Isolated clarifying circumstance of place examples. Sentences with clarifying isolated members. A separate clarifying circumstance: meaning and emphasis in writing

Sections: Russian language

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization.

Type of lesson: combined (lecture with feedback, practical research class).

Triune didactic goal:

Educational aspect: repeat the rules for isolating minor members of a sentence, deepen knowledge about isolated definitions, clarifying members, explanatory and connecting constructions, develop skills in analyzing the placement of punctuation marks with isolated members of a sentence.

Developmental aspect: develop the improvement of linguistic flair, the ability to differentiate the types of isolated parts of a sentence and punctuation marks with them, and develop interest in educational research and educational and practical activities.

Educational aspect: maintain interest in learning the Russian language, mastering the topic through group work, foster cooperation and the desire for high quality work results.

Working methods: reproductive, partially search, heuristic.

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, group, individual.

Lesson provision: handouts (tests, tables, algorithms).

Material for dictionary-semantic work: isolation, defined word, agreed and inconsistent definition, isolated applications, isolated additions, isolated circumstances.



1. Vlasenkov A.I., Potemkina T.V., Russian language. Secondary vocational education. - M.: Bustard, 2007.

2. Goltsova N.G., Shamshin I.V. Russian language grades 10-11. – M.: “Russian Word - RS” 2008.

3. E.S. Antonova, T.M. Voiteleva. Russian language NSPO. -M.: Publishing center “Academy”. 2012.

Lesson steps

Structural elements of the lesson, teaching methods Contents of the stage Time
1. Organizational moment

Method: conversation

Checking the audience's readiness for the lesson.

Section 7. Syntax and punctuation

Topic Sentences with isolated and clarifying members.

Setting goals: the teacher introduces students to the goals of the lesson, explains that in order to work effectively and achieve the goal, they need attention, composure, and have notebooks, pens, pencils, and textbooks on the desk

Objectives: repeat the rules for isolating minor members of a sentence, deepen knowledge about isolated definitions, clarifying members, explanatory and connecting constructions, develop skills in analyzing the placement of punctuation marks with isolated members of a sentence.

1 min.
2. Checking homework

Method: frontal survey

Oral survey on vocabulary and semantic work. Checking a written exercise on the topic “Complicated sentence”. 5 minutes.
3. Calling “Basket” concepts

Method: food for thought

The teacher focuses students' attention on the key concepts of the topic being studied and stimulates students to actively and creatively perceive the educational material. The terms are written down, then discussed in pairs, and together with the teacher they come to the desired conclusion. In the process, students demonstrate primary knowledge on the topic being studied, and a “Basket” of concepts is compiled. 10 min.
4. Realization of meaning

Method: lecture by teacher and student, independent work

There is direct contact with new information, the teacher reminds the rules for writing abstracts, and maintains the inertia of movement created during the challenge stage. The topic of the lesson is written on the board and in notebooks. The textbook applies.

Lecture outline:

1. The concept of isolated members of a sentence.

2. Types of isolated members of a sentence.

3. Isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds and participial phrases.

4. Isolation of clarifying members of the sentence, phrases with the meaning of explanation and accession.

5. Rules for separating agreed and inconsistent definitions.

20 minutes.
5. Updating knowledge

Method: explanation, group work, testing, independent work

The teacher offers to complete generalizing tasks that help systematize knowledge. Students analyze the proposed text, distinguishing individual parts of the sentence, answering the teacher’s questions. Working in groups with tables activates the creative and cognitive activity of students. The commented dictation and practical task prepare for the control testing. 35 min.
Physical education minute 4 min.
6. Reflection

Method: frontal survey on the application of new knowledge, individual work on cards, drawing up an algorithm

The teacher conducts a frontal survey. Working for a group, during which creative processing and interpretation take place. During the survey, 4 students individually complete tasks on the cards. Composing an algorithm introduces an integrating element. 10 min.
7. Summing up

Method: story-information

The teacher sums up, formulates conclusions and gives grades for active work in class, correct and complete answers to the question, draws attention to the fact that not all students are ready to correctly evaluate their work, consistently and clearly express their thoughts, and reminds of the need to correct the situation. 2 minutes.
8. Homework

Method: explanation

The teacher comments on the homework:
  1. Ex. 235.
  2. Make a summary on the topic “Introductory words and sentences.”
  3. Prepare for the vocabulary dictation “N and NN in adjectives and participles.”
3 min.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

1. Define key concepts: “Homogeneous members”, “Coordinating connection”, “A number of homogeneous members”, “Generalizing word”.

2. Exercise 372 (1).

III. Call “Basket” of ideas.

Explain the meaning of key concepts: “Isolation”, “Performance”, “Defined word”, “Isolated definitions”, “Participial phrase”, “Separated applications”, “Separated circumstances”, “Participial phrase”.

IV. Realization of meaning.

1. The teacher's word.

A simple sentence can be complicated by isolated members, which in oral speech are distinguished by intonation and meaning, and in writing - by commas or dashes.

Isolated members of a sentence contain an addition, explanation, clarification in relation to the word being defined, for example: Glass cups full of pure fire burned on the sides(K. Paustovsky) – separate definition full of pure fire in speech it receives a special intonation design, contains additional meaning in relation to the highlighted word and is highlighted in writing with commas.

When isolating minor members of a sentence, the following should be taken into account:

  1. Which word (which part of speech) does the sentence member belong to?
  2. How is an isolated member of a sentence expressed, whether it is widespread or not.
  3. The position of the isolated member relative to the word being defined (before or after it, separated or not from it by other members of the sentence).
  4. The presence or absence of additional semantic nuances (most often circumstantial).

