How to eat properly for cancer patients. What is possible and what is not possible in oncology? How to use sipping nutrition correctly

In severe illnesses, the nutrients that enter the body with food play a huge role. Food for cancer patients should be high in calories and preferably high in protein. Doctors and nutritionists recommend including foods that alkalize the body in your menu. It is this diet that helps destroy malignant tumors or slow down the progression of cancerous structures.

The importance of diet

According to the WHO conclusion, drawn up on the basis of many years of research, to prevent the development of cancer, it is recommended to adhere to the following rule: the plate should always contain 2/3 plant foods and no more than 1/3 protein.

Nutrition for cancer is recommended mainly enteral. This allows the natural digestive process to be maintained. But if the localization of the malignant neoplasm does not allow the gastrointestinal tract to perform its physiological function fully, they switch to parenteral nutrition through a nasogastric tube. The liquid contents of special bottles are delivered to patients through a tube placed in the nose and passed into the esophagus. Therapeutic nutrition for cancer patients must be selected taking into account the degree of decompensation of the underlying pathology.

Important Principles

The diet for oncology should be gentle. Spices, salty, fatty and fried foods provoke irritation of the mucous membranes and stimulate the production of toxins that attack a weakened body. The special menu is selected taking into account the following principles:

Nutrition for oncology is aimed at maintaining the immune system, so it should contain many vitamins.
  • Rich in vitamins. Nutritional nutrition provides a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals.
  • Gentle grinding. The correct menu for oncological diseases involves minimizing the mechanical effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal system.
  • High calorie menu. Specialized nutrition for a cancer patient must contain a sufficient amount of calories to provide energy to the cells and tissues affected by the paraneoplastic process.

Healthy Nutrients

The cancer diet always contains the following list of products:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits. Before use, they are ground on a grater or using the shredding knives of a home processor.
  • Fresh juices. They contain vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances that enhance immunity.
  • Dairy products. The generally accepted opinion that eating fatty milk and sour cream is harmful when you have cancer is false. The patient receives sufficient amounts of calcium and lipids only due to their content in dairy products.

What products are contraindicated?

Eating sweets while having a malignant neoplasm in the body is strictly prohibited.

If an alkaline diet for cancer is welcome, then eating sweets in the presence of malignant tumors in the body is strictly prohibited. The digestive tract should be cleared of fatty meats, which include pork, turkey and goose. You should also not eat semi-finished products with a high content of preservatives, dyes, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. The listed compounds will only aggravate the intoxication of the decompensated body.

The well-being of cancer patients can only be improved by eliminating prohibited foods. Sweets are contraindicated because tumor cells feed primarily on glucose through glycogenolysis and anaerobic respiration.

Cancer is currently not a death sentence, but remains a difficult ordeal for the sick person. During this period, it is especially important to pay attention to the condition of the body, meet its needs and help it cope with the disease. At the moment, treatment of cancer can be carried out using surgical methods, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or a combination thereof. Any of the mentioned treatment methods is a big burden on the human body, and we would like to talk about what can help you or your loved ones get through this period.

How does the metabolism of a cancer patient differ?

The nutrition of a person with neoplasms is characterized by an increased need for energy and protein. The oxidative process is significantly enhanced with increased formation of free radicals. During periods of illness, it is especially important to receive the nutrients the body needs to support it in the fight against the disease and speed up the recovery process.

What happens when there is malnutrition?

The state of nutritional deficiency (lack of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) leads to the release of one's own reserves due to the destruction of body tissues (autocannibalism). Almost all tissues and the immune system are involved in the breakdown. This condition is called “anorexia-cachexia syndrome.”

What is nutritional deficiency?

The phenomenon of nutritional deficiency is an imbalance between the body's needs for nutrients and the amount of nutrients supplied. The state of nutritional deficiency depends on the amount of nutrients consumed, changes in the body's needs for nutrients, as well as the absorption of nutrients.

Am I at risk of developing nutritional deficiencies?

A decrease in body weight by more than 5% within 3 months and the presence of complaints (decreased appetite, digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting) indicate the presence of nutritional deficiency. You should adjust your diet and start taking nutritional therapy.

If your body weight decreases by more than 10% in 3 months, you should immediately begin additional nutritional support, since this condition indicates the onset of the development of anorexia-cachexia syndrome.

During what periods is nutritional support especially important?

Specialized nutrition is indicated for all patients with nutritional deficiency. Especially in the pre- and postoperative period and during chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

If weight does not change, is nutritional support needed?

There are factors that can mask nutritional deficiency in the absence of weight loss.

