How to remove dark circles under the eyes? Dark circles under the eyes: causes, treatment. Bruises in the corners of the eyes Dark circles around the eyes at the bridge of the nose

In some cases, a bruise on the face may indicate pathologies of internal organs. In this case, it appears suddenly, for no apparent reason. This situation should not go unnoticed. Put everything aside and go to your doctor for advice. Perhaps he will find an explanation for your problem.

Causes of bruises on the face

As already mentioned, bruises on the face sometimes occur due to certain diseases. We will look at which ones and why further.

The main reason for the appearance of bruises on the face and body is the fragility of the walls of blood vessels. Even with the slightest pressure on a certain area of ​​the body, they burst, which is externally manifested as bruising. This is due to the following factors:

1. Vitamin deficiency. Often, insufficient intake of vitamins P and C into the human body contributes to the development of bruises, because these substances affect the elasticity of blood vessels. With their deficiency, capillaries become very fragile and are easily injured, resulting in blood leaking into the tissue.

2. AIDS. This is the most severe disease in which a similar problem can appear. In this case, the bruises have a purple color and do not disappear over time.

3. Vasculitis. This is a serious pathology of an allergic nature, in which the body begins to destroy itself as a result of a malfunction and leads to the destruction of the walls of all blood vessels. Against the background of this disease, bloody spots appear even with the slightest pressure on the body. In this case, you should not think about how to remove a bruise on your face or other area, but you should immediately seek help from a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment.

4. Liver dysfunction. In addition to the fact that this organ is actively involved in the digestion process, it is responsible for such a property of blood as clotting. In cases where this function is impaired, dark spots or bruises may appear on the body. Also indicative of a similar disorder is the difficulty of stopping bleeding from wounds and cuts. This can happen for various reasons. For example, the toxic effects of medications, hereditary predisposition, chronic pathologies. If bruises on the face and body occur for the latter reason, this indicates an exacerbation of the process.

5. Taking certain medications can also cause bruising. This is explained by their influence on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which the latter lose their elasticity and become thinner. These include Plavix, Curantil, Aspirin and other medications. More often, such a manifestation occurs with long-term use. In addition, some drugs contribute to changes in hormonal levels, as a result of which bruising can also be detected. How to get rid of bruises on the face and body in this case? You should stop taking the medications that caused this problem and consult a doctor so that he can adjust the prescriptions.

Ways to deal with bruises on the face

Both pharmaceutical products and many traditional medicine recipes will help eliminate such an unpleasant problem. But before you raise the question of how to remove a bruise on your face, you should think about the true reasons for this phenomenon. The simplest option is when a dark spot appears due to mechanical impact. But if a bruise occurs for no apparent reason, it is worth contacting a specialist to exclude or diagnose a pathology that may manifest itself in this way.

If you suspect any disease, you need to stop self-medication and carry out timely diagnosis to prevent it from developing into a more severe form. Only the necessary therapeutic methods will eliminate the pathology and consequently prevent the occurrence of abrasions.

What can you do yourself?

You should use any medications only as prescribed by a specialist. You can adjust your diet yourself. Diversify your daily menu with foods rich in vitamins, especially P and C. These include bananas, herbs, rosehip infusions, cucumbers, salads, citrus fruits, black currants.

If you associate the appearance of bruises with taking medications, stop using them and consult your doctor.

First aid

Sometimes the cause of bruises can be a simple fall, a fight, or other similar incidents. In such situations, you should resort to the following recommendations. They will help reduce symptoms and quickly get rid of bruises on the face.

1. Apply a cold compress to the site of the bruise or abrasion. Ice cubes or a towel or napkin soaked in cold water are suitable for this. Replace as soon as it warms and keep for at least 10 minutes.

2. Grind the cabbage leaves to a paste and apply to the sore spot. Keep for about 15 minutes.

3. If the bruise is on the forehead or cheekbone, you can apply an elastic bandage. This will help reduce the spread of the hematoma.

The above methods will significantly shorten the healing process. After the first aid steps, apply a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect (Rescuer, Troxevasin, bodyaga and others) to the bruise.

Drug treatment for a bruise on the face

Today, the pharmacological market offers a lot of products that allow you to get rid of abrasions quickly and effectively. Let's look at the most common ones.

Troxevasin. Strengthens and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, tones their muscle layer. Available in gel form. It is used to treat abrasions, swelling, pain, and the effect appears very quickly. This drug has no adverse reactions and is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance.

Hepatrombin-gel, Fastum-gel, Butadione ointment have the same properties as the previous drug.

Rescuer. Available in the form of a balm. Designed to treat injuries and inflammations. Accelerates the process of cell regeneration due to its composition, which contains natural essential oils, vitamins, beeswax components, and microdoses of naphthalene.

Comfrey ointment. This is a herbal preparation consisting of comfrey extract, hydrastis, and tea tree oil. Thanks to this, it promotes rapid healing. After applying the product, you should not cover an area of ​​the body with an airtight material, or use it to treat injuries (wounds, scratches, cuts).

Indovazin. A combined drug consisting of indomethacin and troxerutin. Improves blood flow in the affected parts of the body, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and reduces their fragility, relieves pain, inflammation and swelling.

Iodine. A mesh that needs to be placed over the bruise on the face will help remove a bruise in 1 day.

Arnica tincture or ointment. Promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages, eliminates inflammation. You need to apply it 2-4 times a day. May cause allergic reactions.

Do not forget that any of the above drugs has side effects and some contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Folk remedies for eliminating bruises on the face

Don't know how to quickly get rid of a bruise on your face? try to do this using folk remedies. They also help to cope with this problem quite well.

This remedy is the most common. Badyaga is a sponge that lives in fresh waters. Can be used in powder or ointment form. In the first case, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of the substance and mix it with water until a paste forms, and then add a small amount of vegetable oil. Mix and rub until a slight tingling sensation appears. You can apply a bandage on top, and after drying, rinse with water.

This remedy is used 2 times a day, since an overdose can provoke the development of dermatitis. Do not allow badyagi to come into contact with mucous membranes.

