Cooking lobster. Seafood for your health. Lobster. Lobster sauté with morels

Place the lobster in a large pot of boiling water - it is important that the lobster is completely in the water. Together with the lobster, bring the water to a boil again, reduce the heat to medium and cook for minutes, covering with a lid.

How to cook lobster

1. Pour cold water into a large saucepan - 15-19 liters per 3-4 kilograms of lobsters.
2. Salt the water by putting a couple of tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of liquid.
3. If desired, add a few bay leaves, a sprig of thyme or the juice of one lemon to the water for flavor.
4. Place a pan of salted water over high heat and wait until the water boils vigorously.
5. Use tongs to grab the lobster by the back and lower it head first into the boiling water. Stock all the lobsters as quickly as possible, if there are several of them.
6. Cover the pan with lobsters, immediately note the time and cook the lobsters according to time depending on weight.
7. Check the readiness of lobsters in several ways:
- The finished lobster should be bright red.
- The mustache should be easy to remove.
- Ready lobster meat should be firm, white with opaque skin.
- in a female, the caviar should become orange-red and firm.

Boiled lobster soup


Lobster - 1 kilogram
Butter - 100 grams
Sour cream - 1 tablespoon
Lemon - half a lemon
Carrots - 2 medium carrots or 1 large
Grape vinegar - 1 teaspoon
Spicy herbs, bay leaf, parsley, salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook lobster soup
1. Wash the carrots, peel them, cut into thin slices.
2. Place carrots, herbs, lobsters in a 5-liter saucepan, add water, grape vinegar, add salt. Cook for 15 minutes.
3. Heat lemon juice, butter and sour cream, add salt and pepper, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
4. Serve the boiled lobster with broth poured over it in deep plates, and serve the sauce separately in gravy boats.

How to Boil Lobster Tails

Place the lobster tails on a work surface. Take the lobster one at a time and cut the shell along the back with scissors. Cook for 5 minutes, then serve immediately: sprinkle with chopped green onions and olive oil.


- Lobster and lobster are the same thing.

Before you put the lobster in the pan, you need to secure it claws with rubber bands, otherwise you may get injured.

- Pan size To cook lobster, you need to select the size of the lobster itself. Typically, 3-4 kilograms of lobsters require about 20 liters of water.

- Green lump in the lobster's tail is its liver. It is edible, but it is not recommended to eat it, since it is not known what the lobster ate before it was caught. In female lobsters, in the tail part you can find caviar. When cooked, it takes on an orange-red appearance. You can eat it, but most people don't.

How to cut and eat a lobster
1. Prepare a large sharp knife and culinary scissors for cutting.
2. Remove the rubber bands from the cooled lobster claw.
3. Using your hands, pull off the lobster's claws - including the long, narrow, tube-like part where it connects to the body.
4. Twist the lower, smaller part of the claw and carefully tear it off, along with the transparent substance coming out of it.
5. Tear off the upper - large part of the claw from the long narrow part.
6. Take the upper large part of the claw and hit its edge several times with the blunt side of the leg until the hard shell cracks.
7. Remove the meat from the split claw.
8. Take the long narrow part of the claws, similar to a tube, and make a cut in the place where the claws were attached. Insert scissors into the resulting cut and make a cut along the entire length to cut the tube in half and remove the meat from it.
9. Take the body of the lobster with your left hand, lift it, and disconnect the tail with your right.
10. Roll the lobster tail into a ball.
11. Place your left hand on the lump, press on it with your right until a crunch appears. It is better to do this with gloves so as not to damage your hands on the hard chitinous shell.
12. Separate the shell along the break line and pull out the meat.
13. Tear off the legs of a large lobster and break them in half so that you can suck out the meat.

How to choose lobsters
It is better to buy lobsters directly from the river where they were caught. The lobster should be as fresh as possible when cooked and stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 24 hours before cooking. It is better to choose lobsters that do not have a semblance of white cobwebs on their shells. When cooked, the lobster should smell sweet and the tails should be tucked under the body. There is no point in buying frozen lobsters - they do not have the taste, aroma, or benefits of fresh ones.

- Lobster price. Since lobsters do not live in Russia and the countries of the former CIS, they are imported only from foreign countries. In Russia, lobsters are considered a delicacy; the cost of 1 kilogram of live lobsters can reach 10,000 rubles, boiled and frozen - from 3,000 rubles. (average for Moscow as of June 2017).

What is the calorie content?
Calorie content of lobster is 119 kcal/100 grams.

