VIP poll: why is Mikhail Gorbachev accused of the collapse of the USSR? How Gorbachev destroyed the USSR Why Gorbachev destroyed the USSR

Sooner or later it will become known how Mikhail Gorbachev was tied to himself by the chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov, but the fact remains - M.S. Gorbachev was a faithful servant of his patron for many years. And after his death, he brought the work begun by Yuri Andropov in 1967 to the very end - in 1991 the USSR was still collapsed!

Now, from the height of the 21st century, it is clear that the collapse of the USSR could have been avoided, that if Gorbachev had followed the Chinese path, the USSR would still have remained a superpower - reformed, humanized, "revisionist", but a superpower!

However, the West, represented by the United States and Great Britain, foretold its greatest agent - Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov - a different scenario, which involved all kinds of support for the gerontocracy regime and "stagnation" headed by Brezhnev, who fell into insanity, drawing the country into the insane Afghan war (remember who it was initiated by Andropov personally!); Belovezhskaya agreements, a chain of national conflicts in Tbilisi, Vilnius, Fergana, Baku, Dushanbe, Yerevan; dismemberment and economic enslavement Soviet Union pieces - former republics that have become "independent" states.

Indirect evidence that Yu.V. Andropov was for the West the most valuable agent of all times and peoples, there is a fact that at his funeral, for the first and last time in history, the heads of the United States and Great Britain, President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, personally flew to Moscow.

It is possible that it was on February 14, 1984, on the day of Andropov's funeral, that M.S. Gorbachev was invited to the "casting" in the UK, which took place in December of the same 1984.

Materials about this visit were recently declassified by the National Archives of Great Britain, which they did not fail to write about on all the Internet.

But few people know that along with Gorbachev, his strongest competitor, the "owner" of Leningrad, Grigory Romanov, also went to the "casting". Romanov relied on the army, Gorbachev on the KGB. The result of the "smotrin" was the election in the spring of the following 1985, M.S. Gorbachev as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and Romanov was "woven bast shoes".

Starting from this incident and right up to Putin, all the local princes who wanted to reign as some kind of fragment former USSR, they definitely had to go (and they go!) To the "bride" in Washington. Since then, the expression "Washington Regional Committee operates."

Interestingly, immediately after the election of Vladimir Putin as President of the Russian Federation, information was posted on the Internet that Yu.V. Andropov is a Jew, the son of a wealthy St. Petersburg jeweler, a bigamist, a coward and, in general, a vile person.

Before Putin, the Internet sang the exact opposite: Andropov positioned himself as a 100% proletarian Rusak, originally from Ossetia.

In the photo: Andropov in his youth. Draw your own conclusions about his nationality. In my opinion - one hundred percent Jewish.

In 1967, unknown forces pushed Yu.V. Andropov to the post of chairman of the all-powerful KGB of the USSR, and two years later he invited the 36-year-old Mikhail Gorbachev to become his deputy. This did not happen, but since 1971 Gorbachev began to actively travel around Western Europe and America - semi-officially, sometimes even privately, without the strict control of the KGB of the USSR, which was supposed at that time.

It is possible to assume that the plan for the collapse of the USSR by the hands of Andropov and Gorbachev was concocted in the Washington kitchen in the late 60s and early 70s of the twentieth century, and later it was only improved and supplemented.

One way or another, but the plan of the overseas strategists was a success - the scrapping of the Soviet system, brought to the point of absurdity, was perceived by our people with a bang. Against the backdrop of the death of the hated regime, the collapse of the USSR as a state seemed to all of us a logical and desirable phenomenon.

Many of us are experiencing the consequences of our delusion now, when a significant part of the former USSR (Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) have turned into zones of instability or "hot spots", and Ukraine is generally called "European Somalia".

So, hello to you, Mikhail Sergeevich, from the "Somali"! We wish you health and good luck so that everyone else, looking at you, would be reluctant to sell their homeland!


Before our eyes is the example of communist China. There, the ruling Communist Party also began reforms from above. Moreover, the country was at its worst. economic situation. But the Celestial Empire has remained within its former borders, has risen to the level of the United States, and in some aspects is already ahead of the States.

— How did it happen, Yuri Vadimovich? - I ask a question to professor - orientalist Tavrovsky, the author of books, documentaries about China.

- The Chinese and our people often ask me about this. I usually laugh it off: China survived because there is only one time zone for the whole country, and we have about a dozen of them.

- But seriously?

- The USSR had a serious chance to survive by following the Chinese path. In May 1989, by that time, our glorious perestroika had clearly begun to slip. In the Central Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the KGB, and in the scientific community, quite influential people advised Gorbachev to change his strategy, to shift the emphasis from politics to economics. Take specific model Deng Xiaoping - first economic reforms: agrarian, industrial, but political ones can wait.

Actually, Gorbachev went to Beijing with such a mood. He had high hopes for a conversation with Deng Xiaoping and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Zhao Ziyang, who was called at that time "Chinese Gorbachev." He was clearly drawn to perestroika, new thinking and glasnost. And, as it turned out later, he was behind the student unrest on Tiananmen Square.

— How do you know all this?

“The work is as it was said before. Or rather, in the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Together with other comrades, he prepared that trip of Mikhail Sergeevich. And during the visit itself, he headed the Soviet press center in Beijing.

I arrived there 10 days before Gorbachev. Before my eyes, student unrest unfolded in the main square of China.

- As they would say today, Maidan.

- It started with the fact that cyclists began to ride through the streets with slogans written on cardboard. Then small groups began to gather in Tiananmen Square. Then there were more of them, they blocked the streets, and so on.

The question arose: does Gorbachev need to come to a city engulfed in unrest? Various organizations sent their “carts” from the embassy to Moscow, as cipher telegrams were then called. But Mikhail Sergeevich decided to go.

