Human chakras: meaning, cleansing, opening. Location of chakras on the human body All human chakras and spheres of the soul

has a chakra system.


Chakra- an energy center located along the vertical axis of the human body, along the spine and the Sushimna energy channel. This is a cone-shaped vortex release of energy, responsible for one or another psychophysical function of a person. Proper functioning of the chakras ensures spiritual and physical health. The closure or poor functioning of any chakra, caused by improper behavior or negative emotions of a person, entails psychological problems and dysfunction of the body.
The chakras of an ordinary person are drooping lotus buds.
A person exchanges energy with the Subtle Bodies and the Subtle World with the help of chakras. Each chakra serves as a receiver and transmitter of subtle energy of a certain vibration frequency. Each of the Seven Main Chakras “sounds on its own note,” forming an octave that characterizes the level of spiritual development.
In the process of consistent opening of the chakras, corresponding changes occur in the Physical Body of a person, in his emotional and mental spheres and within the boundaries of Consciousness. The opening of each chakra means a transition to another, higher level of consciousness and a different perception of the world around us.
The chakras are located unevenly within the pranic tube, but the entry points are scattered at regular intervals throughout the entire surface of the body. The distance between them is equal to the distance between the centers of the eyes or between the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin.


The seven chakras that run throughout the body have counterparts in the space around the body. These are energy spheres of different sizes, depending on the size of the human body. The radii of the spheres correspond to the length of a person's palm from the tip of the longest finger to the first crease of the wrist. These spheres are located at the tops of the star tetrahedron field around the body. The Chakra centers are located at the highest point of each vertex of the star tetrahedron.
Each inner chakra has a living pulse, connected to each outer chakra and to the entire system as a whole.


"Death's Gate". (Crotch). Neptune.

1. MULADHARA - chakra. Four-petalled lotus. (Projection on sacrum).
The four-petalled lotus is conventionally located at the base of the spine: between the tailbone and the perineum. Concentration on the chakra occurs at the end of the spine. This chakra is associated with the qualities of resistance and hardness represented by the element earth. Muladhara chakra connects us with the earth. Through the feet and root chakra we receive the energy of the earth. On the physical plane, it is responsible for the skeletal system, legs, prostate, lower pelvis, and large intestine. Disruption of its functioning can cause: obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, prostate problems.
Lotus petals of the Muladhara chakra. symbolize the following states: “fun, satisfaction, control over passions, stability of concentration.”
It is also associated with the following conditions: melancholy, depression, fatigue, irritability, weakness, a feeling of instability, anxiety, fear, material instability, greed, selfishness...
Muladhara gives a person who is satisfied with rough food and the same living conditions: it is more natural to see him in a shack or a shabby tent than in a luxury room, in which he will feel uncomfortable and really look strange there. But sitting in the lap of nature, covering himself with a sackcloth bag and putting his fist under his head, he will snore so much that the birds will fly in horror to build nests in the neighboring forest. This chakra worries surgeons and nurses caring for seriously ill patients, since it determines whether a person will survive or not. A person with a strong etheric muladhara has a great thirst for life; Such people survive in the most unimaginable conditions, conquer Antarctica and the peaks of seven-thousand-meter peaks, and life under ordinary conditions most often seems a little bland to them. If the chakra is severely damaged, it may be a sadist or fanatic who feeds on the energy of the mortal fear of living beings.
When chakra function is restored, the following are possible: weakness and pain in the legs, tailbone, drowsiness or vice versa, shortened sleep, mild depression, melancholy, self-pity, convulsive twitching of the limbs.
Type of damage- to death.
When mastery of muladhara is achieved, the ability to become invisible at will appears. Man can conquer all diseases. He can find out what he wants to know and discover what he wants to discover. If he wants to discover God's Compassion, Light, Love for himself, then he is in the right position. But if he uses the same powers to find out what is going on in the minds of others, or what is happening to them, or he uses it to find out whether there will be a third world war, then he is using this power incorrectly.
When the person controlling muladhara sees someone sick, he must find out whether the person deserves the disease or whether it is a hostile attack. If he has done something wrong, naturally according to the law of karma, he must pay. But if the disease does not come from the attack of some hostile forces, and if it is the Will of God that this disease be cured, then the spiritual man who has the ability must cure it. But if he does according to his own desire, or if he acts in an undivine way, then he violates the cosmic law. He will cure a person, but this healing itself will act gradually against both - the patient and the sinner. This will add to his ignorance and self-destruction. So the healer must know whether God's Will is for the person to be healed. Only then will he heal; otherwise he must remain silent and do nothing. You may ask, how can you see someone suffering and do nothing? If your heart is big, go deep within and see who it is that is suffering in the individual. You will see that it is God who is intentionally having a special experience through this person.

KUNDALINI, Kanda. (Coccyx).

KUNDALINI (Absolute of sound, silent) - the energy of the goddess Shakti (source of knowledge and wisdom), Snake Power, static, potential energy. “The serpentine force, forming 8 rings above the “onion” (Kanda), closes the doors to the Absolute with its face and remains in sleep.” When it is not awakened and is in the form of disordered vital energies, it feeds a person to sensual and carnal pleasures (a coiled cobra). Her awakening is the first death. The ascent of Kundalini is accompanied by the process of dissolving obstacles, limitations and the transition of elements into a non-spatial and timeless state. Consciousness changes, karmic causes are eliminated from the subconscious. The vibration frequency of the chakras increases, the chemical composition of the body changes, and transformation occurs.

2. SVADHISTHANA - chakra. Six petal lotus. ( above the genitals).
Emotions, sexual energy, emotionality and bodily love.
This chakra represents the lower emotional center. At the level of the physical body, the svadhisthana chakra is a reproductive sexual center, manifested through the reproductive organs and responsible for childbirth. This is the highest, secret sexual center. Nourishes libido and determines the body's vitality and energy accumulation.
The six petals of this lotus correspond to the six negative feelings: lust (kama), anger (krodha), greed (lobha), self-deception (moha), pride (mada) and envy (matsarya).
Svadhithana rotates at an angle of 90 degrees clockwise for women and counterclockwise for men.
Svadhisthana gives a person prone to luxurious living conditions - in his understanding. He will be attracted to fatty, spicy and sweet foods, exquisitely prepared, as opposed to, say, a piece of meat and beans in the case of a muladhara person. His recovery after a major operation will be helped by a spacious, comfortable room, a bouquet of flowers in an elegant vase and short visits from elegant, attractive people of the opposite sex. In general, sex plays a vital role in the life of this person: without an adequate sex life, he withers and withers, and when renewed, he visibly becomes younger and blossoms.
In the harmonious version, these are pleasant, friendly people who tend to embrace acquaintances of both sexes in a tender embrace, from which sometimes you really don’t want to leave, except perhaps in the direction of a promising-looking dinner table. True, there is a likely tendency to be overweight, but such a person also wears his thickness naturally, and rarely does anyone have the desire to see him thin. On the contrary, if the chakra is damaged, a person will be characterized by excesses in food and unpleasant, unhealthy obesity, or the same thinness and vacillation in diet from severe fasting to shameless gluttony and back again, which activity can fill his whole life. If the functioning of the chakra is disrupted, a person cannot start a family, cannot have children, miscarriages occur, children are born with disabilities or dead. Marital infidelity, aversion to sex or vice versa, sexual promiscuity, diseases of the genitourinary system, and sexually transmitted diseases are common.
When the functioning of the chakra is restored, the menstrual cycle changes, various types of discharge may appear, etc.
Type of damage: for childlessness, celibacy, lapel, love spell, “crown of celibacy.”
When mastery in controlling it is achieved, the power of love is achieved. A person loves everything and is loved by everyone; men and women and animals. This is where people often fall away from the path of Light and Truth.
Divine love is expansion, and expansion is enlightenment. Love can be expressed as an expansion of our divine awareness or it can be expressed as pleasure. When the svadhisthana center is open, the lower vital forces of sex try to lower the consciousness of the seeker. But if at that time he can bring purity from the anahata center, then this impurity can be transformed into purity. And purity gradually transforms into all-pervading divinity. But if he fails to bring purity, then there is real destruction, destruction of the life of the seeker. The lower vitality acts most violently and powerfully and sometimes it becomes worse than the lower vitality of ordinary people. The ordinary man does not satisfy the vital life in the way that some seekers satisfy it after opening the center of svadhisthana.

3. MANIPURA - chakra. "Treasure City Wheel" Ten petal lotus. ( Above the navel, in the 7th chakra system - solar plexus).
Responsible for internal balance between feelings and thoughts. Accumulator and distributor of subtle energies in the body. Chakra of military leaders.
Contemplation of this chakra contributes to the acquisition of abilities to destroy and create the elemental World.
Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras says that meditation on this chakra leads to knowledge of the physical body and its functions, because the Manipura chakra is the source of vitality.
PRANA- ascending vital energy concentrated in the area between the navel and the heart. Inhale. Dynamic Yang energy.
APANA- descending vital energy, lower body. Exhalation.
Manipura is the chakra of a person with a noticeably strong vitality - he usually has an energetic appearance and gestures. Eating gives him a lot of strength, which visibly diminishes as the meal approaches. This is the chakra of athletes, massage therapists and big bosses who take care of themselves, who must be able to suppress their subordinates with just their appearance, and the manipuric energy of the etheric body helps in this as well as possible.
This person prefers food, on the one hand, that is quite energetic, and on the other, easily digestible: he will prefer well-fried meat, and, with minor exceptions, will neglect raw vegetables. And in a harmonious version, this person can support those around him with his vitality: looking at him, and especially in his arms, strength appears from somewhere (the etheric body is involuted); food prepared by it can give a real healing effect. But he feels good only in a fairly energetic atmosphere; lack of action and forced laziness lead in this case to a drop in tone and vitality; rest for him is a change of activity. “Due to the state of the etheric body,” he needs to work energetically from morning to evening, with a short break for lunch - then he will feel great. Damage to the chakra can lead to strains, a tendency to overwork from overexertion, attacks of irresistible apathy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, increased or decreased appetite... when restoring the functioning of the chakra, various conditions are possible, reminiscent of acute poisoning, temporary failure in business, weakness of will, possible job loss.
Type of damage: damage to impoverishment, “driving crazy.”
If control of this center is achieved, grief and suffering are overcome. It does not matter what happens in the life of such a person - he does not feel sadness. But this center can create problems, just like svadhisthana. This center is also dangerous. A person can cause suffering to others if he abuses the powers of manipura and therefore incurs the curses of the world. This center, like the ajna chakra, can show the seeker where loved ones go after death. This allows you to see how a person passes through the vital world and enters the subtle world and high planes. It shows how he goes through one shell after another. This center also gives the power of transmutation. A person can enlarge an object or reduce it to infinitesimal sizes. In addition to this, this center has healing powers. As I said before, if this power is used correctly, in accordance with the Will of God, then there is a real blessing in it. Otherwise it's a curse.