Lobsters (lobsters) come to store shelves in different forms: live, frozen (pre-boiled or not), you can also buy only frozen lobster claws or tails, or, for example, ready-made, canned meat. If you bought already prepared lobster meat, then there is not much work left in the kitchen: you just need to decide what you will cook - an omelet or a salad. If the lobster is frozen, it must be thawed (in cold water or simply left for a while at room temperature), washed (if the lobster is fresh, then you just need to wash it) and put it in a large saucepan with water that has already been salted and flavored with spices (it is recommended to add a bay leaf , thyme, lemon, onion).

In this article we will tell you how to cook a live lobster, since live cooked lobsters will be the most delicious. Of course, frozen lobster will also be delicious, but you probably know that it is always better to buy live fish or live seafood, since freezing loses some of the taste of the product. So let's get started.

As mentioned above, after you have washed the lobster, you need to cook it. But before you put the lobster in the pan, you need to secure its claws with a rubber band or something else. This is done to avoid injury.

Once you have secured the lobster claws, simply take it and place it in a pot of already boiling water. Select the size of the pan according to the size of the lobster, as they vary. It is recommended to place the lobster head first. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 15 minutes.

Once the lobster turns bright red, it is ready. But don’t rush to pull out the lobster if it turns red earlier than 15 minutes - still be guided by the time. Also watch: if 15 minutes have passed and the lobster is still not red enough, let it sit for a couple more minutes.

By the way, 15 minutes is the average time it takes to cook an average lobster. If you do come across, say, a very large lobster, then use this table to determine how long you need to cook it:

Lobster weight How long to cook
0.45 kg - 0.60 kg 12 - 15 minutes
0.60 kg - 0.9 kg 15 - 20 minutes
0.9 kg - 1.4 kg 20 - 25 minutes
1.4 kg - 2.7 kg 25 - 28 minutes
2.7 kg - 3.2 kg 28 - 30 minutes
More than 3.5 kg 4 minutes for every 0.5 kg

So, we've cooked our lobster, what to do next? Here comes the part that most people dread—cutting the lobster. But don’t worry, we will explain everything clearly to you, and photographs will also help you, so there will be no problems.

To cut a lobster you will need some tools. In various articles you can read that you need a lot of special tools, but we will make do with a large knife and scissors. I would like to note right away that the most delicious parts of a lobster are the legs, claws and tail.

Once your cooked lobster has cooled slightly, remove the rubber bands from the claws. Now carefully tear off the claws where they connect to the body. That is, not only the claws themselves, but along with the so-called lobster arms. It should look like in the photo.

Now carefully remove the lower part of the claw. Move it in different directions and then pull it a little at a time. The meat should stay nicely at the bottom of the claw.

Detach the so-called “arm” from the claw.

Do these steps with both claws. There should be six parts, as in the photo. See that clear substance on the lower parts of the claws? It should work for you too. If it remains in the upper part of the claw, then you will need to separate it from the meat.

Take a large kitchen knife and hit the claw with the back of the knife as shown in the picture.

Strike until you split the claw into two parts. Now you can easily pull the lobster meat out of there.

Place the end of the scissors inside and make a cut along the entire length. Make the same cut on the other side of the claw to easily separate it.

This way you can pull out the meat beautifully.

Now you must detach the lobster's tail from its body. Use your left hand to hold the body of the lobster, and with your right hand, gently and carefully remove the tail.

It should look like this.

Now let the tail naturally curl into a ball.

Place the palm of one hand on the tail, and with the other hand press down on the first. Press until you hear a crunch. You may have noticed that in the photographs the person is using rubber gloves. They are needed to avoid cutting your hands, so be sure to use them.

The pressure from your hands will cause the shell to break and the tail to naturally separate. Now you can completely separate it along the fault line and pull out the meat.

This is such a tasty piece of meat. You have probably already noticed that the tail contains the largest part of the meat of a lobster.

A couple more details about the tail. If you see any unidentified green object in the tail, it is a lobster liver. You can eat it, but for many it will not be pleasant, and we would advise against eating it. After all, this is the digestive system of a lobster - who knows what he ate there before that.

Also, if you come across a female lobster, you can find testicles, that is, caviar. Again, you can eat it, although most people don't.

If the lobster is large, you can eat its legs. Again, just tear them off where they meet the body. Why should you only eat the legs if the lobster is big? It's simple. There is already little meat in the legs, and if the lobster is also small, then you will not find much there at all. Well, if you do find it, break the leg into two parts and suck out the meat and juice from there.

