Causes of large and small differences between upper and lower pressure. Difference between upper and lower pressure Curing task

The state of the tone of the cardiovascular and circulatory system reflects with the help of an indicator of blood pressure, which includes data on upper and lower pressure. An excess or decrease in the pulse value between them indicates a malfunction of the nervous system, the development of hypotension or hypertension. It is important to know the interpretation of the data, what each indicator is responsible for and the factors influencing their changes.

The difference in upper and lower pressure is more than 50 mm Hg. st speaks of deviations

Top pressure

The upper or systolic pressure is written as the first digit before the fraction, and means the force with which the blood presses on the arterial wall at the moment of maximum heart contraction. The indicator is responsible for the quality of the cardiovascular system, depends on the state of the myocardium, the stroke volume of the left ventricle and the extensibility of the walls of the aorta.

Causes of abnormal upper blood pressure
Raise downgrade
In the absence of diseases Due to the presence of pathologies In a healthy person For diseases
emotional overstrain obesity early pregnancy food poisoning
excessive physical activity adrenal and kidney diseases prolonged lack of rest, sleep problems diabetes
excessive drinking of alcohol disruption of the endocrine system frequent physical activity bradycardia
the presence in the diet of a large amount of salt, strong tea and coffee vascular atherosclerosis abrupt change in temperature brain injuries of varying severity

A long-term deviation of the indicator from the norm is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms:

The normal value of systolic pressure is 110-120 mm Hg. Art. - exceeding the indicator up to 20 mm Hg. Art. indicates the presence of prehypotension, and a greater deviation for a long time indicates the development of arterial hypertension.

Lower pressure

The lower or diastolic pressure is the second figure, which shows the force of blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels when the heart muscle relaxes. The indicator directly depends on the heart rate, tone and elasticity of the arteries. The norm in a healthy person varies from 70 to 80 mm Hg. Art.

Diseases that cause a long deviation from the norm of the lower indicator
Increase Symptoms Decrease Symptoms
kidney disease chest pain, dizziness, heavy breathing, blurred vision tuberculosis drowsiness, migraine, general weakness, dizziness
abnormalities in the thyroid gland dehydration
heart disease allergy
spinal diseases dysfunction of the aorta
hormonal imbalance during pregnancy when carrying a child - can lead to oxygen starvation of the embryo

Rare jumps due to sports, nervous overstrain or climatic changes are not considered dangerous to the body. Too low a figure indicates the development of hypotension, a sharp drop can be the root cause of coma or death.

Normal difference between indicators

In a healthy adult, normal upper pressure ranges from 100-140 mm Hg. Art., and the lower within 60-90 mm Hg. Art. The normal difference between the upper limit and the lower limit is 40 units with an optimal blood pressure value of 120/80. Given the age factor, the allowable difference between the numbers can range from 35 to 50 units.

An increase in low and high pressure with a normal difference indicates an excessive overstrain of the heart muscle. A decrease in data, on the contrary, means a slow functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

To obtain the most accurate parameters, measurements must be performed in a calm and relaxed state on two hands several times with a difference of several minutes. The difference between the received data should not exceed 5 units.

Each person should know the working indicator of his pressure, it is especially important to control the resulting deviations in patients with hypertension or hypotension.

Reasons for the gap between indicators

Pulse pressure, which is calculated as a gap between two indicators, is a necessary value for compiling a complete picture of the work of the whole organism, and helps to identify the disease in the early stages. When identifying the cause of a large difference, you should try to eliminate the problem at an early stage - prolonged ignoring will provoke a heart attack or stroke.

Big difference - what does it mean?

A large difference implies an excess of the gap scale between indicators of more than 50 units, and signals the presence of:

  • problems in the work of the heart;
  • kidney pathology;
  • decreased elasticity of blood vessels;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • violations of the functioning of the digestive tract and thyroid gland;
  • gallbladder lesions.

A high difference can occur in older people, due to stressful situations or excessive weight gain. Exceeding the indicator by more than 65 units increases the chance of developing heart pathologies, while the brain does not receive the volume of oxygen required for normal operation.

The presence of cardiovascular diseases leads to rapid wear of the arterial and venous walls, as a result of which the aging process of the whole organism is accelerated.

Small difference - what does it mean?

The detection of pulse pressure below 30 units indicates the possibility of developing pathological processes:

  • tachycardia;
  • heart attack associated with excessive physical labor;
  • myocarditis;
  • vegeto - vascular dystonia;
  • heart failure;
  • severe internal bleeding;
  • stroke of the left ventricle;
  • cardiosclerosis.

A small difference is also dangerous, it indicates the development of myocarditis

A small difference leads to paralysis of the respiratory tract, deterioration of the brain, cardiac arrest. The condition is very dangerous, because over time it is difficult to treat with the use of drugs.

