Kidney stones treatment is large. Kidney stones - symptoms, diet and treatment. Folk remedies that break kidney stones

Improper metabolism in the female body can cause pathologies of the gallbladder and kidneys. Not always signs of kidney stones in women can be felt at the stage of their formation or being in the organ. Therefore, most women live and do not realize that they have stones in the kidneys until they show up as a sharp pain.

Causes of kidney stones in women

The process of formation of kidney stones has long been known, but it is not possible to establish the causes of formation. Factors that explain the development of pathology have been established. The main point is heredity or congenital changes in metabolism. The following violations of metabolic reactions can provoke the process of the occurrence of stones:

  • uric acid in urine and blood;
  • phosphate salts in urine;
  • calcium salt or oxalates.

Violation does not happen just like that, changes are provoked by certain factors. The causes of metabolic changes are divided into 2 types:

  1. External:
    • climate;
    • chemical composition of water and products;
    • minerals in the soil;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • features of the labor process.
  2. Internal:
    • enzymatic deficiency;
    • urinary tract infection;
    • digestive disorders.

Varieties of stones

Due to a violation of the metabolism of oxalic acid, phosphorus-calcium metabolism, grains of salts (microlites) appear in the papillae of the organ. They are excreted in the urine, or they can linger in the tubules, combine and become the basis of the calculus. Kidney stones come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and compositions. There are the following types of stones:

  • calcium. A common type, it is distinguished by hardness. Calcium stones are divided into 2 subspecies:
    • Phosphate - a consequence of impaired metabolism. They have a smooth surface, are characterized by low density, dissolve well.
    • Oxalate - the result of a passion for sweets and muffins. The density is quite high, small spikes protrude on the surface. It is the spikes, scratching the mucous membrane, that stain the urine with blood and provoke pain. Oxalate stones are insoluble.
  • Struvite is the result of an infectious disease, especially urinary tract infections. They grow rapidly, so there are no early symptoms of stones.
  • Acid. Urate stones are formed as a result of a violation of the drinking regime, ph in the kidneys is below 5.0.
  • Cystine. An inborn metabolic disorder (based on protein) leads to the formation. They are of an unusual hexagonal shape, poorly soluble.
  • Mixed (urate-oxalate).

Disease and psychosomatics

Scientists have proven that every disease has psychological causes of development. The appearance of stones also has its own psychosomatics. Cleansing functions in the body are performed by two kidneys: the right and left. The left organ works with human emotions, and the right organ with desires. If negative emotions constantly accompany a person and he is not able to cope with them on his own, negative energy does not find release and remains inside the body. The formation of kidney stones is a consequence of restraint of feelings and isolation.

Open people who know how to forgive and smile are never bothered by kidney pathologies.

Characteristic symptoms

A mild form of urolithiasis in women is rare. In this case, the symptoms in women may be absent and she does not even know about the presence of calculi. This development of pathology is rare. As a rule, a woman is unaware of urolithiasis until the deposits begin to move. The symptoms of kidney stones in women are strong, with a vivid manifestation.


The first signals are pains with kidney stones in the lumbar region, they are dull, aching in nature. With the beginning of the movement of the calculus, the pain signs of the exit of stones from the kidneys in women are unbearable and exhausting. Calculus of the right kidney - pain on the right, in the left - on the left. It hurts more when the position of the body changes. They are often accompanied by fever, nausea, and high blood pressure.

The nature of the pain changes when the location of the calculus changes (in the upper or middle part of the duct or organ). If the calculus, having left the kidney, got into the ureter, the pain also shifts behind it. Pain means that the walls of the organ are intensively trying to push the stone out, being injured on its sharp edges. Therefore, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, possibly in the groin.

The pain may last for several days.

Renal colic, as a rule, always accompanies urolithiasis. It starts abruptly in the upper side of the lumbar region, is cramp-like in nature. At first it hurts under the ribs, but gradually the pain passes into the groin and side of the abdomen. May last several days. During an attack, it is difficult to find a position in which the pain subsides. The development of colic can be provoked by blockage of the ureter, inflammation of the duct, or physical exertion. This flow is caused by small pebbles.

A large pebble leads to the overlap of the renal pelvis, which means that the picture of the symptomatology changes. Pain in the lower back is weak, dull. The duration takes several hours, although breaks between attacks are possible and then they stretch for a day. In such a situation, the pain attack is repeated from several times a month to once a year.

Peculiarities of urination

The presence of a kidney stone affects the process of urination. In comparison with a healthy body, frequent urges are noticeable. This is due to the movement of the stone in the ducts. Urination is accompanied by painful sensations and burning, interruption of the urine stream. Urine has a characteristic dark color (first urine) with sediment and possible blood impurities.

Urinary retention is a dangerous sign to look out for. Failure to urinate for several days can be fatal.

Blood in the urine

After an attack of renal colic or under the influence of an external factor that affects the symptoms of kidney stones in women (physical education), you can notice blood in the urine. Bleeding should not be ignored. Blood in the urine indicates that the ducts were damaged by the advancement of the calculus and bleeding may begin, an examination is required.

Stones during pregnancy

The appearance of stones in a pregnant woman can be triggered by excess calcium, uterine pressure on the kidneys, or pathology of the organ.

Often in women, urolithiasis can be detected in the last stages of pregnancy. The likelihood of stone formation is affected by an increased intake of calcium in a woman's body, squeezing of the kidney by the uterus and pathological dysfunction of the organ. Kidney stones in a pregnant woman are dangerous: A blood and urine test will help diagnose the presence of pathology.

Carrying out timely diagnosis is the main point before starting treatment for the kidneys or gallbladder. The purpose of the examination is to detect stones, to determine the localization. Based on where the problem was found, a conclusion is made about the treatment. To confirm the diagnosis, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Methods of laboratory research to identify the inflammatory process, metabolic disorders:
    • Analysis of urine;
    • blood analysis.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and gallbladder. The fastest, least expensive method for stone detection. The only method that identifies urate stones.
  • X-ray. It is considered an auxiliary method that helps to confirm the presence of an oxolate calculus larger than 3 mm. Kidney stones of a different composition are not detected by x-rays, but x-rays are always used to determine the approach to treatment and before surgery.
  • Urography. The introduction of a contrast agent into the blood allows you to determine the localization of the calculus.
  • CT of the kidneys. The most effective way to understand the location of the stone.

Urolithiasis disease (other names are nephrolithiasis , nephrolithiasis , urolithiasis ) is a disease in the development of which a person develops stones in the kidneys or in other organs of the urinary system. Symptoms of urolithiasis can first appear in a person at almost any age. As evidenced by the diagnosis, the disease can develop in newborns and in the elderly. But depending on the age of the sick person, the type of stone differs. For example, older patients are more likely to develop uric acid stones . At the same time, protein stones are found in patients who require treatment for urolithiasis much less frequently. Most often, with urolithiasis, stones with a mixed composition are formed. The size of the stones may vary. So, if we are talking about stones up to 3 mm in diameter, then not stones are determined, but sand in the kidneys. Sometimes large stones can reach up to 15 cm. There are also descriptions of cases when stones weighed more than 1 kg.

Causes of urolithiasis

Before prescribing a therapy for a disease or practicing treatment with folk remedies, if possible, it is necessary to determine the alleged causes due to which a person has signs of urolithiasis. The main reason for the appearance of kidney stones is serious metabolic disorders, in particular changes in the chemical and water-salt balance of the blood. But at the same time, the presence of some factors that predispose to the formation of stones plays an important role in the development of the disease. First of all, this is the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in humans, as well as ailments of the genitourinary system, bone diseases, dysfunction of the parathyroid glands. Vitamin deficiency can also provoke the appearance of stones. It is especially important to fill the gap group D vitamins , therefore, even the prevention of the disease provides for their reception.

Nutrition is an equally important factor. Stones are more likely to appear in those people who consume foods that can significantly increase the acidity of urine. That is why, with urolithiasis, it turns off salty, sour and too spicy dishes. Another important point is the water that a person systematically uses. If it is too hard and contains more salts in its composition, then the likelihood of stones increases. More often, stones are found in people who constantly live in a very hot climate. But the lack of exposure to ultraviolet rays can provoke urolithiasis. In the process of conducting a diagnosis, the doctor not only prescribes the necessary research methods, but also finds out what exactly could provoke the onset of the disease. Both medical and alternative treatment should be carried out taking into account these reasons.


In most cases, kidney stone disease is manifested by signs that a person cannot help but notice. But sometimes the disease is hidden, and it is possible to identify kidney stones only by chance, when diagnostics and treatment of other diseases are carried out.

