A Tale of Three Brothers. The Tale of the Three Brothers Who gave the three brothers Potter accessories

Once upon a time there was a man in the world, he had three sons, and all his property consisted of only one house in which he lived. And each of the sons wanted to receive this house after the death of their father, but the father loved all three equally and did not know what to do so as not to offend any of them. But he didn’t want to sell the house, because he inherited that house from his great-grandfathers; otherwise they could sell it and divide the money between them. And so he finally decided what to do, and said to his sons:
- Go wander around the world, try your luck, and let each of you learn some craft. And when you return home, the one who turns out to be the best craftsman will get the house.
The sons were pleased with this decision; and the eldest of them decided to become a blacksmith, the middle one to become a barber, and the youngest to become a fencer. They agreed on the date when they should return home again, and then set off on their way. Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - Three Brothers
It so happened that each of them found himself an experienced master. from whom he could learn the craft well. The blacksmith had to shoe the royal horses, and he thought: “Well, now I’m sure I’ll get a house.” The barber shaved all the noble gentlemen and also thought that the house would be his. The fencer received blows more than once, but he endured it all patiently and did not lose heart, thinking to himself: “If you are afraid of blows, then you will never get home.” And then the appointed time came, and they all returned to their father again, but they did not know how to find an opportunity for them to show their skills. So they sit and consult with each other. They sit and see a hare running across the field.
“Uh,” says the barber, “by the way, he showed up!”
He took the cup and the soap, twirled it with a shaving brush, whipped up some foam, and when the hare ran closer, he lathered him up as he ran and shaved his beard as he ran, without cutting him, and did it all so deftly that it didn’t cause him any pain. .
“I like this,” said the father, “if your brothers do not surpass you in skill, then the house will be yours.”
And then soon a carriage passed at full speed, and a gentleman was sitting in it.
“Now you, father, will now see what I can do,” says the blacksmith.
He rushed after the carriage, tore off all four horseshoes from the horse at full speed and immediately knocked out four new ones for it as it moved.
“You’re a clever guy,” said the father, “you do your job no worse than your brother; I don’t even know who to give my house to.
Then the third one says:
- Allow me, father, to prove my skills.
And then it just started to rain. He pulled out his sword and began to wave it over his head so that not a single drop could fall on him; and when the rain came even harder and finally turned into a downpour and whole streams were already pouring from the sky, he began to swing his sword faster and faster, and remained completely dry, as if he were sitting under a roof. The father saw this, was amazed and said:
- You showed the greatest skill, I give the house to you.
The brothers, as they promised each other, were satisfied with the decision, and since they loved each other very much, they decided to live in the house all together; and they each began to engage in their own craft - and they were well trained in the craft, and the craftsmen were experienced, so they earned a lot of money. So they lived happily until their old age, all together, and when one of them fell ill and died, the other two began to be sad about him, so much so that they themselves fell ill from grief and soon died. And since they were experienced craftsmen and loved each other deeply, they buried them all together in a common grave.

Harry turned to Ron and Hermione. They, apparently, also did not understand what Xenophilius said.

Deathly Hallows?

Absolutely true,” confirmed Mr. Lovegood. -Have you heard of them? This doesn't surprise me. Very, very few wizards believe in them, as evidenced by that stubborn young man at your brother’s wedding,” he bowed to Ron, “who attacked me, mistaking this sign for the symbol of a famous dark wizard. What ignorance! There is nothing dark about the Deathly Hallows - at least in the sense that is usually put into this word. Those who believe in the Gifts wear this sign in order to recognize like-minded people by it and help each other in the Quest.

He threw a few pieces of sugar into the cup with the infusion of lyre root and stirred it.

Sorry,” said Harry, “I still didn’t understand anything.”

Out of politeness, he took a sip of the infusion and almost choked - it was a terrible disgusting thing, something like a liquefied Bertie Botts jelly bean with the taste of snot.

You see, those who believe are looking for the Deathly Hallows,” Mr. Lovegood explained and smacked his lips, clearly enjoying the taste of the infusion.

What is this - the Deathly Hallows? - asked Hermione.

Xenophilius put the empty cup aside:

I assume you've all read The Tale of Three Brothers?

No, said Harry.

Yes, said Ron and Hermione.

Xenophilius nodded solemnly:

It all began with this fairy tale, Mr. Potter. I had it somewhere...

He glanced absentmindedly at the piles of books and parchments, but then Hermione said:

Mr. Lovegood, I have a copy with me. - She pulled out “The Tales of Beedle the Bard” from her purse.

Original? - Xenophilius jumped up. Hermione nodded. - In that case, maybe you will read it aloud to us? Then it will immediately become clear to everyone what we are talking about.

