Chicken liver shish kebab. Five rules for preparing the perfect chicken liver Marinade for chicken liver kebab

Be healthy, boyars and boyars, Angels to you in this life, so that all your plans come true. Finally, my nightly vigils are over, I’m out of the zombie state, and I can put aside my “smart” thoughts.

The time for active barbecue has come, but somehow the barbecue has become boring, you want something, but it’s not clear what. We decided to make liver shish kebab. True, they cooked on a wire rack, but, as they say, there is not much difference, it turns out the same on skewers, it’s been tested. The end result looks like this.

My darling".

In the post I will tell you two options, so to speak “natural” and homemade. The style will be in the form of a “boxing match”. Some people prefer to “soak” it in s… re, but we will “wet” the liver outdoors and at home. We need incredibly few ingredients.

The first thing we need is liver; our “horde” of four adults and two children had 2 kg. liver;

Second, we need an oil seal, I only needed one from a good boar;

Third, a great mood and a desire to please both family and friends;

Fourth, the weather, here, as they say, “don’t give a damn”, it’s never bad, if you have the desire;

Fifth, family, relatives, friends, acquaintances - the more the better! :))

Sixth, drinks - we had everything, “bread juice”, beer, just juice for the children.

Note: everything was eaten and drunk! It didn’t even seem like enough!

Now about the omentum, what it is and what it is eaten with. From a zoological, veterinary, rather anatomical point of view, this is a film with a network of fat that covers the peritoneum, there is a sheep omentum, and there is a pork omentum, whatever comes your way. The method of production, if you find yourself killing a ram or a wild boar, negotiate with the owner; if this is not possible, we go to the market in the meat aisles and ask there. It’s on sale and costs a penny, you’ll laugh, but I bought TWO oil seals for 12 rubles!

Dear! The battle with the liver begins! Hurry up to see! The duel begins, we arrived on the bank of Kitoy, that’s what our river is called, we relaxed, set up a table, laid out the sun loungers, took out drinks and related components, meanwhile the children lit a fire and hung up a pot for tea. The unsuspecting liver missed the straight right one, we don’t have any lefties!

Passed by the liver "straight". "Well then...."

Probing of the enemy began, rare attempts to carry out the next blow were stopped by a dull defense - “you’ll wait.” In order not to wait, we are working on the liver; films, ducts and all sorts of interfering and suspicious elements were removed at home, for one thing we froze it a little so that it would cut well! This is what she looks like after this.

We “extract” plates from the liver.

And here are the resulting “blocks”

While I was engaged in the creative process of cutting up the liver, women and children were engaged in a photo shoot and folk art. At that moment, my own liver relaxed, lulled by the process of observing the torment of the cow's liver, and received the next "direct" blow.

"Creativity" of my son and daughter. Perverts - however.

The women are relaxing, the children are just happy, the liver has receded a little, on the count of “eight”, and immediately received a series of light blows with beer. The first round is over, but victory is still far away. We take our oil seal and admire the sun through it.

We cut off a piece of the omentum, do everything by eye, the point is that the piece of liver can be wrapped completely, I mean a “block”, the wrapping process is quite fast, but there is no need to rush, you need to prolong the pleasure. By the way, the second round of our fight began, the beginning was not rushed and continued with another series of light blows with beer and tea, yes, yes, I didn’t wet myself (where do you think I should put the emphasis?). The round became protracted.

We repeat the exercise until the end of the liver or omentum, I repeat, the process is quite fast, but at this moment you talk with friends, children, spouse, apply light blows to the liver with beer. In general, time flies instantly, once everything is ready.

Readiness number one.

Here my liver receives a third crushing blow, because after taking a sip of “bread juice” I washed it down with “bread” juice, carefully served by my beloved wife, I wanted to be indignant, but then I changed my mind, how can I get it back? We begin the “creative” artistic process, and it consists of figuratively arranging the packaged liver on a wire rack or stringing it on skewers.

The beginning of "art"

As soon as the liver is strung or laid, the coals should be ready, I determine the degree of readiness this way, the coals should “grey”, that is, be covered with a thin layer of ash, that’s it, the coals are ready, the temperature of the coals is about 400-500 degrees, so you need to keep an eye on the product very carefully and not be distracted by all sorts of suggestions, it is advisable to have beer on hand, like a good “Zhigulevsky”, the oil seal will begin to actively fry and lard will drip from it, and it will begin to burn, we don’t need fire at all, I sprinkle it with beer, in I mean, I’m putting out the fire, and what a grainy smell is spreading around at that moment mmmmm... words can’t describe it. It is advisable to cook this dish in a remote place, because if there are neighbors, then they begin to unequivocally glance in our direction and stop eating their kebab, passing by, supposedly in search of firewood... You need to stop attempts right away, a phrase like “not enough” will do just fine . By the way, when I cook kebabs, I also sprinkle them with beer, but you can also take a couple of sips when no one is looking :)).