The main symptoms of urolithiasis are a manifestation of pain in the lumbar region. A person can be bothered by pain on one side or both. Pain sensations are dull, but exhausting, they increase with physical exertion or at the moment when the patient tries to change the position of the body. If a kidney stone is in the ureter, then the pain becomes more intense and covers the lower abdomen, groin, and genitals. Sometimes she gives in the leg. A very strong pain attack often ends with the passage of stones in the urine.

Patients with urolithiasis periodically suffer from. This is a condition in which incredibly severe pain develops in the lumbar region. Colic can even last for several days, while the pain subsides a little, then resumes again with renewed vigor. The attack stops when the stone changes position or goes into the bladder.

If you have kidney stones, a person may feel pain when urinating, and urination can be too frequent. In this case, it can be assumed that the stones are in the ureter or bladder. In the process of urination, the urine stream is sometimes interrupted, and the patient does not feel the complete emptying of the bladder. Doctors define such a symptom as the syndrome of "laying". If a person changes the position of the body, then urination continues.

After a painful attack or physical exertion, blood may be detected in the patient's urine. Also, urolithiasis is characterized by turbidity of urine, periodically occurring high blood pressure. If pyelonephritis joins the disease, then the patient's body temperature can increase to 38-40 degrees.

Sometimes stones or sand in the kidneys are present in a person throughout life, and no symptoms appear. Consequently, the patient may not even know about his illness. In general, the symptoms directly depend on the size and type of stone in the patient, where exactly the stone is located, and what disturbances are observed in the genitourinary system. Treatment of sand in the kidneys and stones in the organs of the genitourinary system is also carried out taking into account these factors.

Thus, the main objective symptom of urolithiasis are kidney stones. Symptoms of kidney stones are, first of all, turbidity of urine, the presence of sediment in it, a change in character (dark and thick urine appears at the beginning of the urination process).

What kind of stones formed in a person in the kidneys can be determined by an additional study. They may have different composition. Allocate phosphate, calcium And oxalate stones in the kidneys. But nevertheless, the diagnosis shows that most often in the kidneys of patients, stones are formed that have mixed type.

Removal of kidney stones - the main point of treatment. But initially the doctor must determine all the features of the disease and only then decide what to do. It is important to consider that at the very beginning of the disease, stones may not manifest themselves at all. In this case, we are talking about the so-called stone carrier. But even in this case, it is important to identify the disease and determine how to remove the stones, since at any time they can provoke. The reasons that affect the manifestation of symptoms are varied: this is severe stress, and a disturbed diet, and intense physical activity. By the way, in most cases, renal colic is caused by small stones. But the presence of large stones in the kidneys, the photo of which is especially impressive, is no less dangerous, since this is a direct path to development. kidney failure and kidney death. Therefore, it is extremely important to conduct a high-quality diagnosis with all the studies, from where the doctor can learn about the features of the course of the disease, and subsequent treatment. Special attention should be paid to the prevention of the disease in those who are prone to the formation of stones.


There are a number of diagnostic methods by which diseases of the urinary system are detected by specialists in the early stages. But patient awareness is also important here. Each person, with the manifestation of the first symptoms of pathologies of the genitourinary system, should consult a doctor, since on his own he will not be able to understand if he has stones in the kidneys, ureter or bladder.

After questioning the patient, the urologist prescribes the necessary examination. First of all, a laboratory analysis of urine is carried out, which allows to determine the presence of microbial infection, the presence, and also learn about the nature of salt impurities. With the help of a general blood test, inflammatory processes are detected. In addition, it is carried out. One of the most important tests for suspected kidney stones is an ultrasound of the kidneys. However, in some cases, ultrasound still does not make it possible to determine the presence of stones in the ureter, since they can be located deep behind the peritoneum.

In order to detect stones, the patient is often prescribed excretory urography. To do this, a contrast agent is injected into the vein, after which x-rays are taken. The study of a general overview picture of the urinary system allows the doctor to identify exactly where the stones are located, to find out what shape and size they have. But at the same time, the specialist takes into account that some stones are capable of transmitting X-rays. As a result, they are not visible in the pictures.

Another research method is radioisotope nephroscintigraphy . The procedure begins with the introduction of a special radiopharmaceutical into the vein. It accumulates in the kidneys and then excreted through them. At this time, the kidneys are scanned, which allows you to determine the violation of their functions. The study is informative for the specialist.


Renal nephrolithiasis must be treated in several stages. In patients with acute pain, it is necessary, first of all, to relieve an attack of acute colic. Further treatment includes removal of the stone, therapy of the infectious process and prevention of the development of stones in the future.

Kidney stones are treated conservative And operational methods. The conservative method of therapy includes drug treatment, as well as a strict diet and a certain drinking regimen. However, pill therapy, as well as some folk remedies, can be effective if the patient has only very small stones or sand in the kidneys. The drugs prescribed by the doctor in such cases contribute to the dissolution of kidney stones and sand. However, in no case should such drugs be used without the supervision of a specialist. It is he who must decide how to treat urolithiasis and how to dissolve the stones. When practicing alternative treatment, the patient should also first consult with a doctor, since any alternative drug can adversely affect the patient's health.

If, in the presence of kidney stones, an inflammatory process has begun in a person, then antibacterial treatment is mandatory. After that, the doctor decides how to remove the stones.

In modern medicine, crushing stones with a laser is practiced. Laser treatment involves a combination of endoscopy and the use of the laser itself.

The endoscope is inserted into the urethral canal, after which the laser nozzle is crushed. The method is not painful and sometimes allows you to remove stones in just one procedure. In addition, it can be used to get rid of stones of various shapes and sizes.

The crushing of kidney stones is also carried out using the capabilities of ultrasound. In this case, the shock-wave principle of crushing is used, which is provided by a special apparatus. Crushing by ultrasound allows you to remove stones whose diameter does not exceed 2 cm. The patient is carried out, and the stones are crushed to such an extent that they can easily pass through the ureter. When crushing large stones, several such procedures are required. Ultrasound does not have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

If a person has large stones and there are certain complications, then surgical treatment is practiced by performing an abdominal operation. This is the most traumatic method.

The doctors



As a preventive measure for urolithiasis, it is necessary to balance the diet to make it as healthy as possible. You should drink at least two liters of fluid per day and in no case allow hypothermia of the lumbar zone. It is also worth taking care to get rid of. If a person feels that discomfort or pain has appeared in the lumbar region, then a visit to the urologist should not be delayed in any case.

Diet, nutrition for urolithiasis of the kidneys

For patients diagnosed with urolithiasis, it is very important to constantly adhere to a special diet. The diet of the patient is developed depending on the composition of the stones, and what reasons provoked the development of urolithiasis. Nutrition is organized so that the diet contains a minimum of foods that contribute to the formation and growth of stones.

If a person is diagnosed phosphate urolithiasis , then an alkaline reaction of urine is noted. Therefore, it must be acidified. Such patients are not recommended to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, dairy products should not be included in the diet. Recommended meat, fish, vegetable oil, flour. You need to drink a little less than when detecting oxalate and urate stones.

If found carbonate stones , then it is important for the patient to limit the use of foods that are rich in calcium. The acidity of urine is increased by eating fish, meat, eggs, butter, flour.

In the presence of urate stones you should eat as little as possible foods that provoke the formation of uric acid. These are kidneys, liver, meat broths. Fish, meat, vegetable fats are also limited. Such patients need to drink fresh lemon juice, but grapefruit juice is not recommended.

When identifying oxalate stones you need to remove from the diet those foods that have oxalic acid and calcium. These are sorrel, potatoes, spinach, oranges, dairy products.

There are also a number of general recommendations for patients with urolithiasis. Every day you need to drink at least two liters of fluid, and in the hot season you need to drink so much fluid that you never experience. The intake of infusions and decoctions of diuretic herbs has a positive effect on the body. It is important to limit sour, spicy, salty foods and avoid overeating. You should not drink alcoholic beverages. Also, doctors recommend that patients with stones lead an active life, but at the same time avoid heavy loads. You can not allow severe stress, supercool.

If renal colic began suddenly in a person, then a warm bath or a heating pad, which must be applied to the lumbar region, can alleviate the pain attack.


If the treatment of urolithiasis was not carried out in a timely manner, then both acute and chronic may soon develop as complications. If the patient does not seek help, then purulent fusion of the kidney is possible as a result. In this case, the patient loses a kidney.

If there are stones in the bladder, then the person may suffer from persistent and very painful acute attacks. Also, complications of nephrolithiasis often become, chronic renal failure .

