These people glorified the Volga. Volga in the lives of famous people of Russia. For loyalty to the Fatherland. In Volgograd, the City Duma adopted a decision “On awarding the honorary badge of the hero city of Volgograd “For loyalty to the Fatherland”

There are many beautiful places in the world that I want to write about and that I really want to visit. But what could be more beautiful and sweeter than places near and dear to your heart? Russia is so rich in natural wonders, perhaps like no other country in the world.

One of the truly Russian natural wonders is the great Volga river. One of the largest and most beautiful rivers in Europe, it is especially loved by the Russian people. Mother Volga - this is how it is affectionately called not only in Russia.

“Every country has its own national river. Russia has the Volga - the largest river in Europe, the queen of our rivers - and I hastened to bow to her majesty the Volga River! - this is what Alexander Dumas wrote about the great Russian river.

And she really is the queen of the rivers. Power and grandeur, the fabulous beauty of the surrounding nature and rich history glorified the Volga throughout the world even in ancient times.

In the 2nd century, the Greek scientist Claudius Ptolemy, in his work “Geography,” wrote about the great river, which he called RA. This was our Volga. Ptolemy lived in distant Alexandria, but the fame of the Russian river also reached there.

On the Valdai Hills in the Tver region, near the village of Volgoverkhovye, a small stream flows from a small swamp surrounded by forest. This is the source of our great Volga River. People come to this stream to see with their own eyes the birthplace of one of the greatest rivers in the world. Here, a small wooden chapel was built above the spring.

This is where the Volga begins its journey. A small stream gradually turns into a small river, flowing through several lakes and receiving small rivers, becoming fuller and wider.

Near Nizhny Novgorod, the Oka flows into the Volga and our heroine becomes a truly full-flowing river.

Here the Upper Volga ends and the Middle Volga begins, which, continuing its path, collects new tributaries and gains strength.

After our beauty connects with the Kama, the Volga becomes not just full-flowing and strong, but a real mighty river.

To understand and feel all the beauty and grandeur of one of the most beautiful rivers in the world, to plunge into its rich history, you can only travel along Volga River. All that remains is to choose river cruise routes on the Volga and you can hit the road.

And the history of the Volga is truly rich in great events and great names that created the history of all of Great Rus'.

In the XIII-XIV centuries, Mongol-Tatar troops marched to Rus' across the Volga. Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1552, after the capture of Kazan, annexed it to his kingdom of Moscow. In 1611, in Nizhny Novgorod, the merchant Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky began to gather a militia to liberate Moscow from the Poles.

Here, on one of the Volga cliffs, the Cossack ataman Stepan Razin “thought” about how to give freedom to the Russian people. Now this cliff is called “Stepan Razin’s Cliff”.

In 1722, Russian Emperor Peter I personally founded a port in Astrakhan in the Volga River delta.

The uprising of Emelyan Pugachev ended in defeat near the city of Tsaritsyn (Volgorad) in 1774.

And of course, the great Battle of Staligrad, which turned the tide of the entire Second World War, is also part of the history of the Volga River.

Since ancient times Volga river was the most important trade route connecting East and West. Thanks to trade, the beautiful Russian cities of Murom, Suzdal, Rostov the Great, as well as Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod grew, became richer and flourished. Here, on the Volga, new cities were born - Saratov, Samara.

The Volga remains a truly Russian river; it is the largest river in the world that does not flow into the oceans.

And now a great and mighty beauty Volga river continues its glorious journey through the expanses of its beautiful country of Russia and invites everyone to an amazing journey full of unforgettable impressions and encounters with the history of the country and marvelous Russian nature.

Volgograd region,

The land of steppe tulips,

You look like a heart

In their outlines.

V. Urin.

I. IN The Olgograd region is located in the southeast of the Russian Plain, in the region of the Lower Volga region and the middle reaches of the Don, in the zone of steppes and semi-deserts.

The region covers an area of ​​112.9 thousand square kilometers, and stretches 425 kilometers from north to south, and 418 kilometers from west to east. Belgium, Holland and Switzerland combined could easily fit on its territory.

The history of the region is rich, it is inextricably linked with human activity. The government highly appreciated the labor and military merits of Volgograd residents. Volgograd was awarded the title of Hero City, and the region was awarded two Orders of Lenin. We are proud of our fellow countrymen who grow grain, extract oil, build houses and roads, work in factories and factories, write books and paintings, treat the sick, teach children, and participate in sports Olympiads. Many natives of our region have become the pride of the country. This:

Mushketov Ivan Vasilievich (1850-1902), born in the village of Alekseevskaya, which at that time was the center of the Khopyorsky district, the Don army, now the Volgograd region. In 1867 he graduated from the Novocherkassk gymnasium, then, as a scholarship recipient of the Don Army, he graduated from the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg in 1873. Since his student years, he began scientific research in the field of geology and geography. Russian geologist, researcher of Central Asia, the Urals, and the Caucasus. He made a huge contribution to the study of the Lower Volga region and Ukraine. He gave a geological and orographic description of Central Asia and proposed the first diagram of its geological structure. In 1881, together with G.D. Romanovsky compiled the first geological map of Turkestan. Proceedings “Turkestan” (vol. 1-2, 1886 – 1906), “Physical Geology” (part 1-2, 1888-1891). I.V. Mushketov organized a permanent seismic observation service in Russia, which he initially headed. Since 1882, he was a senior geologist of the Geological Committee under the Russian government. As a generalization of all his scientific research, he wrote a fundamental work - “Physical Geology”, which was a new word not only in domestic, but also in world science of that time. The memory of our wonderful fellow countryman is preserved by many geographical locations: the Mushketov Ridge in Southern China, the Mushketov Glacier in the Central Tien Shan. (See Appendix No. 1).

Begichev Nikifor Alekseevich born February 7, 1874 Tsarev on the Akhtuba River, now the Volgograd region, Russian military sailor, commercial hunter, Arctic explorer, the last Russian explorer. He took part in research in the East Siberian Sea and in the war with Japan. (See Appendix No. 2)

In 1904, during the defense of Port Arthur, he received the St. George Cross for saving a destroyer that was blown up by a Japanese mine.

One day, over a cup of tea, an old hunter told him a legend about the island of Sizoye - the “Land of Devils”, where no man has gone before. The old hunter's story fired up Begichev. Island at the mouth of Khatanga Bay! It's not on the map. And no matter how the old people tried to dissuade him, he answered them: “I will go there!” Firmly determined to unravel the mystery of this island, he prepared thoroughly for the expedition. In January 1908, Begichev and two companions set off. The journey was very difficult. But the goal set by Begichev was achieved. The new island, which was not listed on the maps, was photographed to the best of its discoverer’s skill, and the legend of its inaccessibility was dispelled. On May 21, 1909, he arrived in St. Petersburg, where he presented the map to the hydrographic department. Russian science gave the island the name Begichev. The Geographical Society awarded him a Gold Medal.

    In 1926, Begichev died of scurvy. In the village of Dikson, a monument was erected to him in 1964 (sculptor A. Abdrakhimov, architect E. Popov). (See Appendix No. 3).

The following are named after Begichev:

    Bolshoy and Maly Begichev Islands in the southwestern part of the Laptev Sea

    The Begichev Ridge, which runs from the mouth of the Pyasina River northeast to the upper reaches of the Tareya River.

    Streets in Moscow (Altufyevo district), Astrakhan, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Norilsk, Dudinka.

    Street in the village of Tsarev, Volgograd region (place of birth)

Mashkov Ilya Ivanovich born on July 29, 1881 in the village of Mikhailovskaya-on-Don, Khopersky district of the Don Army Region (now Uryupinsky district of the Volgograd region). In 1890 he entered the art department of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He studied with V. A. Serov, K. A. Korovin, A. M. Vasnetsov. One of the founders of the "Jack of Diamonds". He painted expressive colorful landscapes, still lifes, and portraits. Teacher. He painted such paintings as: “Fruit on a plate”, “Moscow bread”, “Still life with crabs”... (See Appendix No. 4).

Russian painter, Honored Worker of Russia (1928).

Mashkov's works are in the following collections:

    State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

    State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

    Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts, Volgograd.

