Is the correct emphasis really that important... We not only write, but also speak competently: how to correctly put stress in words How to put stress in Russian

An important part of linguistics is orthoepy - the science that studies pronunciation. It is she who answers the question of whether to put emphasis in different cases. Without knowledge of this, competent oral speech is impossible. Incorrectly placed stress not only makes a person funny in the eyes of his interlocutors, but also seriously complicates the process of communication, because the word can ultimately change its meaning... Our article is devoted to the topic “Correct stress in words.” We will look at how to place accents correctly in this publication in more detail.

Word stress is the emphasis on one of the syllables of a word using the voice. Pronouncing a stressed vowel requires special tension in the organs of speech and phonation. The syllable pronounced with the greatest force is called stressed.

In addition to verbal stress, there is also syntagmic stress (emphasizes a certain word as part of a syntagma), phrasal (emphasizes syntagma in a phrase) and logical (emphasizes a word to emphasize its semantic dominance over others in a given context).

Types of word stress

Verbal stresses also have their own subtypes. The division is carried out taking into account what means and methods of production are used in a particular language. This is how they distinguish:

It should be noted that several acoustic means can be combined in the same stress. In addition, in different words of the same sentence, stress may appear more pronounced and vice versa.

Indication of stress on a letter

In addition to the specifics of the production, there are also different ways of notation. For example, in the international phonetic alphabet, stress is indicated by a vertical bar or a line on top before a syllable. In Russian, it is sometimes indicated by the sign “akut”, which is placed above. In English, a stroke is placed at the end of the word being stressed. In some dictionaries, stress is indicated by a combination of bold and

Accent in Russian

Stressed syllables in the Russian language have a longer pronunciation compared to other parts of the word. But the height of the highlighted vowel can change. Among the world's languages ​​there are many where stress is a stable and fixed thing. Like, for example, the French, who always highlight the last syllable in a word if it is pronounced separately. And in the whole phrase, all except the final words are unstressed. Only the last syllable of the rhythmic group (actually, the phrase) is highlighted.

There are no such patterns in Russian. The stress can fall on any syllable. Moreover, it can change in word forms. Therefore, placing accents correctly is not always easy. Especially for a person who is not a native speaker.

Who is having difficulties?

Of course, a person who was born and raised among native speakers of the literary Russian language, surrounded entirely by teachers, writers, university professors and other representatives of the intelligentsia, will never have big problems with accents. But are there many such people? Russia is huge, it is home to a large number of nationalities who communicate either in Surzhik or in their own dialects or languages. They have a hard time with literary speech.

And it’s even more difficult for Russian-speaking people living outside of Russia, where the influence of other languages ​​is strong. Well, of course, foreigners who come to the Russian Federation to work or for permanent residence often do not understand at all how to correctly put emphasis in a particular word. After all, there are no norms that determine the pattern of its arrangement in the Russian language as such!

Way out

What should a person do if he wants to place the correct emphasis on words? How to put them correctly in one case or another? If we are talking about a foreigner who moved to Russia, then communication with the indigenous population will help him (but not with the porters at the station, of course). You need to look for relevant areas, listen and remember. TV and radio stations are great help in this matter. As a rule, media administration monitors the literacy of its staff.

People living outside the Russian Federation will need a spelling dictionary or reference book, where they can always check the correct pronunciation. In addition, today there are all sorts of programs and Internet resources that help you quickly master literary Russian.

But problems arise not only for the above categories of citizens. Native Russians, who by and large know how to speak competently, also sometimes face a dilemma and do not know how to place the correct emphasis on words. How to put them correctly, for example, in foreign terms? Difficulties often arise with words that were previously pronounced one way, but are now pronounced differently... There are not many of them at all - about several dozen. But some are so deeply rooted in their delusion that even a linguist professor may have certain doubts!

Correct stress in words: how to correctly put stress in the word “calls”?