Compresses from medicinal plants

  • Prepare a decoction or freshly squeezed wormwood juice, mix with a small amount of honey and apply to the bruise on your face. Leave on for an hour and then wash off.
  • Immediately after an injury, you can apply aloe juice or pulp from the leaves of this plant to the damaged area.
  • Pour a small amount of water over the larkspur leaves and boil for 15 minutes, then leave for a third of an hour. After this time, place the boiled mass on a napkin and apply to the abrasion for 2-3 hours. Repeat several times for effectiveness.
  • Grind the onion to a pulp, put it on a napkin and place it on the abrasion.

Mix 1 cup vinegar with 1 tablespoon salt, stir until completely dissolved. Soak a bandage in this product and apply it to the bruise on your face, leave until completely dry.

You can also use lotions made from calendula tincture. You can use a ready-made product purchased at a pharmacy, or prepare it yourself. To do this, take 100 ml of 70% alcohol, pour it over 20 g of plant flowers and leave for 14 days. Then strain.

1. Black radish will help remove a bruise on your face. Grind it until the juice is released, place it in a fabric bag and apply to the problem area for 30 minutes. Use this remedy twice a day.

2. Dilute potato starch with a small amount of water so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream. Apply to the bruised area, cover with a piece of cloth and leave for 40 minutes before rinsing. Can be repeated several times a day.

3. Finely chop the garlic in the amount of 6 teaspoons and mix with 200 ml of table vinegar. Stir and let stand for 24 hours. Apply the resulting solution to bruises on the face 5-6 times a day.

How to draw a bruise on the face?

If the products you used did not help remove the bruise in 1 day, and you need to go to an important meeting, cover it with concealer. In the form of a cream, this product is suitable for masking a bruise under the eye, and in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin, and forehead it is better to use a stick. Also consider its shade and the color of the abrasion.

Yellow concealer is used for purple bruises on the face, blue for red ones, and orange for covering greenish spots.

After treating the heel with concealer, apply makeup base, foundation, or just powder.

A bruise on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon, but before you eliminate it, try to find out the cause of its occurrence in order to promptly identify possible diseases that can trigger its appearance.

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Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova


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Consequences of nasal septum hematoma

Nasal injuries in everyday life are not that uncommon. Both children and adults can receive them during active recreation, work, or sports. The impact causes a bruise on the mucous membrane as a result of rupture of blood vessels. The appearance of a bruise on the face is not at all necessary. Externally, a hematoma of the nasal septum may not be noticeable.

The victim does not seek medical help, despite the pain and discomfort. However, ignoring such injuries is dangerous. Like any hematoma, it can cause complications, which are dangerous to joke about due to the proximity of the brain.


The natural cause of hematoma formation is a bruise or fracture of the nasal septum. In addition, bruising occurs after surgery, rhinoplasty or septoplasty (plasty of the nasal septum). Blood from injured vessels enters the soft tissue, forming a clot between the cartilage and the mucosa. The risk of hematoma formation increases markedly in patients suffering from diseases that impair blood coagulation or destroy blood vessels. These include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • hemophilia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

In people with such diagnoses, a hematoma can form even with a small blow. The occurrence of an abscess is provoked by diseases of the nasopharynx that occur in an acute form, carious lesions of tooth enamel.


Even if a hematoma of the nasal septum is invisible, it causes some discomfort. If it is present, it creates the sensation of a foreign body in the nostril. Depending on the location of the hematoma, it can be unilateral or bilateral. The latter is especially dangerous due to the development of the inflammatory process against the background of infection.

The examination begins with rhinoscopy, which is performed by an ENT doctor. In some cases, consultation with an endocrinologist, neurosurgeon, or hematologist is required. When examining the mucous membrane, a specialist conducts visual diagnostics. Injured tissues have a bluish color. Severe swelling is observed, up to complete closure of the nasal passages. Palpation of the nasal septum reveals the onset of the inflammatory process. With an abscess, the tissue becomes denser.

The symptoms of hematoma depend on the extent of tissue damage. A small one-sided injury does not cause serious complications. There is mild pain and swelling. A bilateral hematoma manifests itself as severe swelling of the mucosa. The patient complains of pain when pressing at the site of the bruise, difficulty breathing. Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature and chills. This condition is dangerous due to the onset of an abscess and further spread of infection. As a rule, the formation of pus in the hematoma cavity occurs 4–7 days after injury. And in this case, it is very important not to miss the time to contact a specialist.

First aid

Before taking measures to treat a bruise on your own, you need to consult a specialist, however, first aid must be provided immediately after the injury. He will conduct an examination, determine the severity of the injury and determine a treatment regimen. The only correct decision would be to immediately go to the nearest medical facility.

In order for the bruise to be as small as possible, you should apply cold water to the back of the nose immediately after the blow. It will help narrow the blood vessels, which will significantly reduce hemorrhage. You can use a cloth soaked in cold water or an item from the refrigerator that is wrapped in a towel. Cold is applied for 20 minutes with a break of 10 minutes, after which the procedure is repeated again.

It won’t hurt to put thick cotton swabs into the nasal passages to stop the bleeding. It is necessary to keep your head straight, without throwing it back, take a sitting position or place a high pillow under your head and back.

The figure shows the positions when the nose is damaged, the second one in Fig. 2 is incorrect and contributes to the entry of blood into the respiratory tract.

Treatment of hematoma

After the examination is completed, a completely understandable question arises: how to get rid of the hematoma. Therapy is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis. It depends on the patient’s condition and the amount of hemorrhage. The first stage is opening and draining the cavity with dried blood through surgical incisions. For minor injuries, the contents of the hematoma are pumped out or removed using a special needle. Surgical intervention takes place under local or general anesthesia.

After removing the contents and treating with antibiotics, drainage tubes are installed in the cavity and tamponation is performed. Further treatment includes injections of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. They are used according to the scheme for 5–7 days. Drugs from the cephalosporin group are effective against streptococci and staphylococci, which are most often the culprits of the pathological process.

