Countries where same-sex marriage can be performed. Why legalize same-sex marriage and who does it bother? Countries that have legalized same-sex marriage

In recent years, same-sex marriage has become more actively discussed in society. A strong resonance arises due to the fact that the majority of the population considers itself heterosexual. Often in the news you can hear that in one country or another, homosexual marriages are officially allowed.

What does same-sex marriage mean?

Marriages between citizens of the same gender or sex are called same-sex marriages. If in a classic family the man is called the husband and the woman the wife, then in gay marriages they simply say “spouse 1” or “spouse 2.” For the first time in modern history, same-sex marriage was officially registered in the Netherlands. This happened in 2001 and since then some countries have joined the legal marriage of gay marriages.
Same-sex marriage is not widely discussed in Russia, but from time to time members of the local LGBT community raise the issue of legalization. Modern legislation does not allow registering such relationships. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the main normative act regulating family relations is the Family Code. Article 12 of this document states that only a man and a woman who have reached the age of majority and agree to the procedure can register a marriage.
Gays often try to legalize same-sex marriage in Russia on the basis of Article 14 of the IC. It stipulates cases in which it is impossible to describe people. Among the entire list there is no objection to belonging to a homosexual orientation.

Some gay couples decide to register their relationship and hold a themed wedding in a country where the law allows this. And having received official status, they make attempts to achieve recognition of the family’s status on the territory of their native state, although same-sex marriage is not allowed in Russia.

Pros and cons of same-sex marriage

Any decision by the authorities, which may seem fair or not, has both positive and negative consequences. Same-sex marriage also falls under this judgment. History shows that at all times there have been people who were more attracted to romantic relationships with people of the same sex. Some countries have decided that this wish should be officially recognized, despite public prejudice.
It is too early to talk about the long-term consequences of changes in legislation on this issue. But now we can highlight some advantages:

  • people with similar preferences and life beliefs feel better in families with the same people;
  • official registration of lesbian marriages allows one to count on the disposal of joint property in equal rights;
  • There is no sexual superiority between gay spouses, which helps to avoid some family problems;
  • you can change clothes and save on purchases.

Still, there are disadvantages to the idea of ​​legalizing such relationships:

  1. Heterosexual society has a negative attitude towards such couples, and radically minded people can even express their protest by using physical force against gays.
  2. If the state also allows the adoption of children, then as a young person grows up, difficulties may arise with gender self-identification. Classmates and other peers will ridicule such a child, which leads to psychological trauma and possible feelings of inferiority.

Why is same-sex marriage being legalized?

Classical society treats same-sex families with hostility; perhaps it fears for the future of the state. Countries that have approved the official registration of gay families have their own positions on this issue. But if we summarize the reason for legalization, we can get the following points:

  • by giving the families of homosexuals official status, their rights will not be violated;
  • This is how the government fights discrimination and prejudice.

Official recognition allows gays to obtain the following legal rights:

  • the right to jointly dispose of acquired material things;
  • if the family breaks up in the future and a child is adopted, one of the parents will be required to pay child support;
  • obtaining medical and social insurance;
  • the opportunity to represent the interests of your spouse in various institutions.

Position of supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage

What motivates people to advocate or oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage? Let's consider the arguments of each side. Those who demand change often cite the following arguments:

  • Those who advocate official recognition of same-sex families argue that there will be no negative consequences from such a decision. From their point of view, this is an inevitable change in society and there is no point in resisting the modern trend.
  • Some studies show that homosexuals earn more than straight people by 20%. Accordingly, this brings more money to the state budget.
  • In addition, members of the LGBT movement believe that official recognition by the state will allow them to become a full part of society. This will make it possible to take advantage of laws regulating family relations, inheritance law and other aspects of regulatory documents.
  • Like any people, homosexuals experience emotions: love and suffering. This pushes them to register their relationship. But statistics show that such relationships do not last long. Some gays believe that if they sign legally, it will prolong the family union.
  • The main requirement is to respect the rights of homosexuals on an equal basis with other citizens. They believe that their interests are being infringed in the same way as the interests of other races or religions were infringed. Gays and lesbians argue that such changes will help to fully respect human rights.
  • Some public sources claim that in the future the number of men will prevail, which is why same-sex marriage will become normal everywhere.

