Alternating vowels in adjectives. Alternation of vowels O-A in the root of the word. Alternating vowels e-i: spelling rules

Only at first glance does it seem like an elementary topic. In fact, there are many nuances here, without knowledge of which it is almost impossible to write correctly.

With unstressed vowels, everything is easy: you just select the one in which the desired sound will be stressed - and insert it by analogy (balls - ball, wave - waves). But another issue is the alternating vowels in the root. We come across examples of this rule all the time: wipe - wipe, tan - burn, dawn - dawn - these words occur every day, and intuition does not always tell you which letter to insert in place of the gap. To guess or not to guess - that is the question. It’s probably better to figure it out and feel confident.

Radical suffix - first case

In principle, examples of alternating vowels in the root of a word can be divided into five parts. The smallest of them is the alternation o//a, depending on the presence of a radical suffix.

The only root that fits this rule is called kas//kos. If there is a suffix “a” after it, you need to write “kas” (touch), otherwise it is written “o” (touch).

We consolidate the first roots with alternating vowels with practice. You need to place the letters in the spaces:

K...shit, k...dream,, k...substantial, k...sleepy (mind), close...t (sleeves), touching, inaccessible...substantial, touching...sentative, contact...dreaming.

Radical consonants

Another small group are roots with alternating vowels, the spelling of which depends on the consonant following the root. These include rast//rasch//ros, skak//skoch and lag//log.

In the first case, the vowel “o” is written only before “s” (grown), otherwise you need to insert “a” (plant, grown) - there are only three combinations of letters that affect the alternating vowels in the root. Examples and simultaneous consolidation: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow. By the way, one more important clarification: this rule has exception words, the spelling of which must be remembered: industry, Rostov, moneylender. Rostislav, Rostock.

Next comes the root skak//skoch, where before “k” you need to write “a”, and before “h” - “o”. True, there are exceptions here: skAchu, jump and all derivatives from them. Let's practice this point of the rule: sk...kick, jump out, jump...nod, jump...kick, jump...nod, sk...count.

And the last root of this rule is lag//lie, here too everything is extremely clear: before “g” - “a” and before “g” - “o”. Words with alternating vowels in the root are examples of this rule for reinforcement: p, adjective, ex...position, exposition, l...f...offer. But even here there is an exception: pogo.


The third, by no means large group, are alternating vowels in the root, examples of spelling of which depend on the meaning. This, by the way, is one of the most confusing points of the rule, despite the fact that there are only two roots in it: poppy//mok and equal//level.

If complete immersion in liquid is meant, then the root is written “poppy”, but if the ability to pass water is written “mok”. Let's try to figure it out with examples: m...dip in tea, waterproof...dip, d...dip in ink, rinse...write what is written with blotting paper.

With the root equal//level, everything is a little more complicated. If it is said that something is equal to something, “sameness,” you need to write the root “equal,” but if you talk about a smooth surface, “even.” By the way, you can remember this point with associations: equality - “equal”, equal - “equal”. But even here there are exceptions: plain, equal, equal, equal. We fix: vyr...listen, ur...listen, level...ven, sr...view, zar...listen, r...vnina.


The roots are zar//zor, plav//pilaf//swim, pai//sing - without emphasis it is written “a”, with emphasis - “o”. Let’s immediately remember the exceptions: swimmer, swimmer, quicksand and roar (the last word is a controversial issue - in some manuals it is given as an exception, but in others it is not indicated at all). We fix: s..ri, p...yalnik, s...rya,,, s...rya.

In the roots gar//gor, tvar//tvor and clan//clone everything is exactly the opposite: with an accent it is written “a”, and without an accent - “o”. There are, however, a few more exceptions: scorch, dross, residues, utensils. Remember: worship, g...swear, swear, s...r.