Timely opening of the abscess will avoid such complications as melting of the quadrangular cartilage, in which the dorsum of the nose is noticeably deformed. In especially severe cases, the development of an infectious process leads to intracranial complications, such as:

  • meningitis;
  • thrombosis of the cavernous sinus;
  • brain abscess.

In cases where the hematoma is combined with trauma to the cartilage tissue, plastic reconstruction of the nasal septum is resorted to. It is carried out immediately after the swelling subsides. Similar operations in adults are performed under local anesthesia. When treating children, general anesthesia is used.

How to remove bruise and swelling after a nose bruise

Even after the internal hematoma is removed, traces of the injury remain on the face. Swelling in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose persists, and bruising remains, which often spreads to the area under the eyes. Among the products that will help remove a bruise, creams and gels occupy a special place due to their high efficiency. It is recommended to start treatment with preparations of a lighter consistency; they are absorbed faster.

You need to start using external products as quickly as possible. The exception is heparin ointment; it is used only on the second day. The products are applied to the bruise 3-5 times a day. Creams and gels should only be used if there are no scratches, abrasions or cuts on the skin.

Natural remedies

Preparations for eliminating bruises should have a good absorbable effect. Such drugs are a complement to traditional treatment and their use should be agreed with a doctor. Among natural remedies, plants such as arnica and comfrey (larkspur) are considered suitable. Preparations intended for the treatment of hematomas often include leech extract. One of these products, Sinyakoff, contains, in addition to the extract, the active substance pentoxifylline, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Recommendations on how to get rid of a hematoma are rarely complete without mentioning the bodyaga plant. This freshwater algae actually shows good results in treating bruises. Pharmacies offer many different gels and ointments that contain bodyaga. Here are just a few of them:

You can prepare a compress with bodyaga yourself; just buy a bag of dry herbal raw materials at the pharmacy. The powder is diluted with hot water, take one spoon of algae for 2 tablespoons of liquid.

Chemicals and vitamins

Drugs that contain the active ingredients troxerutin and heparin can eliminate the manifestations of hematoma. They belong to the group of anticoagulants, that is, they thin the blood. The most famous products that contain these components:

In order to get rid of a bruise, they use preparations with vitamin K. It promotes better penetration of active substances into skin cells and normalizes blood clotting processes.

If it is not possible to wait until the impact mark disappears completely, tips on how to remove a bruise on the nose using foundation will come in handy. First, you need to “reduce the blue” using a yellow corrector. After this, you should use a camouflage pencil that hides pimples on the skin. It has a thick enough consistency to make bruising less noticeable. You can already apply regular powder on top.

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Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason?

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Bruises: factors of appearance, when to worry, types, treatment

It seems that there were no injuries, and the person did not hit himself anywhere, but the bruises on the body appeared from somewhere... Over time, they turn yellow, go away, and others appear. And again I can’t remember: where did the person kiss like that? Adults, especially older people, believe that old age is creeping up on them, some brush it off and report that this phenomenon accompanies them all their lives, only a small percentage of those whose skin regularly “blooms” think and look for ways to solve the problem. These most often include restless mothers who discover hematomas on the child’s body from nowhere. Maybe someone is offending you in kindergarten or at school? Or is this still a signal that something is wrong in the body?

Injuries, women's problems, vitamin deficiency

The occurrence of a hematoma from an impact is considered an absolutely natural phenomenon. Moreover, if the blow is strong, capable of damaging both soft tissues and blood vessels that penetrate our body, supply everything we need and take away metabolic products. Of course, the capillaries get the most, because they are very accessible, since they are located in the skin.

But when bruises appear for no reason, then there is definitely a reason for this. First of all, this is increased fragility of the walls of capillary vessels. Why they suddenly start to break is another question or another reason. And not alone.

Everyone knows that the female body prefers bruises more. Why? It turns out that this is due to hormonal levels, or rather, to lack of estrogen. During the course of life, the female body undergoes various hormonal fluctuations, and in pre- and menopause the situation is sometimes completely catastrophic, so it turns out that bruises appear for no reason, and women attribute everything to age, which, of course, is involved in such phenomena. After all, the vessels are no longer the same. And sometimes there are not enough vitamins and microelements. Here's another reason.

Lack of vitamin C, or simply ascorbic acid, slows down tissue recovery after mechanical damage, and vitamin P deficiency promotes increased permeability, fragility and fragility of capillaries, which leads to the appearance of bruises seemingly without reason. By combining the flavonoid rutin with P-vitamin activity and ascorbic acid, scientists many years ago obtained an excellent drug, ascorutin, which tastes very pleasant and is very useful. It strengthens the vascular wall, allows you to get rid of bruises and prevent the formation of new ones.

Ascorutin is a good remedy for bruises and is excellent for people whose hematomas are caused by a deficiency of the above vitamins.

The seemingly unreasonable appearance of bruises is facilitated by long-term use of drugs with an anticoagulant effect, for example, aspirin, which is precisely the main cause of bruising. It thins the blood and its use for a long time leads to the appearance of bruises in various places of the human body.

More compelling reasons

However, there are more serious preconditions for the appearance of bruises, caused by various, sometimes severe, disorders in the body, which are combined into a large group of diseases called hemorrhagic diathesis. These include:

  • Vasopathies are damage to the walls of blood vessels as a result of exposure to infectious-toxic or immunoallergic agents; an example of such a pathology is hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • Coagulopathies (congenital or acquired), resulting from a decrease in the level of coagulation factors, which include such a well-known disease as hemophilia;
  • Thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of blood cells - platelets, as a result of their trauma, inhibition of production or increased consumption, which occurs with hemangiomas, thrombocytopenic purpura, DIC syndrome);
  • Thrombocytopathies (impaired functional abilities of the platelet unit, characteristic of multiple myeloma, erythremia, systemic lupus erythematosus).