Well... okay,” Hermione agreed hesitantly.

She opened the book and Harry saw the same symbol at the top of the page. Hermione cleared her throat and began to read.

- “Once upon a time there were three brothers, and then one day they set out to travel. They walked along a long road in the twilight..."

“Mom always told us at midnight,” Ron interrupted.

He settled down to listen comfortably, lounging in a chair, legs stretched out and hands behind his head. Hermione looked at him irritably.

Sorry, it’s just that “at midnight” is somehow scarier! - said Ron.

Yeah, we just don’t have enough fears in life,” Harry couldn’t help himself and immediately, catching himself, looked back at Xenophilius, but he didn’t seem to be particularly listening, standing at the window and looking into the sky. - Read on, Hermione!

- “...and came to the river. It was deep - impossible to wade, and so fast that it was impossible to swim across. But the brothers were versed in the magical arts. They waved their magic wands - and a bridge grew over the river. The brothers were already in the middle of the bridge, when suddenly they looked - someone wrapped in a cloak was standing in their way.

And Death spoke to them..."

Sorry,” Harry interrupted. - Did Death speak to them?

This is a fairy tale!

- “And Death spoke to them. She was very angry that three victims escaped her, because usually travelers drowned in the river. But Death was cunning. She pretended to admire the skill of the three brothers and invited each of them to choose a reward for outwitting her.

And so the elder brother, a warlike man, asked for a magic wand, the most powerful in the world, so that its owner would always win a duel. Such a magic wand is worthy of a man who has overcome Death itself! Then Death broke off a branch from an elderberry bush that grew nearby, made a magic wand out of it and gave it to his older brother.

The second brother was proud. He wanted to humiliate Death even more and demanded from her the power to summon the dead. Death picked up a pebble that was lying on the shore and gave it to the middle brother. This stone, she said, has the power to bring back the dead.

Death asked her younger brother what he wanted. The youngest was the most modest and wisest of the three and he did not trust Death, and therefore asked to give him such a thing so that he could leave from there and Death would not catch up with him. Death was unhappy, but there was nothing to be done - she gave him her invisibility cloak.”

Does Death have an invisibility cloak? - Harry interrupted again.

To sneak up on people unnoticed,” Ron explained. - Sometimes she gets tired of chasing them, screaming and waving her arms... Sorry, Hermione.

“Then Death retreated and let the three brothers cross the bridge. They went on their way, and talked among themselves about this adventure and admired the wonderful things that Death had given them.

Whether long or short, the brothers each went their separate ways.

The first brother wandered for a week, or maybe more, and came to a distant village. He found there the wizard with whom he had been in a quarrel. They had a duel, and, of course, the elder brother won - and how could it be otherwise when he has the Elder Wand in his hands? The enemy remained lying dead on the ground, and the elder brother went to the inn and there let him brag about what a miracle wand he got from Death himself - with it no one would defeat him in battle.

That same night, a wizard made his way to his older brother as he lay snoring, completely drunk, on his bed. The thief took away the magic wand, and at the same time cut his older brother’s throat.

So Death took the first brother.

Meanwhile, the middle brother returned to his home, and he lived alone. He took the Stone that could call the dead, and turned it three times in his hand. What a miracle - standing in front of him is the girl he dreamed of marrying, but she died an early death.

But she was sad and cold, as if some kind of curtain separated her from her middle brother. Although she returned to the sublunary world, there was no place for her here and she suffered bitterly. In the end, the middle brother went crazy from hopeless melancholy and killed himself just to be with his beloved.

So Death took the second brother too.

Death searched for the third brother for many years, but never found him. And when the younger brother grew old, he himself took off the invisibility cloak and gave it to his son. He met Death as an old friend, and went with her in his hunt, and as equals they left this world.”

Hermione closed the book.

For half a minute Xenophilius did not seem to notice that she had finished reading, then he perked up, took his eyes off the window and said:

Sorry? - asked Harry.

“This is the Deathly Hallows,” answered Xenophilius.

He fished out a quill quill from a pile of junk and pulled out a piece of parchment that had been tucked between the books.

Elder Wand. - Xenophilius drew a vertical line on the parchment. - Resurrection Stone. - He drew a circle over the line. - The cloak of invisibility. - He enclosed the line and the circle in a triangle.

It turned out to be the very sign that haunted Hermione.

“All together are the Deathly Hallows,” Mr. Lovegood explained.

But in the fairy tale there are not even such words - Deathly Hallows! - Hermione exclaimed.