Isolated members of a sentence can be transformed into synonymous constructions - subordinate clauses, for example, cf.: It was reflected in the water the familiar sky, forgotten for this evening people(K. Paustovsky). There the familiar sky, which was forgotten by people for that evening, was reflected in the water; By dawn, having burned out, the lamp went out(A. Green). – By dawn, when it had burned out, the lamp went out.

Various minor members of the sentence6 of the definition (agreed and uncoordinated), applications, additions, circumstances, minor members of the sentence that have a clarifying, explanatory, connecting meaning can be isolated.

Nouns with prepositions are separated instead of, except, including, except for, besides, over, along with etc., conventionally called additions: I really liked the story except for some details (S.T. Aksakov); There's nothing outside the window except lanterns (K. Paustovsky).

Isolated additions contain an additional message to the main idea of ​​the sentence and have the meaning of inclusion, exclusion, substitution, cf.: There are no special beauties or riches in the Meshchera region, except forests, meadows and clear air (K. Paustovsky). - There are no special beauties or riches in the Meshchera region, but there are forests, meadows and clear air.

Isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds and participial phrases.

Circumstances expressed by the participial phrase are always isolated, cf.: Trembling leaves beat against each other, trying to break away and fly away (M. Prishvin). - Trying to break away and fly away, fluttering leaves beat against each other.

Single gerunds are isolated if they retain the meaning of verbality, indicating the time, place, reason for the action. Such participles often come before the predicate: Horses, snoring rushed past the sentry at the outskirts(K. Paustovsky); Resting I lay on the mound for a long time(I.A. Bunin).

A participial phrase or a single participle standing after a conjunction (conjunctive word) is separated from it by a comma, cf.: People were walking around the yard, but they didn’t notice me and, talking loudly passed by(V. Garshin). - People walked around the yard, but did not notice me and passed by, talking loudly (such a turn can be freely rearranged to another place); compare: Zvyagintsev had no doubt that, having inspected the territory of the plant, will quickly navigate the situation and be able to help in the construction of defensive fortifications(A. Chakovsky). - Zvyagintsev had no doubt that he would quickly navigate the situation and be able to help in the construction of defensive fortifications, having inspected the territory of the plant.

Two gerunds and participial phrases connected by a non-repeating conjunction And, commas are not separated, like homogeneous members connected by a single conjunction and: The wind quickly drove the clouds, whistling and squealing (I.S. Turgenev); Taking off my wet jacket And hanging hunting armor on the wall, I started making a fire(D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak).

Circumstances are necessarily isolated if they are expressed by nouns with prepositions despite, despite, For example: At the gates of houses, despite the early morning, there was a crowd of people(V. Garshin); Finally our patience ran out, and despite the bad weather, we decided to go back to the sea(V.K. Arsenyev).

Usually, circumstances expressed by nouns with derived prepositions are isolated thanks to, in spite of, in contrast to, in view of, as a result of, for lack of, like, similarly, for the reason of, according toAnd etc.: Contrary to expectations, the owner greeted us, although not very kindly, but still ordered us to feed us and allowed us to spend the night in his fanza(V.K. Arsenyev); Unlike the crane, herons do not get used to humans well(I. Sokolov-Mikitov).

Isolation of clarifying members of a sentence, phrases with the meaning of explanation or accession.

Clarifying members of a sentence are words, phrases that explain other members of a sentence.

Most often, clarifying circumstances are the circumstances of place, time, manner of action, etc., specifying the meaning of the word to which they relate: There, in the heights The summer sun was already shining, but there was still darkness on the ground(K. Paustovsky); The ants crawled out in a dense mass, one to one, sat and waited for something( M. Prishvin).

In writing, clarifying terms are highlighted (separated) by commas. In addition to the circumstances, other members of the proposal may also be specified: Only narrow three hundred fathoms, a strip of fertile land constitutes the possession of the Cossacks(L.N. Tolstoy) - definition.

Clarifying members of a sentence with the meaning of explanation can be joined by conjunctions that is, or(in meaning that is), namely: It goes without saying that in wet weather one must already seek salvation under the tent, or in a booth as the Siberians say(A. Cherkasov); As soon as the snow melts and the rags begin to dry, that is, last year's grass,"burns" or steppe fires begin(S.T. Aksakov).

Clarifying connecting constructions, including an additional message about the content of the statement, are attached with the words even, especially, especially, for example, in particular, mainly, and in general. In writing they are distinguished by commas, less often by dashes: Roof painting, especially with our drying oil And paint, was considered a very profitable business(A.P. Chekhov); The fastest ripening mushrooms for example, birch and russula, reach full development in three days(S.T. Aksakov).

2. Student presentation “Isolation of agreed upon definitions” (students write down theses)

1. An agreed definition is set apart if it relates to personal pronoun, regardless of place in the sentence, cf.: She, indignant, suddenly changed towards me... (M. Prishvin). – Outraged, she suddenly changed towards me.

Common agreed definitions expressed by participial phrases or adjectives with a dependent word appearing after the word being defined are isolated: Mountains, covered with snow, turned white in the middle of the night (K. Paustovsky); The road entered a shallow forest, dead, cold from the moon and dew(I.A. Bunin).

2. Agreed definitions are always isolated if it comes after the defined words preceded by one or more adjectives: Black abundant bunches, gave off a faint smell of strawberries, hung heavily between the dark greens, here and there gilded by the sun(I.A. Kuprin).

3. If the word being defined does not have a previous definition, then separation depends on the meaning and intonation: Moon, bright and definitely wet, flashed across the bare tops(I.A. Bunin); They ate fish fried and salted and drank water and honey, old, seasoned (P. Zagrebelny).