What to do in case of rejection?

To eliminate an unacceptable pulse value between indicators, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid overwork. For a while, give up playing sports or reduce the load. Normalize sleep - its duration should be at least 7 hours.
  2. Balance nutrition. Exclude salty, fried, fatty and sweet foods from the daily diet, reduce the consumption of black tea and coffee. Add more vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
  3. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Avoid depression, the occurrence of stressful situations, try to get rid of their consequences as soon as possible.
  5. Spend more time outside, get into the habit of walking.
  6. Regularly undergo an examination with a doctor.

If you have problems with pressure, give up fried and fatty foods

The cardiologist and therapist will be able to accurately determine the cause of a large deviation of pulse pressure from the norm for more than 2 weeks, which has become the cause of a deterioration in well-being. Based on the results of the tests, taking into account the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient, he will select an effective course of treatment.

The Russian language cannot be called simple. That is why questions regarding the spelling of certain words have been and continue to be relevant. They are asked not only by schoolchildren, but also by adults. After all, not everyone manages to master the colossal amount of knowledge that is taught in educational institutions. Need to


It's not enough to just know the right answer. You need to understand what it is based on.

To determine how to write correctly: "temporary" or "temporary" - the difference between the words should be obvious to you. Let's start with this question.

So, "temporary" and "temporary" are paronyms. What does it mean? This term refers to words that are very similar to each other in form, but have different meanings. Combines their similar sound. For example, in this case, a difference of just one letter can create confusion and lead to misuse of these words.


In order not to confuse these two words, you need to clearly understand the lexical meaning of each of them. Then the difference between the words "temporary" or "temporary" will be obvious to you. So, let's start with the first of the above options.

What does the word "temporary" mean? This term describes any phenomena and processes that last for a limited period. They have a starting point and a logical conclusion. A synonym for this word can become "fickle".

"Temporary" means characteristic of some period. It needs to be explained with an example. For example, this is the phrase "time interval".

How right?

So, now you know the difference between the two words above, as well as the meaning of each of them. Only one question remains. How to write correctly: temporary or temporary?

If we recall the lexical meaning of each word, we can conclude that both options are correct. However, the peculiarity is that each term is used in its own context.

If it is difficult to determine the appropriateness of using a particular word, it is enough to use synonyms.

For example, "temporary" can be replaced with phrases such as:

  • "short";
  • "fickle";
  • "short-term";
  • "during some time".

The stress in the word "temporary" in this case, unlike the paronym, is placed on the first syllable.

For the word "temporary", as already mentioned, the combination "peculiar to a certain period" would be an excellent alternative. The stress should be placed on the last syllable. This is true in spoken language. After all, the ability to speak correctly is a feature of an educated, intelligent person.

Blood pressure (BP) reflects the state of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. The indicator is made up of two numbers: the first indicates the upper (systolic), the second through the dash - the lower (diastolic). The difference between the upper and lower pressure is called pulse pressure. This parameter characterizes the work of blood vessels during the period of heart contractions. Find out how dangerous is the deviation from the norm of this indicator to a smaller or larger side.

What does high and low pressure mean?

Measurement of blood pressure is a mandatory procedure in the doctor's office, which is carried out according to the Korotkov method. The top and bottom pressures are taken into account:

  1. Upper (systolic)- the force with which blood presses on the walls of the arteries during the contraction of the ventricles of the heart, causing blood to be ejected into the pulmonary artery, the aorta.
  2. inferior (diastolic) means the strength of the tension of the vascular walls in the intervals between heartbeats.

The upper value is affected by the state of the myocardium and the force of contraction of the ventricles. The indicator of lower blood pressure directly depends on the tone of the walls of blood vessels that deliver blood to tissues and organs, the total volume of blood circulating in the body. The difference between the readings is called pulse pressure. An extremely important clinical characteristic will help characterize the state of the body, for example, show:

  • the work of blood vessels between contractions and relaxations of the heart;
  • vascular patency;
  • tone and elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • the presence of a spasmodic area;
  • presence of inflammation.

What is the lower and upper pressure responsible for?

It is common to measure upper and lower blood pressure in millimeters of mercury, i.e. mmHg Art. Upper blood pressure is responsible for the functioning of the heart, shows the force with which blood is pushed out of its left ventricle into the bloodstream. The lower indicator indicates vascular tone. Regular measurement is extremely important in order to notice any deviations from the norm in a timely manner.

With an increase in blood pressure by 10 mm Hg. Art. the risk of circulatory disorders of the brain, cardiovascular diseases, coronary disease, damage to the vessels of the legs increases. If headaches occur, manifestations of discomfort, dizziness, weakness are frequent, this means: the search for causes should begin with blood pressure measurements and immediate contact with your doctor.

