What foods can a lung cancer patient eat? What should be the diet for lung cancer? Basic principles of nutrition

Doctors recommend a diet for lung cancer to maintain the body’s immune defense, inhibit the growth of malignant tumors and eliminate toxic substances. With a sharp weight loss characteristic of cancer, the supply of sufficient amounts of vitamins, macro- and microelements plays an important role. It is important to prevent exhaustion of the body. A doctor or nutritionist will help you create an optimal diet for oncology, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and reactions to treatment procedures.

People who smoke cigarettes need to take 30-40 mg of ascorbic acid more than those leading a healthy lifestyle. Because inhaling nicotine and tar triggers oxidative processes and impairs the supply of oxygen to tissues.

To improve the condition of the body affected by lung cancer, doctors advise adhering to the following rules:

  • Small meals 5-6 times a day are recommended, but portions should be reduced.
  • It is important to chew food for a long time before swallowing for better absorption of nutrients.
  • When you feel hungry, you should definitely have a snack, regardless of when the meal was planned. Especially with stage 3-4 cancer.
  • Food should be stewed, boiled or steamed. It is recommended to avoid solid foods.
  • After surgery, the stomach best accepts foods with a little added salt or sugar.
  • The basis of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits, which must be eaten 3 times a day. Fresh juices are good for you, but not on an empty stomach.
  • To create a desire to eat, you need to season your dishes with seasonings, spices, sauces and herbs. Especially useful are mint, parsley, anise, basil, dill, ginger, garlic and rosemary. However, in the last stages of cancer, too strong odors are contraindicated.
  • The food temperature should be warm, but not hot. Cold food is also not recommended.

One of the dishes that is included in the menu when a malignant tumor forms is liquid soup.

During treatment procedures to destroy cancer cells with toxic substances, patients feel worse. Proper nutrition during chemotherapy, if vomiting and nausea is observed, should be based on the following recommendations from doctors:

  • You should not eat spicy and fatty foods with a pronounced unusual smell or taste.
  • You should not eat or drink 1-1.5 hours before the procedure.
  • Nutrition during cancer chemotherapy should be balanced and contain sufficient amounts of vitamins. It is best to eat liquid soups.
  • If the patient often vomits, then a complete refusal of food and water for 6-7 hours is recommended. Then 5-6 meals in small quantities are recommended.
  • The amount of fluid consumed increases, pure water, green tea and herbal infusions are especially recommended. However, if tissue swelling occurs after chemotherapy, the amount of fluid you drink should be reduced.

Healthy foods

Nutrition for lung cancer should include sufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients. The patient is recommended to keep a special notebook to count the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates he receives. The number of kilocalories needed varies depending on the physical parameters of the patient and the stage of lung cancer. Some foods have a particularly beneficial effect on the body. Their list is presented in the table:

Category of dishesHealthy food
FruitsA pineapple
Bell pepper
Blue whiting
Greens and algaeParsley
Fermented milk productsCheese
Sour cream
Cottage cheese

What can't you eat?

Meat and lard should be excluded from the diet, since these are the foods that cause the accelerated growth of the disease.

In order not to provoke the accelerated growth of malignant tumors in the lungs, it is necessary to completely exclude fatty and smoked foods from the menu. As well as products containing food additives, marinades, starch, dyes and preservatives. Drinks that are contraindicated include alcohol, strong black tea, soda, coffee and shelf-stable milk. The following foods are dangerous for lung cancer:

  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • salo;
  • sweets;
  • White rice;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • bakery products;
  • butter.

If it is impossible to completely give up sweets, it is better to eat honey-based desserts with plenty of healthy berries and fruits. However, it is important to conduct a preliminary allergy test.

For the development and growth of any organism, proper, healthy and balanced nutrition is necessary. How to live and what to eat, what foods to eat, and what foods to avoid? We will try to answer these questions.

Having learned about such a diagnosis as, everything in human life changes, living conditions, regime and, of course, nutrition. The body, which carries within itself, needs more strength and energy to fight the disease and, ultimately, nutrition in case of oncology, is one of the important points in enriching the body with useful substances and microelements. There is a lot that goes into proper nutrition, the main thing is that it is another step towards recovery.