List of sources

  • Alyaev Yu.G. Urolithiasis disease. Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment. - 2012;
  • Olefir Yu.V. Minimally invasive methods of treatment of complex forms of nephrolithiasis: Dis. M.; 2008;
  • Dzeranov N.K., Lopatkin N.A. Urolithiasis: clinical guidelines. - M.: Overlay, 2007;
  • Reznik M.I., Novik E.K. Secrets of urology. - Per. from English. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Binom, 2003;
  • Tiktinsky, O.L. Urolithiasis / O.L. Tiktinsky, V.P. Alexandrov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

There are people with perfectly healthy bodies. It is difficult for them to understand less fortunate acquaintances who are wary of certain foods, types of recreation, referring to this or that ailment. Of course, not all diseases limit us, the manifestations of not all diseases have obvious features. Kidney diseases have symptoms that are visible to everyone around and hidden from view. But it doesn't make it any nicer. Therefore, those who are faced with a serious illness begin to have a different attitude not only to their own body, but also to other people's health with understanding.

The kidneys perform an important function: they remove not only excess fluid, but also decay products. At the same time, the kidneys themselves are extremely sensitive to toxic substances, and the cumulative effect with age makes them very susceptible to stressful situations. For example, the kidneys react sharply to hypothermia, flu, alcohol, and harmful foods. The state of the kidneys directly affects the body's ability to cope with diseases on its own, the quality of immunity depends on the kidneys. In addition, with kidney diseases, traditional folk entertainments - a bathhouse, swimming in cold water - can become dangerous.

Why are stones formed?

The existence of foreign bodies in the organs of the urinary system is one of the variants of the development of renal diseases that are invisible to others. However, he hides a lot of inconvenience for a sick person, introducing various restrictions into life. Stones, on the other hand, are the result of an excessive concentration of minerals, as well as chemical compounds that react with each other, forming relatively stable organic formations. As a result of rare urination, salts can accumulate in the kidneys, from which stones are formed. The properties of the stones will depend on their composition. They can provide a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, damage the mucous walls of the organs in which they are located. After all, salts and stones can not only accumulate in the kidneys, but also travel through the ureters to the bladder. Such movements are very painful and sensitive, they carry a danger to the patient. The peculiarity of such an organic sediment is that it not only increases in mass, but also grows in size. Naturally, all these changes cause anxiety and discomfort to the patient.

Factors contributing to the formation and growth of kidney stones can be the following:

  • Lack of water for a long period of time. This means that the amount of water consumed by a person may not be enough to remove salts from the body.
  • Disturbed metabolism, as a result of which the salt balance or the content of acid and alkaline bases in the urine is disturbed.
  • An excess of minerals entering the body, including the use of hard water (from the tap).
  • Rare urination. If you rarely go to the toilet, then the fluid may stagnate in the organs of the urinary system. During this time, a salt precipitate may well fall out, which then becomes kidney stones. In addition, if you do not have time to go to the toilet, then this circumstance can contribute to the development of infections in such an environment.
  • Dysfunction of the organs of the urinary system due to an inflammatory or infectious process.

Symptoms of stone formation

The later a problem is discovered, the fewer treatment options a patient has. In advanced cases, it becomes possible to solve the problem only by surgical intervention, so treatment should be started at the first symptoms. Some signs may vary, since the nature of the manifestations depends on the location of the stones and salt, as well as their size, quantity:

What signs can indicate urolithiasis?

The presence of a foreign formation in the kidneys can make itself felt while shaking, walking on a hard surface, or in shoes with thin soles. This intensifies the vibration, which is "given" to the kidneys. There is a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the lumbar region.

The occurrence of renal colic, when salts and other organic formations move through the ureters. The symptom varies somewhat, depending on the type of formations and location. For example, characteristic girdle pains or local dull pain in the lower back on both sides or on a specific side. These painful colics are accompanied by fever, chills, and vomiting and urge to vomit.

If stones have passed from the kidneys to the ureters:

The pain is localized in the groin; Often there is a desire to go "a little".

If the stones have entered the bladder, then they can cause inflammatory processes, as well as irritation of the mucous membranes. You can understand this by the results of urine tests.

The following signs will also be present:

Frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain;

Blood in the urine with severe damage to the mucosa.

Types of stones

There are several options for the formation of stones and salts in the organs of the urinary system. They differ in the type of metabolic disorders or acid-base balance, as a result of which they are formed in the kidneys. There are several options for the formation of stones and salts in the organs of the urinary system. They differ according to the type of metabolic disorder or acid-base balance, as a result of which they are formed in the kidneys:

  • Urate stones (they are also called urates) arise due to increased acidity, they can dissolve when the acid balance changes towards alkali (above pH 6.2). Urate stones are solid formations of an ocher hue. Contribute to the formation of urate stones the use of fatty meat and products from it, such as strong soups and rich broths, marinated, smoked, fried foods. Dark strong drinks (kvass, black tea and coffee) will also be on the black list.
  • The most common are oscalates or oxalate stones - they are found in 85% of people. Increased acidity (if the balance fluctuates between pH 5.3-5.7) is favorable for their occurrence, a prerequisite for this may be an excess of ascorbic acid in the human diet. With this disorder, people usually consume a lot of vitamins and vegetables and fruits with a high content of acids (tomatoes, citrus fruits, beets and carrots). With oxalate stones, pain symptoms are especially strong, which is associated with the shape of these stones (pointed formations of a dirty yellow hue).
  • Phosphate stones are formed in an alkaline environment with an excess content of the element of the same name, as well as calcium. This feature is typical for vegetarians. Phosphates are light gray in color and do not have a solid form. Carbonates are also soft, but almost whitish. Both subspecies of salts are formed in an alkaline environment, which is reflected in their characteristics. Alkali does not contribute to crystallization, therefore the forms of such stones are smoothed and without a specific shape. Such stones are easily removed by acidification of the urine. You can achieve a positive result by using acidic mineral waters, as well as drinks (decoctions, juices and fruit drinks) from acidic berries, which include lingonberries and cranberries. A specific flaky sediment in the urine may indicate the formation of phosphate stones.
  • Other formations are rarely formed in the urinary fluid due to their lower content in the diet or free form in the kidneys. The system is found much less frequently. These are, for example, cystine, protein, cholesterol, xanthine stones.

Kidney Treatment

The decision of the attending physician regarding the treatment strategy depends on various characteristics and indicators of the patient's disease. His age group, state of health, stage and type of stone formation, location of stones are taken into account. In this case, the treatment of stones is as follows:

  • Drug therapy. It will be effective at the beginning of the disease to correct the acid-base balance.
  • Phytotherapy is used both to detect stones and to prevent them in diseases of the digestive and urinary systems.
  • Surgical and minimally invasive treatment. This conditionally includes both surgical methods and relatively new approaches - ultrasound procedures and laser crushing. Thanks to their approach, they allow you to reduce the size of the stones and facilitate their natural elimination. When this is not possible due to the nature of the stones or their size, an operational hike is required.
  • Diet. In any case, the formation of stones occurs as a result of impaired metabolism and metabolic characteristics. Therefore, for effective treatment, a person needs to change the diet. At the same time, foods that cause the accumulation of salts are prohibited, and dishes that help change the acidity of the environment are allowed.

Treatment of oxalate stones

Since they often arise from an excess of oxalic acid in the patient's urine, appropriate dietary adjustments are made.

Sour fruits (apples, pears), magnesium-rich fruits and vegetables (dried fruits, grapes, bananas), cereals are suitable for eating.

For the treatment of oxalate stones, you can use a watermelon diet in the form of 2 fasting days a week or eat watermelon daily for 2 weeks.

Young shoots of grapes will also help in the treatment of oxalates. To prepare a daily dose, take 1 teaspoon of a dry mixture of shoots (branches, mustaches), add boiling water (1 cup) and cook for another 3 minutes over low heat. Leave to brew, strain before use. Drink liquid, divided into 4 doses.

Treatment of phosphate stones

Phosphate stones are treated by changing the acidity of the environment. The use of meat and fish products and offal, the use of sour berries, as well as vegetables (cranberries and lingonberries, beets, carrots) contribute to positive changes. Dairy products can also increase alkalinity, so use vegetable oils instead of sour cream dressings and mayonnaise. You can not limit yourself in the use of flour. The main thing is not to forget the measure. Drink mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki, for example).

You need to beware of greens, vegetables that increase the alkaline environment.

Traditional medicine suggests using dandelion roots, St. John's wort, mountaineer, violet, and larkspur for the treatment of phosphate stones. 0.2 l of water is taken per tablespoon of dry collection. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for a while. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day.