Difference between upper and lower pressure

Cardiologists often use the term "working pressure". This is a state where a person is comfortable. Everyone has their own individual, not necessarily classically accepted 120 to 80 (normotonic). People with frequent high blood pressure 140 to 90, normal health are called hypertensive patients, patients with low blood pressure (90/60) can easily cope with hypotension.

Given this individuality, in the search for pathologies, the pulse difference is considered, which normally should not go beyond 35-50 units, taking into account the age factor. If you can correct the situation with blood pressure readings using drops to increase pressure or tablets to lower it, then the situation with the pulse difference is more complicated - here you need to look for the cause. This value is very informative and indicates diseases requiring treatment.

Little difference between top and bottom pressure

It is widely believed that the level of low pulse pressure does not have to be 30 units. It is more correct to consider, based on the value of systolic blood pressure. If the pulse distance is less than 25% of the upper, then it is considered to be a low indicator. For example, the lower limit for BP 120 mm is 30 units. The total optimal level is 120/90 (120 - 30 = 90).

A small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure will manifest itself in the patient in the form of symptoms:

  • weaknesses;
  • apathy or irritability;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • attention disorders;
  • headaches.

Low pulse pressure should always cause concern. If its value is minimal - less than 30, this indicates probable pathological processes:

  • heart failure (the heart is working for wear and tear, can not cope with a high load);
  • insufficiency of internal organs;
  • stroke of the left ventricle;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocarditis;
  • heart attack on the background of physical overstrain.

A small difference between blood pressure (systolic / diastolic) can lead to hypoxia, atrophic changes in the brain, visual impairment, respiratory paralysis, cardiac arrest. This condition is very dangerous, because it tends to grow, become uncontrollable, poorly amenable to drug treatment. It is important to monitor not only the upper numbers of blood pressure, but also the lower ones, calculating the difference between them in order to be able to help your loved ones or yourself in a timely manner.

Big difference between top and bottom pressure

Dangerous, fraught with consequences is a large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. The condition may indicate a threat of stroke/myocardial infarction. If there was an increase in the pulse difference, this suggests that the heart is losing its activity. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with bradycardia. One can talk about prehypertension (this is a borderline state between the norm and the disease) if the difference is more than 50 mm.

A large difference is indicative of aging. If the lower blood pressure decreases, and the upper one remains normal, it becomes difficult for a person to concentrate, there are:

  • fainting states;
  • irritability;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness.

A difference above the norm may indicate a violation of the digestive organs, damage to the gallbladder / ducts, tuberculosis. Do not panic when you see that the tonometer needle showed unwanted numbers. Perhaps this is due to errors in the operation of the device. It is better to consult a doctor to find the cause of the ailment, to receive appropriate medical prescriptions.

Permissible difference between upper and lower pressure

For young healthy people, the ideal allowable difference between upper and lower pressure is an interval of 40 units. However, with such an ideal blood pressure, it is difficult to find patients even among young people, therefore, slight differences in the range of 35-50 by age are allowed for the pulse difference (the older the person, the larger the gap is allowed). According to deviations from the norm figures, the presence of any pathologies in the body is judged.

If the difference is within normal limits, and the lower and upper blood pressure creeps up, this indicates that the patient's heart has been working for a long time. If all indicators are too small, then this indicates a slow work of blood vessels and the heart muscle. To get an accurate interpretation of the parameters, all measurements should be taken in the most relaxed calm state.

Video: difference between systole and diastole

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Having trouble with articles? Can't remember more than a couple of rules? We promise to tell you everything you need to know about articles in English. Read our article on how to use English articles correctly!

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Articles are one of the riches of the English language ... and a big problem for those who speak other languages ​​where there are no articles. It is quite difficult for most Russian-speakers to understand the category of certainty-uncertainty, which is used by English speakers... A real restructuring of the mind, a reconfiguration of logic is required.

But English long ago got rid of the complex system of cases and categories of grammatical gender, which are preserved in Russian and so frighten everyone who is going to master it. And perhaps it was this transformation from a synthetic to a predominantly analytic language that helped the English language achieve a truly unique worldwide recognition.

Despite all the simplifications, the rules for using articles in Englishfor a number of reasons, they are difficult for speakers of other European languages. For comparison, take the sentence in German: “Da er_Botaniker ist, liebt er die Natur” (“Being a botanist, he loves nature”) and the corresponding English: “Being a botanist, he is fond of nature”. As you can see, in the English version there is an indefinite article before the name of the profession, in German it is not. Conversely, English does not put articles before nouns like “nature,” while German requires the definite article in the same position.

