Qigong practice to strengthen vision. Qigong Therapeutic Gymnastics for the Eyes - Part 2 Qigong Gymnastics for the Eyes exercises

There are several types of breathing.

1. Breathing with lungs

2. Belly breathing

3. Belly counterbreathing

4. Body breathing

Belly counterbreathing and body breathing are known only in Eastern culture.

When breathing with the lungs, the costal arches rise on inhalation, and fall on exhalation.

When breathing from the belly, the belly and even the lower back “expand” on inhalation, and on exhalation they return to their normal position. Thus, the wave of breath spreads from the point of the perineum, expands the walls of the abdomen and lower back, lifts the ribs and collarbone.

On exhalation, the collarbone and ribs first fall, and then the walls of the abdomen and back slightly contract.

Belly counterbreathing does not need to be learned. It is practiced by itself during long-term qigong practice. In this case, the breath wave goes in the opposite direction. As you inhale, the abdominal wall and lower back contract as if a current of air is drawing them in.

Body breathing is based on breathing and counter-breathing with the stomach, as well as the idea that with each breath, all the pores absorb fresh cosmic Qi.

Belly breathing exercise

This exercise can be done sitting or lying down. Place both hands on your lower abdomen so that your thumbs almost touch under your navel.

Breathe calmly through your nose. Feel the abdominal wall rise under your palms as you inhale. Feel it sink as you exhale. Continue breathing, first counting your breaths to twenty-one, and then backwards.

Execution option

Place one hand on the lower tan tien so that the little finger is on the pubic bone, and the other on the back - exactly opposite. Feel a balloon inflate between your palms as you inhale, and as you exhale, it falls.

Belly breathing is the basis of qigong. However, during the execution of exercises according to this method, he is not given much attention, since the thought is completely concentrated on the imagination. Breathing improves on its own with regular exercise.

Small circle of energy circulation

The small circle of energy circulation, or the small celestial circle, is one of the fundamental exercises in Taoism. In China, there are qigong schools that practice only the small circle of heaven daily in order to achieve health and mastery in the conscious control of the flow of qi. From this we can conclude what value is attached to this exercise.

The small celestial circle connects the large royal lines mentioned in the previous chapter - the yang-meridian du-mai passing from the back side and the yin-meridian zhen-mai passing along the front surface of the body. Before starting the exercise, you should try to visualize the path on the skin connecting the nine points of the small circle. With a long workout, this path will then turn into a wide street, and then into a freeway. It will expand and even gain depth. Often the line connecting the nine points of the small celestial circle is represented as a luminous strip. The flow of Qi is directed along it by the power of imagination.

Do not be surprised if at first you are distracted by extraneous thoughts. This is fine. In Tibetan culture, this phenomenon is called "taming the spirit of the monkey." Another difficulty that may arise at the beginning of training is the feeling of fatigue. It is possible that you will even fall asleep. Don't worry about it. With long and intense training, your will and concentration will get stronger, and the flow of Qi will increase. Tibetan Buddhists advise: if you are overwhelmed by anxiety and extraneous thoughts climb into your head, exercise with your eyes closed. If you feel yourself falling asleep, open your eyes and look up.

As in any undertaking, you will have to try hard at first to achieve the state of qigong, that is, to find inner peace, peace, relaxation and good mood. To make this easier, smile at least seven times a day. Thanks to a smile, Qi energy circulates better through energy channels, and existing blockades are removed.

Qi must obey you. The small celestial circle saturates us with vital energy, so it is better to train in the morning, because in the evenings after doing the exercises, people with a sensitive nervous system do not fall asleep well. True, over the long years of work, I had to meet a lot of people practicing a small circle before going to bed. At the same time, the seven final exercises are simply not performed.

In principle, a small celestial circle can be performed anywhere - in the subway, riding a bicycle, in a car and even on an airplane. The exercise does not require any special equipment. You simply relax your upper tan tien (third eye), lower your eyelids slightly (this relaxes the head area) and lift the corners of your mouth slightly (this relieves tension in the neck and chest). In this case, the tongue should be adjacent to the base of the upper teeth. This connects the Yin and Yang meridians, du-mai and zhen-mai. However, the focus should be on the lower dan tian.

With this exercise, you can recharge your batteries while waiting for a train or bus, and face life's challenges with peace of mind. Master Zhi Changli recommends, for example, sitting in front of the TV, focusing on the lower Dan Tien and entering the state of qigong in order to avoid the harmful effects of television.

You can practice the small heavenly circle while sitting on a chair, in a yoga pose, kneeling or lying down. Master Zhi Changli recommends that you first perform this exercise while sitting on a chair. At the same time, you can lean against the back, since the main condition for the correct execution of a small circle is convenience and good mood. Only with the observance of silence, peace and complete relaxation, you can feel the flow of energy.

Qigong state

Sit on a chair and relax. You can lean back. The upper part of the body, if possible, should be at a right angle to the hips. Both feet should be on the floor. If you can't reach the floor, you can put a blanket under your feet. The feet are parallel to each other and are hip-width apart.

Place your hands on your thighs, palms up. Try to "grab" the floor three times with your toes. This opens the beating key connected to the meridian of the kidneys. Then pay attention to the region of the bridge of the nose - the upper Dan Tien. Imagine that the veil is dissipating in front of you, and the fresh breath of the breeze is fanning your forehead. Lower your eyelids slightly (due to this, all the muscles of the head relax). Slightly lift the corners of the lips (this relaxes the chest area). A slight smile should appear on your face. It spreads throughout the body, streaming from all pores, joints, bones, muscles, organs. The tongue is located at the base of the upper teeth, however, depending on the strength of the Qi flow, it can descend. Breathing is not controlled, but it should be slow and calm, nasal, although the mouth is slightly open. Now focus on the individual points of the small celestial circle and mentally connect them.

Nine points of the small circle

1. Lower Dan Tien (Xia Dan Tien)

Concentrate on the lower dan tian, the main energy store in the lower abdomen. It is in the middle between heaven and earth. Here is the main reservoir of power.

2. Perineum point (hui-yin)

The perineal point is located behind the genitals in front of the anus. Here originates the axis of the central canal leading to the parietal point. Through this point, a person connects with the Yin of the earth and accumulates energy in the lower reservoir. In order to better feel the perineum point, with each breath, try to pull the anus to the lower Dan Tien, hold your breath for a while, and “release” it when you exhale.

3. Coccyx point (wei-lu)

It is located at the end of the coccyx and plays a significant role in the passage of Yang energy in men and women. If this point is not open, then women experience pain in the lower abdomen, and men may have a problem with impotence or premature ejaculation.

4. Gate of life (ming-men)

The gate of life is located in the region of the kidneys exactly opposite the navel. The name itself speaks of the importance of this point.

