Do I need to switch to a non-state pension fund? Is it necessary to urgently transfer to a non-state pension fund?

A typical situation: a client comes to the bank to receive money, and in the meantime he is offered to transfer the funded part of his pension to a non-state pension fund. Is it worth agreeing to such an offer and why do you need to transfer your funded pension to a non-state pension fund?

First, let's try to figure out what the funded part of a pension is.

Funded pension: the procedure for its formation and payment in 2017. Read more.

According to the current system for the formation of pension rights, the employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the pension insurance of employees:

  • 16% goes to the insurance component (or payments to current pensioners);
  • 6% - for the funded part of the pension.

This amount should not be confused with the 13% personal income tax, which is withheld monthly from employees’ earnings. Contributions to the Pension Fund are paid in addition to salary from the employer’s pocket.

The main feature of the funded part of the pension is the possibility of increasing it thanks to proper investment in liquid assets, as well as the right to transfer the funded part of the pension by inheritance. While the insurance part, although formally remains on the citizen’s personal account, is constantly depreciating under the influence of inflation.

The current procedure for distributing pensions into funded and insurance was in effect until 2013. When the Pension Fund deficit reached colossal proportions (more than 1 trillion rubles), officials began to look for ways to reduce it. At the same time, the task was to increase revenues to the Pension Fund without increasing.

Initially, it was planned to “close the holes” in the Pension Fund by doubling insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs from 2013. However, in practice, this led to the closure of almost 500 thousand individual entrepreneurs and a reduction in revenues to the Pension Fund.

Officials noted that the formation of the Pension Fund deficit was largely facilitated by mandatory contributions to the funded part, which could not be spent on payments to current pensioners. Then it was decided to “fight” the savings part.

Until September 2013, Russia was implementing a strategy to reduce contributions to the funded part of the pension from 6% to 2% in favor of the insurance company. Such a decline since 2014 awaited all those who did not transfer their savings to non-state pension funds. When the majority of Russians voted “for” maintaining the funded part in the amount of 6%, officials completely abolished it for all “silent people”.

In total, more than 24 million Russians younger than 1967 spoke in favor of transferring their savings to NPFs in 2013. However, despite the trust the Russians placed in the NPF, they never received the money. In 2014-2016, the funded part of the pension was frozen by the Government. The moratorium will continue into 2017. All employer contributions now go towards the insurance portion.

Initially, it was stated that the motivation for the moratorium was good - to ensure the safety of savings. During this year, all NPFs were required to go through the procedure of corporatization and licensing in order to defend their right to manage the pension savings of Russians since 2015. But then it became clear that without extending the moratorium, the Pension Fund would simply have nothing to pay current pensioners with.

It was supposed to be 2015 as the deadline for transferring to the NPF. But since the funded pension is still frozen, an application to transfer savings to a non-state pension fund can be submitted today.

A non-state pension fund (or NPF) is an organization that manages money without access to citizens’ personal accounts.

Non-state pension funds are engaged in investing funds in securities and income-generating projects to generate profit. For their work they receive a small commission, which directly depends on their performance results.

The profitability that NPFs receive when investing pension savings is usually higher than in the Pension Fund. This is due to greater flexibility in managing funds than in the Pension Fund of Russia (who invest money only through VEB). At the same time, the state strictly regulates the types of assets for investment by non-state pension funds, which serves as a guarantee of the safety of money.

Higher profitability is not the only advantage of NPFs. They are also distinguished by:

  1. Level of service (the ability to control the status of your account online).
  2. Availability of an agreement (which guarantees uniform rules of the game throughout the entire period of its validity).
  3. Openness (funds operate as open joint-stock companies and are required to publish financial statements annually).
  4. Security (all citizens’ funds are insured by the DIA and will be returned by the state even in the event of bankruptcy or revocation of the NPF’s license).

By the way, if the NPF you choose does not live up to your expectations, you can always change it to another within a year without losing anything.

Thus, the answer to the question of why transfer the funded part of your pension to a non-state pension fund is quite simple: in order to retain the funded component of your pension and increase your future pension.

But it is worth taking a very responsible approach to choosing a non-state pension fund. Do not thoughtlessly trust the recommendations of bank or employer specialists. After all, their persistent recommendations are often due to the fact that they receive an agent’s fee for each client they bring to the NPF. According to the law, the employer does not have the right to impose NPF on you.