4. The agreed definition standing before the word being defined is isolated if has additional adverbial meaning(reasons, concessions, etc.), cf.: Tired and chilled, everyone trudged sluggishly along the slimy and dirty road(V.V. Veresaev) – the meaning of the reason. Being tired and cold , everyone trudged sluggishly along the slimy and dirty road; Unnoticed by anyone trembling-leaved aspen can be beautiful and noticeable in the fall (S.T. Aksakov) - the meaning of concession.

5. An agreed definition is isolated if it separated from the defined words by other members of the sentence: The locomotive shouted jubilantly, intoxicated by his own rapid pace (K. Paustovsky).

If agreed definitions, depending on a personal pronoun, are connected in meaning with both the subject and the predicate, then they are not isolated: They returned home satisfied and happy .

The agreed definition of a noun is not isolated if it is connected in meaning not only with the subject, but also with the predicate: Foliage

It comes out from under your feet tightly packed, gray(M. Prishvin).

Inconsistent definitions are isolated (highlighted, separated by commas) in the following cases:

  1. If they refer to a proper name : Now Makarka, in his old clothes and with a stick in his hand, stood at the threshold and sang(I.A. Bunin).
  2. If they refer to a personal pronoun : With beaten feet, I finally got to my hometown(K. Paustovsky).
  3. If separated from the defined word by other members of the sentence: She walked through the door of the visiting room, under a thick veil, and stood on the other side of the private double lattice(M. Prishvin).
  4. If they stand in a series of homogeneous members of a sentence with separate agreed definitions: Even the chess, old, broken, scratched, with a spool of thread instead of a rook and a tin soldier instead of a bishop, gave me a warm feeling(E. Ryss).
  5. If expressed by phrases with an adjective in the form of a comparative degree: Other room, almost twice as much, was called the hall(A.P. Chekhov).
  6. If expressed by nouns with a preposition and refer to a common noun; At the same time, the independence of the meaning of this definition is emphasized: Among them, with raised eyebrows, walked Jewish grain merchant, in a bowler hat, in a coat with a hood (I.A. Bunin).

V. Updating knowledge. Practicing skills and abilities

Explain the punctuation marks in the text, determine how a simple sentence is complicated in a complex one?

What parts of the sentence are isolated phrases?

What function do participial phrases perform in the text? (Participles with dependent words convey the attribute of an object as an action. Participial phrases give the text expressive brevity, since they have the “energy” of a verb and the pictorial power of an adjective. Therefore, participles and participial phrases are an expressive artistic means in the text.)

What is special about this passage? (In a small text there are many adverbial phrases. Adverbial phrases are usually used in book speech. Their advantage is brevity and laconism. Adverbial phrases and participial phrases and adverbial phrases have great expressiveness, so they are widely used in literary speech.)

2. Students work in groups “Who is faster?”: it is necessary to supplement the table with examples, using explanatory dictionaries, examples from literary texts. (The task is completed in writing and then checked).

Separate members of the sentence Conditions of separation
Definitions Separated:

1) Common definitions, expressed by participial phrases or adjectives with a dependent word (definitive phrases), standing after the word being defined.

2) A single definition, if it comes after the word being defined or if it is separated from the word being defined in the text.

3) Common or single definitions, standing immediately before the defined noun, if they have an additional adverbial meaning.

4) Definitions related to the personal pronoun.

Applications 1) Common applications expressed by a common noun with dependent words and related to the common noun are distinguished.

2) A single application, placed after a common noun, if the defined noun has an explanatory word with it.

3) An application relating to a proper name, if it comes after the noun being defined.

4) The proper name of a person or the name of an animal acts as a separate application if it explains or clarifies a common noun.

5) Applications for personal pronouns.

Circumstance 1) Participle phrase or single participle.

2) Circumstances expressed by nouns in the form of indirect case for semantic emphasis or for incidental explanation.

Turnover with prepositional combinations despite, in view of, thanks to, depending on, in order to avoid, in spite of, in contrast, in contrast to, in connection with, due to, as a result of, in case of, for lack of, for the absence of, similarly, for the reason, on the occasion, in the presence, with condition, according to and etc.

Addition Nouns with prepositions except, instead of, apart from, over, except for, along with and etc.
Clarifying members of the sentence Words and phrases that clarify the meaning of the preceding words:

1) Clarifying circumstances of the place.

2) Clarifying circumstances of time.

3) Clarifying circumstances of the course of action.

4) clarifying definitions with the meaning of color, size, age, etc.

Explanatory constructions Explanatory parts of a sentence with a conjunction or.
Connection structures Constructions joined by words even, especially, especially, for example, mainly, in particular, including, moreover, and then, moreover, and in general and etc.

3. Recording sentences under the dictation of the teacher. Commented dictation.

The garden was completely silent. The frozen ground, covered with a fluffy soft layer, became completely wet, giving no sound; but the air became especially sensitive, clearly and completely carrying over long distances the cry of a crow, the blow of an ax, and the light crack of a broken branch. From time to time a strange sound was heard, as if from glass, rising to the highest notes and dying away as if at a great distance. These were the boys throwing stones on the village pond, which by morning was covered with a thin film of the first ice.

The pond at the estate was also frozen, but the river near the mill, heavy and dark, still trickled through its fluffy banks and rustled at the sluices. Peter approached the dam and stopped, listening. The ringing of water was different - heavier and without melody. It was as if one could feel the coldness of the dead surroundings...

Peter’s soul was also cold and gloomy. The dark feeling, which even on that happy evening rose from the depths of the soul with some kind of fear, dissatisfaction and question, now grew and took the place in the soul that belonged to the feelings of joy and happiness. ( V. Korolenko.)

Show in the text you wrote down the syntactic function of isolated minor members.

4. Written assignment.

Rearrange the sentences so that non-separated definitions become separate. Compare both options, paying attention to intonation. Write down the sentences using punctuation marks.