Even between British and American English in this case there are discrepancies. So, Americans usually talk about someone who is in the hospital, “in the hospital”; in the same way he could be in the bank, "at the bank", or in the park, "in the park". For a Briton, this means that there is only one hospital in the city, or an American talks about a particular hospital that he constantly visits. The British will say that the patient is “in hospital”, the child is “at school”, and the criminal is “in prison”. In their understanding, it is more about the profile of these institutions, and not about the buildings in which they are located. But if you just entered the building of a hospital, school or prison, then you are at the hospital, at the school or at the prison - here the British are in solidarity with the Americans.

These examples are intended to show that articles in English are a more significant part of the language than it seems at first glance. They are precise tools that help to delicately express in English all the subtle shades of meaning. In the vast majority of cases, the use of the article has a clear rationale. Understanding this can help to “disguise” non-native English in the course of communication with native speakers.

Introduction to articles in English

Several words can be combined with a noun, forming the so-callednoun phrase (noun phrase). A noun phrase consists of a noun and all the words that accompany it.

Consider the proposal:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
("A quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog").

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The RR Science Department has created the most concise yet most comprehensive overview of the differences between the sexes. We've sifted through mountains of books, scientific articles, and reports to highlight the most compelling research showing the difference between men and women. In this text you will not find answers to the questions “who is better?”, “Who is smarter?”, “Who is more honest?” etc. Men and women are just a little different. And this difference does not have a plus or minus sign. Just in case, we do not recommend reading this text to radical feminists, as well as to severe fighters for patriarchy. /

Modern science cannot give a clear answer to a very simple question: “Why are men different from women?” Not even thousands, hundreds of thousands of works have been written on this topic. If you put together all these articles and books, you can build a spacious house for a young couple from them with a garage, a nursery and a gym. But still, the source of the gender difference is not fully understood.

There are two extreme positions. The first refers to biology. In almost any animal species, there are very noticeable differences between the male and the female. Compare a luxurious peacock and a sad peacock. Or take a fish called the Greenland Ceratia: in this species, the mass of the female is almost 500,000 times greater than the mass of the male. Obviously, nature wanted men to be different from women, and this is clearly written in our genes.

What is the main evolutionary task of the female sex? To give birth to children from the strongest and most adapted male, and then save this offspring. The male has other interests. It is more important for him to achieve high attractiveness and fertilize the maximum number of females. If you extrapolate these principles to a person, then you can easily explain the difference in male and female behavior. Ethologists and evolutionary psychologists love to have fun with this.

Until now, the theory developed by the Russian biologist Vigen Geodakyan from the Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Severtsov. It states that males and females perform different evolutionary tasks. The male sex is an experimental platform where new genetic acquisitions are tested. And women are needed in order to preserve and pass on beneficial mutations to offspring.

It is very tempting to move from genes to social behavior. “Men are more willing to take on new, challenging, extraordinary tasks (often performing them in rough outline), and women are better at bringing familiar tasks to perfection. Isn't that why they excel in jobs that can get by with well-honed skills, such as assembly line work?

If the mastery of speech, writing, any craft is considered in an evolutionary aspect, we can single out the phase of search (finding new solutions), mastering and the phase of consolidation, improvement. The male advantage in the first phase and the female advantage in the second was revealed in special studies. Innovation in any business is a male mission. Men were the first to master all professions, sports; even knitting, in which the monopoly of women is now undeniable, was invented by men,” writes Geodakyan.

But there is another point of view. She suggests that there are not so many differences between men and women. “Scientists tend to ascribe much more importance to the slightest differences in the structure of the brain among representatives of different sexes than objective data give the right to, and the media willingly and in great detail cover this kind of discovery,” says American psychologist Sean Byrne.

Culture and social standards impose certain patterns of behavior from childhood. It is believed that a girl should be caring, sensitive, soft, neat and play with dolls. But she is allowed to cry. Boys, on the other hand, are slipped pistols and machine guns, they are allowed to fight, but they can show their feelings only on a limited scale.

The stereotypes of “male” and “female” occupations that appeared hundreds of years ago are transmitted from generation to generation. Sometimes they even get the opposite sign. My favorite example is the situation in many Russian villages. Traditionally, men worked as combine operators, tractor drivers, lumberjacks, etc. When the collective farms collapsed in the 90s, many of them remained unemployed, began to drink even more, and ceased to be the breadwinners of the family.

Women who worked as rural teachers, librarians, doctors, at least somehow, but retained their income and social status. Now the female gender in the village confidently occupies leadership positions both at the level of the local community and in the family. They have become inherent in such "masculine" qualities as responsibility for others, determination, assertiveness. Some woman in the position of the head of a rural settlement can easily yell at a shepherd man, or even grab him by the scruff of the neck and throw him out of the gate.

In this situation, character traits that are usually attributed to men and women have changed exactly the opposite. But the difference between the sexes still persists. In the same villages, girls have a different perception of social values ​​and ideals than boys.