You can use infusions of wild rose, grapes, knotweed or barberry (both separately and in combination). You need to drink such an infusion for a long time (about a month), if possible, drinking more than 1 glass of infusion per day

Treatment of carbonate stones

It also involves an increase in the diet of meat products and fish protein. Milk and dairy products are banned, including cottage cheese, cheeses, fermented baked milk, etc. Otherwise, the diet is identical to the diet for phosphate stones.

Treatment of urate stones

Urats are characteristic of meat-eaters, so meat is almost completely removed from their diet. Leave only the minimum amount of animal protein in the form of dietary or lean poultry meat, fish in minimal quantities (2-3 times a week). Dark and heavy meat, red fish are completely excluded, as well as derivatives from them - smoked meats, sausages, semi-finished products, offal and other offal. Heavy mushroom proteins are also prohibited, as well as eggs, dark and strong drinks - coffee, cocoa, strong tea, as well as chocolate, vegetable oil.

It is useful to increase dishes from fresh and processed vegetables and fruits, especially fibrous, sour and containing a large proportion of juice (turnips, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons and melons, currants, grapes, strawberries). Citrus fruits, rose hips, cereals are useful. The use of alkaline mineral waters is recommended.

In the second half of summer, you can arrange a watermelon diet, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins and reduce the number and size of stones. Within two days, you need to eat 3 kg of watermelon, eating it with black bread. You can repeat fasting days until the end of the watermelon season. It is better to eat watermelon in the afternoon, since the highest efficiency of the urinary system is achieved from 5 to 7 o'clock in the afternoon.

Unpeeled oat grains can also help: rinse in running water, pour boiling water over and insist overnight, covering the container with a warm blanket. You can use a thermos. Pass the soaked grain through a sieve, thus separating it from the husk. Use the mashed mass as a breakfast, without seasoning with spices and seasonings.

Prevention of kidney stones

You can reduce the likelihood of stones appearing by following these rules:

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, if there is a predisposition, then increase the dose to 2.5 liters of fluid per day. The liquid that we use in dishes (broths, tea, etc.) is not enough for the qualitative removal of salts from the body and maintaining the alkaline balance. Refuse food with a high content of salts - pickled, smoked, fatty and fried foods are poorly absorbed by the stomach and are difficult to break down and excrete. The simpler the dishes, the easier it is for the body to cope with them. Be moderate in your eating of any food. Protect the genitourinary system from diseases. At the first symptoms, consult a doctor for treatment, and also make sure that some of the diseases do not become chronic. This weakens the immune system and increases the burden on the kidneys. If you are in a risk group, take diuretics regularly, which are the best prevention of kidney disease.

The kidneys are delicate and sensitive to what we eat. Despite his long tolerance for the wrong diet, kidney health is not limitless. More and more young people are beginning to suffer from kidney problems, although older people used to complain about such diseases. This happens because of the intense rhythm of life, when people literally live on the run, not having time to drink water, or even just eat. Such a rhythm of life promotes the use of snacks and fast food, which quickly clogs the body with salts. So take care of your kidneys today: drink a glass of water right now. And do not eat all these fast foods, it is better to cook a simple dinner with the household.

Be healthy and happy!

Friends, hello to all.

Today I want to talk about kidney stones and their treatment with folk remedies. Quite recently, one of my close relatives ended up in a hospital bed precisely because of renal colic with a decent oxalate stone stuck at the very beginning of the ureter. Believe me, it hurts so damn much that you wouldn't wish it on even your worst enemy.

The unfortunate man had an operation, and all the terrible things are over.

However, after looking at the suffering of the patient, I decided to find out if there is a possibility to prevent such a deplorable condition, I rummaged through various sources, and I share with you what I came up with. I’ll tell you how to crush kidney stones at home with various folk remedies, how to remove stones from the ureter, what medications and herbal preparations to get rid of this scourge are considered the most effective. You will also learn how stones are removed from the kidneys in the hospital, what pneumopyelography is and why, when surgery is necessary, and which stones are considered inoperable.

Symptoms of a kidney stone

Before we begin to deal with folk remedies for getting rid of kidney stones, I consider it necessary to introduce you to the main symptoms of this disease. Here is a list of the most common and characteristic of them:

  • Pain in the lumbar region, or in the side on the affected side, which may radiate to the lower abdomen, groin, genitals and leg;
  • Deterioration of general well-being;
  • Blood in the urine, (in medical terms, hematuria, this symptom usually occurs with or after kidney pain);
  • An increase in the overall body temperature with chills due to the developing inflammatory process at the site of the localization of the stone;
  • Violation of urination, expressed by frequent painful urges, but scanty urine.

Most clearly, all these symptoms are manifested when the stone begins its movement from the renal pelvis towards the ureter and then follows it. The pain in these cases is dull, and acute, and undulating with either subsiding or increasing attacks. But most importantly, it does not pass in any position, no matter what the patient tries to take.

The irrepressibility of the pain syndrome, due to which the unfortunate person rushes about the room or bed, like a lion in a cramped cage, is the most characteristic manifestation of urolithiasis. However, while the stone sits quietly, there may not be any bright symptoms. A patient in general can live for years with a kidney stone and not be aware of its existence, only occasionally experiencing discomfort in the lumbar region or in the groin area, but attribute this to muscle strain and osteochondrosis.

Another insidiousness of urolithiasis is its skillful disguise as other diseases of the abdominal organs and the lumbar spine. Therefore, in the event of an attack of renal colic and the complaints listed above, the following diseases must be excluded:

  1. Acute appendicitis;
  2. Acute cholecystitis, cholangitis, or hepatic colic;
  3. Acute pancreatitis;
  4. Intestinal obstruction;
  5. Inguinal hernia;
  6. Ectopic pregnancy;
  7. Perforation of the stomach or duodenum
  8. Acute adnexitis;
  9. Acute prostatitis.

In order to differentiate urolithiasis from the listed diseases and identify the type of stones settled in the kidneys, the following types of diagnostics are carried out:

  1. Collecting an anamnesis, that is, they carefully interrogate the victim on the subject of when the attack began, what he feels at the same time, what he did before, whether he had this before, whether any of his close relatives suffer from nephrolithiasis.
    Examination of the patient, that is, feeling the sore spot, measuring blood pressure and temperature.
    General analysis of blood and urine, which can show the presence, extent and type of the inflammatory process.
    Ultrasound of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urinary tract to locate the stone.
    Overview and excretory urography.
    Urine culture to determine the sensitivity of antibiotics, which shows whether there is inflammation in the urinary tract, and how intense it is.
    Dynamic and static nephroscintigraphy to determine the degree of kidney damage and the level of impairment of their functions.
    Multispiral computed tomography, which makes it possible to assess the size, density and position of the stone, carefully study the structural features of the kidneys, urinary tract and surrounding tissues.
  2. Pneumopyelography is an X-ray examination using air, which makes it possible to detect and study in detail urate stones and other calculi that do not block X-rays and do not give shadows on other types of images.

Studying this side of urolithiasis, I was very surprised and even frightened to learn that kidney stones can vary in weight and size from a grain of 1 mm weighing several grams to cobblestones of decimeter length and 2.5 kg. And according to their composition, they are all divided into:

  • Urates are uric acid crystals held together by proteins. The stones have a bright yellow-brown color, a smooth surface and a fairly hard texture. They are formed if the ph (i.e. acidity) of uric acid drops below 5.5 units, and dissolve on their own at a ph level of 6.2-6.8. The most common cause of the formation of such stones is gout.
  • Cystinates are calculi consisting of the sulfur compound of the amino acid cystine. This type of stones has a yellow-white color, they are smooth to the touch, rounded in shape and have a rather soft texture, which allows them to be easily dissolved with medicines. The main reason for their formation is the ph of uric acid below 5.5 units, with an increase in this indicator to 6.6 units, the stones dissolve on their own.
  • Oxalates are dense formations of calcium salts of oxalic acid. This is the hardest and most dangerous type of stones, because their surface is very rough and has sharp growths that injure the ureter and kidney tissue. The color of oxalate stones is dark, black-brown, or dark brick due to the admixture of blood in them. I held such a pebble in my hands, and to the touch it strongly reminded me of coarse-grained pumice, if such a prickly hedgehog passes through the ureter, the pain will be, without exaggeration, hellish. And, since such stones are unlikely to be painlessly removed from the kidneys, they are removed by abdominal surgery.
  • Phosphates are a type of kidney stones formed during the crystallization of calcium salts of phosphoric acid. In appearance, they are white or light gray, with a smooth-rough surface, a rather soft texture and a variety of shapes.
  • Carbonates are stones formed from calcium salts of carbonic acid. They have a white color, smooth surface, soft texture and a very diverse shape. Such calculi are very easily crushed, and their formation occurs in alkaline urine when the pH rises to 7.0 and above.