1. A magnificent and bright sun rose over the sea. 2. An official who arrived by personal order from St. Petersburg demands you to come to him. 3. Driven by a fair wind, the boat easily glided through the water. 4. The sea and clear month illuminated our path. 5. A dense fog that suddenly covered the shore forced us to stand in the roadstead.

5. Control testing.

1. Determine whether missing punctuation marks need to be added in sentences with separate definitions:

a) a comma before And;

b) a comma after And;

c) the signs are placed correctly.

1. Now, probably, the wind will blow, sharp, unpleasant and will tear this fog to pieces.

2. Now Anna saw in the corner a stove made of a large iron barrel and a large cast iron on the stove.

3. The yellow boards lay calmly on the water and, carried away by an imperceptible current, turned their ends towards the river.

4. I assumed that the matter would end with a little rain and, lulled by this thought, fell asleep calmly.

5. The airplane began to smoke and, bent down by the beam, went towards its west.

6. The upturned river, already covered with grease in the channels and captured by ice near the banks, beat loudly with a wave.

7. The poor guest, with his shirt torn and scratched until he bled, soon found a safe corner.

8. The eyes were stuck together and the half-closed ones also smiled.

9. The valley covered with grass and the clear river bathed in a whitish haze, permeated with moon rays.

10. The large courtyard, curly with burdock and strewn with yellow leaves, was slightly silvered with autumn drizzle.

Answers: 1 – in; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – a; 5 B; 6 – in; 7 – in; 8 – b; 9 – a; 10 – c.

2. Determine whether there are punctuation errors in sentences with isolated circumstances: a) there are; b) no:

1. The Vasnetsovs lived without meeting anyone.

2. Half an hour later, Anna led them out into the clearing.

3. When you dare to do great things, you inevitably risk your good name (Vauvenargues).

4. I tremble all the time from the thought that, wanting to express the truth, I only write down a sigh (Stendhal).

5. The teacher quickly and without waiting for an answer bombarded the students with questions.

6. In the distance, merging with the sky, the ice piled up.

7. Grabbing the fishing rod, Pavka pulled it and, breaking off the caught line, jumped out onto the road.

8. In a quiet spring hour, it would be nice to stand in the awakening forest.

9. Despite repeated warnings from weather forecasters, the pathfinders set off on the road.

10. Mother, according to her old lady’s habit, arrived at the station a whole hour in advance.

Answers: 1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – b; 5 – a; 6 – a; 7 – b; 8 – a; 9 - b; 10 – a.

3. In which option are the answers correctly indicated and all commas explained?

The nightingale (1) Breaking into jubilant trills (2) sang (3) his spring song.

a) 2 – the participial phrase is highlighted;

b) 1, 2 – the participial phrase is highlighted;

c) 1, 2 – the participial phrase is highlighted;

d) 1, 3 – the participial phrase is highlighted.

Answer: b).

4. Which answer option correctly identifies and explains all the commas?

The evening sun (1) having bathed to its fullest (2) in the clouds (3) will cast several purple strokes on the sky.

a) 1 – the participial phrase is highlighted;

b) 2 - the participial phrase is highlighted;

c) 1, 3 - the participial phrase is highlighted;

d) 1, 3 - the participial phrase is highlighted.

VI. Reflection

1. Questions.

Name the cases of mandatory separation of agreed upon definitions.

In what cases are gerunds and gerunds with dependent words separated?

What punctuation marks are used for clarifying connecting structures?

What are the principles of differentiation of isolated members of a sentence?

2. Work using cards.

Read and underline the clarifying parts of the sentence.

1) The nightingales sang in the direction where the dawn is across the river, and on the mountain above me, and below, in the ravine alder forest, and I listened and chose which side the nightingales sang better.

2) Everything good, including a good story, comes not only from personal effort, no, it ripens itself, like an apple on the trunk of a human personality.

3) To truly be an artist, you must overcome your malicious envy for the best and replace it with admiration for the absolutely beautiful.

Why should I envy the best, if the best is a beacon in front of the absolutely beautiful, if I participate in it to some extent, even the smallest one: by the very thing that I admire, I participate.

Justify the communicative expediency of using clarifying isolated sentence members in the given passages.

3. Drawing up the algorithm “Isolation of agreed definitions”.

VII. Summarizing. Assessment.

VIII. Homework:

Make a summary of “Introductory words and sentences.”

Prepare for the vocabulary dictation “N and NN in adjectives and participles.”

Two branches of the science of language - syntax and punctuation - are always studied together. Simple cases of comma placement, for example, the obligatory comma before A and BUT, usually do not cause difficulties. But to isolate secondary ones, knowledge of the basics of syntax is necessary.

Under a number of conditions, secondary members can be distinguished from both sides and circumstances.

The adverb in a sentence answers the questions of adverbs, since it denotes a sign of action or, much less frequently, not only an adverb, but also any independent

The isolation of circumstances expressed by a single gerund, although it has its own subtleties, is easily learned by schoolchildren. The presence of a gerund in a sentence is a kind of signal to insert a comma.

Another thing is a clarifying circumstance. Examples of this kind are more difficult to detect: they are not so obvious.

What is a qualifying circumstance?

Clarifying members, as is already clear from the term itself, clarify the information contained in the sentence:

    All my childhood friends, (who exactly?) especially Mikhail, are very dear to me.

    Dark, (which ones specifically?) almost coal-black eyes stood out on his pale face.

    A little girl ran into the room, (which one specifically?) no older than our son.

The clarification is always separated by a dash.

A separate clarifying circumstance in most cases specifies the time and place of action.

If we have a clarifying circumstance of time, then the sentence, in addition to it, should contain generalized information about when the action is performed:

    We left late in the evening, (when exactly?) at eleven o'clock.

    At the end of August, (when exactly?) on the twenty-fifth, my only brother was born.