Of course not,” Xenophilius agreed with wildly annoying self-satisfaction. - This is a children's fairy tale, it is told for fun, not for instruction. But people who understand know that this legend is very ancient and it talks about three magical objects, three Gifts, the owner of which will defeat Death itself.

There was a pause. Xenophilius looked out the window again. The sun has already descended to the very horizon.

Luna must have already caught enough deepthroats,” he said quietly.

Ron said:

You say: “Death will win”, this means...

Will win. - Xenophilius casually waved his hand. - He will overcome. Will destroy. Will subvert. Call it whatever you like.

It turns out... - Hermione faltered, clearly trying not to sound too skeptical. - Do you believe that these magical objects - these Gifts - really exist?

Xenophilius raised his eyebrows again:

Of course!

But this... - Hermione could hardly control herself. - Mr. Lovegood, how can you believe in such...

Luna told me about you, young lady,” Xenophilius turned to her. - As far as I understand, you are not devoid of intelligence, but you suffer from extreme narrowness of thinking. Closed-mindedness limits your horizons.

“You should try on this cap, Hermione,” Ron suggested, choking with laughter and nodding at the stupid harness with wings.

Mr. Lovegood,” Hermione spoke again, “as everyone knows, invisibility cloaks exist.” They are very rare, but they exist. However…

No, no, Miss Granger, the third Deathly Hallow is not just an invisibility cloak! That is, this is not an ordinary traveling robe, saturated with disillusionment charms or enchanted to avert eyes - at first it successfully hides its owner, but over the years the charms are depleted and the mantle becomes cloudy. No, here we are talking about a true miracle - the Mantle, which makes its owner completely invisible for an unlimited time, and it cannot be detected by any spells! Have you come across many of these, Miss Granger?

Hermione opened her mouth and then closed it again, completely confused. All three looked at each other. Harry realized they were thinking the same thing. This is exactly the Mantle they had with them at that very moment.

You see! - said Xenophilius, as if he had just overwhelmed them with an irrefutable argument. - None of you have ever encountered such a thing. Its owner would be incredibly rich, wouldn't he?

He looked out the window again. The evening sky turned slightly pink.

“Okay,” Hermione said, confused. - Let's assume that the Mantle exists. What about the Stone, Mr. Lovegood? What did you call it - the Resurrection Stone?

And what are you interested in?

It can not be so!

Prove it,” said Xenophilius.

Hermione almost choked with indignation:

This is... Sorry, Mr. Lovegood, but this is just funny! How can I prove that the Stone does not exist? Maybe I should collect all the stones in the world, sort through one at a time and check? So you can agree that everything is possible, if no one has proven that it does not exist!

That’s it,” said Xenophilius. - It's nice to see that you have finally allowed a broader view of things into your consciousness.

“And the Elder Wand,” Harry asked quickly, not giving Hermione time to answer, “do you think it exists too?”

Oh, there is a lot of evidence of this! - Xenophilius exclaimed. - The fate of the Elder Wand is most easily traced thanks to the peculiar way in which it passes from one owner to another.

How does she transition? - asked Harry.

The new owner of the Elder Wand must take it from the previous owner by force,” answered Xenophilius. - You, of course, have heard about how Egbert the Egoist obtained the Elder Wand from Emeric the Notorious in mortal combat? Also about how Godelot died in his own basement after his own son Hereward took this Wand from him? About the villain Loxia, who took her from Barnabas Deverill, whom he killed? The bloody trail of the Elder Wand stretches across the pages of the history of the wizarding world!

Harry glanced sideways at Hermione. She frowned at Xenophilius, but did not try to object.

And where do you think the Elder Wand is now? - asked Ron.

Alas, who knows? - Xenophilius responded, looking out the window. -Who knows where the Elder Wand is hidden? The trail breaks at Arcus and Libya. Who can say which one of them actually defeated Loxius and took the Elder Wand? And by whom was he, in turn, defeated? Unfortunately, history is silent about this.

There was a pause. Finally Hermione asked rather tensely:

Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell family have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows?

Xenophilius seemed confused, and some memory stirred in Harry's head. Peverell...he'd heard that name before...

So why are you fooling me, young lady! - Xenophilius straightened up in his chair, bulging his eyes at Hermione. - I thought you didn’t know anything about the Search! Many seekers are convinced that the Peverell family has a direct connection to the Deathly Hallows!

Who is this - the Peverells? - asked Ron.

This name was written on a gravestone in Godric's Hollow, and there was a sign there! - Hermione didn't take her eyes off Mr. Lovegood. “Ignotus Peverell was buried there.”

Exactly, exactly! - Xenophilius responded, raising his finger instructively. - The sign of the Deathly Hallows on Ignotus’s grave is decisive proof!

Proof of what? - asked Ron.