And these are only the most common types of stones formed in the kidneys, in fact there are many more of them. But whatever these stones are in composition, density, color and shape, they all have one important factor in common - the ph of uric acid. As long as it does not go beyond 6.2-6.8, there is no stone formation, as soon as these figures are exceeded or underestimated, crystallization begins.

Therefore, people with urolithiasis need to monitor the ph level of uric acid and undergo an ultrasound scan every 6 months to rule out the presence of new stones. To control the ph level of uric acid at home, there are special litmus strips that are sold at any pharmacy.

In order to find out your indicators, you need to urinate in a jar in the morning, as for analysis, dip a litmus strip into the resulting urine for a few seconds, and then compare its color with the color samples on the box. Each color has its own indicators, so it will be easy for you to understand if everything is in order

Of course, in addition to monitoring uric acid, you will have to take medications that the doctor will prescribe, as well as drink various decoctions and infusions from the arsenal of traditional medicine. Their effectiveness in the fight against urolithiasis is also recognized by official medicine, and doctors often supplement their prescriptions with herbal medicine, so let's move on to this side of the matter.

Kidney stones treatment with folk remedies, how to and how not to

To begin with, let's clarify some rules, if there are kidney stones, treatment with folk remedies, the type of these drugs, dosage and course of administration should be prescribed by the attending physician. If the doctor does not offer weed, you just need to ask him about it, but it is categorically impossible to prescribe herbal medicine for yourself. And yet, traditional medicine is not a panacea, but only an addition to the main treatment, a good, important, but still an addition, or a measure of high-quality prevention, while there are no stones, but there is a risk of their occurrence. I think you are adults, you yourself understand this, so I turn to the actual methods.

How to crush kidney stones with millet

I would never have thought that ordinary millet helps with kidney stones, and how it helps. On the net, I accidentally stumbled upon the story of a urologist doctor about the effectiveness of this yellow small-grain cereal. The doctor was already ready to give up, as the patient was breathing heavily, her kidneys practically failed due to the complete blockage of all ducts and rapidly growing sepsis. At best, a woman could live in this state for 3 days, and then it would not be life, but gradual dying, but millet corrected the situation.

In the ward where the dying woman lay, at night they brought another lady with a pebble. Having learned what was the matter with her neighbor, she alarmed her husband, forcing him to bring a bag of millet. A decoction was immediately prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. Cereal in a glass of water, they simply combined both components and boiled for about 15 minutes. Then the unfortunate sufferer was given 1 tbsp each. l. Decoction every 10 minutes, and after 8 hours of such drinking, the woman perked up

Her temperature noticeably subsided, the inflammatory process receded, the urinary ducts slowly began to open, and the outflow of urine began. The doctor who predicted her imminent death was shocked.

Now he believes that millet is the most effective folk remedy for removing kidney stones, and prescribes it as an adjunct to the main treatment for all his patients. After all, it turns out that millet is a real treasure for the health of the urinary system, if it works such miracles. Here are a couple of other recipes I like:

Recipe 1

2 tbsp. l. Pour millet with 2 cups of boiling water, put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, wait one minute, strain and drink according to the following scheme. On the first day, 1 tbsp. l. Every hour, on the second day, 3 tbsp. l. Every hour, then one third of a glass 3 times a day is better before meals. Simultaneously with millet, you should take 1 third of a glass 3 times a day diuretic herbs one to choose from - or bearberry, or lingonberry leaf, or horsetail, or heather. I described the last 3 plants in the article.

Recipe 2

For this recipe, millet needs to be germinated, just place it in a shallow container in an even layer, add a little water and cover with damp gauze on top. After 2-3 days, the seeds will germinate, and they can be used. Dry them in the air, and then cook ordinary porridge in water only without oil, salt and sugar. When serving, sprinkle a handful of cranberries on top, and the medicine is ready. Eat it every day even if your kidneys are healthy, because this porridge is an excellent prophylactic against many, and not only kidney, diseases.

Folk remedies that break kidney stones

I want to warn you right away that the dissolution of kidney stones with folk remedies without the supervision of a doctor is a very, very controversial and sensitive topic. Personally, I would categorically not advise anyone to do this at home without appropriate examinations and thorough preparation. There is a huge risk that the stone, having become smaller, or under the influence of diuretic herbs, decides to travel through the ureter. If the calculus turns out to be too large, then it will plug the ureter, which will cause urostasis, inflammation, and most importantly, renal colic, which is terrible in terms of pain. Do you need it? I think not, in any case, I would not take such risks with myself. But for the most desperate, here are a few recipes told by people who have tested them on themselves.

Recipe with diuretic herbs and fir oil

1. We take the following herbs in equal proportions - lemon balm, sage, oregano, knotweed, rosehip seeds, St. John's wort.
2. Further 2 tbsp. l. Pour 150 ml of water with this mixture and put on fire.
3. Let it boil, remove from heat and let it brew for 1-2 hours.
4. We filter, everything, the medicine is ready.

This is a one-time serving, in order to prepare medicine for the whole day, we multiply the amount of water and herbs by 3. That is, the daily serving is 6 tbsp. l. Mix in half a liter of water. For the first week, we drink an infusion of 150 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, from the second week onwards we do the same, but add 5 drops of fir oil to a glass at each dose. The course lasts from 1 month or longer, until the ultrasound shows that there are no more stones. Attention, this medicine must be drunk through a straw, like a cocktail, otherwise the teeth may suffer. And after the end of the reception, you must thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean water.

Recipe with rosehip seeds

And here is how you can get rid of kidney stones at home with the help of rosehip seeds. Take 1 tsp. Crushed rosehip seeds and pour them with one glass of boiling water. Put them on a slow fire and boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat, wrap and let stand for 1-2 hours. Next, strain the infusion and take a third cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The minimum course is 1 month.

Rosehip Root Recipe

Another effective folk remedy for treating kidney stones is rosehip roots. To prepare a healing decoction in a refractory dish, place 2 tbsp. l. Shredded roots, fill them with 400 ml of water and put on fire. After boiling, cook the mixture for 15-20 minutes, and then remove from heat, wrap and leave for another 1-2 hours, during which time the broth should become dark. The resulting medicine is filtered and taken 100 ml 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after a meal. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a break of 30 days and a new two-week course, between courses it is advisable to do an ultrasound scan to control the behavior of the pebbles. Attention, you need to drink a decoction of rosehip roots through a straw so as not to damage the tooth enamel, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water. By the way, you can find out what else heals for its use by clicking on the link to the article of the same name.

sunflower root recipe

300 g of the root is poured into 5 liters of boiling water, put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the fire is turned off, the container with the liquid is wrapped and infused for 8-10 hours. After the specified time, the broth is filtered, if necessary, brought to 4.5 liters and taken 0.5 liters 3 times a day half an hour before or half an hour after meals. The same root is used again, but it has been boiled for 15-20 minutes.

The course of treatment is 24-36 days, it is impossible to interrupt the reception on these days. First, they drink the decoction for 24 days and make an ultrasound, if the stones are not crushed, the course is extended for another 12 days, and then a six-month break is taken. If there are no stones, but there is a risk of their formation, this recipe can be used for six days and repeated every six months.

I repeat that all these prescriptions are risky due to the movement of stones, therefore, before starting treatment, be sure to visit a urologist and do the necessary examinations to determine the size, position and type of calculus. According to doctors, only pebbles smaller than 0.5 mm come out relatively painlessly, remember this and don’t take risks in vain.

Treating kidney stones with herbs

Among the recipes of traditional medicine, there are many ways to remove stones and treat urolithiasis based on herbs. I even found information from practicing doctors of phytotherapists, which describes which medicinal plants help with which types of calculi, this information:

  • With phosphate and calcium stones: madder, lingonberry, parsley, St. John's wort, rue, bearberry, burdock, calamus.
  • For uric acid stones (urate stones): birch leaves, dill seeds, strawberries, lingonberries, parsley fruits, horsetail.
  • With oxalate stones: knotweed, dill, strawberries, horsetail, peppermint, corn stigmas.

Doctors also cite several herbal preparations that really help fight small stones and are prescribed as an aid along with conservative methods of official medicine. Here are those fees:

Herbal collection from kidney stones according to Yordanov

The following herbs are taken in equal parts - stinging nettle (leaves), calamus (rhizome), peppermint (leaves), field horsetail (grass), black elderberry (flowers), common juniper (fruits), wild rose (fruits). From the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. A mixture of 1 glass of water prepares a decoction, which is taken 30-50 ml 3 times a day with meals.