Radical suffix - second case

And the largest group, similar examples of alternation of vowels in the roots of words which have already been discussed above, is the spelling of e//i depending on the suffixes in a number of words. The advantage is that, despite the large number of roots that fit this rule, there are practically no exceptions, and you can memorize them using a mnemonic phrase. Here she is: " Did you wipe your feet? “Wipe it!”

Have you already guessed? Yes, the vowel alternation in this case depends on the presence of the suffix “a”, as in kas//kos. The roots bir//ber, tyr//ter, mir//mer, dir//der, pir//per, stil//steel, blist//blest, zhig//zheg, chit//even follow this rule. And for all this huge number of roots there are only two exceptions: combination and combine. Some, however, also include the words zadira and protirka here, but here the vowel is under stress, so writing it with an error is very problematic.

We are securing the largest group: bl...take off, pick up, pro...r, freeze...deep,, spread out, light...g,,, read....

Summarization and repetition

The table “Alternating vowels in the root” will help you remember everything written above.


Within the meaning of


Immerse in liquid//pass water

Make equal//make equal

Be equal



From the root suffix

Suffix “a”//no suffix “a”

From the root suffix

style//steel blist//brilliant

Suffix “a”//no suffix “a”



From a combination of consonants

grow // grow // grow


before “st” and “sch”//before “s”

before “k”//before “h”

before "g"//before "g"


From stress

swim // swim // swim






under stress//without stress

As you can see from the table, the entire long rule fits into several cells. In principle, it is enough to remember a few examples from each category in order to write correctly, however, you should never forget about exceptions. Over time, alternating vowels in the root, examples of which are found everywhere, will no longer cause difficulties at all.

Alternation of unstressed vowels in the root- a terrible place in Russian spelling. While most of the roots were decided to be written the same way in all words with the same root, some roots (it is not clear why they were) remained in a privileged position. They did not obey the general rule and are written according to tradition. What is the tradition of a language? These are spelling norms that spontaneously developed in those days when there were no spelling rules yet. That is, having no rules, people wrote as they liked, a tradition developed of writing some words with one letter, and other words with the same root with another letter. And when the rules began to be drawn up, they decided to leave these words in the form to which the people were already accustomed. And now each generation of schoolchildren is paying for the fact that previous generations did not have to be retrained. And that is not all. There are more and more roots with alternation. More precisely, unaccounted for roots are being discovered all the time. The collection is constantly growing, there are no definitive lists of exceptions and alternating words, and no one is going to reform the rule. Be strong, comrades! You will have to learn all this.

Alternation at the root


Alternating A and O

The letter depends on the suffix A

Alternate: to A With A/To O s, l A ha/l O and. If after the roots kos/kas, lag/lozh there is a suffix A, the letter A is written at the root: prik A With A to be - prik O dream, floor O live - gender A go. Remember it like a spell: casa-laga.

The letter depends on the neighboring consonant

Root log/log falls into this group of rules. A is always written before G, O - before J. Exception:floor O G. This word cannot be considered an exception, because... the value of the root is already very far from the lag/false. In a word canopy, rather, full consent is already in effect.

Fundamentally jump/skoch- A is written before K, and O is written before H: sk aká – high very good there. Exceptions: jump, jump.

Fundamentally ras(t)/rasch/ros- A is written before ST and Ш; in other cases it is written O: R ast narration, narration asch lenition - expression O sshiy, zar O if, then O s.l. Exceptions: industry, sprout, outgrowth, moneylender, Rostov.

The letter depends on the accent and its absence

This is the most difficult part of the rule. Because we must not get confused in which roots to write O without stress, in which ones - A.

So, in all roots under the stress we write the letter that we hear.

No accent And in the roots it is written zar, plav, pai(alternating zar/zor, swim/plov/swim, pay/sing): h A roar - s O ri - z A rya, prip O th - p A yalnik

No accent About is written in the roots of the mountains, clone, creation(alternating gor/gar, clone/clan, creative/creature): G A ry - vyg O howl, howl O n - cl A bother.