5. Point of the thoracic vertebra (da-rui)

Located between the first and second thoracic vertebrae. If there is no obstruction in this part of the channel, then your shoulders will never experience tension.

6. Jade pillow (mi-dem)

The Jade Pillow (or Iron Gate) is at the back of the head where the two occipital bones meet.

Concentrate on the lower dan tian and start over again (repeat at least six times).
If you make a small celestial circle during menstruation or pregnancy (with the permission of a doctor), then it must begin and end on the middle dan tian.

Now you can start pressing on the eight points of the eye, which will be discussed below. After doing this procedure three times (at least), the points of the eye are fed with Qi energy.

Eight points of the eye

In traditional Chinese medicine, the eyes are connected to the liver by meridians. Slags accumulated in the liver are excreted through the eyes. The relationship between the liver and the eyes may seem surprising, but suffice it to recall patients with jaundice. They have signs of the disease - "before their eyes."

Don't be surprised if you burst into tears while doing qigong exercises. This is a sign of self-cleansing eyes, which indicates their ability to self-heal.

As already mentioned, around each eye there are eight points that can be used to improve vision. They can be massaged in a variety of ways to increase the flow of Qi when it is deficient, or to reduce the flow when there is an excess.

eye point massage

There are three ways to massage the points of the eye. However, the massage is always performed with the index or middle finger (preferably the middle one, as it is in direct connection with the master of the heart and has a deeper effect on the points).

1. Press on the points, gradually increasing the force.

2. Make circular movements with your finger for three counts, as in a waltz. At the first count, the pressure is weak, at the second and third it intensifies. Movements can be made both clockwise and counterclockwise, even better - in both directions.

3. Make circular movements for three counts, first pressing hard, and then weaker.


Sit up straight, relax. Place your elbows on your hips (or on a table). Rest your head on straightened fingers. Massage both eyes at the same time. Press on the points in a rhythm that is convenient for you.

Point 1. Located at the inner edge of the eye next to the bridge of the nose (bladder meridian).

Point 2. It is located a little away from the pupil on the frontal bone (bladder meridian).

Point 3. It is located almost above the pupil on the frontal bone (gall bladder meridian).

Point 4. Located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the frontal bone (three heaters).

Point 5. It is located at the outer edge of the eye closer to the temple (gall bladder meridian).

Point 6. It is located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the zygomatic bone.

Point 7. It is located almost under the pupil on the same vertical line with point 3 on the zygomatic bone (stomach meridian).

Point 8. It is located about one centimeter below point 7.

Qi Saturation

Increasing the length of the eyeball

Hold the left hand opposite the right eye and place the right hand on the back of the head below the jade pillow. Try to feel the connection between both palms (lao gong points). Imagine that you are stretching, lengthening the eyeball. Now change hands.


The reason for myopia is that the eyeball for some reason has become too long. Light rays from distant objects after refraction in the cornea and lens are focused, not reaching the retina. Therefore, near-sighted people see well near, but distinguish distant objects much worse.


Sit up straight, relax. Place your elbows on your hips (or on a table). Rest your head on straightened fingers. Massage both eyes at the same time. Press on the points in a rhythm that is convenient for you. The same points are massaged as with farsightedness, but in reverse order.

Point 1. Located on the cheek one centimeter from point 2.

Point 2. It is located almost under the pupil on the zygomatic bone (stomach meridian).

Point 3. It is located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the zygomatic bone.

Point 4. It is located at the outer edge of the eye closer to the temple (gall bladder meridian).

Point 5. Located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the frontal bone (three heaters).

Point 6. It is located almost directly above the pupil on the frontal bone (gall bladder meridian).

Point 7. It is located a little away from the pupil on the frontal bone (bladder meridian).

Point 8. Located at the inner edge of the eye next to the bridge of the nose (bladder meridian).

Then start again from the first point. Each of the eight points should be massaged at least three times.

Qi Saturation

Connect the thumb, ring fingers and little finger. Point your index and middle fingers at eight points at a distance of two centimeters. Imagine how Qi from the lower Dan Tian passes through the hands to the fingertips and how with each breath you perceive the energy of Qi from the surrounding space (breathing with the body) with all your pores. Do this procedure at least three times.

Reducing the length of the eyeball

Hold the left hand opposite the right eye and place the right hand on the back of the head below the jade pillow. Try to feel the connection between both palms (lo-gong points). Imagine that you are squeezing, shortening the eyeball.
Now change hands.

Hold your right hand in front of your left eye, and place your left hand on the back of your head below the jade pillow. Do the same as in the first case. Then do the seven final exercises.

Seven Final Exercises

The final exercises once again activate all the meridians, as during training, Qi accumulates in the hands. Therefore, each time after performing a small celestial circle, it is necessary to close both eyes with your palms for at least two or three minutes. It is best to place your elbows on your hips and rest your head on your palms. You can stay in this position for as long as you like.

1. Rubbing the palms

Lightly rubbing your palms against each other, pay attention to the sensations that arise in them. From time to time run your middle finger along the back of each hand to prevent blockage of the wrists.

2. Stroking the face and neck

With both palms, run down your face, imagining that you are smoothing out wrinkles. Don't forget the neck too. On the face, there are many end points of the meridians, to which Qi energy is communicated in this way.

3. Head stroking

With the pads of your fingers, run from the hairline on the forehead through the crown of the head behind the jade pad, and then from the hairline on the temples to the jade pad. Many meridians also end here, which are thus fueled by Qi energy.

4. Tapping the head area

Bring your fingers together, pressing your thumb against your index finger, and with a little effort tap them on your head in the area of ​​the jade pillow. This allows the heaven gate (parietal point) to be opened wider to draw in more celestial yang energy.

5. Ear massage

With the pads of your fingers, intensively massage the earlobes, the upper and middle edges of the auricle, its inner surface and back. In traditional Chinese medicine, the pinna is associated with the fetus. Due to this massage, all points associated with various organs of the body are saturated with Qi energy.

6. Massage of the thoracic vertebrae

Rub the index and middle fingers of your left hand between the first and second thoracic vertebrae. At the same time, the elbow should be laid as far as possible to the side and back. Since the aging process begins in the neck, and it, as a rule, is not sufficiently supplied with blood, it is recommended that before massaging the vertebrae, it is recommended to intensively rub the entire area of ​​​​the neck and the back of the head, up to the jade pillow.

7. "Crane drinks water"

Describe ovals in a vertical plane with your chin. Such a rotation is, as it were, a repetition of a small celestial circle. When the chin is at the top, we establish a connection with the parietal point, and when below - with the perineal point.

