Ointment against thrush for men and women: how to choose? Ointments for thrush (candidiasis) for women Cream for thrush

The thrush always comes at the most inopportune moment. Before an important date, before an urgent report, during a protracted illness.

So much time and effort put into her treatment. But she always comes back again. And the cream for thrush is waiting on the shelf in the wings.

What is a thrush?

Thrush (medical name - candidiasis) is a disease of the vagina associated with the reproduction of Candida fungi. Fungi of the Candida group are contained in a limited amount in the microflora of a healthy person. Under the influence of special conditions, their number begins to increase, which causes unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of thrush:

Thrush symptoms

Among women:

  1. The main symptom of thrush (due to which it received such a popular name) is abundant curdled discharge, which is distinguished by a special “sour” smell.
  2. Burning and itching in the vaginal area;
  3. Unpleasant and painful sensations during intercourse.

For men:

  1. Burning, itching and irritation of the penis;
  2. Swelling, redness in the area of ​​​​infection;
  3. White plaque on the infected surface;
  4. Pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  5. There may be an increase in lymph nodes in the groin area.

Symptoms of the disease are difficult to miss and it is important to contact a specialist in time. Ignoring the problem will lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Candidiasis often occurs in combination with other sexually transmitted diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to take tests.

If, as a result of the examination (smear examination), the diagnosis is confirmed, then the doctor will prescribe as a treatment:

  1. Local preparations (candles, vaginal tablets, creams and ointments);
  2. General preparations (capsules, tablets);
  3. Immunomodulatory drugs;
  4. Vitamins.

One of the most effective methods in the fight against fungi is a cream for thrush.

The principle of action of creams from thrush

When applied to the area of ​​infection, the cream acts on the cell membranes of fungi, disrupting the synthesis of substances. As a result, this causes their death or suspension of life.

Due to the fact that the cream belongs to the group of topical drugs, the active substance is absorbed into the blood to a minimum and has a lesser negative effect on the body.

In what situations is a cream prescribed for the treatment of thrush?

Thrush cream is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Mild form of the disease;
  2. The disease manifested itself for the first time;
  3. During pregnancy;
  4. With lactation;
  5. For children;
  6. For men;
  7. In patients with liver disease;

In the case of chronic thrush, the cream should be used in combination with general antifungal drugs.

Creams and ointments for thrush

Pharmacies have an excellent selection of creams and ointments for the treatment of candidiasis. Due to the special structure, the preparations are evenly distributed on the skin, mucous membranes and have a crushing effect on fungi.



  1. Special conditions required. Difficulties with use on trips, public places;
  2. Most drugs contain one active ingredient;
  3. Possible toxic effects on the liver;
  4. Fat marks on linen;
  5. Not suitable for treatment with asymptomatic disease.

How to treat thrush with a cream?

In the package, the cream is often accompanied by a special vaginal applicator for introducing the drug into the vagina.

Terms of use:

Men with thrush need to lubricate areas of the skin and mucous membranes that have been infected daily with ointment for 10-14 days.

Treatment effectiveness

To improve the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary:

  1. Adjust nutrition, including the rejection of spicy, fatty, sweet, salty, smoked foods;
  2. Temporarily refuse to visit saunas and baths;
  3. Refuse daily pads;
  4. Refuse to use tampons;
  5. Replace synthetic underwear with cotton;
  6. If possible, interrupt sexual activity or use condoms;
  7. Check for disease partner. Treat if necessary.

Important! During the period of treatment for thrush, the use of tampons is prohibited.

Top 5 creams and ointments for thrush

  1. Cream Pimafucin;
  2. Ointment Miramistin;
  3. Ointment Clotrimazole;
  4. Nystatite ointment;
  5. Cream Gynofort.

IMPORTANT! Thrush cream is a drug. Before use, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Cream Pimafucin

Highly effective broad-spectrum antifungal antibiotic. Mainly used for external use.

The active substance is natamycin. The cream destroys the fungus by breaking its cell membrane. Pimafucin has an additional, antimicrobial effect to prevent infection from penetrating through infected skin areas. Non-toxic even in high doses.


The drug is prohibited for use in case of hypersensitivity to natamycin.

