Black particles in the urine. Flakes in the urine: features of the appearance in men, women and children. Features of the study of urine

They are usually seen at the same time.

Unlike other crystals, they do not occur in normal urine. They can be found in acute yellow liver atrophy, phosphorus poisoning, leukemia and other pathological conditions.

Leucine crystals form yellowish-brown or greenish-yellow balls of various sizes with radiant and concentric striation, resembling a cross section of a tree. Often, smaller ones are superimposed on the balls of a larger diameter.

Tyrosine crystals consist of the thinnest, brilliant needles, forming delicate yellowish bunches and stars. Leucine is insoluble in acetic acid, ether, acetone and alcohol. Sometimes it can be mistaken for drops of fat. In this case, it should be borne in mind that under the action of the ester, the fat dissolves, and the leucine remains unchanged. Leucine differs from ammonium uric acid in the presence of circular and radiant striation, as well as the absence of spikes along the periphery. Tyrosine crystals can sometimes be confused with neutral phosphate crystals. The latter, unlike tyrosine, readily dissolve in acetic acid. Tyrosine is soluble in mineral acids and alkalis.

cystine macroscopically it has the appearance of grayish-white masses, which under the microscope are regular colorless transparent hexagonal plates lying side by side or one on top of the other.

Cystine crystals are insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, acetone, acetic acid, but soluble in mineral acids, ammonia and alkalis, which is how they differ from some similar forms of uric acid crystals, which are soluble in alkalis, but do not dissolve in ammonia.

Cystine appears in hereditary cystinuria. This usually produces cloudy urine of a greenish-yellow color, mostly alkaline or very slightly acidic. Abundant grayish-white sediment consists of crystals and often whole intergrowths of cystine of various sizes. As a result of an injury, when passing salts in the urine, an admixture of blood can also be detected. Due to the rarity of the disease and the responsibility of the diagnosis, a chemical reaction is mandatory.

Xanthine rare in urine sediment. It has the form of colorless rhombuses, somewhat reminiscent of uric acid crystals, but, unlike the latter, it gives a negative murexide reaction and is equally soluble in alkalis, ammonia and hydrochloric acid, while uric acid crystals are insoluble neither in ammonia nor in acids.

Cholesterol crystals sometimes found in the urine with amyloid and lipoid dystrophy of the kidneys, echinococcosis of the urinary tract and neoplasms of the urinary and genital organs, mainly with cancer and kidney abscess. The crystals look like colorless large and small tablets with cut corners and step-like ledges. They are located in isolation or layered on top of each other. In alkalis and acids, the crystals are insoluble, but easily dissolve in chloroform, ether and hot alcohol.

Fat and lipids in urine. Fat has the appearance of droplets and grains that strongly refract light with sharply defined dark edges. They can be freely in the liquid or layered on the shaped elements. Drops of fat often fill the cells in such a way that their nuclei become invisible, and the cells themselves take on the form of rounded formations, entirely consisting of droplets of fat. Drops of fat are also found in the form of accumulations in fatty degeneration and tissue breakdown. Fat can also occur in the form of random impurities from the outside. Neutral fat dissolves in chloroform, ether and stains orange-red with Sudan III, and black with 1% osmic acid solution.

Morphologically identical drops of fat in the urine in some cases may be neutral fat, in others - lipids.

Lipids have a double refraction, which can be revealed using polarized light, using two Nicol prisms for this. One prism (polarizer) is inserted into the aperture of the microscope, the second (analyzer) is mounted on the eyepiece. If the prisms are parallel to each other, the field of view is normal; if the analyzer is rotated by 90°, the field of view becomes dark. Only lipids are visible in it in the form of brightly illuminated bodies. Lipid drops look like a black cross with four luminous segments, neutral fat drops are invisible. Fatty acid crystals also have double refraction, but morphologically they are easily distinguishable from lipids. fatty acid crystals have the appearance of slightly curved needles collected in bundles. They are readily soluble in ether and chloroform.