As it turned out, there are many reasons and, before trying to remove a bruise, it would be good to find out its origin, because by letting everything take its course, you can trigger a disease that will lead to even greater problems. Of course, a bruise under the nail does not deserve special attention if it was caused by hitting the finger with a hammer. In this case, you don’t have to run to the doctors and get tested; you need to try using folk remedies or just wait: the nail comes off and everything will pass. However, there are types of bruises that make you wary.

What types of bruises are there?

Areas of the body that have turned blue from injury are familiar to us from childhood. Bruises on the legs, knocked out knees - this is easy for a tomboy, because at that age all activities are traumatic. Outdoor games, cycling, overcoming heights such as fences and trees, and the result is a not very soft landing and large bruises, identical in origin, but with their own history.

Disease-related types of bruises appear differently and behave differently. In medical science they are divided into types:

  1. Hematoma, which is characterized by huge painful hemorrhages not only in the subcutaneous layer, but also in deep muscles and joints, causing tissue destruction, pathological fractures, arthrosis and muscle atrophy. Large bruises on the legs, arms and throughout the body are quite natural for coagulopathies such as hemophilia A and B;
  2. Microcirculatory, which is called petechial-spotted, is manifested by the appearance of bruises on the arms, legs, and mucous membranes (noses, gum bleeding). Minor trauma to the vessels of the microvasculature - capillaries (you just need to rub the skin with your hand) immediately causes the formation of bruises (patients with thrombocytopenia know this);
  3. Microcirculatory-hematoma, that is, a mixed type, includes a combination of the previous two and is characterized by the appearance of, although not numerous, large bruises, localized in predominantly subcutaneous fat, so they are clearly visible. DIC syndrome, hemophilia A and overdose of anticoagulants are accompanied by a similar type of hematoma;
  4. The vasculitic purpuric type, in addition to peculiar inflamed bruises, is characterized by an itchy rash that gives residual pigmentation over time.

However, if a person has constant bruises, then it is better to consult a doctor, because this may be a sign of illness.

Bruises on the chest, bruises on the veins

Bruises on the chest in women are of particular concern, because the mammary glands are still less likely to be injured than the arms and legs, although injuries are not excluded here either. You can fall or bump into some blunt object, and a hematoma is guaranteed. Of course, you should try to avoid damaging the mammary glands, since large hematomas can turn into cysts, which subsequently cause quite severe pain.

If the bruise is caused by injury or taking anticoagulants, then we can hope that it will go away without any special consequences. It is dangerous when a hematoma appears for no apparent reason, because then it can be a sign of a malignant neoplasm, in particular, inflammatory breast cancer, so in such cases you should not postpone a visit to a mammologist or gynecologist.

The structure of an ordinary bruise (left) and a formation on the chest that turns malignant (right)

The male gender is not immune from bruises on the chest, but in men their appearance is mainly caused by blunt trauma to the chest and rib fractures, and if the bruise does not go away for a long time, the cause may be coagulopathy or taking blood thinning drugs. In any case, you should consult a doctor with this question.

Bruises on the veins appear quite often. First of all, this applies to people with varicose veins. Sometimes the veins themselves create this appearance, and sometimes hematomas are the result of the presence of a capillary network, spider veins and nodules that tend to rupture. This occurs mainly due to injury or weakness of the vessel walls.

Ointments to help heal a bruise

In general, it is rarely possible to cure a bruise instantly, but if you apply cold immediately after the injury (frozen meat is often used for this, which is always on hand at home), you can significantly reduce the size of the hematoma and reduce the intensity of the staining. And if the first moment is missed, it is better to send someone to the nearest pharmacy to purchase ointment for bruises. In such cases, heparin ointment has worked well, as it dissolves the blood clot formed under the skin and thereby accelerates the disappearance of blue discoloration. In addition, heparin ointment also has an analgesic effect due to the local anesthetic benzocaine included in its composition.

It should be remembered that the ointment is used with caution if the integrity of the skin is compromised and is NOT used at all for deep vein thrombosis or simultaneously with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are often used for bruises to reduce pain.

In addition to heparin, it would be nice to use troxevasin ointment, which also helps to quickly heal a bruise and forget about it. Having a fairly wide spectrum of action, the ointment is used for many diseases associated with increased fragility of vascular walls. The main substance of the drug is the flavonoid rutin, which has P-vitamin activity. To enhance the therapeutic effect of the ointment, it is advisable to use it together with capsules or tablets of troxevasin.

Help from traditional methods

Some people do not accept pharmaceutical drugs and prefer to use exclusively folk remedies to treat bruises. If the bruise appears from an injury, then such treatment is completely justified and can be successfully used at home.

  • with burdock leaf (inner surface of the leaf, cellophane, woolen scarf),
  • onion gruel with sugar,
  • fresh or dry woodlice herbs (douse with boiling water), covered with cellophane and bandaged

promote rapid healing and disappearance of unattractive black spots.

A compress of fresh parsley is an affordable and (according to popular opinion) effective way to get rid of a bruise

For the same purpose they use:

  • ½ teaspoon each of ginger and turmeric, adding a few drops of water (3 or 4),
  • apples boiled (to pulp) in milk,
  • fresh Tradescantia leaf, or
  • lotions with vinegar (linen fabric is moistened with a tablespoon of vinegar or a teaspoon of essence dissolved in water).

However, we should not forget that all folk remedies are good if there is no open wound and bleeding, since in this case a slightly different approach is needed, but from the recipes listed, in case of damage to the skin and bleeding, warm pulp of apples boiled in milk will do. It must be applied to the injured area.

The patient himself chooses how to treat a bruise resulting from a contusion, but this should not be done if the hematomas are formed as a result of other diseases, that is, as if on their own. You need to contact a specialist (phlebologist or hematologist), who will conduct the necessary studies (blood tests, ultrasound of blood vessels, etc.), will probably figure out what’s what and prescribe adequate treatment, since the patient himself will not be able to cope, and folk remedies are not strong enough to solve deep-seated problems.