Pimafucin is applied to infected areas of the skin and mucous membranes 1-3 times a day. The doctor determines the duration of treatment individually, based on the form of the disease. Usually at least 10 days.

The cost of Pimafucin 2% cream is 300 rubles per pack of 30 grams.

Ointment Miramistin

An antiseptic agent that has a bactericidal and antiviral effect. The active ingredient is miramistin. When interacting, it destroys the membranes of microorganisms. Fungi of the Candida group also have a special sensitivity to miramistin.


The drug is prohibited for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components.

It is used for the following diseases:

The ointment must be applied gently, in a thin layer, to the infected areas 1-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is not more than 100 grams. In the treatment of ointment, it is advisable to use it in conjunction with common antifungal drugs.

The cost of Miramistin ointment 170 rubles for 15 grams.

Ointment Clotrimazole

Powerful antifungal agent. Destroys cell membranes, as a result of which the fungus becomes unviable. Practically not absorbed into the blood. The active substance is clotrimazole.


  1. First trimester of pregnancy;

When lactating, use with caution.

It is used for the following diseases:

  1. Fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes;
  2. Mycoses complicated by secondary pyoderma, as well as feet, skin folds;
  3. Other diseases caused by dermatophytes, yeast-like and yeast fungi sensitive to clotrimazole;
  4. Pityriasis versicolor.

Gently clean the affected area, wash with soap and dry. Apply the ointment 1-3 times a day, in a thin layer, gently rubbing. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

The cost of ointment Clotrimazole 1% is 30 rubles for 30 grams.

Nystatite ointment

An antifungal agent that is effective only against fungi of the Candida group. The active substance is nystatin. A remedy for thrush that has been used for many years. However, recently a decrease in the sensitivity of fungi of the Candida group to nystatin has been observed. Practically not absorbed into the blood. Suitable for children from 1 year old.


  1. Violations of the functioning of the liver;
  2. peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  3. pancreatitis;
  4. Hypersensitivity to components.

P used for the following diseases:

  1. Thrush.
  2. It can be used for fungal infections of the skin.

Nystatin ointment costs 90 rubles per pack of 30 grams.

Cream Gynofort

It has antimycotic properties, acting at the cellular level. In the package, a special applicator is attached to the cream. The drug must be injected into the vagina only once. It is preferable to do this at bedtime, but the instructions suggest using the cream at any time of the day. If symptoms persist, microbiological testing is necessary.


  1. Pregnancy;
  2. lactation period;
  3. Hypersensitivity to components;
  4. Age up to 18 years.

The drug is used only for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.

The cost of Gynofort cream is 760 rubles per pack of 5 grams.

Creams for candidiasis during pregnancy

Being in an interesting position, women are more sensitive to overwork and stress. Therefore, thrush so often haunts pregnant women.

Practically harmless thrush, during pregnancy it poses a considerable danger:

  1. The possibility of infection of the fetus and amniotic membranes;
  2. The likelihood of miscarriage or premature birth;
  3. Intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

The best option would be to detect candidiasis in the first trimester. This usually happens during a routine examination by a gynecologist leading a pregnancy. A vaginal swab is taken to confirm the diagnosis. A gynecologist rarely prescribes oral medicines for the treatment of thrush to pregnant women, preference is given to local preparations.

As a rule, pimafucin is prescribed for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy, due to its low toxicity.

Prevention of thrush

10 simple steps to prevent thrush:

Male thrush develops due to the active reproduction of the pathogenic Candida fungus, which is present in small quantities even on healthy genitals. The disease is accompanied by discomfort and itching in the affected area, as well as white discharge. The lack of timely treatment in most cases leads to the fact that thrush becomes chronic. This condition often leads to the development of complications in the form of pathologies of the genitourinary system. As the main therapy, tablets from thrush are used. In some cases, taking oral medications is not possible for health reasons. Then the question arises about the use of local preparations, which include ointment against thrush in men.

Often, patients are concerned about which ointments for thrush for men are the most effective. All modern drugs have a good therapeutic effect, but for some reason they may not be suitable due to the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The table below shows the most popular and effective local remedies.