Fat in the urine appears with nephrotic syndrome and other diseases.

Hematoidin- crystalline pigment (a derivative of hemosiderin), occurs in the form of rhombic tablets or needle-shaped crystals, collected in bundles and stars, or in the form of heaps and clumps, consisting of small grains. Depending on the size of the crystals and their thickness, hematoidin stains in various shades from golden yellow to brownish-orange.

Hematoidin does not contain iron and is formed in the foci of necrosis without access to oxygen. Hematoidin crystals are not found inside the cells. The presence of hematoidin in the urine is observed in calculous pyelitis, abscesses of the kidney, prostate gland. Hematoidin can also be observed in small necrotic patches from neoplasms of the cervix, bladder, and kidneys. With nitric acid it gives a rapidly fading blue color.

Hemosiderin occurs in the urine sediment in the form of amorphous masses that are deposited on all elements of the urinary sediment, giving them a brownish tint.

Bilirubin appears in icteric urine in the form of yellowish-brown needle-shaped crystals, lying partly in isolation or crosswise one above the other, partly in bundles; some of them are slightly curved. Bilirubin crystals are deposited on the surface of leukocytes, epithelial cells. In addition, bilirubin occurs as amorphous pigment grains. Gives a green color with nitric acid, dissolves in alkalis and chloroform.

White flakes in the urine are a messenger of a disorder in the functioning of the kidneys, bladder and other organs of the genitourinary system. Sometimes white clots found in this biological fluid can be a manifestation of serious disorders of the renal apparatus.

Urine is normal

In a person who does not have health problems, urine is a clear liquid that has a straw-yellow hue, while it does not contain any impurities. Its formation occurs in the glomeruli of the renal pelvis. They are the body's natural filtering system through which blood passes and is cleansed of toxins, toxins and other metabolic products. When the renal mechanism is working normally, all the constituent components of the blood remain in it, but if the filtration process is disturbed, protein, red blood cells or plasma are also excreted in the urine.


Of course, the culprit in the appearance of white flakes in the urine (and sometimes clots with purulent patches) are diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. Unfortunately, only external signs (for example, white threads in the urine or a film on its surface) do not make it possible to determine the primary source of changes in the composition of this fluid formed by the body, but they are a signal to start diagnostic measures aimed at identifying the disease and eliminating it.

White flakes in the urine (sometimes causing turbidity of the liquid) in the predominant number of cases are clots of mucus and epithelial cells. Due to the development of various inflammations in the urinary system, increased mucus production is activated. An impressive amount of leukocytes is concentrated in the affected area, and the epithelium of the walls of the urinary canal exfoliates. Then everything is able to go into the urine and turn into a white coating or cloudy sediment.

Among the factors affecting the white or yellow discharge found in the urine, the following ailments are noted:

  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • nephritis during pregnancy;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia).

With certain ailments, in addition to white flakes in the urine, there are other manifestations that indicate a problem. For example, in acute urethritis, patients experience pain during the emptying process. The number of urges to urinate is increasing. After going to the toilet, the burning sensation does not go away.

With the development of cystitis (for women, the risk of getting sick is especially high), acute pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity is almost always observed. The process of urination causes pain, and the urge to it becomes more frequent. Sometimes the general body temperature rises. The greater susceptibility of girls to this disease is due to the inherent structural features of the genitourinary system in their body.

Among women

White flakes that appear in women's urine can penetrate there from the vagina. Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis (swelling of the mucous membranes), causing unpleasant sensations of burning or itching, are often the cause of the formation of the disease. A woman with such problems during intercourse experiences discomfort associated with pain and dryness in the vagina. To prevent the penetration of characteristic vaginal discharge into the urine, a hygienic swab should be used when collecting tests.

Another reason for the development of the disease is a change in the balance of microflora, in many situations flowing into candidiasis. The appearance of white secretions of the curd type or lumps increases their chances of getting into the urine. In addition, white impurities in the urine may be female secretions, which are considered the norm.