Drug therapy, especially hormonal therapy, promotes an increase in body fat mass and the accumulation of water in the body. Therefore, despite the loss of muscle mass, overall body weight may remain the same. In addition, some neoplasms disrupt normal life processes and provoke the accumulation of fluid in the body, which is expressed both by edema and the accumulation of fluid inside the body (ascites, pleural effusion, etc.). In this case, body weight may increase while the body suffers from a lack of nutrients.

All this suggests that nutritional support is also important for those patients whose weight does not change, but who are undergoing treatment for cancer.

Why is it extremely difficult to meet the body’s needs with a regular diet?

During illness, the absorption of nutrients is extremely reduced, including due to decreased functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Specialized nutrition for cancer patients contains easily digestible components and a complete complex of micro- and macronutrients, which makes it possible to provide the body with everything necessary for normal functioning in a small volume.

Why is protein intake so important?

Protein is needed to restore body tissues and to meet the increased need for it due to the characteristics of the tumor process.

Protein, including amino acids, which are essential and not produced in the human body, is necessary to maintain immunity and ensure the transport of proteins, fats, vitamins, hormones and other necessary substances (carrier proteins) into the cell.

During illness, the substances produced by the body are not enough. External support is required - a special one is being developed for this diet for cancer, enriched with protein and amino acids.

Why is it not enough to drink juices and sweet tea to replenish the body’s energy needs?

Juices and sugary drinks contain sugars that lead to the release of glucose into the blood, which can be a provoking factor for the development of prediabetes - impaired glucose tolerance.

We should not forget that proper nutrition is one of the components of successful recovery from illness, and it must be complete and balanced. Only the right one diet for oncology can help the body recover faster.

Why is fasting dangerous?

With a critical decrease in protein intake into the body, anorexia-cachexia syndrome can develop - an irreversible process that leads to loss of performance, a sharp decrease in physical activity, progressive loss of body weight, as well as disruption of the functioning of all organ systems in the human body. To prevent the development of this condition, periods of fasting should be excluded if possible, and if impossible (after major operations, especially on the gastrointestinal tract), preparatory therapy with specialized nutrition for cancer patients, for which there is a specialized diet for cancer

Why is fasting and/or reducing your nutrient intake after surgery harmful to your health?

With a critical decrease in the supply of nutrients to the body, weakened after surgery, the restoration of tissues and organ functionality occurs more slowly, which increases the length of hospitalization of patients and reduces their quality of life. The risk of developing an inflammatory process increases significantly, including the development of postoperative complications. Therefore, discuss with your doctor when you can start feeding the patient after surgery, and follow the doctor's instructions.

What macro- and microelements are needed when fighting the disease?

During illness, it is especially important to meet the body's needs for macro- and micronutrients. In the presence of cancer, the most significant are beta-carotene, a complex of antioxidants (vitamins A, E, C), as well as selenium.

Why is the consumption of omega-3-, omega-6-polyunsaturated acids necessary, especially during illness?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the inflammatory response in the body and stimulate appetite, which is extremely important for patients with cancer.

What is sipping nutrition?

Siping nutrition (from the English SIP - drink in small sips) are special nutritional mixtures that are produced in a ready-to-use form. Specialized nutrition should be consumed in small sips, one serving within 15-20 minutes.

What medical nutrition products are indicated for cancer patients?

Specialized nutrition - Nutridrink Compact: a complete, balanced, high-energy nutritional mixture. Contains easily digestible protein (whey and milk) to replenish its loss in the patient's body. Enriched with Omega-3-, Omega-6-polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic) to reduce the inflammatory response. In addition, these fatty acids stimulate appetite.

Nutridrink Compact contains the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as carotenoids, which have a powerful antioxidant effect and are natural immune stimulants. One serving of therapeutic food contains only 200 ml, which allows a patient with difficulties in eating to minimize nutritional efforts if used, for example, diet for colorectal cancer. Nutridrink Compact can be either an additional or the only source of nutrition for cancer patients.

To diversify your diet, Nutridrink Compact can be used in strawberry, vanilla or coffee flavors. This high-calorie, high-protein food is essential for replenishing energy and protein. It can be either an additional or the only power source. Suitable for nutrition in conditions where there is nutritional deficiency. To enrich the diet, Nutrizon dry mixture with a neutral taste can be used. The mixture has a composition that is most saturated with trace elements and minerals. All products are cholesterol, gluten and lactose free. Presented in sterile packaging and can be used as food for cancer patients.

Diet for colon cancer must be specially developed by the attending physician! Only with this in mind can we guarantee correct use nutrition for colon cancer.

There are contraindications: age from 0 to 3 years, increased bleeding, galactosemia, intolerance to product components. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Nutrition during radiation therapy is also one of the leading areas of development of our company.