Bruises on the body for no reason

Bruises from contusions or “earned” from a fall do not surprise anyone. Does it ever happen to you that you have a bruise - here it is, purple and painful - but there are no memories of where it came from? It remains and does not disappear for weeks and months on end. And more importantly, these bruises out of nowhere become a regular occurrence. Surely many have encountered something similar and even began to doubt their own memory. Most people shrug it off frivolously in such cases: big deal, less bruise. But in reality, “unreasonable” bruises have reasons for their appearance, and often very serious ones. Since you are reading this article, apparently it is time to find out the reasons for such bruises on your body.

Why do there be bruises on the body?

Any bruise, or hematoma, is a hemorrhage in soft tissues, most often resulting from mechanical destruction of the walls of blood vessels. Blood from these damaged tissues leaks into the surrounding tissue, causing a bruise. The larger the vessel damaged, the larger the size of the hematoma and the longer it will take to heal. This is a response to the trauma received.

The crimson-red, purple color of bruises is due to hemoglobin contained in the blood. As hemoglobin is destroyed, intermediate products are released, and the hematomas “bloom” in green and yellow colors. Over time, not a trace should remain at the site of the bruises.

Bruises can appear for a variety of reasons, ranging from simple contusions, aging, nutritional deficiencies, and the presence of certain diseases, such as hemophilia or cancer.

Causes of bruises on the body without contusions

We will not dwell on mechanical injuries, because here everything is already obvious. Let's talk about the reasons that cause the appearance of “unexplained” bruises. Unfortunately, most often this indicates health problems. Here are the most common causes of bruises on the body without contusions.

Individual skin characteristics

This reason is more “female”. Thin skin does not protect the subcutaneous blood vessels well, and even slight pressure is enough to cause a bruise.

Changes in hormonal levels

Lack of estrogen, which often occurs in women during menopause or when taking birth control pills, affects the walls of blood vessels.

With an excess of glucocorticoids, so-called purpura occurs - numerous hemorrhages in the skin, under the skin or in the mucous membranes. This condition can occur, for example, during the course of autoimmune diseases. This symptom usually disappears after treatment is completed or when the dosage of medications is changed.

Taking certain medications

In some cases, causeless bruises may be caused by long-term use of analgesics, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic drugs.

The appearance of bruises on the body for no apparent reason may be a signal of vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin P. Its deficiency disrupts the production of collagen, the walls of blood vessels become thin, which is why they are easily destroyed. In addition to bruises, other symptoms usually appear: gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, heartburn, flatulence), irritability, increased sensitivity of the skin (to cosmetics, household chemicals, exposure to the sun).

Vitamin K. In this case, blood clotting is impaired, which is why bruises become common. Vitamin K deficiency can be accompanied by nosebleeds, poor wound healing, and bleeding gums.

Vitamin C. With its deficiency, the fragility of blood vessels increases, which is why bruises most often occur on the legs and arms. There are other symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency: systematic fatigue, frequent colds, apathy, drowsiness, peeling skin, hair loss.

Zinc and iron. Both of these minerals are important for health and help in wound healing. Additionally, iron deficiency leads to anemia, one of the known causes of bruising.

Bioflavonoids. Citrine, rutin, catechin and quercetin are some bioflavonoids that are extremely valuable for getting rid of the constant tendency to bruise.

Any of these conditions can usually be corrected by including foods in the diet that are natural sources of the essential vitamin.

Connective tissue diseases

Several serious diseases can cause disruption in the production of collagen, a protein that ensures the strength of vascular walls:

Osteogenesis imperfecta (Crystal Man disease);

Elastic pseudoxanthoma and some others.

These ailments are congenital and, alas, cannot be completely cured. They usually make themselves felt at an early age.

Diseases of the circulatory system

Its functioning is ensured by many factors, and malfunctions of at least one of them can cause bruises on the body.

Platelets are normally responsible for blocking damaged blood vessels and stopping bleeding. If platelets do not cope with their functions, bruises may appear on the skin, and any bleeding will have serious consequences.

Clotting factor deficiency

In this case, any damage to the vessel is fraught with prolonged bleeding and the appearance of hematomas. One example of such a pathology is hemophilia. The “unreasonable” appearance of bruises on the body is the first alarm bell and a reason to see a doctor.


The appearance of bruises only on the legs is evidence of stagnation of blood in the vessels and the first stages of the development of the disease.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is an inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, which subsequently leads to their destruction. This condition occurs due to a malfunction in the immune system when the body begins to attack its own cells.

In some cases, the occurrence of bruises may indicate the development of tumor processes. If the appearance of hematomas occurs against the background of a sharp weight loss, enlarged lymph nodes, pale skin, frequent nosebleeds, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

There are several other reasons when bruises may appear on the body for no apparent reason. They are usually caused by illnesses accompanied by other symptoms, and occasional unexplained bruising may appear later in the illness.

Severe liver disease may cause easy bruising because the liver cannot produce enough clotting factors. In addition, such diseases may be accompanied by yellow skin, itching throughout the body, swelling of the legs and bleeding of the intestines.

Mild bruising is sometimes a symptom of late stages of chronic kidney disease. Such people may experience drowsiness, numbness in the arms and legs, vomiting in the morning, and bloody stools.

People with diabetes may notice long-lasting bruises. This is due to complications of the disease on the blood vessels. Bruises are most often found on the legs and are a sign of advanced diabetes.

Age cannot be discounted either. In older people, vascular permeability is increased, capillaries become fragile, and the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner, so bruises often occur.

In addition, women are more likely to bruise than men, and their bruises often appear from minor injuries to the shoulders, hips, and buttocks.

It is difficult to list all the causes of bruises. To avoid exposing yourself to undue risk, you should consult a doctor. A detailed blood test and coagulogram will help to find out the cause of “unreasonable” bruises and select treatment.

When to see a doctor

Bruising usually goes away within two weeks. You need to see a doctor if you experience bruising for no reason along with other symptoms, such as:

The bruise does not go away for more than two weeks;

We began to often notice bruises on the legs and other parts of the body for no apparent reason.

There are no bruises without a reason. If you are not hurt or injured, and cannot explain the reason for its appearance, then it is hidden deeper and only examinations will help identify its cause.