Treatment of thrush in men: ointment preparations

Name of the drug Daily dosage Duration of application
"Clotrimazole" 2-3 applications up to 1 month
"Pimafucin" 1-2 times until symptoms disappear
"Mikozon" 2 uses 2-6 weeks
"Candide" 2-3 applications 4-6 weeks
"Candison" 2-3 times up to 30 days
"Nizoral" 1 application 2-3 weeks
"Terbizil" up to 2 applications up to 2 weeks
"Exiter" 1-2 uses 1-2 weeks
"Nystatin" 2 times 7-10 days

Ointments from male thrush should be applied to pre-washed skin and mucous membranes. To do this, it is recommended to use soap with a neutral pH.

After the disappearance of signs of the disease, the application of the cream should be carried out for another 2-3 days.


This is the most commonly used ointment for male thrush, the main therapeutic component of which is clotrimazole. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is also used for other fungal diseases.

For an effective result, the cream is recommended to be applied at least twice a day over the entire surface of the penis with a thin layer. The duration of treatment is determined individually and depends largely on the severity of the course of the disease. Doctors recommend using this ointment for thrush for at least a month. Sometimes the course of therapy can be extended. In the absence of improvement, it is recommended to replace the cream with a product with a different active ingredient.

Read also: Probiotics for treating thrush in women

In case of intolerance to clotrimazole, side effects such as burning and tingling, blistering, swelling, redness and peeling in the area of ​​​​application may occur.


An effective cream for thrush for men based on natamycin actively fights yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida and allows you to get rid of the disease in a shorter time.

To date, "Pimafucin" has no analogues, it has no contraindications, and rarely causes side effects. For the treatment of candidiasis, the drug can be used in any age category of people.

In case of irritation and burning sensation, stop using the product and consult a doctor.


Ointment from thrush for men "Mikozon" can be prescribed in case of intolerance to other medicinal components. Its main active ingredient is miconazole, which is highly effective in the treatment of various dermatomycosis.

In case of violation of blood microcirculation and diabetes mellitus, cream ointment from thrush for men "Mikozon" is prescribed with caution. If local allergic reactions occur, the drug is immediately canceled.


Ointment for the treatment of thrush in men is an analogue of "Clotrimazole", as it contains the same medicinal substance.

"Candide" is used not only for the treatment of fungal infections of the genital organs, but also for trichomoniasis, against which candidiasis could also occur.

The duration of use and dosage are determined individually and depend largely on the degree of damage to the fungus or infection.


An inexpensive ointment for thrush can be used in therapy for men. It has the same composition as Candide, but is a cheaper counterpart.

"Candison" is used in the same way as "Clotrimazole", and also has similar contraindications and side reactions.


Cream for the treatment of thrush for men "Nizoral" is included in the list of the most effective, but expensive drugs. Its main active ingredient is ketoconazole. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, so it can be used for various dermatophyte infections (seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, etc.).

Candida fungi are very sensitive to ketoconazole, which is the reason for its high efficiency. The tool is recommended to be applied not only to the affected part, but also to healthy tissues adjacent to it.

If the dosage of the drug is not observed, the ointment for the treatment of thrush can cause irritation and burning at the sites of application. In rare cases, "Nizoral" leads to the development of allergic dermatitis.


Cream against thrush for men "Terbizil" has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is effective against several types of fungi at once, including Candida. Terbinafine hydrochloride is the main active ingredient in topical application.

Since thrush (candidiasis) is the result of exposure to a specific fungal infection, any remedy for the symptoms of the disease (rash, redness, itching, maceration, discharge) is not suitable. An effective ointment for thrush is needed, that is, etiotropic treatment with the help of external agents that act directly on the causative agent of the disease - the yeast-like fungus saprophyte Candida albicans.

Pharmacological group


pharmachologic effect

Antifungal topical preparations

Indications for the use of ointments from thrush

The main indications for the use of ointments from thrush: candidiasis of various localization with damage to the skin and mucous membranes of C. albicans (much less often the cause of the pathology is the fungi C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis and C. krusei), including thrush or urogenital candidiasis - vulvovaginal candidiasis, balanitis, balanoposthitis. Such external agents are also used for candidamic lesions of the perianal region, armpits, nail plates and skin of the periungual roller (onychomycosis).

