When is Natalia's name day? When is Natalia's name day? The history of the date, the meaning and characteristics of the name. Short name Natalya

In ancient times, they gave a name that actually reflected the character of a person; today, most parents name their children according to personal whims, relying on the euphony of the surname-patronymic combination. The name Natalya is one of the most common among female names in the post-Soviet space.

Translated from Latin, it means “native”; it was usually given to girls who were gentle in character, active in activities and games, and cheerful. In the Orthodox Saints you can find 7 different holidays for Natalia, but there is only one Angel Day. Why and on what date should a woman with that name celebrate Angel and Christmas Day?

History of the name and its meaning

First, you should understand the difference between name day and angel day. In the first case, we mean the day of remembrance of the saint, i.e. Christians remember a deceased person who at one time suffered for Christ or who through his life deserved to be included in the canon. Angel's Day is the day on which the baby was baptized, i.e. Everyone who took part in the church as a child has an angel day.

Angel Day is considered the date of the child's baptism

The name is of Latin origin, most likely it was coined in the Roman Empire (“Natalis Domini”) and translated can mean “Birth”, “native” or “Birth of a new one”, all three meanings have a similar root. At the same time, historians claim that Natalya was originally a male name, like many others, but with the spread to the Slavic lands it was converted into a female one and since then the male variation has not been used.

Interesting! Modern language allows you to shorten the name and create its derivatives. This is how “Natka”, “Tasha”, “Nyuta”, “Natalla” and other options appeared. Today, derivatives or abbreviations of “Natalia” may be written in the passport, but children will still have Christmastide on the day of remembrance of Saint Natasha.

Church calendar

If it’s clear with Angel’s Day that it is celebrated on the day of baptism, when should a child’s name day be celebrated? In total, there are several such holidays in the Orthodox Saints:

  1. January 11 - Natalya Sundukova, Siluyanova and Vasilyeva are venerated. The first two saints were included in the canon only in 2000, so these days are celebrated by girls born after 2000. All three Christian women were sent into exile and shot by the Soviet authorities.
  2. March 22 - The Venerable Martyr Ulyanov is venerated, and her Christmastide is celebrated by those born from February to March 22. This nun was shot by the Soviet authorities due to the slander of slanderers and for her faith in Christ.
  3. March 31 - nun Baklanova is venerated, who took novitiate at the Novodevichy Convent. She was sent into exile for preaching the Gospel, where she rested.
  4. September 8 is the main day when the Martyr of Nicomedia or fescue is remembered (due to the fact that oats are actively collected at this time). She was executed for her faith in Christ in the early 4th century.
  5. September 14 - Saint Kozlova, canonized only in 2004, is remembered. Name days on this day can be celebrated by girls who were born after 2004.

According to tradition, Christian women should celebrate those days of remembrance that are closest to their birthday according to the calendar. That is, those girls who were born in the period October-January and the first half of February celebrate their name day on the 11th, those whose date of birth falls on the second half of February - March 22, and 31 those who were born between the 22nd and 31st of this month . Girls born in April-May or summer celebrate September 8th.

Patron Saints

Natalia was the name of many saints and martyrs in the Orthodox canon. According to tradition, it is believed that they all protect the Christian soul of the girl. They pray to them for the preservation of the Christian faith from temptations, for its strengthening, for the strength to resist temptations.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia

They pray to the Martyr of Nicomedia for the blessing of getting married, for the preservation of the family hearth. According to legend, she was a Christian, but her husband was not, but over time, her persistent faith helped him accept Christ as the Savior, and then accept martyrdom for His name.

A beautiful female name is very popular in Slavic countries. From Latin it is translated as “native” or “Christmas”. In ancient times, girls born on Christmas were given the name Natalya. From the Hebrew language, the name Natalya is translated as “gifted by God”; it was used to describe girls born to parents who had already despaired of having a child. In some countries, the form of pronunciation of the name is slightly different: Natalia, Natalie, Natalya.