The distinguished Moscow guest was supposed to be met, as expected, on Tiananmen Square: a guard of honor, troops ... And the entire square was filled with protesting youth. I had to lay a carpet inside the building of the National People's Congress. Soldiers of the guard of honor, marching on an unusual platform, lost their feet ...

In general, everything immediately went awry. And at the end of the first day of the fateful visit, Gorbachev held a meeting with our diplomats, residencies and an escort group from Moscow in the embassy protected from listening. He liked to take literary and art figures abroad with him ...

I was sitting next to Raisa Maksimovna. She was very tired, her shoes rubbed her feet, it was unusual to see her silent. It made her very happy, I must say. She sat silently and looked with loving eyes at her husband, and from time to time he cast a look at her, also full of love.

- And what did he say?

- The Secretary General said: “Some people here told me that we need to study the Chinese experience, we need to follow the Chinese path. We will not follow the Chinese path, otherwise we will come to the point that we will have the same disgrace on Red Square as it is now on Tiananmen Square. Therefore, stop throwing this at me, we will go our own way, we have perestroika, and we will continue it.”

Just imagine: Gorbachev would come to a peaceful square, where Chinese children would meet him with flowers, and then they would bring him to Deng Xiaoping, and he would tell about his experience ... And our wonderful Mikhail Sergeevich would return home and say: now we will deal with the economy , to hell with it, with publicity, let's better feed the people for a start. And if there were the Soviet Union today, a powerful state, a strong economy, there would be no need to shed blood. How much blood we shed, our Soviet blood, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, Ukraine ...

“And how much blood was shed in Tiananmen Square?”

- According to the maximum estimates, 3 thousand people were killed, on both sides, moreover. These "peaceful students" were not angels at all either. They cut off the heads of soldiers, ripped open their stomachs, burned tanks! 3,000 in more than a billion people in China... But the country has survived and has become great today.

Orientalist Yuri Vadimovich Tavrovsky. Photo: Personal archive


- It turns out that in May 1989 we really lost the chance to save the USSR.

- In Beijing, I believe, there was a crossroads at which the fate of the Soviet Union was decided. Because in 1989, I think you will agree with me, there was still time to turn away from the catastrophic fall into the abyss, to do something to save the country. After that, it got worse and worse.

- And 25 years ago the USSR ordered to live long.

- But the Chinese, too, then stood over the abyss! During the days of the visit, we witnessed how they caught on the edge of the cliff and hung on it. More than two weeks elapsed between Gorbachev's visit and the use of military force against the students. And all this time, even Deng Xiaoping, a resolute and tough man, did not make a decision, hesitated. Because there was a deep split in the leadership of the party, mainly between the old and the young. Old people - Deng Xiaoping with associates. And General Secretary Zhao Ziyang with young supporters of Soviet perestroika. First of all, political.

- Gorbachev hit the CPSU, "headquarters"! And Deng Xiaoping focused on the economy.

“But then there was a very dangerous moment on the square. China could well have collapsed if the young supporters of Soviet perestroika had won. Both countries were based on a framework called the Communist Party. I often think myself, the Chinese ask me during trips to China: why did your Communist Party collapse? In China, there is a whole science - so to speak, "KPSSovedenie", it is taught in all Party schools, in universities. as a negative example. That in no case should you do the same as the CPSU, otherwise the Celestial Empire will fall apart. Study Gorbachev's speeches. Mikhail Sergeevich for them is a kind of demon-destroyer who scares young members of the party.

On deep reflection (maybe I'm wrong), I think: the Chinese were saved by the fact that they were communists in the second place, and in the first place - nationalists. In a good sense, nationalists. They saved their native country and made it great.

While in our leadership of the CPSU they thought more about ideological chimeras, such as new thinking, glasnost, perestroika ... And they didn’t think about the fate of the USSR, that the “Unbreakable Union” could fall apart. They were more concerned about ideals: world detente is about to come from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, we will all join hands, we will become friends!

- The United States cleverly used this, with might and main painted Gorbachev in the media with a halo of a peacemaker. The worse things went in the country, the more he was praised by the West for peacekeeping.

I'll tell you a terrible thing in secret. I thought a lot, why is there nothing in Chinese museums about Soviet aid in the 50s? Help was great! And material, and advisers.

former member The Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU Egor Kuzmich Ligachev, already a pensioner, told me how in the 50s he, a party secretary from Novosibirsk, spent several months in China as an adviser, met with Mao ...

“We provided colossal assistance in the 1930s, when the Japanese attacked China. Hundreds of planes, thousands of guns, 3.5 thousand of our pilots, of which every tenth died there! 18 Heroes of the Soviet Union returned from there! It was a secret war. There was nothing about her in Chinese museums until last year, when they celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Germany and Japan. And I have been saying to the Chinese in recent years: we have a strategic partnership with you, we must remember how it began, we were together. They avert their eyes and say nothing. No party decision!

Finally, I understood why. They know that the Chinese Communist Party was created by the Comintern, that is, by the Soviet Union. The seed brought by the Soviet instructors penetrated into the bosom of the discontent of the Chinese people with their position. The conception took place in 1921 at the first congress of the Communist Party, where Soviet representatives, agents of the Comintern, sat. The child was born, grew up under the supervision of our "nannies" - instructors, we helped Beijing with money, people, weapons ... Finally, the child grew up, and he developed an Oedipus complex. You know, when they begin to quietly hate dad, criticize and say that he is not good. And then Mao Zedong quarreled with Khrushchev.

All this went on for a long time, approximately from 1960 to 1989, then Gorbachev began normalization. But it was not even a marriage of convenience, but simply, as they say, "settled together." When the Soviet Union collapsed, they were seriously scared.

- What?