Probably the most textbook example of incorrect pronunciation is the word “ringing.” No matter how hard teachers try, no matter how hard comedians make fun of the ignorant, the mistake in the mouths of the people continues to live on. Well, our population doesn’t want to learn by heart how to put the correct emphasis in the word “calling”!

This may be due to the fact that in many literary works, old films, etc., the pronunciation of this word did not correspond to modern standards. And linguists are even thinking about whether they should meet the masses halfway and correct the rule? But so far this has not happened (and it is unknown whether this will be done in the future), and the word “calls” must be emphasized correctly. It falls on the second syllable. And nothing else.

Curd problem

Difficulties often arise with the word “cottage cheese”. Some pronounce it with emphasis on the first “o”, others - on the second... And there is a historical explanation for this. Because the term denoting this fermented milk product was pronounced differently at different times.

In the dictionaries of the nineteenth century, the norm is fixed, where the second syllable is stressed. And the famous linguist Dahl insists on the first. Over the past century, people persistently used both variants, and in the end linguists agreed that in the case of the word “cottage cheese” the correct stress would not be fixed. In principle, both one type of pronunciation and the other are considered correct. Both "o"s can be stressed.

Applies only to everyday life. And in official speeches of politicians, speeches of journalists, etc., it is preferable to use “cottage cheese” with the emphasis on the second syllable.

These words should be memorized

In addition to the two mentioned above, there are a number of words in the Russian language in the pronunciation of which mistakes are traditionally made. The following is a list of correct accents that you just need to memorize.

  • Airport - stress on the fourth syllable.
  • Pamper - on the last syllable.
  • Turn on - stress on the second syllable.
  • Development - on the second syllable.
  • Money - emphasis on the second syllable.
  • The agreement is on the last syllable.
  • Absolutely - stress on the second syllable.
  • Blinds - on the last syllable.
  • Cork - stress on the second syllable.
  • Stroke - on the second syllable.
  • Catalog - stress on the last syllable.
  • Quarter - on the last syllable.
  • More beautiful is the emphasis on the second syllable.
  • Providing - stress on the third syllable.
  • Lighten - on the last syllable.
  • On Wednesdays - emphasis on the last syllable.
  • Having accepted - on the second syllable.
  • Beet - stress on the first syllable.
  • Plum - on the first syllable.
  • Cakes - stress on the first syllable.
  • Phenomenon - on the second syllable.
  • Petition - stress on the second syllable.
  • Scoop - on the first syllable.
  • Sorrel - stress on the second syllable.

This list can be titled: “Speak correctly - put emphasis in the right places” - and hang it above your desk. Or above the bed to repeat before bed. Or on the bathroom mirror to start each morning off right. For a quick effect, it is advisable not just to read the words to yourself, but also to pronounce them out loud. And loud. And several times. It will only take a couple of weeks (and for some, maybe even days), and the correct pronunciation will harmoniously fit into spoken language. The main thing is desire, just a little effort - and everything will work out!

In order for oral speech to be correct and expressive, it is important to be able to place stress correctly. For younger schoolchildren, this is a rather difficult task, which is easier to cope with by understanding the meaning of accents. Our article will tell you about the features of Russian accent.


In oral speech, emphasis occurs by raising (strengthening) the voice or emotional (expressive) coloring. In writing, if necessary, a special accent mark is used (́ dash above the stressed syllable), but more often, for convenience, the stressed vowel is indicated by a capital (capital) letter.

There are accents:

  • Verbal- highlighting a syllable in a word;
  • Clock- highlighting a word in a phrase;
  • Boolean- highlighting a particularly significant word in the text;
  • Phrasal- highlighting a phrase in a phrase.

Let's take a closer look at the first one. It is this that causes the most difficulties, because the stress in the Russian language is always free. Any syllable can stand out in different words: from the first to the last (lake, swamp, river). For comparison: in French the stress is fixed (falls only on the last syllable). Even borrowed words retain the place of stress (coat, jalousie).