Those who continue to prohibit same-sex relationships express the following opinion:

  • Allowing official registration of same-sex families will lead to the destruction of the image of the classical family, where there is a father and mother, like a man and a woman. They believe that this will negatively affect the birth rate.
  • Various religious organizations play a significant role in opposing the legalization of homosexual relations. For example, many Christian denominations claim that homosexuality is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Representatives of Islam equate same-sex marriage with polygamy and bestiality.
  • Since some homosexual couples want to raise children, they resort to adoption or artificial insemination. Opponents of this argue that a child who grows up in such a family will be defective and mentally disturbed.
  • It is believed that the legalization of same-sex marriage in Russia will increase the number of such couples, lead to the destruction of the moral foundations of society, and humanity as a whole will begin to degrade.
  • The main accusation against legalization is the unnaturalness of such a union, since such couples will not be able to continue their family line.

Is same-sex marriage allowed in Russia? Whatever side a person is on, the fact remains that at present it is impossible to officially create a same-sex family on the territory of Russia. Most of the world's population opposes homosexual unions, and it is difficult to reliably talk about the long-term consequences of the observed trend.

    Same-sex marriages are allowed in fifteen countries around the world, in more than half of the US states (the states of Wyoming, Kansas, Colorado, South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia, and some states of Mexico are preparing to allow same-sex marriages. Same-sex marriages are also registered in England and Scotland and in Wales. It is clear that the list will only grow. Estonia has also passed a law on cohabitation of same-sex partners, which may come into force in 2016.

    Same-sex marriage allowed in many countries around the world.

    Today, more and more often you can hear about wedding ceremonies of celebrities and others.

    And I remember those years when they were even afraid to talk about it. I remember two girls sat together in our group and very often caressed each other and kissed. It was wild for us.

    Now deputies and actors kiss - and this is the norm.

    In countries such as Argentina, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Belgium, Sweden, Canada, and the Netherlands, same-sex marriage is allowed.

    In Germany you can also marry a same-sex friend.

    They hastened to do this Evgeny Mironov and Sergey Astakhov.

    Denmark became the first in this ignoble matter in 1986. In 1993, Denmark was apparently supported by Norway as a neighbor. Sweden surrendered in 1995. And off we go. Iceland, Bulgaria, Holland and so on. A more complete list is provided in the previous answer.

    Officially same-sex marriages are registered and permitted in the following states:

    • Since April 1, 2001 in the Netherlands (Holland).
    • Since June 1, 2003 in Belgium.
    • Since July 3, 2005 in Spain.
    • Since July 20, 2005 in Canada.
    • Since December 1, 2006 in South Africa.
    • Since January 1, 2009 in Norway.
    • Since May 1, 2009 in Sweden.
    • Since June 5, 2010 in Portugal.
    • Since June 27, 2010 in Iceland.
    • Since July 22, 2010 in Argentina.
    • Same-sex marriage is officially legal in some US states.
  • It is also important to note the countries where two citizens of Russia or another CIS country can enter into a same-sex marriage. In Europe, this is easy to do in Portugal, Iceland and Denmark, a little more difficult in Norway. With great difficulties, but theoretically possible - in Belgium and Spain. Other countries: Canada, USA, Argentina, South Africa, presumably Uruguay. Other countries require that at least one spouse be from a country with recognized same-sex marriages (unions).

    Same-sex marriage is legal in many European countries. In some countries, same-sex families can also adopt children. The first country to approve same-sex marriage was Denmark, which happened towards the end of the last century. Now same-sex marriages are also official in Norway, Sweden, Holland, and Belgium. The list of countries expands every year. Many US states have allowed same-sex marriage for their citizens. In Russia, same-sex marriages are not official.

    I don’t understand why these marriages? Well, live in peace, why start a family if it cannot be a full-fledged family. I just think it's a shame. God created two types of people, not one, so worry according to God’s laws.