If, after urine analysis, squamous epithelial cells are found in it, this is a sign that the discharge has entered the urine from the genital tract and is not a symptom of the presence of pathology.

In men

White flakes found in the urine of men can be evidence of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. With prostatitis, the urge to urinate at night becomes more frequent. In the absence of adequate treatment, over time, a violation of potency occurs, incontinence develops. Characterized by periodic pain in the groin.

Another disease that manifests itself as white flakes in the urine is urethritis, or inflammation of the urinary canal. In such a situation, not only leukocytes and protein are found in the urine, but also the cells of this very channel, which is caused by a deterioration in the condition of the mucous membrane. With urethritis, there are other symptoms - these include pain during emptying and burning.

When the first problems are detected, it is necessary to take care of timely treatment due to the proximity of the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems, which also have a common excretory duct. In advanced cases, insufficient attention from the patient causes the promotion of infection and inflammation to nearby organs.

The child has

After birth, the child's body only adapts to independent life, including the kidneys, which do not yet work properly. In the first time after birth, a small amount of white inclusions in the urine may come out without indicating health problems. You should not be afraid of them with a large number of protein compounds in food.

Another reason for the appearance of white flakes in children can be a long retention of urine in the body. During puberty in boys, urine excreted in the morning may contain white secretions, which are particles of seminal fluid.

During pregnancy

The mucous secretions formed in the vagina during pregnancy usually fall into the urine test. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures of the genital organs right before the collection of biological material. In a matter of days before delivery, the exit of the mucous plug is considered the norm, which can also be in the collected urine. During pregnancy, it is categorically not recommended to neglect regular tests in the clinic. A disease not detected in time can result in serious consequences not only for the woman herself, but also for the developing fetus. In some cases, girls are prescribed Utrozhestan.


Experts put forward certain requirements for urine excreted in the absence of health problems. In many cases, when a person is not disturbed by discomfort during urination, white discharge may be found in the biological fluid itself. They are the first signal of the formation of serious pathologies of the genitourinary system.

In the predominant number of cases, with the appearance of white discharge in the urine, patients also experience pain in the lower abdomen, as well as characteristic discomfort during and after emptying. If you find the very first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Complications if left untreated can even lead to the need for surgery.


The most obvious and effective diagnostic tool is the delivery of a general urine test. Not in all cases, the detection of white discharge in urine indicates the development of such a disease, and the real causes most often do not pose any danger. Sometimes this is due to the fact that people refuse to follow the basic rules of hygiene, which is why foreign elements (grains of sand, grains, pieces of skin) get into the container during urine collection.

During laboratory tests, the doctor establishes the nature and origin of the detected secretions. This will help determine the type of disease, the features of its development. Only after that it is possible to draw up any recommendations or strategies for treating the disease. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct an additional examination (ultrasound or CT) of the abdominal organs.

Before taking urine, in order to exclude an erroneous diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • limit the intake of products that change the color of urine (carrots, beets);
  • take a bath and carefully wash the perineum without using household chemicals;
  • during the collection of tests, use the fluid secreted in the middle of urination;
  • The collected material must be immediately delivered to a medical institution for analysis.


Treatment in such situations should not be aimed at eliminating the consequences (white discharge in the urine), but at eliminating the primary source of the disease (inflammatory process in the body). Only after passing all the necessary examinations, the doctor prescribes the treatment necessary to eliminate a particular disease. As a rule, after adequate treatment of the disease that caused the appearance of white flakes, the unwanted discharge itself disappears, which puts an end to the history of the disease in both the adult and the child.

Folk remedies in the fight against the problem

Even before the existence of modern medicine, people wondered why the characteristic unwanted discharge formed in the urine. This led to the emergence of folk methods of treatment. Their effectiveness has not been proven, and therefore sticking to them is an extremely risky undertaking, but some people are confident in the presence of a positive effect on the body.