The fact that the three brothers from the fairy tale are actually three Peverell brothers: Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus! They were the first owners of the Gifts.

Xenophilius once again looked out the window, stood up, took the tray and headed towards the stairs.

Will you stay for lunch? - he shouted, going down. - Everyone asks us for the recipe for freshwater fish soup!

"To present him to the Poisons Unit at St. Mungo's," Ron muttered quietly.

Harry waited until he could hear Mr Lovegood moving around in the kitchen before he asked Hermione:

What do you say?

Oh, Harry, this is complete nonsense! The symbol probably means something completely different. We just wasted our time.

Well, this is the man who gave the world wrinkled-horned snorkels! - Ron chuckled.

Don't you believe him either? - asked Harry.

Of course not. The most ordinary fairy tale with a moral, isn't it? “Don’t run into trouble, don’t brag, don’t get into fights, don’t poke your nose where they don’t ask. Every cricket know its nest, sit quieter than water, lower than the grass, and everything will be fine.” Maybe this is where this superstition came from, that elderberry sticks supposedly bring bad luck.

What are you talking about?

Typical prejudice. “Born in May - you will marry a Muggle.” “Conjured at dusk, it will dissipate by midnight.” “An elderberry wand will get you into trouble.” Mom is full of such sayings. Yes, you've probably heard it a hundred times.

"Harry and I grew up among Muggles," Hermione recalled. - They have completely different superstitions.

She sighed heavily - something extremely smelly wafted from the kitchen. One good thing: having become angry with Mr. Lovegood, she finally forgot that she was angry with Ron.

"I think you're right," she told Ron. - This is an ordinary fairy tale with a moral. It is quite obvious which of the Gifts you need to choose...

“A robe,” said Hermione.

"Wand," said Ron.

Stone,” said Harry.

They stared at each other in shock.

It’s clear that in theory you need to choose the Mantle,” Ron told Hermione, “only with such a wand no invisibility is needed.” A wand with which it is impossible to lose, think about it, Hermione!

“We already have the invisibility cloak,” said Harry.

And she helped us out a lot, if you remember! - Hermione exclaimed. - And this Stick only causes trouble...

“You just don’t need to shout about her on all corners,” Ron objected. “Only a complete idiot would run around, wave it over his head and yell: “Look, I have an invincible wand, come on, come on, if you’re so cool!” If you keep quiet about her...

Will it be possible to remain silent? - Hermione asked doubtfully. - You know, Xenophilius was right about one thing: there have been legends about super-powerful magic wands for centuries.

Seriously? - Harry was surprised.

Hermione glared at him. This expression was so familiar to them that Harry and Ron smiled at each other, touched.

The Death Wand, or Wand of Fate, has appeared under different names over the centuries, usually in the hands of some dark wizard who boasts about them left and right. Professor Beans mentioned some of them, but... Oh, it's all nonsense. A magic wand can do no more than what its owner is capable of. It's just that some wizards love to brag that their wand is longer and better than others.

How do we know that all these Deadly Wands and Wands of Fate are not actually the same magic wand? - asked Harry. - It was just called differently in different eras.

But in fact, this means that this is the Elder Wand of Death? - Ron clarified.

Harry laughed. A wild thought suddenly occurred to him... No, this is nonsense. His wand was not made of elderberry, but of holly, and Ollivander made it, even if it behaved strangely that night when Voldemort chased him through the sky. And how could she break if she was invincible?

Why would you choose Stone? - asked Ron.

If we could summon the dead, we could bring back Sirius... Mad-Eye... Dumbledore... My parents...

Ron and Hermione didn't laugh.

Only if you believe this bard, they themselves will not want to return, right? - said Harry, thinking about the fairy tale they just heard. “Actually, I don’t think there are many tales about the Stone that summons the dead, right, Hermione?”

Yes,” she confirmed sadly. “I think only Mr. Lovegood can seriously imagine that this is possible.” Most likely, Beedle took as a basis the idea of ​​​​the philosopher's stone - this one grants immortality, and this one resurrects the dead.

The stench from the kitchen became noticeably stronger. It smelled like burnt panties. Harry doubted whether they had the strength to eat Xenophilius's cooking out of politeness.

And the Mantle? - Ron said slowly. - You know, he’s right here. I was so used to Harry's robes that I didn't even realize how wonderful they were. But I have never heard of another one like this. It works flawlessly. No one ever saw us under it.

Naturally, Ron, she's invisible!

No, but he was telling the truth about the other invisibility cloaks, although there aren’t a ton of them either, by the way! Somehow it didn’t occur to me, only now I realized: I’ve heard many times that over time the spells on them wear out, and from spells they tear and holes remain on them. Harry's robe isn't that new, his dad used to have it, and it works... perfect!

