How to calculate the maximum loan amount for wages. All about one-rep max (1RM) Determine one-rep max

A one-rep maximum (aka “1RM”) is a weight with which you can perform an exercise only once.

The whole truth about 1RM (one repetition maximum)

My favorite number of reps per set is 1. I am a big proponent of the max effort method, and moving up to 1RM has always been an important part of our training program. Therefore, the following statement may seem strange to you:

Going for one rep max is not the best way to perform max effort work.

This method works well for the first 4-6 weeks, but then most athletes begin to show signs of stagnation and even regression. For this reason, I decided to change the nature of max effort work for myself and my athletes.

So I'll say it again: for most people, one rep max is unlikely to be beneficial. Sets of 2 or 3 reps will help you improve your strength much faster. And below I will explain why.

What is maximum effort work?

Most people associate the max effort method with two things:

1. Working with maximum weights, which involves performing one maximum repetition for a basic exercise.

2. Westside Barbell system.

The Westside Barbell system does use some variation of the maximal force method, along with the dynamic force method and the repetition method. However, for some reason, most people only remember the maximum effort method when talking about the Westside Barbell system.

Although the maximum effort method appeared much earlier than the above-mentioned system. Before the advent of Westside Barbell, powerlifters performed "max" lifts only at the end of the training cycle. People also mistakenly believe that the max effort method is all about performing one rep max. This is a misconception.

The famous Soviet biomechanics specialist Zatsiorsky explains that the maximum effort method involves lifting loads in the range from 90 to 100% of the current maximum. So it is not necessary to work with maximum weight for one repetition. In the Russian-language literature on weightlifting, the important criterion is the number of repetitions performed under a load of 90% of the maximum, and not the number of maximum repetitions.

How does the maximum effort method work?

The nervous system determines how muscle mass will generate the energy needed to overcome gravity. The central nervous system can boost energy production through 4 mechanisms:

1. Development of muscle fibers

The more muscle mass used during a movement, the more energy is produced. And the faster these engaged muscle fibers contract, the more energy is generated. So, to get a more efficient muscle contraction, you need to recruit more muscle fibers and, most importantly, use fast-twitch fibers.

2. Changing the frequency of contractions

The human body has a limited ability to activate muscle fibers. If it is not possible to further increase energy generation by increasing the number of muscle fibers recruited, the body can increase the pulsation rate of the recruited fibers.

Each contraction of a muscle fiber generates energy. So the more often the fibers contract over a period of time, the more energy the muscle mass will produce. With the exception of beginners, increasing the frequency of contractions is the only way an athlete's body can cope with increasing loads.

3. Intramuscular coordination/synchronization of muscle fibers

These terms refer to the optimal order of muscle fiber contractions. It is not always effective to have all fibers contract at the same time. Sometimes asynchronous contraction of muscle tissue will be optimal. In fact, for slow movements under heavy load (such as squats, deadlifts, standing presses and bench presses), this contraction mode will be preferable.

4. Intermuscular coordination

This parameter determines how the body uses the various muscles involved in movement. For example, antagonist muscles must relax at the right time to allow the prime mover muscles to do their job, but not too soon to maintain body balance.

If the antagonist muscles do not relax, you will have to fight your own body and the load at the same time. If you relax too much, you can lose your balance, get injured, or lose momentum that serves as the basis for subsequent movement.

The last two elements are achieved through frequent practice. The more often you practice lifting a certain weight, the better your intra- and intermuscular coordination will work. Increased contraction of muscle fibers and active recruitment of muscle tissue can be improved through strength training at maximum load. Therefore, experienced and professional athletes can progress due to increased contraction of muscle fibers.

The contraction frequencies of muscle fibers at 90% and 100% of the maximum load are the same

The frequency of nerve impulses sending signals to muscle fibers does not change when training in the range from 90 to 100% of maximum load. Even at loads in the range from 97 to 100% of the maximum, there is no increase in frequency. Therefore, if you train with loads in the range of 90-100%, the nervous system adapts perfectly. That is why the load and set/rep scheme is of utmost importance, which will allow you to perform the maximum amount of work in the range of 90-100% of the maximum load, without causing “kickbacks”.

