What to cook in case of poisoning. Nutrition and diet for food poisoning. What not to eat

Neither children nor adults are immune from food poisoning. Intoxication of the body is a very serious phenomenon, the treatment of which must necessarily take place under the supervision of a specialist, because the consequences of poisoning can be the most terrible.

Food poisoning can result from: low-quality, dirty or expired food; poorly cooked foods (undercooked meat, mushrooms); some unprocessed foods (eggs, milk, cottage cheese). The reason can also be individual human intolerance and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food poisoning can be recognized by the following signs:

  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature above 37.5°C;
  • pain in the stomach.

At the first sign of food poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist must determine the severity of food intoxication and promptly carry out the necessary procedures to neutralize the symptoms. It is on this that the condition and further speed of recovery of the patient will depend.

If food poisoning doesn't seem serious, you should limit food intake, wash the stomach with a weak 2.5% solution of potassium permanganate and take sorbents (activated carbon or polysorb). In addition, it is very important to start hydration therapy as soon as possible. This can be done with the help of the pharmacy drug Regidron. If in the near future the victim does not feel better, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

The next stage of gradual recovery after food intoxication is a therapeutic diet. Suitable in this case: a non-slag diet before a colonoscopy or other cleansing methods.

The right diet for food poisoning

The first days after food poisoning are the most difficult, not only because of the tangible consequences of intoxication, but also because at this time you will have to follow the most strict diet. Be sure to drink as much liquid as possible: in order not to cause repeated bouts of vomiting, you need to drink a couple of sips every 5 minutes. This must be done so that the toxins that caused the poisoning are naturally eliminated from the body.

With food poisoning, a diet is prescribed for the purpose of:

  1. Saturation of the affected body with vitamins and minerals;
  2. Replenishment of liquid supplies;
  3. Discharge of the intestines from coarse fibrous food.

Doctors advise in the first 3 days after food poisoning to replace the usual diet with fasting days. Rusks, water, tea with lemon juice - this is the main menu after food poisoning.

What can you eat during a diet after poisoning? After three days, you can start eating small portions of boiled rice and buckwheat porridge, boiled vegetables, and low-fat broths. If the stomach accepts this food, you can start including other dietary products in the menu.

Important: at first, food should be cooked on water or steamed, and served in liquid form, completely excluding foods that promote fermentation in the digestive tract. It is extremely important to drink plenty of fluids while dieting.

How many days do you need to follow a diet after poisoning?

The main strict regimen is the first three fasting days, then a few days of adaptation to a more complex diet. A week after the food poisoning, if the doctor considers the patient's condition satisfactory, he will gradually begin to return to the usual diet.

Throughout the diet, you should be guided by some general recommendations:

  1. All food is consumed only in the form of heat. This will help not to irritate once again the mucous membrane of the stomach.
  2. Products are best steamed, bringing to a puree state.
  3. Fractional meals 5-6 times a day.
  4. Drink plenty of water or herbal infusions (preferably chamomile or rosehip).

Menu for adults

In itself, food poisoning is a blow to the body that needs to be taken very seriously. Negligent attitude to one's own health can lead to the most sad consequences.

First of all, you need to know what foods are strictly contraindicated in case of food poisoning. These include spicy, fried, fatty foods and canned food. For a while, you will have to forget about fiber-rich plant foods. It will cause irritation and aggravate the inflammatory process. Sweet pastries, fresh bread, confectionery - all this is prohibited, as it lingers in the intestines for a long time and forms excess acid, leading to fermentation.

The basic menu after food poisoning in an adult for a day:

  • Breakfast: porridge on the water, a boiled egg and unsweetened chamomile tea;
  • Snack: steam cutlets and vegetable puree, rosehip broth;
  • Lunch: chicken broth, a piece of boiled meat, a couple of slices of bread and tea;
  • Afternoon snack: dry biscuits and tea;
  • Dinner: boiled fish and steamed vegetables;
  • At night: herbal infusion.