For each Russian word there are norms of correct or preferred pronunciation (orthoepic), which you just need to remember. For example: in words with “е” the stress will fall on this vowel (excluding compound and borrowed ones). If you have any doubts when placing stress, you should check with special dictionaries (orthoepic, dictionary of difficulties or stress).

Types of stress in a word

The emphasis in words is:

  • Permanent: the form of the word changes, but the stress remains on the same syllable (sign - sign - signs, sadness - sadness - sadness - to be sad);
  • Movable: when a word is changed, the stress is placed on a different syllable (leg - legs, table - table). In most cases the stress shifts to another syllable only in some forms (house - houses (where), but houses (many) - home; number - numbers (of what), but numbers).

Complex, compound, words with vice-, super-, ex-, anti-, near-, etc. often have two stresses. In the first part of the word - secondary, in the second - main (five-story, ex-minister).

Assigning word stress

To better understand why it is so important to use accents, you need to know their functions:

  • Pronunciation: helps to pronounce words correctly and separately from others, highlighting the stressed syllable (Healthy children can visit the pool);
  • Semantic: allows you to find out the meaning of a word in the case when the meaning changes when the stress is shifted to another syllable (lock on the door - build a castle, already done - the stream is narrower than the river).

Stress always plays the first role, and the second only in cases where it is necessary to distinguish between similar words. Also additionally called the expressive task of stress: increasing the imagery (expressiveness) of oral speech due to increased emphasis on a syllable in one word of the phrase (At least once in your life, try to do everything right!

Isolating a group of words, an individual word or a syllable in a word is called.

In Russian, the stressed element is pronounced with greater force, more clearly and for a longer duration. Depending on which element is highlighted, a distinction is made between logical and verbal stress.

Logical stress Word stress
(or just emphasis)
This is the selection of a word or group of words that is important in terms of meaning in a given phrase.

For example, in A. Akhmatova’s poem “Courage” (1942) the lines

We know what's on the scales now
And what is happening now...

Pronounced with logical emphasis on allied words - pronouns What, which must be highlighted by the strength of the voice, since it is they who determine the content of this entire phrase.

This is the highlighting of a syllable in a word.

If a word consists of two or more syllables, then one of them is pronounced with greater force, with greater duration and more clearly.

The syllable that is pronounced with greater force and duration is called stressed syllable. The vowel sound of a stressed syllable is called stressed vowel. The remaining syllables (and vowels) in the word are unstressed.

The accent mark “ ́” is placed above the vowel of the stressed syllable: wall, field.

Russian verbal stress (compared to other languages) has a number of features.

1. In many languages, stress is fixed, constant, that is, the stress is assigned to a specific syllable in a word.

    In French, the stress always falls on the last syllable, in Polish - on the penultimate syllable, in Czech - on the first syllable.

    In Russian, stress is free, that is, it can fall on any syllable.

    Wed: kitchen, more beautiful, pamper.

2. Russian stress is mobile: in related words and when the same word is changed, the stress can move to another syllable.

Wed: conspiracy - agreement, start - began, orphan - orphans.

3. It is the accent that can:

    distinguish one word from another;

    Wed: atlas - atlas.

    be an indicator of the grammatical form of a word.

    Wed: hands - hands.

4. Many complex words, in addition to the main stress, can also have a side stress.

Highly gifted, evergreen.

5. During historical development, the place of stress in a word may change.

For example, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” we read: The music is already tired of thundering; and now we say - music.

6. All words of a language, when pronounced separately, have an accent. But in the flow of speech, some words, adjacent in pronunciation to the previous or subsequent one, become unstressed.

For example, in the phrase Walk on the water with me pretext with with pronoun me, as well as a preposition By with a noun water pronounced with one accent. Moreover, in the first case ( with me) the preposition becomes unstressed; in the second case ( by water) the noun becomes unstressed.