That's all. You have lobster meat, now you just need to figure out how to eat it. You can just use bread, you can make a salad according to some recipe or something else. Delicious taste guaranteed!

Photos from

Many people think that such a delicacy as lobster is something special. In fact, this is a fairly simple seafood product that differs from ordinary crayfish only in size. However, its meat is more juicy and satisfying than that of other sea creatures. Almost everything can be used for food: claws and tails. The main thing is to be able to properly prepare such an unusual dish.

Selection and preparation

In most countries, lobsters arrive frozen. But where they are found, seafood is less expensive than shrimp and is sold chilled. However, sometimes fresh and live lobsters can be found in other places. When making such a purchase, you should definitely ask the seller how long it has been in the aquarium, because if more than two weeks have passed, then the lobster has already lost a little weight, which means there will be much less meat in it. The lobster should be mobile and its shell should be soft to the touch. It should also not have any damage.

If it is not possible to buy fresh high-quality products, you can also purchase frozen lobster.

In this case, there should be some snow or ice on it. If there is a large amount of frost and snow, this indicates that the lobster has been frozen many times, and this will not have the best effect on its taste and healthiness.

Once the product has already been purchased, you can begin preparing it. First, you need to wash it thoroughly and only then cook it. Lobster needs to be cooked properly. The first thing to do is to fix its claws. This can be done using rubber bands. This is necessary so that the lobster cannot injure a person.

You need to put the lobster in already boiling water, and the pan must match its size. After this, the vessel must be covered with a lid and cooked for at least 17 minutes. When it acquires a reddish tint, this will indicate its readiness.

Cooking time is for a medium-sized lobster. The larger it is, the longer it will have to cook. For every 0.5 kilogram you need to add four minutes.

When the product is ready, the most important process begins - cutting. To do this, you need to let it cool completely, and only then begin the process itself. First you need to remove the elastic bands, then detach the claws where they are attached to the body. After this, using a large knife or special tweezers, you need to pull the meat out of them.

Next, you can detach the tail and let it curl up. After this, you need to press on it so that it crunches and breaks, then you can easily remove the meat. If the lobster is large enough, even the legs can be used as food.

Original recipes

You can not only try lobster in restaurants, but also cook it at home. There are a large number of recipes that can be used to prepare different dishes. Grilled lobsters are very tasty. In addition, small clams make an excellent stir-fry. A frittata with such an expensive product turns out wonderful. But this is a recipe that is not suitable for everyone.


Many people like to eat boiled lobster. In order to prepare them, you will need the following components:

  • 1 large lobster;
  • a pinch of salt.

First, you need to weigh the live lobster so you know how long it will take to cook.

Then you need to take a saucepan of the appropriate size and boil water and salt in it. After this, you need to throw the lobster in there and cook it for about 17 minutes if it is medium in size. If more, then the time needs to be increased.

Then it needs to be cut. The shell must be cleaned and then the meat must be placed in it. The liver, which will be green, should not be thrown away: you can make sauce from it.

This dish can be served with a special dressing or salad.


This soup is best prepared from fresh lobster, but you can still use frozen seafood. For this delicacy you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 celery;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 leek;
  • 1 fennel;
  • 1 medium sea bass;
  • 1 medium lobster;
  • 300 gr. tomatoes, canned;
  • 600 ml broth.

First you need to heat the olive oil in a deep bowl. You also need to add all the vegetables (without garlic). They need to be simmered until soft. 4-6 minutes will be enough. Only after this can you add chopped garlic and mix everything thoroughly.

After this, you need to add the cut off lobster tail to them. However, there is no need to remove the shell.

You also need to clean and cut the fish, cut it into portions, and then add it to the vessel.

Then you need to add the tomatoes and broth, after which everything needs to be cooked for 25 minutes.

Then you need to pull out the lobster's tail and remove the shell from it.

It must be thrown into a blender, and all the soup must be poured into it.

After grinding it, you can grind the mass through a sieve and pour it back into the pan to reheat.

You can serve it in deep plates, and the delicacy should be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.


This dish can be prepared from either frozen or fresh lobster. For it you can take the following components:

  • 4 large lobster tails;
  • 80 gr. olive oil;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of spices;
  • 90 gr. butter.

First you need to cut off the lobster tails using special scissors. Then you need to pull out the meat and put it on skewers.

Then they need to be greased with olive oil, after which they can be put on the grill.