Diet after food poisoning - recipes

  1. Chicken broth with croutons. This dish is considered the most sparing and is recommended even in difficult cases of poisoning. To prepare it, you need to take a chicken fillet, pour a liter of purified water and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Put croutons from white bread into the finished broth and add a boiled egg to the dish.
  2. Steam cutlets. They can be eaten on the third or fourth day after food poisoning, when all toxins are naturally eliminated from the body. You will need a piece of lean meat - veal or turkey, which must be processed twice in a meat grinder. If desired, add onion. Form into balls and place in a steamer. Estimated cooking time is 30-45 minutes.
  3. Porridge on the water. For a glass of liquid, you need 2 tablespoons of cereals. Cook over low heat until done. It is better to make the dish more liquid - so it will be well absorbed and will not cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

The diet after intestinal poisoning in adults should be made with caution, the regimen should be as gentle as possible. Feeling overwhelmed should be avoided. After cleansing the intestines, you should try to return it as smoothly as possible to its usual activities.

Menu for children

Often, even the smallest children suffer from food poisoning. The reason can be not only poor-quality food, but also non-compliance with the rules of elementary hygiene. The diet after poisoning in children will be as strict as in adults: in case of household poisoning - from three days to a week, and up to several months if food poisoning is associated with a number of disorders in the work of other organs.

Symptoms of food poisoning in babies: frequent vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy and abdominal pain. In isolated difficult cases, convulsions and loss of consciousness are noted.

Famous TV pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky on the first day after food intoxication in a child, it is strongly recommended to exclude all food from the diet, leaving only plenty of fluids. You can give your baby a pharmacy rehydron from time to time. If a little time has passed after taking a suspicious product, you should try to induce an attack of vomiting, and if it doesn’t work, give the baby activated charcoal.

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience the following symptoms:

  1. Signs of food poisoning persist for more than a day.
  2. Body temperature above 38°C.
  3. Mass food intoxication of all family members.

Parents should pay attention to the fact that children should not be forced to eat after food poisoning if they refuse. This rule also provides for a diet after poisoning in children according to Komarovsky. If the baby refuses food, then the process of removing toxins from the body has not yet been completed, and fresh food can only aggravate the condition.

  1. For cooking cereals, rice or buckwheat is suitable. We cook them only in water until the consistency of thick jelly. Oil cannot be added.
  2. From fruits, baked apples or bananas are acceptable. From vegetables: boiled and rubbed through a sieve broccoli, cauliflower, carrots.
  3. You need to reduce your carbohydrate intake. You can resume their reception no earlier than on the third day.
  4. Reduced-fat fermented milk products with food intoxication can only be given with the permission of a doctor, and not earlier than a week later.
  5. From the fourth day, you can include low-fat fish in the baby's menu: pollock, cod, perch, boiled or baked.
  6. Completely exclude: fatty, smoked, spicy and fresh herbs.
  7. Be sure to supplement the diet of children after poisoning with a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Menu after food poisoning in children, an example for one day:

  • For breakfast: rice porridge and freshly brewed apple compote;
  • For lunch: chicken soup with crackers;
  • For an afternoon snack: jelly;
  • Dinner: steamed fish cake and mashed cauliflower.

The diet after the poisoning of the child makes it possible to minimize the harmful effects of certain foods on the weakened body of the baby. Eating after food poisoning should be subject to careful parental supervision to avoid a recurrence. You should also pay maximum attention to the child, because this state is new for him, and the guardianship of the parents will be most welcome.

Features of the diet after mushroom poisoning

It is no secret that poisonous species sometimes grow among tasty and healthy mushrooms, and in order to distinguish them, you need to be well versed in them. The most common are fly agaric and pale grebes. These are very dangerous mushrooms that can lead to damage to the nervous system or even death as a result of food intoxication. Therefore, in the case of their use, even in minimal quantities, need immediate medical attention.

Before the arrival of the ambulance crew, it is necessary to give the victim activated charcoal at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. If there is no diarrhea, then cause it with laxatives. In this case, do not be afraid of diarrhea or vomiting - this is a natural reaction of the body to remove a toxic product.

After a series of procedures, the patient is recommended bed rest and moderate nutrition. The first day - hungry, the second - on the broth with white bread crumbs. On the third day, you can add porridge on the water, jelly and steamed vegetables to the menu. You will have to return to your usual diet for two weeks or more.

Diet after poisoning during pregnancy is not uncommon. Often, expectant mothers try to buy unusual products, including foreign fruits and vegetables. They are very often supersaturated with nitrates. Or, going for a walk in the warm season, he buys pastries or fast food on the street, forgetting that pathogenic bacteria develop much faster in the heat.