7. A large group of words in the Russian language has several accentological variants. Only some of these options in the literary language are equivalent.

Cottage cheese And cottage cheese, barge And barge, camphor And camphor, combiner And combine operator, pinch And pinch.

Typically, the options differ in their scope of use.

    Thus, one of the options in a literary language can be the main one (cf.: unrestrained, girlish, busy), the other is additional, acceptable, but less desirable. (cf.: unrestrained, girlish, busy).

    Other options may be non-literary (colloquial, dialect).

    For example, in a literary language the pronunciation is unacceptable (!): busy, document, shop, kilometer, quarter, alcohol, youth. These are vernacular accentological options. Literary pronunciation options: engaged, document, store, kilometer, quarter, alcohol, youth.

    If you have difficulty, the stress in words and forms of words can be checked using explanatory, spelling and special, orthoepic dictionaries.

Every person at least once in his life has found himself in an awkward situation when he incorrectly placed the emphasis on a word, the pronunciation of which until that time he had no doubt at all. Yes, the wrong accent in a word hurts the ear, but almost everyone makes mistakes here. Even educated, well-read people are not immune from this. Stress is a tricky topic in linguistics. In the Russian language its importance is very great, since it is a means of distinguishing words.

Concept and use

Stress is the bright highlighting of one of the syllables in a word or phrase with different phonetic components (you can strengthen the voice, raise the tone in combination with intensity, volume). It is necessary to develop the skills to correctly set the verbal background - after all, this is a mandatory requirement for every speaker.

Stress is necessary for correct and competent speech. Any word consists of one or more syllables. When there are more than 2 in a word, they are pronounced with different intensity and volume. One of them will stand out - this is called verbal emphasis. Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese accented syllables are distinguished using pitch. In ancient languages ​​- Greek or Latin - the stressed syllable is distinguished using the duration of the vowel sound. There is also a dynamic, or power, blow, when an accented syllable is emphasized with greater force. For example, Russian, English, and French languages ​​have this type.

How to put the emphasis correctly?

Unlike French or Polish, in Russian the accent is free - it is not assigned to a specific syllable. Let's consider these examples:

  • light (emphasis on the first syllable);
  • lighten (emphasis on the 2nd syllable);
  • firefly (you must highlight the last syllable).

Correct emphasis is a goal that every self-respecting person should strive for. But the task is complicated by the fact that the emphasis can fall on different parts of the word (that is, it is mobile):

  • sign (on suffix);
  • signature (on the attachment);
  • subscribe (to root).

Stress norms for most words in the Russian language are contained in the spelling dictionary. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with problem words and remember their pronunciation.

Why is this question relevant?

The whole problem is that the stress in a word is inherently free. In some languages ​​it is fixed, that is, it always falls on the same syllable. For example: in French it is always on the last syllable, in Polish - on the penultimate syllable, in Czech - on the first. But in Russian there is no such pattern. Therefore, it is important to remember that stress is one of the most important signs of human literacy. Since there are no clear rules for this topic, most words just need to be memorized.

Which syllable is most often emphasized?

However, some patterns can still be identified. According to experts, the stress most often falls on the middle of the word, and also gravitates towards the second half:

  • Stavropol, but Stavropol region;
  • Get out, but get out.

Rules and patterns - how to remember everything?

Some rules will help you put emphasis correctly. Linguists note 28 “special” verb roots (there are many more verb roots). Together with prefixes, they form a whole series of verbs in which in the feminine past tense the emphasis shifts to inflection (ending). But this only applies to the female gender! In other forms, the emphasis remains on the root.

We present to you the following verbs that you need to remember (you can immediately write them down in a notebook): take, pick up, dial, take, wait, sleep. What emphasis should be placed in this case? Remember: tookA, tookA, handedA, sleptA, waitedA. But they took it, they waited, they slept, they handed it over.