Let's say Ron, but the Stone...

While the friends bickered in whispers, Harry wandered around the room, not really listening. He walked up to the stairs, absentmindedly looked up and was stunned. From the ceiling of the room on the next floor his own face looked down at him.

Having come to his senses, he realized that it was not a mirror, but a painting. Harry became curious and climbed up the stairs.

Harry, what are you doing? You can't do it without an invitation!

But Harry had already reached the top floor.

The ceiling in Luna's room was decorated with five wonderfully depicted faces: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville. Unlike the Hogwarts portraits, they did not move, but still there was some kind of magic in them. Harry thought they were breathing. Among the portraits, uniting them into a single whole, a thin gold chain curled, but, looking closer, Harry realized that in fact it was the word repeated thousands of times in gold ink: friends... friends... friends...

He felt great tenderness for Luna. Looking around, he saw a photograph on the table by the bed: little Luna and next to her a woman very similar to her. They stood hugging each other. Luna looked much more well-groomed in the photo than in life. The photo was covered with a layer of dust. This seemed strange to Harry. He looked around more carefully.

Something was clearly wrong in the room. The light blue carpet was also all dusty. There were no clothes hanging in the closet with the doors open, the bed looked cold and uncomfortable, as if it had not been slept in for a long time. A cobweb stretched across the nearest window against the backdrop of the blood-red sky.

Harry rushed headlong down the stairs.

What's happened? - asked Hermione.

Before Harry had time to answer, Xenophilius appeared from the kitchen, holding a tray laden with soup bowls.

Mr. Lovegood,” Harry shouted, “where is Luna?”

I'm sorry?

Where is Luna?

Xenophilius froze on the top step.

I... I already told you. She is by the stream, near the Lower Bridge, catching swallows.

Why then did you cover the tray for only four?

Xenophilius tried to speak but could not. The only sounds in the room were the rhythmic knock of the printing press and the quiet clink of plates on a tray - Xenophilius’s hands were shaking.

The tray fell out of Xenophilius's hands. The plates bounced across the floor, breaking into pieces. Harry, Ron and Hermione drew their wands. Xenophilius froze, his hand not reaching his pocket. At that moment, the printing press rattled loudly, and the Quibblers poured out from under the tablecloth like an avalanche. The machine stopped rattling. There was finally silence in the room.

Hermione bent down and picked up the magazine from the floor, without moving her wand from Mr. Lovegood.

Harry, look!

He approached her, stepping over piles of magazines. On the cover he saw a close-up photograph of himself, and across it were the words “Undesirable Person No. 1” and an announcement of an award.

Xenophilius licked his lips.

“They took my Luna,” he whispered. - Because of my articles. Luna was taken away, and I don’t know where she is, what they did to her. But maybe they'll let her go if I... if I...

Will you hand Harry over to them? - Hermione finished for him.

“It won’t work,” Ron snapped. - Let's leave! Clear the way!

It was scary to look at Xenophilius: he seemed to have aged a hundred years, his lips stretched out in a terrible grin.

He spread his arms, blocking the stairs, and Harry suddenly saw his mother, blocking the crib in the same way.

We don’t want to fight you,” he said. - Step aside, Mr. Lovegood.

HARRY!!! - Hermione screamed.

Several people riding on brooms flashed past the window. As soon as the three friends turned away, Xenophilius pulled out his wand. Harry realized his mistake in time and jumped to the side, pushing Ron and Hermione away. Xenophilius's stunning spell flew across the room and hit the horn of the blast pot.

There was a monstrous explosion. The room shook with a roar, wood chips, pieces of paper and all sorts of rubbish fell, and thick white dust rose. Harry was thrown into the air, then slammed down hard on the floor. He saw nothing, only covered his head with his hands from the falling debris. Hermione screamed, Ron screamed something, the iron rattled terribly - apparently, Xenophilius could not stay on his feet and rolled down the spiral staircase.

Covered in debris and rubble, Harry tried to stand up. It was impossible to breathe from the dust and almost nothing was visible around. Part of the ceiling had collapsed, and the legs of a bed were sticking out of the hole. On the floor next to Harry lay a bust of Candida Ravenclaw with a broken cheek, scraps of parchment were flying in the air, and the printing press had tipped over on its side and was stuck across the stairs leading to the kitchen. A white figure moved next to Harry - Hermione, covered in dust and looking like another statue, pressed a finger to her lips.

Downstairs the door swung open with a knock.

Did I tell you, Travers, that there is no hurry? - a rough voice was heard. - Did I mention that this crazy guy is delusional as usual?