4. RAPITVAN - chakra. Planet-Chiron. ( Solar plexus).
This is the emotional center, the center of balance, justice, absolute harmony, the center of equalization of contradictions.
On the physical plane, the liver is associated with Rapitvana, where the human animal soul is located. Zoroastrian priests determined the harmony of the Cosmos in a person by the shape and volume of the liver.

5. ANAHATA CHAKRA, “twelve-petalled lotus”, “heart center”, center of love. ( 5-6th thoracic vertebra).
This chakra symbolizes the vital center, which is responsible for tactile sensations, breathing control, and motor functions.
The heart chakra belongs to the highest emotional centers. We use heart energy for transformation when, angry with someone, we direct, elevating, our anger through the solar plexus to the heart. In this way, anger is transformed into compassion.
Anahata is located in the middle of the subtle body, and its energy is distributed in two directions: up and down. That is why it is important that the heart is open, otherwise a person will be constantly in tension and will not be able to express himself.
The petals of the heart chakra symbolize the following elemental states: love, honesty, determination, confidence, hope, patience, hard work, compassion, simplicity, calm, impartiality, balance.
Responsible for the functioning of the heart, lungs, thymus gland, and hands.
If svadhisthana gives a person the so-called “taste of life,” then anahata in some way takes it back. In any case, the joys of meat and fish are excluded here (a person develops an aversion to them or a clearly negative reaction of the physical body). Here Divine love, perceived by a person from the outside world and transmitted through him outward, becomes vitally important. These are kind people for whom kindness is the condition of their existence, otherwise they weaken and die. Anahata is often open in nursing mothers towards the baby, and in many devoted wives - towards the husband; people who have it open to the world are usually called saints, but it is wrong to perceive them as warm donors working on svadhisthana - anahata energy is always cold, it can lift a person to God, but cannot place him on a cozy bed.
In everyday life, an anahata man is not of this world - he does not care what he sleeps on, but what is much more important is who and with what feeling provided him with shelter and made his bed, and here he is very demanding: in a house where he is not sincerely welcome, he does not will be able to be physically present.
Malfunctioning chakra leads to heart and lung diseases, dystonia, bronchial asthma, sense of self, arrogance and hypocrisy, greed and grief.
Restoring the functioning of the chakra is accompanied by pain and tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, tearfulness, outbursts of hatred, and failures in love.
Type of damage: love spell, “crown of celibacy.”
“Egoistic Consciousness surrounds the heart like a wheel with twelve spokes, driven by karmic causes. This continuously rotating wheel of Consciousness (attention) stops only when self-realization (the true essence of a person) is achieved.”
Activation of this chakra leads to the balance of all other psycho-energy centers.
Without awakening the heart center, activation of any other center can create physical or emotional problems. The opening of the heart center indirectly contributes to the development of kindness, compassion, dispassion, calmness and other virtues that lay the foundation for the path of spiritual growth. When the heart center is activated, it becomes possible to hear the internal sound, which is “unstressed”, because is heard through the omnipresent vibration of the divine syllable "Om".

The power here is incredible. The seeker, through the control of anahata, has free access to the visible and invisible worlds. Time obeys him; space obeys him.
At the anahata center one can experience the deepest bliss of oneness; one experiences pure bliss. Anyone can look at a flower and feel pleasure, but we cannot fully perceive the intensity of pleasure that the flower embodies. But if the heart center is open and you look at the flower, instantly all this pleasure, all the beauty that the flower has, becomes yours. If a seeker looks at the vast ocean, within his heart he feels the vast ocean. He looks at the vast sky and he enters the sky, he becomes the sky. Everything immense, pure, divine, sublime that he sees, he can instantly feel as his own and he becomes it. There is no gap between what he sees and what he is. He becomes in his consciousness what he sees. This is not imagination. His heart is the divine heart which embodies the universal Consciousness. This spiritual heart is not the same heart that we find in our physical body. This spiritual heart is greater than the biggest heart. It is greater than the universal Consciousness itself. We always say that there can be nothing higher than universal Consciousness, but this is a mistake. The heart, the spiritual heart, contains the universal Consciousness. This center is very safe when we use it to identify with the immensity, with the beauty of nature.

1/2 transition

6. CHAKRA Christ.
Universal unconditional love for all life. Love for God.
Thymus“higher heart” is the energy portal of the heart chakra, in which light or energy emanations are experienced in essence as Unconditional Love. The heart chakra is also the chakra that controls the lungs. And the action of physical breathing activates the thymus and heart chakra. You may have noticed that when you are anxious, you can breathe very shallowly, even holding your breath. This prevents the heart chakra from opening and interferes with balance at this level. When you are in a state of deep relaxation, as in meditation, you breathe deeply and allow the Heart energy to flow smoothly, creating the feeling of deep peace and relaxation that are the hallmarks of meditation.
When you take a deep breath and focus on the heart chakra, you fill the system with the light energy of Unconditional Love. This in turn balances excess electrical stimulation in the pineal gland, providing a feeling of calm and peace.
The more you learn to breathe deeply, becoming a “mindful breather,” the more you activate the function of the thymus gland, which not only enhances the feeling of Unconditional Love, but also plays a significant role in the health of the body by supporting the physical immune system.

change of direction

7. KALA - chakra (Lower cervical vertebra). Planet - Proserpina.
The eight-petalled lotus, the basis of Hindu philosophy, is the designation of Kalachakra or the wheel of time, which is formed by eight spokes on which 28 constellations are located. Each of these spokes - in one of the cardinal directions (kendra) or intermediate (kona) - begins counting from the east and moves in a clockwise direction. Based on this, we have the ritual of Ashtamangala Kriya or the ritual of worshiping the deities and planets in the horoscope, before casting the Prashna (horary chart) or casting the horoscope.
The Teaching of the Kala Chakra is the use of primary energy (Teaching of Fire). Only through the Teaching of the Kala Chakra can one achieve the perfection of the shortest path. "The Kala Chakra rules Time. The main component of Tantra is Time.
A person has two phantoms - the phantom of Time and Ether. The human body is controlled by the phantom of Time (Karma) - the energy of Time suspended in space, which must be worked off. Karma is Time that we must live, outlive."
If a person on anahata feels the Divine presence in his food, then for a person of the kala chakra, food is the materialized God, and the very process of eating for him becomes a natural ritual, during which he eats God in the form of a certain dish. Of course, at this level, only certain fruits, grains and herbs are edible for humans, and then specially prepared, usually under the supervision of the corresponding egregor. The influence of this chakra is felt in almost all religions, which in a certain way limit possible products and regulate the process of cooking. The meaning of such rituals is the direct impact of the religious egregor on the etheric bodies of believers.
The sleep and rest of this person should take place in conditions sanctified by the high egregor: God should become his bed, the walls of the bedchamber, the canopy, the blanket and the sheet. A very high level of environmental cleanliness is required here, and such people rarely and with difficulty can live in the city.
Outwardly, the divine perfection of the etheric body is quite noticeable; it sounds like a hint in the plasticity of the best ballerinas and dancers, the precise gestures of talented actors and the graceful movements of athletes.

In the seven-chakra system, the Kala chakra and Vishuddha chakra are combined into one - the throat chakra.

8. VISHUDDHA CHAKRA, sixteen petal lotus, throat center. ( Chin).
Responsible for communication with the outside world, for the impact that our words have on other people. Controls memory and intelligence, speech and linguistic abilities. Its opening causes an intensification of the process of cleansing the body and its rejuvenation. Conversation, communication, creativity, understanding any speech in any language.
Vishuddha is also called the throat chakra. This is the second (after the sexual) creative center, the center of speech and hearing. We create through the voice, which serves as our means of communication. This is the first center that we control consciously.
It is important to feel responsible for how we speak and listen. If we hide, hold back, suppress or conceal our feelings, if we lie or simply hide the truth, then we pollute the throat chakra, and all our problems are concentrated in this area.
If the chakra is damaged, the following are possible: sore throat, runny nose, chest diseases, stuttering, throat and thyroid diseases and various speech disorders. Restoration of work can manifest itself as “a cold without a cold,” pain, sore throat, hoarseness, choking, stuttering, tongue-tiedness, communication problems, quarrels, scandals, deterioration of relationships with friends, relatives, and employees.
Type of damage: isolation from others, distorted perception of speech.

One who can control Vishuddha has the ability to convey divine messages to the world. Universal nature reveals its hidden secrets to him. Here nature bows to the seeker. He can stay young forever. The outside world obeys him. The inner world embraces him. We receive messages from various planes of consciousness. But when one receives messages from Vishuddhi, the message is sublime and lasting. When this center is open, a person receives direct messages from the Supreme and becomes the mouthpiece of the Supreme. He becomes a poet, singer or artist. All forms of art are expressed through this center. This center is open to many individuals. It functions according to the degree of opening, according to the level of development. There is very little risk in using this center. This is the soft center; it is not subject to disturbance from other centers.
Cm. .

9. TALU. (Palate). Lalana Center.
"The cavity of the Heavenly Reservoir lies in the palate, and since it is connected with the brain above, it allows Vitality to flow down and spread out. If the tip of the tongue touches the palate, then Vitality will accumulate in front of the Source cavity of Spirituality in Trikuta, which easily becomes an object of contemplation, always visible to the eyes when they are closed and turned back, heard by the ears when they listen, felt by the tongue that supports it and to which thoughts are always directed." “The Mysterious Path is in the action channel behind the Heavenly Pond in the sky.”

The 10th, 11th and 12th chakras focus on the pineal gland or project from the pineal gland.
"Pineal gland hollow and empty throughout life. It is the main organ of spirituality in the human brain, the seat of genius, which opens all approaches to the Truth to those who know how to use it. This organ is in a dormant state. The aura of the Pineal Gland responds to any impression; a person can only vaguely feel it, but cannot yet realize it.”
Six sensory rays emerge from the pineal gland.
1. Comes forward from the head, from the “Third Eye”;
2. goes back;
3. leaves the left hemisphere of the brain;
4. from the right hemisphere of the brain;
5. goes straight up through the chakra at the top of the head;
6. down along the neck.