How to open your eyes

Waking up in the morning, do not immediately try to focus on something (for example, on an alarm clock). Imagine that you are looking into the sea distance, and only then slowly adjust your vision to recognize the clear contours of objects.

Qigong state

Enter the qigong state as often as possible. Take breaks from work and other daily activities. Be in a relaxed and joyful frame of mind more often. Concentrate on the lower Dan Tien to enter the Qigong state. This relieves tension in all parts of the body.

Notice the green around you more often

Look at green objects several times a day. Green color soothes the eyes and relieves stress.

Walk outdoors

Eyes need light. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you walk for at least an hour every day to provide your eyes with the necessary amount of light.

solar shower

As often as possible, let sunlight into the body through closed eyelids. With a little getting used to, you can do this with your eyes open.

Eye exercises

Close your eyes and “look” first at the upper left and upper right corners, and then at the lower left and lower right.

Close your eyes and make circular movements with them, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. This exercise can be combined with warm water eye baths. Close your eyes and "look" up, as if you want to get a better look at the back of your head or even your spine.

The sound of the liver syu

The eyes are connected to the liver by meridians. In Chinese medicine, there is a series of exercises called the Six Healing Sounds. Six special sounds combined with movements revitalize and activate the various organs of the body. Such a sound for the liver is SU. The lips are stretched and slightly parted, as if you are holding a sheet of paper in your mouth. The tongue is flat, its edges are slightly raised. The sound SU occurs on exhalation. At this time, you should imagine how the used Chi energy rises from the big toes along the inside of the thighs through the groin area and out through the eyes. If the eyes water at the same time, this is a clear sign of purification.

Eye relaxation exercise

Look ahead. Imagine that your eyes are glass balls, lying quietly in the eye sockets. The gaze is fixed. After taking a few deep breaths, focus on the highest point of the visual field, then on the lowest, left and right. Make sure that during the exercise the "glass balls" do not move.

Body relaxation exercise

Lie on your back, relax, slightly spread your toes to the sides. Try not to arch your back. Breathe deeply and freely. Place your right hand on the middle Dan Tien and your left hand on the bottom. Relax your lower chest. Breathe slowly through your nose.

Imagine air as white light. Feel how the wave of breath moves upward from the lower Dan Tien as you inhale, and descends as you exhale. Count to twenty-one breaths, and then in reverse order.

Based on the book “Therapeutic qigong exercises for the eyes” by the author Inka Yochum

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Qigong is the art of managing energy that originated 5-7 thousand years ago in China. It is a set of wellness exercises, including breathing exercises and meditation techniques. Their use is usually accompanied by acupressure.

What is the essence of qigong practice

To define the essence of the concept of Qigong, it is first necessary to decompose this word into two syllables “qi” and “gong”, the meaning of which, respectively, is energy and work. Therefore, the concept itself means “working with energy”.

The essence of this practice is to perform certain exercises.

Important! At the same time, special attention is paid to proper breathing to saturate the muscles of the body with oxygen and positive energy.

The result should be the complete concentration of a person on his body. The benefit of such gymnastics is that in addition to solving problems with vision, it helps to improve the general mood and condition of a person, including ridding him of insomnia and negative thoughts, and developing intuition.


There are a number of permanent contraindications for practicing Chinese gymnastics:

  1. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Neuroinfections.
  3. Blood diseases.
  4. Traumatic brain injury.
  5. Malignant tumor.
  6. Heart disease, namely:
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • myocardial dystrophy.

In addition, there are a number of temporary contraindications for practicing Qigong, these include:

  • long stay of a person in the sun or in the cold;
  • binge eating;
  • constant intake of medicines;
  • stay in the sauna, as well as the next 4 hours after bath procedures;
  • physical fatigue;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, postoperative period.

General rules for classes

There is a set of exercises for the eyes, which involves the implementation of general rules, such as:

  1. Complete relaxation in general, and facial muscles in particular, as well as the correct body position.
  2. Direction of Qi energy to the eyes using a special breathing technique.
  3. Training of the eye muscles in combination with the internal work of consciousness.

Eye massage

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to perform a light warm-up of the body and upper limbs. It should be accompanied by deep inhalation and exhalation to relax. Then rub your palms to increase blood flow.

Did you know? The only part of the human body that is not supplied with oxygen through the circulatory system is the cornea of ​​the eye. Her cells from the air receive oxygen dissolved in tears.

Now you can go directly to the eye massage itself. So, to begin with, close your eyes and press 8 times on the eyeball with the tips of your index and middle fingers. In this case, you should not seek the appearance of pain.
Then, with the same fingers, we perform symmetrical pressure 8 times on the following areas of the face:

  1. Inner corner of the eye.
  2. The upper part of the superciliary arch.
  3. Eyebrow middle.
  4. Eyebrow end.
  5. Outer corner of the eye.
  6. Middle of the lower eyelid.

A set of exercises

Let's consider in detail what exercises are:

  • "pendulum". To perform such an exercise, you need to go with your back to the wall and, resting against it, position your head evenly and exclude the possibility of the neck moving. Now look first to the right, then to the left. Do it as if you want to look at the wall from behind. As you exhale, relax and look straight ahead. Then repeat the exercise 5-10 times. Such a complex helps to eliminate strabismus and restores the ability of the eye muscles to work smoothly;
  • "infinity". The essence of this exercise is that the trajectory of eye rotation resembles an inverted figure eight or the mathematical sign of infinity. Such manipulations should be done for three minutes;
  • "surprised monkey" To perform this exercise, you should take a starting position while standing and take a deep slow breath. Then it is necessary to put pressure on the apple, trying to bulge it forward, as it were. Feeling tension, you need to hold it for 3-4 seconds. After that, on the exhale, you should relax. This exercise is performed up to 10 times;
  • "mosquito on the tip of the nose." The name of this exercise speaks for itself. So, to perform it, place your index finger on the tip of your nose and, after taking a slow breath, look at it with both eyes. Then, slowly moving your finger forward, begin to exhale. After that, focusing your gaze on the ball of your finger, complete the exhalation and relax. This manipulation should be done up to 5 times;
  • "hummingbird". This name is explained by the fact that the quick flapping of the wings of a small bird resembles frequent blinking. Thus, while performing this exercise, it is necessary, after taking a deep breath, to blink quickly and easily. At the end of the breath, it should be briefly delayed and stop the manipulation. Then, as you exhale, try not to blink at all. After relaxing, repeat the exercise 5 times.

By performing a simple set of Chinese gymnastics exercises to improve vision, you can get rid of strabismus, as well as improve indicators that affect farsightedness or myopia.

The eyes are connected to the liver by meridians.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the eyes are connected to the liver by meridians. Slags accumulated in the liver are excreted through the eyes. The relationship between the liver and the eyes may seem surprising, but suffice it to recall patients with jaundice. They have signs of illness by meridians - “before their eyes”.