The clarifying circumstance of place details and narrows information about where the event described in the sentence occurs:

    Andrey lives very close to us, (where exactly?) a five-minute walk.

    Ahead, (where exactly?) in the very center of the road, we noticed a huge pit.

Geographical names and addresses are often specified:

    Last summer we returned from another city, (where exactly?) Vladivostok.

    My friend moved to the Oktyabrsky district of Samara, (where exactly?) on Michurina Street.

Less common is the clarifying circumstance of the course of action:

    The soldiers tried to talk as quietly as possible, (how exactly?) almost in a whisper.

    Perepelkin listened to me attentively, (how exactly?) with some special respect.

Clarifying circumstances with other meanings are also distinguished.

To correctly place punctuation marks, it is important to understand the context of the sentence:

    Artists performed in the square in the city center. (The square is located in the central part of the city)

    Artists performed on the square in the city center. (The artists perform on the square located in the city center).

A hint for isolating clarifying members of a sentence is intonation. But you should not focus only on semantic pauses in the speech flow; it is better to pay attention to the syntactic role of the structure and select a question for it.

§1. Separation. General concept

Separation- a method of semantic highlighting or clarification. Only minor members of the sentence are isolated. Typically, stand-outs allow you to present information in more detail and draw attention to it. Compared to ordinary, non-separated members, segregation sentences have greater independence.

The distinctions are different. There are separate definitions, circumstances and additions. The main members of the proposal are not isolated. Examples:

  1. Separate definition: The boy, who had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position right on the suitcase, shuddered.
  2. An isolated circumstance: Sashka was sitting on the windowsill, fidgeting in place and swinging his legs.
  3. Isolated addition: I heard nothing except the ticking of the alarm clock.

Most often, definitions and circumstances are isolated. Isolated members of a sentence are highlighted intonationally in oral speech, and punctuationally in written speech.

§2. Separate definitions

Separate definitions are divided into:

  • agreed upon
  • inconsistent

The child, who had fallen asleep in my arms, suddenly woke up.

(agreed separate definition, expressed by participial phrase)

Lyoshka, in an old jacket, was no different from the village children.

(inconsistent isolated definition)

Agreed Definition

The agreed separate definition is expressed:

  • participial phrase: The child who was sleeping in my arms woke up.
  • two or more adjectives or participles: The child, well-fed and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.


A single agreed definition is also possible if the word being defined is a pronoun, for example:

He, full, quickly fell asleep.

Inconsistent definition

An inconsistent isolated definition is most often expressed by noun phrases and refers to pronouns or proper names. Examples:

How could you, with your intelligence, not understand her intention?

Olga, in her wedding dress, looked extraordinarily beautiful.

An inconsistent isolated definition is possible both in the position after and in the position before the word being defined.
If an inconsistent definition refers to a defined word expressed by a common noun, then it is isolated only in the position after it:

The guy in the baseball cap kept looking around.

Definition structure

The structure of the definition may vary. They differ:

  • single definition: excited girl;
  • two or three single definitions: girl, excited and happy;
  • a common definition expressed by the phrase: a girl excited by the news she received...

1. Single definitions are isolated regardless of the position relative to the word being defined, only if the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun:

She, excited, could not sleep.

(single isolated definition after the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun)

Excited, she could not sleep.

(single isolated definition before the word being defined, expressed by a pronoun)

2. Two or three single definitions are isolated if they appear after the word being defined, expressed by a noun:

The girl, excited and happy, could not fall asleep for a long time.

If the defined word is expressed by a pronoun, then isolation is also possible in the position before the defined member:

Excited and happy, she could not fall asleep for a long time.

(isolation of several single definitions before the word being defined - pronoun)

3. A common definition expressed by a phrase is isolated if it refers to the defined word expressed by a noun and comes after it:

The girl, excited by the news she received, could not fall asleep for a long time.

(a separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase, comes after the word being defined, expressed by a noun)

If the word being defined is expressed by a pronoun, then the common definition can be in a position either after or before the word being defined:

Excited by the news she received, she could not sleep for a long time.

She, excited by the news she received, could not sleep for a long time.

Separate definitions with additional adverbial meaning

Definitions preceding the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings.
These can be both common and single definitions, standing immediately before the defined noun, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessional, etc.). In such cases, the attributive phrase is easily replaced by a subordinate clause of the reason with the conjunction because, subordinate clause conditions with conjunction If, subordinate assignment with conjunction Although.
To check the presence of an adverbial meaning, you can use the replacement of the attributive phrase with a phrase with the word being: if such a replacement is possible, then the definition is separated. For example:

Severely ill, the mother could not go to work.

(additional meaning of reason)

Even when she was sick, the mother went to work.

(additional value of concession)

Thus, various factors are important for separation:

1) what part of speech the word being defined is expressed by,
2) what is the structure of the definition,
3) how the definition is expressed,
4) whether it expresses additional adverbial meanings.

§3. Dedicated Applications

Application- this is a special type of definition, expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines: jumping dragonfly, beauty maiden. The application could be:

1) single: Mishka, the restless one, tortured everyone;

2) common: Mishka, a terrible fidget, tortured everyone.

An application, both single and widespread, is isolated if it refers to a defined word expressed by a pronoun, regardless of the position: both before and after the defined word:

He is an excellent doctor and helped me a lot.

Great doctor, he helped me a lot.

A common application is isolated if it appears after the defined word expressed by a noun:

My brother, an excellent doctor, treats our entire family.

A single non-widespread application is isolated if the word being defined is a noun with explanatory words:

He saw his son, the baby, and immediately began to smile.

Any application is isolated if it appears after a proper name:

Mishka, the neighbor's son, is a desperate tomboy.