Signs of food poisoning in pregnant women:

  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • fever, chills;
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact a medical facility for assistance.

Basic steps before the arrival of the doctor:

  1. Never gastric lavage- this can cause bleeding and miscarriage;
  2. When vomiting - drink water or Regidron in small portions;
  3. Take sorbents: Enterosgel, Smecta.

After helping and the disappearance of signs of food intoxication, you should temporarily forget about fried, smoked and spicy foods. We'll have to limit ourselves to watery cereals, vegetable purees and steam meatballs.

Diet after alcohol poisoning

Poisoning after the holidays is a common occurrence. This is not always caused by the abuse of alcoholic beverages, often alcohol intoxication of the body is caused by surrogate products. Alcohol poisoning is dangerous not only by general intoxication of the body, but also by liver damage.

Basics of nutrition for recovery after alcohol poisoning:

  • plentiful drink;
  • unlimited consumption of vegetables and fruits - they will help remove toxins;
  • fractional nutrition;
  • steamed and baked food is preferable.

To avoid food poisoning, carefully monitor the quality and shelf life of products, pay due attention to storage conditions.

After food poisoning, it is important to restore the working capacity of the digestive tract,. To do this faster and more efficiently, you need to follow a special diet that will help stabilize the water-salt balance and positively affect the gastric mucosa.

Nutrition Features

In the first days after poisoning, it is important to take food in liquid form, puree, milk porridge, fibrous, it is better to exclude, and it is also not advisable to gnaw whole apples, pears, it is better to make mashed potatoes from them, and if you really want crackers, then they need to be soaked before use in liquid.

Excessive stretching of the stomach and intestines should be avoided, food should be consumed in small portions, carbonated drinks, whole milk, legumes, cabbage, corn, yeast products should be excluded.

All dishes should be moderately warm, without aggressive environment, lightly salted and sweetened. Be sure to drink plenty of water, warm, decoctions. It is forbidden to drink coffee, strong tea, and alcohol.

Foreign doctors speak well of bananas, fruits contain a high amount of potassium, which is necessary for the body during the period of intoxication. Here is the following list of products that a person needs in the first days after poisoning:

  • rice and oatmeal;
  • wheat crackers;
  • bananas and applesauce;
  • dried fruit compotes;
  • boiled or baked vegetables;
  • minced fish in the form of steam cutlets;
  • puree soups.

And now I want to name those products that are strictly prohibited during the period of poisoning. These are salty, sour, canned, spicy dishes, pastries, confectionery, semi-finished products, butter, raw vegetables and fruits, raw high-fat fermented milk products, yeast products, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Sample diet menu after food poisoning in adults

First day
In the morning, drink a decoction of rose hips.
For lunch, eat vegetable soup with homemade crackers soaked in liquid.
For dinner - 100 g of oatmeal without sugar.

Second day
Breakfast - vegetable broth with white rice, 2 slices of yesterday's bread.
Lunch - mashed potatoes and steamed lean fish fillets.
Dinner - dried fruit compote and homemade crackers.

On the third day recovery of the body can be used for breakfast - chicken broth with potatoes, for lunch - steamed chicken meatballs, and for the evening - crackers with mint green tea.

Such a menu can be followed until the gastric mucosa is completely restored, then it is necessary to gradually introduce the usual dishes from the diet, observing your well-being.

What diet after poisoning should children have?

When the first signs of poisoning appear, the child should be given warm boiled water, if there is an appetite, then you need to feed the child in small portions every 2 hours, dishes should be created from the above listed acceptable ingredients. Store-bought juices and other confectionery products are prohibited during this period.

Attention: it is impossible to force-feed the baby, the main thing is to give him a lot of liquid so that harmful substances are effectively removed from the body. For the first two days, it is better for the child to stay at home, walk for a short time, and have more rest.

In case of poisoning in infants and pregnant women, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance in order to prevent the process of intoxication in the body and disruption of the functionality of internal organs.

Diet after poisoning - recipes from craftsmen

The first - bread croutons, are made very simply: the bread is cut into strips, dried in the microwave or oven, and served on the table.

Dried fruit compote - pour 2 tbsp. l. raw materials with 5 cups of water, bring to a boil, add a spoonful of honey and boil for half an hour over low heat.