There was a loud crack and Xenophilius cried out in pain.

No... no... upstairs... Potter!

I warned you last week, Lovegood, that we won't be running around here on false calls anymore! Have you forgotten last week? How did you try to sell us some stupid head device for your daughter? And the year before last... - Again a crash, another scream. - I dreamed that you would get it if you could prove to us that there are wrinkles in the world... (crackling) horns... (crackling) snorkels!

No! No! I beg you! - Xenophilius choked with sobs. - There really is Potter! Is it true!

And now it turns out that you are planning to blow us up! - the Death Eater roared.

A whole series of magical blows followed, interspersed with Xenophilius' plaintive cries.

Selwyn, in my opinion, everything here is about to collapse,” another voice calmly noted, echoing from the twisted steps. - The stairs are filled up. Shall we try to clear it up? As if the house would not collapse.

You lying scum! - shouted the wizard named Selwyn. - You probably haven’t seen any Potter! Do you want to lure us in and finish us off? Do you think this kind of thing will get your girl back?

I swear... I swear whatever you want - Potter is upstairs!

- Gomenum revelio!- said a second voice at the foot of the stairs.

Harry heard Hermione gasp and felt something fly overhead; For a moment a shadow covered him.

Selwyn, there really is someone there,” the second wizard said in a sharp tone.

It's Potter, I'm telling you, it's Potter! - Xenophilius sobbed. - Please give me Luna, just give me Luna...

“You’ll get your little one, Lovegood,” Selwyn replied, “if you go upstairs now and bring me Harry Potter.” But look, if this is an ambush and your accomplice is waiting for us there, I don’t know if there will be even a piece of your girl left so that you can bury him.

Xenophilius let out a long cry, full of fear and despair. Then a creaking and grinding sound was heard on the stairs - it was Xenophilius clearing away the rubble.

“Let’s go,” Harry whispered. - We need to get out of here.

He began to dig himself out of the rubble under the cover of Xenophilius's fidgeting on the stairs. Ron was the sleepiest of all. Harry and Hermione approached him as quietly as possible through the piles of rubbish and tried to move the heavy chest of drawers that was crushing his legs. While Xenophilius made his way closer and closer to them, Hermione managed to free Ron by using the Levitation spell.

“Great,” Hermione breathed.

The printing press lying across the stairs began to shake. Xenophilius had only a few steps left to climb. Hermione was still white with dust.

Harry, do you trust me?

Harry nodded.

“Okay,” Hermione whispered, “then give me the invisibility cloak.” Ron will go under her.

What about Harry...

Ron, don't argue! Harry, hold my hand tightly. Ron, grab your shoulder.

Harry extended his left hand to her. Ron disappeared under his robes. The printing press began to tremble more strongly - Xenophilius tried to lift it with the help of the Levitation spell. Harry couldn't understand what Hermione was waiting for.

She whispered:

Hold on tight... Now...

The paper-white face of Xenophilius appeared above the sideboard.

- Obliviate!- Hermione shouted, aiming her wand at his face, then pointed her wand at the floor: - Deprimo!

She punched a huge hole in the living room floor. All three fell like stones. Harry had a death grip on Hermione's hand. A scream was heard from below, and Harry momentarily saw two people running away while broken furniture and pieces of stone fell on top of them. Hermione somersaulted in the air, and under the roar of the collapsing house, Harry was dragged into the darkness.

About the Deathly Hallows

"The Sign of Grindelwald"

Dumbledore, in his comments to The Tales of Beedle the Bard, notes that wands tend to absorb the experience of those who use them. In his opinion, the Elder Wand, which passed through the hands of many dark wizards, “would be likely to have, at the very last, the marked affinity for the most dangerous kinds of magic.”

Fate of the Wand

According to legend, Antiochus Peverell, after receiving the Elder Wand,

...walked for more than a week until he reached a distant village. There he found a wizard with whom he was not on good terms. Of course, armed with the Elder Wand, he could not lose the duel that followed the quarrel. Leaving his dead enemy lying on the ground, the elder brother went to the inn, where he loudly boasted of the power of the magic wand he had taken from Death and the invincibility bestowed by it. In the dead of night, another wizard sneaked up to his older brother, who was lying in his bed, unconscious from drinking wine. The thief took his wand and, just to be sure, cut his older brother’s throat.

The first documented mention of a wand belongs to Emeric the Notorious, who held the whole of southern England in fear in the early Middle Ages. Emeric did not live long and was killed in a fierce duel by Egbert. Egbert's fate is unknown.