The still life “Flowers” ​​was sold at Sotheby’s for $3.5 million.

Podtelkov Fedor Grigorievich born in 1886 in the Krutovsky farmstead, now Serafimovichsky district of the Volgograd region. In military service since 1912, participant in the First World War, sub-squad of the 6th Life Guards artillery battery, assistant battery commander. In January 1918, at the congress of front-line Cossacks (Kamenskaya village), he was elected chairman of the Don Cossack Military Revolutionary Committee, and in April 1918, at the 1st Congress of Soviets of the Don Region - chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Don Soviet Republic; was a member of the presidium of the Central Executive Committee and the Emergency Defense Headquarters of the Don Republic. On instructions from the Central Executive Committee of the Republic, he headed a special commission, which on May 1, 1918, under the protection of a detachment (120 people), went to the areas of the upper Don in order to mobilize into the Red Army. On May 10, the detachment was captured by the White Cossacks, the next day Podtyolkov was hanged in a farmstead Ponomarev together with Commissioner M.V. Krivoshlykov.

    A street in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky bears the name of Podtyolkov, and a monument to him and Mikhail Krivoshlykov was erected in front of the building of the city local history museum. (See Appendix No. 5)

    A monument to Krivoshlykov and Podtyolkov was erected in Novocherkassk.

    In the city of Serafimovich, one of the streets bears the name of Podtyolkov, and his bust is installed in front of the building of the Serafimovich College of Agricultural Mechanization.

    There is also Podtelkovskaya Street in the city of Proletarsk, Rostov region.

    From 1960 to 1994, the Podtyolkovsky district existed in the Volgograd region, which later became part of the Kumylzhensky district.

Ermolyeva Zinaida Vissarionovna born in 1897 and spent the first years of her life in x. Frolovo, Don region. Zina was left without a father early. Having buried her husband, the mother brought her daughters Zina and Lena to Novocherkassk, closer to her family, and from here Zina’s difficult path into science began. In 1917, after graduating from high school, she entered the medical faculty of the North Caucasus University, in Rostov-on-Don, which she graduated in 1921. Ermolyeva began research work in the field of microbiology while still a student. From the 3rd year, she sought permission to help conduct scientific research at the Department of Microbiology, and P.F. Zdorovsky sends her to a group studying cholera and cholera-like vibrios.

Her scientific and practical activities contributed to the successful fight of humanity against such terrible diseases as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera and other dangerous infections. But her name in the full sense was immortalized by her discoveries in the field of antibiotics. She was the first in our country to obtain it in the laboratory, and then actively participated in the organization and establishment of industrial production of penicillin - the first domestic antibiotic. Moreover, this was done during the most difficult time for the country - during the Great Patriotic War. In 1947 she received streptomycin, and then in 1960 interferon, an antiviral drug that is of great importance in the prevention of influenza.

It was large and weighty, this list of things done. Signs of recognition of Ermolyeva’s contribution to science were the State Prize, two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Badge of Honor, many honorary diplomas, and medals “For Valiant Labor in the Second World War.” And no less expensive sign of recognition was the love of people for her. In the city of Frolovo, on Ermolyeva Street, a memorial sign was erected in honor of our countrywoman. (See Appendix No. 6).

Topchiev Alexander Vasilievich (1907-1962) was born in the Mikhailovskaya settlement, Ust-Medveditsky district of the Don Army Region. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after. DI. Mendeleev (1930). Russian chemist, academician (1949), vice-president (since 1958) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Works on nitration, halogenation, alkylation and polymeronization of carbohydrates; organosilicon compounds; industrial catalysts. In 1962 he was awarded the Lenin Prize for his works, and in 1950 he received the USSR State Prize. Awarded two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. Full member of the Academies of Sciences of Bulgaria (1958) and Czechoslovakia, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Romania, honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Hungary. (See Appendix No. 7)

Alexey Petrovich Maresyev born in 1916 into a working-class family in the city of Kamyshin. At the age of 16, he went to work as a turner at a factory, and then volunteered to go build Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Here he studied at the flying club. In 1940 he became a fighter pilot. For exemplary performance of command tasks in 1942 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In one of the battles, Maresyev was wounded. For 18 days he walked and crawled with frostbitten feet, overcoming pain and cold, through the snow in an unfamiliar forest, making his way to the front line. There was nothing to eat. He chewed the early buds of birches, pine bark, and dug last year's berries from under the snow. The collective farm boys found the wounded pilot. Soon our ambulance plane arrived to pick up Alexey. The pilot was sent to Moscow, to a hospital. The legs could not be healed. After amputation of the feet of both legs, Maresyev began to relearn how to walk using prosthetics. He won the right to fly a military vehicle. After this he returns to the front. In air battles, he shoots down 7 enemy aircraft. During one of the battles near Kursk, having shot down 3 enemy planes, he saves the commander of a neighboring aviation regiment. In August 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

(See Appendix No. 8).

Pakhmutova Alexandra Nikolaevna born on November 9, 1929 in the village of Beketovka near Stalingrad. The war that began in June 1941 interrupted her studies at the Stalingrad Music School.

After graduating from music school in 1948, A. Pakhmutova entered the Moscow State Conservatory, where she studied with the outstanding composer Professor Vissarion Yakovlevich Shebalin. In 1953 she graduated from the conservatory, and in 1956 she graduated from graduate school with a dissertation on the topic “The score of the opera M.I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

All her life, Alexandra Pakhmutova has been working in different genres. She was written for symphony orchestra (“Russian Suite”, “Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra”, “Overture Youth”, “Concerto for Orchestra”, “Ode to Light a Fire”, “Music for Bell Ensemble and Orchestra Ave Vita”). and works of the cantata-oratorio genre (“Vasily Terkin”, “A Country Beautiful as Youth”, cantatas for children’s choir and symphony orchestra “Red Pathfinders”, “Squad Songs”). The ballet “Illumination” was staged at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater and the Odessa State Opera and Ballet Theater to the music of A. Pakhmutova.

Alexandra Pakhmutova wrote music for the films: “The Ulyanov Family”, “On the Other Side”, “Girls”, “Apple of Discord”, “Once Upon a Time There Was an Old Man and an Old Woman”, “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, etc.

Of particular, one might say, exceptional significance is the work of Alexandra Pakhmutova in the song genre. She always writes all the scores for her songs herself - be it a symphony orchestra or a pop orchestra, an orchestra of folk instruments or a modern computer. Among the almost four hundred songs created by the composer, the following are widely known: “Song about troubled youth”; "Geologists"; “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart!”; "Girls are dancing on the deck"; “Power lines – 500”; “Song – a tale about Mamayev Kurgan”; “Farewell to Bratsk”; "Tired Submarine"; "Hugging the sky"; “We teach airplanes to fly”; "Tenderness"; "Eaglets learn to fly."

Several dozen of the composer's original gramophone records have been released. A. Pakhmutova is the owner of a “golden” disc from the Melodiya company for the gramophone record “Songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova”. In 1995, a CD was released with a recording of a symphony orchestra conducted by Evgeniy Svetlov (Melodiya company). In the same year, a CD with Pakhmutova’s songs “How Young We Were” was released, and in 1996 a CD “Glow of Love” was released.

Pakhmutova’s active creative activity has always been successfully combined with social activities. For many years she was the chairman of the All-Union Commission of Mass Music Genres. For more than twenty years, starting in 1968, she headed the jury of the Red Carnation International Song Contest. From 1968 to 1991 she was secretary of the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR, from 1973 to 1995 secretary of the board of the Union of Composers of Russia.

A.P. Pakhmutova - People's Artist of the USSR (1984), laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1967), laureate of the USSR State Prizes (1975, 1982), Hero of Socialist Labor (1990).

(See Appendix No. 9).

In 1976, the minor planet of 1889, discovered by Crimean astronomers, was named after her and officially registered at the Planetary Center in Cincinnati (USA).