To develop strength skills, such a load will be quite enough. In practice, weights of 90-95% of the maximum when performing sets of 2-3 repetitions will give better results than maximum loads. Doing one rep max is beneficial for powerlifters because they need to develop the ability to lift maximum weight for one attempt. You will most likely notice that when you do 2-3 sets, the second set will be easier than the first. That is why the ability to demonstrate maximum results on the first approach needs to be developed specifically by powerlifters.

For most of us, doing 2-3 rep max will be more effective than doing one rep max. In fact, this even applies to powerlifters. No more than 20% of your workout time should be spent performing exercises with one maximum repetition..

A Success-Driven Mindset

2-3 max reps are better than one max rep also because of the right mindset it will give you. Completing 2-3 repetitions implies successful completion of the first repetition. So before you do the set, you know that you can successfully complete the first rep. And this knowledge helps you successfully cope with the load.

This attitude gives you confidence when you step up to the bar. Any experienced weightlifter knows that having the confidence to lift a max load can be a huge help in successfully completing a lift.

Why is the second repetition easier to complete than the first? The point is the potentiation/activation effect, and also the fact that the first repetition allows you to gain the desired speed of movement. When you're aiming for one rep max, you may be unsure whether you can handle the load. This negatively impacts your confidence and therefore your results.

Safety factor

By setting yourself up for 2-3 maximum repetitions, you will almost always (if you plan the load correctly, of course) be able to complete the first repetition. Sometimes a task may turn out to be harder than you think, but still remain doable. Now, as you approach threshold loads, you may encounter a situation where after the first repetition, you will not be able to complete the second repetition. There is no need to be upset, this approach can also be considered effective.

When working with a maximum load, it is very difficult to know whether you can complete a repetition or not. When you lower the bar, you may think you can do the second rep, but when you lift the weight, you realize you were wrong. Such situations lead to poor form and risk of injury. It is best to decide whether to perform a second repetition at the same time as performing the first.. How you feel during your first rep should tell you how much strength you have left. If you do one maximum repetition, you will not have such a “tool” in stock in order to understand whether it is worth starting a second repetition.

Some people, based on experience or discipline, know the moment they approach the bar whether they can complete a rep. These people are at less risk of injury when performing max reps. They know that it is better to try again later than to try to lift a weight that is too heavy. However, there are many videos of people performing unsuccessful approaches, which suggests that not everyone has these skills.

Why should you mainly do 2-3 reps with 90-95% of the maximum weight, and not 1RM with 97-100% of the maximum?

Weights in the range of 90-100% of maximum are used in the same loading patterns as when working with maximum effort. This type of work can improve your one-rep max performance even if you don't practice max reps every workout. Training is not a test. You train to develop certain skills and abilities that will make your body stronger and more efficient when it finally comes time to test its limits.

The more you practice in this range, the more you will achieve at maximum load. It should be noted that the human body adapts better to a load of 90-95% of the maximum than in the range of 95-100% of the maximum. Doing 2-3 max reps will help significantly increase the volume of work compared to one rep max. Increasing the amount of work will help achieve better adaptation of the nervous system. Strength is not only a physical ability, it is also a skill, and this includes training the nervous system. The more often you practice the skill of generating the maximum amount of energy, the better results you will achieve.

If you perform sets of 2-3 maximum repetitions, you can increase the amount of work in the desired zone by 1.5-2 times and speed up the speed of adaptation of the nervous system.

Why can't you do more sets of one maximum repetition? The fact is that performing 6 lifts of the barbell with a load of 90-95% of the maximum is a completely acceptable level. However, performing the same number of repetitions per day at 97-100% of the maximum load has too serious an impact on the nervous system, which will not allow progress.