Proper and healthy nutrition

Important! For any cancer, a sharp weight loss is considered a critical moment, so the nutrition of cancer patients should maximally enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins that will help support human life.

When the pulmonary system is diseased, the patient begins to experience a number of subsequent problems, such as disorders of protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as well as suppression of the immune system.

A properly selected diet can solve this problem and help the patient fight the disease.

The goal of proper nutrition during oncology is:

  1. prevention of exhaustion of the body due to lung cancer;
  2. protecting the body from exhaustion, especially the liver and bone marrow;
  3. preventing or stopping intoxication of the body;
  4. homeostasis support;
  5. restoration of metabolism;
  6. removal of cancer toxins;
  7. activation of cellular respiration;
  8. stimulation of antitumor and anti-infective immunity.

Nutrition for lung cancer, what does it consist of?

Nutrition for lung cancer patients should include:

  • walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, almonds, pumpkin seeds;
  • vegetables (cabbage, peppers, beans, peas, onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, radishes, potatoes). Products containing large amounts of calcium and magnesium microelements beneficial to the body;
  • fruits: lemon, orange, pineapple, blueberry, apricot, cherry, strawberry, green and red apples and grapes;
  • unrefined oils (corn, flaxseed and sunflower are best);
  • fresh herbs: coriander, dill, parsley;
  • blue algae;
  • dandelion, nettle;
  • turmeric for cancer. Eating it affects cancer stem cells (CSC), which are considered to be the cause of tumor formation and malignancy.
  • whole and sprouted grains, corn, oats;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • lean sea fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • meat (it is recommended to consume poultry (turkey or rabbit) and pork and beef are strictly prohibited);
  • dairy and fermented milk products such as cottage cheese, cheese, and all natural products without additives;
  • quench your thirst, best with well-purified water, green tea and special herbal infusions.

Prohibited foods for lung cancer:

  • canned food of any origin;
  • polished rice;
  • flour products;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • milk from preservatives;
  • sugar (sweets, confectionery);
  • foods containing high levels of starch and sugar;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty and fried foods of any origin;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • marinades;
  • salo;
  • butter;
  • preservatives and food additives.

You should eat food in small, fractional portions and precisely when your appetite manifests itself. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. The frequency of meals should be at least six times a day, while the first breakfast and dinner should be light, they should consist of foods that have not undergone heat treatment. Steamed or stewed food is recommended. Frying is strictly prohibited. Vegetables and fruits are recommended to be consumed raw. If the portion seems too large for you, you should not force yourself to eat everything, you need to rest and do other things, it is possible that after a while your appetite will appear again.

When diagnosing and treating lung cancer, doctors themselves give recommendations on food intake and establish special diets for cancer patients. They create an individual diet for each patient separately, referring to age, gender, etc. Doctors' recommendations regarding the nutrition of cancer patients must be followed - this is necessary to improve the patient's health.

Special food for cancer patients

Following a correct and healthy diet for oncology is one of the main stages in an integrated approach to cancer. Patients are advised to increase their intake of foods rich in vitamins and microelements, since during the acute period of the disease the body needs significantly more energy to fight the disease.

As is already known earlier, it is necessary to eat only boiled, stewed or steamed food.

What does a diet for cancer mean: This is eating 5-6 times a day in small portions. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a certain amount of each product in order to maintain the desired balance of vitamins and microelements in the body.

It is necessary to take per day:

  1. sea ​​fish – 150 gr.;
  2. fermented milk products – 250-500 ml;
  3. vegetables and fruits – unlimited.

Important! To increase the effect of chemotherapy, it is necessary to increase the consumption of herbal tea, as well as antitumor herbal infusions.

Diet for lung cancer


  • 1st breakfast – red or green apple, 200 gr. orange juice;
  • 2nd breakfast – steamed omelette, green tea with lemon, fresh tomatoes, a small slice of black bread;
  • lunch – vegetable soup with tomatoes, black bread, fresh vegetable salad, stewed chicken with apple, rosehip decoction 200 grams;
  • dinner – hazelnuts, steamed turnips, green tea with lemon;
  • 2nd dinner - before bed - a glass of natural homemade yogurt.


