Advanced training courses for accountants. Advanced training courses for chief accountant Advanced training courses in accounting

Nowadays, advanced training is an integral part of career and personal growth, because it contributes not only to the improvement of professional knowledge and skills, but also to their replenishment, and to obtaining the latest information related to this specialty.

Another significant reason for the need to take such courses is the constant change in conditions, state educational standards and requirements for employees, which means that advanced training helps employees become competitive and valuable employees.

The employer is also interested in this to ensure the successful development and functioning of his enterprise.

For accountants, updating their theoretical and practical knowledge is especially important, since in a market economy, any activity in the market involves accounting and reporting, and changes are constantly being made to legislation.

Advanced training courses will allow professionals to operate with modern methods of economic analysis, favorable tax schemes and relevant regulations. Another plus: the opportunity to make useful contacts during training and exchange experiences with colleagues.

Legislative regulation of advanced training

As a rule, the employer, at his own discretion, sets the time and duration of advanced training courses, but, at a minimum, this should be done once every 5 years in a volume of at least 200 academic hours. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the institution providing such a service must conclude an agreement with the “student”.

Course participants have rights defined by law. Let us list the main ones: they can adjust educational programs in agreement with the educational institution, use the literature and documentation necessary for training, participate in open seminars, and publish in printed publications, the student retains a place of work, and appropriate payments are made. Listeners from other cities receive additional benefits, incl. funds to pay for travel, hotel room.

Students who successfully complete the courses receive a certificate of advanced training or a certificate of advanced training, depending on the number of hours of training. Information about the results of training is provided to the employer.

Contents of advanced training courses for accountants

Advanced training usually includes topics such as accounting and reporting, auditing, economic analysis, financial management, taxation, and legal regulation of business activities.

Within the framework of certain topics of the program, a number of issues are addressed. First of all, the legislative framework of accounting activities, recent changes and innovations are considered, and sometimes court practice is studied.

To ensure the successful operation of any enterprise and its effective management, it is also necessary to study the problems of methodology, new methods of accounting, analysis, etc., and to learn some instructions and algorithms.

In the age of information technology, every specialist needs to own a computer, and courses help to master programs suitable for an accountant, which can significantly facilitate his work and make it better.

During practical training, the tools of the relevant activity are developed. What is especially important is that during advanced training courses you can understand the most complex problems that arise in the course of the work of a professional accountant, and study ways to solve specific and current situations.

At the end of the course, students take a test or exam to receive a state-issued certificate.

Duration of training and price

The duration of advanced training courses is determined by the institution providing the service.

Usually it varies between 40-48 academic hours, which are distributed over 3.5 - 4 weeks.
The cost also depends on the wishes of the school, its conditions and the number of hours of training.

The minimum price is about 7,000 rubles, but on average, you will have to pay 10,000 rubles for the courses. Some institutions provide individual training; it will cost more than 2 times more, approximately 28,000 rubles.

  • First, study in detail the conditions of the institution where you decided to go for courses or where you were sent, check them for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. It’s good if, for example, there are any documents on the school’s website, don’t be lazy to read them.
  • Secondly, find out the content of the educational program, see if it contains the topics you need, and you can make your suggestions about how to correct it, “tweak it” for you. In the end, he who pays calls the tune.
  • Thirdly, visit the forums and read the opinions of consumers of the services of this institution, identify the pros and cons for yourself. Try to find out if these courses will help deepen your professional knowledge and skills. This will help you make a choice in favor of the most profitable option.
  • Fourthly, decide on the training time, schedule and, if necessary, coordinate it with the course leaders.

And finally, if you are pursuing advanced training immediately after training without getting a job, find out if there are job opportunities from the school. Some of them provide such an opportunity, but successful employment also depends on your educational results, your desire and diligence.


For any working chief accountant, advanced training courses are a systematically necessary activity. This is the same integral part of the work as reporting, accounting, and conducting operations.

The chief accountant bears increased responsibility. He is responsible not only for the activities of the entire accounting department he manages, but also for the activities of the entire enterprise. The accountant is responsible for the actions of the company's management, since it is he who formalizes them, so to speak, legally - he carries them through the accounting department, enters them into the accounting system, and submits reports to government agencies.

Advanced training for chief accountant

Advanced training courses for chief accountants are an extremely useful and necessary thing. This is a short-term business education that allows you to expand your knowledge, learn about innovations in accounting or in the current legislation regulating this area.

Professional development can take many forms. These could be courses for chief accountants, seminars or business classes, covering a range of necessary topical issues within the area of ​​activity of the accounting departments and tax departments of institutions and enterprises.

Advanced training courses for chief accountants are simply necessary to improve the qualifications of heads of accounting departments and chief accountants of branches. Training accountants will help systematize professional knowledge in the areas of accounting, management and tax accounting, develop leadership skills, strengthen the skills of effective management of accounting staff, skills in creating and motivating your team of accountants.