An application expressed by a proper name is isolated if it serves to clarify or explain:

And the neighbor’s son, Mishka, a desperate tomboy, started a fire in the attic.

The application is isolated in the position before the defined word - a proper name, if at the same time an additional adverbial meaning is expressed.

The architect from God, Gaudi, could not conceive an ordinary cathedral.

(why? for what reason?)

Application with union How is isolated if the shade of the reason is expressed:

On the first day, as a beginner, everything turned out worse for me than for others.


Single applications that appear after the word being defined and are not distinguished by intonation during pronunciation are not isolated, because merge with it:

In the darkness of the entrance, I did not recognize Mishka the neighbor.


Separate applications can be punctuated not with a comma, but with a dash, which is placed if the application is especially emphasized by voice and highlighted by a pause.

New Year is coming soon - children's favorite holiday.

§4. Standalone Add-ons

Objects expressed by nouns with prepositions are distinguished: except, apart from, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with. They contain inclusion-exclusion or substitution values. For example:

No one except Ivan knew the answer to the teacher's question.

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§6. Isolation of comparative turnovers

Comparative turnovers are distinguished:

1) with unions: How, as if, exactly, as if, What, how, than etc., if relevant:

  • simile: The rain poured down as if from a sieve.
  • similes: Her teeth were like pearls.

2) with union like:

Masha, like everyone else, prepared well for the exam.

Comparative turnover is not isolated, If:

1. are of a phraseological nature:

It stuck like a bath leaf. The rain was pouring down in buckets.

2. the circumstances of the course of action matter (the comparative phrase answers the question How?, often it can be replaced with an adverb or noun in the like:

We're walking in circles.

(We walk(How?) like in a circle. You can replace noun. in etc.: all around)

3) turnover with the union How expresses meaning "as":

It's not a matter of qualifications: I don't like him as a person.

4) turnover from How is part of a compound nominal predicate or is closely related to the predicate in meaning:

The garden was like a forest.

He wrote about feelings as something very important to him.

§7. Separate clarifying members of the sentence

Clarifying members refer to the word being specified and answers the same question, for example: where exactly? when exactly? Who exactly? which one? etc. Most often, clarification is conveyed by isolated circumstances of place and time, but there may be other cases. Clarifying members can refer to the addition, definition, or main members of the sentence. Clarifying members are isolated, distinguished by intonation in oral speech, and in written speech by commas, parentheses or dashes. Example:

We stayed up late, until nightfall.

Below, in the valley stretched out in front of us, a stream roared.

The qualifying member usually comes after the qualifying member. They are connected intonationally.

Clarifying members can be introduced into a complicated sentence:

1) using unions: that is, namely:

I am preparing for the Unified State Examination C1 task, that is, for an essay.

2) also words: especially, even, in particular, mainly, For example:

Everywhere, especially in the living room, was clean and beautiful.

Test of strength

Find out your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that isolation is a way of semantic highlighting or clarification?

  2. Is it true that only minor members of the sentence are separated?

  3. What can be separate definitions?

    • common and not common
    • agreed and uncoordinated
  4. Are isolated definitions always expressed by participle phrases?

  5. In what case are definitions standing before the word being defined isolated?

    • if an additional adverbial meaning is expressed
    • if no additional adverbial meaning is expressed
  6. Is it correct to think that application is a special type of definition, expressed by a noun in the same number and case as the noun or pronoun that it defines?

  7. What prepositions are used in prepositional-case combinations, which are separate objects?

    • about, in, on, to, before, for, under, over, before
    • except, besides, over, except for, including, excluding, instead of, along with
  8. Is it necessary to separate gerunds and participial phrases?

  9. Is it necessary to separate circumstances with a pretext? despite?

  10. In contact with

    Words and phrases that clarify the meaning of previous words are isolated (set off by commas, less often - dashes) (clarification is a transition from a broader concept to a narrower one). Most often, circumstances and definitions are specified.

    1. Clarifying circumstances of the place: There, below, skinny moss, gray bush(P.); Below, in the shadows, the Danube rustled (Tutch.); Ilya Ilyich studied at Verkhlöwe, about five versts from Oblomovka,from the local manager, German Stolz(Gonch.); Directly opposite the cordon, on the other bank, everything was empty (L.T.); In the suburbs, near the slaughterhouses, dogs were howling (Ch.); Some away from the goose on the mattress lay a white cat (Ch.); Up, over the tops of the oak trees,where the depth of the sky was evenly blue, clouds gathered(Boon.); Beyond the river in the pink sky,the evening star sparkled brightly(M.G.); In Crimea, in Miskhor, last summer I made an amazing discovery(Cupr.); On the farm three miles from the village of Solomennaya,the scouts left their horses and went on foot(F.); Ten steps from the entrance to the tunnel, right next to the highway, there was a lonely house(BUT.); Near, in the direction of the village of Olginskaya,the sounds of gunfire rolled around as usual(Prim.); On right, at the foot of the hills,a large field spread out(Chuck.); The road forks and you don't know where to go further - straight or left.

    Often the clarifying circumstances of a place are lined up in a row, forming a chain: Ahead, far away, on the other side of the foggy sea,prominent wooded hills could be seen(L. T.); Around along the left bank, half a mile from the water, at a distance of seven to eight miles from one another,the villages were located(L. T.); All of a sudden at the bend of the river, ahead, under the dark mountains, a light flashed (Cor.); Six steps from Chelkash, at the sidewalk, on the pavement,a young guy sat leaning his back against the bedside table(M.G.); In a spacious lowland, on the right, all the way to the ridge,turned to the side and lost in the dull gray distance, a forest could be seen(F.); Even here across the lake, a kilometer away,along with the hot air, a rumble and crackling sound could be heard(Guide.); Right here, near the barn, right in the snow, undressed (Sh.).