Don't be surprised if you burst into tears while doing qigong exercises. This is a sign of self-cleansing eyes, which indicates their ability to self-heal.

As already mentioned, around each eye there are eight points that can be used to improve vision. They can be massaged in a variety of ways to increase the flow of Qi when it is deficient, or to reduce the flow when there is an excess.

eye point massage

There are three ways to massage the points of the eye. However, the massage is always performed with the index or middle finger (preferably the middle one, as it is in direct connection with the master of the heart and has a deeper effect on the points).

  1. Press on the points, gradually increasing the effort.
  2. Make circular movements with your finger for three counts, as in a waltz. At the first count, the pressure is weak, at the second and third it intensifies. Movements can be made both clockwise and counterclockwise, even better - in both directions.
  3. Make circular movements for three counts, first pressing hard, and then weaker.


Sit up straight, relax.

Place your elbows on your hips (or on a table). Rest your head on straightened fingers.

Massage both eyes at the same time. Press on the points in a rhythm that is convenient for you.

  • point 1. It is located at the inner edge of the eye near the bridge of the nose (bladder meridian).
  • Point 2. It is located slightly away from the pupil on the frontal bone (bladder meridian).
  • Point 3. It is located almost above the pupil on the frontal bone (gall bladder meridian).
  • Point 4. It is located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the frontal bone (three heaters).
  • Point 5. It is located at the outer edge of the eye closer to the temple (gall bladder meridian).
  • Point 6. It is located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the zygomatic bone.
  • Point 7. It is located almost under the pupil on the same vertical line with point 3 on the zygomatic bone (stomach meridian).
  • Point 8. It is located about one centimeter below the point 7 .
  • Then start again from the first point. Each of the eight points should be massaged at least three times.

Qi Saturation

Connect the thumb, ring fingers and little finger. Point your index and middle fingers at eight points at a distance of two centimeters.

Imagine how Qi from the lower Dan Tian passes through the hands to the fingertips and how with each breath you perceive the energy of Qi from the surrounding space (breathing with the body) with all your pores.

Do this procedure at least three times.

Increasing the length of the eyeball

Hold the left hand opposite the right eye and place the right hand on the back of the head below the jade pillow.

Try to feel the connection between both palms (lao gong points). Imagine that you are stretching, lengthening the eyeball.

Now change hands.

Hold your right hand in front of your left eye, and place your left hand on the back of your head below the jade pillow. Do the same as in the first case.

Then do the seven final exercises.

Jing, Qi, Shen - the three jewels
Small circle of energy circulation Eight points of the eye
Seven Final Exercises
Mantra of Light

The eyes are not the largest organ of our body, but one of the most important in its value. They open windows to the world for us, they are the “mirror of the soul”, connecting our optical perceptions with emotional experiences. Eastern philosophy claims that poor eyesight is the result of a blockage in the energy flow or an imbalance in the energies of Yin and Yang. Qigong is a technique by which you can restore the balance of energy. With regular exercise, you can largely eliminate vision problems. The qigong tradition dates back thousands of years and includes elements of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Therefore, there are different schools of qigong. The Lesser Circle of Energy Circulation and Qigong exercises for the eyes presented in this book have their origins in Taoist teachings. They belong to the so-called quiet qigong, as they are based mainly on willpower, concentration and imagination. In order to improve sharpness and correct visual impairment, it is very important to first overcome the psychological threshold that exists in most cases and set yourself up for a calm, good mood and daily training. The success that awaits you can be seen from the example of my friend Ella Lucas, who, using this technique, restored her vision from 5.4 diopters in her right eye and 4.8 in her left eye in three years using this technique, and currently does not use glasses. This success inspired me to organize qigong courses for the restoration of vision, and I never tire of being surprised by the quick and tangible results that they give. Qigong has a place of honor in Chinese culture. Qi refers to life energy, and the word "gong" is translated as work or method. As the sun rises, thousands of Chinese gather in parks across the country. Smooth and unhurried movements restore their inner harmony and balance. The technique of quiet qigong presented in this book was taught to me by master Zhi Changli. While still a six-year-old child, he mastered qigong, kung fu and tai chi chuan under the guidance of his grandfather. The grandfather was also the owner of one of the largest pharmacies in Hoahot, and he gladly initiated the boy into the secrets of Chinese medicine. For twenty-one years, Master Zhi Changli worked as an acupuncturist and qigong instructor in Beijing. In 1988 he moved to Germany and has been teaching quiet qigong in Munich ever since. Eye qigong exercises are an important part of his method.

Almost all exercises are performed while sitting, so you won't need much flexibility. Anyone can start their implementation without special training. Qigong does not require strength. This technique is based on deep inner peace. This is exactly the case where you can achieve a lot through detachment and relaxation. You are engaged, as if doing nothing. From the outside, it is impossible to tell if you are just sitting around doing nothing or doing qigong. Simply put, it can even be argued that if you just sit and at the same time imagine (visualize) something, then this is already quiet qigong.
Quiet qigong attracts with the simplicity and clarity of its exercises, which are performed through the power of imagination. To improve vision with the help of this technique, it is necessary to get rid of physical and mental tension, otherwise the flow of the necessary energy will not arise in the body.

A person has energy channels that provide a connection with the cosmos. If these
the channels are not blocked by anything, which means that the person is healthy.
Quiet qigong successfully maintains your energy state, strengthens the immune system, and already due to this creates the prerequisites for good vision. The purpose of qigong is to improve the body as a whole, but exercises to restore vision are aimed specifically at the eyes, around which important energy points are located.
Of course, the greatest success can be achieved with the complex use of the qigong technique. To do this, you must first enter the state of qigong, that is, achieve mental and physical peace, and then gradually increase your energy potential with the help of a small circle of energy circulation, in order to subsequently purposefully move on to exercises for the eyes.
At the end of the book are tips to keep in mind in daily life, such as working at a computer or driving a car, to give your eyes the necessary rest from time to time.