Using a liquid or electric heating pad

For example, one of the most popular methods of therapy for cystitis among the people are the following:

  • 0.5 kg of coarse table salt are heated in a frying pan, after which they are placed in a cloth bag; it is applied to the lower part of the abdominal cavity for half an hour.
  • taking hot baths with decoctions of plants that prevent inflammation (parsley root with turnip juice, juniper with rose hips); other natural antibiotics are also used.

There is also a recipe for a decoction for oral administration:

  • mix an equal amount of bearberry leaves and flax seeds and pour boiling water over.
  • mix the crushed mixture of sage leaves, string, black currant with garden parsley seeds (3: 1) and brew.
  • dill seeds are poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

You can drink the decoction both in the morning and in the evening.

However, such remedies usually work only at the initial stage of the disease.


If you find that there is a clot or something floating in the collected urine, or something that resembles a white discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Even a barely noticeable suspension can signal serious problems. Especially you should not postpone contacting a doctor in cases where such discharge is accompanied by pain during urination.

The kidneys produce urine to remove body waste from the blood. Medical studies have proven that as a result of the formation of any disease in the body, the quality indicators of urine change. For example, fat in the urine may indicate the presence of various pathologies.

The kidneys are an important organ in the human body. With their help, metabolic products are excreted. A healthy person has clear urine. As a result of the presence of bacteria, pus, blood impurities, its turbidity is observed.

A change in the quality of urine indicates the development of diseases:

All of the above changes are established in a laboratory study of urine.

The role of fats in the human body

Fats are organic substances of the lipid group. They enter the tissue structure and consist of subsequent fat-like compounds: phosphatides, vitamins, sterols, triglycerides.

Large amounts of lipids are found in the subcutaneous fat and fatty tissues located in the retroperitoneal zone, mesentery or omentum. There is also a small amount of these substances in the liver, bone marrow and muscle tissue.

Fats perform the following functions:

  1. plastic function. Lipids are building materials for the tissues of the nervous system, as well as the brain. In addition, it is a material for cell membranes and fats perform a structural function.
  2. transport function. With the help of lipoproteins, they carry useful substances in the body.
  3. Protective. Fats protect the internal organs from various mechanical influences.
  4. regulatory function. Fats take part in the passage of nerve impulses.
  5. Heat insulating. Lipids are excellent insulators. Keeping body heat, they protect it from hypothermia.

As part of tissues, fat is considered a storehouse of nutrients and beneficial components and is involved in metabolic processes.

Pathologies of fat metabolism

Fat metabolism procedure originates in the digestive tract: lipids are broken down under the influence of special enzymes. At the initial stage, it is crushed to small particles under the influence of bile acids, as well as their salts. Then in the small intestine there is a further dissolution of lipids. In diseases of the small intestine, such as dysentery or colitis, there is a violation of fat metabolism in the body.

Pathologies of fat metabolism also appear as a result of digestive disorders and food absorption in the following conditions:

  1. With various diseases and lesions of the intestinal mucosa.
  2. With pathologies occurring in the pancreas.
  3. In diseases that occur with an accelerated passage of food.
  4. If an insufficient amount of bile enters the intestines, for various reasons.

The secretion of fat occurs through the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as the intestines. A small amount of lipids will be released into urine and feces. With lipuria, oily spots appear on the surface of the excreted urine.

This condition usually occurs in the following situations:

  • with fractures of the upper or lower extremities;
  • injury to a significant area of ​​adipose tissue;
  • in case of fatty modification of kidney tissues;
  • eating foods high in fat.

It is impossible to completely exclude products with a large fat content from the menu, since vital elements, as well as vitamins, enter the body with them. Their lack threatens the development of hypovitaminosis, chronic dermatological pathologies.

The circulating blood contains sterols, phosphatides, and free neutral fats. Their concentration can change with age and depends on the general health of the person, as well as on his diet. The norm is considered to be 390-590 mg.