You can often come across incorrect options: took it, drove it away, waited, misrepresented it. By analogy with other forms, native speakers often forget to place emphasis on inflection. But such pronunciation is unacceptable for literate speech. Try to avoid such mistakes.

Modern dictionaries

We present to your attention accent dictionaries that will help you improve your speech:

  1. Studiner M.A. Dictionary of the complexities of the Russian language for media workers, Moscow - 2016;
  2. For a large circle of readers. Esakova N.A. Dictionary of the complexities of the Russian language. Emphasis. Grammatical forms, Moscow - 2014

Feel free to look into dictionaries as often as possible. After all, people often get used to speaking incorrectly from childhood and for this reason do not doubt the correctness of their pronunciation. But what to do if memorization is very difficult? Well, this process can be made more fun.

There are funny and interesting rhymes - memorization poems. They are designed to remember the correct stress in words, where you can often make a mistake. Try to learn them - and you will remember once and for all where the stress falls in problem words. And with a little imagination, you can come up with a few original quatrains yourself.

Here are some good memories:

  1. Dear Marfa has all striped scarves!
  2. Baba Thekla is in the garden, she has beets in her garden.
  3. Don’t bring us curtains, we bought blinds.
  4. We often ate cakes, but our shorts didn’t fit.
  5. BArmen posted a new complete catalog on his blog.
  6. Our painter paints the walls, table Yar makes the shelves.

The golden rule for remembering

How to come up with a good rhyme to memorize? Choose a suitable rhyme for the word, that is, a word whose correct stress you have no doubt about. Don't put the word in the middle of the line! In order for the emphasis to be remembered, the rhyme must fall on this particular word. This method will help you easily and quickly remember the emphasis in words - and you definitely won’t lose face in front of your interlocutor.

For task No. 4 “Orthoepic norms”

Rules for placing stress in nouns.

1. Words of foreign origin, as a rule, in the Russian language they retain the place of stress that they had in the source language. In English, stress is most often on the first syllable, while in French it is on the last.
Therefore, English borrowings sound like this:
and the French ones are like this:
engraver, dispensary, blinds, rubber, parterre, music stand, chassis.

2. In words denoting measures of length and ending in -meter, stress falls on the last syllable:
kilometer, centimeter, millimeter, decimeter.

3. In complex words with a second part -the wire with the general meaning of “a device for transporting any substance or energy,” the emphasis falls on the root -water- :
Gas line, water line, garbage line, light line.
BUT: electric wire, electric drive.

4. In words ending in -log, the stress falls, as a rule, on the last syllable: dialogue, catalogue, monologue, obituary.

5. B verbal nouns the place of stress is preserved, which is in the original verb from which they are formed:
(faith) confess - religion
provide - provision.

6. In some nouns the stress is fixed and remains on the root in all cases:
AIRPORT – airports
bow – bows – with bows
accountant - accountant
X - with X - X - X
CRANE - taps
Lecturer – lecturers – lecturers
cake – with cake – cakes – cakes
Scarf - scarf - scarves - scarves.

7. In a noun darling the emphasis falls on the root. In all words formed from this word, the emphasis on -BAL- DOES NOT fall:
pampered, pampered, pampered, pampered, spoiled, pampered.

Rules for placing stress in adjectives.
1. Some adjectives have the same stress as the original nouns from which they are formed:
plum – plum
kitchen – kitchen
SORREL - sorrel.

2. The stressed syllable of the full form of some adjectives remains percussive and short form:
beautiful – beautiful – beautiful – beautiful – beautiful
unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable.

3. In some frequency adjectives with movable stress it falls on the root in its full form - singular and plural; and also in the short form - in the masculine and neuter gender. In the short form of the feminine gender, the emphasis goes to the ending:
right - right - right - right - right
slim - slim - slim - slim - slim.

4. If the emphasis in the short form of the feminine gender falls on the ending, then in the comparative form it will be on the suffix -E- or- HER-:
sick - sicker, strong - stronger, slimmer - slimmer.
If the emphasis in the feminine gender is on the base, then to a comparative degree it remains there:
beautiful - more beautiful, sad - sadder.