Bad heredity. If dad (CPSU) drank himself, roughly speaking, let his home around the world, and in the end ordered him to live long, then does genetics really predetermine that a legitimate child - the Chinese Communist Party will end the same way? And they are terribly afraid. Therefore, the Chinese Communists are afraid to remind once again that they are the children of the CPSU. Now, on the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union, I know that conferences and round tables are being held in China, in party schools (they have preserved the Soviet system of party education from top to bottom) they are re-reading reports on the sad Soviet experience. They have written dozens of books, serial films for internal use have been shot based on our materials. They are studying how to prevent the collapse of the Communist Party, and, consequently, the death of China.

I repeat, they always remember the collapse of the USSR. You talk with some professor, he says names that we ourselves no longer remember: like, why did the Kunaev case arise?

- Yes, the party leader of Kazakhstan, a member of the Politburo, ousted by Gorbachev, has long been forgotten.

- And this comrade recently defended his doctoral dissertation on Kunaev. And there are many such comrades! In central universities everywhere there are departments for the training of party and state cadres, they certainly study our experience. Very deep.


— It turns out that the old man Deng Xiaoping, who never formally was the leader of China, but actually led the country from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s, turned out to be wiser than our young Gorbachev and his supporters in the leadership of the PRC. It is a pity that we did not find such a wise "old man" who would think about saving the country.

“We attribute everything to Deng Xiaoping. But there was a whole cohort of old party cadres, most of them studied in the USSR or interacted with Soviet instructors and advisers. Some members of the Politburo, marshals, other senior leaders were physically destroyed, others politically. Many, like Dan, fell into disgrace for many years. At the end of the Cultural Revolution, when Mao was already quite ill, his wife and the Gang of Four seized power. They sent people to the south, where Deng Xiaoping was in semi-imprisonment, semi-retirement, to kill him. We arrived at the special airfield on a special plane. But soldiers from the local garrison, on the orders of the command of the military district, turned the plane back to Beijing. Then some military leaders stopped listening to commands from the Center. The country was on the verge of a split. The old military men who survived in Beijing, in the end, carried out, in essence, a coup d'état, isolated the "gang of four" and established their power. And then they called Deng Xiaoping. The military, of course, are decisive people, but they did not know what to do next. And Deng Xiaoping, while he was "sitting in the country", had time to think about the future of the country.

The merit of Deng Xiaoping is that he decided to deal with the economy. In fact, he did not know in detail what to do, where to go. So he put forward the slogan: "You need to cross the river, feeling for stones with your feet." By trial and error, step by step, they began to restore the economy. Because chatter, "class struggle", ideological campaigns were enough in the previous 20 years. The Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the fight against sparrows and Confucius, along with Deng Xiaoping... And the Chinese are creators and hard workers, just like the Russians. They wanted to do something with their hands, to work for the benefit of their family and their country. And Dan gave them that opportunity. I began to quietly remove the bans, ideological fetters. He brought back from exile people like him, repressed, who built China with our help in the 1950s, and built it very successfully.

— Old Chinese Bolsheviks!

- And they began to grope for these same stones together. One of these veterans was named Xi Zhongxun. Dad of current Secretary General Xi Jinping. He was released from the camp, where he spent as many as 16 years! He came to old comrade Deng, with whom he had once escaped the Kuomintang in the caves of the Communist-controlled special area. Deng sent him to Guangzhou, which is near Hong Kong, because something unimaginable was going on there at that time. The salary is 100 times less than in Hong Kong, so people swam across the border river, ran over barbed wire, etc. Xi Zhongxun studied the situation, returned to Deng Xiaoping: “Build a 10-meter wall? They will still jump over. Dig 10-meter ditches? They will swim across. Let’s better try to make a special economic zone there, under the control of the Communist Party.” " Good idea Dan replied. “But there is no money. I will give you a mandate, do whatever you want there, and I will cover you.” Because many people in the leadership were still ill with Maoism and criticized the capitalist order in a separate area of ​​a socialist country. With the blessing of Deng Xiaoping, then the first two special economic zones were created where Western capital could be used, wages began to grow there. Now the city of Shenzhen has 12 million inhabitants, skyscrapers. And when Xi Zhongxun arrived there, the only building was 5-story, the rest were halabuds. And there were several great people like Xi Zhongxun. Gradually, they found the right course, called it "socialism with Chinese characteristics."


“But even now there are a lot of problems in China.

- Still would! But they are quite successful in solving them. The 90 million members of the Communist Party, which rules over 1,400 million Chinese souls, is led by a new leader named Xi Jinping. The son of that associate of Deng Xiaoping, who invented the special economic zones. When he came to power at the end of 2012, he immediately put forward the concept of the "Chinese dream". The full name is "the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." Not the proletariat, not the peasantry and the people's intelligentsia - the entire Chinese nation!

“Here it is, the national idea that we have been looking for since the time of Gorbachev-Yeltsin. They say that in the 90s, scientists sat at the state dacha, composed something. But there is no such idea in Russia to this day.

- And they have. Moreover, this is not an ideological chimera, but general words about the revival of the nation. Everything is very clearly labeled. Let's rebuild our nation by 2049.

Why was this date chosen?

— It will be 100 years since the People's Republic of China was formed. An intermediate milestone is planned - 2021 - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. What will happen in the 21st year? The well-being of the whole people, the poor will disappear. There are about 70 million of them in China today. For a total population of 1 billion 400 million. Basically, these are peasants in mountainous, remote villages.

I recently saw how the fight against poverty is going on in a remote province. A new settlement for 8,000 people has been built. Each family has a separate house for free. They give land, means of cultivation. And they are exempt from taxes for 10 years. Young people have the opportunity to go to the city, enter a university without exams.

They have an economic program, which is also being successfully implemented. There is also an ecological one. Because the country, of course, was dirtied during the economic breakthrough. Smog hangs in Beijing and other cities, the earth is poisoned with mercury in many places, the devil knows what else, the water is poisoned in some places. The Chinese honestly say: you don’t eat rice from here, this rice is bad. They are now buying dairy products, wheat, etc. from Russia, because everything is clean here.