In addition, the level and proportions of individual fractions are important. An increased level of neutral fats indicates a disturbed use of fatty acids that enter the body with food. This phenomenon indicates a high synthesis of cholesterol. The latter is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. With an excess of cholesterol, plaques form in the vessels, and there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Elevated levels of lipids in the blood is called hyperlipemia.

This condition contributes to the development of the following diseases:

  • acute form of hepatitis;
  • nephrosis;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

With insufficient functionality of the adrenal glands, thyroid, and sex glands, intoxication of the body, the fat content in the blood also hangs.

In the event that hyperlipemia is caused by the ingestion of fats with food, then the development of alimentary lipuria may be observed.

Pathology is formed in the following situations:

  • with alcohol intoxication;
  • in case of phosphorus poisoning;
  • with the development of urolithiasis;
  • with severe pulmonary tuberculosis.

A decrease in the concentration of fats in the blood is called hypolipemia. This condition is characteristic of dystrophy or hypothyroidism.

Laboratory study of urine

A change in the composition, color of urine indicates the development of pathologies in the body. By assessing the symptoms and the results of the study, the doctor will be able to diagnose the disease.

How to properly prepare for the test

To obtain accurate results in the study of urine, it is important to properly prepare for the study:

  1. It is necessary not to eat fruits and vegetables of a bright color the day before the study, as they can change the color of the urine.
  2. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, take diuretic drugs and biological supplements before taking tests.
  3. The doctor should know about the medications that were taken before the urine sampling.
  4. It is not recommended to conduct a study with a hypertensive crisis, during menstruation, with infectious diseases.

Physical activity is also prohibited on the eve of the study.

How to properly collect urine

Basically, morning urine accumulated in the urinary bladder overnight is suitable for research.

To get more accurate results, you should follow the basic rules:

  1. In the morning, before collecting the material, the genitals should be washed.
  2. The container in which the urine will be collected must be sterile.
  3. Part of the first portion of urine must be flushed down the toilet, and then, without stopping, fill the container. It is recommended to do this so that the amount of bacteria in the urine is optimal.

The collected urine is suitable for analysis for 2 hours if stored at a low temperature.

External definition

The presence of fat in urine can even be determined visually: fat shimmers in the light and resembles small droplets.

The presence of lipids in urine is determined using a Nicol prism. In addition, microscopic examination allows you to see fatty acids in the urine.

Reasons for the development of lipuria

In a healthy person, a liter of urine contains about 2 mg of fat. In patients with severe diabetes mellitus, as a result of a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, an excessive amount of lipids is excreted by the kidneys.

As a result of eating very high-calorie foods at low energy costs, the amount of various fats in the human body increases. Excess carbohydrates are converted into fats.

The main reasons for the development of morbid obesity:

  • excessive secretion of biologically active substances by the pancreas;
  • deficiency of certain hormones.

Increased accumulation of various fats in tissue cells provokes their destruction and the development of dystrophic changes. Pathologies of fat metabolism call for the formation of many diseases in the body.

Fat stains in urine may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  1. Tuberculosis of the lungs, proceeding in a severe form.
  2. Complicated bone fracture. In such situations, large amounts of fat cells enter the blood from the bone marrow. As a complication, fat embolism can develop, in which lipids completely clog the vessel.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Pyelonephritis, inflammation of the kidneys. With these pathologies, the kidneys function slowly and poorly, passing fat cells into the ureter.
  5. Urolithiasis disease.
  6. Pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  7. Excess weight.
  8. Inflammatory and malignant processes occurring in the urinary organs.
  9. Cardiovascular pathologies.

Bougienage of the organs of the urinary system will help determine the causes of the appearance of fat in the urine. For research, a special instrument, a bougie, is inserted into the urethral cavity. To reduce injury to the organ, the bougie is pre-lubricated with sterile glycerin.

This procedure allows you to diagnose the following pathologies:

  • narrowing of the urethra, its localization and degree;
  • localization of stones.