    Same-sex marriage.

    For what? For what? Why?

    List of countries where same-sex marriage is legal:

    • Denmark since 1986;
    • Norway has allowed civil unions since 1993, and full same-sex marriages since 2009;
    • Sweden has allowed registered partnerships since 1995, and full same-sex marriages since 2009;
    • Since 1996, Bulgaria has provided same-sex unions with economic rights in terms of medical care. services, inheritance rights, burial rights and immigration. Since 2009, full-fledged marriages, with the exception of changing surnames and the right to adoption.
    • Iceland has allowed registered civil unions with all the rights of a customary marriage since 1996;
    • Holland since 1998 - registered partnerships. In 2001, Holland was the first country to propose the wording of same-sex marriage without exceptions at the legislative level;
    • France approved a law on civil unions in 1999;
    • Since 2001, Finland has allowed registered partnerships with no possibility of taking each other's surnames and adoption of children;
    • Germany since 2001 - lifelong partnerships, which are not considered full-fledged marriages;
    • Portugal passes a civil union law in 2001;
    • Belgium has allowed same-sex marriage since 2003;
    • Croatia passes a law in 2003 on civil unions between same-sex partners, which are granted some marriage rights;
    • Luxembourg approved same-sex civil unions in 2004;
    • New Zealand since 2004. Civil unions in New Zealand have many, but not all, of the rights of a customary marriage;
    • Spain since 2005. Same-sex marriage.
    • Canada has allowed same-sex marriage since 2005. Canada also allows marriage registration between non-citizens;
    • UK since 2005. The Civil Partnership Act was passed and came into force for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland;
    • Switzerland - 2005. Registered partnerships were given equal rights to marriage, except for the rights to infertility treatment, adoption rights and name change;
    • Ireland since 2009. Same-sex civil unions in this country are equal to ordinary marriage in almost every way;
    • Argentina has legalized same-sex marriage since 2010.

    Same-sex marriages are officially recognized and can be registered in the following states and their parts:


    • Netherlands;
    • Belgium;
    • Spain;
    • Canada;
    • Norway;
    • Sweden;
    • Portugal;
    • Iceland;
    • Argentina.

    Parts of states:

    • USA: Massachusetts;
    • USA: Coquille Indian Territory in Oregon;
    • USA: Connecticut;
    • USA: Iowa;
    • USA: Vermont;
    • USA: New Hampshire;
    • USA: District of Columbia;
    • Mexico: Mexico City;

    Same-sex partnerships (civil partnerships or civil unions), which are legally more limited in rights than same-sex marriages, are legalized in many countries of Western and Northern Europe (Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Greenland, Germany, France, Andorra, Finland, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria). Other countries: Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay. Some provinces and municipalities (in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela). Some forms of same-sex unions are also legal in America.

    In the near future, several more countries intend to legalize same-sex marriage. These are Luxembourg, Albania, Slovenia, Chile and Nepal.

    Interesting Facts

Despite the fact that same-sex unions in various forms have almost always existed, official marriages began to take place only in the second half of the 20th century. At the moment, this is a rather controversial topic that has become the reason for heated discussions. More and more people are openly expressing their feelings when a girl loves a girl and a guy loves a guy.

What is same-sex marriage: from origins to today

Unions of varying degrees of involvement between people of the same sex were concluded in ancient Hellas, in the Roman and Great Chinese empires. In some cases, it was an almost full-fledged marriage, with a wedding ceremony and the emergence of new legal relations between the spouses, but such a family had, rather, an intermediate temporary function before the traditional heterosexual union of any of the partners. Information has been preserved that Saint Valentine, contrary to the orders of Emperor Claudius II, entered into marriages between men, for which he was subsequently sentenced to severe punishment.

From the point of view of modern legislation, officially recognized same-sex unions arose in 1979, but the most complete legal relationship, which can already be called marriage, appeared only in 2001. The pioneer country that legalized the new type of family was the Netherlands.