Rice porridge - cook according to generally accepted standards, the main thing is not to add salt and other seasonings to the composition. Eat small meals, 5-6 times a day.

How to avoid food poisoning?

  1. Strictly observe the terms of storage of products.
  2. Follow hygiene.
  3. Keep raw foods separate from processed foods.
  4. Hazardous products must be subjected to thorough heat treatment.
  5. Store food at a low temperature.
  6. Water must be purified and of high quality.
  7. Missing food should be immediately thrown out of the refrigerator.

Such simple rules will help you to be healthy, protect your family from the unpleasant consequences of food poisoning.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Food poisoning video

Poisoning help video

  • milk soup;
  • any alcohol;
  • sausage (smoked, dried, and even boiled);
  • milk in any form;
  • salty fish;
  • cue balls;
  • pearl barley;
  • chocolate;
  • broth on the bones;
  • salo;
  • cutlets;
  • sweet compote;
  • legumes;
  • meat (fried, barbecue);
  • caviar;
  • corn;
  • soft-boiled eggs, fried;
  • yogurt;
  • dried fish, fried;
  • freshly baked bread;
  • raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Restriction in the diet of these products will allow the body to recover faster after poisoning. All of them are quite heavy and contain many unnecessary and harmful substances that can only aggravate the patient's condition with food poisoning. In particular, such food causes increased gas formation, pain and cramps in the stomach, provokes excessive stimulation of enzymes, and causes fermentation in the intestines.

    Soup can only be low-fat, not fried, ideally vegetarian. Honey is introduced from about the 4th day, since sweet enhances fermentation processes in the intestines. Milk immediately after poisoning should not be drunk, like kefir with yogurt, they are administered from the 5th day, not earlier. The ban also applies to eggs in any form - this is a heavy product.

    Note:there are different opinions about bananas. Opponents of this fruit in case of poisoning believe that bananas should not be consumed. they are pretty sweet. However, bananas contain enough potassium (a lot of it is lost during poisoning), few fruit acids that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (unlike other fresh fruits), and have a soft texture. Therefore, their use is allowed.

    Sample menu after poisoning

    First day: hunger and plentiful drinking (herbal decoctions, pharmaceutical saline solutions).

    Second day: up to 2 liters of liquid, broth (3 times a day, 100 ml each), a few crackers, mashed potatoes (potatoes, zucchini, carrots) up to 200 gr.

    The third day: rice on the water (250g), vegetable broth (300g), croutons and biscuits, drink plenty of water.

    Fourth day: chicken broth (without bone) 200 ml, vegetable casserole with semolina (without eggs) - 250 grams, steamed fish cakes or meatballs (100g), homemade croutons, biscuit cookies.

    As a rule, a person is quite difficult to tolerate food poisoning and this is due, first of all, to the fact that unpleasant symptoms are observed in this state. Despite the fact that in most cases the patient experiences nausea and weakness, the body still needs to be nourished, which means that food should be taken, albeit carefully. In the first hours of poisoning, it is recommended to refuse food and focus on water, gradually switching to a sparing diet.

    Food poisoning is considered one of the oldest diseases on earth. This is not surprising, since even a few decades ago, the conditions for storing food were very different from today. .

    The day after poisoning, you can slowly introduce lean meat

    It is recommended to drink unsweetened hot tea in the first hours after poisoning and eat ordinary crackers in small quantities. Gradually, low-fat chicken broth and mashed potatoes are added to the diet.. It is not recommended to use butter and milk. The patient can be fed with liquid porridge cooked only in water. Suitable buckwheat and rice groats, as well as semolina. To begin with, you should eat food in small quantities, so as not to burden the stomach with unnecessary work.

    The next day after poisoning, the patient can be offered boiled lean meat in small quantities.. Suitable veal or chicken. Cutlets are allowed, but only steamed. As a dessert, fruit jelly or jelly is recommended.. It should be noted that food in the first days after poisoning should be fractional. Food should be consumed in small quantities several times a day.

    The main causative agents of food poisoning can get into food both from soil and water, and through dirty hands and through insects. In rare cases, harmful microbes enter meat or milk due to some disease of the animal itself.

    In the first days after food poisoning, fruits and vegetables should be completely excluded from the patient's diet. It is also not recommended to eat fatty, fried, sweet and spicy foods, and besides milk and butter. The use of alcohol, even in small quantities, is strictly contraindicated. Gradually, the body will recover and the person himself will switch to the usual diet.