Having correctly determined the cause of the appearance of fatty spots in the urine, treatment can be prescribed, after which the fatty trace will disappear.

How to get rid of pathologies of fat metabolism

If lipuria is caused by physiological obesity, then getting rid of it is not very difficult.

The main method of treatment is the preparation of a correct and complete menu. You should limit your intake of carbohydrates. Food should contain the required amount of vitamins and fats, organic acids, and proteins.

If disorders of fat metabolism are caused by some pathological processes, the doctor prescribes medications that contain lipid-lowering components (statins). The mechanism of action of these drugs is to suppress the activity of an enzyme involved in the conversion of fats.

The most effective lipid-lowering drugs in recent years are:

  1. Pravastatin. This drug reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies, the concentration of cholesterol. Well tolerated. In some situations, skin rashes may occur.
  2. Simvastatin - prescribed for high cholesterol. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the organs of the cardiac system.
  3. fluvastatin. Effectively prescribed to prevent myocardial infarction, the formation of angina pectoris and other pathologies. The drug has a gentle effect on the liver.

White particles in the urine that make it cloudy and patchy can be caused by mucus, pus, or protein in the urine. There is also a possibility that the appearance of flakes is caused by a urinary tract infection. Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor to determine the correct diagnosis.

Urine is usually pale yellow in color. However, there are cases when the presence of white matter in it causes it to take on a whitish or cloudy appearance. White flakes appear as white floating specks or sediment, depending on what is causing them.

A urinary tract infection is often characterized by white flakes accompanied by a foul-smelling urine. Although it can also be a sign that you need to increase your fluid intake to reduce the concentration of waste that has been excreted by the urinary system.

Normally, the human body should produce from 1 to 2 liters of urine per day, depending on the amount of fluid consumed. Urine is mostly made up of extra fluids as well as waste products that the body does not need. The color of urine can be affected by:

  • Current state of health
  • Products from the daily diet
  • The total amount of fluid lost during sweating
  • Medications

What do white flakes in urine mean?

The process of balancing chemicals and fluid levels in the body is carried out by the urinary system with the help of other organs of the body. The same system is responsible for ensuring that all waste products are removed from the body. As a result, an adult woman can excrete up to one and a half liters of urine per day.

The total amount of fluid intake, as well as breathing and sweating, will affect the concentration of excreted waste in the urine that the body can excrete per day. All this can lead to the fact that you will notice the presence of white flakes in it.

Do not worry about this in this case, as this is a normal phenomenon for women and men. The main thing is that the presence of flakes in the urine is not accompanied by pain and fever. The sudden appearance of particles in the urine is also a serious reason to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The opinion of the National Health Service of England

According to the NHS England (NHS), white flakes in the urine are traditionally caused by urinary tract infections, which are quite common and are known to affect the kidneys, bladder, and ureters and urethra. Anyone can get this infection, but it is more common in women.

Some women are prone to recurrent urinary tract infections that cause discomfort and pain. However, they should go away a few days after antibiotic treatment.


Urethritis or cystitis can cause the following symptoms:

  • General feeling of weakness
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Turbid urine with an unpleasant odor, sometimes with an admixture of blood
  • Discomfort or pain when urinating
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Unexpected urge to urinate
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder

Common Causes

The presence of white particles in the urine may indicate a serious disease that must be reliably established. However, this does not always mean serious health problems. The presence of white flakes can cause:


The appearance of precipitation in alkaline urine is often associated with the presence of phosphates. This condition is quite common and therefore should not scare you. The white flakes present in the urine may be due to detachment of the lining tissue in the urinary tract.

The presence of a fungal infection in the urine can also lead to the development of this problem.

kidney problems

Kidney stones are usually characterized by the appearance of white sand, like granules. People who have suffered from kidney stones in the past are more likely to have this cause as a recurrence. The recurrence of this condition will affect other areas of the genitourinary system, not only the kidneys.