The beginning of the "witchcraft" action.

Here you can see that the fire is not extinguished, but it doesn’t really bother me, the main thing is control, and frankly, it’s a pity for the beer :)).

It was here that the fat that had accumulated flared up, but I removed the liver in time. Hungry children and friends flocked to the smell, and the wife, frantically swallowing saliva, was sent to capture this glorious moment.

That's it... surrounded by "demons".

Our "incomplete" family!

“Part-time” in the literal sense, two boys are studying in Novosibirsk, the third is working in Moscow, they will come soon in the summer and we will have a blast! Yes, now about my liver, in short, there was no third round, the liver quickly gave up, waved its hand, said: “do what you want, but I’ll pass out!” Which is what was created. The liver turns out not over-dried, because of the internal lard, it saturates the liver and turns out sooooo tasty!

Now let’s look at the home option, you will need all the same plus an “aerogrill”, such a device. Simple as a rake. There is a spiral, like in old stoves, and a fan - that’s it!

We disassemble our liver, clean it of films, etc. and cut it into pieces.

Now we take a piece of the omentum and wrap pieces of the liver in it. It looks something like this.

Since there was an experimental version at home, it turned out quickly and not much. Here's the whole wrapped liver.

Now we take our cunning device, called an air fryer, for those who don’t, we use the oven, the result is the same, we put foil under the grill with the liver, because it will drip a lot.

We cover the whole thing with a lid, set it for about an hour, the temperature is about 250, the first 10 minutes - then 190-200 degrees. The convection oven is in operation.

At this time, everything inside is rustling and crackling, family members and others begin to flock to the smell, neighbors are also coming, some for salt, some for some water. Absolutely do not answer doorbells! Otherwise it won't be enough for us.

Time flew by. It's time to get it out and... with God!

Well, it turned out sooo delicious! Bon Appetit everyone!

And now a little positivity, I found it on the net, a button accordion, of course, but nevertheless :))) blew NNM away.

When a man voluntarily offers to organize a barbecue, the following chain of actions automatically develops:

(1) A woman buys food.

(2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables and prepares dessert.

(3) The woman prepares the meat, places it on a tray along with the necessary kitchen utensils and sauces and hands it all to the man, who is busy with an important task - drinking near the grill.

Here comes the most important part:


All this nonsense again...

(6) The woman comes inside to set the table and prepare the cutlery.

(7) The woman returns to tell the man that the meat looks great. He thanks her and asks if she'll get more drinks while he turns the meat.

Again a very important part:


Again nonsense...

(9) The woman prepares plates, salad, bread, cutlery, napkins, sauces and places it all on the table..

(10) After eating, the woman clears the table and washes the dishes.

Well, and the most important thing:

(11) Everyone PRAISE THE MAN and THANK HIM for his culinary achievements.

(12) A man asks a woman how she enjoyed the freedom from the kitchen routine and after that, seeing her irritation, he concludes that you won’t get gratitude from some women.

Liver kebab wrapped in fat mesh is incredibly tasty. It turns out soft, tender, and after baking the fat forms a very appetizing crispy crust. This dish will be appreciated even by those who do not like liver too much.

It is very easy to prepare liver in a grid on the grill. The main thing is to stock up on everything you need in advance - first of all, fresh beef, lamb or any other liver and fat mesh.

A fatty mesh surrounds the insides of the animal. It melts during cooking and makes the dish more juicy and soft. Often cutlets, meat and pate are also prepared in it.

What ingredients will you need?

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • liver (beef, lamb or pork) – 0.7 kg;
  • fat mesh – 300 g;
  • salt, herbs and pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Cooking such an unusual kebab is quite simple. Typically, the cooking process involves the following steps:

1. Remove the rough film from the liver. It is easier to do this by prying it with a knife at the cut site and separating it with your hands. Vessels and ducts should be eliminated in the same way. They can ruin the taste of the finished dish.

2. Cut the fat mesh into squares, the size of which will allow you to wrap a small piece of offal in them.

3. Cut the liver into cubes with one side measuring three centimeters.

4. Wrap a piece of offal along with herbs in each prepared grid square.

Thanks to the mesh, the offal will remain tender after cooking, and the greens will not burn.

IMPORTANT! The mesh must be on all sides.