How to get rid of bruises on the body

First you need to try to minimize the possibility of a hematoma after injury:

  1. Apply something cold. Low temperature will cause blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to the bruised area. It makes sense to apply cold during the first hours (the sooner the better). After 4-5 hours it is already useless to do this.
  2. Apply a tight bandage. You can wear it no longer than 2 hours after the injury, so as not to interfere with blood circulation.
  3. Apply a special gel and ointment (troxevasin, indovazin, voltaren, dexpanthenol) to the injury site. This can be done no earlier than 6-8 hours after the injury. If you apply the drug earlier, the swelling will increase and the bruise will be more pronounced.

Traditional medicine advises applying cabbage leaves or cut potatoes (cut to the bruise) to the hematomas. They need to be bandaged and worn for several hours.

There are many other home and folk remedies that can be used to reduce pain, inflammation and make bruises disappear faster.

There are many natural home remedies you can use to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and help bruises heal faster. You may have many of these remedies, such as tea bags and aloe vera, right on hand. I have already mentioned these natural treatments for bruises that are backed by scientific evidence.

Three main causes of bruises on the body, what diseases leave such marks

All material on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace basic treatment and consultation with a specialist.

Bruises under the eyes, swelling, bags are quite a common problem for modern people, and the question arises of how to quickly remove them. Many believe that these minor changes are not serious.

People don’t even think that this phenomenon indicates problems in the body, attributing everything to fatigue. Doctors are confident that the causes of the disorders lie much deeper.

There are various ways to solve the problem of bruises. Most often they are associated with the normalization of lifestyle and daily routine. The treatment involves the use of medicines, cosmetics and traditional medicine.

The appearance of circles under the eyes indicates that abnormalities have occurred in the body, so immediately you need to change your daily routine to remove them faster:

  • The main thing during treatment is healthy sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day in a ventilated room.
  • Maintaining water balance is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. 2 liters of water is a mandatory fluid requirement.
  • Stop smoking, drinking and using drugs immediately.
  • Eat meat, fish, and carbohydrates that contain vitamin B.
  • Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed. Cosmetics should be selected according to age and skin type.
  • Walk every day for at least 2 hours.
  • Provide the workspace with the right amount of light.
  • After every half hour of watching TV, do eye exercises.

How to quickly remove bruises, dark circles and swelling (bags) under the eyes.


Home treatments cannot always help cope with such a problem as dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetologists will tell you how to quickly remove this problem. Modern cosmetology offers various ways to solve the problem of bruises.

Mesotherapy is the best remedy for bruises, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes

Mesotherapy is a complex of various procedures that eliminate puffiness under the eyes. It is performed using injections, which are selected individually by cosmetologists depending on the client’s skin condition.


  • Various useful microelements: zinc, magnesium. They enrich the skin, maintaining its health, youth and elasticity.
  • Hyaluronic acid needed to maintain water balance and moisturize the skin.
  • Vitamins– B1 improves blood circulation in the body, B6 reduces puffiness, moisturizes the skin, H gives a healthy appearance and fills the skin with radiance.
  • Collagen, which fights skin aging and wrinkles.

Mesotherapy is not a pleasant procedure; it is quite painful and requires several sessions. It may leave marks from injections, so it is especially important to choose a competent professional cosmetologist who will carry out the procedure.

Vitamins for bruises and dark circles under the eyes

Restoring vitamin balance is an important point in solving problems such as dark circles under the eyes. How to quickly remove bags - make up for the lack of vitamins. Insufficient intake of vitamins causes bags to appear. The main ones are vitamins C and K.

Vitamin C is designed to reduce the concentration of degraded red blood cells. To solve the problem of vitamin C deficiency, you can use creams with this substance, as well as eat foods enriched with the vitamin.

Vitamin K visually hides the capillaries that are located near the surface of the skin. It also soothes the skin, relieves puffiness and gets rid of spider veins. The use of creams enriched with vitamin K is considered to prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes. The element exists in capsules.

Lymphatic drainage massage for circles under the eyes

Lymphatic drainage is carried out in specialized beauty salons. It normalizes the circulation of blood and subcutaneous fluids, which allows you to quickly remove bruises under the eyes.

An exercise diagram demonstrating how to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes using massage

There are two types of massage:

Lymphatic drainage lasts 10-20 minutes, swelling usually goes away after 10 daily massages.

How to get rid of blue circles under the eyes at home: folk remedies

Folk remedies help the skin remove faster bruises under the eyes. Only your skin can tell you how to quickly remove this problem., its type and cause of bruises. Treatment requires medicinal herbs and creams based on natural ingredients that can be made at home. The main thing in treatment at home is the regularity of procedures. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures per week for 20 minutes.

Eye lotions for swelling and bruising

Since ancient times, people have been tormented by such a problem as bruises under the eyes. People found how to quickly remove them from nature. Lotions can be made from a variety of natural ingredients, depending on the reason that caused the appearance of puffiness under the eyes.

The compress is applied to a face cleansed of makeup. The mixture itself is placed in cheesecloth, then a decoction is made.

There are various decoctions for lotions:

  • Chamomile decoction. To do this, take a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, place them in a gauze bag and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Wait until the compress cools down a little and apply it to your eyes. You can keep this lotion for 15-20 minutes.
  • 2% boric acid can also be used as a compress. Keep lotions from it on your eyes for 15 minutes. This recipe must be used very carefully. The acid should not get into the eyes, otherwise irritation may occur.
  • Grated potatoes most commonly used to treat swelling. It is applied to the eyes for 15 minutes. You can make another recipe for a potato-based compress - you need to mix potato pulp, raw egg yolk and ¼ teaspoon of olive oil. The lotions are also kept on the eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Lotions from tea bags, perhaps the easiest way. You just need to brew the tea, wait for the bags to cool a little and put it on your eyes for 20 minutes.
  • Will help get rid of swelling cabbage juice, which is applied using a piece of gauze.
  • Made for long-term use ice cubes with medicinal herbs. You need herbs like lemon balm, chamomile and others; they are crushed, filled with water and placed in ice trays. In the morning, use this cube to wipe the area around the eyes.