10. AJNA - CHAKRA, “Third Eye”, two-petalled lotus, chakra of vision/knowledge. "Third Eye". ( Between the eyebrows).
"Projection of Images. Visions." Sacred geometry is the basis of the language of the Universe.
"Responsible for the internal balance between spiritual love and spiritual will - a balance that gives rise to extrasensory abilities. Controls the mind, vision of phenomena and comprehension of the patterns of the Subtle World. Its disclosure contributes to the expansion of Consciousness, advancement along the path of knowledge of the world and oneself, going beyond the wheel of Samsara" .
When the pineal gland "looks" or projects energy into the pituitary gland, it generates "Third Eye" perception.
Ajna - means “command”, controls the various states of concentration realized in the process of meditation, and controls the entire personality.
This chakra is primarily responsible for vision, but it is associated not with physical vision, but with what is called the sixth sense. It is the center of thinking, imagination, intuition, intelligence, certainty and vision, and has a single (inner) eye. Also responsible for dream states and hallucinations.
It is a lotus with two white petals between the eyebrows.
Ajna gives a person a feeling of the unity of all types of energy passing through the etheric body: this is the unity of a person and the food he eats in a single Divine cycle of the manifested world. At this level, service goes to several egregors at once and the rigidity of food requirements is usually reduced; however, a person digests them completely differently, and sometimes, without any particular negative consequences, he eats nothing at all (and at the same time hardly loses weight). But the exchange of the etheric body with the environment is very intense for this person, and it receives from there much more energy than in the case of the average person. Accordingly, man’s demands on the variety of natural conditions around him increase: he is unable to sit in a room or even in a palace, no matter how perfect. Here we can speak of an almost physiological need to bring to people the wisdom and unity of the world in religious, philosophical or poetic forms.
Problems with this chakra cause: headaches, unclear thoughts, difficulty concentrating, schizophrenia, intellectual inertia, detachment.

The one who controls the ajna chakra destroys his dark past, accelerates the arrival of a golden future and manifests the present in a bright image. His psychic and occult powers defy all limits; they are countless. The first thing a person does when the third eye is opened, if it is opened correctly, is to destroy the unenlightened, uninspired and undivine past. Now we see and experience. But there is a difference between our experience and the thing we experience. When ajna is open, however, we experience the thing itself. At this time, seeing and becoming come together. Looking itself is becoming and becoming is looking. For this reason, the disciple who has opened his third eye wants to destroy the past in his memory. Suppose in this life someone becomes a yogi. When he looks at his past incarnations, he sees that he was a thief, or something worse. Since he does not want to enter into this experience again now, he will try to destroy this part of his past. Now he has the necessary strength.
When he realizes God, the past is automatically destroyed. As I said before, when a person opens the third eye or any other center, it does not mean that he has realized God. When a person realizes God, the dark, impure or undivine past is illuminated and nullified immediately. At the moment of God-realization, enlightenment takes place. It's like walking out of a dark room into a lit room. Light comes where there was darkness before. God-realization is instant illumination.
Through the Ajna Chakra, the past can be destroyed and the future can be brought into today. If he knows that in ten years he is going to do something, achieve something or grow into something, then through the use of the third eye he can achieve that very thing today. He doesn't have to wait ten years, fifteen years, twelve years.
But if it brings future results into today, it can sometimes be dangerous. Many, many times it has happened that the future of an individual is very bright, very brilliant. But when the future is brought correctly into the present, the enormity of the results baffles and frightens one. The seeker is like a young elephant. He grows in strength and within ten years he becomes very powerful. But if this power comes now, there will be no receptivity, inner receptivity. Power comes, but it cannot be brought under control or it cannot be contained in a safe container. At this time, the force itself acts as an enemy and destroys the person who caused it. So there is a great danger when a person accepts the future and brings it into the present.
Let the present grow and play its role. The past played its role; now the present wants to play its part. Only in some cases God wants the seeker to make very rapid progress, instead of making systematic progress he can make extremely rapid progress. This is similar to the situation of a student in school. Sometimes a student does not pass all levels of primary school, basic school and higher school. Sometimes he skips stages. Also in spiritual life, if there is God's Will for the future to be brought into the past, then there is no danger. Otherwise there is a huge danger. Much can be achieved through the third eye. The third eye has what God, the unlimited Power, is. If the unlimited Power is misused by the third eye, then it is destruction. But if the third eye uses the unlimited, transcendental Power correctly and divinely, then it is a great blessing, the greatest blessing that humanity can imagine.

11. 45 degree chakra.
Projected onto the front area of ​​the skull between the “Third Eye” and the “Crown”.

1/2 transition

A wall located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the bottom wall.

12. SAHASRARA-PADMA - chakra, "Crown", Thousand-Petal ( crown), "Bram's Hole", "Fontanelle".
ENLIGHTENMENT, Cosmic Consciousness.
Responsible for the relationship between the inner and outer “I”, for maintaining spiritual balance. Crown chakra is located at the crown of the head and is open to the sky. Spiritual energy enters through the crown. Here the human communicates with higher levels of existence that lie beyond the limits of the human mind. Through it, the higher “I” contacts God.
When divine Energy rises from the lower center to the Sahasrara chakra, a radical change occurs in a person’s Consciousness: the barrier separating subject and object is eliminated, and the adept “enters” a state of perfect unity with the Universe.
Spirituality, insight, understanding, inner knowing. Divine omnipresence (Heaven) and freedom.
SAHASRARA - a thousand-petalled lotus, located at the height of four transverse fingers above the crown. Also called Brahmarandhra - the meeting place of Kundalini and Shiva. Its petals carry all the potential sounds represented by the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, fifty in each layer. The chakra synchronizes all colors, covers all feelings and all functions and unites everything in its energy.
He who truly and fully cognizes Sahasrara will not be reborn in samsara, because with such knowledge he will break all the fetters that tied him to it. His earthly state is limited to work on karma, which has already begun and is not completed. He is the possessor of all siddhis, liberated during life (Jeevanmukta) and achieves disembodied liberation (Moksha) or Videha Kaivalya upon the dissolution of his physical body. (Avalon).
The Shiva Samhita says:
102. The lotus, which is located in Brahmarandhra, is called Sahasrara (thousand-petalled). In space, the moon resides at its center. An elixir is constantly released from the triangular place. This lunar fluid of immortality flows continuously through Ida. The elixir flows in a stream - a constant stream. Going to the left nostril, it received the name “Ganga” from the yogis.
Brahmarandhra - “hole of Brahma” (i.e. fontanel).
145. I said earlier that there is a center of power (yoni) in the middle of Sahasrara. Below this is the moon. Let the wise contemplate this.
146. By meditating on it, the yogi becomes adored in this world and is respected by the gods and siddhas.
147. In the curve of his forehead let him contemplate the ocean of milk. From this place let him meditate on the moon which is in the Sahasrara.
148. In the bend of the forehead there is a moon containing nectar, which has 16 fingers (kal, i.e. full). Let him meditate on this flawless one. He sees her for three days due to constant practice. The practitioner burns away all sins just by seeing this.
149. The future opens up for him, his mind becomes pure and, although he could have committed five great sins, he destroys them in the moment of contemplating it.
Chakra malfunction leads to headaches, nervousness, various nervous and mental disorders to the point of complete insanity.

Sahasrara is a silent chakra that does not interfere with anything. She is like the oldest member of the family; doesn't touch anyone, and doesn't want to be touched. When this center is constantly open, infinite Bliss and inseparable oneness with the all-transcendent All are experienced. Man learns that he was never born and never died. He is always in contact with Infinity, Eternity, and Immortality. There are no proper terms for this; this is all reality. At this moment he sees himself as Eternity and he grows into Eternity; the next moment he sees himself as Infinity and grows into Infinity; in a few moments he sees himself as Immortality and grows into Immortality in his consciousness. And sometimes Infinity, Eternity, and Immortality all come together in his consciousness.
When the Sahasrara chakra is open, the Inner Pilot becomes a true friend. Here the Infinite and His chosen son become very good friends to fulfill a special mission according to their mutual manifestation. They share many secrets, millions of secrets in the glimmer of an eye. On the one hand, Father and Son rejoice in infinite Peace and Bliss; on the other hand they discuss world problems, universal problems, all in the blink of an eye. But their problems are not problems as such. Their problems are only experiences of their cosmic game.
Of all the centers, the highest, the most pacifying, the most soulful, the most fruitful is sahasrara. Here Infinity, Eternity and Immortality become one. The Source becomes one with the creation, and the creation becomes one with the Source. Here the knower and the Known, the lover and the Beloved, the slave and the Master, the son and the Father, all become one. Together, the Creator and creation transcend their Dreams and Reality. Their Dreams make them feel what they are, and their Reality makes them feel what they do. Reality and Dream become one.

DIVINITY (Over your head). Transition to the Fourth Dimension ().


1. MULADHARA - chakra.
Lack of faith in your own life force. Lack of desire to live. Anger towards those who are resilient and energetic. Denial of physical strength - what is it for, WE have a smart head. Depression. The desire to save life or run away.

2. SVADHISTHANA - chakra.
Inability to love the opposite sex. Blaming others to cover up one's own mistakes. Feelings of guilt and inferiority. Anger and desire to hurt others. Sex without feelings. Inability to derive satisfaction from sexual life and see passion in a sexual partner. Feeling ashamed of your partner or yourself. Fear that WE are not up to par. Disappointments in sexual life. Stubbornness and demandingness towards a partner. Suppressing your own passion. Containing your sexuality. Rejection of sexuality. WE don't have the strength to deal with such nonsense, work is more important. Fears related to sexuality. Attitude to sex as a vile, immoral activity that takes away strength. WE don't recognize that sex restores vitality and gives self-esteem. Denial of one's gender.

4. ANAHATA - chakra.
Upset love feelings - WE are not loved, WE are not worth love. Feeling guilty before a loved one. We are not reciprocated. Suppressed love. Everyone prevents US from living the way we should. The world is cruel, and the rule of the big and the strong reigns here. WE don't care about everything, and WE do what we want. WE live only by pushing ourselves, because it is necessary and we cannot expect anything better.

5. VISHUDDHA - chakra.
Problems in communicating with the world. Nervous assessment, feeling of helplessness. All the feelings that constrict your throat and make you choke on tears. Inability, inability to live your personal life, because someone or something is in the way. Inability to accept what life offers. Misunderstanding of your desires. Blaming others. The belief that everyone wants bad things for US. Nobody cares about US. Feeling rejected. Fear of failure. Defamation of others. Over-demanding.

6. AJNA - chakra.
Conflicts between the world of feelings and the world of reason. The desire to receive more. Touchiness. Dissatisfaction with your appearance. Helplessness in making or carrying out plans. The collapse of rosy plans. Beliefs that do not correspond to reality or are negative. Fear of responsibility. Reluctance to do either this or that. Protest against everything. Instability of feelings.

7. SAHASRARA-PADMA - chakra.
Lack of faith in your spirituality, and therefore in your abilities. Lack of self-confidence. Lack of peace of mind. Lack of life purpose. Fear of unearthly visions and dreams, since WE do not believe and thereby do not delve into the essence of OUR unearthly mental images.

The ego must learn to work in harmony with the heart and allow the Heart to be the Leader. Only then will you be ready to fully enter your HEART SPACE and be able to balance the energies and manifest what you desire. Often, so much of your energy resists what you want to manifest and what the Universe wants to give you that you exhaust yourself trying to hold on to old programs and beliefs.
The time has come to allow into your life the abundance of love and material wealth that the Stream of Divine Creative Consciousness wants to bestow upon you at this time. Chakras and Kundalini - an animated online meditation that allows you to revive the chakras with the rising energy of Kundalini.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

In the body of every person there are energy centers that are responsible for the manifestation of certain abilities and have a great influence on life, the sensual and emotional sphere of the individual.