A very important component of the "Chinese Dream" is the fight against corruption. She took on a very serious scale. The new leader said bluntly: "Either the Communist Party will defeat corruption, or corruption will defeat the Communist Party." Because there was almost no faith in the Communist Party. Actually, in 1989 on Tiananmen Square, the people did not rebel against the communists - they rebelled against corruption. Because the entire party elite, including Deng Xiaoping, then acquired enterprises, the kids became general directors of firms, funds ...

- A famous painting, Yuri Vadimovich!

- Previously, in China, they also fought corruption, imprisoned, even shot, by the way - on the initiative of Deng Xiaoping. But these were targeted strikes. Now the system struggle has begun. Thousands of officials of the party, state, power, economic bloc are being shaken, people of high and the highest level. When a member of the Politburo, who was in charge of administrative bodies (army, state security, police, prisons, etc.), was arrested, 4 trucks of cash, a truck of gold were taken out of the house ...

- Two million bucks Ulyukaev - seeds ?!

- The main thing is that there is a systemic struggle! The Communist Party, based on the tasks of maintaining China and itself in power in the country, is conducting a large-scale campaign that enjoys the support of the population, the army, and state security. It is very serious. Beijing realized that corruption would not allow the realization of the "China Dream" by 2049.

Now China is the only country in the world that has a specific long-term development program. We don't, the Americans don't. Now DonaldTrump has come and says: we will now have America in the first place! It's just a slogan, albeit a beautiful one. Specifically, Comrade Trump, what will you have in a year, in two years, how many Mexicans, how many Chinese will you not let in, how much gold will you import from all over the world? There are no specifics, there is a slogan.

The Chinese are very clear. The Secretary General next year will report on what has been done in the first 5 years and what has not. If he reports well, he will be re-elected for another 5 years (the second and last term). Report badly, comrades can say: I'm sorry, you good man but maybe someone else will lead. Therefore, it seems to me that the quality of the leading party (let it be called communist, whatever else), the quality of the ruling elite is the reason for our Soviet defeat and their Chinese victory.


- The Soviet Union has been gone for a quarter of a century. Isn't it too late for Russia to learn from the experience of Deng Xiaoping and his followers?

- Of course not! First of all, we need to raise the economy now, like Dan! It is very good that our planes are bombing jihadist positions. But this is foreign policy. And inside, we know what is happening with the economy.

- A crisis.

- A crisis. And he goes deep. Therefore, we need to deal with the economy. We won't last long if the economy is weak. Look, the Chinese are in the field foreign policy quietly sat until recently, first of all they were engaged in the economy. And now America itself owes them $1 trillion. 200 billion dollars only official debt! America in the face of Trump is screaming: stop this export, we can’t digest it anymore, we don’t want to pay.

- Calls for a 45% duty on Chinese goods!

- They are essentially capitulating to the Chinese, who have mastered the principles market economy written by the Americans themselves! Because the Chinese are playing by their free market rules. The communist power has organized affairs in such a way that it outplays the wise and experienced imperialists and brings them to their knees. By the 21st year, a huge country, which until recently was completely impoverished, will eliminate poverty. And by the year 1949, I am sure, China will be the greatest country in the world.

And all this is due to the fact that the right strategy is chosen under the guidance of the right organization. Which is called the Communist Party. But I compare it with a powerful computer network. There are computers everywhere, everything goes to a large server called the Central Committee. Moreover, not just apparatchiks are sitting there, there are also a lot of institutes, research centers, they have a very good connection between the party leadership and the scientific world. Decisions are made at the top based on the suggestions of experts, and they come down through this entire computer network. And the whole country is controlled. There are shortcomings, their own problems, and considerable ones, corruption alone is worth something! But on the main server they react, correct, the country moves forward.

Mikhail Gorbachev, first president of the USSR

Gorbachev: This topic is the chatter of ignorant people

I have already commented on this many times everywhere, including in my books. There are already 12 books devoted to perestroika, apparently, we are already talking about the thirteenth, one must think, thirteen is an entertaining figure. Here is one newspaper recently conducted a survey, collected votes. Not a study that is usually carried out by research centers, but immediately voices. They asked who people consider the best ruler of Russia in the twentieth century. Putin was expelled from there because he is the current president and it is clear that his influence is stronger than that of others. Among the worst rulers, they chose Gorbachev first, Yeltsin second, Stalin third, and Brezhnev the best. Well, listen, it’s like our newspaper, it seems that everyone is not headless there, and suddenly some kind of fake polls are being done. Am I supposed to react to this in some way? This topic is the chatter of ignorant people who talk about it in hatred, envy and, to some extent, intellectual stupidity.

Sergei Stankevich, Anatoly Sobchak Foundation expert, political adviser to President Boris Yeltsin

Stankevich: The USSR was a project state

The USSR was a project state, forcibly created under the Bolshevik project. Basically it was a Stalinist project, because all the essential features of this project were formed under Stalin, then partially modified under Khrushchev, and then consolidated under Brezhnev. The project came to a standstill by the 1980s, a group of communist reformers led by Mikhail Gorbachev desperately tried to save it, but failed to save it. The last chance was in August 1991, it was an attempt to create a new union of 9 republics, and not by force, but by voluntary means, like a real federation. This attempt was thwarted by a revolt of communist reactionaries. Gorbachev, of course, made mistakes, as a communist reformer, and, first of all, he did it because he was regularly late, events were ahead of him. Society and its demands were changing faster than Gorbachev had time to respond to them. In addition, the Communist Party, which never became a party of reformers, lay like a stone weight on his shoulders. So if you specify someone's fault, then it should be attributed to communist party the Soviet Union, which was a monopoly ruling and could not find a normal solution to save its own project. And then other political forces acted, which tried to form their own project on the ruins of the collapsed communist idea.