    Depending on the meaning, the same words may or may not be considered as a qualifying circumstance. Wed:

    Ahead on the road there were crowds of people (i.e. in front of the road). - Ahead, on the road, there were crowds of people (that is, the road itself was in front);

    Far in the forest ax blows were heard(the listener is in the forest). - Far away, in the forest, ax blows were heard(the listener is outside the forest);

    The children settled downin a clearing between the bushes(the clearing is surrounded by bushes, but there are no bushes in the clearing itself). — The children settled down in the clearing, between the bushes (the bushes are located in the clearing itself). -

    Specifying circumstances include the names of districts, regions, etc., indicating the location of towns, villages, etc., as well as indications in addresses: In the village of Uvarovka,Petrovsky district, Kaluga region,a harvest festival took place; The village of New Gorki,Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region,located near Bolshevo station; Moscow, Plyushchikha street, 38, apt. 2.

    But: School No. 4 of the Taldomsky district of the Moscow region - non-separate inconsistent definition.

    Usually the clarifying member of a sentence limits the scope of the concept expressed by the qualifying member of the sentence: Below, under the iron network air roads, in dust and dirt pavements,children fuss silently(M.G.) - clarifying terms are arranged in a descending gradation, i.e. the subsequent one clarifies the meaning of the previous one. But there are cases when the clarifying member is broader in the concept it expresses than the qualifying member: I was lying on the bed, in an unfamiliar room, and felt great weakness(P.); I've heard these stories near Ackerman, in Bessarabia, on the seashore(M.G.).

    2. Clarifying circumstances of time: I woke up late, about five o'clock in the afternoon(Ax.); We went and wandered for a long time, until evening (T.); At noon, in clear, sunny weather,nothing can be imagined sadder than this ruin(T.); It was deep in autumn, on a cold and gloomy day(Vol.); Once before evening the Nogai driver pointed from behind the clouds at the mountains with a whip(L. T.); Now, after flood, it was a river six fathoms(Ch.); All night long, until the rooster's dawn,Chapaev measured the map(Furm.); Now, late autumn, when I live in Moscow, the box stands there alone in empty unheated rooms(Paust.); In the summer, in the evening dawns, a steppe golden eagle flies from the undercloud to the top of the mound(Sh.).

    If, in the presence of two circumstances of time, the second of them does not serve to limit the concept expressed by the first, then it is not clarifying and a comma is not placed between the circumstances: The department meeting will take placetomorrow at six o'clock in the evening(Wed: 3 tomorrow, at six o'clock in the evening,a meeting of the department will take place).

    3. Clarifying circumstances of the course of action: He shook his curls and self-confidently, almost defiantly, looked up at the sky(T.); And he took care of his soul solidly, lordly, and did good deeds not simply, but with importance(Ch.); He is naive, childish, wiped his eyes with his fingers(L. T.); Quietly, with fear , she told him something strange(M.G.); She is mischievous, girlish, looked up at him(Fed.); On crooked haystack sadly, orphan-like, crow perched(F.); The women all made noise at once, in one voice , not allowing Davydov to say a word(Sh.); The only way, among the grass, flowers,wheat, and our Vorsha River could begin(Sol.); He was careful until the pink gloss on the cheeks, shaven (Ant.); Like this, casually, the issue cannot be resolved.

    4. Clarifying definitions with the meaning of color, size, age, etc.: One more, last thing, a legend - and my chronicle is finished(P.); Looked out here and there women's, mostly old ladies heads (T.); Their accompanied by a small plump man with phlegmatic, almost asleep, face (T.); Only narrow three hundred fathoms,a strip of fertile land constitutes the possession of the Cossacks(L. T.); Pierre, already pulled into awkward, made him narrow,noble uniform, was in the halls(L. T.); Having passed some empty place, without inhabitants, village, the squadron again climbed the mountain(L. T.); The hump-nosed stonebreaker straightened his mustache and beard white, lime-covered hands (M.G.); In the distance rose dark red, the color of raw meat factory building (M. G.); On a man stepped out of the class carriage black - buttoned up to the collar- gymnast (A.T.); A minute later, three fighters, one after another, rose to bluish, as if mother-of-pearl, air (Cat.); The guards walked at full height, in a wide chain, along motley - raspberry, lilac, green— clover field (Cat); A tall lantern on the mast helped Gleb see him gray, unshaven, with hollows on the cheeks, face (Leon.); She looked at her grandfather's hands with fear in brown, clay color,senile freckles(Sh.); He saw on the white cap of a mound not far away red yellow, with a fiery tint, fox (Sh.); The boat was moving, moving all the time in black, almost ink-colored shadows (Sim.); I'm not blinding my eyes anymore white, with the reflections of the sunset,snow; In the distance, at the Nikolsky Gate, one could see high - pipe - sable boyar hat(A.T.); A they are so fresh clean, spotless,on the ground, so that’s how they lay?(Fed.); A young girl, about seventeen years old, came in (Kupr.); On the neck tanned with yellow tan was gathered thick, finger-like folds (Lid.); Fat, guards cloth,the pants did not suit either the craftsman or the farm laborer(Cat.); Gavrik examined the little schoolboy from all sides. long, toe-length, overcoat (Cat.); On tiptoed into the room, undressed, and carefully hung festive, with stripes, bloomers (Sh.); From under the steep wolf warehouse,balding forehead, he glanced around the room(Sh.); Next door, without doors, footsteps thundered approaching the stained bright rooms(Pan.); It was a village outside the city on the naked without a tree, without a bush, low place (Pan.); He was a young man of short stature, with an inconspicuous mustache, simple, striped, shirt with elastic bands on the sleeves(Sol.); There is a special technical order,pause; The passenger entered with original, under crocodile skin,suitcase; Each of these phenomena has their, unique to him, peculiarities; With her still not shinyYou should take better care of your health.