Diminutive form of the name: Natik, Natusik, Natashenka, Natusya, Tusya, Natuska, Natalochka, Natashka, Natalka, Talka.

The church form of the name Natalia is Natalia. Natalia celebrates Angel Day 5 days a year. Patron saints of women named Natalia:

  • Holy Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia - venerated on September 8. Born into a Christian family, she married a pagan Andrian, who a little later believed in Christ, for which he was sent to prison, where, by order of the Roman Emperor Maximilian, he was brutally tortured. Natalia was present at her husband’s torture, and two years later she died from mental suffering after her husband’s death.
  • New Martyr Natalia Sundukova - venerated on January 11. Born into the family of a priest, she was arrested in 1939, accused of anti-Soviet propaganda. Shot in 1942.
  • Venerable Martyr, novice Natalya Ulyanova - venerated on March 22. Born into a carpenter's family, she was a novice at the Novodevichy Convent. She was arrested in March 1938, and a few days later she was shot.
  • Venerable Martyr Natalya Baklanova - venerated on March 31. Born into a peasant family, she became a novice at the Novodevichy Convent. In 1937 she was arrested, and on March 31, 1938 she died in hospital from a serious illness.
  • Martyr Natalya Kozlova - venerated on September 14. Born into a peasant family, she was the headwoman of the Epiphany Church. She was arrested in August 1937 and shot a month later.


Natalia’s character depends on the time of year of birth:

  • Winter - Smart, serious, calculating, reserved, successful.
  • Spring - Complex, sophisticated, emotional, artistic.
  • Summer - Optimistic, independent, powerful, confident.
  • Autumn - Practical, self-confident, sensible, ambitious.


Little Natasha becomes independent early and grows up to be a serious, active and very energetic girl. At the same time, she is shy, does not immediately get along with the guys, but she knows how to be friends with them and does not conflict. He is interested in creativity, dancing, singing. If you send her to a creative circle, she will achieve significant success there. Natalya is quick-witted and doesn’t remember insults, but offensive words hurt her deeply. Little Natasha needs to be looked after because of her excessive activity, from which she often receives physical injuries. The thoughtlessness of her own actions will remain with Natalya until adulthood.

In adolescence, Natasha becomes more responsible, more efficient, and more self-confident. She studies well, strives to be the best in her class, and often graduates from school with honors. He likes to participate in school productions, olympiads, loves to go hiking, and attends sports clubs. Both teachers and kids love her. There are always many friends around Natasha, including close ones. Its advantage is that Natasha can be re-educated and her character can be improved.

Adult Natalya, thanks to her qualities such as sociability, sociability, and determination, can become an excellent organizer. He loves to communicate, does not conflict, and will give in when necessary. In companies she is always a welcome guest. Sensitive to her own failures. Almost never takes the crooked path of life.


As a child, Natasha is susceptible to colds; by adolescence, her body becomes so strong that she hardly gets sick until adulthood. She may have skin rashes due to nervousness. In adulthood, there may be problems with the cardiovascular system.


Natalya loves to communicate, so she tries to choose a profession related to communication: teacher, manager, journalist, writer, TV presenter, actress, singer. Thanks to her tact and determination, Natalya is appreciated by her colleagues and superiors. Natalya tries to smooth out work conflicts. He doesn’t like poverty, so he tries to earn more money so as not to need anything. She will make a demanding and strict boss, who does not know how to retreat and always achieves her goals.


Charming and charming Natalya easily conquers men and changes them like gloves. She does not agree to sex without love, she is not passionate in bed and yields the initiative to the man. After a breakup, most often on her initiative, men cannot forget her for a long time and try to bring her back. Avoids vulgar and sloppy men.


Natalya dreams of a strong and reliable family, so she takes her choice of husband seriously. Her husband should praise Natalya more often, give up leadership to her, then family life will be smooth and strong. Natalia will make an excellent housewife who knows how to do everything around the house. There are very few businesswomen like her now. Natalia does not always have a good relationship with her mother-in-law; it would be better if they lived separately. Natalya will be a strict, demanding, but loving mother. Painfully experiences the illnesses and failures of his family members. If Natalya does not meet the man of her dreams, then she may be left alone.