Mikhail Vinogradov, political scientist

Vinogradov: Ignoring the collapse of the USSR is a way not to analyze history

Some people are hostages to the very term “collapse of the USSR”, because it is quite easy to distinguish between experts who say “collapse of the USSR” and “collapse of the USSR”. In one case, we are talking about a conscious action, in the other - about something chaotic. I think that after all, the question of the purposeful collapse of the USSR is still the thesis of 2000-2010, when it seems to experts that events do not happen by themselves, but are controlled by the authorities or some players. Many experts cannot imagine any events except as the result of the actions of certain politicians. This is a simplified concept of the world, and it is much easier to live in it than to compare any facts. Therefore, it seems to me that this is, by and large, an attempt to hide from the topic of the collapse of the USSR, to ignore it, to avoid reflection on what really was the reason and whether this could happen again in the future, as it correlates with other large countries. This is a way of not analyzing history.

Valery Solovey, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at MGIMO

Nightingale: The collapse of the USSR was not due to ethnic conflicts

Not only in Russia, but also in the world, although in Russia to a greater extent, it is customary to personify all problems: if the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred under Gorbachev, then the assumption automatically arises that it happened thanks to Gorbachev, but this point of view still seems to me a serious exaggeration. For the first two or three years, when Gorbachev first came to power, Gorbachev himself and his activities were widely acclaimed because he did what society expected. Subsequently, the situation simply began to get out of control and develop on its own.

I am not inclined to believe that the collapse of the USSR occurred due to interethnic conflicts, nevertheless, the decisive moment occurred in 89, when the European socialist camp began to disintegrate.


The main role in the collapse of the USSR was played by the Stavropol Judas M. Gorbachev, who was brought to power in the USSR with the help of external forces. For 6 years of his leadership of the USSR, external debt increased by 5.5 times, and the gold reserves DECREASED by 11 times. The USSR made unilateral military-political concessions. M. Gorbachev inflicted the maximum damage to his Fatherland in the history of the country. No country in the world has NEVER had such a leader. Therefore, a Public Tribunal over Judas is needed to identify the reasons that contributed to his coming to power and destructive anti-state activities.

“When we received information about next death Soviet leader (it was about Yu. V. Andropov.), then we thought about the possible coming to power with our help of a person, thanks to whom we will be able to realize our intentions. This was the assessment of my experts (and I always formed a very qualified group of experts on the Soviet Union and, as necessary, contributed to the additional emigration of the necessary specialists from the USSR). This person was M. Gorbachev, who was characterized by experts as a careless, suggestible and very ambitious person. He had good relations with the majority of the Soviet political elite, and therefore his coming to power with our help was possible.”

Margaret Thatcher. Member of the Trilateral Commission - January 1992.

Reading the book by Panarin Igor Nikolaevich "The First World Information War" I came across interesting material about M.S. Gorbachev. He cites some excerpts from an article dated December 29, 2004 in the Rossiyskiye Vesti newspaper by Leonid Smolny "The General Liquidator".

"For some people, autumn comes early and stays for life ... Where do they come from? From the ashes. Where do they go? To the grave. Does the blood flow in their veins? No, then - the night wind. Is the thought knocking in their heads "No, that is a worm. Who speaks with their lips? A toad. Who looks with their eyes? A snake. Who listens with their ears? Black abyss. They stir up human souls with an autumn storm, they gnaw at the foundations of reason, they push sinners to the grave. They rage and in explosions of rage they are fidgety;

Ray Douglas Bradbury "Something Terrible Is Coming"

On March 2, 1931, a boy was born in the village of Privolnoye, Stavropol Territory. He will grow up, graduate from Moscow University, fate will elevate him to the very pinnacle of power in a mighty and great country, he will be enthusiastically accepted outside his homeland and cursed at home. He will change the map of the planet and reverse evolution. He will undoubtedly end up in the history books, even already. The only pity is that he forgot that you can not only get into history, but also get stuck.

Descended from the mountains

By the beginning of the 1980s, the Soviet Union was still outwardly strong, but invisible "worms" and "moles" were already undermining it from the inside. The country needed reforms, it was clear to everyone. The question was whose group would come to power and, accordingly, whose strategic line would prevail. The Brezhnev clan was preparing its candidacy for a "successor" to replace the leader who had fallen into senile impotence. At one time, certain forces pushed forward the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Party Committee, Pyotr Masherov, who mysteriously died in a car accident. They also talked about St. Petersburg Romanov. But he was compromised by the secret services.
However, unexpectedly for many, Yuri Andropov comes to the post of Secretary General. It seemed to be for a long time. Despite the rumors that were widely spreading about Yuri Vladimirovich's poor health, he could have held out in the Kremlin for more than one year. Did not work out. Just as fleetingly flew in the people's memory Konstantin Chernenko. The country was tired of the funeral, and in March 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the new General Secretary.
Much has been written about the intrigues that accompanied the nomination and promotion of Mikhail Sergeevich to this high position. But not all. Writers and analysts who thoughtfully talk about the undercurrents in the "Kremlin aquarium" for some reason do not mention one remarkable circumstance. Gorbachev is a southerner, next to his Stavropol are the mystical Caucasus Mountains. And in the south, everything is not only growing rapidly, but also taking root that you can’t immediately figure out.
Yes, there is a certain secret in the mechanism of moving the MSG upwards. Provincial secretary with relevant horizons, limited vocabulary from the old textbooks of political economy objectively had no chance of moving to Moscow. But he was moved. As they say, including the chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Yuri Andropov (which is not so, but more on that below). Gorbachev was the first secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee, the king and god of the country's largest region, where party bosses like Andropov and Suslov liked to relax, the curator of "failed" agriculture.
Another mystery: Heydar Aliyev, head of the Azerbaijani KGB, must have known something about Gorbachev's Stavropol past and tried to stop him. Yuri Andropov at one time promoted Aliyev to Moscow in order, apparently, to use his dossier against Mikhail Sergeevich at the last moment. And therefore, it is no coincidence that Gorbachev, almost immediately after coming to power, struck a blow at the Azerbaijani Chekist. So what could the "competent authorities" know about the last Soviet general secretary? What scared Mikhail Sergeyevich so much?