Herbs for crushing kidney stones - collection according to S. Ya. Sokolov

This collection includes the following herbs - madder dye (root), field harrow (grass), drooping birch (leaves), kidney tea (grass), horsetail (grass), chamomile (flowers), garden dill (seeds). All plants are taken in equal quantities and thoroughly mixed, an infusion is prepared from this mixture at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. For 1 glass of water. It should be taken 30-50 ml 3 times a day with meals. read by following the link.

If you have no time to mess with decoctions and infusions, then you can use ready-made medicines prepared on the basis of the listed herbs. They are freely sold in pharmacies, they are quite inexpensive, so everyone can afford them. The most popular of them are:

  • cystone
  • Kanefron
  • spilled
  • Phytolysin
  • Moraine tincture extract
  • Olimetin
  • Ovisan
  • Pinabine
  • Cystenal

Of course, before you start taking any of these drugs, you should consult with your doctor so that he can suggest the most appropriate medicine, dosage and timing of taking the drug. It is also necessary before and after the course to undergo an ultrasound scan and take urine and blood tests for the presence of inflammation, protein and other factors.

Lemon for kidney stones, truth and misconceptions

Studying various recipes for how to remove stones from the kidneys and ureter with folk remedies at home without surgery, I kept coming across information about lemon juice. Allegedly, this fruit is able to dissolve any stones, thereby removing the need for other types of conservative and surgical treatment. Such a bold statement immediately raised doubts in me, because lemon and its juice are contraindicated in many diseases of the stomach, it can cause the destruction of tooth enamel, the formation of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes of internal organs, and you never know what else. And, you know, my doubts were soon confirmed.

I came across an article by a PhD urologist who was sharing the story of one of his unfortunate patients. A man in his 40s, having heard about the miraculous power of lemon to get rid of kidney stones, began to drink it a glass a day. A week later, he ended up on the surgeon's table with a perforated stomach ulcer and extensive intra-abdominal bleeding, and they barely managed to save the man. And yet, it is possible and necessary to use lemon in the treatment of urolithiasis, and here's how.

From this fruit and its citrus counterparts, the citron component, which is valuable in the fight against kidney stones, is extracted. This component is packaged in an effervescent medicine for blemaren kidney stones, just in this form lemons will be useful.

First of all, lemon preparations are used to dissolve oxalate kidney stones. They also keep uric acid pH at the right level when the risk of stone formation is minimized. You can also make lemonade from citrus fruits, their beneficial effect has been confirmed by American scientists, although little has been studied so far. Here are a couple of recipes for such a healing lemonade, which I found in the bowels of the Internet:

Recipe 1

Take 2 medium lemons and one not very large orange, 2 liters. Hot water, 1 tbsp. l. Sugar and 3 tbsp. l. Honey. Wash the lemons thoroughly, cut into slices and put in a deep enameled, ceramic or glass container, such as a jar or jug. Fill the cut with 2 liters of hot, 80 degrees, water and leave to infuse until the water cools to ambient temperature. Then add the pulp of one orange, honey and sugar to the drink, mix everything thoroughly (the sweet ingredients should dissolve) and let the lemonade stand for another 30 minutes. After that, strain the drink and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours, everything, healing lemonade is ready.

Recipe 2

Take 12 lemons and extract the juice from them, you should get about a glass of juice. In a deep jug, combine the juice with 4 cups of boiled water at room temperature, add half a cup of sugar there and mix everything thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved. In the resulting lemonade, you can add a sprig of mint and a small slice of lemon, or a slice of orange for taste and beauty. Everything, a healthy drink is ready, enjoy your appetite and good health.

How to get rid of staghorn kidney stones in a folk way and with the help of official medicine

And now let's figure out how coral stones are removed from the kidneys with folk remedies and methods of official medicine. Such calculi are considered the most severe manifestation of urolithiasis, and they got their name because of the shape they take. These stones, growing, occupy the entire pelvis and calyx of the kidney, resembling coral growing in the sea, or reindeer antlers. Their mineral composition is mixed, so it is difficult to choose one option to eliminate them. Here we need an integrated approach, which consists of:

  • drug therapy;
  • Traditional medicine methods;
  • Dieting;
  • And in especially difficult cases, when the kidneys stop functioning, operations.

Coral urates are best crushed with drugs and herbs that dissolve kidney stones. These stones are based on protein and uric acid, which is easily destroyed. When getting rid of this type of pebbles, pills and herbs are selected that have the following therapeutic effect:

  • Prevention of the formation of new stones;
  • Reducing the amount of uric acid in the body;
  • Decrease in the level of calcium in the urine;
  • normalization of uric acidity (group B vitamins).

Among these drugs, the most commonly prescribed are Allopurinol, Febukostat, Pegloticase, Magnerot. And from traditional medicine recipes:

  • Bean inflorescences - 2 tbsp. pour raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave for 30-60 minutes. Then strain and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment goes on until the stone dissolves completely.
  • A mixture of honey and vegetable juices. Mix natural honey, freshly squeezed juices of carrots, beets, black radish and aloe, which is at least 3 years old, alcohol or high-quality moonshine in a glass jar equally in volume. Keep the mixture for 5-7 days in a cool place (not in the refrigerator!), shaking occasionally. Take 1 tbsp. l. 20-30 minutes before meals. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator. Attention, the medicine is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. The course lasts until you drink the entire mixture, at least 1.2 liters. You can repeat the course after 6 months.

The recipes described above with rosehip root, sunflower root and millet porridge, which I described above, are also suitable here.

Attention, using the indicated recipes, remember that you need to dissolve stones of any kind under the supervision of a doctor, strictly following his instructions. After all, weed is only an auxiliary therapy that accelerates the effect of the main treatment, so amateur performance is unacceptable here. I share all these recipes for informational purposes only, and whether or not to use them is up to you and your treating urologist.

Well, if none of the conservative methods helps, you will have to resort to surgical manipulations, they will be discussed in more detail below, and now about another important aspect of kidney treatment - about diet.

Diet for kidney stones, do's and don'ts

If we talk about dietary nutrition for urolithiasis in general, then before excluding or recommending certain products, the doctor must establish the type of stone formed, whether it is alkaline or acidic. If the stone is acidic, then we exclude products that enhance the acidic environment, if the stone is alkaline, then we remove food that leads to alkalization. And be sure to observe the drinking regimen, drink at least 2 liters of water per day to reduce the concentration of urine. Here are some nutritional recommendations that doctors usually offer to patients with urolithiasis.

In the diet, we will limit or eliminate those foods that cause the formation of stones in the urinary tract, and we will drink a lot to improve the passage of stones.

Phosphate stones
Insoluble calcium phosphates precipitate in alkaline urine. Therefore, the emphasis is on products that acidify urine. These are meat, fish, eggs, cereals, bread, legumes, pumpkin, green peas, cranberries, sour apples, lingonberries.

Everything else is severely limited: dairy products (lots of calcium), most fruits and vegetables.

Such nutrition is not balanced in vitamins, minerals, fiber. Therefore, vitamins are additionally prescribed, especially A and C, fiber. From time to time, the doctor allows fruits and vegetables. But this is done under the control of a urine test. Apples, pears, quince, dogwood, teas from currant leaves and grapes contribute to the removal of phosphates from the intestines, so we will add them to the diet.

Urate and mixed stones

We limit foods rich in purines (meat, fish, organ meats) to 100-150 grams per day. We pour out the broth from cooking meat and fish (purines go into the broth during cooking), but we use boiled products. We eat legumes, mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, sorrel, peanuts 2-3 times a week. All other vegetables, fruits (with the exception of cranberries and lingonberries), nuts, cereals, and dairy products are used in full.

For alkalization of urine, we use permitted fruits, vegetables, berries and juices from them. It is advisable to combine cereals with vegetables at each meal (for uniform alkalization). Apples, pears, plums, dogwood, grapes contribute to the removal of oxalates. It is good to eat these fruits every day.

Often uric acid stones are combined with oxalic acid stones (mixed urolithiasis). In this case, you will have to limit foods rich in oxalic acid (sorrel, spinach, lettuce, parsley, radish, legumes, beets, potatoes, figs, currants, strawberries, gooseberries).

As you can see, stones are different from stones. And, if in the case of uric acid uroletiasis, nutrition is practically balanced, then with phosphate uroletiasis, the picture is completely opposite. Phosphate stones require close collaboration with your doctor to constantly adjust your diet. And one more thing: in order not to provoke an attack of renal colic, exclude spicy, fried, pickles, strong broths, tea, coffee, alcohol.