Ching, Qi, Shen - THREE JEWEL
The word "Qi" in Chinese culture denotes a dynamic force that controls all functions and processes in space, the human body, the animal and plant world. Qi is life energy. Shen is translated as spirit, and Jing as essence. These three jewels are present in every living being. They are the basis for the life and development of the human body. Together with the energy of Yin and Yang, the five elements and energy channels, they form the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. Qigong is closely related to Jing, Qi and Shen. It strengthens the body, gives strength to the mind and lengthens life.
To give a certain linear description of Qi, as we are accustomed to in our West, is not possible even when looking at the Chinese hieroglyph, which denotes Qi. In Japanese culture, there is a similar concept of Ki, and in Indian - prana. Thus, throughout the entire Eastern cultural space, traditional medicine is based on ideas about the flow of energy in a certain system. In China, this is Qi and the meridian system; in Japan - Ki and the kairaku system, in India - prana and the nadis system. Since human energy channels with their subtle structure cannot yet be detected by the usual means of modern science, they have not yet received universal recognition. However, acupuncture, also based on the meridian system, is already widely used in the West for the treatment of allergies and drug addiction.
Qi is life. She is everywhere. When we eat, we also absorb Qi. Qi is inherited from our parents, and depending on the place of birth, the vital energy will be different. With training and the power of imagination, Qi can be made even stronger. Heaven, earth and man form a unity. A person can absorb and accumulate the energy of the sky Yang and the energy of the earth Yin.
The main accumulator of energy is the so-called lower dan tian (brain in the abdomen), which is located in the area of ​​​​the pubic bone.
The middle Dan Tien is located in the chest area at the level of the nipples and is responsible for our emotional world.
The upper Dan Tien is placed between the eyebrows. It is also called the third eye, and it is of great importance to us as the center of the soul.
A person constantly gives away used
energy and takes fresh. Three entrances are of particular importance: the gates of the earth,
the gates of man and the gates of heaven.

The gates of the earth are located in the middle part of the foot behind the balls of the fingers, the gates of man are in the middle part of the palm, and the gates of heaven are in the center of the cranial vault, on the crown of the head. Of great importance is also the hui-yin point, or perineum point, which connects the gates of earth with the gates of heaven through the central channel.
Qigong is a holistic technique that allows you to harmonize the flow of Qi. From the point of view of qigong, illness is either a lack or an excess of energy in the channels. Qigong exercises activate the healing processes that occur in the body. As a result of long and intense training, you can develop the ability to direct energy to where it is most needed.
An important condition for practicing qigong is to achieve a state of qigong - calmness, inner peace, good mood and relaxation. You should smile at least seven times a day and constantly imagine that, like tiny suns, all the pores of the skin are smiling (and you have eighty-four thousand!). Your joints, organs, lower dan tien, middle dan tien and upper dan tien are smiling. The smile merges with good energy, spreads around the room, grows, covering everything around, and reaches the limits of space. Energy flows in the human body through energy channels. Quiet qigong, as already mentioned, is based on the system of meridians, which are also used in acupuncture. During an acupuncture session, needles inserted into energy points remove the blockade of the channels. In quiet qigong, this blockage is removed by influencing the flow of qi through the power of imagination. The yin-meridian (zhen-mai, vessel of the servant) runs along the front surface of the human body, and the yang-meridian (du-mai, vessel of the master) runs along the back, along the spine. They are called royal lines and are of great importance, connecting Yin and Yang with each other.
There are six pairs of meridians in our body (twelve in total), as well as eight special meridians. Three yin meridians run along the inside of each hand, and three yang meridians run along the outside. Similarly, there are three yin meridians on the inside of the legs, and three yang meridians on the outside.







The meridians end at the nail bed.

finger Yin meridian Lungs
Finger Yang Meridian Thick
finger Heart Master,
yin meridian coronary
vessels of the heart
finger three
heater upper body
lower body
Little finger Yin meridian Heart
Little finger Yang meridian Small intestine

The meridians also end at the feet.

Finger Yin Meridian Spleen
Finger Yin Meridian Liver
Finger Yang Meridian Stomach
finger yang meridian gallbladder
Little finger Yang meridian Bladder
feet yin meridian kidneys

The eyes are also part of a complex system of meridians. In the region of each eye there are eight energy points associated with the meridians.


There are several types of breathing.
1. Breathing with lungs
2. Belly breathing
3. Belly counterbreathing
4. Body breathing
Belly counterbreathing and body breathing are known only in Eastern culture.
When breathing with the lungs, the costal arches rise on inhalation, and fall on exhalation. When breathing from the belly, the belly and even the lower back “expand” on inhalation, and on exhalation they return to their normal position. Thus, the wave of breath spreads from the point of the perineum, expands the walls of the abdomen and lower back, lifts the ribs and collarbone. On exhalation, the collarbone and ribs first fall, and then the walls of the abdomen and back slightly contract.
Belly counterbreathing does not need to be learned. It is practiced by itself during long-term qigong practice. In this case, the breath wave goes in the opposite direction. As you inhale, the abdominal wall and lower back contract as if a current of air is drawing them in.
Breathing in the body is based on breathing and counter-breathing with the stomach, as well as the idea that with each breath, all the pores absorb the fresh Qi of the cosmos.

This exercise can be done sitting or lying down. Place both hands on your lower abdomen so that your thumbs almost touch under your navel.
Breathe calmly through your nose.
Feel the abdominal wall rise under your palms as you inhale. Feel it sink as you exhale. Continue breathing, first counting your breaths to twenty-one, and then backwards.

Place one hand on the lower tan tien so that the little finger is on the pubic bone, and the other on the back - exactly opposite. Feel a balloon inflate between your palms as you inhale, and as you exhale, it falls.
Belly breathing is the basis of qigong. However, during the execution of exercises according to this method, he is not given much attention, since the thought is completely concentrated on the imagination. Breathing improves on its own with regular exercise.