When choosing a non-state pension fund, pay attention to such criteria as how long the fund has been operating on the market (long-term work experience demonstrates his resistance to crisis situations), accumulated returns over the last few years (this indicator is more valuable than last year's profitability), Availability of licenses and names of the fund in the DIA list, volume of funds under management (the larger the fund, the greater its margin of safety).

To assess the reliability of NPFs, you can contact rating agencies (for example, RA Expert), which annually rank funds according to this criterion.

Before making a final decision, you should carefully study the draft agreement and check the availability of the necessary documentation and licenses.

Hello Marina. The pension fund believes that this is unprofitable.


dated March 22, 2016
On the procedure for calculating pension funds
savings subject to transfer in 2017 according to applications
insured persons about early transfer submitted
in 2016

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 33.3 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”, on December 31, 2015, the deadline for citizens to make a decision on choosing a pension option that provides for funding a funded pension expired 6 .0 percent of the individual part of the insurance premium tariff.
In this regard, insured persons forming pension savings funds in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, who have not previously selected an investment portfolio (management company) and have not changed the insurer for compulsory pension insurance, as well as insured persons who previously refused to form a funded pension, select a financing tariff funded pension (“6” or “0”) cannot be made. Such citizens will then, at the expense of incoming insurance contributions, have pension rights only for an insurance pension. If these persons already have pension savings in their individual personal account, they will continue to be invested and will be paid to the insured person after his retirement.
An exception is made for citizens born in 1967 and younger, in respect of whom insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance are charged for the first time from January 1, 2014, who have the right to choose a pension option until December 31 of the year in which the five-year period expires from the date of the first accrual of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, when submitting an application for transfer (early transfer) to a non-state pension fund or an application for choosing an investment portfolio of a management company, an expanded investment portfolio of a state management company or an investment portfolio of government securities of a state management company.
If these persons, after the expiration of a five-year period from the moment of the first accrual of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, have not reached the age of 23 years, the period for choosing a pension option is extended until December 31 of the year in which the citizen reaches the age of 23 years (inclusive).
The first calculation of the amount of pension savings for these purposes (the first five-year fixation) is carried out in accordance with the norms of parts 8, 12 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 410-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Non-State Pension Funds” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" within the following periods:

The year from which the insurer (PFR) became the current insurer for the insured person
Deadlines for the Pension Fund to calculate the first five-year fixation of pension savings
2011 and earlier
as of December 31, 2015
as of December 31, 2016
as of December 31, 2017
as of December 31, 2018
as of December 31, 2019
A similar calculation of pension savings to be reflected in the individual personal account of the insured person is carried out by the current insurer (PFR) every next five years.

Applications for early transfer from NPF to PFR, from PFR to NPF and from NPF to NPF, submitted by insured persons in 2016, are considered by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation until March 1, 2017. In this case, the calculation of pension savings to be transferred to the selected insurer is as follows:
1. For insured persons who began forming pension savings with the current insurer (PFR) in 2011 and earlier, in 2015, as of December 31, 2015, the amount of the first five-year fixation of pension savings funds is reflected.
- in case of a positive investment result in 2016 - the amount of pension savings reflected in the year of the first five-year fixation, pension savings received in 2016 without investment income of 2016;
- in the case of a negative investment result in 2016 - the amount of pension savings reflected in the year of the first five-year fixation, pension savings received in 2016, taking into account the investment loss received in 2016 without a guaranteed compensation for the investment loss.
2. For insured persons who began forming pension savings with the current insurer (PFR) in 2012, in 2016, as of December 31, 2016, the amount of the first five-year fixation of pension savings funds will be reflected.
In case of early transfer of the specified group of insured persons to the new insurer in 2017, the following will be transferred:
- in case of a positive investment result in 2015 - 2016 - the amount of pension savings reflected in the year of the first five-year fixation, including actually generated pension savings and investment income;
- in the event of a negative investment result in 2015 - 2016 - the actually formed amount of pension savings, taking into account the guaranteed replenishment of investment losses.
3. For insured persons who began forming pension savings with the current insurer (PFR) in 2013, 2014, 2015, the following will be transferred to the new insurer in 2017:
- in case of a positive investment result in 2015 - 2016 - actually formed pension savings without investment income in 2015 - 2016;
- in case of a negative investment result in 2015 - 2016 - the actually formed pension savings funds, taking into account the negative investment result in 2015 - 2016.
Attention! It is not profitable to change the insurer by transferring your pension savings from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to a non-state pension fund more than once every five years. Such a transition will entail a reduction in the amount of a citizen’s pension savings, except for an early transition to the year of five-year fixation.
4. In relation to insured persons who began forming pension savings with the current insurer (PFR) in 2016, the selected insurer in 2017 will be transferred:
- in case of a positive investment result in 2016 - the actually formed pension savings without investment income for 2016;
- in the case of a negative investment result in 2016 - the actually formed pension savings, taking into account the negative investment result in 2016.
Attention! It is not profitable to change the insurer by transferring your pension savings from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to a non-state pension fund more than once every five years. Such a transition will entail a reduction in the amount of a citizen’s pension savings, except for an early transition to the year of five-year fixation.