Malyshev Yuri Vasilievich (1941-1999) was born in 1941 in the city of Nikolaevsk. Russian cosmonaut, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1980), colonel, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1980, 1984). Flights on the Soyuz T-2 and the Salyut-6 orbital station (June 1980), Soyuz T-10, - 11 and the Salyut-7 orbital station (April 1984). (See Appendix No. 10)

Migulya Vladimir Georgievich (1945 - 1996) composer, pianist, vocalist was born in Volgograd in 1945, in 1959 he graduated from a children's music school, then from the Volgograd Medical Institute and, at the same time, from a music school (1969). (See Appendix No. 11) At the institute, he led a pop ensemble and sang.

He graduated from the composition department of the Leningrad Conservatory in 1974. The first songs are lyrical. Among them is the popular “Talk to me, Mom” (verses by V. Gin). Later, he wrote a cycle of military-patriotic and soldier songs: “Song about a Soldier” (poems by M. Agashina), “Atty Baty, the soldiers were coming” (poems by M. Tanich) and others. The style of V. Miguli’s musical lyrical works finally took shape in the 1980s - natural, melodious melodies in the best traditions of Russian urban romances and Soviet songs of the 1940s-50s.

In the 1980s, Vladimir Migulya collaborated with the Leningrad vocal and instrumental ensemble “Zemlyane”. For them he writes his best works of this period - “Train” (poems by N. Olev), “Stuntmen”, “Ave Maria” (poems by A. Demetyev), “Strawberry Glade” (poems by I. Reznik).

Like E. Martynov, A. Gradsky, V. Migulya in the 1980s. becomes a “composer-performer”. Possessing a pleasant tenor, he sang expressively, soulfully and warmly.

Popularity came to the composer in the 70s with the songs “Talk to me, Mom”, lyrics by V. Gwin, “Song about a Soldier”, lyrics by M. Agashina... He collaborated with famous pop performers I. Kobzon, V. Tolkunova, L. Smetannikov, the group “Earthlings”... Since the mid-80s. the composer himself began to perform his songs. And in our time, his “Grass at the House”, words by A. Poperechny, “Strawberry Meadow”, words by I. Reznik, tango “Recognition”, words by A. Dementiev and many, many others are still popular and heard on air.

Olga Bondarenko (Krenzer) - the first Olympic champion of Volgograd. (See Appendix No. 12) Olga was born and raised in the city of Kotovo. His extraordinary staying skills were revealed at running competitions for rural schoolchildren in Russia. After graduating from high school, the girl entered the Volgograd Institute of Physical Culture. And shortly before her eighteenth birthday, at a cross-country competition in Almaty, Olya fulfilled the standard of a master of sports.

In August 1981, for the first time in the history of Soviet athletics, the Union women's championship was played at a 10-kilometer distance. It was then that the young Volgograd runner Olga Krenzer became known throughout the country as the winner of these debut competitions. And a year later she received her first silver medal at the national championship.

Success at international competitions came to Bondarenko in 1984, when Olga became the bronze medalist of the “Friendship” competition in the 3000 m race. Since then, every year has brought the Volgograd athlete more and more medals.

The athlete's finest hour came in 1988. Olga arrived in the capital of South Korea ten days before the final races. And then the day of the competition arrived, the 10,000 meter race. The athlete went to the start without a specific tactic; she chose it already during the race. She decided to get around her main rival in the last two or three hundred meters, which she confidently implemented. And she became an Olympic champion - the first in the history of Volgograd sports. “I give my victory to all those who believed in me,” Olga will say upon returning from Seoul to her hometown. Now Bondarenko lives in Germany, sometimes performs at commercial competitions and is engaged in coaching.

Evgeny Sadovy born in Volzhsky. As an eight-year-old boy, he began to master the basics of swimming in the central pool of Volzhsky. Then he moved to Volgograd and continued training at the Spartak swimming complex with Alexander Ivanov. After seventh grade, he entered the Olympic Reserve School. Evgeniy was selected for the youth team for the international match between the USSR and the GDR, which took place in Chisinau in 1988. From there he took two first places in the relay races, and in the return match, held in Berlin, he won five gold medals. At the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, ​​Evgeniy climbed to the highest step of the podium to the Russian anthem three times. He won the first medal in the 200 m freestyle, the second gold went to the 4 × 200 relay, where he was entrusted with the last fourth stage. With the rank of already a two-time Olympic champion, Sadovy entered the final swim in his signature distance - 400 m freestyle. He not only won, but also set a world record. Evgeny Sadovy became the first three-time Olympic champion in Volgograd. But I had to say goodbye to sports, my heart failed me. Now Evgeniy works in the Volgograd Swimming Federation, in his native swimming club “Volga”. Every year in Volgograd the Cup for the prizes of Evgeniy Sadovoy is held for children aged 9 - 14 years.

(See Appendix No. 13).

Pogorelov Sergey Valentinovich born June 2, 1974 in Volgograd. He started playing handball in 1984 at the Volgograd Youth Sports School. He plays for the club Ciudad Real, Spain, wearing number 19, as a right midfielder. Graduated from Volgograd State University of Physical Culture. The first coach was N.A. Izmailov. He played 192 matches for the national team and scored 444 goals. He has the title of Honored Master of Sports. Best achievements: bronze medalist at the Olympic Games 2004 (Athens); champion of the 2000 Olympic Games (Sydney); world champion 1997 (Japan); European champion 1996 (Spain); silver medalist at the 1999 World Championships (Portugal); silver medalist of the European Championship in 1994 (Portugal) and 2000 (Croatia). Government awards: Order of Friendship. Played for clubs: Caustic (Volgograd), Paris (France); TBV Lemgo (Germany); Ciudad Real (Spain). His hobby is fishing. Over the years he trained with V.V. Kirilenko, L.A. Korostashevich. Included in the symbolic team of the 1998 European Championship (Italy). (See Appendix No. 14).

Maxim Opalev born on April 4, 1979 in Volgograd. Height 186 cm. Weight 91 kg. Student at the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture. The sport is kayaking and canoeing. The first coach is Yu. Stepanov. He plays for the sports club of the Ministry of Defense (SK MO). Member of the national team since 1995. Coach – V. Marchenko. In 1998 at the World Championships he took 1st place in the single canoe class at a distance of 500 m, at the European Championships - 1st place in the single canoe class at distances of 200, 500 and 1000 m. In 1999 at the European Championships he took 1st - 1st place in the single canoe class at a distance of 500 m. On October 1, 2000, at the Olympics in Sydney (Australia), he won a silver medal in the kayaking and canoeing competition in the single class at a distance of 500 m. Hobbies – music, books. Lives in Volgograd. (See Appendix 15).

Isinbaeva Elena Gandzhievna born June 3, 1982 in Volgograd. She is a student at GAFC. Member of the Russian national team since 1998. He stands for the Russian Army. Eight-time world record holder. World record holder indoors - 4.86 (2004) and in the stadium - 4.91 (2004). Personal best: 4.91. World Junior Champion (2000). Winner (2004 - winter), silver (2003 - winter) and bronze (2003 - summer) medalist of the World Championship. Champion of Russia (2003 - winter, 2002 - winter, summer, 2003 - winter, silver medalist of the European Championship (2002 - summer). Winner of the Games XXVIII Olympiad in Athens (2004). Honored Master of Sports (athletics, pole vaulting). (See Appendix No. 16).

Lapikov Ivan Gerasimovich (1922-1993) was born on July 7, 1922 in the village of Gorny Balykley, near Tsaritsyn, Saratov province of the RSFSR (now Volgograd region). Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. He spent his childhood in Stalingrad. In 1939, he entered the theater school in Kharkov, where he was able to study for only 2 courses - the war began. From 1941 to 1963 he worked at the Stalingrad Drama Theater named after M. Gorky. In 1963 he moved to Moscow, where he joined the troupe of the Theater - Film Actor's Studio. In cinema since 1954. Popularity came to the artist in 1964 with the release of the film “The Chairman”. His works: “Andrei Rublev”, “A Minute of Silence”, “They Fought for the Motherland”, “Eternal Call”... In just 40 years of working in cinema, he managed to star in more than 70 films.

Recognition and awards:

State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasilyev Brothers (1973) - for his performance as Boris Krayushkin in the film “A Minute of Silence” (1971).

USSR State Prize (1979) - for playing the role of Pankrat Grigoryevich Nazarov in the television series “Eternal Call”.

Lenin Komsomol Prize (1979) - for his performance as Erofeich in the films “Front Without Flanks” (1974) and “Front Behind the Front Line” (1977).