World's first official same-sex marriage

The first officially registered same-sex union, which in principle can be called marriage, was concluded in Denmark. In 1989, the Akgilov couple registered their relationship. At that time, the couple celebrated their fortieth anniversary of marriage.

The first woman to officially marry her lifelong friend was Mary Ann Thus, the wedding took place in the Netherlands in 2001.

Which countries allow same-sex marriage?

At the moment, same-sex couples have the right to officially marry in all major countries of North and South America, and in Australia. Europe is divided into three clear camps. Scandinavian countries and Western Europe have fully legalized and allow marriages; the middle part provides the right to other same-sex unions. In Eastern European countries, LGBT people wishing to enter into an official marriage are prohibited by the Constitution.

More than 20 countries around the world recognize official homosexual marriages and other forms of same-sex unions. Some aspects of the law are still controversial even in the progressive part of the world, such as the issue of adoption, but overall progress is being made. In general, consideration of the pros and cons of full recognition of the rights of same-sex couples continues in almost all developed countries of the world.

Today, many members of the LGBT community, when exploring the issue of where same-sex marriage is legal, consider this in the context of their future immigration.

Same-sex marriages around the world

Same-sex marriage causes a public outcry in modern society, which, in fact, belongs to heterosexual. Same-sex marriages, which have already become commonplace in Europe and the USA, cause protest and growth among ordinary people. Religious denominations see the legalization of same-sex unions as a direct threat to the traditional institution of the family.

What does same-sex marriage mean?

A marriage between people belonging to the same sex or gender is called same-sex marriage. The social positions or roles of “husband” and “wife” in such a marriage are replaced by “spouse 1” and “spouse 2”. Same-sex unions were first officially recognized in the Netherlands in 2001. Such a marriage carries all the legal burden of a traditional:

  • right to jointly acquired property;
  • alimony in case of divorce (in those countries where, along with the legalization of marriage, the adoption and raising of children is allowed);
  • common surname for two;
  • medical and social insurance;
  • the right to be a spouse’s confidant in various public authorities.

Pros and cons of same-sex marriage

Any phenomenon, no matter how negative and painful it may seem for society, has positive and negative aspects - the legalization of same-sex marriage is no exception. There have always been people, a smaller number of them, who, due to their innate characteristics, differ from the majority and their attraction to representatives of their own sex is irresistible and genetically determined. Countries where same-sex marriage is legalized have chosen this path. perhaps out of good human intentions, to overcome social inequality. What this will mean in society - there are still more questions than answers.

Same-sex marriage, advantages (obvious to the spouses themselves):

  • people of the same sex understand each other better, a stronger union based on mutual understanding is possible;
  • legal marriage gives gay and lesbian couples the right to dispose of joint property and run a household;
  • absence of gender discrimination, as often happens in heterosexual families;
  • saving on wardrobe and exchanging clothes.

Disadvantages of same-sex unions:

  1. Condemnation by heterosexual society, sometimes resulting in hostility and violence.
  2. Inferiority in raising children, who in the future may develop false gender self-identification and ridicule from children from full-fledged families, this will lead to psychological trauma, the formation of complexes and neurosis.

Why is same-sex marriage being legalized?

Traditional heterosexual society views the legalization of same-sex marriage with condemnation and fear for the future of nations. Why same-sex marriage is needed, the government and people of each country have their own points of view on this question, but in general the reasons are as follows:

  • recognition that people belonging to sexual minorities deserve the same rights to legal marriage as everyone else;
  • the fight against homophobia, prejudice, etc.

Same-sex marriage in Orthodoxy

Same-sex marriages in the Bible are considered unacceptable and relationships between representatives of the same sex themselves are sinful and subject to condemnation. The Mosaic commandments in Leviticus classify homosexual acts as “abominable and abominable practices.” In modern Orthodox Christianity, why is same-sex marriage prohibited? There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. The Creator's gift was to create people of different sexes: men and women.
  2. The marital union embodies the original will of the Creator: the continuation and multiplication of the human race (same-sex spouses are not capable of realizing the divine plan, of conceiving).
  3. The union of a man and a woman is not only physical difference, but also different images that complement each other in marriage (in same-sex marriages there is no complementarity.