Cancer... Most people perceive this diagnosis as a death sentence. Indeed, despite certain advances in modern medicine, thousands of people die from cancer every year. Meanwhile, there are real facts indicating that many forms of cancer can be treated quite successfully. Since cancer is a systemic disease of the entire body, methods of its treatment must be comprehensive and integrated. The best option is a reasonable combination of techniques used in both official and alternative medicine, taking into account the individuality of each patient. Currently, more and more practical oncologists are inclined to believe in the benefits of medicinal plants in the complex treatment of cancer. Last year we published a whole series of materials devoted to herbal medicine for a number of oncological diseases. Their author, phytologist Andrei ZALOMLENKOV, has extensive experience in practical work in this direction. By creating healing herbal infusions based on his own medicinal plants, he achieved good results in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. Today we complete this cycle. Andrey Zalomlenkov answers questions from our readers.

Despite the fact that radiotherapy and chemotherapy are considered in official medicine to be the most effective in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, since they actively kill cancer cells or suppress their growth, their use, as a rule, also damages healthy cells. As a result, many patients die not so much from the disease itself, but as a result of subsequent complications. The advantage of medicinal herbs is that they rarely cause unwanted side effects, while having the ability to increase the body's resistance to fight illness.

WHAT IS your attitude towards the treatment of cancer according to the method of R. Breuss, which is based on long-term fasting on juices?

Negative, as with any type of fasting for cancer. The body is already exhausted, and the tumor, contrary to the opinion that during fasting “everything unnecessary is resolved,” does not react in any way to abstaining from food. It is necessary to adhere to a rational diet that provides the body with the full amount of nutrients and does not provoke an acceleration of tumor growth. The following recommendations are most important.

  • In the patient's diet, it is necessary to limit the intake of animal fats, especially dairy. Do not cook porridge with milk. Fermented milk products are acceptable in small quantities, with the exception of salty and fatty cheeses.
  • Limit sweets and salt (2-3 teaspoons of honey per day is allowed).
  • Exclude from the diet premium wheat flour and all products made from it (bread, pasta, cakes, muffins). These products should be replaced with products made from wholemeal flour, as well as bread made from whole or sprouted grains.
  • Eating chicken eggs is allowed, but no more than 3 eggs per week. If possible, it is better to include quail eggs in your diet.
  • All vegetables are allowed, with the exception of legumes (beans, peas). Particularly useful are cauliflower, red and Brussels sprouts, turnips, radishes (not spicy), sweet red peppers, and garlic. Potato consumption should be limited.
  • All fruits and juices from them are allowed, except very sweet ones (dates, figs, sweet grapes). Pomegranates, apricots, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, black currants, serviceberry and citrus fruits are especially useful. Strawberries, strawberries, and gooseberries contain ellagic acid, which has an antitumor effect.
  • Black tea and coffee are excluded. They can be replaced with green or yellow tea, which is recommended to drink with the addition of 1 teaspoon of licorice syrup and a pinch of ginger per 1 glass of tincture. You can drink coffee drinks based on chicory and cereals.
  • Meat consumption should be limited. Lean poultry meat is acceptable (150–200 g 2 times a week). If possible, replace meat with soy products (soy milk, tofu, soy meat and butter). These products are believed to have specific protective anticancer effects.
  • Seafood (seaweed, fish) can be consumed in the same way as meat - no more than 2 times a week. Mussels, shrimp, and oysters are especially recommended.
  • Nuts are allowed (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios), but peanuts and products containing them are excluded. Sesame seeds have a specific anti-cancer effect. They are lightly fried in a dry frying pan and added in ground form to food, 0.5–1 teaspoon per day.

    The so-called pine nut milk or cream works well and gives strength, which is prepared as follows: unroasted pine nut kernels are ground in a mortar with a small amount of hot boiled water and squeezed in gauze. Eat up to a quarter glass 2 times a day.

    From vegetable oils, it is necessary to add pumpkin seed oil, flaxseed oil, and corn oil to food whenever possible. They must be fresh. To improve intestinal microflora and regeneration processes, you can add 20–25 drops of essential oil (sage, basil, anise, dill or rose) to 0.5 liters of vegetable oil. This flavored oil is good for making salads.

    To enrich the diet with vitamin E, it is recommended to make sea buckthorn (the preparation method is known), carrot, viburnum (from berry cake, similar to sea buckthorn) oil and oil from fresh calendula flowers. In addition to vitamin E, the daily diet should be supplemented with vitamins A (in recommended dosages) and C (0.25 g 3 times a day). Vitamins A and E can be used in the form of the Aevit complex. At the same time, you should not take multivitamin complexes containing vitamins B6, B2, B1, which stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

  • Under no circumstances should you eat moldy food, even if the mold is only on the surface.