People's Artist of the USSR (1982). (See Appendix No. 17)

In 2002, a museum was opened in Gorny Balykley.

In 2003, a memorial plaque was installed on the house in Volgograd where he lived.

Vedeneeva Tatyana Veniaminovna born July 10, 1953 in Stalingrad. TV presenter, actress, journalist. In 1972, she moved to Moscow and entered GITIS (course of V.P. Ostalsky, teachers E.N. Kozyreva, V.N. Levertov). She made her film debut as a first-year student (1973). After graduating from the institute, she worked at the theater. Mayakovsky. She was the host of the programs “Once Upon a Time in Autumn” (together with Vladimir Vinokur), “Good Night, Kids” and “Visiting a Fairy Tale” ( aunt Tanya). Hosted the program “Morning”. Host of many television shows. In 1993-1999 she lived with her husband in France. In 2000 she returned to television. She hosted the “Tatiana’s Day” program on the Domashny TV channel. Now he hosts the show “A Matter of Taste” on “Domashny”, as well as the program “Formula of Love” on the channel “Russia-1”. (See Appendix No. 18)

II. N and on the territory of the Volgograd region there are 1,506 settlements, some named after famous people. This:

1. Stanitsa Stepano - Razinskaya, Bykovsky district.

2. The village of Stepan Razin, Leninsky district.

Razin Stepan Timofeevich (? – 1671) – Don Cossack. He was born on the Don, in the village of Zimoveyskaya (now the village of Pugachevskaya, Kotelnikovsky district, Volgograd region). In 1667, Razin led the Peasant War (1667-1671). Stepan Timofeevich sought to make the lives of ordinary people easier. The uprising was defeated, Razin himself was betrayed by wealthy Cossacks and on June 6, 1671, he was executed on Red Square in Moscow. But the uprising left an indelible mark on the people's memory, reflected in historical and lyrical songs, legends and folk stories. Stepan Razin became one of the legendary heroes, a symbol of freedom.

3. The city of Petrov Val, Kamyshinsky district.

Peter I the Great (1672 - 1725) - Russian Tsar from 1682 (reigned from 1689), and the first Russian Emperor (from 1721), the youngest son of Alexei Mikhailovich from his second marriage to N.K. Naryshkina. He went down in history as a state reformer. Soon after the capture of Azov in 1697, construction of the canal began. It was planned to run the canal from the Kamyshinka River to Ilovlya, building 4 dams and 10 locks. The work was led by the German engineer Brekel. The place for the canal was not chosen very well, and the first lock was torn off by the flood. Brekel fled Russia, fearing the wrath of Peter, and the work was headed by Peri and Krogin. But in 1701, due to the outbreak of the Northern War, construction of the canal was stopped and was never resumed at this location.

4. Mikoyan village, Gorodishchensky district.

Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich (1895 - 1978), Soviet politician, Hero of Socialist Labor. In the mid-1950s. spoke with N.S. Khrushchev against the personality cult of Stalin.

5. Guli Korolevoy village, Gorodishchensky district

Gulya Queen

Date of birth: 1922 - November 23, 1942
During the days of the counter-offensive, a medical instructor from the 214th Infantry Division, Marionella Koroleva (close people called her Guley), accomplished her feat. Before the war, she lived in Moscow, acted in films, and went to the front voluntarily. From the first days at the front, participating in hostilities, she showed herself to be courageous and brave. November 23, 1942 during a fierce battle for height 56.8 near x. Panshino, under enemy fire, provided medical assistance and carried 50 seriously wounded soldiers from the battlefield. By the end of the day, when the advance of our fighters had stalled, Gulya roused her fighters to attack, was the first to break into the enemy’s trenches, and with several throws of grenades destroyed 15 enemy soldiers and officers. Despite her serious wound, which turned out to be fatal, she fired at the enemy with a machine gun until the weapon fell out of her hands. Our soldiers arrived in time and entrenched themselves in the trenches.
By order of the command of the Don Front of January 9, 1943, Marionella Vladimirovna Koroleva was awarded the Order of the Red Banner “posthumously” for selfless courage and heroism in the fight against the invaders.

6.Khutor Chkalov, Nikolaev district.

Chkalov Valery Pavlovich (1904-1938), Russian test pilot, brigade commander (1938), Hero of the Soviet Union (1936). Developed a number of new aerobatic maneuvers. In 1936-1937 non-stop flights Moscow - o. Udd (Far East) and Moscow - North Pole - Vancouver (USA) with G.F. Baidukov and A.V. Belyakov. Killed while testing a new fighter.

7.Village Leninsky, Bykovsky district.

8. The village of Lenin, Kotelnikovsky district.

9. The city of Leninsk, Leninsky district.

10. The village of Put Ilyich, Leninsky district.

11. The village of Put Ilyich, Pallasovsky district.

12.Village Put Ilyich, Nikolaev district.

13. The village of Leninskoye, Nikolaevsky district.

Lenin (Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich (April 22, 1870 - January 21, 1924), Russian politician and statesman; founder of the Communist Party and the Soviet state; one of the leaders of the international communist movement.

14. Gorkovsky village, Gorodishchensky district.

15. The village of Maxim Gorky, Sredneakhtubinsky district.

Gorky Maxim (real name and surname Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov). One of the key figures of the literary turn of the 19th – 20th centuries and Soviet literature. The pinnacle of early creativity, the play “At the Depths”. Gorky's undoubted merit was his energetic work to save the scientific and artistic intelligentsia from starvation and execution.

16. Stanitsa Preobrazhenskaya (Kikvidze village) Kikvidzensky district.

17. Kikvidze farm, Novonnikolaevsky district.

Kikvidze Vasily Isidorovich - hero of the Civil War 1918 - 1920. Born into the family of a minor official. He took part in the 1st World War 1914-1918, served as a volunteer in the cavalry, and was a left Socialist Revolutionary. He was arrested several times for his revolutionary work in the army. In 1917 he was elected chairman of the soldiers' committee of the 6th Caucasian division and comrade of the chairman of the military revolutionary committee of the Southwestern Front. In December 1917-May 1918 he commanded the Rivne Red Guard detachment in battles with the troops of the counter-revolutionary Central Rada in the regions of Rivne and Dubno and with the German occupiers on the territory of Ukraine. In May 1918 in Tambov he formed a division, which later received the name 16th Rifle Division, and was its commander. In June 1918-January 1919 he took part in battles against the troops of General P. N. Krasnov. Killed in battle. Buried in Moscow. In 1959, monuments to Kikvidze were erected in Kutaisi and Tbilisi. The name of Kikvidze was given to the 16th Infantry Division and the village of Preobrazhenskaya, Volgograd Region.

18. Budyonny farm, Kikvidzensky district.

19. Budenovsky farm, Novoanninsky district.

Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich (1883-1973), Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), three times Hero of the Soviet Union (1958, 1963, 1968). During the Civil War, commander of the 1st Cavalry Army (1919-23). In 1939-41, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War (1941-42) commander-in-chief of the troops of the South-Western and North Caucasus directions, commander of the Reserve and North Caucasus fronts. Budyonny proves himself to be a talented cavalry commander. He carried out a lot of organizational work on the motorization and mechanization of the Soviet cavalry. On February 3, 1970, in Moscow, he was awarded a diploma and a badge of honorary citizen of the hero city of Volgograd

20. Stanitsa Pugachevskaya, Kotelnikovsky district.

Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich born in the Cossack village of Zimoveyskaya Don Region (currently the village of Pugachevskaya, Volgograd Region). Leader of the peasant uprising of 1773 - 1775, Don Cossack, participant in the Seven Years of 1756 - 1763 and the Russian-Turkish War of 1768 - 1774, cornet. Under the name of Emperor Peter III, he raised the Yaik Cossacks in August 1773. In September 1774, he was handed over to the authorities by the conspirators. Executed in Moscow on Bolotnaya Square.

21. Bulgakov farm, Leninsky district.

22. Bulgakov farm, Sredneakhtubinsky district.

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich Russian writer. The crowning achievement of his creative career is the novel “The Master and Margarita.”