They need to be cooked for 6 minutes, then coated with salt, chopped garlic and spices and poured with oil again. Cook for another 6 minutes.

The finished fried lobster should be served with melted butter. If necessary, you can garnish with slices of fresh lemon.

Stuffed with mozzarella

You can also stuff lobster at home.

Required Components

  • 1 medium lobster;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • 40 gr. butter;
  • 200 gr. mozzarella cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 3 tbsp. l. heavy cream.

To prepare the sauce you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

First you need to cut the lobster very carefully and pull out all the meat.

Then it needs to be cut into small pieces and mixed with all the other ingredients except oil. After this, you need to fill the shell with this mass, and spread the butter, chopped very finely, throughout the filling.

The finished lobster should be poured with the prepared sauce and sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. This dish is best served hot.

How to store?

To preserve such a product, you need to make an ice cushion, and you can cover everything with seaweed or a regular damp towel. They can remain in this state for about 24 hours. After this, you will have to cook them so as not to be disappointed in the taste later.

However, if the lobsters were purchased in the morning, and guests should only arrive in the evening, then they should not be put in the bag.

The finished lobster can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours without spoiling at all.

What to serve with?

Many people know how to prepare such a delicacy, but not everyone knows what to serve it with to guests. They eat it in different forms. It can be either hot or cold - the taste will still be the same. You can combine it with different products, for example, with truffles or foie gras. But you can choose a simpler side dish, for example, vegetables or some delicious cheese. In addition, this delicacy can be eaten as an independent dish, seasoned with just the prepared sauce.

A whole lobster dish is a delicacy in many countries around the world. Sometimes you can buy frozen lobsters. These lobsters are not very difficult to cook - there are several different methods that can be used to produce delicious dishes from them.


Part 1

Lobster selection

    Buy frozen lobsters that have never been defrosted. Lobsters must be blanched before freezing and stored at very low temperatures (around −20°C).

    • Sometimes you have to cook lobsters some time after purchase. If so, store them in an airtight freezer bag. Lobsters can be kept in a vacuum sealed bag in the freezer for up to one year.
    • You can, of course, purchase live lobsters. They can be stored for several days on ice in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer).
  1. Choose quality frozen lobsters. You can purchase frozen lobster tails, as well as the similar lobster tails. They vary in taste and quality. In addition to tails, you can also buy frozen claws. Whole frozen lobsters that have not been pre-cooked are rarely found on sale.

    Buy enough lobsters. You need to know how many people you need to cook lobster for so that there is enough meat for everyone. Lobster tails contain the most meat.

    • Also keep in mind that different cultures prepare lobster differently. For example, lobster is usually cooked longer in Canada than in France. Personal preferences also play a role. Just keep in mind that the lobsters can be cooked a little longer, but it's better to take them out sooner rather than later to prevent them from becoming mushy.
    • As a rule, 500–700 grams of lobster is enough for one person. Lobsters can be boiled either whole or separately, tails or claws.

    Part 2

    Preparing lobsters for cooking

    Part 3

    Selecting a cooking method
    1. Boil the lobster. Boiling in water is one of the most common methods of preparing lobster. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil. There should be enough water in the pan to completely cover the lobster tails.

      Cook the lobster in the oven. Set the oven to broil mode. Keep in mind that frying takes very little time, so keep a close eye on the lobster tails to make sure they don't burn.

      • Place lobster tails on a baking sheet. Place them shell side up and fry for only about 4 minutes. It is necessary that the lobster meat is approximately 15 centimeters from the fire.
      • If you are frying very large lobster tails, you can cut them in half lengthwise. After this, turn the halves over, rub them with butter and fry for another 5 minutes. Then serve them to the table.
    2. Steam the lobsters. This is one of the healthiest and most beneficial ways. Start by pouring enough water into the pan to cover the bottom by 1 to 1.5 centimeters, and add 1 tablespoon (20 grams) salt and 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) vinegar.

    3. Boil the lobsters over low heat. This method is similar to steaming, but in this case the temperature of the liquid is maintained slightly below the boiling point. You can add herbs and spices for extra flavor.

      • To simmer lobster, prepare the liquid in a fairly large saucepan with a lid: add some water and add lemon, chives, onions and celery. For additional flavor, you can also add chicken or vegetable broth, as well as spices of your choice. The liquid should cover the bottom no more than 2.5–5 centimeters. Bring it to a low boil, turn the heat to medium and simmer for a few minutes.
      • Place the lobsters in a slightly boiling liquid, close the pan tightly and cook them over low heat at the rate of 7-8 minutes for every 500 grams of weight. If the liquid is boiling, cook the lobsters for less time while checking to see if they are done. Try not to bring the liquid to a boil.
      • When the lobsters are ready, you can easily separate the whiskers and small legs from the body by pulling them, and the tail meat will turn white. If the meat remains translucent, cook the lobsters for a few more minutes.