    Additions to food of natural enterosorbents that absorb and remove poisons and toxins from the body are indicated. These include specially processed rye and wheat bran, which are commercially available. For the same purposes, beetroot, carrot, and pumpkin cakes are taken orally.

  • It is recommended to reduce the total caloric intake of the diet.
  • It is beneficial to eat various mushrooms, which, although considered heavy food, nevertheless have a pronounced antitumor effect. This is especially pronounced in mushrooms such as porcini, boletus, boletus, puffball, honey fungus, oyster mushroom, shiitake (Japanese mushroom). If difficulties with digestion are noticed when consuming them, it is permissible to take enzyme preparations (festal, mezim and others).
  • Porridge with water is an obligatory element of treatment. For their preparation, corn, oats, rice, and buckwheat grains are used.
  • As a matter of course, alcohol is excluded from the diet (except for that which is included in medicinal tinctures).

    When following such a diet, it is important to monitor regular bowel movements. This is a very important point. By following these recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of tumor recurrence or metastases.

    Which foods have the most powerful anti-cancer effect?

    First of all, this is green tea. According to the Chinese Research Institute of Oncology, which studied more than 100 different foods, it was green tea that showed the most pronounced anti-cancer effect. A rich set of biologically active substances in green tea actively counteracts cell mutations under the influence of carcinogenic factors. On average, the resistance coefficient is 65%, and for certain varieties of tea it reaches 80%. To prevent cancer, it is enough to consume 5–6 g of green tea per day (the tea is poured with boiling water 2–3 times and must be drunk fresh).

    What is better to use to treat adenoma: hazel leaves or its bark?

    For treatment, I recommend taking the best bark (necessarily harvested in the spring, harvested during sap flow). 2–3 tbsp. Boil tablespoons of bark in 0.5 liters of water for 30 minutes (in a water bath), leave for 3 hours, strain and drink the prepared portion of the decoction in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is up to 1 month, break is 5–7 days. It is advisable to alternate taking a decoction of hazel bark with a tincture of spring aspen bark. Infuse 50 g of bark in 0.5 liters of vodka for 2 weeks and take 30–40 drops 4 times a day.

    My daughter has a brain tumor and fluid is accumulating. Is it possible to do without surgery using traditional methods of treatment?

    The brain is protected by a special blood-brain barrier, which prevents most drugs from entering its tissue. Therefore, surgical intervention remains the radical way to treat brain tumors. At the stage of nursing the patient, it is possible and necessary to include adaptogens, immunomodulators and other therapeutic agents that affect the overall resistance of the body.

    I was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast formation. A friend says: “Give birth to a child - everything will resolve.” Is this possible?

    Quite. During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal status undergoes a restructuring, and since such formations are hormonally dependent, in some cases they either completely disappear or significantly decrease in size. So give birth to health! Just try to breastfeed your baby for at least six months.

    I was diagnosed with polyps in my rectum, and I also suffer from a fissure in it. Is there a danger that all this could turn into cancer? I'm afraid of surgery. Maybe do enemas with celandine?

    There is a danger of such formations degenerating into a cancerous tumor, so I would not recommend that you take the risk. It is better to remove polyps in time and heal the crack. After this, it will be possible to think about preventing relapses.

    I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for a long time. I'm afraid it might turn into cancer. What to do?

    Hemorrhoids do not turn into cancer, but in case of any bleeding from the rectum, a thorough examination should be carried out by a proctologist. There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed - now there are many effective ways to radically cure hemorrhoids.

    Is it possible to use a homemade tincture of thuja shoots to treat prostate adenoma?

    Yes, you can. To prepare the tincture, fresh thuja needles are infused with vodka in a ratio of 1:5 for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 20-25 drops 3-4 times a day for a long time, half an hour before meals.

    Please tell us about wen. How can you get rid of them without resorting to surgery?

    A benign tumor is popularly called a lipoma. The prerequisites for its occurrence in the vast majority of cases are created during the period of embryonic development. When the adipose tissue of the embryo is formed, islands of cells are formed in which metabolic processes are absent or sharply slowed down. Lipomas grow from such cells - most often single, less often multiple.

    Often this disease is hereditary. Wen can also occur as a result of a bruise or constant mechanical irritation of some part of the body. Lipomas develop mainly in the subcutaneous tissue of the head, neck, back, and armpits. Wen are usually painless. However, sometimes when they grow, the nerve endings are compressed and pain occurs.

    Lipomas grow very slowly, taking decades. Although these tumor formations are only a cosmetic defect, doctors usually recommend removing them. The fact is that sometimes lipomas begin to grow rapidly, reaching enormous sizes, put pressure on surrounding tissues and can fester. Some try to get rid of fatty tissue by fasting, but this is completely useless and dangerous, since their growth can sharply accelerate.