    Clarifying definitions can specify the general meaning of pronouns this, that, such, each, one(in the meaning of a pronoun), etc.: I wanted to distinguish myself before this,dear to me man (M.G.); Then Dasha was surprised by the “homegrown” nature of everything this, so sensational boldness (A.T.); These, not always firm and slender,the poetic lines were written by a hand as hard as steel(Sim.); Those have long been established between them,purely formal,relationships that are so common between two relatives(M.G.); Chichikov was a little puzzled with such a somewhat harsh definition (G.); To each, to the one who has arrived and to the one who has come,they had to find and indicate a place to stay for the night(Ch.); No one, neither sled, nor human, nor animal,there was no trace to be seen(L. T.); Something happened so unusual in the world,that everything that was experienced and familiar seemed to waver in its power over life(Fed.).

    But if the attributive phrase that comes after the demonstrative pronoun is closely adjacent to it and does not have the meaning of clarification, then. it is not separated by a comma from this pronoun: These recently builtthe houses are already fully occupied[cm. § 18 ].

    Clarifying definitions can be added through subordinating conjunctions: Irresistible, although quiet, the power carried me away(T.); Current, even if it’s not completely new,the topic deserves attention; Sacrifice the past for one, albeit dear, he did not dare to meet; It should be noted that this interesting, because it hasn’t been developed by anyone yet,The topic was chosen specifically by the young researcher.

    But if the definition attached by a subordinating conjunction is homogeneous in relation to the previous definition and does not have the nature of clarification (semantic and intonation), then a comma is not placed after it: We are faced withdifficult, but interesting task [see § 12, paragraph 6]. The distinction between these cases depends on the will of the writer.

    Notes: 1. Classical writers sometimes separated the participial phrase following a homogeneous adjective definition with commas as a clarifying definition. For example, from I. S. Turgenev: He arranged a big, linen covered, bathhouse; A hundred paces from the mill was small , open on all sides, canopy; From the special I didn't notice at first, the stables brought out Peacock. Nowadays such punctuation is rare [see § 10 ].

    2. Words give a clarifying character to the statement more precisely, more precisely, otherwise, rather etc. However, the members of the sentence following them are not isolated, since the indicated words, which have the meaning of introductory ( more precisely, more accurately, otherwise equivalent in meaning to phrases more precisely, more accurately speaking, in other words), themselves separated by commas: His kindness, or rather , his generosity touched me- the predicate is consistent with the nearest preceding word, from which it cannot be separated by a comma; More recently, more precisely , an article with similar content was published in the latest issue of the magazine; Arctic fox,otherwise polar fox, prized for its fur(here it is different in the meaning ‘that is’; but: The boy needs to be stopped in time, otherwise he will do such a thing- here it acts differently as an adversative conjunction); It should be added quicker , clarify the data given in the report.

    A combination of words moreover can act as a clarifying word: It would be stupid moreover , it would be madness to miss such an opportunity; He deeply respected his friend, moreover — admired him.

    3. It is possible to clarify without introducing words: The plants were saved - watered.

    May 8, 2013

    Two branches of the science of language - syntax and punctuation - are always studied together. Simple cases of comma placement, for example, the obligatory comma before the coordinating conjunctions A and BUT, usually do not cause difficulties. But to isolate the minor members of a sentence, knowledge of the basics of syntax is necessary.

    Under a number of conditions, minor terms can be separated by commas on both sides, including circumstance.

    The adverbial adverb in a sentence answers the questions of adverbs, since it denotes a sign of an action or, much less often, a sign of a characteristic. Nevertheless, not only an adverb, but also any independent part of speech can act as a circumstance.

    The isolation of circumstances expressed by a participial phrase or a single participle, although it has its own subtleties, is easily learned by schoolchildren. The presence of a gerund in a sentence is a kind of signal to insert a comma.

    Another thing is a clarifying circumstance. Examples of this kind are more difficult to detect: they are not so obvious.

    What is a qualifying circumstance?

    Clarifying members, as is already clear from the term itself, clarify the information contained in the sentence:

      All my childhood friends, (who exactly?) especially Mikhail, are very dear to me.

      Dark, (which ones specifically?) almost coal-black eyes stood out on his pale face.

      A little girl ran into the room, (which one specifically?) no older than our son.

    Clarification is always separated by either commas or dashes.

    A separate clarifying circumstance in most cases specifies the time and place of action.

    If we have a clarifying circumstance of time, then the sentence, in addition to it, should contain generalized information about when the action is performed:

      We left late in the evening, (when exactly?) at eleven o'clock.

      At the end of August, (when exactly?) on the twenty-fifth, my only brother was born.

    The clarifying circumstance of place details and narrows information about where the event described in the sentence occurs:

      Andrey lives very close to us, (where exactly?) a five-minute walk.

      Ahead, (where exactly?) in the very center of the road, we noticed a huge pit.

    Geographical names and addresses are often specified:

      Last summer we returned from another city, (where exactly?) Vladivostok.

      My friend moved to the Oktyabrsky district of Samara, (where exactly?) on Michurina Street.

    Less common is the clarifying circumstance of the course of action:

      The soldiers tried to talk as quietly as possible, (how exactly?) almost in a whisper.

      Perepelkin listened to me attentively, (how exactly?) with some special respect.

    Clarifying circumstances with other meanings are also distinguished.

    To correctly place punctuation marks, it is important to understand the context of the sentence:

      Artists performed in the square in the city center. (The square is located in the central part of the city)

      Artists performed on the square in the city center. (The artists perform on the square located in the city center).

    A hint for isolating clarifying members of a sentence is intonation. But you should not focus only on semantic pauses in the speech flow; it is better to pay attention to the syntactic role of the structure and select a question for it.




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