Some ointments used for thrush are also used for other types of fungal diseases, in particular, those provoked by yeast-like fungi Rhodoturola mucilaginosa, Rhodotorula glutinis, Malassezia furfur, Torulopsis glabrata, as well as Aspergillus and dermatophytes Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton.

It should be noted that the ointment from thrush for women has no differences in the "gender" of the patient, and the ointment from thrush in men is absolutely no different. So the mandatory simultaneous treatment of urogenital candidiasis in both partners (she has vulvovaginal candidiasis, he has balanitis) is carried out with the same drugs.


Clotrimazole ointment (Candid ointment, Kanesten and other synonyms) contains an imidazole derivative clotrimazole, which inactivates mitochondrial peroxidase enzymes in Candida cells, reduces the biosynthesis of sterols necessary for the formation of glycoprotein adhesin of the fungal cell membrane, which reproduces not by spores, but by budding. As a result of a lack of sterols, the plasma membranes of fungal cells lose their impermeability, and together they lose the ability to multiply and exist in it.

The drug Lomexin in the form of a vaginal cream acts in the same way, but already due to another imidazole derivative, fenticonazole, in Zalain ointment, the antifungal agent sertaconazole is the active antifungal agent, and the pharmacodynamics of Miconazole ointment for thrush is based on the action of miconazole nitrate.

Thanks to nystatin (antibiotic-polyene mycosaminyl nystatinolide), Nystatin ointment also affects the cell membrane of fungi, and, integrating into it at the molecular level, irreversibly increases the intracellular osmotic concentration of electrolytes, lowers the pH level and disrupts the process of oxygen consumption by fungal cells. All this together provokes the coagulation of cytoplasmic proteins, leading to the lysis of C. albicans cells.

Antifungal action, similar to nystatin, has an ointment from thrush Levorin (with heptaene aromatic antibiotic levorin).

Ointment Pimafucin contains polyene natamycin, the pharmacodynamics of which is similar to clotrimazole. Pimafucort ointment, in addition to natamycin, has in its composition the antibiotic neomycin and hydrocortisone, which are active against many bacteria, which relieves inflammation and itching of the skin with thrush.

Triderm ointment contains corticosteroid betamethasone, antibiotic gentamicin and clotrimazole. The action of clotrimazole has been described above; gentamicin prevents the attachment of a bacterial infection, and a corticosteroid helps relieve inflammation and itching.


When applied to the mucous membranes with vaginal candidiasis (thrush), the absorption of clotrimazole, which contains Clotrimazole ointment, Candide ointment and Triderm ointment, does not exceed 5-10%, and its concentration in the vaginal mucus (when used intravaginally) is much higher than in plasma blood, and persists for 2-3 days. Clotrimazole is transformed in the liver and excreted through the intestines.

Nystatin ointment is not absorbed through the mucous membranes and penetrates poorly through intact skin, so systemic adsorption of the drug is not observed.

In the absence of damage to the skin and mucous membranes, Pimafucort ointment is also poorly absorbed; adsorption of hydrocortisone ranges from 1 to 5%. There are no data on the biotransformation of the components of the ointment in the instructions.

In the description of the pharmacokinetics of the drug Lomexin, it is indicated that fenticonazole is practically not absorbed and its content is not detected in the blood.

Instructions for Pimafucin, Levorin and Triderm ointments do not contain information regarding adsorption, systemic metabolism and excretion of these drugs from the body.

Using ointments for thrush during pregnancy

The use of ointments for thrush Pimafukort, Miconazole, Levorin, Zalain and Triderm is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women; Clotrimazole ointment should not be used in the first three months of pregnancy.

It is allowed to use Pimafucin ointment in the treatment of thrush in pregnant women, and nystatin ointment and Lomexin can be prescribed during pregnancy only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.


Ointments from thrush have the following contraindications for use:

  • Clotrimazole ointment (Candide ointment, etc.), Pimafucin, Lomexin, Zalain should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components of these drugs.
  • inexpensive ointment for thrush - nystatin and Miconazole - is also not used in case of individual intolerance, which is manifested by dermatological allergic reactions.
  • Ointment Pimafukort and Ointment Triderm (due to the content of hydrocortisone) are contraindicated in case of an increased reaction of the body to exogenous steroids and are not used for skin forms of sexually transmitted diseases, a tendency to acne, ulcerations and other open lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Levorin ointment is contraindicated in the presence of a history of any manifestations of allergies.