If one of the chakras is closed or poorly developed, a person feels it - he cannot realize himself in any area of ​​life, or emotionally, that is, he lacks some traits that many attribute to character.

In fact, a person’s chakras can be stimulated by knowing their location and techniques for opening them. This can be done using simple methods at home, or you can develop the chakras through meditation, mantras and other practices. In this article we will look at the simplest and most effective methods.

Meaning of the word chakra

The vitality of the human physical body is supported by energy. In addition to the visible and tangible dense, each of the living has an energy body. It consists of:

  • chakras (energy vortexes of a certain localization and frequency);
  • nadis (channels for moving main energy flows);
  • aura (field of energy that permeates and surrounds the physical body).

The word "chakra" is borrowed from Sanskrit, where it means "wheel, circle."

Bioenergy depicts chakras in the form of continuously rotating disks or funnels formed by the energies of various high-frequency vibrations. The direction of movement of energy flows in neighboring chakras is opposite. With ordinary physical vision, they can be seen in Kirlian photographs that record the electromagnetic field of living organisms.

Energy chakras in the human body

These moving clots of energy, like antennas, perform two main functions:

  • capture, hold, transform the energies of the surrounding space and the individual himself;
  • redistribute and radiate the energies of the physical body, spirit, mind and emotions.

In Hindu traditions, these energy formations are depicted as a lotus flower of different colors with an unequal number of petals. In accordance with the frequency of energy vibrations, they are painted in the colors of the rainbow spectrum - from red (first, lower) to violet (seventh, upper chakra).

The first five chakras are associated with the five basic elements:

  • earth (red, muladhara);
  • water (orange, svadhisthana);
  • fire (yellow, manipura);
  • air (green, anahata);
  • ether (blue, Vishuddha).

The activity of certain chakras determines the temperament, character, abilities of an individual, and the palette of his feelings. Activation of a certain energy center increases the potential of its capabilities, often opening up new, unconventional abilities - siddhis (Sanskrit)

Projecting the etheric body onto the physical, we can say that the chakras are located along the spine. They are connected to each other by sushumna - a single energy channel, the projection of which on the dense plane is the spine.

Some of the yogic directions claim the connection of the chakras with the endocrine glands and plexuses of nerves. Consequently, the state of these energy vortexes directly affects the areas of the brain and spinal cord responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system.

Age when chakras begin to function

The functioning of each of the seven fundamental chakras determines different aspects of human fulfillment. Their imbalance leads to diseases that manifest themselves on the physical plane over time. It is known that all subtle human bodies are inextricably linked with the physical.

There is an opinion about the sequential opening of chakras with age. Based on this,

  • muladhara begins to function at the age of 7;
  • svadhisthana from 14;
  • manipura with 21;
  • anahata since 28 years old.

The three lower energy vortices ensure the existence of the physical and etheric body of the individual, fuel his instincts and materialistic aspirations.

The upper ones, starting with Vishuddhi, have a direct connection with the human astral body. The energetic frequency of their vibrations coincides with the lower limit of this body.

Properties of chakras

The word "chakra" translated from Sanskrit literally means "wheel, circle." The chakra is compared to a flower with its own color and many petals. A flower can be compressed, closed, curled into a bud, or it can bloom and open wide. The chakra can be curled up, but strong and strong, or it can be small and unnoticeable.

Chakras are a kind of antennas that receive and transmit their inherent energies. The energy flow from the Earth through the lower chakras flows to the higher ones. Simultaneously with the flow of the Earth, under certain conditions, we are able to receive the energy flow of the Cosmos through the upper chakra, which flows to the lower chakras.

Everyone has chakras and develops. In ordinary people they are in a passive state, but, like all living things, they have a tendency to develop and gradually become more active. There are many special practices and exercises that contribute to the rapid opening and activation of the chakras.

  1. In a healthy person, the chakras usually work to absorb energy.
  2. In a patient or in a critical situation, they can work to release energy.

The teaching of chakras is the basis of most schools of psychic psychics, but since we are dealing with a little-explored area, there is a lot of disagreement on this issue between different schools.

  • Chakras are associated with special properties of human personality and behavior, i.e. positive and negative character traits, various abilities, activation of certain sense organs.
  • The chakras are directly connected to certain physical organs of a person, therefore each of the chakras is characterized by a certain effect on the general condition of a person.
  • The chakras are associated with areas of the brain and spinal cord that control the endocrine system—the endocrine glands that produce hormones.
  • With a certain configuration of the body, each hormone causes the appearance of superpowers of its type.

The main functions of the chakras: providing the physical body with energy, communication with the corresponding subtle bodies, and therefore with the corresponding Planes of Existence, the psychological interaction of a person with the environment, the fulfillment by a person of the tasks undertaken.

Types and description of chakras

In total, a person has 7 main energy centers. Their schematic location is shown in the figure.

To understand what it takes to open the chakras, you need to know the purpose of each energy center. Let's briefly talk about the meaning of each of them, and when disclosure is necessary.

Muladhara makes you survive

The physical body is animal nature. The body is connected to the earth, and the function of the first chakra is to survive. Muladhara contains the primordial instincts: to eat, to dress, to take shelter, to protect oneself. Sexual desire at this level is primitive - the desire to procreate, like in animals.

Developed mulahara helps to connect with the earth in the global sense of the word. If you come to a new place and feel strong energy, it means that the place is charging you, and you will receive even more energy. There are places that take away energy. They must be avoided.

How do you know if a chakra is balanced?

  1. If you constantly feel in danger, then this is the first sign of imbalance.
  2. The threat of loss of shelter, restrictions in food or clothing - this is what will make muladhara manifest itself so strongly that you cannot even think about anything else.
  3. When you are very hungry, you will no longer be interested in whether you like the dish; you will eat it with great pleasure.
  4. That's how strong the first chakra is - it turns off all your whims just so you survive.

Imbalance of the first chakra is a constantly generated fear of lack of vital things. While you are producing this fear, you can forget about working on the other chakras. It's impossible to think about music when your stomach is empty.

An endless search for security is not the answer. But, by the way, this is exactly what we do - we are constantly looking for safety. You can stock up on food for several months in advance, buy an expensive alarm system, and save money to the point of absurdity. When defense goes beyond what is reasonable, you can be sure that your fear is controlling you.

No amount of external defense will help you calm this fear. You need to work with the awareness that you are always under the protection of higher powers. Achieve this by seeking inner peace, prayer, meditation. The belief that higher powers will protect you, no matter what, is so inspiring that you calm down internally and can move on.

Svadhishthana teaches pleasure

The second orange chakra is the search for pleasure. It guides the desire to please, maintain one’s attractiveness, and feel and experience a range of emotions. Feelings are her professional sphere.

If muladhara is focused on maintaining life, then svadhishthana requires that you also receive pleasure at the same time.

When there is no balance in the chakra, you will not only strive for beneficial experiences, but you will also try sensations that destroy you.

  • The danger lies in the fact that svadhishthana is always hungry. She is insatiable, and so are you.
  • In the red chakra it is fear, in the orange it is gluttony.
  • You can easily cross the fine line from love to lust, from enjoying food to gluttony, etc.

Salvation is in the control of pleasures. Learn to immerse yourself in pleasures in order to be satiated with them, to feel pleasure in every cell of the body, otherwise it will turn into a destructive addiction. When the chakra is balanced, any experience turns into sensual pleasure, which means there is something to wake up for.

Svadhisthana is the place of addiction. It is impossible to fight them, but you cannot put up with them either, otherwise there will be total destruction. Meditation allows you to accept destructive desires with full awareness of them.

One of the pitfalls of addiction is unawareness. Pleasure without it plunges you into bliss, a sleep from which you don’t want to get out. You do not give up a pleasant experience, but you do not become a slave to it, rather, you are in co-creation with it.

If the state of your second chakra is unbalanced, then you will always seek pleasure, but this run will never end, because you will not achieve the goal - feeling. Problems with excessive absorption of destructive substances or actions always indicate an imbalance of svadhisthana.

Excessive expressiveness and hot temper with negative consequences for oneself and others is another manifestation of imbalance.

Manipura gives strength

The third chakra is where principles and beliefs are born. With their help, the power of influencing oneself and others in a certain way of life accumulates. It is manipura that says “no” or “yes” if you are offered a new solution. The inability to refuse or agree is a sure sign of chakra imbalance.

  • The influence of the outside world is limitless, but developed manipura protects you from aggressiveness. With a developed will, you will not follow the lead of those who dream of enslaving you.
  • Developing self-control is the main direction of working with the yellow chakra. It determines whether you will be able to stop enjoying pleasure and whether you will be able to survive as an individual under pressure.

An imbalance in manipura threatens either excessive use of one’s strength or weakness of will.

  1. In the first case, you drive yourself into a framework of constant combat readiness, expecting a new trick from life.
  2. In the second, you will follow the lead of others, which will cause you to lose your own guidelines.

For the yellow chakra, the danger is adrenaline addiction, when you constantly assert yourself, achieve small aggressive victories, and this generates a constant rush of adrenaline. The hormone causes a powerful surge of energy and now you can no longer do without this doping. Meanwhile, your loved ones are suffering next to you, and you yourself cannot find your place in life while you are struggling with those who are unequal to you in terms of energy.


Anger is something you have to deal with. He will very often interfere with your attempts to balance.

  1. As for the second extreme point of imbalance - weakness of will - the role of the victim is also destructive.
  2. You constantly feel guilty, you cannot refuse, you curry favor with others in order to stay in your place.
  3. The feeling of helplessness rules your life, and with such baggage, your goals cannot be realized.
  4. If you want to be good to everyone and always, then you need to work with the third chakra.

You can find this delicate balance between an excessively strong will and its complete absence only within yourself. Listen to your heart when you are trying to understand whether you need to push or, on the contrary, let go of the reins. If you rely on logical principles, you will fall into a trap. No one will tell you what is right, these answers are always inside.

Anahata will ask you to love

Until now, at the level of the three chakras, we felt our loneliness. Birth in the material world, the search for pleasure and the manifestation of the will to bend, in the good sense of the word, one’s life line. At the level of the green chakra of love, we feel unity with the world.

Love is the driving force that directs a person to achieve his plans. Only if you turn off fear and allow love to rule your mind, can you achieve your goal.

  • If you manage to find balance at the level of the fourth chakra, you will thereby balance the material and spiritual aspects of your life.
  • Anahata is the meeting place of collective consciousness and personal consciousness.

There is nothing selfish in true love, it is the love of a mother for her child - to give everything and not demand anything in return. An awakened anahata allows you to enjoy the little things while realizing the big things.


When you are driven by love, you no longer see enemies in those around you, you no longer defend yourself, but seek co-creation.

  1. Signs of an imbalance in the fourth chakra are sentimentality.
  2. It is very easy for such people to have their hearts broken, and this divides.
  3. There is no balance in the desire to give, secretly wanting a good relationship in return.