Exceptions: vyg A rki, izg A pry, prig A ry(it is unlikely that you will use these words anywhere, but they may appear in the exam), utv A ry, s O roar, pl O vec, pl O sneeze. In different manuals, the name of the bird is written differently: “Zoryanka” and “Zoryanka”. According to the latest data, this word is still no exception.

The letter depends on the meaning.

Here we have the most unmotivated part of the rule. There are many homonymous or consonant pairs of words that have similar roots with different meanings and with different letters: a flag flutters, a child develops, climb a tree, lick a wound, etc. But for some reason, only two pairs of such words are named roots with an alternating vowel. If the roots have different meanings (even if they are somewhat close), then the roots are different. And since the roots are different, what does alternation have to do with it? But let us present these rules in Rosenthal’s formulation.

" Root equal- is in words with the meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: equation, compare, catch up (become equal). Root exactly- in words meaning “flat, straight, smooth”: equalize, peer, equalize, level. Wed: trim (make equal) - trim (make even); leveled (made equal) – leveled (made equal)." Exceptions: R A pay attention! R A opinion, p A take heed, p A Vnina.

" Root poppy- contained in verbs that have meaning "to immerse in liquid": dip a cracker in tea, dip a pen in ink. Root mok- contained in verbs meaning “to let liquid through”: get wet in the rain, get wet what is written. The rule applies to derivative words: dipping, blotting paper, raincoat."

Alternating E and I

These roots, fortunately, obey one principle: if there is a suffix A, it is written I, otherwise it is written E. The main thing is to remember the roots in which such alternation exists. So, let's remember: ber- – bir-, der- – dir-, mer- – mir-, per- – pir-, ter- – tyr-, shine- – blist-, zheg- – zhig-, stel- – stil-, even- – cheat-

Exceptions:op. e T A t, op e T A nie, prot And rka, ass And ra. The last two exceptions do not need to be remembered, because... the letter in them is under stress, it is impossible to make a mistake.

Here's what the rule looks like in the 1956 code:

"Alternation And And e found in the following verbs:

  • burn - burn, burn out - burn out and so on.;
  • spread - bed, spread out - spread it out and so on.;
  • rend - I'll tear it apart, scoot - I'll get away and so on.;
  • unlock - unlock, lock - lock up and so on.;
  • wash - erase, rub - grind and so on.;
  • die - die, die - die, freeze - freeze and so on.;
  • elect - I'll choose, clean up - I'll tidy up and so on.;
  • subtract - subtract, read - read and so on.;
  • sit - sit down;
  • shine - shine."

Alternating I and I

In alternations nya/him the same principle: And written after the suffix A: un I t-un And mother, obn I t - update And mother.


Prick A prick - prick O dream

Floor O live - gender A go away

TV A ry - vytv O swear

Z A rya - z O ri

Sk A kat - high O read

R A stenia - p O drain

Prig O army - g A ry

You m And army - mind e howl

Dept. And army - department e dig

Bl And become - bl e weave

You are t And army - you e howl

Let's mention I no - mention And nat

History of the rule

The first rule, similar to modern rules about vowel alternations, arose from Grot and concerned the spelling of words with the root ROS / RAST / RASCH

In the Russian language, the phenomenon of alternation in the main morpheme is often encountered. In this article we will talk about alternating “e” and “i” in the root. Let's look at the rule and features, give examples and exceptions.

Roots with alternation. What is this?

When changing form within a base morpheme, both consonants and vowels can often change. So, for example, to run - I run, to say - I will say. Here we observe alternation of consonants. The following examples: freeze - freeze, position - position. These words are distinguished by the alternation of vowels. This phenomenon is due to the following reasons: whether the root is stressed or unstressed, whether there is a suffix, what exact meaning is inherent in the main morpheme, etc.