This can lead to the development of various symptoms and complications in the urinary system. Thus, kidney stones may be the reason why you notice white flakes in your urine. Consultation with a qualified healthcare professional will be necessary if you suspect that the appearance of such particles in the urine is associated with kidney stones.

urinary tract infection

The color of urine should usually be between amber and yellow. Also, it should not contain viruses, bacteria and fungi, but only contain waste and fluids that are excreted from the body. With a bacterial infection, the urine is usually cloudy with white flakes floating in it.

This usually happens when E. coli enters the urethra and begins to spread further down the urinary canal. If a urinary tract infection is suspected, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading to the kidneys and bladder.

Bacterial vaginosis

This disease occurs when the natural bacteria in the vagina begin to spread too quickly. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include:

  • Vaginal itching
  • The smell of rotten fish coming from the vagina
  • An increase in the amount of discharge from the vagina is gray or whitish.

Bacterial vaginosis is curable, but you need to see a doctor at the first of its manifestations. If left untreated, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.

yeast infection

Normally, the female vagina contains a small amount of yeast. But there are times when they can begin to grow at an alarming rate, leading to the development of a yeast infection. An increase in growth rate may be caused by a change in the pH level in the vagina. The disease is called thrush or candidiasis.

Symptoms associated with a yeast infection include:

  • Itching and burning accompanied by redness
  • Increasing the amount of selection
  • Copious, cheesy discharge

Treatment options for a yeast infection often focus on inhibiting the growth of the pathogen rather than completely eliminating it from the urinary tract. The main types of medications used in fighting bacterial overgrowth are antifungals. They may be in the form of tablets, vaginal creams, or suppositories.

In men

The appearance of white flakes in the urine in men can cause a lot of anxiety, especially if this is observed for the first time. However, they should not worry you much, as they are usually not something serious. They are most often caused by a bacterial infection.

In any case, it is worth passing a general urine test to establish an accurate diagnosis. If the cause is related to bacteria, antibiotic therapy will be prescribed. The white flakes should disappear within a few days of starting the medication.

The appearance of white particles in the urine can also be caused by a condition known as urolithiasis. This means that there are stones in the bladder or urinary ducts. The condition is treatable, but it should be treated by a doctor as soon as possible.

Among women

There are several factors that can cause urine to contain white flakes. Some of them do not pose a serious threat, while others require immediate medical attention.

Pregnant women may notice white tissue floating in their urine. The mother-to-be is more likely to have urinary tract infections, which can then lead to cloudy urine. During pregnancy, the vaginal secretion also increases, which can be mistaken for white flakes in the urine.

According to doctors from the NHS, an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy means that infections do not reach the uterus. The discharge should be white and transparent. If the discharge changes color or itches, you should consult your doctor.

White fibrous flakes in urine

All humans have mucus in their urinary tract. It may appear in the urine as threads, secretions, or crystals. It can be found in the female vagina and in the male urethra.

Usually mucus is produced by mucous glands and membranes. Threads of mucus are common in the urine and are not defined as a pathology. The presence of excess mucus may indicate an underlying disease.

Viscous threads in the urine may indicate:

Normal discharge

Mucus is formed mainly in the bladder, as well as on the walls of the urethra. Their membranes consist mainly of epithelial cells. The mucus is usually passed out in the urine, even if you cannot see it due to the light-refracting properties of the urine.

irritable bowel syndrome

The causes of this pathology have not yet been established. People suffering from this condition will have bowel problems for about six months. Irritable bowel syndrome can also be accompanied by the appearance of white threads in the urine.

But they did not leave with her. The mucus seen in the urine may have come from the excess mucus present in the stool. It is common for a person to urinate and defecate at the same time.

White fibrous particles in female urine

The amount of vaginal discharge in women often increases during menstruation and periods of ovulation. An increase in vaginal secretion also leads to an increase in the amount of cervical mucus produced. Some of it may end up being excreted in the urine.