5. Place the pieces on skewers, add salt and pepper

6. Place on the grill and fry on each side for 5-7 minutes. Amazingly delicious kebab is ready!

  • If liver kebabs in a fat mesh are cooked on a grill, wooden skewers should be soaked in plain water for at least one hour. When cooking in a frying pan or baking sheet, this procedure is not necessary.
  • The grill grate should be pre-lubricated with oil.
  • It is convenient to wrap the liver by analogy with candy wrappers: first roll it into a roll, and then wrap the edges. Skewers should then be inserted through these edges. This will prevent her from turning around.
  • The offal should first be filled with cold water, leaving it to soak for a couple of hours. After this, rub it with salt and pepper, and then fill it with any mineral water and leave for another hour. It is recommended to keep the grease mesh in cold water. After soaking, it will become much softer and more elastic, and it will be more difficult to accidentally tear it.
  • It is better to use pork mesh, regardless of what kind of liver the kebabs are made of: beef, chicken or some other kind. Pork melts faster and better moistens the product being cooked on the grill.

Thanks to its bright and unusual taste, the recipe for liver in a fat mesh is popular in many countries and regions, especially in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Egypt. But among Russians who love barbecue forays into nature, it is often completely undeservedly ignored. Try to cook this amazing kebab at least once, and you and your cheerful company will definitely like it.

When we talk about barbecue, we first of all imagine pieces of pork, often forgetting about the many other options. So, chicken liver on the grill can be an excellent alternative to traditional recipes; moreover, it is less fatty and is suitable for everyone who is thinking about their figure. Be sure to try the step-by-step instructions below next time and you'll have one more favorite grilled dish.

Grilled dishes are deservedly loved and popular all over the world. This is not surprising. For gourmets, this is a crispy crust, tender meat inside and a unique smoky aroma.

People watching their figure appreciate the opportunity to avoid using oil and greatly reduce the amount of other fats. And everyone, without exception, enjoys the atmosphere of friendly communication in the fresh air.

It so happens that traditionally a very limited number of products are used for barbecue, primarily pork, chicken and sausages. Some bake fish or vegetables, although in reality there are many more options.

If you love offal, then it’s simply impossible not to use the grilled chicken liver recipe. In addition, the kebab will turn out to be dietary, and preparing it is much easier and faster than most classic options.

Recipe for chicken liver on the grill in a pork net


  • - 1 kg + -
  • — 400 g + -
  • Kefir - 1 l + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • Pork mesh – 300 g + -
  • Sheet bacon - optional + -

Recipe for cooking chicken liver on the grill

Of course, like any base for barbecue, it must first be marinated. It is better to do this the day before, but 3-4 hours is also enough.

Let's prepare the liver

We rinse it well and remove the hard parts. If the pieces are large and undamaged, there is no need to cut them: such liver is well suited for skewers or even wooden skewers.

If the pieces are smaller, we will use a wire rack when frying.

  • Season with salt and pepper. We also chop bay leaf or other favorite spices and add to the kebab.
  • Coarsely chop the onion and combine it with the chicken liver.
  • Pour kefir over everything, mix and leave to marinate in a cool place for several hours or overnight. The preparatory stage is completed.
  • While the grill is heating up, let's work on the grease mesh. It must be soaked in ordinary cold water so that it becomes more elastic and does not tear.

The fat mesh is a special layer of fat that surrounds the internal organs of many animals. Usually you can find pork or beef mesh on sale. This is not a shortage, they are sold in meat departments, we just rarely pay attention to them.

  • Carefully remove the fat mesh and allow excess water to drain. Place it on the wire rack so that the edges hang down on both sides.
  • Place chicken livers on the mesh. If necessary, you can add more salt or hot pepper.
  • We cover the liver with the hanging edges of the fatty film. We secure the second half of the grill tightly and send it to the grill. This trick will prevent the liver from drying out, and the mesh will form an appetizing crispy crust.

If we decide to fry chicken livers on skewers or skewers, we can use sheet bacon instead of fat mesh. It will perform the same function, but at the same time add piquancy to the taste of the kebab.

  • Fry the chicken liver over medium coals for a few minutes on each side. The liver is very soft and delicate, so as soon as you notice that the blood has stopped coming out, we immediately turn it over or remove it. The main thing is not to dry it out.

Maximum 15 minutes, and the chicken liver on the grill is ready. A very delicate and piquant option for summer holidays and themed events. Try it and you won't regret it. Bon appetit!

Initially, kebab was fried only from dark varieties of meat - lamb or beef.

Nowadays, kebab is any meat cooked in small pieces on skewers or skewers.

Made from pork, white and red fish, and even cooked on coals with pleasure and eaten with appetite by the participants of the event.

This delicious tradition of frying kebabs and offal did not pass by. Namely, the liver and heart.