A century later, the wand fell into the hands of Godelot, the author of the book “The most despicable magic of all.” Using his wand, Godelot enriched the Dark Arts by creating many dangerous spells. He was imprisoned in his own dungeon by his mad son Hereward.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the evil warlock Barnabas Deverill obtained the wand, then he was defeated by Loxius, who christened the wand Deathstick and used it to kill anyone he did not like. It is unknown who exactly killed Loxius himself. This “honor” was claimed by many, including his own mother. According to historical records, the murderer of Loxius was Arcus or Livy.

At some point, the famous wand maker Gregorovich became the owner of the wand. He tried to create a copy of it and, hoping that it would help his business, spread a rumor that he had become the owner of the Elder Wand and was working on creating a copy of it. As a result, the wand was stolen by a certain young blond man. Gregorovich never found out that this blond man was Grindelwald.

In 1945, Grindelwald, who by this time had killed many people, was defeated in a duel by Albus Dumbledore and imprisoned for his atrocities.

In the spring of 1997, Albus Dumbledore was disarmed by Draco Malfoy, thereby becoming the new owner of the wand. Snape's subsequent murder of Dumbledore did not make Snape her master, since this murder was planned in advance by Dumbledore himself, and Snape was only carrying out his will. After Albus was killed, the wand was placed with him in the grave, but Draco Malfoy remained the owner of the wand.

In 1997, Voldemort kidnapped Ollivander and tortured him into revealing everything he knew about the Elder Wand, including the rumor that Gregorovich was its last owner. Having kidnapped Gregorovich, Voldemort, through torture and legilimency, learned about the theft of the wand, after which he killed Gregorovich.

In the winter of 1997-1998, Harry Potter was captured by the Jaegers and taken to the Malfoy estate. Fleeing from captivity, Harry forcibly took his usual wand from Draco Malfoy. The Elder Wand considered this action a victory. So Harry, without even knowing it, became the master of the Elder Wand.

Then Voldemort, realizing that Dumbledore was the owner of the wand, opened his grave and appropriated the wand for himself. Noticing that her magic was not as strong as one would expect, Voldemort realized that he was not the owner of the Elder Wand. He mistakenly believed that he was Severus Snape, since he killed Albus Dumbledore. To become the master of the wand, Voldemort killed Snape. This happened during the Battle of Hogwarts, in the spring of 1998.

Voldemort attempted to use his wand to kill Harry Potter with the Avada Kedavra spell. The wand did not kill its owner, but instead neutralized him as a Horcrux, killing the part of Voldemort's soul contained in Harry Potter's body. Potter himself found himself in a state intermediate between life and death, where he could choose at will whether to continue to live or die. He chose the former. In addition, in this state he met with the late Dumbledore, who told him, among other things, about the Elder Wand.

In the final battle, Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter again with the Elder Wand. At the same time, Harry Potter disarmed Voldemort with the Expelliarmus spell. As a result, the wand killed Voldemort himself.

According to canon, after defeating Voldemort, Harry used the Elder Wand to repair his own, and then returned the Elder Wand to Albus Dumbledore's grave. According to Harry Potter, if he dies a natural death, he will become the last owner of the wand. According to the film, the Elder Wand was broken and thrown from the cliffs on which Hogwarts stands.

Translation problem

In the Russian translation, the play on words intended by the author completely disappeared: Elder- in English this is elderberry, elder, and elder. The wand is both elder - in material, and older - in essence, age and capabilities. In the original, two different concepts are merged in one simple word. This play on words is important, for example, the phrases “Dumbledore is the master of the elder wand” and “Dumbledore is the master of the elder wand” sound completely different. The difficulty is also in translating the word master, meaning chosen by the wand of its true owner - the words master, owner, owner do not fully convey the shades of meaning.

Resurrection Stone

The stone has the property of resurrecting the dead, but those resurrected can no longer return to normal life again, but remain half-ghosts. Only the one who called them can see them, and they can also become a replacement for the Patronus.

The Resurrection Stone was passed down among the Peverell descendants through the middle brother, being inserted into the family ring. Voldemort, having received it from the Glooms, made a Horcrux from the ring. This same ring, or rather the deadly spell cast on him by Voldemort as a trap, served as the first prerequisite for the death of Albus Dumbledore. The latter, having found the ring, immediately put it on, forgetting about all caution, as he was captured by the idea of ​​​​resurrecting his mother and sister with the help of the Stone. As a result, Dumbledore was exposed to the ring's spell, which would have meant certain death for him (apparently within a very short time) if Severus Snape had not intervened. With its help, it was possible to delay the fatal effect - only Dumbledore’s hand, on which the ring was put on, was damaged, but, according to Snape, no magic was able to completely stop the spread of the effect of such a spell on the entire body, and Dumbledore was doomed to die within approximately of the year.