    Diet of the patient after poisoning

    After all the main symptoms of poisoning have gone, it will be necessary to restore your strength as much as possible and nourish the body with beneficial bacteria. To do this, you should switch to a complete, but careful diet. It is recommended to include in the patient's diet various fermented milk products, such as yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, and so on.

    You should eat more vegetable puree soups, boiled meat or steam cutlets. Suitable steam cutlets from fish. The use of baked cottage cheese, for example, soufflés, casseroles or puddings, will also have a beneficial effect on the body. It is recommended to eat rice and buckwheat porridge, vegetables, but only boiled or baked. As a dessert, green tea and dry biscuits are suitable.

    Until complete recovery, you should eat small portions, but as many times a day as possible. To ease the load on the stomach, food should be crushed or chewed thoroughly. In addition, food should be served warm, as cold or hot dishes irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which is not yet fully strengthened.

    Steam cutlets are a great option for the menu after food poisoning

    On the first day after poisoning, it is recommended to dry white bread in the oven and give it to the patient along with unsweetened tea. At night, you can make mashed potatoes or semolina porridge on the water. Next, you should boil an unsweetened compote of dried fruits or jelly, fruit jelly is also suitable. It should be gradually introduced into the diet of meat and fish dishes, dairy products, eggs.

    Most of the microbial poisons penetrate the cells of the stomach thirty minutes after eating. This causes the person to vomit and have diarrhea, the main symptoms of food poisoning.

    In order to cook delicious dietary fish cutlets, you will need white fish fillet, white bread, eggs and flour. White bread should be soaked in water, grind the fish fillet thoroughly and mix it all together, adding eggs and flour. Next, you need to mold small cutlets and steam until cooked.

    To prepare paired veal cutlets, you will need to take minced veal itself, semolina and eggs. Next, all this should be thoroughly mixed together and form small cutlets. Cooking on a double boiler should be within thirty minutes. Chicken cutlets are prepared in the same way, only minced meat is replaced with chicken.

    The patient can cook a cottage cheese casserole. To do this, you need low-fat cottage cheese, eggs and semolina. Cottage cheese will need to be thoroughly kneaded with a blender, then add the egg and semolina. Next, knead the dough until a homogeneous consistency and put in a bowl. You can cook both in the oven and in the slow cooker.

    In the first days after poisoning, the patient can be offered a steam omelet.. To prepare it, you need eggs and milk. It will be necessary to beat the eggs thoroughly and pour milk into them. After that, pour the resulting mixture into a mold, which should not be lubricated with oil, since this product is not recommended for use. The mold should be put in a colander immersed in water to make a water bath and cook until tender.

    At least once in a lifetime, every person has faced such a problem as poisoning. Its symptoms are familiar to everyone: diarrhea, severe nausea and vomiting quickly exhaust the body and require immediate treatment. A well-chosen sparing diet will help you quickly recover from poisoning.

    If you realize that you have been poisoned, then follow the next plan. To begin with, ensure yourself complete peace and try to relax. Take time off from work if necessary. At the moment, your body is not easy, because it is actively fighting the toxins that have entered it. Make his work easier with rest.

    Most experts are convinced that there is no need to take antidiarrheals (for example, Imodium and Lopedium). Let the cleansing process take place naturally. Prevention of diarrhea can lead to intoxication and the emergence of pathogenic flora. In the future, this will require additional treatment.

    If you want to speed up the recovery period, take such natural detoxification products as Enterosgel. Calculate the amount of coal needed according to the formula - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.

    After the complete disappearance of the symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to restore the natural flora of the gastrointestinal tract. Linex, Enterol, Lactobacterin, Hilak Forte, Bifacid and other probiotics will help to populate the body with beneficial bacteria. You can find out the features of the reception and the required dosage from the attached annotation.

    Nutrition after poisoning

    Please note that we are talking about the treatment of household food poisoning. If you have a high fever, severe stomach pain, cramps, and difficulty breathing, then see a doctor immediately. Under such symptoms, dangerous diseases such as salmonellosis and hepatitis are often hidden.