    For small single wen, you can try to get rid of them using the following folk recipe. Take the ripe fruits of Lakonos (phytolacca) - an ornamental plant that amateur gardeners grow on their plots, grind it to a pulpy state and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin. The procedures take a long time - up to a month or more. In some cases, lipomas are opened, the wound is cleaned and heals without consequences. However, before carrying out such treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.

    Among my relatives there are patients with stomach and breast cancer. Someone advised them to be treated with creasote and creolin. What are these substances, where can you get them and how to use them for treatment?

    Creazote is a product of dry sublimation of beech wood. It is a poisonous, burning liquid with a specific odor. It is used to impregnate wood to prevent it from rotting. There is a homeopathic recipe for the treatment of breast cancer (even in the stage of tumor disintegration). To prepare the medicine, 1 ml of pure creazote is dissolved in 100 ml of 70% alcohol, then 1 ml of this solution is taken and dissolved again in 100 ml of alcohol. Next, take 1 ml of the already obtained dilution again and mix it with 100 ml of alcohol. The resulting homeopathic remedy is taken 20–25 drops with half a glass of water 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

    As for creolin, it is an oily brown toxic liquid used externally in veterinary medicine. The people know the recipe for treating stomach cancer (even with metastases to the liver) with this drug. On the first day, take 1 drop of pure creolin mixed in a quarter glass of milk, morning and evening. On the second day, the dose is increased to 2 drops. In the following days, add 1 drop and reach 7 drops 2 times a day (if the drug is well tolerated - up to 10 drops). Then the dose is reduced in descending order to 1 drop 2 times a day. After this, take a break for 7-10 days and repeat the course.

    In some cases, instead of creolin, medical tar or a mixture of it with creolin (equal parts) is used. You should remember that these drugs are poisonous and should not be ingested in their pure form. During treatment, it is recommended to use medicinal herbs-hepatoprotectors. The best ones are hill solyanka and milk thistle (oil, extract or ready-made pharmaceutical preparations).

    My aunt was diagnosed with polyps in her urethra. They were surgically removed, but reappeared after some time. How can I help her?

    Any polyps have a risk of degenerating into a malignant tumor over time, so they must be removed in a timely manner. Unfortunately, polyps have a tendency to recur. If during a urological examination there is no suspicion of changes in the nature of the polyps, then you can be treated according to this prescription.

    At the beginning of summer, you need to collect flowers from a young oak tree and dry them. To prepare a healing potion, 3 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials are poured into 300 ml of boiling water and left in a thermos for 8 hours, then filtered. With the resulting infusion, make local baths - morning and evening - for 15 minutes each, or soak tampons with this infusion, which are left overnight. If there is no improvement after a month, you should consult your doctor.

    I heard about a miracle cure for cancer from wormwood. Where is it produced and how effective is it?

    We are talking about the drug "Arglabin" - the first effective antitumor drug registered in Kazakhstan. It was invented by professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Sergazy Adekenov. The effectiveness of the new drug has been confirmed by studies carried out at the American Cancer Center, as well as at the Karaganda Oncology Center.

    The drug suppresses the growth of cancer cells and strengthens the immune system, helping in the treatment of AIDS patients. Unfortunately, “Arglabin” can only be produced from special types of wormwood growing in the steppes of Central Kazakhstan. Let's hope that the new medicine will eventually enter the medical practice of Russian doctors. It would be a pity if this successful development of our neighbors “goes” to the West, and then, as often happens, returns from there to us in Russia in the form of an expensive medicine that is inaccessible to the majority of our compatriots.

    Is it possible to eat sea buckthorn berries if you have cancer of the gastrointestinal tract?

    Yes, of course, if there is no individual intolerance. This recipe can be of great benefit. Take 1 kg of sea buckthorn berries, rinse them thoroughly with boiled water. Then lightly crush the berries and pour in 2 kg of honey, mix. Leave in a dark place for at least a month. Take one quarter glass 3-4 times a day an hour after meals. Sometimes sea buckthorn berries are mixed equally with viburnum berries.

    What folk remedy can be used for tumors of the lymph nodes?

    One of the recipes is this: take 3 kg of Siberian fir shoots, rinse with cold water. Grind 1 kg of raspberry roots (forest, from young plants), 0.5 kg of blood-red geranium roots and 0.5 kg of cinquefoil roots. Place the crushed plants in a layer about 2 fingers thick on the bottom of 3-liter jars, cover them with a layer of honey of the same thickness on top, then lay the plants again, honey on them, and so on up to the very “shoulders” of the jars.

    Then add hot water to the neck. Simmer in a water bath (in an enamel bucket) for 6 hours. After this, let it brew for two days. Take the resulting liquid 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day half an hour before meals for adults and 1 teaspoon for children.