The stone was given to Potter by Dumbledore as a bequest in the Enchanted Snitch, and was later used by Potter for protection as he went to his death at Voldemort's headquarters in the Forbidden Forest. Near the location of the headquarters, Potter dropped a stone. Subsequently, talking to the portrait of Dumbledore in the headmaster's office, Harry said that he did not remember the place where he dropped the stone and was not going to look for it. Dumbledore approved of this decision.

The cloak of invisibility

A unique invisibility cloak of exceptional quality - it hides reliably, does not wear out, and the wearer cannot be detected by any spells (excluding some magical objects, such as Alastor Moody's magic eye or the Marauder's Map, and Luna Lovegood's Spectral-Astral glasses). Received by Harry Potter as his father's inheritance from Dumbledore. Appears in the very first book. The fact that this is the Deathly Hallow, which belonged to Ignotus Peverell, is revealed only in the seventh and final book.


Antioch Peverell

Antioch Peverell(English) Antioch Peverell) - the eldest of the legendary Peverell brothers, to whom Death gave an invincible magic wand. Intoxicated by his power, Antiochus began to boast of his gift and one night, having previously been drunk to the point of insensibility, he was robbed and killed. Thus began the bloody march of the Elder Wand through the pages of the history of the magical world. But this is not the fault of the wand itself. It’s just that the people who tried to take possession of it were usually too thirsty for power and stopped at nothing along the way.

Cadmus Peverell

Cadmus Peverell- the middle of the Peverell brothers, to whom, according to legend, Death gave the Resurrection Stone. Having resurrected his beloved with his help, Cadmus lived in marriage with her for some time. However, earthly life was a burden for this woman. Seeing that they cannot see happiness in this world, Cadmus commits suicide in the hope of thus uniting with his love. Apparently, Cadmus Peverell and his wife had children, because many years later the Resurrection Stone, inserted into the ring, ended up on the hand of Marvolo Gloom, who claimed that the ring was inherited by him, and the sign of the Deathly Hallows carved into the stone is “the seal of the Peverells.” "

Ignotus Peverell

Ignotus Peverell- the third, youngest, of the Peverell brothers, to whom, according to legend (“The Tale of Three Brothers”), Death gave the invisibility cloak. The wisest of the brothers lived to a ripe old age and, having passed on the magic mantle to his son, met death with a light heart. The mantle was passed on for a long time from father to son, from mother to daughter... In some generation, the male line of the Peverells was interrupted (this is stated in the book “Natural Nobility. Pedigree of Wizards.”) and later the mantle fell into the hands of another magical family. Most likely, into the hands of the Potters. In 1998, a descendant of Ignotus Peverell, Harry Potter, was able to collect all three Deathly Hallows, voluntarily accept his death as a necessity and return to life again.



Philosopher's Stone
A game

Once upon a time there lived Three Brothers of a Wizard, and one day they needed to cross a river; they couldn’t swim across it, it was too wide and deep. And the brothers decided to build a bridge with their magical powers.

Having crossed the bridge halfway, they met death itself. But death was smart, cunning and greedy for every death. She said that all the other people and wizards died trying to cross the river, but they survived and the villainess death rewarded the brothers for their ingenuity, and also said that she would do whatever they wanted.

Older brother he remembered his recent argument with one enemy and decided to punish him, for this he asked death to give him an invincible magic wand. Death made him a wand from an elder tree branch and gave it to his older brother.

Middle-brother was upset that his beloved died, he wanted to resurrect her and for this he asked for a resurrection stone. Death picked up a stone lying on the river bank and gave it to the middle brother.

Younger brother turned out to be the smartest, he asked death to give him part of his invisibility cloak. Death reluctantly tore a piece of his robe and gave it to his younger brother.

Older brother went to a village nearby, and in a fight killed his longtime enemy, that same night, after getting drunk, he began to tell everyone that his wand was invincible, that he received it from death itself. That night, the elder brother was killed by a stranger, the shelf was stolen.

Middle-brother Arriving at his home, he immediately decided to resurrect his beloved, but the stone did not give the desired result. The stone simply called her soul to earth, and she asked him to release her back to the sublunary world. She was cold as a corpse. In despair, the second brother committed suicide, and all in order to be with his beloved again. So death received a second brother.

The third brother, hiding under the invisibility cloak, hiding from death. Death was never able to find him. In his old age, the younger brother gave the mantle of death to his son and went with death as his equal.

So the story of the formation of the Deathly Hallows ends. The wand, stone and mantle belonged to the brothers Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus Peverell, they are considered the heroes of this tale and the first owners of these deathly hallows.

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