Alternation of “e” and “i” in the root. Rule

In a number of main morphemes, both “e” and “i” are used in unstressed position. This means that in lexical units there is an alternation in the root “e” and “i”. What does this depend on? The spelling of a particular letter is influenced by the presence of “a” (suffix) following the main morpheme. So, if the suffix is ​​present, then the vowel “and” is written at the root. If it is missing, you should write “e”. Let's study a few examples in detail.

"Wipe". When analyzing the composition, we highlight the root “tyr”. It is followed by the suffix "a". Thus, in the main morpheme you need to write “and” (“dir”). Second example: wipe. The main morpheme is "ter", followed by the suffix "e" (not "a"). Therefore, it is necessary to write “e” (ter) at the root.

Let's consider another pair of “steles” / “steels”. We use the words “spread” and “spread” as examples. In the first option, it is necessary to write “e”, because the lexical unit does not contain “a” (suffix), in the second case, “and”, since “a” is present.

Alternating “e” / “i” in the root of the word. Examples

Lexical units with the above basic morphemes are common. In speech you can often find roots with alternating “e” / “i”. Examples of such lexical units are given below.

  • Basic morphemes "ber" / "bir".

Select, pick up, collect, climb, get, select, gather, pick, sort out, scrounge, clean up, sort out, make your way, selectivity, proceedings, will collect, sort out, choose, clean up, select, climb up, get there, confusion, etc.

  • Basic morphemes "mer" / "world".

Fade, dying out, die, die out, dying, fading, die, deceased, extinct, etc.

  • Basic morphemes “ter” / “tyr”.

Wipe, rub, rub, rub, wash, wash, wash, rub, rub, wipe, wipe, erase, get confused, rub, rub, get lost, etc.

  • Basic morphemes "der" / "dir".

Tear up, rip off, rip off, rip up, tear through, rip off, rip off, rip through, rip off, rip off, etc.

  • Basic morphemes "per" / "pir".

To lock up, to prop up, to push, to unlock, to deny, to lock up, to prop up, to prop up, etc.

  • Basic morphemes “chet” / “cheat”.
  • Basic morphemes “zheg” / “zhig”.

Light, kindle, lighter, ignite, cauterize, burn, arsonist, roasting, burn, burned, etc.

  • Basic morphemes “stele” / “steel”.

To spread, to spread, to re-lay, to re-lay, to lay, to spread, to finish, spreading, spreading, etc.

  • Basic morphemes “blest” / “blist”.

To shine, to shine, brilliant, to shine, brilliant, to shine, to shine, brilliant, to shine, brilliant, etc.

  • Basic morphemes "lep" / "lip".

stick, stick, stick, unstick, stick, stuck, unstuck, stick together, stuck, stick around, sculpt, re-sculpt, stick up, finish up, stucco, etc.


The alternation of “e” and “i” in the root has a number of features. Below we will analyze each of them.

After sibilant consonants and soft consonants, not only “e”, but also “e” can be used in a stressed position. Depends on the sound that appears during pronunciation. This can be either the sound “e” (corresponding to the letter “e”) or the sound “o” (corresponding to the letter “e”). Let's give a few examples. To grate is a grater, to count is to count, to shine is glitter, to shine is glitter, etc.

The above roots are characterized by the phenomenon of a fluent vowel. What exactly does this mean? The fact that in some forms, a vowel letter drops out of the root of the word. Let's look at examples that this rule applies to.

Clean up - tidy up - tidy up, etc.

To tear apart - to tear apart - to tear apart, etc.

Burn - burn - burn, etc.

Die - die - will die, etc.

Prop up - prop up - prop up, etc.

Re-lay - re-lay - re-arrange, etc.

Wipe - wipe - wipe, etc.

Thus, we see that in the last examples both the vowel letter “i” and “e” are missing. They are runaways.

Use in speech

Let's consider how you can use lexical units with alternating “e” and “i” in the root in speech.