On the eve of Natalia's name day and Angel's Day, the question arises, which gift to choose? After all, this holiday is not celebrated as a traditional birthday. Therefore, the gift must be special.

It is better to choose a thing of a religious nature, since the name day is a tribute to the memory of the holy great martyrs. You can buy a suitable gift from the church or make it yourself.

The most famous and popular female name in our country is Natalya. From Latin it means native, birth, Christmas. An interesting fact: in Byzantium in ancient times only boys were called this way.

As for our country, only the female version of the name has taken root in our country. In our article we will tell you in detail how Natalia celebrates Angel Day and, in general, the historical significance of this name.

General information about the name Natalya

Derivatives of the name Natalya in Orthodoxy

This name has a huge number of different sayings. For example, Nata, Natalie, Natalka, Tasha, Natka, Natalya, Natella, Nati, Natalina.

IMPORTANT! Previously, it was allowed to record only the official version of the name on the birth certificate, but now there are no such rules. You can easily write down any option you like.

Natalia - angel day and name day according to the church calendar

Every year, on September 8th, Natalia's name day is celebrated. This day was chosen to honor the great holy martyr Natalia of Nicomedia. Let's talk more about this woman below.

History of the name and meaning of name day

During the reign of Emperor Maximian (311), during the period of persecution of Christians, this story happened. A simple girl Natalya from Nicodemus of Bithynia married a judicial official, Adrian. He dealt with the affairs of Christians who were imprisoned and arrested. The young man admired the courage and courage of the people who appeared before the court. Their strength of spirit and faith amazed and made them think about worldly values. Once, unable to bear it, he asked Christians: what reward will they receive from God for their suffering?

And in response from the martyrs he heard: This reward cannot be expressed in language or comprehended with the mind. Such a sincere answer opened Adrian’s eyes to faith and Christ, and he immediately took the side of the Christians. And the young judge was arrested with other peasants for preaching the faith and thrown into a damp, cold prison. Having learned about the arrest of her husband, Natalya strongly supported his faith and tried to help him.

Adrian was humiliated and tortured, forced to renounce his faith, but this was impossible. And they did everything they could to force Christians and the young judge to change their religion. One of the terrible tortures was the process of beating off the hands and feet on an anvil with an iron hammer. This was done so that the Christian, seeing the pain of his comrade, would renounce his faith.

Fearing for her husband’s steadfast faith, Natalya asked him to be executed first; she even helped hold his hand on the anvil. After brutal torture, all the bodies had to be burned, but this did not happen due to a sudden storm. The natural disaster claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including the executioners. Natalya managed to take cover and took with her her husband’s hand, which she had kept for many years.

Many times the emperor's servants proposed marriage to her. But her perseverance and loyalty to her husband were amazing. From constant harassment, she fled to Byzantium. And on the very first night she saw her lover in a dream, where he told her about the imminent union and her imminent death. And so it happened. Exhausted by mental suffering, Natalya died near her husband’s tomb in Byzantium. Christians brought his remains here. According to the old church calendar, name days are celebrated on the day when this event occurred, i.e. August, 26th. Natalya, for all the trials, devotion to faith and suffering endured, was canonized.

How many name days does Natalia have a year?

Natalia can celebrate her Angel Day not only in September. The Orthodox calendar indicates 4 more days, these are the dates: January 11, March 22-31 and September 14. Determine which day suits you by the approximate date of your birth.

Character of the name

Girls named Natalya

These are calm, gentle individuals with a strong-willed character. As a small child, Natalia does not know fatigue, she is constantly on the move, energetic, cheerful and lively. The character is more eccentric than obedient. They are neat in their studies, but not excellent students. They actively participate in the life of the class and school. Women and girls with this name are responsive and devoted in nature. You can rely on them in everything, they will not judge or betray.

ATTENTION! You shouldn’t sharply criticize Natalya, she doesn’t like it. In general, he takes any comments sharply and with hostility. It is better to point out her mistakes indirectly rather than directly.