You can save the savings part on favorable terms transfer to a non-state pension fund. In the Pension Fund, rates are low and the amount of savings depreciates every year. Many citizens doubt the choice: the state fund is considered reliable, non-state companies promise higher income.

The Russian pension fund has a low return (about 6%), which does not allow it to compensate for inflation. Non-state funds increase citizens' pension savings more effectively. Companies invest in profitable areas and projects, but do not guarantee a consistently high percentage.

When transferring the savings part, all savings are preserved, since such funds are controlled by the state. It is recommended to transfer the funded portion to a non-state pension fund no more than once every five years. If a non-state fund is closed, pensions are automatically transferred back to the accounts of the Russian Pension Fund. Thus, it is impossible to lose the savings part. Pension funds established by Sberbank, Gazprom, and Lukoil have a high level of security.

Cooperation with non-state funds is important for citizens planning to improve their standard of living in the future. Transferring the savings portion is especially beneficial for persons with a monthly income of more than 43 thousand rubles. The state will establish pensions in the amount of up to 40% of monthly income. Corporate pension funds will allow you to increase the amount of old-age benefits, as they have the right to participate in the formation of pensions.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-state pension funds

What benefits will the insured person receive after transferring to a non-state fund? Disadvantages of cooperation with non-state pension funds
  • the funded part is kept in a non-state pension fund on deposit terms at a high interest rate;
  • income from the fund’s investment activities is added to the monthly contributions;
  • the savings part is protected from inflation; if the profitability of a non-state pension fund falls below the established value, the company compensates investors for losses, as it bears financial responsibility;
  • a non-state fund adjusts the financial plan taking into account market changes;
  • high-quality service, online access to your personal account to control your savings;
  • the ability to specify heirs when signing the contract;
  • the insured person has the right to terminate the agreement at any time;
  • publicity – the reporting of non-state funds is publicly available.
  • expenses for transferring the savings portion are paid by the depositor;
  • stable income is not guaranteed;
  • after the closure of the NPF, the next transfer of savings will require costs.

The procedure for transferring to a non-state pension fund

Russian citizens born in 1967 and subsequent years, registered in the compulsory pension system, in 2014-2015 chose the pension option:

  1. form an NPP, directing 6% of the individual insurance payment;
  2. replenish the insurance part of the pension with contributions.

In accordance with the law, insured persons have the right to transfer the function of creating a funded part to non-state funds. For now, all insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance replenish the insurance part of the pension. The formation of funded pensions will begin in 2019.

How to transfer the savings portion to a non-state pension fund?

The process of transferring savings to a non-state pension fund can be presented in the form of step-by-step instructions.

  • Analyze non-state funds, choose an organization with the best performance. When choosing, take into account the presence of a license, insurance rules registered with the Bank of the Russian Federation, and the company’s participation in the system of guaranteeing the rights of clients.
  • Submit an application to the branch of the selected fund or fill out a form on the official website. The request, copies of documents (passport and SNILS) can be sent by mail to the fund’s address.
  • Wait for a written notification or a call from a company representative with an offer to conclude an agreement. At the office of a non-state fund, you must present your passport and SNILS, sign a pension insurance agreement, and fill out an application for transferring savings.
  • Submit an application for transfer to a non-state pension fund to the State Pension Fund.

The OPS agreement must contain the full name. and data of the insured person, name of the fund, indication of the subject of the agreement, obligations, rights and responsibilities of participants, grounds for the right to form a funded pension part, procedure for establishing payments, conditions for pension delivery, rules for resolving disputes and terminating the agreement.