  • Servants come to their house to clean.
  • The child made his own bed in the morning.
  • The girl was frightened by the loud sound and froze in place.
  • After eating, you need to wipe the crumbs off the table.
  • This morning the snow sparkled very brightly in the sun.

Try to continue this series yourself.

Now you know the rules and features of using roots alternating “e” / “i” and can easily use them in speech and writing.

At this point we will dwell in more detail on those that have not been analyzed.

2.3.1. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root

Rule Examples
1. In an unstressed position, the letter that is written in the same syllable when it is under stress is used. To thunder is cumbersome, to imagine, an image is an example, to irritate is to tease, to beg is to beg, to belittle is small.
2. If e is written under stress, then e is written without stress in the same syllable. Scratch - slash, motley - smear, solid - stop blush.
3. In words of Old Church Slavonic origin, in an unstressed position, an incomplete vowel combination is written with one vowel a-ra, la; in parallel native Russian words a full-vowel combination with two vowels is written o-oro, olo. Br A hello - b o ro zda, region A co - about oh lo wow, wow A waiting - x oh lo d, look A s - g oh lo s, ogre A yes - og o ro die, ch A va - g oh lo va, abbr. A spare - to o ro soft
4. If the spelling of a vowel in an unstressed position cannot be checked by the stressed position, then the spelling of the vowel must be remembered (or checked its spelling in a dictionary). Object, obsession, but aroma, panorama, labyrinth, lottery, concrete, saucepan, privilege, these kets.


1) Word to the line is the same root as the word up to l; word teacher A vatel- with the word give; words overcome, overcome- with the word C to A.

2) Nouns company And company vary in meaning.

TO and the company- 1. “The totality of military operations; war in a certain period" ( military campaign, Russian-Japanese campaign); 2. “Events, activities” ( election campaign, sowing campaign).
TO about the company- 1. “Society, a group of people spending time together” (friendly company); 2. “Commercial or industrial enterprise” (cf.: steel company).

3) The vowels o-a in the roots of verbs cannot be checked using the imperfective form na -yat (-ivat), cf.: rasko let - rask A bark, talk - talk A rip.

4) In some borrowed words with a suffix that stood out in the past, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked and the vowel being checked belong to suffixes of different origins, cf.:

intellect ct. intelligent gent,
accompaniment. accompany
lead r. to lead,
trainer. train,
subscription subscribe,
disinfection. disinfect.

Note. Read also about ways to check unstressed vowels in the root on the page: How to check words with unstressed vowels in the root?

2.3.2. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels

Roots with alternating vowels A/O

1. Dependence on stress

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Gar-/gor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), o is written in the unstressed position. Tan - tanned, tanned, sunburnt. Burn, burn, burn.
Clan-/clone- Bow, bow - bow, bow, bow, bow.
Creature-/creative- Creature, creativity - create, create, transform, pretend. Utensil.
Zar-/zor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), a is written in the unstressed position. Roar, dawn - roar, dawn, illuminate. Roar, dawn.
Swim-/swim- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a, o, or ы), a is written in the unstressed position. Swim, swim - swim, float, swim beetle. Swimmer, swimmer;
ply vuny

2. Dependence on final consonants of the root

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Before st and sch it is written a, before s it is written o. Grow, plant, grow, growth - grown, thickets, shoots. A) Rostov, Rostislav, Rostok, moneylender, Vyrostok rostivistic).
b) reflection(and derivatives from them, for example: otra left).
Jump-/jump- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), in the unstressed position a is written before k, and o is written before h. Jump, gallop, gallop - upstart, jump in, jump out. Jump, jump, jump, jump.
Lag-/false- A is written before g, o is written before g. Addendum, put, decompose - add, put, decompose. Polo g.