  • 1st breakfast – red or green apple and one glass of tomato juice;
  • 2nd breakfast – buckwheat porridge and lettuce, black bread, a piece of hard cheese, green tea with lemon;
  • lunch - stewed rabbit with homemade noodles, green tea, lean borscht;
  • dinner – 150-200 gr. dried apricots, a glass of rosehip infusion, steamed rutabaga;
  • 2nd dinner – a glass of kefir.

Nutrition after chemotherapy and surgery for lung cancer

The diet for patients during and after treatment should not only be healthy, but also sufficiently high in calories. This is necessary not only to improve the patient’s well-being, but also to help the patient cope with nausea and vomiting, which are inevitable during chemotherapy. By changing their diet, the patient can improve their well-being. The patient also needs to keep a diary to record which foods cause nausea and which should be avoided.

When undergoing treatment you must:

  1. you need to eat less and more often;
  2. food should be chewed thoroughly;
  3. Lightly salted or sweetened foods are best absorbed;
  4. You should drink plenty of fluids before and after chemotherapy;
  5. do not eat solid food;
  6. You should avoid being present when preparing food with a strong odor;
  7. you should exclude coffee and alcohol from your diet;
  8. Do not eat hot food.

The main and important point for a cancer patient is a balanced diet. This is necessary to provide and saturate the body with the necessary amount of minerals: vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, protein, which in turn will strengthen the immune system and successfully resist various infectious diseases and thereby accelerate the restoration of damaged cells.

Diet for lung cancer during treatment with radiation, chemotherapy and surgery

1 day:

  • 1st breakfast: apple, orange juice;
  • 2nd breakfast: omelette with tomatoes, black bread, tea;
  • lunch: tomato soup, black bread, green salad with avocado, stewed chicken with apples, tomato salad dressed with sour cream, tea;
  • dinner: steamed turnips, nuts, green tea;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt.

Day 2:

  • 1st breakfast: apple, tomato juice;
  • 2nd breakfast: buckwheat porridge, cheese sandwich, tea;
  • lunch: fish soup, rye bread, green salad, rabbit stewed in white sauce, noodles, tea;
  • dinner: steamed rutabaga, dried apricots, green tea;
  • 2nd dinner: kefir.

Day 3:

  • 1st breakfast: apple, cranberry juice;
  • 2nd breakfast: millet porridge with milk, bread and butter, tea with milk;
  • lunch: milk soup, bran bread, green salad with radishes, baked sea fish, rice, tea;
  • dinner: boiled potatoes with parsley and dill, prunes, green tea;
  • 2nd dinner: yogurt.

4 day

  • 1st breakfast: apple, grapefruit juice;
  • 2nd breakfast: semolina porridge, bread with butter;
  • lunch: fish soup, rye bread, green salad, chicken baked with mushrooms, stewed eggplant with garlic sauce, tea;
  • dinner: peppers stuffed with vegetables, raisins, green tea;
  • 2nd dinner: milk.

5 day

  • 1st breakfast: apple, grape juice, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: oatmeal with honey, milk;
  • lunch: chicken broth, black bread, green salad, chopped chicken cutlets, baked radish and carrot tea.
  • dinner: beet cutlets, stewed cabbage, green tea;
  • 2nd dinner: curd mass, cranberry juice.

Day 6

  • 1st breakfast: apple, pear juice;
  • 2nd breakfast: rice porridge with dried apricots and raisins, milk;
  • lunch: broccoli soup, green salad, stewed rabbit, vegetable stew, milk;
  • dinner: white cabbage and carrot salad, oatmeal cookies, green tea;
  • 2nd dinner: kefir.

Day 7

  • 1st breakfast: pear, apple juice;
  • 2nd breakfast: fruit salad, scrambled eggs, bread, tea.
  • lunch: chicken broth, black bread, green salad with avocado dressed with olive oil, beans in tomato sauce, tea;
  • dinner: broccoli and cauliflower casserole, oatmeal cookies, green tea;
  • 2nd dinner: banana, yogurt.

You need to know that excess weight is one of the factors that provokes a malignant disease. In order to prevent many diseases, you should carefully monitor your diet. Under no circumstances should you overeat and motivate every meal with hunger. Every week it is necessary to arrange fasting days and observe fasts.