Side effects of ointments from thrush

Among the most typical side effects for topical agents, almost any ointment from thrush, in the first place, can cause local irritation, hyperemia and swelling of the skin and mucous membranes. This is characteristic of such drugs as Clotrimazole ointment (Candide ointment), Pimafucin and Mikazol ointments, Levorin ointments, Lomexin. And the drug Zalain can provoke erythema and temporary contact dermatitis.

Intravaginal use of an ointment containing imidazole derivatives may be accompanied by burning, itching, increased secretions, as well as swelling of soft tissues and mucous membranes. The appearance of headaches and stomach pains, discomfort during urination and their increase is not excluded.

Prolonged use of Pimafucort or Triderm ointment can lead to the formation of strip-like skin atrophy (striae) at the site of their application, lightening of the skin pigment at the site of application of the drug, and expansion of skin capillaries in the form of a vascular network.

The use of only an ointment or cream in the treatment of an ailment is prescribed in the case of:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • small age;
  • the onset of candidiasis;
  • in various liver diseases.

It is possible to use vaginal cream for thrush and ointment in these cases due to their low toxicity in comparison with tablets.

The advantage of ointments over other forms of preparations:

  • quick effect (with the right choice of medication);
  • minor contraindications and side effects;
  • universality (ointment can apply male and female);
  • the possibility of use in infants;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use.


  • They have a negative effect on the liver.
  • Leave stains on clothes.

Selection of ointment from thrush

In nature, there are many fungi that negatively affect the female body and cause thrush ... The attending physician selects medicines depending on the location of the infection, the type of fungus and the time of illness. For the treatment of thrush, the ointment is prescribed in the event of the onset of the disease, with a duration of symptoms of more than 4-6 days, creams are preferred.

At the moment, there is a huge selection of creams and ointments for fungi that cause thrush, consider the most effective and common of them:

An antifungal drug with a wide range of uses. Candida ointment and cream for thrush is easily applied to the infected part of the mucosa, very quickly relieves itching, burning and swelling. Candiosis cream and ointment have a low price, while treatment with them practically eliminates the risk of side effects on the internal organs.

The disadvantage of using Candida for thrush in women is the difficulty of treating deeply located affected areas with it (if necessary, tampons pre-moistened in cream are used). Candida b ointment is one-component, which reduces the likelihood of damage to all types of yeast-like fungi in one application. It is used in the treatment of newborns and male thrush.

Ointment, which occupies the top position among the means to combat candidiasis. It belongs to the group of antifungal drugs with a wide range of applications. When applied in small doses, it will block the growth and spread of the fungus through the tissues of the vagina, with an increase in the dose, the infection will completely die. The ointment passes remarkably deep into the mucosa, which makes it an excellent remedy for thrush. Clotrimazole ointment is treated with fungus-infected surfaces twice a day. The longest treatment time is 28 days. After applying the agent, it is desirable to take a horizontal position for the time of absorption of the drug (14-20 minutes). Use with other antifungal drugs is not desirable. When interacting with antibiotics reduces their effect.

Side effects - discoloration of the surface of the skin in the intimate area, slight tingling, burning and itching in places covered with ointment. The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


An effective and popular antibiotic with a fairly large spectrum of action.
The cream is gently rubbed into the infected areas of the body at least 2 times a day. After application, it is desirable to take a horizontal position for the time of absorption of the drug (14-20 minutes). The minimum treatment time is 8-10 days. Long-term use of pimafucin does not worsen the vaginal mucosa. Treatment with this cream is carried out immediately by two sexual partners with thrush of one of them. Pimafucin is non-toxic, non-allergenic, can be prescribed during pregnancy (including late periods and right before childbirth) and used as a remedy for thrush in newborns. The use of this cream can protect the fetus when passing through the birth canal from a fungal infection.

Side effects: short-term diarrhea, nausea, slight burning, tingling at the site of application.