23. The city of Pallasovka, Pallasovsky district.

Pallas Peter Simon Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, geographer. For the first time he described the Trans-Volga region in sufficient detail.

(See Appendix No. 19).

24. Village of Kirov, Svetloyarsk district.

Kirov (real name Kostrikov) Sergei Mironovich (1886 – 1934), Soviet politician. People's favorite. Could compete with Stalin. Killed by a terrorist.

25. The city of Serafimovich, Serafimovichsky district.

Serafimovich (Popov) Alexander Serafimovich Russian Soviet writer and publicist. Winner of the Stalin Prize (1943). Famous works: the story “Sands” (1908), the novel “City in the Steppe” (1912), the novel “The Iron Stream” (1924).

26.Kuibyshev village, Sredneakhtubinsky district.

Kuibyshev Valerian Vladimirovich (1888-1935), Soviet statesman. Brother of N.V. Kuibyshev. Since 1926, Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR. Since 1930, Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR. Since 1934, Chairman of the Commission of Soviet Control under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and 1st Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and STO of the USSR.

27. Stanitsa Suvorovskaya, Surovikinsky district.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich (1730-1800), Count of Rymniksky (1789), Prince of Italy (1799), Russian commander, Generalissimo (1799). Began serving as a corporal in 1748. Participant in the Seven Years' War. During the Russian-Turkish wars (1768-74 and 1787-91) he won victories at Kozludzha (1774), Kinburn (1787), Focsani (1789), Rymnik (1789) and stormed the Izmail fortress (1790). At the last stage of the uprising, E.I. Pugacheva, from August 1774, led the troops sent to suppress it. He commanded the troops that suppressed the Polish uprising of 1794. In 1799 he led the Italian and Swiss campaigns, defeating French troops on the Adda and Trebbia rivers and at Novi; escaped the encirclement by crossing the Swiss Alps. Author of military theoretical works (“Regimental Establishment”, “Science of Victory”). He created an original system of views on methods of warfare and combat, education and training of troops. Suvorov's strategy was offensive in nature. Developed the tactics of columns and loose formation. Didn't lose a single battle.

28. Liebknecht farm, Nikolaev district.

Liebknecht Karl (1871 – 1919), German politician, one of the founders (1918) of the Communist Party of Germany. In 1912 - 1916 deputy of the German Reichstag. In December 1914 one voted against military spending. Called for the overthrow of the government waging war.

29. village of Rudnya, Rudnyansky district.

Nikolay Rudnev was chief of staff of the Red Army, then commander of a reserve brigade during the Civil War. In 1918, in a battle near Beketovka, he was mortally wounded.

30. x. Kotelnikov, Kotelnikovsky district.

31. Kotelnikovo, Kotelnikovsky district.

Kotelnikov E.N. stood at the head of the Don organization during the Decembrist movement, which ended its days on Solovki.

III. I I would include in the Golden Book of the Volgograd Region people who have made a great contribution to the development of our region, these are:

Ermolyeva Zinaida Vissarionovna , since she developed a method for accelerated bacteriological diagnosis of cholera, which made it possible to increase the throughput of laboratories by 5–10 times. This method gained particular importance during the Great Patriotic War, during the liquidation of the consequences of the occupation. A new era of domestic antibacterial therapy was associated with her name. In particularly difficult wartime conditions, she created the first Soviet antibiotic - penicillin-crustosin, which was the ancestor of a large group of important antibiotics. The timing of this discovery made it possible to save thousands of soldiers with infected gunshot wounds. A person taken from the battlefield, already saved from fire and bullets, dies in a hospital bed from purulent inflammation of the wound, blood poisoning - sepsis, gas gangrene. The results of her work still save people from death and restore health.

Cherkasova Alexandra Maksimovna , because in 1943, immediately after the defeat of the Nazi troops at Stalingrad, she organized and led a construction team. Women - former workers of medical and children's institutions, housewives and others - in their free time from work, began to restore their hometown. Patriots worked under the motto: “Let’s rebuild our native Stalingrad!” On June 15, 1943, the newspaper “Stalingradskaya Pravda” published an appeal from the brigade A.M. Cherkasova to follow their example. As a result, the city was restored in a short time.

Maksyuta Nikolai Kirillovich , former head of the Volgograd Region Administration. He had a positive impact on the development of agriculture in the region and personal subsidiary plots, and improving the standard of living in rural areas. (See Appendix No. 20).

Petrov Vladimir Ivanovich , as he sought to obtain new drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Currently, many people are dying from these diseases.

Plotnikov Vladimir Nikolaevich , since he is the author of laws that are aimed at reviving the Russian village and supporting domestic producers.

Gavrilov Alexey Mikhailovich, he is the founder of the largest scientific school in our country and in the CIS on the intensification of agriculture with intercrops. He made a significant contribution to the development of agriculture in our region.

Kalashnikov Vladimir Ilyich, former first secretary of the Volgograd regional committee of the CPSU from 1984 to 1990, during the years of his work the profitability of agricultural production in the region amounted to over 40%.

Semenov Viktor Nikolaevich , the first chairman of the Volgograd organization of the Union of Composers of Russia, for his great contribution to the development of musical art. He is the author of the music that sounds at the Eternal Flame on the Square of Fallen Fighters in Volgograd.

Maxima Zagorulko , the first rector of VOLGU - for services in the field of education and science.

Poliponov Boris Ivanovich , head of the surgical department of the Frolovsky Central District Hospital, for saving the lives of hundreds of residents of the Frolovsky district.

Bondarenko Olga , for sporting achievements, she is the first Olympic champion in Volgograd.

Evgeniy Sadovoy , for sporting achievements, the first three times Olympic champion of Volgograd, at the Olympics in Barcelona in 1992.

Margarita Agashina, for outstanding achievements in the field of literature and significant creative contribution. (for the fact that she wrote the poem “A birch tree grows in Volgograd”).

All these people are worthy of attention, they are talented. They use their talent for the benefit of people, for the benefit of the Volgograd region. They strive to make our lives better, our cities more beautiful, our region stronger. I would like to end my work with the words of N.K. Maksyuta: “I am grateful to everyone who works for the benefit of the region and its residents.”

Appendix No. 1

Mushketov Ivan Vasilievich

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3

Monument to N.A. Begichev in the village of Dikson.

Appendix No. 4

Still life with crabs I.I. Mashkov.

Appendix No. 5

Monument to Krivoshlykov and Podtelkov in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

Appendix No. 6

Appendix No. 7

Topchiev Alexander Vasilievich

Appendix No. 8

Maresyev Alexey Petrovich

Appendix No. 9

Pakhmutova Alexandra Nikolaevna

Appendix No. 10

Malyshev Yuri Vasilievich

Appendix No. 11

Migulya Vladimir Georgievich

Appendix No. 12

Olga Bondarenko (Krenzer)

Appendix No. 13

Evgeny Sadovy

Appendix No. 14

Pogorelov Sergey Valentinovich

Appendix No. 15

Maxim Opalev

Appendix No. 16

Yelena Isinbayeva

Appendix No. 17

Lapikov Ivan Gerasimovich

Appendix No. 18

Tatyana Vedeneeva, host of the show “Legends of Retro FM 2009”

What does the Volga mean for Russia? For every resident of our vast country, the Volga is not just one of the largest rivers on Earth (3530 meters). Not just the central waterway of Russia: 15 regions, 4 cities with a population of more than 1 million are located on the Volga. And not just a river with major economic importance: 8 hydroelectric power stations, a center for shipping and fishing. Of course, all this is not the main thing. The Volga is the soul of Russia: I’m sure everyone who cares about our country, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, from Novaya Zemlya to Sochi, will agree with this.

How many songs have been written about her! “The Volga River Flows” comes to mind immediately, in the famous performance by Lyudmila Zykina. “Because of the island to the core” with Stenka Razin: “Volga-Volga, dear mother, Volga is the Russian river...” And “Dubinushka”, the song of the Volga barge haulers, which Fyodor Chaliapin glorified throughout the world with his bass! And people fell in love with the modern “From the Volga to the Yenisei”: a cheerful and sincere song about our “Race”, which is inextricably linked with the Volga... The Volga is also our literature: Nekrasov, Maxim Gorky, Ostrovsky and his “Dowry”. And our story. “There is no land for us beyond the Volga” - these words of the legendary sniper Vasily Zaitsev became the spirit of the fighting Stalingrad. The Volga is the frontier for which our grandfathers fought without sparing their lives. This is what the Volga means for our country.