What does a proper diet mean? This does not mean that you need to starve, you just need to reduce the amount of fat consumed to 20-25% of the total calorie intake.

Epidemiological studies have shown that the development of cancer is directly related to fat intake. The diet requires eliminating repeated consumption of fats. It is also necessary to limit alcohol consumption. Food must be prepared immediately before eating and should never be prepared in advance. Avoid eating too hot food or drinks.

Pay close attention to your daily diet, this will help prevent a number of diseases.

Informative video

There is no specially designed diet for patients who have been diagnosed. For each patient, the oncologist prescribes a personalized diet that takes into account the main diagnosis and concomitant diseases.

But there are general recommendations, since according to WHO, patients with this diagnosis more often suffer from loss of appetite, so they often experience exhaustion of the body, and strength and energy are needed to fight the disease. Therefore, increased attention is paid to the issue of nutrition in lung cancer.

Patients diagnosed with lung cancer note a disturbance in the absorption of food, as a result of disturbances in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. A malignant tumor suppresses the patient’s immunity, thereby weakening the body, so a strictly balanced diet is necessary, which will restore strength and, at the same time, eliminate malnutrition, which will generally lead to optimization of well-being.

In the first place are vegetables and fruits, and tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene, a substance that acts as a powerful antioxidant, take a special place on the entire list. In general, the diet should be rich in foods that are rich in substances that prevent growth. These include fruits and vegetables of red and orange color, but it should be borne in mind that it is precisely this color of fruit and vegetable products that is contraindicated in a hypoallergenic diet, so the oncologist must develop a special diet that would be optimally balanced and take into account concomitant diseases.

It is the diseases that the patient has that determine the choice of food, and one should take into account how impaired the functions of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and urinary system are. Based on this, a personal diet is drawn up, but general nutritional recommendations for lung cancer boil down to introducing into the patient’s diet:

Sprouted and whole grains to fill your food with protein. As an alternative, the addition of nuts is allowed, but in the absence of diseases from the digestive tract;

Adding onions and garlic, which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants;

Legumes (beans, peas and other legumes) are rich in protein and are recommended to replace traditional dishes as a side dish and soups;

Low-fat types of fish, preferably sea, steamed or boiled;

Fermented milk products, including hard cheeses, are allowed in moderation.

Patients diagnosed with lung cancer are advised to avoid fatty fried foods; it is definitely better to prefer boiled or steamed foods. Pasta is allowed for consumption in small quantities, if there are no contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as dietary meats - chicken, turkey, rabbit.

The main tasks of dietary nutrition for lung cancer

All products that are recommended for use must perform the following functions:

Prevention and relief of cancer cachexia;
ensure restoration of metabolism;
detoxify the body;
provide liver protection;
maintain homeostasis;
stimulate antitumor immunity;
create conditions for the activation of cellular respiration.

Therefore, you should minimize, or better yet completely eliminate, the use of products that will reduce the expected effects.

The latter include:

Canned food in any form - vegetables, meat or fruit;
products containing flavorings, food additives and stabilizers;
smoked meats and sausages;
confectionery products, including sweets and other sweets;
sugar and various artificial sweeteners;
coffee and black tea.

A diet for lung cancer may prohibit the consumption of any other foods, so the oncologist approaches this issue on a purely individual basis. In addition, certain portion sizes are established. For example, fruits and vegetables are unlimited for consumption, fermented milk products are recommended in a volume of 250-400 ml per day, and fish and meat are limited to 150 grams. For salads you need to use unrefined oil.

Diet for lung cancer is a mandatory addition to drug treatment and radiation therapy. For cancer pathologies of the respiratory system, patients undergo several courses of chemotherapy, which always leads to severe intoxication of the body with all the ensuing consequences. In addition, such treatment greatly reduces immunity and disrupts metabolic processes in the body, which ultimately leads to sudden weight loss. It is a balanced diet that can strengthen the body and bring recovery closer.

What's prohibited

Nutrition for lung cancer should be balanced and consist of natural foods rich in vitamins. There are a number of foods that you should not eat if you have cancer. Such products include:

From the diet of a patient with lung cancer, it is worth excluding overly seasoned and spicy foods, which can irritate the mucous membranes and provoke coughing attacks.