When love turns into a need, you forget about your own source of love and begin to look for it in others. But this is a road to nowhere. Even if all the people in the world say they love you, you will still remain hungry, because true love is only inside.

You can work with the green chakra through meditation, but look around - how many situations teach you balance. They play on your sympathy, force you to open up, lose trust, and feel abandoned. Going through trials and not becoming embittered is the path to balance in the area of ​​the heart chakra.

Vishuddha says: create

The sky blue chakra teaches creativity. You don’t have to be an artist or be involved in show business to discover your original potential. You may be a machinist, but if you truly love your work, you will bring something new and definitely important to it - you will make a small discovery.

This is a way to tell the world about your Self and manifest it. But none of this can be achieved if you deny your own uniqueness.

  • The inability to control the fifth chakra leads to stagnation of energy and this destroys all potential. Anxiety, nervousness, lack of control - all these are accompanying factors of wasted energy.
  • Creation is the ability to harness energy and express yourself in a piece of clay. If you feel like “it” is great, you have succeeded. When you cope with the flow of energy, you are illuminated, inspiration comes and the Universe writes books through you, plays music, improves the life of the planet, and not in order to make life safer, but because it is good.

Creativity is always here. Thoughts, ideas - all of this is hanging over you right now and is just waiting for you to grab it and materialize something beautiful. But the purpose of the fifth chakra is not only to create for pleasure, but to encourage others to make quantum leaps of consciousness. When you lead by example, it inspires people to do the same. The collective consciousness moves through the Cosmos on the path of its development in precisely these small steps when you do something beautiful.


This is why work that is not enjoyable creates unhappiness. You are not following your own path, you are not doing what you would like, what you are striving for. This is your Self telling you that it’s time to take the right road.

  1. Imbalance of the fifth chakra is indulging in the established when you need to take the next step.
  2. This is submissive agreement with your father when he orders you to study to become a lawyer, and you secretly dream of writing poetry.
  3. You need to understand that you can and that the Universe will not leave you without support if you follow your own path, so scary at first glance, untrodden and, probably, dangerous, but that’s the beauty of it.

Ajna knows that magic exists

The blue chakra will never agree with the gray reality. She sees all the creative potential, knows how much amazingness is hidden around and constantly reminds you of it. The imbalance can be read in the desire to go into the world of dreams, to reach peaks not in this reality, leaving the material world unattended.

We will always strive to see God, this cannot be taken away from us, but if we turn the desire into fanatical zeal, then a distortion arises and now you are not serving God at all.

The main task of ajna is to discipline the spiritual will. In some ways, this is similar to the development of will at the level of the third chakra, but there you work with the material world, and here with the spiritual.

Spiritual will is the ability to control reality. You materialize what you want precisely at this level, controlling higher matters. Being able to channel your creative energy mentally is a great art, it is real magic.

For most people, their own imagination is the real enemy, a very dangerous one. You yourself probably know that good will definitely be followed by bad, and these are all programs that you launch with your own creative energy.

By achieving the development of the third eye, you influence reality. Don’t think that this is so inaccessible, it is only unconscious, but everyone has it to one degree or another. So, having this power, but suffering from fears, you can do all sorts of other things.

Sahasrara - pure spirituality

The seventh chakra is cosmic energy, the intention of incarnation.

The danger of imbalance destroys the minds of people. They say that enlightened people who stumble or want to achieve results too quickly end up in mental hospitals. This once again proves that you need to move progressively, listening to your heart and Higher mind, and not your own ego.

  • Having achieved balance at the level of the seventh chakra, you can hear God within yourself, and this is an eternal and pure source of right answers, fearlessness and the true path.
  • There is no point in talking too much about the development of this chakra; achieving the balance of Sahasrara lies in balancing the previous six chakras.

So, human chakras and their opening and purification are not only meditation and reading mantras, but also working with life situations, self-development, every new decision made. The more you understand your daily life, the calmer you become internally.

How to understand that chakras are closed

Indeed, how can you recognize a person with clogged energy flows? They are often closed in people who are bogged down in negative emotions. Find out about the state of affairs in your body by answering the questions below, corresponding to the purpose of each chakra. They answered “yes” - the energy center is working, “no” - it is closed.

Muladhara - lower, root. In the physical body - the perineal area in men, the cervix in women. Indicated in red.

Closed Muladhara chakra

  1. Do you feel within yourself the physical activity and health necessary for achievement?
  2. Do you feel a strong desire to live?
  3. Do you love your body? Do you value it as the highest treasure?
  4. Are you an energetic and courageous person?

Svadhisthana is sacred. In the physical body - the sacral plexus. Indicated by a golden-red (orange) color.

  1. Would you call your sex drive healthy?
  2. Do you feel masculine/feminine? Sexy/sexy?
  3. Can you express yourself sexually? Do you know how to give and receive pleasure?

Closed chakra Manipura

Manipura - solar plexus. In the physical body it is located behind the navel. Indicated in yellow.

  1. Do you know your desires? Can you express them?
  2. Are you able to make decisions and act?
  3. Are you aware of your emotions? Can you control them?
  4. Are you emotionally balanced?

Anahata - heartfelt. In the physical body it is located near the heart. Indicated in green.

  1. Do you love yourself? Friends? Relatives?
  2. Do you know how to accept others with their shortcomings?

Closed chakra Vishuddha

Vishuddha - throat. In the physical body - the middle of the throat. Indicated in blue (cyan) color.

  1. Is it easy for you to voice your thoughts?
  2. Do you perform specific tasks to achieve health, happiness, success?
  3. Are you responsible for your life?

Ajna is the third eye. In the physical body, the top of the spinal column. Colorless or silver-gray.

  1. Do you have creative ideas and the habit of implementing them?
  2. Do you know how to set realistic, achievable goals?

Sahasrara - crown. In the physical body - the crown. Indicated in white.

  1. Do you have a sense of belonging to something big and good?
  2. Do you have a feeling of connection with God/The Universe?
  3. Are there specific goals and intentions in your life?

Have you received a lot of negative responses? It's time to start studying the question of how to open the chakras yourself at home.

Working with chakras for the lazy

To activate and purify the energy of the subtle body, surround yourself with certain symbolic objects and bring into your mind the belief that they truly have the ability to purify and energize. You can call it the placebo effect or self-hypnosis - the main thing is the result.

The method is ideal for real sloths; it certainly stimulates them to begin the process of renewal by making changes to the outside world. After all, a person has the ability to both create and absorb the energy of the external world and surrounding everyday objects. Let's begin!


Wear plain clothes in the color of the chakra and with its symbolic image. It is not necessary to do this every day. You can simply prepare a separate wardrobe for yoga and meditation.


Fill your home with objects that are associated with chakras, enlightenment, vitality - paintings, dream catchers, mandalas, pleasant fabrics, carpets.


Each chakra has its own stone, corresponding to its color and energy.

  • The first chakra is jasper;
  • the second is carnelian;
  • third - tiger's eye;
  • the fourth is malachite;
  • fifth - aquamarine;
  • sixth - amethyst;
  • the seventh is rock crystal.

If the body does not accept the crystal, this is evidence of unsatisfactory functioning of the energy center.

Sacred images

Henna drawings depicting oriental symbols allow you to get closer to peace and tune in to working with internal sensations, experiences, and misconceptions.

You can draw them yourself, ask friends for help, or apply chakra symbols with special stamps.


It is impossible to open all human energy centers without proper nutrition, which can fill you with exclusively the right energy. The vegetarian diet of Indian monks is the best path to cleansing.


Surround yourself with pleasant smells, buy a lamp for aromatic oils, special sticks.

Choose scents according to the energy centers being worked on:

  1. first chakra - clove, juniper;
  2. the second - patchouli, sandalwood;
  3. third - lemon, chamomile;
  4. fourth - geranium, rose;
  5. fifth - rosemary, sage (pharmacy medicine that doctors use to treat throat diseases);
  6. sixth - jasmine, mint;
  7. seventh - lotus, incense.


They can be classified as interior items and a method of aromatherapy, but I put them in a separate category because of the fire present in them. A flame lit during reflection or meditation will certainly bring peace, fill you with new strength and become a symbol of working with the chakras.


Listening to monotonous music will make it easier to fall into a trance state and stop the flow of thoughts.

This could be a recording of monks singing mantras, the sound of a shaman's tambourine, singing metal bowls, or any other melody that helps to separate from the material world and feel deep experiences.

Opening the chakra through meditation and practices

How to open the chakras yourself using pranayamas

If you are interested in how to open the chakras on your own, pranayama will be useful for you. These are special breathing exercises practiced by yogis. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are aimed not only at the physical, but also at the subtle, energetic body of a person.

To work with the chakras, square pranayama is traditionally practiced.

  • Starting position - lotus, half-lotus, sitting cross-legged or Siddhasana.
  • You need to breathe with full yogic breathing, inhale for four counts, hold your breath for four counts while inhaling, exhale for four counts, and immediately after it inhale again.
  • Each energy center has one breathing cycle. The exercise is repeated three times.

Starting from the lower energy center, Muladhara chakra, one should concentrate energy at the appropriate points. At the same time, it is necessary to feel in their area what corresponds to the activation and disclosure of each of them:

  1. Muladhara - warmth, sometimes slight heat.
  2. Svadhisthana - each person can describe the feeling of working on Svadhisthana in their own way. Sometimes it's just a feeling of warmth, and sometimes it's something akin to sexual arousal.
  3. Manipura - pulsation, similar to a pulse.
  4. Anahata - the pulsation of the heart becomes louder and more distinct.
  5. Vishuddha - warmth and pulsation.
  6. Ajna - pulsation behind the frontal bone, feeling of fullness.
  7. Sahasrara - pulsation in the upper part of the skull.

Square pranayama can be done in combination with other yoga exercises, for example, cleansing breathing and many others. To some extent, all pranayamas have a positive effect on the state of energy, like most yoga techniques, they are aimed not only at the development of the physical body. Yoga for the development of chakras is beneficial for both body and spirit.

Opening the chakras using yantras

One of the answers to the question of how to harmonize the chakras and contribute to their opening may be yantras. Each human energy center corresponds to a specific yantra - a sacred geometric symbol. Yantras are used by Buddhists in meditation.

  1. They are very easy to use - you can open the image on your computer, or you can print it, or buy a higher quality image in an esoteric store.
  2. You should contemplate the chakra symbolism for about 15 minutes, turning away from extraneous thoughts.
  3. You can combine work with yantras with breathing exercises.

Each chakra corresponds to certain problems in life, and by contemplating the yantras, you can get rid of them. Muladhara Yantra will help get rid of fear, anxiety and paranoid tendencies. In addition, it awakens the Kundalini energy and has a beneficial effect on other energy concentration points.

