programs include:

1) assessment of the level of general education training (based on the results of the Unified State Exam):

“Human Resource Management”, Unified State Examination: mathematics, Russian language, social studies. ( YOUTHS );

“Translation and Translation Studies”, Unified State Examination: foreign language (English, German), Russian language, history. ( YOUTHS );

“Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems”, Unified State Examination: physics, mathematics, Russian language. ( YOUTHS , GIRLS ).

2) determination of fitness for health reasons;

3) assessment of the level of physical fitness;

In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, admission to 2019 year is allowed based on the results of the Unified State Examination, confirmed by certificates of Unified State Examination issued in 2015 , 2016 , 2017 And 2018 years and valid for 4 years.

Conditions for admission to secondary education programs

4. For citizens with secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, the conditions for admission to study in secondary education programs include:

1) determination of fitness for health reasons;

2) assessment of the level of physical fitness;

4) without assessing the level of general education training.

Procedure for submitting documents

5. To enter the school, candidates submit an application to the military commissariat at their place of residence before April 1 (military personnel - report on command) and fill out documents. The school accepts documents until May 20 (and for military candidates - until May 15). After the selection committee has reviewed the candidates’ documents, calls are sent through the regional military commissariats.

6. Candidates with secondary vocational education, as well as certain categories of candidates, can enroll in studies based on the results of general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently:

on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education;

on the basis of the Federal Law of October 27, 2015, NR 293-FZ, the assessment of the level of general educational preparedness of candidates from among Crimean residents entering higher education programs is carried out at the choice of candidates based on the results of the unified state exam and (or) based on the results of entrance tests, conducted independently by the military educational organization of higher education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

7. The candidates specified in paragraph 6 of these Methodological Recommendations, at their own discretion, pass all general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently, or pass one or more of these entrance tests along with the presentation of the Unified State Examination results as the results of other general education entrance tests.

8. The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science made changes to the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in 2019 (instructions dated September 16, 2014 No. 02-624). It is not envisaged to conduct the Unified State Examination during the period of entrance examinations to universities in July 2019.

In 2019, the results of the Unified State Exam 2015-2018 are valid. Graduates of previous years who do not have valid Unified State Exam results submit applications to regional education departments before February 1, 2019 and take the Unified State Exam in April or May-June 2019 at their place of residence.

Military personnel, graduates of previous years, submit applications to take the Unified State Exam at the RVVDKU by email: [email protected]

To apply for the Unified State Exam, the following documents are required:

application to the chairman of the State Examination Committee of the Ryazan region;

consent to the processing of personal data (to the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Ryazan City Administration);

a copy of the certificate (grade 11) or diploma of secondary vocational (higher) education;

copy of the passport;

a certificate from a military unit confirming conscription service (under contract);

a copy of the report with the permitting visa from the commander of the military unit;

copy of military ID;

power of attorney.

In Ryazan, documents are submitted to the address: Ryazan, st. Lenina 45a, office. 307. (working hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00).

Without the results of the Unified State Exam, candidates who need to apply for the Unified State Exam will not be considered for participation in the professional selection!

9. Applicants to the first year of training in specialist training programs have the right to submit an application for participation in the competition at the same time in three areas of training.

When submitting an application for admission to a higher education institution, the applicant submits:

original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;

original or photocopy of a state-issued education document;

information about passing the Unified State Exam.

Original documents must be submitted before the start of the credentials committee. Candidates who do not submit original documents will not be admitted to the credentials committee.

Determination of fitness for health reasons

10. Determination of the suitability of candidates for admission for health reasons is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2013 No. 565, Instructions on the procedure for conducting military medical examination and medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2003 No. 200.

To successfully pass the medical examination at the school, you must have a citizen medical examination card. The card must contain the conclusion of the military medical commission, certified by a seal, and all the necessary test results.

Military personnel must additionally submit a medical record, which reflects the results of annual in-depth and control examinations and requests for medical help.

Military personnel and citizens in the reserve who have tattoos of a criminal, nationalist or anti-Russian nature, as well as with profanity, are not allowed to enroll in the school.

Assessment of physical fitness level

11. Checking the level of physical fitness is carried out in accordance with the Manual on physical training of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces and the Methodological recommendations of the Physical Training Directorate of the RF Armed Forces for three exercises (minimum threshold):

in higher education:

exercise No. 4 - pull-ups on the bar (10 times);
exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (13.9 s);
exercise No. 46 - 3 km run (12.25 min);

Girls at VPO:

Exercise No. 1 - flexion and extension of the arms while lying down (12 times);
exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (17.2 s);
Exercise No. 45 - 1 km run (4.27 min.);
Exercise No. 57 - 100 m swimming (3.53 min) (Subject to conditions).

on SPO:

exercise No. 4 - pull-ups on the bar (8 times);
exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (14.4 s);
exercise No. 46 - 3 km run (14.00 min);
Exercise No. 57 - 100 m swimming (2.24 min).