    I have been undergoing treatment for cancer for a long time. I went through chemotherapy, drank aconite and hemlock. I heard that the occurrence and progression of tumors is influenced by geopathogenic zones in the home. How to identify them and neutralize their harmful effects on the body?

    Yes, indeed, according to some data, geopathogenic zones, if they are located in places of permanent residence of a person, contribute to the occurrence of various diseases (including cancer). Of course, this does not happen immediately, but after 10–12 years of continuous exposure to the body. Unfortunately, the influence of geopathogenic zones is not taken into account either in housing construction or in organizing workplaces.

    How to identify dangerous areas? Currently, devices are being produced to determine geopathogenic zones (ads about this can be found in periodicals or in specialized publications). You may have to rearrange furniture and radically change the interior of your apartment. But what can’t you do for your health!

    By the way, it also happens that in some apartments the walls “radiate”, that is, the radioactive radiation from them exceeds the natural (normal) background several times. If you have such a suspicion, try to call specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station to check, or purchase a portable dosimeter and carry out such monitoring yourself.

    Electromagnetic fields also have adverse effects on health. Dwellings must not be located within a 50-meter zone near high-voltage power lines. And in the West, doctors recommend not sleeping in rooms where there are working refrigerators, computers and televisions.

    I suffer from bladder polyposis. I was given a recipe for treating potato flowers, but, unfortunately, I can’t find them. What can replace them?

    The active medicinal substance - solanine - is also found in potato tuber sprouts. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 400 g of dried sprouts (from healthy tubers, preferably the “sineglazka” variety), grind them in a meat grinder, pour in 1 liter of 70% alcohol, leave for 10 days in a warm, dark place, then strain, and the raw materials squeeze out The resulting tincture is stored in the refrigerator.

    Take according to this scheme: start with 1 drop 4 times a day (with half a glass of boiled water). Every day add 1 drop, reaching 25, and with good tolerance - up to 30 drops. Then the dose is gradually reduced to the original dose. When treating, you should remember that the tincture is poisonous. If nausea, dizziness, or weakness occur, you should stop taking it and take 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal. In the following days, continue treatment with reduced dosages.

    The child was diagnosed with retinoblastoma. I'm afraid of mutilation surgery. Is it possible to help him using traditional medicine?

    Retinoblastoma is a fairly rare disease in which a tumor develops from the retina of the eye. With retinoblastoma, the eye becomes enlarged, redness and lack of reaction of the pupil to light may occur. Subsequently, the tumor grows through the wall of the eyeball and goes into the cranial cavity. Metastases go to the cervical and parotid lymph nodes.

    Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to get rid of a tumor using traditional medicine (as well as the gentle methods of official medicine). The affected eye is surgically removed. In the future, it is mandatory to wear a prosthesis to prevent facial deformation.

    The vast majority of children diagnosed with retinoblastoma make a full recovery after surgery. By the way, it has been proven that this type of tumor is a hereditary disease, and if someone in the family suffers from it, then parents should be especially attentive to the health of their children and regularly examine the child with an ophthalmologist.

    I am undergoing treatment at the oncology clinic. The doctors say my blood is too thick. How can it be improved?

    Increased blood viscosity is dangerous for cancer patients, since tumor cells easily settle from the blood in other organs, giving metastases. To improve blood flow, it is necessary to include natural anticoagulants in medicinal herbal mixtures: sweet clover, lungwort, horse chestnut. It is very important not to limit yourself in drinking. It is advisable to undergo a course of hirudotherapy (leech treatment).

    This method of treating stomach cancer is common in the practice of healers. Take 2 fresh leaves of indoor geranium, grind in a mortar, pour 50 g of boiling water, leave for 6 hours, strain, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice, 400 g of cognac and 4 drops of 5% iodine tincture. Drink 25–30 ml on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. And in folk medicine in Bulgaria the following remedy is widely used: 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of lentils with the same amount of dry crushed potato flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture, leave in a warm place for 3 hours, then strain. Drink 100 g 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. A course of treatment requires 4 liters of this infusion.

    To prevent prostate cancer, it is useful for men to eat medicinal plants such as cruciferous vegetables. These include broccoli, red cabbage, turnips, radishes, turnips, cauliflower, and garlic. Active anti-cancer compounds have been found in these vegetables. Compounds with similar effects are also found in green tea, red capsicum, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and citrus fruits.

    Provoking factors that can cause the development of breast cancer include trauma. Women need to beware of them. And we are not just talking about some serious injury received during a traffic accident or fall. A fatal role can be played by a seemingly completely harmless injury that leaves no noticeable marks: you were accidentally pushed on a bus, in a store, or your sexual partner overdid it with caresses. If your chest comes into the area of ​​some tangible mechanical influences - pressure, impact, bruise - this can cause extremely undesirable consequences in the future.