  • Contemplation of the Swadhisthana yantra allows you to work out problems in the sexual sphere at a subtle level. But this does not mean that you will get rid of them completely.
  • Manipura Yantra energizes and tones the body. It is useful to use before complex rituals that require a lot of energy. This yantra helps to fight diseases with the body’s strength, tune in to difficult work and increase productivity.
  • Anahata Yantra helps in developing the ability to give and receive love. It has a beneficial effect on this point, cleansing and opening it. This helps you perceive the world as less hostile, and also learn to communicate with people while enjoying it.
  • The Vishuddhi Yantra develops creative abilities, and we are not just talking about self-expression through art. This could be an innovative business idea or fresh solutions in housekeeping. In addition, the one contemplating the Vishuddhi Yantra will learn to clearly express his thoughts and gain harmony with the Universe.

  • The Sri Yantra is formed by the mutual intersection of triangles in two directions: four points upward, symbolizing the male principle, and five points downward, symbolizing the female principle.
  • Contemplation of the Ajna Yantra can open the ability to clairvoyance. People who are interested in developing spirituality or dream of becoming psychics cannot do without it. Yantra has a beneficial effect not only on the state of Ajna, but also on the human energy system as a whole.
  • There is a Sri Yantra, which is considered universal when working with energy. Its image contains the symbolism and colors of all human energy centers. Contemplation of this yantra has a beneficial effect on the subtle body and energy flows of a person.

How to open the chakras - work on yourself

Few people know how to harmonize the chakras without Eastern attributes, meditation and yoga techniques. This can be done simply by working on yourself, eliminating your own shortcomings and getting rid of psychological problems.

  • Traditionally, work on energy recovery begins with lowest point, Muladharas.
  • Only after you have completed the work completely can you move on to the next energy center located above.

As a rule, conscientious work with one chakra takes at least a week.

Muladhara is blocked by fear. In order to remove the block, you need to look your fear in the eye and overcome it. Face your fears and let them go.

Svadhisthana is blocked by guilt. Listen to yourself and you will find this hidden feeling. Analyze it, understand what situation your guilt is associated with. Think about the situation, forgive yourself and let go of the feeling you don’t need.

Manipura is blocked by prejudice. Analyze your worldview and say goodbye to them.

Anahata requires positive thinking, learning compassion and love for people, developing kindness and warmth.

Vishuddha is blocked by lies. Learn to tell the truth, do not deceive yourself and other people. This doesn't mean you have to share your secrets. You may refuse to talk about anything you wish to keep private. Either remain silent or tell the truth.

Ajna is blocked as a result of living with illusions and not accepting yourself or any situations that have happened in your life. Learn to correctly assess yourself and your capabilities. Perceive the world as it is, without creating illusions.

Sahasrara is blocked by excessive attachment to material things. But this does not mean that you should throw away all your things and go to a monastery.

  1. If you have lost something or value that is dear to you, let it go in peace.
  2. There is no need to get depressed over a broken phone or money loss.
  3. Think about how you could avoid this in the future, don't focus on the negative.

How to Unblock Chakras with Meditation

So, how to open your chakras through meditation and energy exercises?

  1. The first thing you have to learn - stopping internal dialogue. This skill comes with practice.
  2. The second is visualization, without which in the initial stages it is very difficult to work with energy flows. It is better to work with one energy point, and after eliminating problems with it, move on to another.

The simplest way to work with a person's chakras and their opening is to direct energy to the chakra for its growth and healing. This is done through the process of meditation. Take a comfortable position and imagine moving energy to the area where there are problems.

If you have problems with the supply of personal strength, for which Manipura is responsible, you need a source of energy.

  • For believers who are directly related to the Christian egregor, the church is best suited.
  • It is quite possible to meditate in church; the rest of those present will decide that you are reading a prayer to yourself.
  • In this case, you need to ask God for energy for healing and growth of the chakras.
  • You can go to another place of power, which could be a river bank, a forest, or other places that resonate with you. In this case, you need to ask the power of nature for help.

Mental conversation with a chakra is also a type of meditation. Take a comfortable position and visualize the energy node with which you will communicate. Try to feel it. It can be warm or slightly cool, sometimes vibration is felt, there are other sensations - the main thing is that they exist. After this, tell the chakra about your desires and plans for the future. Put only positive emotions into this monologue.

During meditation, you can chant and listen to mantras. There are special mantras for the chakras that help in their cleansing and opening. These are healing sounds that have a positive effect on a person’s well-being in a subtle way.

Stones and aromas corresponding to each chakra will also be useful assistants, do not underestimate them. Music to harmonize the chakras, as experts note, helps a lot in such meditations.

Asanas for opening chakras

Each chakra has its own special asana.

Newcomers to the world of yoga often strive to find special to open the chakras. In fact, all asanas and pranayama contribute to the development of the human subtle body. Yoga is aimed at healing and developing both the physical body and energy structure, and even the growth of spirituality.

At the same time, there are still asanas that correspond to the seven chakras of a person. They are carried out strictly according to the instructions written by the author with a good reputation. While performing such asanas, it is necessary to concentrate attention on the chakras to which they correspond:

  1. Muladhara - Bandrasana, or butterfly pose.
  2. Svadhisthana - Pashchimotsana.
  3. Manipura - Navasana, or hanging.
  4. Anahata - Gomukhasana, or cow pose.
  5. Vishuddha - Ushtrasana.
  6. Ajna - Matsyendrasana.
  7. Sahasrara - Shirshasana, or headstand.

It is advisable to perform asanas to open the chakras in combination with other yoga asanas and pranayamas. There are many complexes compiled by experienced yogis. They are designed for different health conditions and fitness levels.

Cleaning the chakras yourself - a selection of methods

Cleaning the chakras yourself using your hands can be done if you already have similar experience. Typically, these methods are used by healers and psychics. You must be able to feel the energy with your hands, which comes with experience for almost everyone. In order to cleanse the chakras, you need to feel with your hands the area where the negativity is located and extract it, dispersing it in the air or sending it into the ground.

Cleaning the chakras with runes is extremely popular. The method is relatively simple, since it does not require the ability to see auras or feel the energy of a person. But here experience in working with runes is desirable, and this means precisely the use of runes in magic, and not fortune telling with them.

The runic stave “Chakra Pillar” quite quickly and gently removes blocks from the chakras - both those formed by the person himself, and those that appeared as a result of damage and other magical interventions. But there is also a drawback - this stave will remove the protection if you set it, as well as the influence of other staves, recently performed rituals, and much more.

How to use runes to cleanse chakras?

  1. Staves can be glued to the chakra areas with adhesive tape and drawn on with a marker or henna.
  2. You can apply runes to a photo of a person who needs to cleanse the chakras.
  3. If unpleasant physical symptoms are present during cleansing, this means that there are serious blocks in the chakras.
  4. These symptoms should not be scary; they indicate the beginning of cleansing and unblocking of energy centers.

In general, the development of chakras is available to every person. This process will not require much effort from you. There are techniques developed by Indian yogis and sages that will help you achieve progress. In order to get rid of blocks, chakras must be cleansed using runes or other methods. Cleaning and opening the chakras is necessary for both a novice magician and an ordinary person who is concerned about his energy health.

Chakra restoration

For a person, healthy chakras are of great importance, therefore, if damaged, they require mandatory restoration and sometimes even treatment. Remember that this is of no small importance.

  • Stand facing east, relax, focus on your breathing.
  • Draw the following picture in your head: your body is surrounded by an energy cocoon with two openings - below and above.
  • Draw in your imagination an energy ray that enters through the bottom and penetrates the body through the feet, reaching Muladhara. Stop, feel the warmth and pulsations in it.
  • Feel the energy rising, stop at each center and mentally activate it.
  • The energy beam must destroy all blocks encountered along the way.
  • Pay attention to your sensations, feel how the energy spreads throughout the body, saturating every organ with warmth.

Your task is to move energy unimpeded all the way to Sahasrara. Many people draw pictures in their heads of, so to speak, unnecessary objects, perceiving them as a certain problem or failure. Imagine that all negativity is destroyed by an energy beam.

Exercises for opening the chakras, their cleansing and harmonization contribute to a positive perception of the world, health, mental stability, and the ability to overcome difficulties without destroying oneself. But all this is possible only with the use of proven techniques and a great desire to know yourself and find your own path.

A person is an energy-informational entity, that is, a subtle energy system that tends to transform and modify the world around it. When a person realizes himself as an energy system, then the entire range of spectral perception of our World opens up to him. Otherwise, people limit not only themselves, but also the perception of the World around them. That is why it is said: “Do not reject the unknown and inexplicable, but try to know the unknown, and explain the inexplicable.” For the Gods help those striving for knowledge of wisdom. The energy system is the connecting link between a person and the world around him.

The human energy system is the chakra energy system. In the chakras of the human body, the subtlest energies of the Cosmos are transformed into mental energy, which ensures human mental activity, expressed in feelings, emotions, images, volitional impulses and actions.

All chakras can be in one of three main states: neutral, emitting or absorbing energy. The subtle energy structure of the radiating chakra is a right-handed spiral with an increased pitch, and the absorbing one is a left-handed spiral tapering downwards. In a healthy and harmonious state of any organism, the potential of the energy-absorbing chakras must be balanced by the potential of the chakras emitting energy, that is, the system must be in a neutral state. The range of vibration of the energy of the chakras located along the spine forms a kind of octave that characterizes a given person and the level of activity of his centers. Man reacts to exactly the same range of cosmic vibrations. And the production of psychic energy and mental activity of a person largely depend on the level of vibrations of the chakras.

There are two types of chakra systems: Eastern – 7 chakra And Slavic – 9 chakra.

In ancient times, our ancestors taught the eastern peoples the Ancient Wisdom. Taking into account the peculiarities of the channels of perception of these peoples, for accessible understanding the chakra system was simplified to 7 chakras. This energy system is still used by all eastern peoples.

The first chakra is called MULADHARA

Streams of energy pass through it for rough physical work. Location: coccyx.

Figurative meaning:

MU - the world of joy, sound, the beginning of life.

LAD – harmonious state.

HA – positive energy.

RA – light, radiance.

Muladhara– the place where life of harmonious positive energy begins.

The color of the chakra is red, the sound is the note Do.

Second chakra SVADHISTHANA

Figurative meaning:

SVA is heaven.

D – action.

HI - lunar streams.

STAN – gathering place.

A is a measure.

Svadhisthana- celestial acts where lunar streams gather in one place.

This chakra processes the energies of other vital entities and produces energy exchange between a man and a woman. Located in the genital area. The color of the chakra is orange. The sound is the note D.

Third chakra MANIPURA

Figurative meaning:

MANI – open space, the energy of the surrounding outer space.

PU – absorption.

RA – radiance.

Manipura– absorbing the radiance of the energy of the surrounding outer space.

Through it, a person receives the cosmic energy of life. Location: solar plexus. The color of the chakra is yellow. The sound is the note E.

Fourth chakra ANAHATA

Figurative meaning:

ANA – creativity, creation.