Same-sex marriage in Islam

Same-sex marriage and the church are incompatible concepts. Only traditional marriage between a man and a woman is sacred and pleasing to Allah. Homosexuality and lesbianism are criminalized in Islam, up to and including the death penalty (e.g. throwing from tall buildings, brutal stoning), in countries such as:

  • Iran;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Sudan;
  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Nigeria.

To prevent the spread of homosexuality, there are strict regulations:

  • children (boys and girls) from the age of seven should not sleep in the same bed;
  • men should not kiss each other on the cheek (handshakes and kissing hands by elders are allowed);
  • Mature men should not be in the same place with young men who still have no facial hair;
  • Watching pornographic films and reading literature with homosexual themes is prohibited.

Same-sex marriages around the world

Where same-sex marriage is legal - more and more people who feel different from heterosexuals are interested in this issue. The list of countries where same-sex unions are legalized increases every year. Spouses in such marriages have the right to all benefits and social privileges, as in an ordinary, traditional union. Which countries allow same-sex marriage (top 10):

  • Netherlands (2001);
  • Norway (2008);
  • Sweden (2009);
  • Mexico (2009);
  • Argentina (2010);
  • Brazil (2011);
  • Denmark (2012);
  • France (2013);
  • USA (2015);
  • Germany (2017).

Same-sex marriage in Russia

Is same-sex marriage allowed in Russia? The answer is a clear “no.” Russia is a country with centuries-old traditions and foundations, among which the idea of ​​family has hardly changed. Marriage relations in the Russian Federation are regulated by law and are based on the voluntary mutual consent of the man and woman getting married. Some people with non-traditional orientation try to get married on the territory of a foreign state, and if this is an ordinary union, then it is considered valid, but a same-sex marriage will not have legal force.

Same-sex marriage in the USA

If we remember the recent past of America, non-traditional relationships were persecuted by the police, and same-sex marriage was out of the question. Homosexuals caught in public institutions and hotels were subject to criminal punishment and humiliation from society. The lists were publicly disclosed, people were deprived of their reputation, jobs, social status and support from relatives. Only towards the end of the 20th century. The so-called “domestic partnership” - unofficial marriage - has become established in society. The legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States was completed in all 50 states on June 26, 2015.

Same-sex marriage in Japan

When asked which countries have legalized same-sex marriage besides the United States, we can safely name Japan, or rather the capital, Tokyo. The jubilation of Japanese gays did not please conservative politicians who are completely opposed to such a phenomenon as same-sex non-traditional marriage. Japan is trying to keep up with America and resolve once and for all the issue of discrimination against sexual minorities by legalizing such unions on an equal basis with traditional ones.

Same-sex marriage in Germany

Same-sex marriage will be legalized in Germany in October 2017. At this time, same-sex civil unions or partnerships are permitted, permission for which was received in 2001. The German population, 83%, voted for the freedom to choose a partner of any gender and enter into a marriage union with him. An interesting fact is that Chancellor Angela Merkel has been on the side of LGBT communities for a long time and literally a few days before the vote on the adoption of the law, she refused to support this bill, guided by the fact that the traditional union is a man and a woman.

Same-sex marriage in France

Countries where same-sex marriage is legal are constantly growing. France resolved this issue back in May 2013. President François Hollande identified this as a critical aspect along with the introduction of other social reforms. More than half of residents supported the adoption of the law. Same-sex spouses were given permission to adopt and raise children, unlike other European countries where marriage has not yet been legalized. The adoption of the law increased aggressive tendencies on the part of heterosexuals, which led to a greater percentage of violence against homosexuals.

Same-sex marriage - famous people

From the outside it looks like a whim or a means to arouse, stir up interest in one’s own person... and yet it can be love, although incomprehensible to most people of traditional orientation. Famous same-sex marriages among celebrity personalities who, not paying attention to the gossip, legalized their relationship and live happily ever after:

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