For such a detailed and understandable explanation about the rules of nutrition for kidney stones, I sincerely thank Dr. nutritionist, gastroenterologist Marina Zhdanova. And now, as promised above, I will tell you a little about how urolithiasis is treated in a hospital.

How stones are removed from the kidneys in the hospital

Most often, people get to the hospital with urolithiasis by ambulance, and the reason for hospitalization is an attack of renal colic. Planned receipts are much less common when stone formation becomes chronic, and the patient independently monitors his health and the emergence of new stones. But no matter how the patient gets to the hospital, the kidney stone must be removed, and here are the options for this in modern nephrology:

  1. Open surgery under general anesthesia;
  2. Crushing under epidural anesthesia with subsequent removal of stone fragments;
  3. Dissolution and subsequent excretion with chemotherapy.

A cavity operation is done when other types of stone extraction are not possible. For example, the stone lies at the transition of the kidney to the ureter, or has a dense structure that is difficult to dissolve and crush, or both factors are combined. In such cases, under general anesthesia, a long incision is made from the side or from the navel to the lower ribs on the side of the lesion and the calculus is removed through the renal pelvis.

At the end of the operation, the kidney is drained from the back with a tube with a bag into which residual inflammatory waters flow, as soon as they become transparent, the drainage is removed. And a special stent tube is placed in the ureter from the renal pelvis, which helps to keep the ureter in the right state so that urine flows freely into the bladder. After 1.5-3 months, this tube is removed. In the first 5 days after abdominal surgery, the patient must wear compression stockings so that there is no stagnation of blood and swelling in the veins of the legs. and for the prevention of intra-abdominal hernias, it is necessary to use postoperative bondage for six months, it can be removed at night. You can buy such a bandage at any pharmacy, you just need to know the circumference of your waist.

Crushing or lithotripsy is performed under epidural anesthesia, when an anesthetic drug is injected between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae. As a result, the entire lower half of the body is turned off, the patient feels touch, but does not feel pain and does not control his legs. With the help of different types of crushing, stones can be removed from the kidneys, and from the ureters, and from the bladder.

During the procedure, the doctor finds the stone using X-ray control, crushes it to fractions of 2-4 mm and then brings these particles out. In modern nephrology, such crushing is performed in two ways - contact and remote. In the first option, a cystoscope with a lithotripter at the end is passed through the patient's urinary tract to the calculus and the calculus is crushed by direct impact on it. In the second variant, the doctor directs the sight of the lithotripter on the area of ​​the stone with the help of a monitor and produces a shock-wave effect through the soft tissues. It is believed that the contact method is more reliable, because it allows you to crush the stone into smaller pieces and immediately bring them out with the help of special devices. As for the non-contact method, I can say that in any case it is painful and requires repeated exposure, stones during such an operation may not immediately collapse, but they will have to be removed with the help of diuretics, which is long and risky.

Separately, I would like to say about the crushing of karal-shaped stones. If the kidney is still working, there is no bright inflammation in it, and the stone consists of relatively soft components, it is advisable to remove it. You can grind caral calculi in the following ways:

  • By means of ultrasonic crushing;
  • With the help of shock wave lithotripsy;
  • Through laser therapy.

And the extraction of the obtained particles is most often carried out through a centimeter puncture in the lumbar region, which allows you to clean the kidney with minimal trauma. There is another case when the coral stone is considered inoperable. It is not touched if the kidney is functioning normally, and the calculus consists of solid salts, sits tightly and does not cause pain. However, over time, such a stone will still have to be removed, but here we will talk about partial or complete removal of the kidney, called nephrectomy.

Chemotherapy to get rid of kidney stones is a new direction in modern nephrology. It turns out that some drugs and chemotherapy drugs are capable of either dissolving the stones themselves, or preventing their formation due to binding in the intestine and excreting those substances that are involved in the formation of the stone. For example:

  • Jelly-like aluminum hydroxide causes the breakdown of freshly formed phosphate stones and, in addition, binds phosphorus in the intestine, preventing its entry into the blood.
  • Orthophosphoric acid binds calcium in the intestines and reduces its content in urine by 50%, which prevents the risk of calcium phosphate formation.
  • Magnesium carbonate binds oxalic acid in the intestine, which prevents the formation of oxalates.
  • Citric acid, when administered through a catheter, serves to dissolve freshly formed phosphate stones.
  • ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (trilon) is used to dissolve phosphate and carbonate stones.

On the one hand, the method of chemotherapy when removing stones from the kidneys, ureters and bladder is considered the most gentle, because there is no possibility of injuring organs. But on the other hand, this type of treatment has many nuances, individual intolerance to some components is possible, strict dosage and close monitoring by the attending physician is required. As you can see, modern medicine has a whole range of different methods for getting rid of kidney stones, and each patient has his own technique. And now let's get back to the question of how to get rid of kidney stones at home, and let's deal with another arch-important point that personally caused a storm of indignation in me.

Can asparkam be used for kidney stones to remove them

The option of dissolving kidney stones, which angered me to the core and brought me to real horror, looks like this. Within three days, a patient with stones in the kidneys, ureter or bladder should, according to a special scheme, take asparkam tablets diluted in water. Allegedly, the potassium present in the medicine reacts with calcium salts, which results in the destruction of stones in the body. Friends, do not believe this and do not use this method, because this statement is not just an unconfirmed myth, but a quiet path to heart patients and an early resettlement to another world.

After all, asparkam is a strong heart drug that is prescribed to people with various arrhythmias, heart failure, after myocardial infarction and other heart diseases associated with a lack of potassium and magnesium. If you take such a medicine uncontrollably, without clear indications, the level of potassium in the blood will increase dramatically, and this is fraught with such serious disorders as:

  • Atrioventricular block, when the heart contracts chaotically, flutters and may stop altogether;
  • Atrial fibrillation, when the 2 upper chambers of the heart cannot contract normally, but only twitch convulsively, like a cornered bird.

In addition, there is a high risk of developing muscle weakness up to the appearance of their cuts. And since our lungs are also voluntarily controlled muscles, respiratory difficulties can also join cardiac catastrophes. At the same time, you will not get rid of kidney stones, because no one has yet been able to dissolve them in 3 days, and where is the guarantee that they are of a calcium nature. Now, I hope you understand what a dangerous situation you can create for your health and life, here even an ambulance may not be in time. So let's better be treated with more proven folk methods and obey the instructions of doctors, so everyone will be much better.

Treatment for kidney stones depends on how long the patient has had the condition, the size of the stones, and the severity of the symptoms. There are enough methods so that you can choose the most suitable in your particular case and, of course, this should be done in conjunction with the doctor, having passed all the necessary tests and examinations.

"Wait for the problem to resolve itself" method

Small stones of a rounded shape are able to leave the kidneys themselves. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. The main thing is that the stone is small enough and does not block the urinary tract. If the formations do not have sharp protrusions, as in uric acid calculi, then the process is accompanied by fairly tolerable pain. The main self-help for kidney stones is to drink enough water, and if you feel discomfort from their passage, take antispasmodic and pain medications.

Medical treatment

You can find out how to treat kidney stones with drugs that dissolve stones.

Other areas of therapy:

  • elimination of an attack of renal colic;
  • promoting the release of small stones;
  • fight against relapse.

One of the aspects of the treatment of kidney stones is the removal of an attack of renal colic.

At home, you can relieve the pain when sand and larger formations are discharged with a warm bath or a heating pad along the ureter. An attack of renal colic is relieved with an injection of the antispasmodics Aropin or Platifillin, the pain syndrome is eliminated by Promedol, Morphine, Pantopol.

The use of novocaine blockade is also effective. In men, it is carried out by injecting a solution of novocaine into the thickness of the spermatic cord, and in women - into the round ligament of the uterus. They also relax the ureter by novocaine blockade of the lumbar region.

Essential oils, especially terpene derivatives, contribute to the expulsion of stones. The most commonly used drugs are Olimetin, Enatin. Their action is due to analgesic, antispasmodic and stimulating effect on the urinary tract. In addition to stimulating urodynamics, these drugs increase the content of protective colloids in the urine, which prevents new stone formation.

Physical Methods

In the case when the stones are quite large and it is impossible to ensure their dissolution and spontaneous exit, they are treated with the help of various devices and instruments.

There are different localizations of stones. The first is in the internal structures of the kidney and the second is in the ureter.

Treatment of stones in the ureters

They try to remove stones from the ureter using a ureteral catheter. There are several types of boats and methods of using them.