In a dispute between supporters of biological and social theories, the truth, as expected, is somewhere in the middle. In most cases, it is simply impossible to determine to what extent this or that difference was influenced by genes, and to what extent by upbringing. But the fact remains: we are different. There is a book by the American psychologist John Gray, which is called: "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus."

Therefore, we simply present a list of relatively well-established differences between men and women, without trying each time to find the reasons for this difference.

M. complain less. 35% of Russian men rate their health as “good” or “very good”, compared to only 24% of women. Similar statistics are available for other countries.
Photo: SPL/East News

The body of M. and the body of J.

1. Zh. live longer than M. In Russia, this difference is one of the largest in the world - almost 10 years. The gap is larger than ours only in Belarus (12 years), Ukraine (11.7 years), Estonia (10.9 years) and several other countries. Life expectancy for men is lower almost everywhere, from Brazil to Japan. The only exceptions are Bangladesh, Pakistan, Zimbabwe and a few other exotic states. But it is still not clear what role in this gap is played by the characteristics of the body (genes, hormones), and what is the behavior of men who drink more, smoke and fight.

2. M. more often get injured. First of all, this is due to the propensity for risky behavior and the choice of more dangerous professions (for illustration, you can see, for example, the statistics of victims during the unrest in Kyiv). On average, twice as many men die in accidents as women.

3. Russian M. are 3-4 times more likely to suffer from cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus, lips and throat. Laryngeal cancer is 15 times more common in men than in women.

4. M. 3-6 times more likely to suffer from diseases of the stomach and duodenum. One of the main factors is male sex hormones that promote inflammation. Women's hormones, on the contrary, have a healing effect. Why evolution needed this is not clear.

5. M. generally get sick more. There are several dozen more diseases for which men firmly hold the lead. Among them is tuberculosis.

6. Zh. has her own illnesses. This is not about gynecology, puerperal fever or breast tumors - everything is clear here. But in women, for example, thyroid diseases, lupus, rheumatism, and appendicitis are much more likely to occur.

7. M. complain less. 35% of Russian men rate their health as “good” or “very good”, compared to only 24% of women. Similar statistics are available for other countries.

8. The body of M. and J. grows at different rates. Let's just give one example. For girls, the period of rapid growth begins at the age of 12 and ends at 16. For boys, everything is later: growth begins at 13–14, and ends at 17.

9. Zh. in many respects develop faster. In most cases, girls begin to walk 2–3 months earlier than boys, and 4–6 months earlier to talk.

10. But M.'s illnesses overtake earlier. The risk of cardiovascular disease becomes real for men by the age of 50, for women - only by 70.

11. M. lose their hearing faster. Hearing loss in old age is more common in men than in women.

12. G. eat healthier food. This pattern was revealed in the United States, and in Europe, and other regions of the world. True, eating disorders are more common in women: bulimia (gluttony) and anorexia (painful starvation).

13. Zh. has a stronger immune system. Their body produces more antibodies, their thymus gland is better developed, etc. This applies not only to humans, but also to most other mammals. On the one hand, women benefit from this: for example, it is easier for them to cope with infectious diseases. But there is also a minus: stronger rejection during organ transplantation.

14. Some studies show that women are more sensitive to pain. But here everything is not so unambiguous, especially since ordinary consciousness asserts something else. But it is relatively well established that painkillers act differently on men and women - this is due to the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. For example, analgesics from the opiate group are better for women.

15. M. more often die young. Between the ages of 15 and 19, boys have twice the mortality rate as girls. In addition to illnesses and injuries, suicide should be noted: among girls, according to international statistics, there are significantly fewer of them than among boys.

16. M. more accurately assess their physical condition. This is most clearly manifested when it is necessary to determine the “feel” level of blood pressure.

17. M. listen to themselves more. Determining their well-being, men are guided primarily by internal sensations, and women also by the reaction of others.

Zh. in many respects are developing faster. In most cases, girls begin to walk 2–3 months earlier than boys, and 4–6 months earlier to talk.
Photo: SPL/East News

Right and Left

18. M. has better developed right hemisphere. There is a theory that the male hormone testosterone during fetal development slows down the development of the left hemisphere of the brain. Because of this, the right hemisphere is better developed in men. Further conclusion: it is easier for male composers, writers, artists and mathematicians to succeed. It seems that life confirms this, but there are many scientists (for some reason young ladies predominate among them) who are ready to argue with this.

19. But not everything is so simple with these hemispheres. Some experiments have shown that when comprehending words, men use predominantly the left hemisphere, while women use both. However, this has not been definitively proven.

20. M. are more likely to consider themselves left-handed. True, self-esteem does not always coincide with which hand is actually leading. Sometimes it's quite the opposite.