Party intrigues

The reform plans that Yuri Andropov started included a lot, but there was never any talk of the collapse of the Soviet Union, which was subsequently done by Gorbachev, who did not hesitate to call himself Yuri Vladimirovich's nominee. Andropov intended to move the CPSU away from governing the country, transferring full power to the Soviet "business executives". The Soviet government, and not the conclave of elders of the Politburo, was to head the administrative vertical. And Andropov also wanted to create a two-party system in the country, where the ruling party would constantly feel the breath of a competitor on its neck. This version of the reforms seems to be very different from what Mikhail Sergeevich subsequently did with the gullible people.
It is clear that the removal of the CPSU from power was not a simple matter. It was necessary first to "bleed" the party, to introduce disorganization into the well-ordered ranks. The reason for the offensive was the financial sins of the Soviet economic elite, whose affairs became the subject of attention of the KGB officers. However, before the arrival of Andropov, they could not put the accumulated information into action, because the "business executives" were covered by high-ranking party officials. But now, in 1982, the "committee" took seriously the Krasnodar and Astrakhan secretaries. But few people know that the third in this list was the former secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev.
A small digression into history. The southern direction has become a matter of concern for law enforcement agencies since a certain time. From the Republic of Afghanistan, where the contingent Soviet troops carried out an "international mission", along with the coffins of the dead military personnel, "hard" drugs began to arrive. Analysts of the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR saw a particular danger in the fact that the transit and distribution of narcotic substances were "covered" by both high-ranking officers of law enforcement agencies and individual representatives of the party apparatus.
Attempts to calculate the geography of the transit flows of Soviet drug traffickers were made by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Vasily Fedorchuk, his deputy for personnel Vasily Lezhepekov and the chairman of the KGB of the USSR Viktor Chebrikov. On the instructions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, they sent Mikhail Vinogradov, head of the psychophysiological laboratory of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the task of developing a method of covert identification of law enforcement officers who either used drugs or were in contact with narcotic substances.
The republics of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan were chosen as a testing ground for testing the method, a special team took part in the annual preventive examination of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies. As a result, it turned out that the police officers of these republics, from generals to privates, in 60 cases out of a hundred personally used drugs. But the most important thing, for which the operation was planned, and which the immediate supervisor of the study, Mikhail Vinogradov, did not know at that time, was the confirmation of the information that all drug flows from Central Asia and the Caucasus converged in the Stavropol Territory from the very beginning.
And now it became clear why, back in 1978, Mikhail Gorbachev was "pushed" from the first secretaries of the Stavropol Territory to the insignificant post of secretary of the CPSU Central Committee for the "failed" agriculture. Removed from under attack? Or maybe, on the contrary, they were framed under the repressive skating rink of the "committee"? After all, by that time the Chekists had launched an "outdoor" after him.

Mysticism of Malta

Gorbachev was saved by a miracle. True, it can be said that this miracle was man-made. The strange quick deaths of two general secretaries, Andropov and Chernenko, who, in theory, were supposed to be groomed and cherished by the doctors of the Fourth Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health, still haunt many specialists and historians. Be that as it may, but after coming to power, Mikhail Sergeevich immediately defeated a group of experts from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs who were engaged in the scandalous "Stavropol drug transit", sending some to resign, some to retire.
But the southern accent in the activities of the Secretary General only intensified. It is no coincidence that Gorbachev pulled out the Georgian Shevardnadze, placing him in a key area - foreign policy, appointing Eduard Amvrosievich, who hitherto had nothing to do with diplomatic work, to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Shevardnadze covered Gorbachev from the rear, together they then quietly and not without benefit for themselves surrendered the foreign policy positions of a great country.
They went too far, they could be exposed by the secret services loyal to the oath. And therefore, in order not to fall under the rink of the "committee", Gorbachev and Shevardnadze deliberately forced the processes of the collapse of the USSR. Remarkable touch. The famous meeting in Malta, December 1989. Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George W. Bush said at the end of the meeting that their countries were no longer adversaries. And the day before historic visit a terrible storm broke out at sea. It seemed that nature itself was preventing something, trying to prevent some terrible tragedy. But what? Knowledgeable people they tell how, during the negotiations, a stunned American journalist appeared on the deck of a Soviet ship, who in the purest Russian told his colleagues: "Guys, your country is finished ..."