HA – positive energy.

TA – approved by the Gods.

Anahata– the positive force of creative creation, approved by the Gods.

Through it a person receives creative energy. Located in the heart area. The color of the chakra is green. The sound is the note Fa.

Fifth chakra VISHUDHA

Figurative meaning:

VISH is the highest system, Vishnu.

UD – feelings.

Vishuddha– a place through which the positive energy of sensory images flows.

It is located in the area of ​​the larynx, its upper point is the tip of the nose.

The color of the chakra is blue. The sound is the note Sol.

Sixth chakra AJNA

Figurative meaning:

A – beginning, source, man.

D – deeds.

F – life.

N – ours.

A – highest.

Ajna- these are actions in the highest sphere of human life, which means looking into another dimension, state.

Through it, a person receives energy without sensory coloring, in a figurative form.

The color of the chakra is blue. The sound is the note A.

Seventh chakra SAHASRARA

Figurative meaning:

SA – movement, radiation.

HA – positive force, energy.

S – word, compound.

RA – radiance.

Sahasrara is a driving, radiating force that connects two radiances: the words of man and the energy of Life from the Gods.

The color of the chakra is purple. The sound is the note B.

In the northern part of India there are temples where the most enlightened priests use the Slavic nine-fold system. In addition to the seven main chakras, they have two more: SURMA chakra - solar breathing, and CHANDRA chakra - lunar breathing. According to their teachings, these two chakras are responsible for relationships with the Ancestors.

The Slavic energy system contains 37 main chakras, 9 of which are dominant and divided into three structures, and 28 are decisive. All together they create an energy cross:

Man generates energy from air, water and food, as well as from the outside - from the Sun and Earth. The movement of upward flows and downward flows of energy is represented in the energy cross. This energy interacts with the chakras, which energize our organs. And our health depends on feeding our organs with energy. We get 10% of our energy from the food we eat. This energy is only enough to maintain the body in a certain shape and move in space. For all other actions we use the energy of the Sun and Earth. In dreams we receive the remaining 90% of life energy. in the consumption of foods containing large amounts of energy. We are nourished not by the foods we eat, but by the energy they contain. The heart carries this energy to all organs with the help of blood. Meat-eaters have a large belly because meat products contain very little energy and there is a need to eat large amounts of food. The body spends much more energy on digesting meat than it extracts from it, so when you eat meat, you feel heavy and want to rest. Perishable plant foods are more energy-rich than those that are stored for a long time. By consuming these foods, the body spends less energy digesting them and extracts more energy for the body. Therefore, vegetarians do not have big bellies and live an order of magnitude longer than meat eaters.

Men produce masculine energy, and women produce feminine energy. There is a constant exchange and replenishment of these energies. Men are fueled by feminine energy – the energy of the Earth. Women are fueled by male energy - the energy of the Sun. Feeding with these energies is called the energy cross system. Men emit their energy, and women absorb energy. Conduct this experiment: take any thing belonging to a man and a woman. Place your hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from this thing and feel the radiation from them. A man's item will radiate energy into the hand, while a woman's item will draw energy from the hand. Those who do not feel energy may have sensations of heat or cold. And now about how energy replenishment manifests itself. If, for example, a man does not receive the required amount of female energy, this leads to the fact that he begins to artificially replenish it. What does this mean? Watch small children who love to get dirty. And if there is a puddle nearby, then they will definitely get into it and get dirty so that they will not be recognized later. Why is this happening? Feminine energy is the energy of the Earth. The child’s consciousness replenishes feminine energy, actively interacting with the Earth. That's why he is drawn to the mud for energy replenishment. Most parents do not understand this and punish their children for such actions, but a child simply cannot receive the feminine energy of the Earth in any other way. If parents gave the child the opportunity to run barefoot for at least 15 minutes every day in any weather and in any season of the year, then he would no longer need to count puddles and get smeared in mud. A girl child is fueled by the male energy of the Sun, so she needs as much time as possible in the fresh air.

This energy exchange also explains the fact that boys are more drawn to their mother, and girls - to their father. Growing up and becoming adults, they begin to be drawn to each other. Violation of Solar and Earth energy exchange leads to diseases of our body.

We have looked at the energy cross, now let's look at Slavic energy system.

9 main chakras:

1 – Source.

2 – Germ.

3 – Belly.

4 – Percy.

5 – Lada.

6 – Lelya.

7 – Mouth.

8 – Brow.

9 –Spring.

The first three chakras (1-3) are low energy chakras, bodily, nourish our body. People who live on the energy of these three chakras are trinity people who live by primitive instincts (sleep, food, drink, etc.), we have already examined their characteristics in the topic of human consciousness. The lower chakras provide connection with Nature, childbirth, and continuation of the Family.

The next three chakras (4-6) are chakras of medium energies. They are responsible for creativity, which is guided by the Soul. That's why they say: made with the Soul. A person who has these 6 chakras active is called Soulful, they say about him that he is a Soul-man.

The next three chakras (7-9) are chakras of high and super high energies, which are responsible for the Spirit of man. When a person has all 9 dominant chakras active, he is called Spiritual. Spiritual people give us the opportunity to look at the World from the outside and understand the structures of the transcendental World.

But the most important thing is that Nature, with the full opening of all energy centers, did not program the launch of the aging system in humans.

There are another twenty-one minor energy centers that are not mentioned much in the literature. The two centers are located in front of the ears, at the junction of the jaws; two - directly under the nipples; one - at the junction of the breast bones near the thyroid gland; two on the palms, two on the soles of the feet, two behind the eyes, one near the liver, two behind the knees, one near the solar plexus and connected to the center at the base of the spine, two connected to the gonads, one to the stomach , but shifted closer to the solar plexus, two - with the spleen, superimposed on each other, one - with the vagus nerve, located closer to the thymus gland.

Chakras with channels of perception are components of systems of energy bodies, which, according to the matryoshka principle, are nested into one another, and nourish the body with all the energies necessary for human life.

based on materials from the book: Andrey Alpatov - “I am God living on Earth.”

Hello dear friends! Today we will analyze not only human chakras and their meaning, but also programs for cleansing and opening energy centers. You will learn how to do this quickly and safely.

Chakras - general information

A human chakra is an energy center that performs certain functions. These energy centers look like energy rotating vortexes. Energy centers are located along the spine. There are 7 main ones and several additional ones. Although the word “additional” is hardly appropriate here. We will discuss with you the 7 main energy centers that are located in the human physical body, because... First of all, our health and emotions depend on them.

Each energy center has the shape of a cone. One cone is directed forward, the other backward. By the strength of the energies of these flows, one can judge how open or closed the chakra is.

The upper (sahasrara) and lower (muladhara) have one cone up and down, respectively.

Each energy center on the physical plane is responsible for a certain part of the body, its own endocrine system. It has its own frequency, which corresponds to a certain note, its own element and its own color. She is also responsible for certain emotions, desires and feelings.

When the energy center is disrupted, problems and diseases of the organs for which this center is responsible begin in the corresponding part of the body.

Cones of energy centers

The rotating energy in the energy center looks like a cone. The stronger the clockwise rotation of the vortices in the center, the more open the chakra is, the healthier the body and the more developed some emotional sphere of a person is.

If the rotation of energy in the center goes counterclockwise, then the person has destructive energies that disrupt the functioning of this energy center. In this case, a person almost always has diseases in the corresponding organs.

The forward cone represents the present. If thoughts and emotions in the present in the relevant areas for which the energy center is responsible are in order, energy flows freely.

The cone at the back represents the past. If you have emotional problems with the past, then the chakra closes at the back. Thus, it is possible to have an open energy center in the front, closed at the back and have a disease.

Diagnostics of chakras

Chakras are easily diagnosed using the method. Using this method, you can diagnose the general condition of each energy center and find out the blocking programs. Our research has shown that if the energy center is open by 30% or less, a person begins to develop diseases in the corresponding area. If the chakra is open more than 60%, then the person succeeds in the corresponding qualities. If the energy center is more than 80% open, then genius abilities and the highest inner sensations begin to appear in the corresponding area.

If you want to open the chakras and feel their qualities, download the book « » .

Chakra meaning

Let's begin the study of human chakras, their meaning, cleansing and opening programs with muladhara. For a more detailed description of each energy center and opening program, see the links in each center. Below is more brief basic information on the energy centers, their meanings and the main programs for their discovery.

Located in the coccyx area, red in color. Responsible for animal instinct, survival, connection with the Family. At the physical level, it is responsible for the legs. If you have problems with your legs (varicose veins, knee pain, etc.), hemorrhoids, lumbar radiculitis, constipation, then muladhara is not working well. Often, hypertension can be the cause of closed muladhara.

The work of muladhara is mainly influenced by fears and worries, uncertainty, and a weak will to live.

Removing blockages from muladhara

It is necessary to understand and realize that our body is like a shirt to the soul, which is thrown away when it wears out. The body will sooner or later go into the ground, and the soul will receive a new body. Our whole life is a game, and we are actors in it. We just play our roles, but often we forget this and start taking our lives seriously.

Learn to see the game of this life, and yourself as an actor in it. Look at the children. They do their role perfectly. It is unthinkable to imagine a child with varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

Set yourself a program: all the will of God and don't take life seriously. If you are afraid of something, it means you do not trust God. Feel the energy of fearlessness and determination. It is also necessary on an emotional level to remove all claims against parents and one’s Family.

Svadhistan or sexual energy center. Located in the lower abdomen near the spine. The color of the energy center is orange. Responsible for relationships with the opposite sex, parents and children. At the physical level, responsible for the genitals and kidneys. If this energy center is disrupted, a person develops diseases of these organs, and may also have allergies, constipation and depression.

Opening of svadhisthana

This energy center can be called a family one and it provides a huge amount of energy. To open this center, it is necessary to remove all grievances and regrets towards the opposite sex. Then you need to sincerely internally thank the person with whom you had grievances. This person taught you something, gave you some life lessons. Realize this and thank your teacher.

In this way, energy transformation will occur and the energy center will start working, after which the corresponding diseases will go away.

Svadhistan is well opened by remembering pure and pleasant relationships with the opposite sex. Remember and remember this state. Try to always be in this state.

In addition, you need to learn to see goddesses in women (if you are a man) and gods in men (if you are a woman). And not only those that you like, but all of them, and especially those that cause unpleasant feelings in you.

Understand that everyone’s souls are pure and beautiful, but the external manifestation is a set of different programs. These programs can be removed and any person will become beautiful. Learn to see the soul in a person, not a set of programs.

If you don’t like something in another person, then that quality is in you.

Accept all men and women as God's creatures, absolutely all of them. Claims and grievances even against one person can close the energy center and bring illness. Feel the love for all women and all men and the joy of it. Feel that you have no claims left against the opposite sex. Now in your memory there are only pure, wonderful relationships. Your health is in your hands.