The famous Canadian athletics coach Charlie Francis noted the big difference in the effect on the nervous system of a load of 95-97% and 100% of the maximum. A load of 100% of maximum has a residual effect for days, even weeks, and the range of 95-97% of maximum load is better for rapid recovery and further progress. The same is true for weightlifting. There is an overstrain that the body experiences when performing one maximum repetition. The benefits of this method are limited by its inability to increase the frequency of sets, so it is less effective in the long term.

Psychological component

Soviet weightlifter Vasily Alekseev advised avoiding “training on nerves,” i.e. Avoid psychological stress during training. This does not mean that you can relax: the secret is to work hard and respect the limit, beyond which the athlete begins to experience obvious psychological stress, which is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure, symptoms of tunnel vision, increased heart rate, the need for a psychological attitude, etc.

“Nerve training” should be something like an emergency reserve that you can use when necessary. It's like nitro in a tuned car. It allows you to dramatically increase speed, but it is also very expensive. During training, there is no need for psychological adjustment before each lift of the barbell. Just look at Russian Olympic weightlifters: they approach the barbell during training in a relaxed state, as if they had just woken up, even working with weights close to world records.

Maximum for training and maximum for competitions

Zatsiorsky identifies two maximums: training maximum (T max) and competitive maximum (C max).

T max is the maximum weight that a weightlifter can lift without placing excessive stress on the body and without stimulating the central nervous system, i.e. without psychologically tuning in to perform the repetition.

C max is the maximum that is achieved through significant concentration and psychological uplift, and stress on the body leads to a significant release of adrenaline into the blood.

Cmax can exceed Tmax by 12% in experienced athletes who are accustomed to serious stress, and in most people, with the help of concentration and adrenaline release, the indicators can be increased by 5%.

As you can see, mental attitude can give you some good “weight gain”. However, nothing comes for free, since the release of adrenaline leads to serious consequences for the body. It is necessary, if possible, to avoid overexcitation of the nervous system before the approach, maintaining reserves for extreme cases. 2 maximum repetitions do not put as much psychological stress on the body as one maximum repetition. Therefore, the negative effect can be avoided by getting the maximum benefit from the training.

Stimulation of fast-twitch muscle fibers

Muscle fibers that were involved in work, but did not receive the proper load, do not receive the effect of training. If you simply engage the fibers without tiring them, you can, of course, get the result in the form of an increase in the ability to activate muscle tissue, but there will not be quantitative tissue growth.

When performing maximum effort work, the body uses anaerobic alactic energy, which is burned in about 20 minutes. In other words, if you use this system, you will run out of fuel very quickly. Anaerobic alactic energy begins to burn 7-10 seconds after the start of intense work. If the duration of intense exercise is shorter, the body quickly gets tired, and the growth of fast-twitch fibers is not observed.

If you perform sets of one rep max, it takes an average of 4 seconds per set, with a maximum of 5. As you can see, we are 3 seconds short of our minimum threshold value. It's very rare that it takes 7-10 seconds to complete a rep, but in this case you have to consciously go slow, which reduces your ability to lift heavy weights.

If you do 2 repetitions, the muscles will be loaded for the required 7-10 seconds, and if you do 3 repetitions, the duration of the load will be 11-14 seconds. In both cases, the load/stimulation of the fast-twitch fibers will be greater, especially when performing multiple sets. As a result, you will be able to stimulate muscle tissue growth, not just muscle tissue activity.

Devil's Advocate. Why you should still practice 1RM

Performing one maximum repetition requires special skills. Someone who has mastered individual snatches, etc., will demonstrate a 7-9% difference in load for 2-3 reps and one rep. All others will show an average difference of 4-5%.

Let's take, for example, two athletes who are practicing sets of 2 maximum repetitions on a bench with a load of 170 kilograms.

  • Athlete 1 often
  • Athlete 2 rarely Performs sets of one maximum repetition.

Athlete 1 will perform best in single attempts with maximum weight. So he will be able to lift up to 185 kg, while Athlete 2, who works at a lower frequency, will only be able to lift 178 kg.