    Multicomponent medicinal herbal mixtures selectively accumulate in altered (tumor) cells, forming compounds that are harmful to them. As a result, tumor cells die, while healthy cells remain undamaged. In principle, medicinal plants could completely destroy the tumor, but they simply do not have enough time to do this. The disadvantage of herbal medicine is its rather delayed effect on the tumor. Therefore, it is advisable to use medicinal plants in combination with other treatment methods to neutralize the resulting side effects.

    People with cancer always have impaired metabolism, which means that special attention needs to be paid to nutrition. Today, there are many diets recommended for various types of cancer. But it is worth remembering that diet is not a panacea, but only one of the methods of combined treatment.

    What foods should you avoid if you have cancer?

    The answer to this question is quite simple: it is necessary to exclude from the diet everything that is poorly tolerated by the body. It is imperative to exclude sweets. They contain easily digestible carbohydrates, which are captured by tumor cells quickly enough and promote its growth. As for sweet fruits and berries, despite the high sugar content, they also contain substances that help suppress tumor growth. But it is best to give preference to unsweetened varieties of berries and fruits.

    It is recommended not to consume (or limit consumption as much as possible) red meat (for example, beef) of fatty varieties. Eating such meat promotes the production of insulin, which only stimulates the development and growth of the tumor.

    So, list of strictly prohibited foods for cancer:

    • margarine, artificial and animal fats;
    • semi-finished meat products;
    • meat, mushroom and fish broths;
    • some seafood (consult your doctor);
    • milk with high fat content;
    • egg whites;
    • cheese that is high in salt and fat;
    • food cooked in aluminum containers;
    • table salt (you can use a little sea salt or kelp);
    • sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes, pickles and other preserves;
    • coconuts;
    • chemical preservatives;
    • absolutely all legumes;
    • mushrooms;
    • potatoes (you can use a little Jerusalem artichoke);
    • products containing finely ground wheat flour;
    • hot-cooked vegetable oils;
    • vinegar in any form (you can use a little apple cider vinegar);
    • bread that is made with the addition of soda and baker's yeast.

    It is very important for people with cancer to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, because... overeating will only contribute to tumor growth.
    • Be sure to exclude from your diet everything fried, salty, spicy, smoked, canned, sweet, carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, and alcoholic drinks.
    • Eat meat only boiled or steamed. Red meat (necessarily not fatty) no more than twice a week or eliminate it altogether.
    • Only consume low-fat fish in stewed or boiled form 1-2 times a week.
    • Eat 400-500g of various vegetables daily, preferably fresh. Vegetables can also be steamed, stewed, or boiled.
    • You can eat unsweetened fruits. Every day you can eat a handful of raspberries, currants, strawberries, an apple or an orange.
    • Half an hour before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. This perfectly stimulates metabolism.
    • For breakfast you need to eat porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).
    • You should not eat food that has been left in the refrigerator for some time, as carcinogenic substances are formed in it.

    Cancer– this is a dangerous and mysterious disease, but by adhering to the above recommendations, your health can still be improved!

    REMEMBER – timely consultation with a doctor will save your life!

    Doctors' visiting hours are from 10.00 to 15.00.

    Saturday - from 10.00 to 13.00

    E-mail: [email protected]

    License No. LO-61-01-003776

    The material was prepared by Natalya KOVALENKO. Website illustrations: © 2013 Thinkstock.

    Nutrition for cancer is an important component of treatment. Its importance is so great that it sometimes determines the prognosis of the disease.

    Changing the eating pattern should be gentle, with gradual replacement of some foods by others, so that this does not become another stress for the patient.

    Nutrition for cancer must solve several problems:

    1. Help increase overall body energy.
    2. Ensure normal functioning of the immune system.
    3. Contain the necessary natural substances that inhibit tumor growth.
    4. Detoxification (neutralization and removal of tumor decay products).
      Liver, kidney and intestinal support.

    Energy is needed for life. A cancerous tumor, absorbing energy from the body, deprives it of life.
    Target- release, save, collect as much energy as possible.
    A lot of energy is spent on digesting incompatible foods, concentrated fats, smoked, canned, fried foods, and neutralizing carcinogens.
    Long-term poor nutrition significantly weakens health.

    It is important that the products are fresh, natural, with minimal heat treatment. The ideal option is fresh fruits and vegetables, fully ripe and immediately after picking (this does not apply to herbs and spices). They contain a lot of vital energy. A weaker option is products from the market.
    Only freshly prepared food is healthy (no more than three hours after cooking). Food that has undergone repeated heat treatment (reheated) is considered to be of poor quality.