21. Women are more symmetrical. The accuracy of the left hand in women in all age periods is higher than in men. That is, the left is not so far behind the right. In men, the asymmetry is more pronounced.

22. With right and left hands, too, everything is difficult. Some experiments have shown that girls recognize objects by touch equally well with both their right and left hands, while boys get better results when they operate with their left.

Who is smarter anyway?

23. In general, there is no difference. If you collect all the results of IQ tests, there will be no significant difference between men and women. It all depends on the type of tasks, age, testing time, education, etc. Somewhere in the battle of intellects, the stronger sex wins, somewhere the weaker one.

24. Previously, Zh. was worse with numbers and formulas. A huge amount of research shows that men are better at math tasks. Until recently, this was considered a generally accepted thesis. His supporters nodded at the portraits of great mathematicians, among whom were exclusively men. There is now a growing body of research showing that there is no difference in math ability, and at a younger age, girls even outperform boys on some types of tasks. Most likely, the role of stereotypes like “boys are techies”, “girls are humanitarians” is very important. If you remove them, the difference will be erased. However, the academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences will vehemently protest against this point of view.

25. Adult women read and count better. A study of adult literacy in Russia showed that women are slightly better at tasks in mathematics, reading, and especially computer skills (this trend is not so pronounced in the world). The study was conducted among the most ordinary people, so it diverges from ordinary ideas, because the public sees male scientists, male programmers, and it seems that all representatives of the stronger sex have higher abilities.

26. M. handle forms more easily. The male intellect wins over the female when it comes to space. For example, with a test that requires you to mentally rotate geometric shapes, boys do better. But after 60 years, the ability to solve spatial problems in men and women becomes approximately the same.

27. J. is better with words. Most of the tests related to speech proficiency show the advantage of girls over boys. They have better articulation, the ability to imitate, the ability to understand the text, richer associations, more expressive reading, etc. It is not clear, however, why most great writers are men. However, their secretaries, as a rule, were women.

28. Zh. more attentively. This is the data of experiments dating back to the 40s of the last century: in tasks where you need to quickly perceive details and often switch attention, women show greater efficiency than men. Most scientists are inclined to believe that it is easier for women to manage attention, maintain it longer, and focus faster.

29. Zh. is more observant. Or vice versa. Some experiments show that women are more attentive to details, they more accurately remember all sorts of little things. Other studies show the opposite. Even in a specific situation - giving evidence - research data diverge radically, and it is not clear which gender is more likely to misinform investigators and judges.

30. M. can be prophets. Men predict events more reliably.

31. Emotional intelligence in Zh. is higher. It is believed that no less important than IQ is EQ - emotional intelligence (the ability to recognize emotions and manage them). Women have a clear advantage here, at least in the part of EQ that is related to other people's emotions. True, the fair sex does not cope so well with their emotions.

32. Among M. talents are more common. Statistics show that especially intellectually gifted people are more common among men. Just look at the lists of Nobel Prize winners or winners of science Olympiads. But it is not clear how the situation will change if stereotypes collapse.

Give free rein to feelings

33. F. are more empathetic. Thousands of scientific studies and their own household observations show that empathy is more characteristic of women. But does it arise because the female brain is arranged this way, or are young ladies simply taught from childhood to show more attention to other people's emotions? Science does not provide an answer. Another fact: women are more likely to cry and talk about their troubles in response to others telling about their troubles. The men remain firm.

34. Everything is not so simple. Russian psychologist Tatyana Gavrilova found that there is a difference between the sexes in such subtleties as sympathy and empathy (these are different types of empathy). When it came to adults or animals, boys showed more empathy, and girls showed more sympathy. In relation to peers, it was the other way around.

35. F. are more free in expressing fear and sadness. With age, these differences increase - mainly due to the fact that among men it is not customary to publicly express such emotions.

36. Everyone has their own feelings. Men can be more emotional than women when it comes to anger, contempt, and disgust. They are even better able to recognize these feelings in other people. But in general, women with an understanding of emotions are still better.

37. F. more afraid. Girls have a list of fears longer than boys, almost six times. It is also known that adult men have a more pronounced fear of heights, and adult women have a fear of the death of their parents, fear of war, fear of doing something wrong or not having time to do it.

38. F. afraid of the wrong thing. Women have more imaginary fears.

39. M. freak out harder ... Men are more likely to suffer from serious mental illness and alcoholic psychosis.

40. ... but J. more often. It does not follow from the previous paragraph that men are more psychotic. Women are two to three times more likely to experience all sorts of neurosis, depression, and other “mild” disorders. Perhaps this is due to the fact that men are “not allowed” to complain about longing and bad mood. But it is allowed to solve their problems with the help of vodka.