    What can you eat with poisoning

    On the first day of poisoning food should be reduced as much as possible. At this time, active cleansing takes place, and the body will not spend excess energy on the high-quality digestion of the products that have entered it. If you are not bothered by the feeling of hunger, then completely refuse food. But listen carefully to yourself. As soon as you feel hungry, be sure to eat.

    Remember that you need a sparing diet. In the first few hours after the onset of symptoms, you can afford only a handful of homemade crackers and unsweetened tea. By the end of the first day, you can expand the menu and drink some weak chicken broth without vegetables and spices. You are also allowed liquid watery cereals and mashed potatoes prepared without the addition of oil, milk and salt. The volume of each meal should not exceed 2 tbsp.

    On the second day add a small piece of boiled or steamed meat to your diet. The size of the finished dish should be no more than half of your palm. The best choice would be chicken fillet and veal. Also on this day, you can try to eat homemade fruit jelly and unsweetened jelly.

    On the third day low-fat fish is allowed in the form of steam cutlets, quenelles, meatballs in a light broth and meatballs, cottage cheese casseroles and soufflés, as well as steam omelettes. Beginning from the fourth day in the absence of severe symptoms, it is allowed to gradually return to the usual diet.

    Severe diarrhea or vomiting? A glass of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice will definitely help you. Find out what other medicinal properties it has.

    If you have been poisoned by alcohol, then find out what needs to be done. Symptoms and first aid for poisoning.

    The transition to your normal diet should be very slow and gradual. Don't overload your digestive system with lots of new foods. In the first week, eat small meals, but with small time intervals (5-6 times a day). Carefully avoid any heavy and fatty foods. Give up everything fried, spicy and sweet in favor of the simplest and most natural food.

    Closely monitor your well-being and stool. If you notice any negative changes, reduce the diet again.

    What to drink

    Drinking plenty of water is the main condition for a complete and quick recovery after poisoning. The liquid will help the body to remove all rejection products and cleanse it of toxins. If the usual recommended drinking rate is 1.5-1.8 liters of water per day, then at least 2.5 liters per day should be drunk during the period of poisoning.

    Other permitted drinks include:

    • weak green and black tea without sugar;
    • infusion of chamomile and other soothing herbs;
    • rosehip decoction;
    • homemade jelly;
    • dried fruits compote.

    To get involved in coffee in the first week of illness is not worth it. It has a fairly strong diuretic effect and can only worsen the condition of a dehydrated body.

    Remember that indigestion leads to the active removal of fluid from the body. As a result, there is a water-salt imbalance. It is he who is the cause of weakness, dry mouth and dizziness, which often torment people after poisoning and diarrhea. In order to re-hydrate the body, replace some of the plain water with electrolyte solutions for the duration of treatment. For this, drugs such as Regidron and Hydrovit are suitable.

    Prohibited Products

    What foods should be discarded in the first week after poisoning?

    1. Raw fruits and vegetables. Their laxative effect will only increase indigestion. Eating soft non-acidic fruits is allowed only on the 4th day after poisoning. It is best if they are thermally processed. Bake apples, boil and grind vegetables - this will diversify your menu and add the necessary vitamins to it.
    2. Alcohol. It puts a heavy burden on the kidneys and liver, which are already weakened after poisoning.
    3. Sweets, fresh pastries and desserts. If you can’t refuse sweets in any way, drink tea with a teaspoon of honey or jam.
    4. Boiled and smoked sausage. This food contains many preservatives and additives.
    5. fried food. Give up frying in favor of boiling, baking, simmering, stewing, and steaming.
    6. Any dairy and dairy products. They aggravate the symptoms of poisoning, so they should be limited as much as possible in the first week. And after recovery, their use, on the contrary, is indicated. High-quality dairy products will quickly restore the disturbed flora of the stomach and intestines.
    7. Millet, oatmeal and barley. These cereals contain too much fiber, which will not benefit the sensitive lining of the stomach. Give preference to semolina and well-boiled buckwheat (read about its beneficial properties).
    8. Eggs in any form except steam omelettes.
    9. Ready juices, kissels and compotes. If you can't do without these drinks, make your own with as little sugar as possible.