Only freshly prepared dishes should be present on the table of a cancer patient. All food is served warm; hot and cold foods are not allowed.

What can you eat

During the period of illness and at the stage of remission, nutrition should be organized so that the person receives the optimal amount of nutrients and vitamins. During illness, a person should receive the following foods:

  • Plant products - vegetables, fruits and berries. You should give preference to red or yellow foods, which contain a lot of vitamin C. It is this substance that activates the body's defenses and helps fight cancer cells. The patient's diet should include a lot of grapes. This product contains a number of anthocyanidins, and such substances have pronounced disinfection properties.
  • The diet for stage 1-4 lung cancer should include a lot of greens, Brussels sprouts and radishes. All these products contain special substances that have a detrimental effect on cancer cells.
  • The diet should contain dietary meats - rabbit, turkey and lean chicken. All these products contain easily digestible protein, which the body needs to build new cells.
  • Fish and other seafood must be included in the diet of a cancer patient. They contain a huge amount of different vitamins and minerals.
  • Dairy products. Nutrition during chemotherapy for lung cancer must include dairy and fermented milk products. Such products are well absorbed and help restore normal microflora of the digestive tract, which is greatly disrupted during chemotherapy.

The patient should not get carried away with exotic seafood, since it is unknown how the body will react to them. It is better to give preference to low-fat varieties of fish - hake, pollock and pelengas. Squid and caviar of different types of fish will be useful.

A cancer patient can eat often, but in small portions. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day. In this case, the last dinner should be no less than two hours before going to bed. At night you should not eat heavy foods; it is better to limit yourself to yogurt or a glass of kefir with cookies.

Nutrition for lung cancer should be healthy and balanced. It is considered a big mistake for patients to completely refuse meat products. It is animal protein that is extremely necessary for the human body to function normally. If the patient does not eat meat at all, his condition may worsen sharply. Meat should be cooked by steaming or in the oven; cancer patients should not eat fried food.

If you have lung cancer, there are restrictions on drinking. The patient's diet should not include green tea or coffee, as these drinks contain a lot of caffeine. You should avoid any carbonated and alcoholic drinks that may worsen the patient's condition. Drinking water should be purchased exclusively in glass bottles.

When purchasing products, you need to pay close attention to expiration dates and storage conditions.

Nutrition during rehabilitation

During the rehabilitation period after treatment, patients may experience severe weight loss, dyspeptic symptoms and dehydration.

After chemotherapy, patients often lose a lot of weight, which leads to weakening of the body. Due to this, the person recovers slowly and there is a high probability of relapse of the disease. To avoid complications, nutrition after chemotherapy for lung cancer should include enough fats and carbohydrates. The calorie content of all food should be high; you should eat up to 8 times a day, but in small portions.

The consequences of radiation therapy can be nausea and vomiting, which occurs due to intoxication of the body with decaying cancer cells. Ginger root, with which teas and various drinks are prepared, will help get rid of such an unpleasant symptom. It is advisable for patients to include foods high in starch in their diet - potatoes and round rice.

Nausea attacks in cancer patients can be eliminated by using low-fat dairy products.

Dehydration of the body is often a consequence of taking systemic cytostatic agents. During the course of treatment with such medications, the patient should drink at least 10 glasses of water per day. The attending physician strictly monitors compliance with the drinking regime. If the patient complains of weakness, headache and general malaise, then dehydration can be suspected. In this case, the amount of daily urine is monitored and, if necessary, the drinking regime is adjusted.

Diet example

To understand how to eat properly, you can consider, as an example, one day of nutrition for a cancer patient.

For patients with lung cancer, a nutritional plan is developed individually by a nutritionist, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Drug treatment for lung cancer must be supplemented with dietary nutrition. Only such an integrated approach allows you to quickly achieve remission and prevent various complications. Sweet foods that can worsen his condition are excluded from the patient’s diet.

Diet for lung cancer is a mandatory criterion in order to overcome the disease. In addition, it is necessary to be treated with official, traditional medicine. And the nutrition should be appropriate. This article will be devoted to this topic.

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What diet for lung cancer?

Do you know what diet should be for lung cancer? This disease is very serious. To overcome it, you need not only to resort to traditional treatment, but also to eat right.