41. M. meaner. When boys and girls are very young, they express anger and anger approximately equally. Then the male sex begins to noticeably outstrip the female in terms of aggression and anger. Here again, it is not clear: either the genes of hunters woke up, or the whole thing is in the peculiarities of raising children and culture.

42. M. materialize aggression. If a man is angry, then he expresses it directly - with gestures, facial expressions, insults, and may resort to assault.

43. Zh. is more insidious. If women show anger, they are more likely to use what is called "indirect verbal aggression."

44. M. has more enemies. To the question of FOM: “Do you have enemies, people with whom you are in hostile relations?” 19% of men and 7% of women reported having multiple enemies.

45. F. more often fight with themselves. For women, auto-aggression is more characteristic, that is, aggression directed at oneself. The fair sex is generally more likely to consider themselves bad and guilty.

46. ​​J. smile more. Western scientists have analyzed more than 10,000 photographs from student albums, the press, and just random street shots. Everywhere women smiled more often. Unfortunately, we do not know anything about studies based on Russian material.

47. J. is more shy. It seems obvious, but it doesn't work everywhere. According to famed social psychologist Philip Zimbardo, there are many more shy men in Japan and Taiwan, but no difference in the US.

48. F. feel guilty. Men are less likely to feel guilty and even less likely to talk about it.

49. F. are more anxious. The level of anxiety in women is higher, which confirms a bunch of studies. But they are better than men, they know how to suppress it.

50. Zh. tense more, but relax more quickly. A number of experiments have shown a dependence: women react more strongly to any extreme situation than men, but at the same time they recover faster.

51. F. are more envious. The data is not very reliable, but still they are: women are more likely to envy the success of another. True, when it comes to a career, then both sexes are equally envious.

52. M. do not like it when someone has sex with their J.. Who is more jealous, has not yet been clarified. But it is reliably known that men are more worried when their girlfriend or wife enters into a sexual relationship with someone. And for women, the emotional attachment of their man to another young lady is more painful. Evolutionary psychologists can easily explain this: for the male, the main thing is that no one encroaches on his right to distribute his genes, and it is important for the female that the partner helps her raise offspring.

53. Nothing is clear with resentment. At the everyday level, we are well aware that women are offended more often, brighter and more professional. But science has not yet found a gender difference in the issue of resentment.

54. M. experience their birthday more painfully. Men are more likely to measure their success. Birthday (especially a round date) is the point when they start to think: “What have I achieved?”, “Am I behind others?” Therefore, the mood on this day is worse for men than for women.

55. Women love praise. In fact, everyone loves to be appreciated and praised. But a man is able to appreciate his work, even if no one noticed it or scolded it to smithereens. It's harder for women.

56. M. value themselves. One psychologist analyzed hundreds of studies related to how men and women evaluate themselves. The conclusion is this: in most cases, men showed higher self-esteem, but their advantage was insignificant.

57. M. know how to protect their value. Not only do men have higher self-esteem, they are also better able to protect it, using a variety of tricks like "proofing their uniqueness."

58. M. is more sociable. The difference here is not very big, but still there are more extroverts among men. One study makes a special clarification: "Except for men who regularly attend church."

59. Why are M. and J. doing something. Motivation is a delicate thing. But if you paint a picture with very rough strokes, then it is important for men to prove their capabilities: “I will do it because I am cool!” And it is significant for women to receive an assessment from the outside: “I do this so that they consider me good.”

60. M. more businesslike. The difference is quite obvious: girls are more concerned about interpersonal relationships, boys are more concerned about winning a competition and solving a problem.

61. More about motivation. One Russian study showed that girls (65%) like to do typical, familiar tasks, while boys (67%) prefer new, research projects. This is a clear confirmation of Geodakyan's theory.

62. M. needs extreme. In women, motivation is higher in calm conditions and with the support of others. Men need to compete for leadership.

63. M. prefer hot. Here science converges with everyday ideas: men are more prone to risk than women.

Force, movement, time and space

64. For Zh., time flies faster. Women overestimate the length of time intervals to a greater extent.

65. J. writes better. Women's handwriting is more often neat, symmetrical and more in line with school standards.

66. M. see the road, and J. pointer. It is believed that "topographic cretinism" is a typical female misfortune. Boys and men are better oriented in space, faster at reading maps, and in general they are born travelers. In fact, everything is not quite right. For example, in one of the experiments, it was necessary to perform tasks for remembering the route. Men really mastered the route faster. But women remembered more travel landmarks.

67. How J. see faces. The stereotype says, "Men are better at reading cards, and women are better at reading faces." The first is generally true. The second one is more difficult. Women are better at reading the emotions that a face expresses, but they are worse at remembering and recognizing faces than men. At least some experiments testify to this.

68. M. is more enduring with a large load. It is believed that women are more resilient. However, experiments show that if the load is close to the maximum, then it is the men who last longer.