Rules for placing stress on verbs.

1. Emphasis in past tense verbs usually falls on the same syllable as the infinitive:
walk - walked, walked
hide - hid, hid.

2. In another group of verbs, the stress in all forms is fixed, and in the feminine gender of the past tense it moves to the ending:
take - took, took, took, took
lie - lied, lied, lied, lied.
took, took, poured in, burst in, perceived, recreated, drove, chased, got, got, waited, waited, occupied, locked, locked, called, called, lilA, lilA, lied, overstrained, called, poured, picked, began, drenched, hugged, overtook, stripped, departed, gave, recalled, responded, poured, called, poured, understood, arrived, tore, removed, created, tore, removed.

3. Verbs put, steal, sneak, send, send, send accent in form feminine past tense DOES NOT fall on the ending, but remains based on:
put, stole, stole, sent, sent, sent.
The exception is verbs with percussion attachment YOU-, which always takes over the accent:
lila - poured out, stole - stole.

4. B verbs ending in -IT, when conjugating, the emphasis falls on the endings: -ISH, -IT, -IM, -ITE, -AT/-YAT:
turn on - turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on
hand over - hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over over
get through - get through, get through, get through, get through, get through
bleed - bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed.
Verbs are conjugated using the same pattern:
call, exclude, endow, tilt, mess up, call, ease, encourage, encourage, borrow, surround, repeat, call back, call, drill, strengthen, pinch.

5. In the following verbs ending in –IT, the accent does NOT fall on the ending:
to vulgarize - to vulgarize
inquire - you will inquire.

6. In verbs, formed from adjectives, the emphasis most often falls on -ITE:
fast - to speed up, sharp - to aggravate, light - to ease, vigorous - to encourage, deep - to deepen.
BUT: verb Angry, formed from the adjective evil, does not obey this rule.

7. B reflexive verbs The emphasis in the past tense form often shifts to the ending or suffix (in masculine past tense verbs):
begin – began, began, began, began
accepted - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.

Rules for placing accents in participles.

1.In active past participles with suffix -VSH- the stress, as a rule, falls on the same vowel that appears in the word before this suffix:
light up Vsh yay, nali Vsh oh, look Vsh yy.

2. In passive past participles formed from verbs bend, bend, bend the emphasis falls on the prefix:
bent, curved, bent.

3. In short feminine passive past participles the accent falls on the ending:
busy, locked, populated, acquired, poured, encouraged, removed, created.

4. If the stress in the full form falls on the suffix -YONN- , then in the short form it is retained only in the masculine gender, and in other forms it changes to the ending:
included – included, included, included, included
delivered - delivered, delivered, delivered, delivered
populated - populated, populated, populated, populated.
Participles change according to the same scheme:
endowed, brought down, encouraged, disabled, repeated, divided, tamed.

5. In full forms of participles with suffix -T- formed from verbs with suffixes -ABOUT- And -WELL- In the infinitive, the stress falls one syllable forward:
polo - polo T y, prick - kOlo T oh, bend - bend T oh, wrap it up - I'll wrap it up T y.

Rules for placing stress in gerunds.

1. Participles often have stress on the same syllable as in the infinitive of the verb from which they are formed:
set - having set, fill - fill, occupy - having taken, begin - having started, raise - having raised, undertake - undertaken, create - created.

2. In gerunds with a suffix -VSH-, -VSHI- the stress falls on the vowel that comes before these suffixes in the word:
STARTED V, otA V, raise V, profit V,beginning lice s.

Rules for placing stress in adverbs.

1. To the console BEFORE- The stress falls in the following adverbs:
to the top, to the bottom, to the dryness.
BUT: dobela, dobela.
2. To the console BEHIND- the emphasis falls in the words:
beforehand, after dark, before light.
BUT: to envy is envious.

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