I myself have seen the great Russian river twice. Not in its widest places - in the Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions. But it’s still impressive: you can’t see the other shore. But my late grandfather grew up on the banks of the Volga, in the Ivanovo region. Severe, but sincere, hard-working, less words - more action, sincere, always ready to “cut the truth”: a real Volga character. It’s hard to even imagine how much the Volga meant to him. I still remember how he sang: “Hey, let's whoop! Yes, hey, let's go! - his favorite song. It came straight from the heart... But, I repeat once again, even for those who have never seen this great river, it is our national treasure. Which we may soon lose...

The death of the Volga. This is precisely the terrible prospect that specialists now face. A few days ago, the Volzhsky Humanitarian Institute hosted a conference “Volzhsky - a noospheric city”, at which more than a dozen doctors and candidates of science, ecologists, and experts in the field of anthropology addressed the President of the Russian Federation. It talks about the need to transfer the Volzhskaya HPP cascade to an ecological (natural) operating mode. “The damage to the state from the degradation of the Volga ecosystem cannot be calculated,” scientists explain.

“More than 40% of the Russian population, living in 39 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, whose territories are fully or partially located in the Volga basin, depend on the Volga ecosystem. Therefore, transferring the cascade of Volga-Kama hydroelectric power stations to an ecological (natural) operating mode is the first necessary step in the revival of the Volga ecosystem. The initiative from the Volgograd region and other constituent entities of the federation to transfer the cascade of Volga-Kama hydroelectric power stations to an environmentally friendly operating mode is natural and justified.
The total installed electrical capacity of hydroelectric power stations in the Volga basin exceeds 11,400 MW, and the average annual electricity generation is 38.5 billion kWh, which is about 4% of the total generation in the country. But the damage to the state from the degradation of the Volga ecosystem cannot be calculated economically. In addition, about 25 thousand square meters are flooded under reservoirs. km of fertile land, which is comparable to the area of ​​small states on Earth,” writes correspondent Olga Poplavskaya on the news portal “Free Press - South”.
What exactly is happening to the Volga?

There has not been such low water on the river for 100 years.

Environmentalists ask the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation to understand the true causes of the environmental disaster in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain. The most difficult situation is now in the villages on the left bank of the Volga and on Sarpinsky Island, the largest river island in Europe by area. The wells have dried up. People no longer even have enough drinking water, not to mention watering their gardens. According to the Free Press - South portal, a few days ago residents of Sarpinsky Island almost collided with summer residents who turned on the irrigation pump. It ended with a young local resident entering the territory of the pumping station, turning off the pump, and responding to all complaints from the indignant summer residents: “Only over my corpse!” It was solely due to the intervention of the police that there were no casualties.

Of course, the situation affected not only people: plants, fish, birds and animals in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain natural park are dying. Due to the unprecedentedly small discharge of water from the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station, moisture never entered the rivers, lakes and channels of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.
According to the official version of hydropower engineers, the reason for the low water supply was a winter with little snow. The press service of the Volzhskaya HPP refers to the spillway regime established by the Federal Water Resources Agency. The RusHydro company, it would seem, did not remain aloof from the crisis. The alarming publication “The Great Volga Dry Land” is posted on its portal. They illustrate the situation with the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station with a graph of water inflow and consumption at hydroelectric power stations located upstream: Rybinsk, Zhigulevskaya, Kuibyshevskaya. The conclusion they draw is: “In fact, we are dealing with a natural disaster, the consequences of which are greatly mitigated by a cascade of reservoirs on the Volga.” As a result, energy experts urge, it is necessary to “save water and get used to living in low-water conditions. According to scientists’ calculations, we are at the beginning of a low-water phase on the Volga, which may continue for another 20-30 years.” They also point out that “the operating modes of hydroelectric power plants are determined not by power engineers, but by a state organization - the Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosvodresursy). It is she who determines how much water to pass (or not to pass) through hydroelectric power plants, and hydropower plants are obliged to accurately comply with the regimes prescribed by Rosvodresursy.”

Well, this is not the first and not the last call to “tighten your belts” and “wait for better times.” The only thing that has changed is that earlier “tighten your belts” sounded like an order (who is even asking you?!), but now you have to present a “scientifically based” version of why people once again have to humble themselves and endure. Is this justified?

“The Volgograd reservoir is, in fact, a colossal reservoir for water, which is created with the help of a dam blocking the riverbed,” explains how exactly it is possible to artificially change the climate and create a drought somewhere, and a flood in other places, ecologist, chairman of the regional branches of the Green Alliance party Lyudmila Solovyova. - The water pressure created by the dam makes it possible to generate electricity using hydroelectric power units. Reservoirs store water when there is a lot of it and release water when there is little. Accordingly, the water level in the reservoir is not constant. By spring it is minimal - during the winter hydroelectric power plants produce a lot of water for electricity production. In the spring, after the snow begins to melt, there is much more water in the rivers, and the reservoir begins to fill. We believe that the management of the Volzhskaya HPP discharges less water from the reservoir in the spring than enters it. The logic of behavior of the managers of hydroelectric power stations, who are freed by the reform of the electric power industry from real control and responsibility for their actions, seems simple and comparable to the logic of the management of the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station of the “everything for profit” principle.

What is the reason for this decision by the power engineers? The higher the reservoir is filled, the lower the cost of the energy generated by the hydroelectric power station, and, accordingly, the higher its income. Perhaps one of the solutions that is possible in this situation is an immediate independent audit of the state of affairs: the water level at the Volzhskaya HPP, discharge indicators. The fact is that, according to environmentalists, water is being discharged at a rate of 10 thousand cubic meters per second, the maximum discharge was 16 thousand cubic meters per second. And to achieve any acceptable water level, this figure must be 25-26 thousand cubic meters. These data are reported by the chairman of the regional branch of the Green Alliance party, Lyudmila Solovyova, an ecologist by training. She also claims that even in the lowest-water year of 2006, power engineers dumped 18 thousand m 3, and it was a disaster, since the water did not enter the floodplain, and the eriks and lakes dried up, floodplain meadows died. This year the water did not enter the floodplain at all. Lyudmila Solovyova is surprised: what prevented hydrologists from giving 26 thousand cubic meters for two days so that the water would at least enter the floodplain?

According to environmentalists, the catastrophic consequences that await the floodplain are the consequences of gross violations of the rules for regulating the flows of the Volga-Kama cascade. These rules, although developed in the 1980s, have not been repealed. Yet no one takes them into account now. The cost of electricity generated at the Volzhskaya HPP is six kopecks per kilowatt per hour, and the selling price is six rubles. It is more profitable for hydroelectric power plants to generate electricity in large volumes in winter, because there is more darkness and cold, so maximum water flows are discharged through the turbines. But there’s not enough for spring. As for the references to winters with little snow, here too environmentalists object: the Volga-Kama basin is designed for long-term regulation, and if the rules were followed, it would be possible to easily withstand three dry years in a row, ensuring normal spring floods. The current situation was a consequence of the fact that business was put at the forefront, and not the interests of Russia in general and the region in particular.

Here is how the former vice-chairman of the board of the Volgograd Regional Environmental Fund, Konstantin Glushenok, comments on the situation: “When hydrologists say that the current year is low-water, in my opinion, they are disingenuous. For comparison: let’s take 2011, when the annual flow of the Volga was lower than in the previous year, 2014. Then it was 201 cubic kilometers, and the spring discharge of water from the Volzhskaya hydroelectric station in the peak phase reached 25 thousand cubic meters per second. In 2014, the annual flow was 224 cubic kilometers, that is, 23 cubic kilometers more than in 2011. However, the discharge during the spring flood of 2015 reached only 16 cubic meters per second. That is, with significantly large reserves of water in the Volga, hydropower companies released a significantly smaller volume of water this spring, hiding behind unsubstantiated statements about low water.”

The reason for the oddities and inconsistencies in the numbers, according to the expert, will become clear if we analyze the volumes of winter water discharge from the Volzhskaya HPP.