According to the analysis of urine, specialists can tell a lot about the health of the patient, so this material is one of the first to be tested for most diseases. The type of this liquid gives information about the state of health even when it is considered independently. The color should alert if it is different from shades of yellow, and white flakes in the urine. The presence of any of these phenomena requires an early appeal to the doctor for professional help.

As mentioned above, there should not be any flakes. To find out why such inclusions appeared in the urine, you need to determine what they are. And these can be:

  1. Salt. The most harmless form, indicates that the body does not have enough fluid, there are those that come out with urine,.
  2. Vaginal discharge. With diseases of the genital organs and with improper sampling of tests.
  3. . They may appear due to improper collection of urine for testing, in particular without prior washing. But they can be excreted in the urine from the kidneys and ureters, then this is an alarming symptom, indicating a serious illness.
  4. Protein and. The presence of these particles indicates an inflammatory process and a developing disease.

Reasons for the appearance of flakes

White flakes in the urine should alert, but not scare. The reasons for their appearance can be completely harmless and do not indicate "malfunctions" in the body. For example, a sharp change in diet, switching to vegetarian food or, conversely, increasing protein intake, eating new foods that are unusual for the body. If this is the case, then this must be reported to the doctor before taking the tests.

However, the most common cause of flakes in the urine is a disease:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

They can occur in both acute and chronic forms. These diseases cover different parts of the genitourinary system. A simple home test will help you figure out why there are white flakes in your urine.

You will need two containers to collect urine. One collects the first part of the urine, the other - the second. This refers to urine for one urination, which is divided approximately in half. The particles in the first are particles from the urethra or bladder, that is, the problems are hidden in these organs. The presence of cereal in the second container indicates problems with the kidneys.

Another reason for the presence of sediment can be diabetes. But it is manifested not only by flakes in the urine. Flakes are only one of the symptoms, besides it there is constant thirst, dry skin, weakness.

Flakes in urine in men, women and children

Each of these age and sex categories is distinguished by its specificity in the appearance of a precipitate in the liquid for analysis.

Women, due to their physiological structure, must be very careful in collecting tests in order to exclude the appearance of vaginal discharge in the materials for testing. Their presence indicates a violation of the microflora for any reason. If you need to take the material for an objective assessment of the work of the kidneys or bladder, then before collecting it is necessary to thoroughly wash yourself and cover the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab.

Men have one excretory duct, so white flakes in the urine can indicate not only kidney problems, but also prostatitis and urethritis. All organs are located close, and the infection can cover them very quickly.

In a child, flakes may simply be a consequence of the fact that the child did not wash well before sampling, and epithelial cells got into the urine. Therefore, it is necessary to help the child with the preparation and collection of tests.

Flakes in the urine of pregnant women

The sediment in the urine of pregnant women can again be vaginal discharge, and even separated before childbirth. Women in this position need to give urine for analysis quite often so that the doctor can constantly monitor the health of the expectant mother.

So, flakes in the urine of men, women and children can have completely different origins, due to physiology and age. But the presence of pain in the lumbar region, high fever, weakness, coupled with sediment in the urine, indicate problems with the kidneys that cannot be started.


Treatment is based on test results. If white flakes in the urine are epithelium, then a second analysis is performed. When they find vaginal discharge, they are sent for treatment to a gynecologist. In case of kidney problems, medication is prescribed, possibly in a hospital.

Self-treatment can only worsen the situation. You need to take only drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Other types of flakes

In addition, white flakes can be green, yellow, brown and. The first two indicate the presence of a bacterial infection. Brown - glomerulonephritis, infectious-allergic kidney damage. - a symptom of a tumor, cystitis or urolithiasis.

Cloudy urine with flakes is certainly not the norm; when it appears, you should definitely consult a doctor and take tests for verification. Even if there is no pain, or other manifestations of the disease, it is very important to perform a simple test in order not to encounter chronic diseases in the future. In addition, in order to avoid issues with the re-delivery of the biomaterial, you need to carefully prepare for the collection of tests, follow the rules of hygiene.

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