Stavropol Judas

In the last years of perestroika, the country went haywire. Gorbachev, in response to the alarming remarks of party officials that something was wrong, cheerfully replied: "We have everything calculated." But the processes were controlled not only on the Old Square. In April 1991, a plenum of the Moscow City Party Committee was held. The first secretary of the city committee, a member of the Politburo of the CPSU, Yuri Prokofiev, announced the agenda.
It stated that a group of the Moscow Party Organization, together with a block of secretaries of the Siberian and Ural party organizations, including committees of the largest industrial enterprises, was submitting a single item for consideration by the upcoming plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU: on the removal of Mikhail Gorbachev from the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. However, behind the scenes, Mikhail Sergeevich outplayed his opponents. It so happened that the plenum was postponed to the end of August. And in the interim, it was planned to sign the Union Treaty developed in Novo-Ogaryovo.
GKChP. Suppose that Kryuchkov and his comrades would not have performed in August 1991. So what? Nothing special. A plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was held, President Gorbachev was removed from party power. In the future, the course of events could develop as follows: the CPSU would lose its influence, embarking on the path of reform (a split into two or three parties - the same Andropov’s version), the transition of the economy to a market economy would be planned (according to the Chinese model), democracy would be built, but not according to Western false patterns.
With such a combination, both Gorbachev and Yeltsin would have been taken out of the "big game." So the August plot objectively played into the hands of Mikhail Sergeyevich, who thus tried to outplay the party opposition. Yeltsin also won, who, in the event of the signing of the Union Treaty, retained the post of chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. However, after the GKChP, the chances were missed.
...Once one of former presidents former Soviet republic asked Gorbachev: "Why are you tearing our people away from the Russians?". In response, Gorbachev simply lowered his eyes. He betrayed those who at first believed his demagogy and hoped to lead the country out of the political and economic impasse through a single maneuver, playing on the principle of "both ours and yours." Selfishness in life and politics, personal irresponsibility - this is the verdict of history.
Starting the reforms of the USSR in 1985, M.S. Gorbachev acted according to the clearly developed “Council on Foreign Relations”. Of course, he did not know its content, and he hardly knew about its existence. Real architects of perestroika know how to keep secrets. M. Gorbachev simply knew that he was helped to come to power by external forces, whose requests he had to listen to. Only D. Rockefeller knew about the contents of the plan in full. M. Thatcher, G. Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski and a number of other people knew about some components of the plan. Let's call it the plan "Combineer" conditionally. Just like the top-secret 1943 Rankin information warfare plan against the USSR, the Combiner plan will never be published. It is symbolic, however, that if W. Churchill was the initiator of the Rankin plan, then the British M. Thatcher played a key role in the Combiner plan. In fact, it was she who managed to carry out a successful recruiting approach to M.S. Gorbachev, using his suggestibility and ambition in 1984. At the same time, she had a chubby folder with compromising information on the former Stavropol combine operator, prepared for her by a resident of the foreign intelligence service of the KGB of the USSR in London and at the same time an agent of British intelligence MI-6 (since 1974), Colonel Oleg Antonovich Gordievsky.
November 14, 1985 O.A. Gordievsky was sentenced in absentia "for treason" to death penalty with confiscation of property. The verdict was not canceled even after the collapse of the USSR.
The Combiner plan also had a clear economic component aimed at disorganizing Soviet economy and its falling under the influence of transnational corporations. To some extent, it was the "Marshall Plan-2", for the economic enslavement of the USSR.
At the end of 1987, when the Government of the USSR prepared its proposals for the country's economy for 1988. According to these proposals, a solid national economic plan was transformed into a state order, fully provided with financial and material resources. At the same time, the order was reduced to 90 - 95% of the total production volume, and the remaining 5 - 10% of the company's products received the right to dispose of it at its discretion on the basis of contractual relations. In subsequent years, using the experience gained, it was supposed to gradually establish the optimal level of government orders.
At a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU at the end of 1987, M. Gorbachev achieved a decision to finalize the draft Government, as a result of which the level of state orders was reduced by one third, and for a number of ministries - by more than half. Obviously, M. Gorbachev acted on external instructions.
I believe that these were targeted actions to destroy the Soviet economy. Everything went in accordance with the note of the KGB of the USSR in 1977 on the formation of the Fifth Column. Let us recall some of its provisions:
“1. Based on the analysis and forecast of its specialists on the further paths of development of the USSR, the US CIA is developing plans to intensify hostile activities aimed at the decomposition of Soviet society and the disorganization of the socialist economy.
2. For these purposes, American intelligence sets the task of recruiting agents of influence from among Soviet citizens, training them and further promoting them in the sphere of managing the politics, economy and science of the Soviet Union.
3. The CIA has developed individual training programs for agents of influence, providing for the acquisition of espionage skills by them, as well as their concentrated political and ideological indoctrination. In addition, one of critical aspects the training of such agents - the teaching of management methods at the top level of the national economy.
4. The leadership of the American intelligence plans purposefully and persistently, regardless of costs, to search for persons who, by their personal and business qualities, will in the future take administrative positions in the control apparatus and fulfill the tasks formulated by the enemy.
After MS Gorbachev's instructions, using free contract prices, many enterprises at first began to receive huge amounts of money - super profits, but not due to increased production, but due to their monopoly position. As a result, revenues in 1988 increased by 40 billion rubles, in 1989 - by 60 billion rubles, and in 1990 - by 100 billion rubles. (instead of the usual increase of 10 billion rubles). The consumer market was blown up, all goods literally "flew" from the shelves. Unprofitable products began to be removed from production everywhere - cheap assortment was washed out. If the state order was sharply reduced in mechanical engineering and a number of other industries, then in the fuel and energy complex it amounted to 100%. Miners bought everything they needed for production at negotiated prices, and sold coal at state prices. This was one of the main reasons for the outbreak of miners' strikes. Justice has been violated. There was a break in the established relationships in the national economy. Regional interests began to come to the fore, which became a breeding ground for separatism. The result of perestroika was a socio-economic collapse: control over production, finances, and money circulation was lost. But after all, this was the main goal of Operation Perestroika as part of the Kombainer information warfare plan against the USSR.