Moreover, both athletes will have approximately the same level of strength training. The fact is that the first athlete is better able to use the available forces at maximum load. This is why it is so important for powerlifters to practice one rep max. This is important when preparing for competitions, where it is important to show your skills in a competitive environment.

However, if you are training to get stronger, there is no need to include sets of one rep max in your training program. Additionally, in the long run, even professional powerlifters will achieve better results by practicing 2 rep maxes more often.

This calculator will help you estimate your one rep max on the bench press. Although the resulting indicator will not be 100% accurate, it can give you a good guide!

This calculator can be used to approximate your one rep max on the bench press. The program works according to the following principle: you specify the working weight and the number of repetitions you can perform with it, after which the calculator uses a formula to calculate the weight of the approximate one-repetition maximum. Of course, the figure will not be 100% accurate.

To use the calculator, simply enter the working weight in the first line and the number of repetitions in the second. For example, if I can bench press 100kg 10 times, I will enter 100 and select 10 reps. Enter the weight for 1-10 repetitions, this will give the closest result to reality.


To calculate the maximum weight per repetition, the following formulas are used: Brzycki, Apley, Lander, Lombardi, Mayhew, O'Connor, Watan. The result is the range of values ​​obtained by these formulas.

A one-rep max, or 1RM, is the amount of weight you can lift on an exercise just once. The calculator calculates 1RM for bench press, squat and deadlift. The error in determining the deadlift is up to 10%. Indicate the working weight for the exercise and the number of repetitions you can perform with this weight. To calculate the one-repetition maximum, the formulas Brzycki, Eipley, Lander, Lombardi, Mayhew, O'Connor, Wathan are used. The one-rep max calculator calculates 1RM approximately - the error can reach up to 4%.

How to use the calculator?

For example, you can squat 10 times with a weight of 100 kg. Enter the working weight in the first line - the number 100, and in the second line the number of repetitions - the number 10, and click the "Calculate maximum" button.

Reps Calculator

The rep calculator calculates approximately how many times you can lift the barbell in any exercise (bench press, squat or deadlift), knowing your one-rep maximum. For example, you can bench press a 120kg barbell and want to know how many times you can bench press a 100kg barbell. Enter the 1RM weight in the first line - the number 120, and in the second line the working weight - the number 100, and click the “Count reps” button.

Working weight calculator

The working weight calculator approximately calculates the weight with which you can perform a given number of repetitions in any exercise, knowing your one-rep maximum. For example, you can deadlift with a weight of 150 kg and want to know how much weight you can deadlift with for 10 reps. Enter the 1RM weight in the first line - the number 150, and in the second line the number of repetitions - the number 10, and click the "Calculate working weight" button.

How to find out your maximum in the bench press without doing a walk? How to choose the weight in an exercise if you change the working number of repetitions? How to “translate” one-rep sets with maximum weight into multi-rep sets and back?

To make it easier to plan your workouts and compare your strength results from one training program to another, there is a very convenient method by Maurice and Rydin.

Using this method, you will be able to compare your current indicators with the numbers from, without performing excavation .

A walk is a test of maximizing the weight of an exercise for one repetition.

You will also be able to compare your current results with those you achieved in a previous training cycle (program) when you used a different number of repetitions.

For example, in your current cycle you're doing 10 reps of squats and want to figure out what your best one-rep result would be. Or, let's say you're working with a low number of repetitions and would like to compare your current result with the results of a previous cycle when you worked with a much higher number of repetitions. Such a comparison will allow you to evaluate your progress in loads.

Strengthening specialists Dave Maurice and Rich Rydin have proposed two formulas that allow you to compare weights when performing different numbers of repetitions. For convenience, these formulas are also presented here in the form of tables and graphs. With their help, you can convert the weight with which you perform one number of repetitions into the weight with which you could perform another number of repetitions.

To use the tables, look in the left column for the number of reps you are currently doing. Then move along the series of numbers until you reach the column indicating the number of repetitions to which you want to “project” your result.