In friendship there is no more reliable comrade than Natalie

But at the same time she is very vulnerable. If you offend her, she may not talk for a long time or will completely erase this person from her life.
In terms of work, Natasha is doing well. Any work she takes on can be rated as an A plus. She is responsible, attentive, sociable and moderately self-critical.

What congratulations to prepare on Natalia’s angel day and what to give?

If your close friend is having an angel day soon, you can organize surprise party, and make a gift with your own hands.

So, for a cute souvenir you can choose box in scrapbooking style. To do this you will need:

You can find a detailed master class on creating a jewelry box on the Internet. Today, many creative workshops offer their services for creating such boxes. All you have to do is choose the right one.

If you don’t want to waste time creating a masterpiece or are not sure of a positive outcome, you can order a box in an online store and they will deliver it straight to your home. In any case, a hand-saddled gift is considered exclusive and is valued much higher than a factory item.

In our article, we tried to reveal the meaning of the name, its history and how the day of the angel Natalia occurs according to the Orthodox calendar. From what was described above, we can conclude that Natalya will grow up to be wonderful housewives, mothers and wives. And overall a great person with a pure soul.

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Calendar, when according to the church calendar is the name day of Natalia, Natalia

Saints with the name Natalia, Natalya are venerated 5 times.

  • January 11 - Natalia Sundukova, martyr;
  • March 22 - Natalia Ulyanova, martyr, novice;
  • March 31 - Natalia Baklanova, martyr;
  • September 8 - Natalia of Nicomedia, martyr;
  • September 14 - Natalia Kozlova, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday girl Natalia, Natalia:

From the Latin language - from the Latin “natalis” - “native”, but also from the Latin name for the Christmas holiday: “dies natalis” - “Christmas day”, “birthday”. There is another interpretation, which traces this name to the same European root as in the name Patan - bestowed. Name day of Natalia, Natalia in September.

Natalya is an intelligent woman with natural ingenuity and cunning. He knows how to find a way out of any situation, often using very unusual methods. Determined, cheerful, at the same time feminine and lyrical. She chooses her husband for herself - her chosen one will not even notice how he turns out to be married. However, he is happy - he is interested in Natasha, he feels like the head of the house (although in reality this is far from the case).

Natalya always emphasizes his importance in the family as an intelligent, fair and kind husband and father. She gives birth to both girls and boys. There are usually two or three children in a family. Some Natalias are married 2-3 times. No, not because of divorces - her husbands may die tragically (catastrophes) or die as a result of serious illnesses.

Natalya sometimes lives out her life with her children and grandchildren, with whom she has friendly relations, as if she were their age

Happy birthday greetings to Natalia, Natalia:

Don't forget to celebrate Natalia's name day and congratulate Natalia on Angel's Day.

Natalya, how much warmth

It’s in your name, dear!

On your name day, accept me

All the best I wish!

May you be successful in everything,

Great love in personal life,

Prosperity and comfort in the home,

So that everything is always great!

Today the birthday girl is Natasha.

Is there anyone sweeter and more beautiful than her?

More reliable and persistent in business?

She is busy like a bee is busy with flowers!

On Angel Day, we congratulate Natasha

And we definitely won’t leave you without a gift!

All its advantages cannot be counted,

So let there be a holiday in her honor!

Natalia, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:

May success in everything be endless,

Be happy, desired and loved

And always protected by your Angel!

The herbs whispered to me in the evening,

What a name day it is for Natalya.

The birds chirped to me in the morning,

What a name day it is for Natalya!

And meadow flowers, daisies,

He brought the day to Natasha as a gift.

You're a turn-on and a minx,

You strive to be first in everything,

To you, my prophetess,

Let life be interesting.

Live with a smile and wisely.

And the day will suddenly seem gloomy -

Do you remember the bright ones,

After all, what you cherish is waiting for you!

There is no one better than you, I know.

Your name is dear.