The small circle of energy circulation, or the small celestial circle, is one of the fundamental exercises in Taoism. In China, there are qigong schools that practice only the small circle of heaven every day in order to achieve health and mastery in the conscious control of the flow of qi. From this we can conclude what importance is attached to this exercise.
The small celestial circle connects the large royal lines mentioned in the previous chapter - the yang-meridian du-mai passing from the back and the yin meridian zhen-mai passing along the front surface of the body.
Before starting the exercise, you should try to visualize the path on the skin connecting the nine points of the small circle. With a long workout, this path will then turn into a wide street, and then into a freeway. It will expand and even gain depth. Often the line connecting the nine points of the small celestial circle is represented as a luminous strip. The flow of Qi is directed along it by the power of imagination.
Do not be surprised if at first you are distracted by extraneous thoughts. This is fine. In Tibetan culture, this phenomenon is called "taming the spirit of the monkey." Another difficulty that may arise at the beginning of training is the feeling of fatigue. It is possible that you will even fall asleep. Don't worry about it. With long and intense training, your will and concentration will get stronger, and the flow of Qi will increase. Tibetan Buddhists advise: if you are overwhelmed by anxiety and extraneous thoughts come into your head, practice with your eyes closed. If you feel yourself falling asleep, open your eyes and look up.
As in any undertaking, you will have to try hard at first to achieve the state of qigong, that is, to find inner peace, peace, relaxation and good mood. To make this easier, smile at least seven times a day.
Thanks to a smile, Qi energy circulates better through energy channels, and existing blockades are removed.
Qi must obey you. The small celestial circle saturates us with vital energy, so it is better to train in the morning, because in the evenings after doing the exercises, people with a sensitive nervous system do not fall asleep well. True, over the long years of work, I had to meet a lot of people practicing a small circle before going to bed. At the same time, the seven final exercises are simply not performed.
In principle, a small celestial circle can be performed anywhere - in the subway, riding a bicycle, in a car and even on an airplane. The exercise does not require any special equipment. You simply relax your upper tan tien (third eye), lower your eyelids slightly (this relaxes the head area) and lift the corners of your mouth slightly (this relieves tension in the neck and chest). In this case, the tongue should be adjacent to the base of the upper teeth. This connects the Yin and Yang meridians, du-mai and zhen-mai. However, the focus should be on the lower dan tian. With this exercise, you can recharge your batteries while waiting for a train or bus, and face life's challenges with peace of mind.
Master Zhi Changli recommends, for example, sitting in front of the TV, focusing on the lower Dan Tien and entering the state of qigong in order to avoid the harmful effects of television.
You can practice the small heavenly circle while sitting on a chair, in a yoga pose, kneeling or lying down. Master Zhi Changli recommends that you first perform this exercise while sitting on a chair. At the same time, you can lean against the back, since the main condition for the correct execution of a small circle is convenience and good mood. Only with the observance of silence, peace and complete relaxation, you can feel the flow of energy.

Sit on a chair and relax. You can lean back. The upper part of the body, if possible, should be at a right angle to the hips. Both feet should be on the floor. If you can't reach the floor, you can put a blanket under your feet. The feet are parallel to each other and are hip-width apart.
Place your hands on your thighs, palms up.
Try to "grab" the floor three times with your toes. This opens the beating key connected to the meridian of the kidneys.
Then pay attention to the region of the bridge of the nose - the upper Dan Tien. Imagine that the veil is dissipating in front of you, and the fresh breath of the breeze is fanning your forehead.
Lower your eyelids slightly (due to this, all the muscles of the head relax).
Slightly lift the corners of the lips (this relaxes the chest area).
A slight smile should appear on your face.
It spreads throughout the body, streaming from all pores, joints, bones, muscles, organs.
The tongue is located at the base of the upper teeth, however, depending on the strength of the Qi flow, it can descend.
Breathing is not controlled, but it should be slow and calm, nasal, although the mouth is slightly open. Now focus your attention on the individual points of the small celestial circle and mentally connect them.

1. LOWER DAN-TIAN (xia dan-tian)
Concentrate on the lower dan tian, the main energy store in the lower abdomen. It is in the middle between heaven and earth. Here is the main reservoir of power.
The point of the perineum is located behind the genitals in front of the anus. Here originates the axis of the central canal leading to the parietal point. Through this point, a person connects with the Yin of the earth and accumulates energy in the lower reservoir. In order to better feel the perineum point, with each breath, try to pull the anus to the lower Dan Tien, hold your breath for a while, and “release” it when you exhale.


It is located at the end of the coccyx and plays a significant role in the passage of Yang energy in men and women. If this point is not open, then women experience pain in the lower abdomen, and men may have a problem with impotence or premature ejaculation.
4. GATE OF LIFE (Ming Men)
The gate of life is located in the region of the kidneys exactly opposite the navel. The name itself speaks of the importance of this point.
Located between the first and second thoracic vertebrae. If there is no obstruction in this part of the channel, then your shoulders will never experience tension.
The Jade Pillow (or Iron Gate) is at the back of the head where the two occipital bones meet. Patency
Then again focus on the lower dan tian and start the exercise again (repeat at least six times).
If you make a small celestial circle during menstruation or pregnancy (with the permission of a doctor), then it must begin and end on the middle dan tian.
Now you can start pressing on the eight points of the eye, which will be discussed below. After doing this procedure three times (at least), the points of the eye are fed with Qi energy.
Then do the seven final exercises.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the eyes are connected to the liver by meridians. Slags accumulated in the liver are excreted through the eyes. The relationship between the liver and the eyes may seem surprising, but suffice it to recall patients with jaundice. They have signs of the disease - "before their eyes." Don't be surprised if you burst into tears while doing qigong exercises. This is a sign of self-cleansing eyes, which indicates their ability to self-heal.
As already mentioned, around each eye there are eight points that can be used to improve vision. They can be massaged in a variety of ways to increase the flow of Qi when it is deficient, or to reduce the flow when there is an excess.


There are three ways to massage the points of the eye. However, the massage is always done with the index or middle finger (preferably the middle one, because it is in direct connection with the master of the heart and has a deeper effect on the points).
1. Press on the points, gradually increasing the force.
2. Make circular movements with your finger for three counts, as in a waltz. At the first count, the pressure is weak, at the second and third it intensifies. Movements can be made both clockwise and counterclockwise, even better - in both directions.
3. Make circular movements for three counts, first pressing hard, and then weaker.

Sit up straight, relax. Place your elbows on your hips (or on a table). Rest your head on straightened fingers. Massage both eyes at the same time. Press on the points in a rhythm that is convenient for you.
Point 1. Located at the inner edge of the eye next to the bridge of the nose (bladder meridian).
Point 2. It is located a little away from the pupil on the frontal bone (bladder meridian).
Point 3. It is located almost above the pupil on the frontal bone (gall bladder meridian).
Point 4. Located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the frontal bone (three heaters).
Point 5. It is located at the outer edge of the eye closer to the temple (gall bladder meridian).
Point 6. It is located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the zygomatic bone.
Point 7. It is located almost under the pupil on the same vertical line with point 3 on the zygomatic bone (stomach meridian).
Point 8. It is located approximately one centimeter below point 7.
Then start again from the first point. Each of the eight points should be massaged at least three times.




Try to feel the connection between both palms (lao gong points). Imagine that you are stretching, lengthening the eyeball.
Now change hands.

The reason for myopia is that the eyeball for some reason has become too long. Light rays from distant objects after refraction in the cornea and lens are focused, not reaching the retina. Therefore, near-sighted people see well near, but distinguish distant objects much worse.


Sit up straight, relax.
Place your elbows on your hips (or on a table). Lower your head on straightened fingers Massage both eyes at the same time. Press on the points in a rhythm that is convenient for you.
The same points are massaged as with farsightedness, but in reverse order.
Point 1. Located on the cheek one centimeter from point 2.
Point 2. It is located almost under the pupil on the zygomatic bone (stomach meridian).
Point 3. It is located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the zygomatic bone.
Point 4. It is located at the outer edge of the eye closer to the temple (gall bladder meridian).
Point 5. Located closer to the outer edge of the eye on the frontal bone (three heaters).
Point 6. It is located almost directly above the pupil on the frontal bone (gall bladder meridian).
Point 7. It is located a little away from the pupil on the frontal bone (bladder meridian).
Point 8. Located at the inner edge of the eye next to the bridge of the nose (bladder meridian).
Then start again from the first point. Each of the eight points should be massaged at least three times.