Lobster is one of the most expensive dishes on restaurant menus. It is often called lobster, and is prepared as a main dish, and is also used in soups, salads and other dishes. Norwegian lobsters are considered the best in the world. Despite their small size, they have excellent taste. It is very easy to recognize this crustacean. First of all, it is its impressive size, large claws and fan-shaped tail. Under the reliable shell hides tender meat, which is a real delicacy. But to experience the true taste of lobster, it must be selected and cooked correctly. We will be happy to share useful tips and recipes with you. Basic recommendations for choosing Chefs of restaurants specializing in seafood advise paying attention to several important points before buying a lobster: It is best to buy a live one. Choose the most active one, and don’t forget to feel the shell. If the lobster is fresh, the shell will be soft. Pay attention to the uniformity of color and the absence of any stains or damage. It is advisable to cook the lobster immediately, but if for some reason this cannot be done, you can put it in the freezer or wrap it in parchment. In the latter case, the shelf life is a maximum of 1 day. If you can’t buy live ones, you can buy frozen ones. But then choose the option that has the least ice and snow crust. Useful properties In addition to the fact that lobster meat is tasty, it is also very healthy. Firstly, it is an excellent source of protein, and secondly, it contains vitamins and minerals important for the human body (potassium, magnesium). And thanks to fatty acids, such a product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing a number of diseases. True, you need to be careful here too, because cholesterol, which is also part of meat, can have the opposite effect if consumed in excess. Doctors recommend consuming the delicacy as an effective aphrodisiac for both men and women. Zinc, which is part of meat, has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. Culinary delights The menus of many restaurants are replete with various lobster dishes. From the largest part of the meat, located under the shell, medallions are prepared, aspic, soufflé, claws are used to prepare first courses. Sometimes the carcass is left whole and stuffed. Caviar and liver are also eaten. The simplest option is boiled lobster, which is served with various sauces.

But if in a restaurant you have to pay a considerable amount for such masterpieces, then at home, spending much less money, it is quite possible to prepare similar dishes. But before you start cooking, you should know one thing. How to kill a lobster? This is often done, as with crayfish, by placing it in boiling water. But in many countries this method is considered inhumane and prohibited. There is an alternative. It only requires two steps: Place the carcass in the freezer for half an hour. The lobster will go into a state of suspended animation and stop moving. Armed with a sharp knife, press its tip onto the center of the head, pressing down so that it goes right through. Thus, instant death occurs. After this, you can safely start cutting or, leaving it whole, send it to cook. To properly cut a lobster, you need to turn it on its back, carefully separate the claws and use a knife or kitchen tongs to remove the flesh. Now let's find out how to prepare this delicacy. Boiled lobster

Such a seemingly simple matter also has its own nuances. The duration of heat treatment depends on the size of the crustacean. How long does it take to cook it? On average, the process takes 15 minutes with a weight of 400-900 g. For larger individuals, 4 minutes must be measured for each 1 kg of weight. During the process of cutting and preparing for cooking, it is worth using gloves so that the lobster does not injure you with its claws. It wouldn’t hurt to tie them with an elastic band or any rope for the same purpose. You need to salt the boiling water and place the lobster in it head down. During the cooking process, you need to monitor the appearance of the lobster. The bright red shell, the pressed tail and the white color of the meat indicate readiness. It is important not to overcook the carcass so that it does not become rubbery. Grilled In addition to the whole carcass, you can also use individual parts, for example, the tail. They will acquire an unusually original taste if you fry them on the grill. For this you will need: lobster tails – 3 pcs.; olive oil – 4 tbsp; garlic – 2 teeth; butter – 100 g; spices. First, you need to separate the tails from the lobsters using kitchen scissors, cutting along the inside. Thread onto a skewer, brush with olive oil and place on the grill. Cooking time – 5 minutes. As with cooking, the red color of the tail will indicate readiness. Finely chop the garlic and sprinkle it over the internal (cut) parts of the tails, seasoning with salt and pepper. Drizzle oil on top and let bake for another 5 minutes. Serve with melted butter and lemon wedges. Stuffed with mozzarella

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