It is quite possible to complement it with liver, which turns out especially tender and juicy over the fire.

The advantages of this dish are undeniable. It's very cheap. The hearts and liver are quickly marinated and fried in just a few minutes.

To get real pleasure from chicken heart shish kebab, you need to take the time to thoroughly clean the offal. Often there are blood clots inside them that need to be removed.

You also need to take into account the dimensions of the kebabs and place them on skewers of appropriate sizes or wooden skewers.

These mini kebabs are very easy to cook on a regular grill.

Recipe for shish kebab from hearts and liver with lard


  • hearts
  • pieces of chicken liver
  • slices of salted lard (can be with garlic)
  • mayonnaise

How to make shish kebab from chicken hearts and chicken liver:

1. Rinse the liver and hearts and place them in a container.

2. Cut the lard into thin 2x2 cm slices and place them on the hearts and liver.

3. Pour mayonnaise over everything.

4. Stir and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

5. Thread alternately a strip of lard and a liver onto a skewer until it is full. Do the same with hearts.

6. Fry over coals, turning over for 15 minutes.

How to fry shish kebab from chicken hearts and liver with mustard


  • chicken hearts – 500 g
  • chicken liver – 500 g
  • onions – 2-3 pcs.
  • garlic – 3-6 pcs.
  • mustard – 3-4 tsp.
  • honey – 2 tsp.
  • spices for chicken
  • black pepper
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml

Cooking shish kebab from offal in mustard marinade:

1. Clean and rinse chicken hearts well.

2. Remove the films and veins from the liver, divide each in half and soak thoroughly in several waters until the liquid becomes clear.

3. Grind the onions and garlic cloves in a blender.

4. Combine the puree with honey, mustard, salt, spices and vegetable oil.

5. Place chicken hearts and liver into the resulting mass, mix well.

6. Cover the dishes with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

7. Thread the offal onto skewers one at a time and fry until done on the grill, frying pan or oven.

Serve skewers of chicken hearts and chicken livers hot, along with fresh vegetables and bread.

Bon appetit!

cook shish kebab from chicken liver, and you will never go hungry at a picnic. This product is very inexpensive, but you need to know how to prepare it correctly. Otherwise, the liver may taste bitter or become very tough, which is definitely not what you want. We will tell you all the subtleties, secrets of cooking, teach you how to properly marinate the product and fry it.

A simple offal dish

Do you like kebab? Probably only vegetarians can answer “no”. And then, they can also treat themselves to vegetable or fruit skewers. Everyone loves meat, from young to old. And with the onset of warm days, many are eager for nature, for fresh air. Here you simply cannot do without dishes from the fire.

You can cook a lot of different delicacies on the grill: pork, lamb, chicken, beef, fish, vegetables or even offal. Today we will tell you how to properly cook chicken liver shish kebab. We'll tell you all the details and share practical advice.

Preparing Ingredients

  • chicken liver – 500 g;
  • bacon – 350 -400 g;
  • bamboo skewers.

How to cook ?

In order to cook chicken liver shish kebab in bacon, the liver does not need to be marinated in any way. By the way, please note that if the bacon is salted, then the kebab itself does not need to be salted. Although, of course, be guided by your taste.

  • Rinse and dry your liver.
  • Take the bacon strips and cut them in half lengthwise if necessary.
  • Place one liver on each strip and roll it up. If desired, you can season to taste.
  • Thread the roll onto a wooden skewer.
  • Next, your actions are as follows: you can put the kebab on a frying pan or grill, and then on the grill.
  • Fry until done, serve with fresh salad and vegetables.

Alternative recipe

We will also briefly tell you about how chicken liver is prepared on the grill if it is marinated. So, prepare the following ingredients:

  • chicken liver – 1 kg;
  • onions – 2-3 pcs.;
  • crushed garlic – 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 150 g;
  • not spicy mustard - 1.5 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Let's start cooking. Step by step recipe:

  • Wash and dry the chicken liver.
  • Peel and chop the onion. There should be 8 parts. Thanks to this cutting, it will be more convenient for you to thread the vegetable.
  • Place the liver in a bowl, add onion, crushed garlic, mustard, mayonnaise. Salt, pepper, mix gently. Leave to stand in a cool place for about 2 hours.
  • Soak wooden skewers in water (so as not to burn), and then thread the liver onto the skewers, alternating it with onions.
  • You need to grill the kebab using a grill grate greased with oil. Place your liver skewers on it, and then send it to the fire.
  • Fry the kebab until cooked, turning occasionally.

Now you know how to cook delicious chicken liver quickly and deliciously. This dish is very inexpensive, but very, very tasty.

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