3. Dependence on the presence of the suffix -a-

4. Dependency on value

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Mac-/mok- The root mak- (mach-) is written in words meaning “to immerse in liquid.”
The root mok- (moch-) is written in words meaning “to let liquid through, to become wet.”
Let's put the pen into the ink("load") dip bread in sour cream(“immerse”) - promo whip spot(“pass liquid”), promotional paper(“permeable liquid”), moisten(“make it wet”).
Equal-/equal- The root equal is written in words meaning “same, equal, equal.”
The root is written in words meaning “smooth, straight.”
It's time to pay attention(“to be on the same line, in the same position”), the equation(“mathematical equality”) - take in the bushes(“make it even”), take in the sand(“make it even, smooth”). Ravine, age, level, same age.

Roots with alternating vowels I/E

Roots Rule Examples

If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then the root is written and, if there is no suffix, then the root is written e.

Take it - I'll take it.
Jig-/burn- To survive is to survive.
Steel-/steel- To make the bed - to lay the bed.
Blist-/glitter- Shine - shine.
World-/mer- To die is to die.
Tyr-/ter- Erase - erase.
Dir-/der- To tear it apart - it will tear it apart.
Feast-/per- Lock up - lock up.

Subtract that - subtract you. try on, try on a dress, measure.

2) The alternation and /e in the roots pir- / is typical only for words with the meanings “close”, “open”, “move”, “protrude forward, squeeze out”, etc.

To lock - to lock, to unlock - to unlock, to bulge - to bulge.

In words with the root pir- with the meaning “abundant treat, feast”, and is always written.

Feast, feast.

Alternation A(I)/im(in)

Roots Rule Examples
Roots with alternating a(i)/im(in) If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then it is written in the root (in); if there is no suffix, then a /ya is written in the root. Squeeze - shake, press - press, knead - knead, understand - understand, start - start, remember - memory.

2.3.3. Use of the letter E

As noted (see paragraph 1.5), the vowel letter e is used primarily after soft consonants and at the beginning of a word, after vowels, if it denotes two sounds [j] + vowel ( yes, the land of the Vedas).

At the same time, according to tradition, in many words after hard consonants and after vowels (where there is no sound [j]) e is also written, not e.

When choosing a vowel, you should use the following rules:

Written E It's written E
1. In foreign words after a consonant, for example: muffler, stand, lady, dandy, Mary. 1. After consonants in some foreign words: mayor, sir, peer and derivatives from them ( mayor's office, peerage), in some proper names: Bacon, Bela, Ulan-Ude.
2. After a vowel and, for example: diet, requiem, caries. 2. After vowels (except and), in accordance with pronunciation, e is written, for example: silhouette, poetry, duet.
3. In words: project, projection, register, extravaganza. 3. At the beginning of a word, in accordance with pronunciation, it is written e ( this, exam, floor, economics) and their derivatives ( exam, save).

Alternation of vowels in the roots of words.

There are relatively few roots with alternating and difficult-to-write vowels in the Russian language. In order to avoid making mistakes in the spelling of unstressed vowels when writing in these cases, you need to know the rules.

Alternation, i - e

In the roots of beer-ber-, pir-per-, world-mer-, steel-steel-,

dar-der- and the like, where and alternates with e, is written only when the root is followed by a suffix -A-: collect - I will collect, lock - lock, die - die, lay - lay, tear apart - tear apart.

The spelling of roots is based on the same rule, in which -and I-) alternates with - them- or - in-, for example: squeeze - squeeze, crush - crush, start - start, remove - remove; -im- or -in- are written in these roots when they are followed by the suffix -a-.

You need to remember the spelling of words combine, combination.

check yourself

Exercise 1. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Orally indicate the type of verbs. Underline alternating vowels with one line, suffix - A- two.

I'll clean the room - I'll clean the room, unlock the lock - unlock the lock, freeze with delight - freeze with delight, grind the sugar in a mortar - melt... .to eat sugar in a mortar, to... run away without looking back - to... run away without looking back, to kindle... a fire - to kindle... a fire, to subtract one number from another - subtract... there is one number from another, shake hands - shake hands, curse someone - curse someone, take a position - take a position.