An application for transfer to a non-state pension fund is submitted to the Pension Fund branches at the place of registration, to multifunctional centers, through the State Services website or through the profile of an insured citizen. A digital signature will be required to submit your application electronically.

How to choose a non-state pension organization?

When choosing a non-state pension fund, it is necessary to take into account not only the interest rate, but also other performance indicators:

  • availability of a valid license;
  • period of operation of the company (it is advisable to choose funds created before 2002 or before 1994, which successfully survived financial crises);
  • main performance indicators (profitability, number of investors, volume of pension savings and reserved funds);
  • composition of founders (reliable founders are large banks and companies, mineral miners, metallurgical plants, electric power enterprises);
  • publicity and the procedure for providing information, the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the fund’s reporting at any time;
  • quality service (hotline, personal account, branches and offices);
  • Client reviews from specialized resources covering the pension issue, “live” pages or groups on social networks must be present.

Experts recommend that when choosing a non-state fund, you should focus on profitability according to its own data and according to the Federal Financial Markets Service. Both figures may vary. Large funds have returns 0-3% less than the official figure published by the Federal Service.

A potential NPF client must remember that the profitability credited to the accounts cannot be higher than the official value. The indicator must be considered together with the number of clients. A smaller percentage of income with a larger number of investors is preferable. It is worth paying attention to the level of profit over several years. Other significant indicators include the rating according to Expert RA and NRA (choose a company with a rating of A or higher).


A non-state pension fund is a profitable alternative to state provision. Such a system allows you to preserve and increase the savings part. When choosing a pension fund, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of non-state companies and calculating future payments. It is important that the founders of NPFs are large companies with many years of experience from such sectors of the economy as the oil, gas industry, and electricity. You should not trust non-state funds with founders - individuals or little-known young companies.

The funded part of the pension is a money supply that is managed by professional market participants in the interests of the insured person (in this case, a pensioner). The funded part of the pension is formed exclusively in financial terms, no points or other systems are used here.

The receipt of funds to the owner's account is carried out through the turnover of the above-mentioned financial instruments by professional market players. If we draw an analogy, the actions of these managers can be compared with the activities of the banking system - taking money from citizens for safekeeping and putting it into circulation to accrue interest on deposits.

In the finished version, this looks like an amount that is constantly in the account of a future or already retired citizen, and the work of managers and income from cash turnover is preserved as long as the given citizen is alive.

Regarding pension indexation, you should immediately be prepared for the fact that government announcements about raising pension payments will not affect the owner of the savings account. On the one hand, this may seem like a minus. On the other hand, competent managers and a deposit insurance system are capable of generating more income than the state could do.

IMPORTANT! The advantage of the funded part of the pension over the insurance part is that the accumulated funds can be withdrawn immediately upon reaching retirement age, before reaching this age, and also transferred as an inheritance.

A non-state pension fund is an organization that has the right to manage finances on behalf of the owner of the pension fund. This is the same professional market participant mentioned above.

Is it necessary to transfer to a non-state pension fund?

This is a rather subjective question and must be answered based on the wants and needs of the account holder. As such, there is no obligation to transfer the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund. And if you do not take care of your future savings on your own, the state will take this issue upon itself and transfer all available funds to a controlled organization, where the capitalization from the circulation of money will be somewhat less.

What happens if you don't translate?

If for some reason a citizen has not transferred his funded pension to a non-state pension fund, then this is not a big tragedy. The pension fund will simply direct the funded part of the pension to its own structures(as a rule, Vnesheconombank, a state management company, deals with this).

You should not believe various sources that claim that all money not transferred to the NPF will be burned.

It is enough to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where a consultant over the phone will be able to competently explain that these are all fictions that should not be paid attention to. The money of future retirees will not go to waste.

The difference will be tenths of a percent of the turnover. On the other hand, the insured person receives almost completely guaranteed security of preserving his funds, since this GUK can neither go bankrupt nor go bankrupt. The same cannot be said about other market participants.

Is this investment profitable?

Yes, it's profitable. There are quite a large number of non-state pension funds that are in close connection with government agencies. The difference, as before, lies only in the conditions for calculating the bonus part of the funded pension. Somewhere it will be a little more, somewhere a little less.