“During the winter months, with the standard winter discharge of 4.2 cubic meters per second, there were days when the discharge was more than six thousand cubic meters per second,” Konstantin Glushenok told the Volgograd news portal – This is what, in my opinion, puts hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of those who are managers of JSC RusHydro. Therefore, now, when we see that they bought gloves and bags for volunteers to collect garbage along the banks of the Akhtuba and reservoir, this, in my opinion, is hypocrisy and is incommensurate with the billions of dollars of damage that, I believe, they cause to such a unique object as Volga-Akhtuba floodplain."

The head of the department “Integrated use of water resources and ecology” of Volgograd State Agrarian University, Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Loboyko, agrees with the conclusions of Konstantin Glushenko.

“On the situation with the floodplain and low water, Vice-Governor Alexander Belyaev asked me to express my opinion,” said Mr. Loboyko. – I, in turn, asked them to request data from our Volgograd gauging station of the Hydrometeorological Center. All this information was provided to me. I analyzed them, after which it turned out that, in fact, with an objective need of 4,200 in winter and autumn, five to six thousand cubic meters were discharged through the Volzhskaya hydroelectric station. In winter, these floods are absolutely unnecessary. In some previous years, not in 14-15, but earlier, when I was a deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma, during winter discharge it reached 14 thousand cubic meters per second, and the water rose into the floodplain, into the eriki, which is unnatural for natural conditions. There is no reason for such winter discharges, except that six kopecks is the cost of generating a kilowatt-hour of electricity at a hydroelectric power station and six rubles is the selling price, in my opinion. I believe that what is happening is nothing more than elementary corruption and collusion between RusHydro and Rosvodresursy.”

How did RusHydro representatives respond to these accusations?

RusHydro press secretary Elena Vishnyakova made an official statement, which was published on the Free Press - South portal. First of all, she confirmed that the operating mode of the Volzhskaya HPP is determined by the Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosvodresursy). And the agency makes these decisions based on the recommendations of the interdepartmental working group (IWG), which includes representatives of the administrations of all regions of the Volga region, all Volga basin departments (territorial divisions of the FAVR), the Ministry of Agriculture, Rosrybolovstvo, Rosmorrechflot, JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System, Rostekhnadzor, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and hydropower. Elena Vishnyakova also pointed out that the priority is to ensure uninterrupted supply to the population and socially significant facilities, and the interests of energy workers come last. As an example, she cited the situation with the shutdown of the Rybinsk and Uglich hydroelectric power stations in order to fill the reservoir to a level suitable for navigation. As factors that led to the catastrophic situation in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, she named low water inflow and low water reserves in reservoirs, also pointing out that all information about snow reserves can be found on the Roshydromet website.

Elena Vishnyakova also disputes the assertion that due to the unprecedentedly small discharge of water from the Volzhskaya HPP, moisture did not enter the rivers, lakes and channels. According to her, 16 thousand cubic meters is not a low discharge rate, but, on the contrary, a standard value (according to the Rules for the Use of Water Resources). As for the water, according to a representative of the RusHydro company, it still entered the floodplain, albeit in small quantities.

Regarding the increase in discharge at the Volzhskaya HPP, then, according to Elena Vishnyakova,

this will cause a sharp depletion of the Volgograd and Kuibyshev reservoirs, since costs at the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric station will also need to be increased. In conditions of low water, such measures will lead to a socio-economic and environmental disaster in settlements located on the banks of these reservoirs.

Elena Vishnyakova particularly focused on the situation with the water level in the hydroelectric power station. Refuting the claims of ecologists that large discharges were observed in winter, she refers to the hydrological Informer, which is located on the RusHydro website (the Informer really works, but judging by its data for December 2014 - March 2015, discharges occur almost every day at least not by much, but exceeded the standard 4200 m3/s - P.K.).

Other representatives of RusHydro respond in even harsher terms: “In every region we have at least one expert who believes that everyone is deceiving, and only he is the bearer of the truth”; “You can’t just take and, as Volgograd experts say, “leave” half of the Volga to the left”; “And then, in winter there are no discharges. If there were discharges in winter, the dam of the Volzhskaya hydroelectric station would be covered in ice. Because water turns into ice in winter, there is such a principle of natural history.” In addition, it is planned to create a “School for Young Energy Engineers” for journalists and experts.

Such arguments by RusHydro representatives are emotional, but, unlike the company’s press secretary Elena Vishnyakova’s appeal to numbers and facts, they are hardly convincing to the expert community.

They are even less convincing for the population of the affected region.

While controversy continues in the media and at conferences, the situation continues to escalate. As of June 24, 2015, there have been no emergencies or collisions yet. But there are fears that the case will not be theirs. Meanwhile, a video of a massive fish death on the Volga near Astrakhan is gaining a lot of views on the Internet. These are the consequences of low water: the fish were unable to enter the flooded meadows to spawn. Environmentalists report: this means that in the next two years there will be no fish on the Volga. From what was once the fishiest river that fed thousands of people on its banks, the Volga is turning into a shallow swamp...

Local residents and environmentalists are not giving up. The experts sent a letter to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev with a call to take action against energy workers. Environmentalists ask the head of government to take measures, to involve the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General's Office to identify persons or organizations responsible for the current environmental situation. Under the letter from D.A. Hundreds of residents of the Sredneakhtubinsky district, where the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain is located, also signed up for Medvedev.

Meanwhile, Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev promised to send specialists to the Astrakhan region, neighboring Volgograd, to understand the causes of low water. The Astrakhan region is also suffering catastrophic losses. At a recent conference call with the Ministry of Agriculture, the regional leadership reported that the lack of water has led to more than 300 thousand hectares of natural hayfields remaining unflooded, which leads to a decrease in their feed capacity and the volume of roughage procurement for the autumn-winter stall period.

The debate between energy workers and environmentalists is well-reasoned. But every minute the situation becomes more difficult. The only possible option for resolving the situation seems to be the arrival of the country's top leadership to the site of the environmental disaster, accompanied by experts, in order to establish the current state of affairs and take immediate measures. During the catastrophic flood in the Far East, the country's leadership kept its finger on the pulse and acted promptly and decisively. Drought is no less a natural disaster. Moreover, if it turns out that it was created artificially, this is already a large-scale crime against the security of the country. The Ecograd magazine will closely monitor the situation and promptly inform our readers about it.

P.S. The Ecograd magazine is closely monitoring the rescue of our other national treasure - Lake Baikal, which is under new threat...

Read our special reports:

Pavel Kalashnikov

Methodological development of an extracurricular activity dedicated to the small Motherland, its heroic past and the people who glorified the Volgograd region. Children from grades 6-8 participated in the preparation and holding of the event. In preparing the event, poetic works about the big and small Motherland, as well as works about the Second World War, were used.



Municipal budgetary educational institution "Novorogachinskaya secondary educational school of the Gorodishchensky district of the Volgograd region"

Open event

“My dear Motherland, your glorious people”

Teacher of Russian language and literature Petrova A.V.

Mathematics teacher Manuzina L.N.

Volgograd 2015

It is well known that great patriotism

starts small - with love

The place where you live

Presenter 1 . The most beautiful thing on earth is the Motherland. Homeland is a word that always evokes a special feeling of belonging and excitement.

Presenter 2 . Every person has a homeland and everyone loves it. Loves the place where he was born and lives. Loves native forests, fields and rivers. He loves his winter and his summer, his autumn and his spring.

Presenter 1 . A person loves the people with whom he lives, loves his people. He loves his native language and the songs, fairy tales, and dances of his people. And all this is the Motherland.

Presenter 2 . When pronouncing this word, everyone simultaneously thinks about Russia, our common Motherland, and about their own region, a small homeland with which our life and destiny are connected.

Reader 1. Russia

This word originated

In the sound of awakened swords,

In the canvases of blue-eyed Rublev,

In the silence of pre-storm nights

Reader 2.

On the battlefield

The dew has ripened

Axes sang on the ashes.

We forgave everything:

We are Great Russians

Always generous and kind.

Reader 3.

For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For a light brown field with tall colossi,

Overflowing rivers in blue flames,

They called you Russia in Slavic.