    Diet for poisoning in children

    Unfortunately, food poisoning in children is even more common than in adults. In addition to the usual treatment, the pediatrician always prescribes special nutrition. It will help the child make up for the loss of all vital elements and quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

    In the acute period of child poisoning, that is, in the first three days, a sparing diet is shown, which ensures easy absorption of all incoming food. At this time, the following rules are imposed on the nutrition of the child:

    • all dishes are served in a semi-liquid and grated form;
    • cereals are boiled in water to a soft state and, if necessary, are additionally rubbed;
    • meat and fish are prepared in the form of steam meatballs, small cutlets and soufflés;
    • the menu should be fractional - up to 7 meals a day with an interval of 2 hours;
    • you need to cook fresh food in small portions.

    In addition, do not be afraid of malnutrition and force-feeding the child. This can lead to severe nausea and vomiting. All the missing amount of food during the period of illness must be replenished with liquid.

    As for prohibited foods and rules for a gradual return to a normal diet, they the same for adults and children.

    Sample diet menu after food poisoning

    Day 1

    In the first hours after poisoning, only a small amount of oven-dried white bread and unsweetened weak tea.

    At night, a small portion of mashed potatoes on the water, watery semolina or chicken broth is allowed. The volume of one meal should not exceed 1-2 tablespoons. If the child complains of hunger, feed him again after 1.5-2 hours.

    Day 2

    Have 7 small meals. Use the following ideas and recipes:

    • a glass of homemade jelly;
    • a cup of compote made from a mixture of dried fruits without added sugar;
    • fruit jelly;
    • mashed potatoes in water without oil;
    • boiled buckwheat porridge on the water;
    • steam fish cake from low-fat fillet of white fish;
    • steamed veal soufflé.

    Day 3

    To the options above, you can add:

    • cottage cheese casserole from low-fat cottage cheese without sour cream and butter;
    • steam omelet from 2 eggs;
    • chicken broth with meatballs.

    Day 4

    The return to normal eating begins.

    Breakfast: semolina or buckwheat porridge on the water; 1 glass of compote.

    Snack: baked apples with 1 tsp. honey or jam.

    Lunch: a small portion of chicken broth with boiled vegetables (mainly potatoes and carrots); steamed veal or chicken cutlet.

    Afternoon snack: milk jelly and croutons.

    Dinner: steam omelet; fruit jelly.

    Before going to bed: a cup of chamomile tea and brown bread croutons.

    From day 5 You can reduce the number of meals by increasing their volume. At the slightest sign of re-deterioration, the menu is again reduced to the simplest products.

    Correct. Principles of therapeutic diet for all types of gastritis of the stomach. Recipes for delicious and healthy meals.

    Thus, we can distinguish the main rules of the diet after poisoning.:

    • provide the body with a plentiful drink (it is good for this), part of which will fall on special electrolytic solutions;
    • limit food as much as possible on the day the first symptoms appear, you can only afford some crackers and weak tea;
    • expand your diet gradually, on the second day you can add watery cereals, mashed potatoes on water, chicken broth, jelly, jelly and a small piece of boiled meat to it;
    • on the third day, start eating light dishes of fish, cottage cheese and eggs;
    • return to normal nutrition can be started from the fourth day after poisoning;
    • for the recovery period, fruits, vegetables, alcohol, sour-milk and dairy products, all heavy, fatty, spicy and sweet foods fall under a complete ban;
    • poisoning in children requires medical supervision and special dietary nutrition.

    Proper nutrition significantly shorten the recovery period after poisoning and will reduce the damage that was inflicted on the body.

    Video: folk recipes for food poisoning

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    A herniated disc is not an independent pathology. The cause of hernias is osteochondrosis. In the early stages...

    Each of us is familiar with lilac bushes. In our country, they indicate the arrival of the warm season, as the plant turns green early. WITH...

    Headache, a veil or “flies” before the eyes, a feeling of weakness. For the most part, such signs indicate a rise in blood ...

    Improper metabolism in the female body can cause pathologies of the gallbladder and kidneys. Not always signs of kidney stones in ...
    Vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness, and stomach pain are all signs of food poisoning. It usually occurs due to...
    Neither children nor adults are immune from food poisoning. Intoxication of the body is a very serious phenomenon, the treatment of which ...
    The thrush always comes at the most inopportune moment. Before an important date, before an urgent report, during a protracted illness. So many...
    Ultrasound examination in diseases of the urinary system is an important diagnostic measure. What does preparation for...
    Ideally, there should be no bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract in women outside of menstruation. But often girls notice a daub ...