  • The catheter is carried past the stone and vaseline oil or glycerin is poured above its location. This promotes the sliding of the calculus and enhances the peristalsis of the ureter. Often, when the catheter is removed, the stone easily comes out with it.
  • They try to expand the ureter below the calculus. For this, a catheter with an inflatable balloon of the Durmashkin system is used, which creates the necessary clearance in the ureter.
  • The stone is grasped with a looped Zeiss catheter and removed from the ureter.

The stone from the ureter can be removed using special loop-shaped catheters.

However, due to the delicate structure of the ureters, these procedures can result in rupture or other damage. Therefore, only small formations are extracted by such methods. Stones that remain in place in the lumen of the ureter for six months to a year, which cannot be cured by water loading or catheterization, require surgical intervention.

kidney stone

The current methods for removing kidney stones can be arranged in the following order of preference:

  • remote lithotripsy (shock wave);
  • contact endoscopic lithotripsy (laser, compressed air or ultrasound);
  • transurethral removal;
  • percutaneous nephrolithotomy or nephrolithotripsy;
  • laparoscopic removal;
  • operations on an open organ.

External shock wave lithotripsy

Shock wave lithotripsy is a non-surgical technique that is used to treat kidney and ureter stones. The application of the shock wave is controlled using X-rays or ultrasound. The method is effective for crushing formations no larger than 2 cm in size. Cystine stones, some types of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate are also poorly affected by it.

The use of shock wave lithotripsy is contraindicated in pregnant women, patients with bleeding disorders, in the presence of a permanent pacemaker. Also, morbid obesity, which makes it impossible for the shock wave to pass, can interfere with effective treatment.

Description of the procedure

The patient is placed in a tub of water or a pillow filled with water is placed on the abdomen or on the lumbar side.

Before crushing, local anesthesia or sedation is possible so that the patient can calmly endure the procedure, which lasts up to an hour.

Remote lithotripsy is performed under ultrasound guidance.

Stones are affected by focusing an acoustic wave on them, which propagates well in a liquid medium and does not damage body tissues.

A stent is inserted into the ureter through the bladder to keep the lumen open. This is necessary to release the crushed parts and prevent blockage of the ureter.

A stent is an internal frame that prevents the ureter from closing.

After the procedure, the patient will be asked to drink plenty of fluids, and filter the urine through a filter to collect the stones that have come out for analysis.

Although this method is considered very safe, it can still cause some side effects. For example, the appearance of blood in the urine for several days after the procedure. Pain and spasms from the passage of stone fragments through the ureter are also possible.

The method is effective in 50-70% of cases if the formations are in the kidneys and are small. The method is not entirely suitable for crushing stones in the ureters, since the shock wave is extinguished by the vertebrae or pelvic bones surrounding the ureter. For this purpose, it is better to choose another method. For example, ureteroscopy.

Contact laser lithotripsy

Removal of stones from the kidneys with a laser was tested back in the late nineties. But then the apparatus was very bulky and expensive. To date, contact laser removal of kidney stones is carried out using the thinnest beam - the diameter of a horsehair, and the operation is called transurethral laser ureterolithotripsy.

The laser acts directly on the calculus inside the kidney or ureter

The operation takes about an hour and is performed under general anesthesia. First, the attending physician guides the urinary tract guide flexible string to the stone. Then a ureteroscope with a camera and a very thin laser light guide at the end is inserted. Now, under visual control, the doctor begins to destroy the stones with a laser, and the broken pieces are sucked up by the device.

After the operation, a dilator is also installed in the ureter for the natural exit of dust and sand left after crushing.

The procedure carries a small risk of bleeding, since 1-2% of patients may have damage to the ureteral mucosa.

The recovery period is usually a day or two. Unfortunately, every third patient may have re-formation of calculi within ten years. To prevent this after surgery, it is imperative to adhere to a diet and drinking regimen.

The main indications for laser destruction are:

  • large size of formations that are not amenable to shock wave therapy;
  • stones are in the ureter.

The disadvantages of the method include the need for general anesthesia and the likelihood of piercing the ureter (less than 1%) or the development of an infectious process.

Contraindications for this operation:

  • pregnancy;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract or its physical damage;
  • bleeding of the renal nature;
  • narrowing of the ureter over a large segment.

Ureteroscopy (transurethral excretion)

Ureteroscopy is used preferably for the treatment of stones located in the ureter. It consists of passing a very thin telescope (ureteroscope) through the bladder, to the ureter and kidney. Rigid telescopes are applicable in the lower part of the ureter near the bladder. Flexible telescopes are used for treatment in the upper ureters and kidneys.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia for the comfort and safety of the patient. The ureteroscope allows the urologist to see the stone without making an incision. And the manipulator combined with the telescope captures it and brings it out. If the formation is too large to remove it entirely, then it must first be broken using a laser or other methods.

A temporary stent is also placed to allow the free flow of sand and stone fragments. The period of wearing a stent should not exceed 4-10 days, otherwise there is a risk of infection and loss of kidney function.

This type of treatment is the method of choice in the presence of large aggregates greater than 2 cm; coral stones; abnormal structure of the urinary canals; obesity in the patient.

With the help of a nephroscope, you can see, capture and remove large stones from the kidney

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. A conductor is inserted through an incision in the skin in the lumbar region under x-ray control, and then a special endoscopic apparatus, a nephroscope, is installed along it. By and large, this is a hard or soft tube with a lighting and video system. Through the internal channel of the nephroscope, a lithotripter can be inserted into the body cavity - the actual apparatus that removes stones from the kidneys with ultrasound, compressed air or a laser. Visually detecting a kidney stone, the doctor destroys it with a lithotripter, and the fragments are removed. In various clinical situations, it may be necessary to place a nephrostomy or a stent in the ureter. These devices provide a normal outflow of urine in the first time after surgery.

Of the complications, the infectious process deserves attention (prevented by taking antibiotics on the eve of the operation), possible mechanical damage to blood vessels and tissues. As with any crushing method, there may be remnants of stone fragments.

Contraindications are pregnancy and a violation of the blood coagulation system, and in other cases, percutaneous nephrolithotripsy is considered the gold standard of treatment.

Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy

The operation to remove stones from the kidneys is performed through small incisions into which a video system and manipulators (trocars) are installed. The technique of the procedure requires incisions in the parenchyma of the kidney and pelvis, which are sutured after removal of the stone. If necessary, a pelvic or ureteral stent is placed. The calculus is brought out through the openings of the trocar. The recovery period is longer than that of non-invasive methods - up to 4 days. But compared to surgery on an open organ, laparoscopy is less traumatic.

Kidney stones are removed laparoscopically in such cases:

  • anomalies of the urinary system do not allow the use of endoscopic methods;
  • severe degree of obesity.

After laparoscopy, the patient has only three small punctures on the skin

Like all methods of removing stones from the kidneys, laparoscopy has contraindications for an infectious disease, a violation of blood clotting, an acute inflammatory process of the genitourinary system. As well as the presence of scarring from previous operations, which can prevent the installation of equipment in the right place in the abdominal cavity.

Surgical removal of stones

Surgery to remove kidney stones on an open organ is indicated only in a number of cases. Since it involves an incision in the parenchyma of the kidney, this negatively affects its condition and functionality. So, you can’t do without an operation if:

  • The pain is too severe for the patient to wait for it to pass.
  • The stone causes acute blockage of the pelvis. Anuria and urosepsis develop.
  • Calculi cause recurrence of urinary infection. By provoking stagnation of urine, they create conditions for chronic pyelonephritis and the development of renal failure.
  • The stone affects the function of the kidneys, triggers a change in the parenchyma.

The following cases are not subject to surgical intervention:

  • Stones in the calyx. They have little effect on the functionality of the kidney, are often prone to relapse, but can also be spontaneously released first into the pelvis, and then into the ureter.
  • Patients with a tendency to frequent calculi. They rationally operate only large stones that are incapable of independent discharge.
  • Coral stones in one kidney. They are motionless, fill the pelvis and, in principle, the kidney remains relatively functional.

The difference between tissue damage in conventional and laparoscopic surgery

Principles of surgical treatment of stones

  • With a combination of formations in the cups and the pelvis, the stone of the pelvis is removed first.
  • Multiple stones in cups that cause severe pain are not rational to remove. It will be about the removal of the kidney.
  • If both kidneys are affected, the operation is carried out in two stages. First, stones are removed from a less affected organ, and then, when it recovers, from a more affected one.
  • The presence of stones in a single kidney and its ureter is an immediate indication for surgical intervention.

It should be remembered that even after successful treatment of kidney stones, recurrence may occur over time. To prevent it, you should follow a diet, adequate water load, regularly take a urine test and undergo an ultrasound examination or an x-ray of the kidneys.

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