69. Zh. is more enduring with a small load. If the work is not very hard, if the load is up to a quarter of the maximum, women are more enduring here.

Morality, ethics and politics

70. M. about politics, and J. about spirituality. In the middle of the last century, the classic of psychology Gordon Allport came to the conclusion that women put aesthetic, social and religious values ​​in the first place. For men, politics, economics and ideology are more important. It’s hard to argue with the classic, but a lot of research has already been done showing that the values ​​of men and women are not so clear.

71. M. and J. are moral in their own way. If you simply measure the level of morality and morality in men and women, then nothing good will come of it. Some studies recognize one gender as more moral, the other part - the other. Most likely, those who believe that there are two different types of moral reasoning are right: the male turns to abstract justice, the female to human relations and care. It seems that women in their judgments about morality adhered to broader views than men, but this has not been fully proven.

72. Who is more honest, it is not clear. About a hundred years ago, the question seemed resolved: a woman is a deceitful creature, and there is nothing to be done about it. But more recent research has shown Dr. House right: "Everybody lies." Only women have a deeper and more emotional lie, while men have more rationality and work with facts.

73. Xenophobia M. and xenophobia J. Who is less tolerant of people of other nationalities is unknown. But this intolerance has a different psychological basis. For women, it is rather emotional: "These Asians disgust me, I'm afraid of Caucasians." Men appeal to ostensibly rational arguments: "They're taking over our jobs."

74. F. willing to share. Most studies show that women are more inclined towards charity and volunteering. Here, however, it is not clear whether this is due to kindness and concern for one's neighbor, or to the lack of other ways to benefit society.

75. M. is more heroic. If you need to show concern for others, then men are more likely to do it defiantly, showing risky behavior.

76. Women are a little easier to influence. For a long time it was believed that women are more prone to conformism, that is, it is easier for others to put pressure on their opinion. Recent studies show that the relationship between gender and the degree of conformity, if any, is very insignificant.

77. F. support power. In Russia, women have a better attitude towards the current government. According to the latest FOM poll, Vladimir Putin is positively viewed by 49% of women and only 39% of men. The same is with the United Russia party: 36% of women and 29% of men like it. By the way, among the protesters, as a rule, there are more men.

See, hear and smell

78. M. prefer everything new. Boys show a more pronounced reaction to new stimuli (again Geodakyan triumphs). True, among monkeys, females rather than males prefer to study a new subject.

79. J. is better with flowers. There is evidence that women are better at distinguishing colors and shades. Probably, the experience in choosing clothes, lipstick and jewelry affects. Or maybe it's genetics?

80. F. sees better in childhood. Visual acuity in girls by the age of six reaches almost the level of an adult. The boys are slow in this.

81. F. feel better. Psychologists are careful here: “In general, it can be said that girls from birth have a slightly greater potential for developing tactile sensitivity than boys.”

82. F. smell better. It has been reliably established that women are better at distinguishing smells.

What and how do they talk

83. J. more talkative. As already noted, women in general have a better command of speech. For example, their daily vocabulary is 30,000, while men have 25,000.

84. Zh. more literate. Speech grammar in girls is better. At least until the age of 11.

85. F. prefer F. Among girls and women, there are more of those who prefer to communicate with their peers of the same sex. Men have a wider social circle.

86. M. is more competitive. Men in conversation more often show competitive attitudes and aggression. Women react to each other more positively.

87. M. aside. During a conversation, men often sit to the right or left of the interlocutor, and women opposite.

88. J. has more "I". Men often construct a phrase in an impersonal form: “It is known that ...”, women declare in the first person: “I know that ...”

89. M. is rougher. Women in speech often use diminutive words.

90. Zh. is more mysterious. In female speech, unfinished sentences with subtext are more often used.

91. Life is more varied. Men's speech typically uses three different intonations, while women's speech uses five.

92. M. directly. Men express dissatisfaction directly: “You don’t call me!”, Women express themselves more streamlined: “Why didn’t you call me?”

93. How to turn to the side. When changing the subject, women often use conjunctions, and men use exclamations.

94. F. more precisely. In conversation and writing, women are more likely to use direct quotations, while men retell them in their own words.

95. Zh. know how to ask, arguing. Women often turn affirmative sentences into interrogative sentences, raising the pitch at the end and thereby expressing uncertainty.

96. Zh. will laugh less. Studies show that women are worse at telling jokes.

97. M. immediately take the bull by the horns. Men are more likely to start their speech with the main thing, women need some time to approach an important topic.

98. M. more directive. In conversations, men often use direct commands, women try to manipulate more subtly.

99. M. talk about business. Between themselves, men are more likely to discuss cases and share factual information. For women, it is more important to discuss relationships and use communication to maintain emotional bonds.

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