Alternation a - o.

1 .In the roots lag- - false- And kas- - kos- letter A written if for

the root should be the suffix -a-: believe - put (exception: canopy), touch - touch.

2 .Fundamentally floating - pilaf- letter A written in all cases except

words swimmer, swimmer, for example: fin, floating. The word quicksand is written with the letter s.

3 .Root poppy- written when talking about immersing something in liquid: dip (bread in milk); dip (pen in ink); root mok- written in words with the meaning “to let liquid through”, “to become wet”: boots get wet, waterproof raincoat, blotting paper.

check yourself

Exercise 2. Rewrite the words and phrases by inserting the missing letters. Explain the spelling. Make sentences using the highlighted words (orally).

To expound, to expound, to assume, to assume, to touch, to touch, to assume, supposed, contiguous. sit, to, to...set, adjective, decomposition, to decompose; swimmers, float...wok, melt...float, float...float, float...float, float...float; the shoes get wet, soak the brush in the paint, a good rinse, a waterproof coat, wash it out in the rain.

4 . In the roots clan- -clone-, creature- -creation- may be under stress

and a, and o, without emphasis - only o, for example: bow, bow, inclination; creature, creativity, creation. Exception: utensils.

Fundamentally gar-gor- in an unstressed position it also usually happens about

(emphasis - A), for example: tan - sunbathing, tanned, tan. Exception: fumes.

5 . In contrast to the roots discussed in paragraph 4, at the root zar

zor- in an unstressed position it is written a (under stress there is both a and o), for example: dawn, lightning, illuminated, but dawn, glow.

6 . It is necessary to remember the spelling of words with roots jump-(jump-) - jump-, for example: jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, upstart, jump.

7 . The root equal- is predominantly written in words that are related in meaning to “equal” (“same”), for example uniform, equivalent, compare, anyway, as well as in the words equal, equal, equal, equal, plain; the root roen is mainly written in words related in meaning to “even” (“smooth”, “straight”), for example: level, (paths), level (pit), level (flower beds), level, level.

8 . Fundamentally grow- -grew- vowel a without stress is written only before

consonants st and sh; before s without a subsequent t it is written about, for example: age, growth, but grew.

Exception: industry, rostok, usurer, Rostov, Rostislav, as well as derivatives from them, for example: industry, rostok, usurious, Rostov, etc.

check yourself

Exercise 3. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters, and explain their spelling.

Keep level in the rows, make a uniform movement, clear out the beds, compare two numbers, incomparable values, trim the lilac bushes, increase the level of production , look up to the leaders, solve an equation, a successful comparison, earn a ditch, a magnificent plain; lush...spruce, breadth and depth, improper fusion of bones, over...becomes grass, swamp...frozen with moss, a new branch of industry, people... .stealer of strength, disgusting loan shark.

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Verbs of the Russian language are characterized by a category of mood, which serves to correlate the action expressed by a given part...

Mendel's Laws Diagram of Mendel's first and second laws. 1) A plant with white flowers (two copies of the recessive allele w) is crossed with...

>>Russian language 2nd grade >>Russian language: Separating soft sign (ь) Separating soft sign (ь) The role and meaning of the soft sign in...

An important part of linguistics is orthoepy - the science that studies pronunciation. It is she who answers the question of whether to put emphasis on...
Sections: Russian language Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization. Type of lesson: combined (lecture with feedback,...
The root is the basis of the word, carrying the main lexical load. It is the most stable morpheme in the language: the basic vocabulary of any...
Only at first glance does it seem like an elementary topic. In fact, there are many nuances here, without knowledge of which it is possible to write correctly...
At the end of April, astronomers in the northern hemisphere will have the opportunity to observe the Lyrid meteor shower, which is a dust trail...
What do you think, if the Moon were closer to our planet than it is now, what would it look like? But let's talk about everything in order. Scientists are people...