So, the diet is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. But despite this, it is worth understanding that many products are prohibited. You need to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Because they are rich in anthocyanides. They are found in blueberries, blue cabbage, red and purple grapes, and blueberries. These fruits and berries are a must-eat.

Green plants such as nettle, dandelion and chlorella are particularly beneficial. So it’s worth paying attention to them too. In general, each person creates a diet for himself. Taking into account prohibited and permitted products. This cannot be ignored; only in the “totality” will proper treatment and nutrition have an effect. Diet for lung cancer is an important part of the entire treatment process.

Diet recipes for lung cancer

What interesting diet recipes for lung cancer are there? In fact, there are a lot of them, and they are not particularly different from the usual food. The main thing is not to eat anything from the list of prohibited foods.

So, it is quite possible to prepare an ordinary light soup using only vegetables. If desired, you should add a little meat, but only dietary meat. Boil the soup, add a little salt and pepper and serve.

Stewed rabbit is a wonderful dish for lunch. The meat of this animal is dietary. You can season it with a vegetable side dish, this will complement the incredible taste. A salad of fresh vegetables is also suitable.

It is advisable to give preference to vegetable salads. They are not only healthy, but also easily digestible, which is a mandatory criterion. More attention should be paid to fruits. They contain many vitamins, but you should only eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables. When preparing your next dish, you should pay attention to the list of permitted products and, based on this, cook whatever your heart desires. Without this, the diet for lung cancer will be ineffective.

Diet menu for lung cancer

What should be the diet menu for lung cancer? There are several food options available, so it's worth considering a couple of them. Everyone can create an individual menu for themselves or with the help of their attending physician.

So, the first option. For breakfast you should eat a green or red apple, as well as orange juice. The second breakfast must be supplemented with a steamed omelette and fresh tomatoes. In addition, add a slice of black bread, a glass of green tea with lemon. For lunch, vegetable soup with tomato, a slice of bread, vegetable salad with avocado, and stewed chicken with vegetables are suitable. It is advisable to wash everything down with rosehip decoction. For dinner you should enjoy a handful of nuts, steamed turnips, green tea with the addition of a slice of lemon. Before going to bed, you need to drink natural yogurt.

Now it's worth considering the second option. For breakfast you should eat everything the same as in the first option. Only instead of orange juice, you should drink tomato juice. For second breakfast, buckwheat porridge with salad is suitable. Wash everything down with green tea. You can complement your meal with a sandwich with hard cheese. For lunch, lean borscht along with slices of rye bread. All this will be perfectly complemented by stewed rabbit with noodles, green salad and tea. For dinner, a handful of dried apricots, a little steamed rutabaga and rosehip decoction are suitable. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of kefir. The diet for lung cancer should be balanced.

What can you eat if you have lung cancer?

Do you need to know what you can eat if you have lung cancer? Naturally, only thanks to such knowledge, we can talk about a positive effect. Now it’s worth moving on to foods that are allowed to be consumed in the treatment of lung cancer.

All yellow and red vegetables and fruits can be eaten. These include citrus fruits, tomatoes, pineapples, apricots, cherries and others. It is imperative to include vegetables and fruits high in anthocyanides in your diet.

All blue algae are allowed. You can eat broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, garlic and onions. As for meat products, they must be dietary. These include poultry and rabbit meat.

It is advisable to steam all foods, as well as stew or boil them. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is important to maintain a certain period of time between all techniques. Thus, the body will get used to everything that is happening. This is what a diet for lung cancer should be like.

What should you not eat if you have lung cancer?

Few people know what not to eat if you have lung cancer? So, this knowledge is mandatory. Because you can’t miss the situation, you need to act.

So, you should completely avoid products with preservatives and food additives. Therefore, you should forget about your favorite harmful things. Sausages and canned food are also prohibited. Any marinades and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet once and for all.

It won't be easy for those with a sweet tooth, because all confectionery products are now banned. Even ordinary sugar can no longer be eaten. As for sweeteners, they are also included in the list of prohibited products.

Fatty foods and refractory fats are strictly prohibited. Including lard and butter. And finally, as for drinks, you should never drink coffee or alcohol. This list of products should be abandoned in order for the treatment process to be truly effective. So a diet for lung cancer is a must.

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