Antifungal drug with fungicidal action.
The component of one applicator is injected far into the vagina. With thrush, the drug is used once and regardless of the time of day. Gynofort is designed so that by entering it once you can safely forget about the symptoms of thrush.

Side effects - short-term burning and itching in the intimate area, anxiety, swelling of the walls of the vagina, feeling of cramps in the lower abdomen. With the formation of irritation of the vagina and pain during the treatment of thrush, gynofort should be immediately discontinued. The drug is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This remedy for candiosis contains oils that destroy latex and rubber, as a result, the use of contraceptives is prohibited for 72 hours after applying the cream.


An antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent with a restorative and immuno-improving effect. Due to the special composition, the elements of which reinforce each other, Levomekol is perfectly applicable in the fight against many types of fungi and bacteria. Cream and ointment Levomekol amazingly eliminates the signs of thrush and envelops the mucosa, protecting it from infectious agents. With a long course of the disease with complications, Levomekol is used in cooperation with other medicines. The time of treatment with Levomekol is strictly individual.

Inorganic antifungal agent with a wide range of applications.
The cream is lubricated with fungus-infected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day. The time of application depends on the neglect of the disease. On average, the treatment time will be 14-28 days. A side effect is slight itching, burning and irritation. When treating nizoral for thrush, contact dermatitis sometimes occurs.

This ointment for thrush for women during pregnancy and lactation is allowed to be used only in emergency measures, when the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the baby. These funds are not used if the patient is intolerant to ketoconazole.

It is used as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Contains salicylic acid. The presence of this acid in the ointment significantly increases the depth of passage of corticosteroids into the skin, has a cooling and softening effect on the skin.
The drug simultaneously relieves itching and inflammation, soothes allergic irritation.

Akriderm is used 2 times a day, enveloping a thin layer of as large an area as possible (preferably at the same time, early in the morning and late in the evening), provided there is no doctor's prescription. The dosage varies depending on the neglect of the disease. If the affected areas are not significant, Akriderm is applied 1 time per day, with serious lesions, more treatments will be required. The average duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Akriderm is contraindicated for use in diseases such as smallpox, herpes, rashes from syphilis, skin tuberculosis. The drug is strictly forbidden to apply to children under 2 years old, women during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Overdose and use of akriderm for a long time can lead to Cushing's syndrome.

Each drug has a different active substance and indications or contraindications for its use. Since the ointment for candiosis eliminates the cause of the disease and soothes the areas with inflammation, the symptoms of thrush may disappear, but this does not tell us at all about the possibility of completing the treatment and full recovery. The course of treatment should be complete and not interrupted with an imaginary recovery.

After the end of treatment, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the vagina with the help of special suppositories containing lacto and bifidobacteria necessary for the body. Bifidumbacterin is not expensive and very common candles that will help you cope with this task. The drug is used for 10 days from the end of the medication for thrush.

Gel, cream and ointment for thrush are effective remedies in the fight against the disease. They act directly on the affected areas, and for this reason, therapy is carried out as soon as possible. They are prescribed as auxiliary or independent means in the treatment of thrush.

Scientists have proven that a cream for thrush is no less effective than systemic drugs. Accordingly, if there are contraindications to taking tablets, they resort to local treatment of the disease. In the diagnosis of candidiasis in women and damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina, the ointment is as effective as those drugs that affect the body as a whole.

In addition, when using local drugs against thrush, the following positive aspects are noted:

  • comparative security. Medicines of this group are absorbed into the blood in a minimal amount. Due to such a “neat” action of creams, some of them are not forbidden to be used during pregnancy and during lactation;
  • the possibility of use in severe cases of the disease in cases where systemic drugs are contraindicated;
  • getting rid of itching and other unpleasant symptoms in a short time.

Despite this, even in the case of the most effective topical preparations, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Thus, candidiasis, which occurs in a severe relapsing form, which is accompanied by immunodeficiency, is difficult to cure without systemic drugs.

The fight against thrush: inexpensive and effective drugs

With candidiasis, doctors often resort to the appointment of creams, ointments or gels. One or another drug is selected taking into account a number of factors:

  • the severity of the disease;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy;
  • financial opportunities.

Ointments for thrush are prescribed exclusively by a specialist. Only a doctor is able to choose the optimal course of treatment. In this case, it is extremely important to inform him about the presence of an allergy to medications.