One attempt is given to complete the physical exercise. Testing the physical fitness of candidates is carried out in sportswear.

The results of candidates’ physical fitness are included in the competition lists along with the results of passing the Unified State Exam. For enrollment, a table is used to convert the amount of physical fitness points scored into a 100-point scale.

12. Determining the category of professional suitability in the Armed Forces is one of the main types of professional selection and is a set of measures aimed at achieving high-quality staffing of military positions.

13. The main stage of work on professional psychological selection is carried out after the candidates arrive at the school.

During testing, the main components are examined:

Smart Features

Personal qualities

Degree of military professional motivation

Study of individual professionally important qualities

Testing the level of knowledge in general education subjects

Completed forms are processed electronically and are the source material for conducting interviews and identifying motives for admission. During the conversation with the candidate it is established:

what attracted him to the profession of an officer;

how he prepared himself for it;

what idea does he have about the conditions and procedure of training at the school, what does he know about the service and activities of the school’s graduates.

Supervision by commanders is carried out during the entire time candidates are in the unit. Observation is a purposeful recording of the candidate’s personality traits being studied and an analysis of their manifestation. The observation results are summarized by commanders and the professional selection subcommittee is taken into account when making a final conclusion.

14. Individual achievements of candidates are taken into account when making a conclusion about the category of professional suitability of candidates as part of their socio-psychological study.

15. At the final stage of the work, final recommendations are made for each candidate, and the professional psychological selection group formulates final conclusions.

Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made about the candidate’s professional suitability for studying at the school:

Professional psychological selection is one of the main exams for which you need to seriously prepare!

Procedure for enrolling candidates

16. Candidates who did not pass the professional selection, who did not appear for the professional selection without a good reason, who refused to enter the school after the start of the professional selection, as well as candidates who were denied further professional selection due to lack of discipline, are excluded from the competition and are not admitted to the school are credited.

If there are vacancies in the 2nd year of the school, citizens who have completed the first years of educational institutions of higher professional education and are enrolled as cadets for training in the field of training (specialty) in which they studied, have the right to transfer to the 2nd year, after completing combined arms training and acceptance them the Military Oath, taking into account the re-crediting of academic disciplines.

Candidates who do not arrive at the place of professional selection at the school at the established time for a valid reason are allowed to participate in the professional selection only if they can pass the professional selection in accordance with its schedule.

Repeated professional selection events with a candidate are not allowed.

Conditions of accommodation, regulations of working time

17. Cadets who have not completed military service enter into a contract from their second year. Cadets who are undergoing and have completed military service enter into a contract from the moment of admission. In case of expulsion due to reluctance to study, indiscipline or poor academic performance, payment for the military component of training is reimbursed.

Service time regulations are in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces. Accommodation for military personnel is in barracks and cockpit-type dormitories, depending on the course of training.

Meals for personnel are provided three times a day, in one shift, in the cadet canteen using the in-line method, according to Airborne Forces standards.

The personnel are provided with clothing in accordance with the supply standards of the Airborne Forces.

On November 13, 1918, the 1st Ryazan Soviet Infantry Courses for command staff of the Red Army were formed.

In 1920, the 1st Ryazan Infantry Course of Red Commanders was renamed the 30th Soviet Ryazan Infantry Course, and then the 15th Ryazan Infantry School of the normal type. The school took part in hostilities during the Civil War.

On October 9, 1924, the 15th Ryazan Infantry School was renamed the Ryazan Infantry School by order of the Revolutionary Military Council No. 1265.

On March 16, 1937, by order of the USSR NKO No. 36, the Ryazan Infantry School named after Comrade. Voroshilov is renamed the Ryazan Infantry School named after Comrade. Voroshilov.

In the 20s and 30s, the Ryazan school graduated hundreds of Red commanders. In battles against the Japanese on the Khalkhin Gol River and with the White Finns, four graduates became the first Heroes of the Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War, the school trained infantry officers, machine gunners, mortar men, tank destroyers, and political fighters for the front. In 1943, 1,388 female officers were graduated.

On November 12, 1943, by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the Ryazan Infantry School was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military services to the Motherland and outstanding success in officer training.

During the war, 32 graduates of the school were awarded the highest title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On March 4, 1959, the Ryazan Red Banner Higher Combined Arms Command School was merged into one school with the Airborne School, relocated from the city of Alma-Ata, and became known as the “Ryazan Red Banner Higher Combined Arms Command School.” The school trained officers to fill the positions of airborne platoon commanders.

Ryazan becomes a center for training officers of the airborne troops, the cradle of commanders of the “winged” guard.

On February 22, 1968, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 23, the school was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner for great merits in officer training.

On August 29, 1968, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 213, the school was given the honorary name “named after the Lenin Komsomol.”

On November 12, 1996, the President of the Russian Federation assigned the honorary name “named after Army General V.F. Margelov” to the school.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2006 No. 230, the school was awarded the Pennant of the Russian Ministry of Defense for courage, military valor and high combat proficiency for the courage, military valor and high combat proficiency shown in the performance of tasks of the RF Ministry of Defense for the training of highly qualified personnel for the RF Armed Forces. .