The name Natalya is one of the most popular in our country. Translated from Latin, “natalis” means “birth”, “Christmas”, “native”. In ancient Byzantium, only boys were called this way. But in our country, the male version of the name Nataliy has not taken root, but its female form is very widely used to this day for naming girls. The meaning of this name will be discussed in detail in this article. Also from it you can find out when Natalia’s name day is and why they are celebrated on this day.

Derivatives of the name

The name Natalya has acquired many variations over the many years of its existence. Variants such as Nata, Tata, Tasha, Natka, Natalina, Natella are all its derivatives. And if earlier, when registering a girl’s birth certificate, it was allowed to strictly enter the official version of the name - Natalya or Natalia - then today you can enter exactly the one you like most into the document.

When is Natalia's name day according to the church calendar?

September 8 (August 26, old style) is Natalia's Angel Day. This date was not chosen in vain. On this day, the great holy martyr is venerated. What was the fate of this woman, and why was she included? We will talk in the next part of the article.

Life, suffering and death of the holy martyr Natalia of Nicomedia

Why is Natalia’s name day on September 8? You will learn about this by reading the article to the end. During the government of Emperor Maximian (305-311), during the persecution of Christians, this story happened. In Nicodemus of Bithynia there lived a simple girl named Natalya. In her youth she married a court official, Adrian. By the nature of his service, he decided the cases of Christians who were arrested and imprisoned. The young man admired the courage of the people who appeared before the court. He was amazed by the strength of their spirit and how devotedly they served their faith. One day he asked Christians how God would reward them for all the suffering they were experiencing. To which the martyrs replied: “He will give such a reward that we cannot describe in words, but your mind cannot comprehend.” Inspired by this response and the people’s faith in their religion, Adrian went over to the side of the Christians. For this act, the young judge was arrested and thrown into prison.

She, like a true Christian, supported her husband in every possible way. Adrin was cruelly tortured and humiliated, trying to force him to renounce his faith. But he was strong, and his faithful wife helped strengthen him even more. The punishment chosen for Adrian and Christians like him was a terrible torment, which consisted of beating off his hands and feet on an anvil. Natalya was afraid that seeing how other prisoners were suffering from this cruel act, Adrian would renounce his faith. She asked the executioners to begin the execution with him and she herself helped her husband put his hands on the anvil. The bodies of those killed after the brutal execution were to be burned. But suddenly a storm arose and a thunderstorm began, the fire went out. Many executioners were killed by lightning. Natalia took one of her husband's hands and kept it. One of the emperor's servants wanted to marry her. But the young woman was faithful to her husband. She ran away from home to Byzantium. At night she dreamed of Adrian, who assured her that they would be together, since God would soon put her soul to rest. That's exactly what happened. The woman, exhausted by suffering, died near the tomb of her husband in one of the outskirts of Byzantium, where he was transferred by ministers of the Christian faith. This happened exactly on August 26, old style. For all the cruel trials, suffering and devotion to the faith, she was canonized as a holy martyr. Now you know exactly when Natalia’s name day is, and why they are celebrated on this day.

Other days of honoring the name

Many sources indicate Natalia on other dates. For example, Catholics celebrate it on July 27th. In the Orthodox calendar, this name is revered, in addition to September 8, also on January 11, March 22, March 31, and September 14. When is Natalia's name day? It turns out that several times a year.

Characteristics of the name

Natalya is a soft and calm person with a strong character. As a child, this girl is energetic, cheerful, and lively. Despite her eccentric character, Natasha is a good student and takes an active part in public affairs. A woman with this name is a kind, sympathetic person. You can rely on her, she will not betray or judge. But Natasha reacts very painfully to criticism. Her resentment often turns into tears. Natalia are good friends, they will always come to the aid of those who need them. Their interests in the professional sphere are very diverse, but the main thing is that if Nata takes on any task, she does it conscientiously and responsibly.

From the article you learned the meaning, characteristics of the name, as well as when Natalia’s name day (date). All this data confirms that the girl, named with the beautiful name Natasha, will grow up to be a person with the most beautiful qualities of her soul.

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