Connect the thumb, ring fingers and little finger. Point your index and middle fingers at eight points at a distance of two centimeters.
Imagine how Qi from the lower Dan Tian passes through the hands to the fingertips and how with each breath you perceive the energy of Qi from the surrounding space (breathing with the body) with all your pores.
Do this procedure at least three times.

Hold the left hand opposite the right eye and place the right hand on the back of the head below the jade pillow.
Try to feel the connection between both palms (lo-gong points). Imagine that you are squeezing, shortening the eyeball.
Now change hands.

Hold your right hand in front of your left eye, and place your left hand on the back of your head below the jade pillow. Do the same as in the first case.
Then do the seven final exercises.

The final exercises once again activate all the meridians, as during training, Qi accumulates in the hands. Therefore, each time after performing a small celestial circle, it is necessary to close both eyes with your palms for at least two or three minutes. It is best to place your elbows on your hips and rest your head on your palms.
You can stay in this position for as long as you like.

1. Rubbing the palms
Lightly rubbing your palms against each other, pay attention to the sensations that arise in them. From time to time run your middle finger along the back of each hand to prevent blockage of the wrists.
With both palms, run down your face, imagining that you are smoothing out wrinkles. Do not forget about the neck. The face has many meridian endpoints, which are thus communicated with Qi energy.
With the pads of your fingers, run from the hairline on the forehead through the crown of the head behind the jade pad, and then from the hairline on the temples to the jade pad. Many meridians also end here, which are thus fueled by Qi energy.
Bring your fingers together, pressing your thumb against your index finger, and with a little effort tap them on your head in the area of ​​the jade pillow. This allows the heaven gate (parietal point) to be opened wider to draw in more celestial yang energy.
With the pads of your fingers, intensively massage the earlobes, the upper and middle edges of the auricle, its inner surface and back. In traditional Chinese medicine, the pinna is associated with the fetus. Due to this massage, all points associated with various organs of the body are saturated with Qi energy.
Rub the index and middle fingers of your left hand between the first and second thoracic vertebrae. At the same time, the elbow should be laid as far as possible to the side and back. Since the aging process begins in the neck, and it, as a rule, is not sufficiently supplied with blood, it is recommended that before massaging the vertebrae, it is recommended to intensively rub the entire area of ​​​​the neck and the back of the head, up to the jade pillow.
Describe ovals in a vertical plane with your chin. Such a rotation is, as it were, a repetition of a small celestial circle. When the chin is up, we establish a connection with the parietal point, and when down - with the perineal point.

In addition to the small celestial circle and the eight points of the eye, Master Zhi Changli recommends using the mantra of light.

This is the mantra of Buddha Amithaba - the Buddha of Light. It can be pronounced before the start of the exercises and after them, personifying the protection of the entire training process. Take a qigong stance. Feet hip-width apart, feet parallel to each other. Ankle-foot, knee and hip joints are relaxed. Move your pelvis slightly forward. The shoulders are directly above the hips. Keep your head straight. The neck is straight - the chin is slightly inclined to the chest. Tongue at base of upper teeth.

Before pronouncing the sound OM, visualize white light and raise your forearms parallel to the floor and forward, bending your elbows. Hands lowered. Now make a sound.
Visualize yellow light. Raise your outstretched arms in front of you to shoulder level. Raise your wrists so your fingers are pointing up. Spread your arms to the sides, as if pushing the boundaries of space. Now make a sound.
Visualize green light. Hands are lowered along the body. Turn your palms away from your body. Raise your arms straight above your head, palms up. Now make a sound.
Visualize white light. Close your hands above your head, as if holding a lotus flower in them. The thumbs are bent and facing each other. Slowly lower your arms to chest level, turning your wrists so that your palms are facing down. Then fold your hands on the lower dan tian. Women put their left hand on top, and men vice versa.

Waking up in the morning, do not immediately try to focus on something (for example, on an alarm clock). Imagine that you are looking into the sea distance, and only then slowly adjust your vision to recognize the clear contours of objects.

Enter the qigong state as often as possible. Take breaks from work and other daily activities. Be in a relaxed and joyful frame of mind more often. Focus on the lower dan tian to enter the state of qigong. This relieves tension in all parts of the body.

Look at green objects several times a day. Green color soothes the eyes and relieves stress.

Eyes need light. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you walk for at least an hour every day to provide your eyes with the necessary amount of light.

As often as possible, let sunlight into the body through closed eyelids. With a little getting used to, you can do this with your eyes open.

Close your eyes and “look” first at the upper left and upper right corners, and then at the lower left and lower right. Close your eyes and make circular movements with them, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. This exercise can be combined with warm water eye baths. Close your eyes and "look" up, as if you want to get a better look at the back of your head or even your spine.

The eyes are connected to the liver by meridians. In Chinese medicine, there is a series of exercises called the Six Healing Sounds. Six special sounds combined with movements revitalize and activate the various organs of the body. Such a sound for the liver is SU. The lips are stretched and slightly parted, as if you are holding a sheet of paper in your mouth. The tongue is flat, its edges are slightly raised. The sound SU occurs on exhalation. At this time, you should imagine how the used Chi energy rises from the big toes along the inside of the thighs through the groin area and out through the eyes.


If the eyes water at the same time, this is a clear sign of purification.

Look ahead. Imagine that your eyes are glass balls, lying quietly in the eye sockets. The gaze is fixed. After taking a few deep breaths, focus on the highest point of the visual field, then on the lowest, left and right. Make sure that during the exercise the "glass balls" do not move.

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The eyes are not the largest organ of our body, but one of the most important in its value. They open windows to the world for us, they are the “mirror of the soul”, connecting our optical perceptions with emotional experiences.

Eastern philosophy claims that poor eyesight is the result of a blockage in the energy flow or an imbalance in the energies of Yin and Yang. Qigong is a technique by which you can restore the balance of energy. With regular exercise, you can largely eliminate vision problems.

The qigong tradition dates back thousands of years and includes elements of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Therefore, there are different schools of qigong. The small circle of energy circulation and qigong exercises for the eyes presented in this article originate in Taoist teachings. They belong to the so-called quiet qigong, as they are based mainly on willpower, concentration and imagination.

In order to improve sharpness and correct visual impairment, it is very important to first overcome the psychological threshold that exists in most cases and set yourself up for a calm, good mood and daily training.