Eye mask for dark circles and bruises

Masks are more effective than lotions, but you need to know how to prepare them. It is important to choose the right ingredients so that they do not injure the skin or cause an allergic reaction.

You need to keep the mask for no more than 10 minutes - this time is enough for the active components to start working.

With the correct selection of elements for masks, dark circles under the eyes will quickly disappear.

Basic requirements for preparing a mask:

  • Elements should be taken in small quantities and applied immediately after preparation.
  • For mixing you need to choose wooden or glass dishes. A metal container will cause the components to oxidize and ruin the mask.
  • All liquid components must be warm; it is important not to allow their temperature to rise.

There are many combinations of different elements, but you need to check whether something will cause an allergic reaction. Most The following mask options are common:

  • Grate the potatoes into 1 tablespoon, add half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • In 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp of sour cream is added. chopped dill.
  • Add parsley to melted butter (1 tbsp) until creamy.
  • A morning mask of aloe juice, grated potatoes and two drops of lemon is added to the cucumber mixture, sprinkled with a pinch of spinach and basil.

Experts advise applying homemade masks an hour before bedtime. Before application, the face must be cleansed; during the procedure, you should not strain your eyesight (watch TV, read a book).

After removing the mask, you can apply cream to your face.

You cannot make the same mask for more than 2 months, as the body gets used to the components and stops reacting to them. Masks help remove dark circles under the eyes quite quickly, without harming the skin.

Heparin ointment is an effective remedy

Heparin ointment is very effective if you need to remove bruises under the eyes. It is used in the absence of contraindications for use and allows you to quickly remove swelling. The basis of the drug is sodium heparin. It keeps the skin youthful and elastic, moisturizes and strengthens it.

The ointment should be applied twice a day, applying it in a thin layer. The course of treatment is prescribed for no more than 10 days, then you need to take a break for a month. Used as a mask, which is applied for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed with an alcohol-free tonic or lotion.

Often the ointment is used as a compress. To do this, apply the ointment to the eyes and apply cotton pads on top for 20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure every day for a week.

This medicinal ointment should not be used in the following cases:

  • if there are open wounds or scratches on the face;
  • for problems with blood clotting;
  • allergic reactions to the entire ointment or its components;
  • taking antibiotics, non-steroidal drugs or tetracycline ointment;
  • menstrual period;
  • pregnancy.

Heparin ointment is an effective remedy for bruises and black circles under the eyes

When purchasing a cream, it is important to pay attention to its composition. Active components should moisturize and tighten the skin, reduce swelling and the formation of wrinkles. These elements are:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • vitamin C;
  • natural elements – chamomile, tea, ginseng;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin A.

The cream is selected based on your skin type.

Oily skin requires a light cream consistency that will have a mattifying effect. For dry skin, thick creams with increased nutrition and moisturizing effect are perfect. For sensitive skin, you should purchase hypoallergenic preparations.

Apply the drug to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. It is recommended to keep the cream for no more than 60 minutes, optimally 40-45 minutes. There is no need to apply a large amount of cream, because this can harm thin and delicate facial skin. If you follow all the instructions correctly, dark circles under the eyes can be removed quickly and for a long time.

How to quickly remove dark, black circles around the eyes, how to hide dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetics

Cosmetics can hide visible skin imperfections in the eye area. They are perfect if you need to remove dark circles under the eyes. How to quickly remove swelling will be determined by your ability to use cosmetic devices.

What concealer can be used to disguise dark circles under the eyes?

The color range of correctors allows you to take into account all the features of a woman’s face. Working with corrector is more difficult than working with concealer; it requires care.

If bruises appear due to insomnia, it is advised to choose a blue corrector. It will hide dark circles under the eyes and remove redness.

If a purple tint has formed around your eyes, you can use a yellow corrector. Blue bags under the eyes are perfectly removed by an orange product.

It is better to use pencils as little as possible - they lead to dehydration of the facial skin and can injure delicate areas.

How to choose a good concealer for dark circles

The concealer is easy to use, but it does not cure the problem, it only masks it.

There are several types of this tool:

  • pencil;
  • concealer stick;
  • tube;
  • cream.

The choice of one product or another is determined by the characteristics of the skin. The choice of colors is the same as that of correctors. It is advised to choose a product that is slightly lighter than the base. Concealer should be applied to the face after cream or gel, with light massaging movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

If after this there is excessive shine, the skin can be powdered or foundation applied.

Bruises around, in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose: causes

Before starting treatment for puffy eyes, you need to identify the cause of its formation. The most common causes are poor lifestyle, lack of sleep and stress.

In order to solve these problems, you need to adjust your rhythm of life. But if the bruises do not go away, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause.

Why do bruises and dark (brown) circles appear?

You can select Several main causes of bruises in women:

  • Stress and lack of sleep deplete a person and can lead to serious illnesses. If you cannot cure stress on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Poor nutrition can lead to an imbalance of essential microelements and vitamins. This, of course, will affect the skin, swelling or hyperpigmentation may occur.
  • Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
  • Age, heredity.
  • Low-quality cosmetics. Causes skin changes, dryness and loss of elasticity.
  • Diseases. Liver and kidney diseases and allergic reactions can also cause swelling on the face. If brown circles under the eyes are found on your face, you should immediately consult a doctor. This color indicates that there are disturbances in the functioning of internal organs in the body.

Dark (blue) circles under the eyes in men

Men also suffer from dark circles under the eyes. Ways to quickly remove swelling are similar to those advised to women. The cause of blue puffiness is severe overwork, stress, and lack of sleep.

If the bags are dark blue, then the cause may be a disease - hypoxia, poor functioning of the heart or blood vessels.

What causes bruises under a child's eyes?