For example, if you are doing a 10 rep bench press and you are wondering how much weight you could perform 6 reps with, you would multiply your 10 rep max weight by 1.13.

Likewise, if you squat for 6 reps and want to determine what your 20 rep squat performance would be, you would multiply your 6 rep max weight by 0.81.

click on the picture to enlarge

For those who are more comfortable using graphs and formulas

click on the picture to enlarge

Let's say you managed to add one more repetition to the set, it is clear that the load on the muscle has increased. It is interesting to calculate how much the weight of the weight needs to be increased in order to increase the load on the muscle by the same amount within the same number of repetitions. According to the table, adding one repetition is equivalent to increasing the weight of the weight by about 3%. If you, for example, bench press 80 kg for 5 reps, then an extra rep will be equivalent to adding 2.5 kg to the weight of the barbell as part of a five-rep set.

P.S. The use of conversion tables by Maurice and Raidin is very individual and their coefficients are not suitable for everyone. There is another weight conversion table for the golden three exercises

click on the picture to enlarge

Empirically, choose which tables for calculating weights suit you best and use it! They will be useful to you throughout your sports career.

So, the Maurice and Rydin method will help you find out your maximum in the bench press and other exercises, and will also help you change the working weight when changing the number of repetitions in the approach.

VTB 24 loan calculator will allow you to calculate the limit of the possible loan amount based on the borrower’s income.

The reasons for applying to a bank for a loan are different for all people, but everyone is equally concerned about the amount of the loan. Advertising brochures indicate that the bank issues up to 3 million rubles in cash, but in reality the average loan amounts are much lower. The limit for each client is calculated individually, based on his income.

Income means not only the amount of wages actually received at the main place of work.
It could also be:

  • Income from additional work;
  • Pension;
  • Scholarship;
  • Dividends on placed shares;
  • Income on deposits;
  • Income from real estate rental, etc.

It is important to understand that the bank only trusts confirmed figures, so all income must be reflected in the documents.

Calculating the full amount of earnings is not everything. Mandatory payments must be subtracted from the resulting amount. Every person has them, for example, payment of utility bills, rent payments, loans, tuition fees, alimony, etc. If the client has minor children (dependents), then a set amount equal to the official subsistence level is deducted for each dependent.

What happens is called “net income”. It is this amount that remains at the client’s disposal and from which VTB Bank calculates the amount maximum loan payment. In world practice, the PTI (payment-to-income or payment to income) ratio is accepted; it can range from 30 to 60% of net income. Each bank sets its own PTI; at VTB it is approximately 40-50%.

The final step in calculating the maximum loan amount is to multiply the maximum payment amount by the number of months of the loan and the interest rate.

The formula looks like this:

Maximum loan amount = maximum monthly payment x number of months / (1 + %rate/100 x term /12)

Let's say a certain person has a salary of 30,000 rubles, and he also rents out a room for 8,000 rubles per month. His mandatory expenses consist of utility bills (2,000 rubles) and payment of a previously taken out loan (3,000 rubles). In addition, the man in our example has a minor child, so another 6,075 rubles are deducted (the cost of living per child, established at the end of 2011). The goal is to get a loan at 12% per annum.

Net income = 30,000 + 8,000 – 2,000 – 3,000 – 6,075 = 26,975

For large VTB loans (car loans, mortgages), the coefficient most often used is 0.4, that is, 40% of net income.

Maximum monthly payment = net income x 0.4
26,975 x 0.4 = 10,790

Maximum loan amount = maximum monthly payment x number of months / (1 + %rate/100 x term /12)
10,790 x 12 / (1 + 12/100 x 12 / 12) = 129,480 / 1.12 = 115,607
10,790 x 60 / (1 + 12/100 x 60/12) = 647,400 / 1.6 = 404,625

Thus, the person from the example can count on an amount of up to 115,607 rubles if he plans to take out a loan for a year, and up to 404,625 rubles when taking out a loan for 5 years.

To independently calculate the VTB loan amount limit, use the calculator on our website.

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