Qigong has a place of honor in Chinese culture. Qi refers to life energy, and the word "gong" is translated as work or method. As the sun rises, thousands of Chinese gather in parks across the country. Smooth and unhurried movements restore their inner harmony and balance.

The technique of quiet qigong presented in this article was given by master Zhi Changli. While still a child of six, he mastered qigong, kung fu and tai chi chuan under the guidance of his grandfather. The grandfather was also the owner of one of the largest pharmacies in Hoahot, and he was happy to initiate the boy into the secrets of Chinese medicine. For twenty-one years, Master Zhi Changli worked as an acupuncturist and qigong instructor in Beijing. In 1988 he moved to Germany and has been teaching quiet qigong in Munich ever since. Eye qigong exercises are an important part of his method.

Almost all exercises are performed while sitting, so you won't need much flexibility. Anyone can start their implementation without special training.

Qigong does not require strength. This technique is based on deep inner peace. This is exactly the case where much can be achieved through detachment and relaxation. You are doing as if you are doing nothing. From the outside, it is impossible to tell if you are just sitting around doing nothing or doing qigong. Simply put, it can even be argued that if you just sit and at the same time imagine (visualize) something, then this is already quiet qigong. Quiet qigong attracts with the simplicity and clarity of its exercises, which are performed through the power of imagination. To improve vision with the help of this technique, it is necessary to get rid of physical and mental tension, otherwise the flow of the necessary energy will not arise in the body.

A person has energy channels that provide a connection with the cosmos. If these channels are not blocked by anything, then the person is healthy. Quiet qigong successfully maintains your energy state, strengthens the immune system, and already due to this creates the prerequisites for good vision. The purpose of qigong is to improve the body as a whole, but exercises to restore vision are aimed specifically at the eyes, around which important energy points are located.

Of course, the greatest success can be achieved with the complex use of the qigong technique. To do this, you must first enter the state of qigong, that is, achieve mental and physical peace, and then gradually increase your energy potential with the help of a small circle of energy circulation, in order to subsequently purposefully move on to exercises for the eyes. At the end of this material, tips will be given that should be taken into account in everyday life, for example, when working at a computer or when driving a car, in order to give the eyes a necessary rest from time to time.

Jing, Qi, Shen - three jewels

The word "Qi" in Chinese culture denotes a dynamic force that controls all functions and processes in space, the human body, the animal and plant world. Qi is life energy. Shen is translated as spirit, and Jing as essence. These three jewels are present in every living being. They are the basis for the life and development of the human body. Together with the energy of Yin and Yang, the five elements and energy channels, they form the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. Qigong is closely related to Jing, Qi and Shen. It strengthens the body, gives strength to the mind and lengthens life.

To give a certain linear description of Qi, as we are accustomed to in our West, is not possible even when looking at the Chinese hieroglyph, which denotes Qi. In Japanese culture, there is a similar concept of Ki, and in Indian - prana. Thus, throughout the entire Eastern cultural space, traditional medicine is based on ideas about the flow of energy in a certain system. In China, this is Qi and the meridian system; in Japan - Ki and the kairaku system, in India - prana and the nadis system.

Since human energy channels with their subtle structure cannot yet be detected by the usual means of modern science, they have not yet received universal recognition. However, acupuncture, also based on the meridian system, is already widely used in the West for the treatment of allergies and drug addiction.

Qi is life. She is everywhere. When we eat, we also absorb Qi. Qi is inherited from our parents, and depending on the place of birth, the vital energy will be different. With training and the power of imagination, Qi can be made even stronger.

Heaven, earth and man form a unity. A person can absorb and accumulate the energy of the sky Yang and the energy of the earth Yin. The main accumulator of energy is the so-called lower dan tian (brain in the abdomen), which is located in the area of ​​​​the pubic bone. The middle Dan Tien is located in the chest area at the level of the nipples and is responsible for our emotional world. The upper Dan Tien is placed between the eyebrows. It is also called the third eye, and it is of great importance to us as the center of the soul.

A person constantly gives out used energy and receives fresh. Three entrances are of particular importance: the gates of the earth, the gates of man and the gates of heaven. The gates of the earth are located in the middle part of the foot behind the balls of the fingers, the gates of man are in the middle part of the palm, and the gates of heaven are in the center of the cranial vault, on the crown of the head. Of great importance is also the hui-yin point, or perineum point, which connects the gates of earth with the gates of heaven through the central channel.

Qigong is a holistic technique that allows you to harmonize the flow of Qi. From the point of view of qigong, illness is either a lack or an excess of energy in the channels. Qigong exercises activate the healing processes that occur in the body. As a result of long and intense training, you can develop the ability to direct energy to where it is most needed.
An important condition for practicing qigong is to achieve a state of qigong - calmness, inner peace, good mood and relaxation. You should smile at least seven times a day and constantly imagine that, like tiny suns, all the pores of the skin are smiling (and you have eighty-four thousand!). Your joints, organs, lower dan tien, middle dan tien and upper dan tien are smiling. The smile merges with good energy, spreads around the room, grows, covering everything around, and reaches the limits of space.

Energy flows in the human body through energy channels. Quiet qigong, as already mentioned, is based on the system of meridians, which are also used in acupuncture. During an acupuncture session, needles inserted into energy points remove the blockade of the channels. In quiet qigong, this blockage is removed by influencing the flow of qi through the power of imagination.

The yin-meridian (zhen-mai, vessel of the servant) runs along the front surface of the human body, and the yang-meridian (du-mai, vessel of the master) runs along the back, along the spine. They are called royal lines and are of great importance, connecting Yin and Yang with each other.

There are six pairs of meridians in our body (twelve in total), as well as eight special meridians.
Three yin meridians run along the inside of each hand, and three yang meridians run along the outside. Similarly, there are three yin meridians on the inside of the legs, and three yang meridians on the outside.

The meridians end at the nail bed.

Thumb >> Yin Meridian >> Lungs

Index finger >> Yang meridian >> Large intestine

Middle finger >> Heart master, yin meridian >> Coronary arteries of the heart

Ring finger >> Three heaters >> Upper and lower body

Little finger >> Yin-Yang meridians >> Heart, small intestine

The meridians also end at the toes.

Thumb >> Yin meridian >> Spleen, liver

Second finger >> Yang Meridian >> Stomach

Fourth finger >> Yang meridian >> Gallbladder

Little finger >> Yang Meridian >> Bladder

Midfoot >> Yin Meridian >> Kidneys

The eyes are also part of a complex system of meridians. In the region of each eye there are eight energy points associated with the meridians.

Based on the book “Therapeutic qigong exercises for the eyes” by the author Inka Yochum

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