Most often, based on the results of training, a state-issued certificate of additional professional education is issued. Certified accountants also receive a certificate from the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia, indicating advanced training.

What do they teach in advanced training courses for chief accountants?

Training courses for advanced training of chief accountants cover many topics, not only in accounting, but also in management. Chief accountants will be able to learn a lot of new things and work on mistakes, improve their work and the work of their accounting department. The training programs include practical training.

The classes cover topics such as:

Chief accountant as a leader. What is the competence of the chief accountant, what is the management cycle, how to evaluate the effectiveness of your work. How to properly delegate your powers and control their execution. How to organize interaction with other departments, share responsibility without shifting it to each other, how to build relationships with the management of the company. How to select personnel or grow your own, how to help employees develop professionally, organize their training. How to control the work of a department, how to avoid mistakes, the most vulnerable points. How to correctly set tasks for subordinates, different management styles. What is emotional intelligence (EQ) and what role does it play in the work and career of a chief accountant?

Tools for organizing the work of accounting. The role of accounting in the work of the company, its structure, budget calculation and accounting of accounting work. Principles of construction and optimization of the structure and workflow of accounting.

Current accounting and tax legislation of the current year. New regulatory documents. The orders of the Ministry of Finance and the Government of the Russian Federation issued over the past year, recent changes in tax payments and reporting, amendments to the Tax Code. New accounting standards, new legislation on accounting, a new procedure for conducting various operations and even taxation features of organizations working with Crimea. To learn all these new things, you need to take a refresher course for chief accountants.

Tax planning. Its tasks and goals. Registration of income and expenses, contracts, invoices, invoices. How to organize the work of a company with a large number of structural units. And even the psychology of tax disputes - whether inspectors are wrong, how to challenge an act, how to behave during a tax audit.

There is a lot of useful information in advanced training courses for chief accountants for personal growth. There are trainings on how to manage everything and remember all your tasks without writing them down in a diary, how to manage your time and work with information. How to have time to read all the necessary information and remember everything you read. Techniques for quickly reading and memorizing information based on various psychological methods. How to be able to concentrate attention. Reasons for lack of time and how to deal with it and manage time effectively. How to resolve conflict situations.

As you can see, advanced training courses for chief accountants are not a whim of a manager, but a necessary tool for personal growth and increasing one’s effectiveness as a specialist.

Organization of financial, economic and accounting services

  • Financial, economic and accounting service: structure, role and place in the company. Signs and causes of ineffectiveness.
  • Workshop: Analysis of the reasons for the inefficiency of the financial, economic and accounting services in the company. Making management decisions. How many accountants, financiers, and economists does a business need?
  • Functions and products of financial, economic and accounting services. What and for whom are we creating? Methods for assessing the quality and “usefulness” of financial and accounting services products. Assessing the quality of management reports.
  • 10 main areas of optimization. Complex application of “simple” methods. Development and implementation of document flow regulations: why does the document not always work?
  • Optimization of the number and selection of personnel. Evaluating the effectiveness and ensuring the efficiency of the service. Methods for estimating time to perform functions.
  • Optimization of business processes of financial, economic and accounting services. Implementation of optimized functional matrices: basic conditions. Project implementation: goals, deadlines, interaction between managers. Workshop: Application of the method of constructing a functional matrix.