Besides, You can manage the funded part of your pension yourself, and if at the time of the policyholder’s death there is money in the account, then his relatives will be able to easily receive these funds for their management. This is not possible with an insurance pension.

In addition, it is not only profitable, but also safe. All relations between the state, NPFs and clients are regulated by Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ “On funded pensions”.

If any controversial issues suddenly arise, the judicial authorities are more likely to make a decision that is positive for the client based on the existing regulatory act.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of NPF:

  • It is possible to directly influence the amount of future payments.
  • It is possible to receive income from several sources at once.
  • Future retirement is easier to predict.
  • Pension contributions are tax-free, so nothing is lost.
  • All NPFs are carefully controlled by special government bodies.
  • Management companies (NPFs) can invest exclusively in assets that have proven their reliability and only in Russia.
  • There is always the possibility of transferring funds from one non-state pension fund to another.

Disadvantages of NPF:

  • The future is quite vague. Even despite all the positive assurances from politicians and economists, depositing money into a non-state pension fund will be considered a long-term investment. In addition, experts predict that the key players in this market will shrink by about half. The money must be brought now, but there is no guarantee that it will be paid as promised.
  • Fraud. Many dubious companies often cover up their illegal activities with the guise of a pension fund, but in reality it turns out that they simply appropriate all the financial resources received from the population and hide, as a rule, abroad. In order to protect yourself from scammers, you need to carefully select an organization, check its details through government portals, and not pay attention to the unrealistically high percentage of promised profits.

Sooner or later, everyone has thoughts about how to ensure a “carefree” old age. We work all our lives and pay contributions to the state “treasury” in order to subsequently receive a stable income. But what to do if you are not satisfied with the size of your pension, or if you want to save up an amount in another equivalent? Then you need to pay attention to commercial structures, and be sure to weigh all the “pros” and “cons” of such a solution. We will consider the detailed procedure for transferring to a non-state pension fund (NPF) in this article.

Fund selection

So, you have decided that you want to transfer to a private pension institution. Now your main and perhaps most difficult task is to choose the right fund. Today, the market for such a range of services is quite extensive, so when searching for a non-state pension fund, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Reliability level, referring to reviews and ratings of rating companies;
  2. Number of insured people in the NPF;
  3. The range of activities of the organization, its duration and constituent composition;
  4. Profitability level of pension funds;
  5. Availability and convenience of the service (viewing and managing capital through an online portal, SMS messaging, profitable promotional offers, etc.).

In addition, you should consider the following points:

  1. Advantages similar structure:
    • individual approach to each participant;
    • increase in accumulated funds;
    • personal ownership of all pension capital.
  2. Flaws NPF:
    • lack of full guarantee of the security of social payments;
    • contributions and receipt of money only in rubles;
    • quarterly or monthly pension payment system;
    • the need to pay tax on the entire amount of savings upon reaching retirement age.

The list of non-state pension institutions officially operating can be seen on the website of the Russian Pension Fund.

Conclusion of an agreement

To complete the procedure in question, you should contact the selected fund with the following documents:

  • original passport;
  • a copy of the identification code;
  • certificate of pension insurance (original).

Before signing the document, carefully read all its terms. If at this stage you have any doubts, it is better to wait and consult with an experienced lawyer.

For reference: Many commercial structures of this type provide the opportunity for their clients to submit a request for cooperation remotely. For example, to register with the Khanty-Mansiysk Non-State Pension Fund you only need to fill out the form provided on the website. Then an authorized employee contacts you and clarifies all the details of the “transaction”.

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Primary requirements

At the legislative level, a mandatory condition is put forward for the transition to a non-state pension fund. You must submit an application by the end of this year indicating the relevant decision, as well as the name of the institution with which you plan to cooperate. The document can be delivered personally to an employee of the Pension Fund of your city, by registered mail, or by courier.

Basic concepts and guarantees for placing funds in non-state pension funds are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Non-State Pension Funds”.

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How it works

Now that all the “paperwork” for re-registration is completed, you become a full participant in a commercial savings institution. Your company makes mandatory insurance contributions, which can also be increased through independent investments. When you reach a certain age, you have the right to claim a pension amount by stating your request for payment in an application. In addition, there is always the opportunity to change your mind and register with another private institution or the state Pension Fund, having previously notified the territorial authority.

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