    Increasing overall energy improves immunity. Normal immunity is able to cope with cancer on its own. Cells of the immune system are most active in a slightly alkaline environment, so exclude foods that acidify the blood from your diet for cancer. This is almost everything from the list at the end of the article.

    Proper nutrition during cancer significantly increases the likelihood of a full recovery.

    There are many products that have anti-cancer effects.
    Their combination significantly increases the overall treatment effect.

    Valuable products are cruciferous: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and white cabbage. They can be steamed, but it is better to eat them raw, as heating destroys some of the anti-cancer substances.

    Tomatoes contain lycopene, the protective effect of which has been proven against many tumors.
    They can be lightly cooked in olive oil for better absorption in the intestines.

    Garlic. Its effective daily dose is 4 g/day (one large clove).
    Do not consume on the eve of surgery!

    Green tea inhibits tumor growth, neutralizes the body, stimulating liver function, and blocks the action of carcinogens. It is recommended to drink 3 to 5 cups of freshly brewed tea per day. Particularly effective when used together with soy.

    Among the spices and herbs used for cancer, we should highlight turmeric. It prevents the development and slows down the growth of existing tumors.
    For better absorption, turmeric must be mixed with black pepper or ginger.
    Dosage: a teaspoon (without top) of turmeric with meals.

    Ginger root has an antitumor effect. It is used in grated form or as a decoction, for which a piece of ginger (1 cm) should be cut into thin strips and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes.
    Best taken warm.
    Ginger reduces nausea during chemotherapy. Dried ginger root powder is used as a seasoning.
    Ginger prolongs bleeding time, so, like garlic, it should not be consumed on the eve of surgery!

    Chilli inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

    Carrots, red beets and all types of vegetables and fruits of red or yellow color are useful.
    Raw carrots are best consumed with olive oil.

    Daily use cold pressed olive oil 0.5-1 tablespoon for cooking is not only a component of therapeutic nutrition for cancer, but also the prevention of relapse and metastases.

    Natural (not genetically modified!) soybeans and soy products(tofu, soy yogurt, etc.) are sources of complete protein and contain substances that neutralize toxic compounds and stop tumor growth.

    Many herbs block tumor growth (motherwort, mint, marjoram, thyme, basil, rosemary) and limit the spread of cancer cells (metastasis).

    A good remedy for treating cancer is mushrooms that stimulate the immune system: shiitake, maitake, cordyceps, oyster mushroom, champignons, veselka, boletus, chanterelle and others. They can be used in soups and stewed with vegetables.

    Delays cancer development berries: strawberries, blackberries, raspberries (especially black ones), strawberries, blueberries, blueberries.
    Nuts: walnuts and forest (hazelnuts), cedar, almonds, pistachios.
    Peel and seeds dark-colored grape varieties rich in anti-cancer compounds.
    Dry red wine is beneficial: 50 g. 3 times a day with meals. No more!

    From citrus Oranges, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruits have antitumor properties. You can use the peel of these fruits by brewing them with tea or just boiling water.
    Helpful pomegranate juice.

    Anti-cancer properties have been found in substances extracted from blue-green and brown seaweed (Japanese kelp).

    Diet for cancer should include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids: fatty sea fish and fish oil. Beneficial fatty acids contain flaxseed and flaxseed oil.

    When treating cancer, it is important to maintain friendly microflora in the intestines.
    Foods that stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora include garlic, onions, tomatoes, asparagus and sprouted wheat. Prunes are rich in dietary fiber and have a laxative effect. Blueberries reduce the formation of gases, putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines.

    • basil, parsley, celery, dill;
    • radish, turnip, radish, horseradish;
    • coriander, parsnip, spinach;
    • red pepper, eggplant, potatoes;
    • peas, lentils, green peas, red beans;
    • pumpkin, melon;
    • apricots, peaches, apples, cherries;
    • black and red currants, rose hips, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, lingonberry, cranberry, gooseberry, hawthorn (fruit);
    • wheat, wheat germ (especially live wheat), buckwheat, oats, barley, brown rice, basmati rice, corn;
    • honey has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.

    It is necessary to observe the correct drinking regime!

    Exclude: Smoking. Alcohol other than the above. Meat products. Refined white sugar, white flour. Salt in large quantities. Canned food. Products containing hydrogenated fats (margarine, cooking oils, etc.) and trans fats.
    Burnt, moldy, poor quality food, food that is too hot.
    Nutritional supplements that promote the formation of cancer cells: Dye E-125 and acid regulators E-510, E-513, E-527; Preservative sodium benzoate E-211; Benzopyrene (smoked meats, including sprats); Flavor enhancer E-621 (monosodium glutamate).
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