New aspects of accounting, tax and currency legislation

  • General accounting questions
  • New in accounting legislation
  • Composition and basic requirements for financial statements
  • New accounting standards
  • What needs to be taken into account in the organization’s accounting policy
  • General questions about tax accounting
  • How tax officials check taxpayers in 2019: new standards for servicing taxpayers
  • How new amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation make life easier for taxpayers
  • Ways to bring accounting and tax accounting closer together
  • New procedure for conducting audits by tax authorities at all levels: what should taxpayers be prepared for?
  • Value added tax
  • New in VAT taxation in 2019 in connection with the entry into force of Federal Laws dated August 3, 2018 No. 302-FZ, dated November 27, 2017 No. 335-FZ, dated November 27, 2018 No. 424-FZ.
  • Increasing the VAT rate from January 1, 2019 from 18% to 20%: features of the transition period:
  • Shipment in 2019 - prepayment in 2018
  • Shipment in 2018 - subsequent payment in 2019
  • Changes in 2019 in the cost of goods (work, services) shipped in 2018
  • Corrections in 2019 of invoices for goods (works, services) shipped in 2018
  • Return in 2019 of goods (work, services) shipped in 2018
  • Application of VAT rates by tax agents in 2019
  • Nine conditions for accepting VAT deduction
  • Beneficial VAT amendments for all organizations that can be applied in their work
  • How can you competently refuse the obligation to pay VAT: recommendation of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
  • Conditions for accepting import VAT for deduction; conditions for accepting export VAT as expenses taken into account for corporate income tax purposes
  • Does the moment of determining the tax base for VAT depend on the moment of transfer of ownership of the shipped goods?
  • VAT and loss of property due to damage, combat, theft, natural disaster
  • Do errors when indicating addresses on the invoice affect the deduction of VAT?
  • At what point is the contractor obliged to determine the VAT tax base for work performed and services provided?
  • VAT when combining the functions of a developer and a general contractor during the construction of an apartment building
  • In case of any errors in the invoice, VAT can be deducted: recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, clarifications of arbitration courts
  • Arbitration practice on VAT from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
  • Corporate income tax
  • New in corporate income tax in 2019 in connection with the entry into force of Federal Laws No. 113-FZ dated April 23, 2018, No. 302-FZ dated August 3, 2018, No. 424-FZ dated November 27, 2018
  • Tax risks when providing loans to related parties
  • In what order are legal interests taken into account for tax purposes under Article 317.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation?
  • Accounting for property received free of charge
  • Uniform write-off of the cost of inventories
  • Methods for recognizing expenses when selling materials and goods
  • Does the depreciation rate change after modernization?
  • Fixed assets transferred for free use or in the process of reconstruction or modernization for more than 12 months: in what cases can depreciation be calculated?
  • When can expenses associated with the provision of property, work, and services free of charge be recognized?
  • Is it possible to take into account the cost of a liquidated unfinished construction project?
  • Recognition of income and expenses in the form of interest on debt obligations
  • For how long must primary accounting documents be stored, according to which the initial cost of a fixed asset is formed?
  • Arbitration practice on income tax from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
  • Organizational property tax
  • New in taxation for corporate property tax in 2019 in connection with the entry into force of Federal Laws dated 03.08.2018 No. 302-FZ, dated 03.08.2018 No. 334-FZ
  • What property is considered immovable?
  • Can property registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate not be real estate?
  • Controversial tax issues regarding corporate property tax
  • Procedure for paying tax calculated on the basis of cadastral value
  • Explanations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation on the property tax of organizations
  • Arbitration practice on property tax from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Tax planning. Tax control

  • Relationships with tax authorities on current issues of the taxpayer’s activities: exceeding the permissible amount of tax deductions for VAT, the presence of a loss, payment of wages below the established minimum. Summoning taxpayers to a commission.
  • Tax planning in the conditions of application of criteria for independent risk assessment by the taxpayer to the economic activities of an organization.
  • Results of tax planning: organization of production, simple partnership agreement, trading activities, agency agreement. Because of what the tax scheme “dies”. Problems of accelerated transition to a new work scheme.
  • Legitimate tax benefit. Consequences of receiving an unjustified tax benefit. Control measures of the tax authority: return of funds, movement of goods, other signs of interdependence of companies, as a basis for charging taxes. Reconstruction of transactions - the position of the court. Additional taxes to sellers (performers) when selling goods (works, services) to companies that have the characteristics of fly-by-night companies.
  • Interdependence. Contract price for transactions between related parties. Price control with foreign companies. Controlled companies. Collection of income tax of foreign persons from the tax agent.
  • Analysis by tax authorities of documentation of expenses: correct drafting of contracts, acts of services rendered, work performed.
  • Consequences of facsimile signatures and other shortcomings of invoices. Transferring tax deductions to a later period. Incorrect TD number in the invoice as a basis for calculating taxes.
  • Transport costs, transport expedition, storage of goods - errors in documenting business transactions.
  • Protection of real estate. Problems of selling real estate at book value. Features of paying property tax. Calculation of personal income tax upon withdrawal from the membership of an LLC. Inclusion of rent and other payments from the tenant into expenses. Rented premises renovation.
  • Holding participants using special regimes (STS, UTII, patent). Tax audits of individual entrepreneurs - features of the definition of entrepreneurial activity by tax authorities, arbitration practice. The sale by an individual of personal property is the basis for recognizing the transaction as entrepreneurial activity.
  • Pre-audit analysis of taxpayers' activities. Scheduled and unscheduled tax audits. Preliminary assessment of tax audit results. Effective protection of the taxpayer during a tax audit. Rules for the presentation of documents and behavior during interrogation. Objections to the act and appeals, the taxpayer’s position on which has been accepted by the tax authority.
  • Grounds for involving law enforcement officers in a tax audit. Interaction between tax and law enforcement agencies. Control activities of law enforcement agencies.
  • How to properly appeal a tax authority’s decision. Purpose of a tax dispute. Defense tactics and strategy. Psychology of tax dispute