Before perestroika, the state budget of the USSR was adopted and executed without a deficit.
For 1988, it was adopted for the first time without an excess of income over expenses in a balanced amount. But already in 1989, the state budget of the USSR was already adopted with a budget deficit of about 36 billion rubles, but the budget revenues included loans from the State Bank, which had never before been included in budget revenues in the amount of more than 64 billion rubles.
That is, in fact, the budget deficit amounted to 100 billion rubles! Therefore, soon the consumer market was “exploded”, problems began with the food supply of the population.
The abandonment of the monopoly on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages only in 1989 led to the loss of more than 20 billion rubles of turnover tax revenues from the state budget.
The country's economy began to experience problems, production volumes decreased by 20% compared to 1985, prices steadily crept up, and unemployment appeared.
During the years of perestroika, the state external debt increased many times over and became the main means of covering the budget deficit. The public domestic debt grew even more rapidly.
After M. Gorbachev came to power, crime increased sharply. The number of crimes increased annually by 30%. Already in 1989, the number of prisoners in the USSR (1.6 million people) became 2 times more than in 1937. The number of premeditated murders in 1989 (19 thousand) was one and a half times more than the number of dead Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan in ten years.
And in these unstable socio-economic conditions, the implementation of POLITICAL REFORM begins. A similar scheme was used by the CIA and MI6 in 1953 to overthrow the government of Mossadegh in Iran, after which oil production came under the control of transnational corporations.
In the course of the POLITICAL REFORM, the informational moral liquidation of all the heroes and prominent people who were the pride of the Russian people was carried out. In its course, the emphasis was placed on the implementation of Allen Dulles' keynote speech in 1945. Almost all the heroes of the Great Patriotic War were subjected to sophisticated slanderous accusations and outrage, the same was done in relation to more distant Russian history, including Peter I, Catherine II, Ivan the Terrible. The devilization of individual personalities and historical periods of Russia began. All Russian history, according to the versions of the late 80s, was the history of nonentities. So, gradually, step by step, the idea of ​​the inferiority of the Russian people began to be instilled. These information and ideological actions were successfully carried out by the "Colombian" A.N. Yakovlev, who was at the same time close to both M.S. Gorbachev and the CIA agent O. Kalugin.
The media, supervised by A.N. Yakovlev, proclaimed the concept of freedom of speech and launched a phased anti-state campaign. Taking into account the interaction carried out by the "Colombian" A.N. Yakovlev with another "Colombian" - the general of the KGB of the USSR and the CIA agent O. Kalugin, it can be assumed that the main "temniki", comments for the Soviet media were developed overseas. The comments developed in New York were based on the conclusions of the so-called "Harvard Project", a study led by Allen Dulles, aimed at studying the deep mechanisms of public consciousness in the USSR and finding "pain points" for its destruction. Under external information and ideological control, the Soviet media began to work for the destruction of the state. The mass media was led by a group of globalist-Trotskyists (A. Yakovlev, V. Medvedev, V. Korotich, D. Volkogonov, and others), who had previously severely punished dissent and carried out strict censorship of "anti-socialist" views. They were M. Gorbachev's closest associates in the cause of the collapse of the USSR.
The rewriting of history began to be widely used. An illustration is the replacement of the crimes of the Western colonialists, who carried out the enslavement and mass destruction of defenseless peoples, by their supposedly enlightening civilizing mission with the establishment of democratic ideals. But the development of the West, starting from the 15th century, was largely due to the robbery of the colonies. Actually Western Europe as a whole, exploited huge masses of enslaved people. The colonial model of world development created by the British Empire was unfair. Internal European contradictions were smoothed out by receipts from the colonies. Russia, on the other hand, lived at the expense of its labor, it created its own wealth. She also had to constantly repel external invasions from the West and East.
The globalists-Trotskyists, having organized an information cover from the media and the loyal West, launched a total cleansing in all levels of the USSR administration. In 1986-1989 under the pressure of M. Gorbachev, 82.2% of the secretaries of regional committees, regional committees and republican Central Committees of the CPSU were removed from their posts. It was the largest purge in the history of the CPSU. And it was not just a shuffling of frames. It was their defeat, in accordance with the recommendations of the Council on Foreign Relations. The country was preparing for collapse. A massive fire was opened to kill the "headquarters". Powerful anti-state propaganda was launched on Soviet TV channels, ostensibly to combat the mythical BRAKING MECHANISM on the part of party cadres. The term itself, BRAKING MECHANISM, was coined by experts at Harvard University. In the defeat of the Soviet system of government at the first stage, the "dogmatists-Suslovites" also took part, led by Yegor Ligachev, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Then it will be the turn of the "dogmatists". But it was they who were used at first as a battering ram, to destroy the CPSU. After all, the positions of the globalist-Trotskyists until 1987 were weak in the Soviet system of government. And without the support of "technocrats" and "dogmatists" they could not do.
A KEY FACTOR in the collapse of the USSR is M. Gorbachev's anti-state course. It was M. Gorbachev who laid the main mines, the explosion of which in 1991 led to the collapse of the USSR.
Having reviewed the system of former geopolitical priorities of the USSR-Russia, M. Gorbachev set about forming a new foreign policy course. It was based on the abstract primacy of universal human values. The implementation of the new foreign policy course in practice led to unilateral concessions and took destructive forms.
Unnecessarily forced withdrawal of our troops from of Eastern Europe had as its consequences a sharp weakening of the geopolitical interests of the USSR-Russia. The collapse of many years of contacts with former allies led to the displacement of the USSR-Russia from many regions of the world, to large geopolitical and economic losses.
On December 15, 1991, the American newspaper THE WASHINGTON POST published an article analyzing the reign of MS Gorbachev. These newspapers show what is the economic efficiency, one might say "profitability" of the information war against the USSR.

Name ..............................1985 ................1991
Soviet gold reserves ....... 2500 tons .............. 240 tons
The official dollar exchange rate..0.64 rubles.............90 rubles
Economic growth rates.........+2.3%..................- 11%
External debt, USD..............10.5 billion..............52.0 billion

If we try to objectively analyze the reasons for the defeat of the USSR in the information war, then main reason is the inability of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB of the USSR to resist, which led to the creation of the Fifth Column inside the USSR and the coming to the leadership of the country of a group of globalist Trotskyists headed by M. Gorbachev.

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