Creams for thrush in women are applied to pre-washed genitals and vaginal mucosa. Some drugs can eliminate the symptoms of the disease after the first use.

Even the most inexpensive drug can give the desired effect in just a few days after the start of therapy. Knowing the best creams and ointments that can help get rid of candidiasis, you will be able to choose the right one in each individual case.


Clotrimazole, even at a low dosage, is able to block the reproduction and spread of the fungus. In a high concentration, the vaginal cream completely eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. With thrush, it is used for a maximum of a month.

An antifungal agent is applied twice a day to the affected areas and gently rubbed. Appointed in such cases:

  • vaginal infections;
  • skin infections;
  • candidiasis.

This cheap ointment is not used in the treatment of pregnant women and nursing mothers. Adverse reactions are not excluded, including itching, irritation and tingling. Often, Clotrimazole is prescribed as an adjuvant in the process of complex therapy.


The gel acts directly on the focus of inflammation itself, and, accordingly, side effects from its use are noted in rare cases. The drug is available in an applicator (syringe). The vaginal gel is injected deep into the vagina, and for this reason it is not used in the treatment of virgins.

The tool has a fast action and is detrimental to a fungal infection. In order to enter it correctly, a special nozzle is used. It is recommended to perform the procedure before going to bed. After that, douching and irrigation should not be done for three days. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

The drug is well tolerated, but sometimes local reactions still occur. In this case, the following clinical picture is observed:

  • itching in the vaginal area;
  • burning;
  • pain sensations;
  • puffiness.

Experts warn: use with caution. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the vagina should be washed as soon as possible.

It is allowed to use this drug during pregnancy, but only under strict medical supervision.


Specialists often resort to the appointment of this ointment for thrush in women, despite the fact that there are more modern drugs that are effective in combating the disease.

The main component of the drug is, which helps to get rid of the fungus. The remedy is used in such cases:

  • candidiasis;
  • prophylaxis after taking antibacterial drugs;
  • severe depletion of the body.

Among the contraindications to the use of Nystatin are the following:

  • liver disease;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • individual intolerance to nystatin;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

In rare cases, the following side effects are observed:

  • irritation;
  • rash on the epithelium;
  • hives.

The course of treatment is 7-10 days. In severe form of the disease, the duration of therapy may be longer (about a month). The drug is applied to the vaginal mucosa twice a day.


One of the newest and most effective drugs for thrush in women is Mikogal. With its help, it is possible to get rid of vaginal candidiasis, regardless of the form in which it occurs.

The drug is produced in the form of ointment and suppositories.

Among the advantages of Mikogal ointment are the following:

  • minimal resistance of pathogens;
  • effectiveness in all types of diseases;
  • increased antimycotic activity;
  • a combination of antifungal and antibiotic therapy;
  • proven clinical efficacy;
  • no side effects;
  • ease of introduction;
  • possibility of use by nursing mothers. It is also allowed to treat thrush with ointment during pregnancy.

The course of drug therapy is a week. During this time, it is possible to destroy the fungal infection and eliminate clinical manifestations.


With timely therapy with this ointment for candidiasis, it will be possible to eliminate the main symptoms after the first application. For this reason, the drug is increasingly being used to treat thrush in women. With its help, the causative agent of the disease is destroyed and a barrier is created to the appearance of relapses.

The effectiveness of the drug is due to its mechanism of action on the fungus. destroys its structure and leads to self-destruction of pathogenic bacteria. Due to this, the active substances are fixed on the mucous membranes of the vagina, destroy the infection and create the conditions that are necessary to prevent relapses.

Sanguiritrin liniment 0.5%

In the treatment of candidiasis, ointments give a good effect. Sanguiritrin liniment 0.5% has not only an antimycotic effect, but also an antimicrobial one. The use of a cream for thrush allows you to get rid of the main symptoms a few days after the start of therapy. The use of the drug, although considered conditionally safe, should still be agreed with a specialist.

Medications of local action are no less effective than systemic ones. Creams, gels and ointments, presented in pharmacies, can destroy the fungus, but you should not resort to self-medication. The drug is prescribed by a doctor after a complete examination.

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