Cost management

  • Cost management as a technology for improving business efficiency
  • The concepts of “costs”, “expenses”, “expenses”.
  • Ways to improve the financial efficiency of a business.
  • Cost management as a tool for increasing business value.
  • Strategic and operational cost management.
  • Cost classification
  • Classification of costs for business management purposes
  • Using cost classification to make management decisions.
  • Costing of products/services
  • Costing systems based on variable costs and with full cost absorption.
  • Methodology for calculating cost by type of activity (ABC Costing).
  • Cost management and operational management decisions
  • Cost-volume-profit analysis (CVP analysis).
  • Using CVP analysis to make management decisions
  • Cost optimization methods

Management accounting: practice of application

  • The concept of "management accounting". The place of management accounting in the business information system. The essence of management accounting is what a management accounting system can and should do.
  • Management accounting tasks: resource accounting, control and analysis of financial and economic activities, planning, forecasting and forecast assessment.
  • Basic components of the management accounting and analysis system: cost accounting and management, development of evaluative and comparative performance indicators. planning operational production, financial and investment activities, as well as forecasting internal and external factors that influence the activities of the enterprise, drawing up management reporting.
  • Interface of management accounting systems with the accounting system. Management accounting technology. Basic methods of setting up management accounting.
  • Creation of a reporting system - basic requirements for management reporting: timeliness, format, content.
  • Creation of internal regulations governing management accounting. Management accounting policies (accounting for assets, liabilities, equity capital, income, expenses, receipts, payments) are an effective means of monitoring the company's operating activities. Accounting policy generator. Examples of regulatory documents.
  • Planning as a basic component of a management accounting system: Balanced Scorecard - implementation experience in Russian business.
  • A set of estimated and comparative performance indicators as a basic component of the management accounting system: indicators of market value, assessment of the activities of financial, operational and risk management, indicators characterizing business risks (market, credit, liquidity risk).

Duration of training ranges from 1 to 3 months depending on the class schedule.

Timetable of classes: 2-3 times a week in the evening or Weekend group.

During the learning process, testing is carried out on the material covered. Based on the Testing results, additional free classes are conducted to eliminate identified errors with a group or individually.

Classes are held in the form of lectures, practical work, “business games”, and additional consultations. A package of the latest regulatory documents, educational and methodological aids, work materials, textbooks is issued. Students fill out all the necessary working documents.

In the learning process, modern computer technologies, educational video materials, and modern technical teaching aids are actively used.
Some of the educational computer programs were prepared at the Center for Computer Training at the Moscow Higher School of Economics and are the author’s development.
Many years of experience, original teaching methods, and an established teaching staff guarantee good preparation of graduates.

On February 7, 2015, the Professional Standard “Accountant” came into force. Young professionals, students, graduates of economic universities After training in additional professional education programs, we offer you to undergo certification and receiveCertificate "Accountant" IPB of Russia.

The educational building of the Moscow Higher School of Economics is located next to metro stations Taganskaya.

Sign up by phone:

10 reasons to study accounting and the 1C program at the “Specialist” at the N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University:

Accountant courses at the largest training center in Russia. 1C courses at the 1C Certified Training Center.

"Specialist" is the No. 1 training center in Russia for training professionals in the field of accounting and taxation. Every year over 1 500 Beginning specialists undergo comprehensive training in the Accountant specialty at the Center. More 3 000 improve their skills in courses for professionals.

Unique comprehensive training program

The success of the training center is based on a unique comprehensive training program for accountants, recognized as the best in Moscow. The author's program combines the deepest theoretical training and the solution of a large number of real practical problems, including the use of the most modern software solutions from the 1C company.

The program was developed by teachers of the training center - this "team of stars" among whom is the holder of the most prestigious honors diploma "Certificate of the Chief Accountant", and certified 1C instructors. They provide graduates not only with invaluable knowledge and experience, but also with ongoing support through monthly consultations in Center classes and via the Internet.

You are getting

  • Training from brilliant practicing teachers with extensive experience in the field of accounting, auditing and taxation. Even if you have never been familiar with accounting before, you can start working immediately after completing your training!
  • Teaching aids and methodological materials for practical classes
  • Free consultations for graduates with Center teachers
  • Convenient class times: weekdays, weekends, morning, afternoon, evening. Guaranteed schedule for a year in advance.
  • You can take courses either face-to-face or remotely online.
  • Prestigious graduation documents: , 1C company certificate.
  • Graduates of the Center can enroll for free in the course “Successful Job Search and Employment.”
  • Social tax deduction for your education and the education of your children.


We offer practical seminars on accounting and tax accounting, where you will learn about the latest changes in legislation.


All this will allow you to begin real practical work immediately after completing your studies. After all, the facts speak for themselves: more than 70% Students sign up for training on the recommendations of friends, acquaintances or colleagues who have already received a prestigious certificate from the Center and have actually been able to assess the relevance of the knowledge gained.

Join thousands of professionals who have built successful careers thanks to training at our Center!

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