Located in the solar plexus area, yellow in color. Manipura is called the center of power of joy. On the physical plane, it is responsible for digestion. This center is influenced by your attitude to power, work, relationships with friends and in society.

If you do not have joy from work, you are not satisfied with your relationship with your boss or co-workers, you do not feel needed by people and do not feel in your place, manipura is blocked. Problems begin with the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

The liver is greatly affected by anger. If you have liver problems, then you are an angry person. If you have such a problem, read the material « » . This will help improve the condition of manipura. Anger destroys joy and the center closes.

When manipura is violated, gastritis, heartburn, and all kinds of problems with the digestive organs begin.

Programs for removing blockages from manipura

Remember, you are responsible for everything that happens to you. Neither the government, nor the country, nor the people are to blame for this. You need to take full responsibility for everything that happens to you.

You can find a good job with a richer person even in the worst crisis, and I tested this on myself. We have enough crises and a whole field for experiments)))

When you take full responsibility at the emotional level, you need to accept your position. You may have made mistakes and it has led you nowhere where you want to be. But this is your path, your mistakes and your victories. Accept them. Accept all the difficult situations that happened to you, because this is a consequence of your past desires, wicked actions. Acceptance is a very important step for opening manipura.

After acceptance, you need to thank all the people who took part in your life for the valuable experience. Thanks to them, you learned and gained experience. Now you know a lot and it is easier for you to make the right decisions.

The next difficult step for many is the lack of control. Each person has their own experience in this life. Never control anyone, not even your children. If you want to change children, guide them, but don't control them. Control closes the manipura and shifts the biofield.

Do only what brings you joy. Learn and then the problem of finding your life’s work will disappear.

Cultivate a sense of joy and love in yourself, undergo charity training « » , do an internship « » , feel the energy of joy enter into you.

The energy center is green and located in the heart area. This is the center of love and mercy. Anahata blockages lead to heart disease, asthma, bronchitis and decreased immunity.

This energy center closes when a person refuses to love himself or people, when he is susceptible to emotional wounds and has compassion.

Removing anahata blockages

People need to be loved for who they are. Every person has a beautiful soul. Learn to love a person's soul, not his appearance and behavior.

The second most powerful blocking of anahata is compassion. This is a negative quality that increases suffering. If you have compassion for a sick person, then there are already 2 sick people, you and that person.

The compassion program must be replaced with mercy, when you do not sympathize, but help a person. You need to understand that the emotion of compassion closes anahata and the person gets sick.

As soon as a person learns to love himself and all people as they are, removes compassion, the heart center will immediately begin to work well. Also, to open anahata, I recommend mastering the practice. Do some practice.

Located in the throat area, blue in color. It is the center of communication, emotion and creativity. Problems with this energy center lead to various diseases of the throat and thyroid gland.

The main reasons for blocking Vishuddhi are isolation, accumulation of negative emotions and reluctance to reveal one’s talents.

Removing Vishuddhi blockages

It is necessary to open up to communication. Next, try to feel like an actor in this life who plays roles. At work you play the role of an employee, in a car as a driver, at home you change the role of a husband or wife or a child’s teacher. Never forget that you are just playing in this life.

Don't accumulate emotional garbage. As soon as you are offended by some words of other people or they hurt you on an emotional level, Vishuddha closes. You may have noticed that after unpleasant conversations, your neck begins to hurt.

Never argue with anyone. Disputes also block this center. Send love to any unpleasant words.

This center opens up creativity very well. Find a creative activity that you enjoy and do it. For all creative people, the throat center works well.

When ajna is blocked, there may be nightmares, headaches, and impaired growth and development.

When Ajna is revealed, a person receives a gift, he begins to see the game of this world, he receives clarity, understanding and wisdom.

Ajna opening programs

It is necessary to understand that there is an information field in which absolutely all information is located. You can access this information through intuition. Absolutely every person has this opportunity.

Unlock your intuition with

Make a decision that from this moment you will leave the influence of all external influences and at the same time you will not push anyone through. As soon as you start pushing someone emotionally, programs will immediately turn on that block the center of intuition.

Realize your unity with the whole world. Every thought and emotion you have affects the world, and the world affects you. Feel this relationship between yourself and the surrounding space.

This energy center is located in the fontanelle area and is purple in color. If sahasrara is violated, there may be insomnia, depression, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, autism, chronic fatigue.

The main reason for blocking this center is materiality. This not only happens when a person does not believe in God, but also when a person has a material concept of religion. For example, when "our daily bread...", is perceived as a material object, not a spiritual one.

Also, sahasrara is often blocked in various “spiritual” teachings. For example, various sects, channelings, teachings from teachers of “light”, etc.

Opening of Sahasrara

It is necessary to realize that God exists. Realize yourself as a part of a single whole organism. Open up to the flow of the Holy Spirit. This flow always goes to everyone. You just need to open up to him and not interfere. Realize your dependence on the flow of the Holy Spirit. Without this flow, a person cannot be complete. Think about people with autism. They have blocked this flow.

Always live according to your conscience. Conscience is a joint message with God. If you start being cunning, the sahasrara closes.

Removing blockages from energy centers - how to open chakras

Work your chakras with this meditation. If you do everything that is said in this recording at the emotional level, your energy centers will immediately begin to work better. We checked this. Meditation taken from.

Opening methods

There are several methods for opening energy centers:

  1. Emotional. The most effective method. The energy center opens automatically when you enter the correct emotional state. I outlined this method in detail in the book. "The reference state of the chakras" .
  2. Meditations. A good, but less effective method compared to the first one, because... The opening of energy centers occurs for a short time.
  3. The embodiment into the material world of what the energy center is responsible for. For example, to reveal Vishuddhi, you need to start doing creativity. My Vishuddha started working 20% ​​better just because I started writing articles on this blog.
  4. Cleansing through practices. A good, but short-term method.

The material “Human Chakras and Their Meaning” was prepared in addition to a full description of the main energy centers from the section « » .

How to open the chakras and feel their qualities - look in the book "The reference state of the chakras" .

Dear friends, I have prepared a practical guide for you, which includes dozens of the most effective techniques and practices for:

brain development, sensitivity to energies, solving health problems, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, relieving psychological problems and mastering methods of changing fate.

All practices have been personally tested, and they have all shown to be highly effective!

Go to the practical guide page >>>

I wish you 100% opening of all energy centers! Best regards, Lyubomir Borisov.

What do you think about the methods of opening the chakras? Let's discuss in the comments!

Greetings, dear readers. In this article I will talk about what chakras are and how many there are. The chakra system has been known in the East for several thousand years. This knowledge came to us, in European culture, quite recently. But they have already gained popularity among people who are aware of the lack of scientific knowledge for a full understanding of life and the human body.

Chakra translated from Sanskrit means “spinning wheel”. This is where life energy or prana is organized and retained. Chakras are human energy centers.

If the energy in them is poorly balanced or completely blocked, this can lead to problems with the physical body and relationships with people. Chakras connect the spiritual and physical planes with each other, which ensures harmonious development.

Aura and nadis

If we want to understand more deeply what chakras are, there are some important concepts to consider.

An aura is a shell that surrounds a person’s physical body; it consists of several layers. Each layer is approximately 5 cm wider than the previous one.

When we talk about the chakra system, we mean its location in the etheric layer of the aura, which is closest to the physical body. The remaining layers overlap the ethereal one, so the chakras have an influence on all layers of the aura.

The next important concept of “nadis” is the energy channels through which prana or energy flows, which is needed by all living beings. Prana is received from the Sun; on a sunny day, tiny sparkling white particles float in the air - this is prana.

The absorption of prana occurs in the etheric body or aura layer. And then it is divided into the colors of the spectrum (they are also called the colors of the rainbow). Each chakra consumes energy of a specific color.

Nadis or energy channels allow the chakras to interact with our body.

If the nadis are blocked due to stagnation of energy, junk food, bad thoughts, then on the physical plane we will feel a lack of energy. This can lead to illness.

Main nadis

There are thousands of nadi channels in the human etheric body. In this case, three main ones can be distinguished:

  • Sushumna,
  • Pingala.

Sushumna nadi is the most important energy channel. It is located inside the spinal column. The rise of kundalini occurs along this nadi (I will talk about this later).

Pingala is on the right side of the body and Ida is on the left. They both originate from the root chakra, intertwining along their path with Sushumna at the points where the other chakras are located. These two nadis end in the ajna chakra.

Pingala is associated with heat, the Sun, and the left hemisphere of the brain. And Ida-nadi is the Moon, coolness, the right hemisphere of the brain.

When breathing, prana enters the nadis, which is why they are connected with the nostrils of a person.

  • The time of activity of the left nostril, associated with Ida Nadi, is suitable for relaxation or creativity.
  • The activity time of the right nostril, associated with Pingala Nadi, is suitable for work or eating.

How many chakras does a person have and what are they responsible for?

As we have already said, there are many nadis located in the human etheric body. Chakras are formed at the places where they intersect. The main chakras are at the intersection of the 21st nadi, the minor chakras are at the intersection of the 14th nadi.

As a rule, only the main chakras are considered, since they are the most important for a person.

So how many chakras does a person have? There are 12 main ones in total. Seven of them are better known than others; most of the exercises are designed for them.

Look at the human chakras in the photo:

Let's start getting acquainted. Let's list the names of the chakras in order - from bottom to top:

Below are cards indicating the names of the chakras and their meanings.

Kundalini energy

Classes and exercises to open the chakras are conducted for a specific purpose. The final goal of all work is the rise of kundalini.

Kundalini can be thought of as a coiled snake resting at the base of Sushumna. The awakening of kundalini occurs when the “snake” rises up the chakras, which open after it. It reaches the crown chakra, and then the person experiences enlightenment.

Kundalini energy is the realization of the potential inherent at birth. This is the embodiment of the great cosmic force involved in the creation of the Universe.

When kundalini is raised for the first time, it stays in the crown chakra only for a short time and then moves down to the root chakra. In the future, the stay of kundalini will be longer and longer.

Dangers of Kundalini Awakening

Let's talk about the dangers of rising kundalini energy.

You should work with such powerful energy with extreme caution. An experienced teacher is needed to control the process and teach how to manage hidden power.

If the rise of kundalini occurred prematurely, the person was not ready for it, then there is a danger of injury, both physical and mental.

The great master of kundalini yoga named Gopi Krishna suffered from headaches for many years due to the careless elevation of kundalini energy.

Yogananda, a famous yogi, says that he once asked his teacher to teach him how to raise kundalini. But the teacher refused him. After several years, his kundalini energy awakened. Yogananda realized then that the teacher was right. If the awakening had happened earlier, he would not have been able to cope with the amazing changes in his life.

Many are of the opinion that if the time has come, then a teacher will certainly appear on your path who will help you take the last step towards your goal.

How does a person feel after awakening the kundalini energy? In fact, describing this condition in ordinary words is quite difficult. It is difficult for the mind of an ordinary person to understand the higher state of consciousness. You can get closer to it by doing meditation.

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