In accordance with the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008 No. 1951-r, the school became part of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” in the form of a branch with annexation as structural units (faculties) of the Ryazan Military Automobile Institute named after Army General V.P. Dubynin, Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharov.

In accordance with the requirements of the Directive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 No. D-112, from December 1, 2009, the school began training non-commissioned officers intended to fill military positions - deputy platoon commanders, and their equals.

On September 12, 2013, in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 895-r, the school became independent and subordinate to the commander of the Airborne Forces.

On November 15, 2013, in accordance with Decree No. 842 of November 14, 2013, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin awarded the Order of Suvorov to the school for services in strengthening the country’s defense capability and training highly qualified military personnel.

In accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2015 No. 527, the school was renamed “Ryazan Higher Airborne Order of Suvorov, Twice Red Banner Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov.”

Among the school's graduates are 53 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 78 Heroes of the Russian Federation.

During its existence, the school trained a whole galaxy of honored military leaders, prominent statesmen and public figures; trained more than 48 thousand officers for the Airborne Forces and other branches and branches of the Russian Armed Forces and conducted 135 graduations of young officers.

Specialties of training in higher education programs

The school is intended to fulfill the state personnel order for the training of highly qualified specialists with higher education in the specialty:

In the interests of the Airborne Forces:


Military specialties:

  • “The use of military reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces”;
  • “Use of airborne troops”;
  • “Use of airborne support units”;
  • “Use of Marine Corps Units”;
  • “Use of units of the Airborne Forces (mountain)”;

11.05.04 “Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems”, qualification – specialist. Unified State Exam: MATHEMATICS (major - 32), physics (36), Russian language (36). (BOYS AND GIRLS)

Military specialty:

  • “Use of airborne communications units”;
  • “The use of units and the operation of an automated control system for the tactical airborne forces.”

In the interests of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces:

56.05.04 “Personnel management (Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)”, qualification – specialist. Unified State Exam: MATHEMATICS (major, minimum Unified State Exam threshold - 32), Russian language (36), social studies (42). (BOYS)

Military specialty:

  • "Use of special units."

45.05.01 “Translation and translation studies”, qualification – specialist. FOREIGN LANGUAGE (30), Russian language (36), history (32). (BOYS)

Military specialty:

  • Use of special reconnaissance units;
  • The use of special reconnaissance units (with the study of the Arbalet-2 parachute systems).

The duration of training in all specialties is 5 years. Graduates receive a specialist diploma and are awarded the first military rank of “Lieutenant”.

Specialties of training in secondary vocational education programs

Since December 2009, the school has been training cadets to fill the positions of warrant officers (sergeants) for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the following specialties:

23.02.03 “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”, qualification – “technician”.

  • VUS 107 – group commander;
  • VUS 212 – deputy commander of the airborne support platoon;
  • VUS 837, 846, 849 – deputy commander of a repair platoon, commander of an automobile platoon, commander of a support platoon.

Duration of training – 2 years 10 months.

11.02.11 “Communication networks and switching systems”, qualification – “technician”.

For military specialties:

  • VUS 474, 476 – senior technician.

11.02.09 “Multichannel telecommunication systems”, qualification – “technician”.

For military specialties:

  • VUS 460, 462, 465, 404 – station manager, department head, senior technician.

11.02.10 “Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television”, qualification – “technician”.

For military specialties:

  • VUS 426, 427 – deputy platoon commander.

Admission is based on a document of secondary general (complete) education, without exams in general education subjects.

The duration of training in communications specialties is 2 years 6 months. Graduates receive a diploma of secondary vocational education, are assigned the military rank of “Warrant Officer”, and when appointed to an officer position (graduates with a diploma with honors) - “junior lieutenant”.

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“The Nightingale Garden” by A.A. Blok In the romantic poem “The Nightingale Garden” by A.A. Blok draws two worlds opposed to each other. First...

From 1863 to 1877 Nekrasov created “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The idea, characters, plot changed several times during the work. Quicker...

Analysis of A. Blok’s poem “The Nightingale Garden” There are two roads in front of the hero of the poem. One is work, hard and monotonous. The other is beautiful love...

“When we got into the car, a thought occurred to me, which I immediately expressed to Stavsky, that it would be nice when the conflict ends, instead of...
Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union M.V. Zakharova retired colonel E. A. ANDREEV ROLE...
From his first collections of poetry (“Radunitsa”, 1916; “Rural Book of Hours”, 1918) he appeared as a subtle lyricist, a master of deep...
No. 12-673/2016 DECISION in the case of an administrative offense Judge of the Sovetsky District Court of Makhachkala P.A. Makhatilova, having considered...
Everyone has problems at work, even the most successful specialists. But work issues always work out one way or another. But home...
Nowadays, advanced training is an integral part of career and personal growth, because it not only contributes...