Russia... Russia... Razdolie... Plains...,

Birch trees are barefoot, gray haired.

Everything is expensive since childhood,

Everything is remembered from childhood,

And yet you can’t see enough of it.

Reader 4

My homeland, my Russia

How can I tell you that I love you?

This sea, this sky is blue,

This is life in your native land!

This rain and these blizzards are evil

These maples, these poplars

My homeland, my Russia

How can I tell you that I love you?

Reader 5.

Our small homeland -

Where I was born and grew up,

Connected with mother's affection,

With the babbling of white birches.

Our small homeland -

Where in a difficult year

Our heart is tired

He'll rest for a while.

Our small homeland -

Where at the farewell hour

Scarlet dawns rise

Seeing us off kindly.SONG “NOT WHITE DAWN”

Presenter 1.

And our small Motherland is Volgograd and the Volgograd region, Novy Rogachik and Gorodishchensky district.Presentation “My Small Motherland”

Reader 1

My Russia is my Volgograd

My Russia is feather grass steppes.

My Russia is dusty snowstorms.

It's cold in winter and hot in summer.

My Russia is my Volgograd.

My Russia – the roads are long.

My Russia is the bank of the Volga.

My Russia was saved by a soldier.

My Russia is my Volgograd.

My Russia is a beautiful people.

My Russia is love and strength.

Tsaritsyn and Stalingrad are alive here.

My Russia is my Volgograd.

Reader 2.

Amazing sunny city

Stands majestically on the steep bank

Amazing sunny city.

Reborn from the ashes, dressed in granite,

It is spacious, welcoming and young.

Here in the south of Russia they live freely

And they are proud of their glorious land,

They sow bread, brew steel, create beauty

People of generous soul, Volgograd residents.

Guests come from all continents and countries

To the city of peace and military valor,

Where the legendary Mamayev Kurgan stands,

Where the war turned back.

And white seagulls fly over the city.

The firmament is limitless and clear.

Volgograd, Volgograd, you are wonderful and holy,

You, like the Volga, are great and beautiful!

Blossom, good one, revel in the spring,

Know no tests

City of will and courage, hero city,

Illuminated by the Great Victory!

Reader 3.

My Stalingrad, Volgograd,

You are the only one in the world!

About you all over the planet

They say admiringly.

The battle monument is alive,

Lower Volga capital,

What in the world compares to you,

My legendary city?!

Above you the sky is blue,

The path to achievement is open!

As in battles, you are now

Famous for his fellow countrymen.

On Mamayev Kurgan,

From the ancient Russian heights,

Like on a fairy tale screen,

You open up to everyone!

Next to the majestic Volga

You've been standing for centuries.

Bright streets with a kind glance

Looking into the twenty-first century.

Our free state

I am proud of your feat.

Like the sun, your glory

Will never fade...

Presenter 2.

But my homeland is not only the place where you were born, raised or live, a place to which you are tied by invisible threads of the soul, and which is probably better than anywhere else in the world.

Presenter 1.

The native land is, first of all, the people who glorified it and gave it their love and heart..

Presenter 2.

Glorious people of the Volgograd land are people who glorified the Volgograd land, people whose names have gained national and world fame.

Presenter 1.

Who are they, the glorious people of the Volgograd land?

Presenter 2.

Ilya Mashkov and Alexandra Pakhmutova, Margarita Agashina and Elena Stepanenko, Evgeniy Plushenko and Gennady Lyachin.

Presenter 1.

Those who passed away with glory into eternity or our contemporaries, mature or very young natives of the Volgograd region, or people who at some stage of their life’s journey linked their fate with our region - all of them are worthy of our recognition, respect and gratitude, and sometimes - boundless admiration .

Presentation about famous people of Volgograd

Presenter 1.

A special place in the history of the Volgograd region is occupied by the years associated with the Great Patriotic War. The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the most important events of the Second World War.

Presenter 2.

It became a turning point in the course of hostilities, after which the German troops finally lost faith in victory

Song "About that spring"

Reader 1.


At the noisiest intersection,

At the entrance to the city of Stalingrad,

There are chestnuts and birches standing

And the spruce trees stand tall.

No matter how you look, you won’t find them

In the forests of the Volga side,

And, they say, these trees

Brought from afar.

And it was like this: there was once a war

I was on the Volga bank.

Three soldiers at the crossroads

We sat next to each other in the snow.

It was January. And the wind is biting

I curled the snow into rings.

A fire was burning at the crossroads -

He warmed the soldiers' hands.

The soldiers knew that there would be a battle.

And before the fight for half an hour

They probably remembered

Your distant forests.

Then there was a battle... And three soldiers

Left in the snow forever.

But the crossroads of Stalingrad

They did not give it to the enemy.

And now at the crossroads,

At the site of the death of the soldiers,

There are chestnuts and birches standing,

And the spruce trees stand tall.

They rustle with alien leaves,

Washed by the rain in the morning,

And burn our memory

The fire of a soldier's fire.

Reader 2.

On the Alley of Heroes

The earth froze from frost and blizzards,

the wind bent the poplars to the ground.

The trams were slipping in the heavy snow,

people walked, cursing February and the snowstorm.

On this winter snowy February day

Lilacs were planted on the Alley of Heroes.

They lay obediently on the frozen roots

lumps of dense snow and frozen earth.

But I couldn’t believe it, and was it only me? –

so that this lilac comes to life in the spring.

And today is spring! The gardens come to life

the last ice floats along the Volga;

at the market an old man sells seeds,

and the boys play football until dark.

Lilacs planted in February

The soul warmed up in the April warmth.

How many people will walk along the alley per day!

Maybe one of them will stop here

and will think the same thing as I think:

Friends died on this land,

young, simple, like me and like you...

They also loved life and flowers.

Reader 3.

February second

In due time -

not too late and not too early -

winter will come,

the earth will freeze.

And you

to Mamayev Kurgan

you'll come

second of February.

And there,

at that frosty one,

at that sacred height,

you're on the wing

white blizzard

put red flowers.

And as if for the first time

you'll notice

what was he like,

their military path!

February, February,

soldier's month -

blizzard in the face,

chest-deep snow.

A hundred winters will pass.

And a hundred snowstorms.

And we are in front of them

everything is in debt.

February, February.

Soldier's month.



on snow. Song “Scarlet Sunsets”

Presenter 1.

Many children, dreaming of adulthood, are looking for some kind of ideal to follow, choosing a person whom they want to be like. Most often, show business stars act as such an ideal. But the true heroes live among us - these are our glorious parents, grandparents. These are our glorious fellow countrymen.

Presentation about Honorary Citizens of the Gorodishchensky District living in Novy Rohachik.

Presenter 2.

Day after day, they modestly do their work: they teach, treat, build, transport, sell, clean, feed - they do everything that we cannot live without. If it weren’t for people like our relatives, our village probably wouldn’t exist. Our country would not have achieved such victories and achievements, because work is the most important thing in life. From all troubles, from all troubles, you can find only one deliverance - in work.

Think what would happen

When would a tailor say:

“I don’t want to sew a dress,

I’ll take a day off!”

And all the tailors in town

They would have followed him home.

If only people walked around naked

Along the street in winter...

When would the driver say:

“I don’t want to transport people,”

And turned off the engine.

Trolleybuses, buses

It would fall asleep with snow,

Factory workers

We could walk...

When a doctor would say:

“I don’t want to pull my teeth,

I won’t, even if you cry!”

Medical care for patients

There wouldn't be any.

And you would sit and suffer

With a tied cheek...

4. A teacher at school would say:

"This year I

I don't want to teach children

I won’t go to school!”

Notebooks and textbooks

We'd roll around in the dust

And we would be unscientists,

They grew to old age!

Suddenly something bad happened!

But he just won't do that

Nobody ever!

And people won't refuse

From the necessary work.

6. A teacher is required

Will come to class the next morning,

And the bakers diligently

They will bake bread for us.

Any task will be completed

What don't you tell them to do?

Tailors and shoemakers.

Drivers and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

We live in the same country

And everyone works honestly

In its place.

Presenter 2.

We hope that among our children there will grow up those whom years later we will proudly call “Glorious people of the Volgograd land.”

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