Bruises in young children cause concern for parents. Their appearance requires a visit to the doctor. Most often doctors call the following Causes of children's circles under the eyes:

The bluish tint of the skin under the eyes is most noticeable in one-year-old children, because it is delicate, light and thin. In the case of a clearly unhealthy shade of blue under the child’s eyes, consultation with a specialist is required.

What works best for bruises and dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern for people, and it is important to learn how to get rid of them quickly. Swelling under the eyes indicates that there are disorders occurring in the body that need to be treated. You can use cosmetic procedures - they will remove puffiness, enrich the skin with vitamins and moisturize it.

This is done in a salon by a cosmetologist, but you need to be prepared for the costs. A budget-friendly method of treatment is folk remedies, which are applied in the form of masks and compresses.

Medicinal herbs are less effective than cosmetology, but they are safer and have virtually no contraindications. Correctors and concealers are great for hiding bruises, but they do not heal the skin, so it is better to use them together with a medicinal product.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes: video

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes at home:

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes using cosmetics:

Black circles and bruises under the eyes occur as in most adults, and sometimes in children. According to doctors, the causes of swelling and darkening around the eyes can be completely different. To eliminate black circles around the eyes, you first need to find out the nature of the disease, and then engage in complex treatment depending on the main etiology of the disease.

Greetings, dear friends! Surely each of you dreams of beautiful and healthy skin around the eyes. But, unfortunately, due to frequent stress, unacceptable ecology and other equally important factors, the skin in this area, since it is the most delicate, begins to display a lot of defects that spoil your attractiveness and make you look older.

One of these unpleasant phenomena are bruises in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose. They're as common and commonplace as black eyes, but for some reason they scare people a lot more.

In fact, there can be many reasons for bruises in the corners of the eyes and the bridge of the nose. Here are a few of the most significant ones:

  1. Thin skin. Few people know that the skin in this delicate place is the thinnest, since there is no fat layer underneath it, which cannot be said about other parts of the human body. Therefore, doctors often call it transparent, since it shows through all the vessels and muscles on the body.
  2. Overwork. In fact, it is frequent overwork that becomes the most important factor for the appearance of a large number of various defects and diseases. Especially bruises in the corners of the eyes and under the eyes worry those who sleep very little. Sometimes, in order for the bruises to disappear, you just need to get a good night's sleep and take a walk in the park in the fresh air. Fresh air also has a very positive effect on the human body and is an excellent preventive measure. But for the bruises to go away, one night of good and quality sleep is not enough. After all, many of us today, due to work or children, have problems with chronic lack of sleep, so one day is not enough for a person to recover. For people who have been in the so-called “survival mode” for quite a long time, recovery will take much longer.
  3. Stress. Constant stress spoils not only a person’s appearance, but also his health. All problems and disruptions in the nervous system can provoke not only the appearance of bruises in the corners of the eyes, but also many other, more serious diseases. Also, systematic stress is the main obstacle to good and quality sleep, as mentioned above. When a person is gnawing on something and is excited, it is difficult to sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to abstract from various stressful situations and try to eliminate them to a minimum.

  4. Poor nutrition. Naturally, poor nutrition has a direct impact on the condition of human skin. All the junk food that a person eats is displayed not only on the figure, but also on the skin, including around the eyes. Delicate skin takes on grayer shades of color. A lot of blackheads and pimples appear on the face. The cause of bruises in the corners of the eyes can be a lack of vitamins necessary for the human body, which is also actually very important.
  5. Glasses. Unfortunately, a huge number of people today suffer from vision problems. Almost every person who wears glasses can notice bruises in the corners of their eyes. The reason for this is quite simple - since throughout the whole day the glasses compress the bridge of the nose, as a result, the outflow of blood and lymph is slightly hampered. It is because of this that almost every person with poor vision, excluding those who wear contact lenses, has dark bruises on the bridge of the nose.
  6. Diseases of internal organs. Naturally, every disease of any internal organ significantly affects a person’s appearance. Such problems most often appear on the face. Especially if the person has kidney problems.
  7. A tan. A beautiful tan adds extraordinary attractiveness to both women and men. Some people want to appear darker so much that they visit the solarium not only in the summer before or after the sea, but all year round, which is actually very harmful. After all, ultraviolet radiation quickly ages the skin and makes it thinner. Therefore, people who regularly visit the solarium will sooner than others face the problem of dark circles under the eyes.

  8. Chronic sinusitis and runny nose. Perhaps most people who systematically suffer from these diseases have already become accustomed to it and have come to terms with it, but in fact, it definitely needs to be treated. After all, their blood does not receive enough oxygen, and because of this, their face looks tired and painful. Therefore, if you want to be beautiful, then you definitely need to treat all such diseases in a timely manner and carefully avoid them.
  9. Heredity. Of course, it is much more difficult to deal with bruises under the eyes, which are inherited. But, fortunately, in modern cosmetology there are several ways to solve this unpleasant phenomenon.

In general, there can be many reasons for the appearance of those hated dark bruises in the corners of the eyes. Therefore, you should follow all preventive measures that will help you avoid these unpleasant phenomena.

How to fight?

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is investigate the true reason for their appearance. If the appearance of bruises is related to fatigue, then you need to rest properly and try to establish a sleep pattern. If the reason for this is nutrition, you should start eating right and consuming as many vitamins and other nutrients as possible. Avoid stressful situations, take care of your health. After all, we all know that nerve cells do not recover.

Homemade masks

There are many recipes for homemade masks that will allow you to cope with this difficult task much faster. Here are a few of the most effective ones:

  1. Potato mask. Take two peeled potato rings and place them under your eyes for 20 minutes. This will help you relieve fatigue and tones the skin.
  2. Curd mask. Grind the curd thoroughly and apply it under the eyes. Lie in this state for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Tea bags. A good way to reduce bruises on the bridge of the nose is a banal tea bag. Apply it under your eyes after use for 20 minutes. This should help.

In general, bruises in the corners of the eyes are not a big deal. The main thing is to competently approach the solution to this unpleasant problem.

All the best to you, dear friends, take good care of yourself and your health, and don’t forget to subscribe to site updates, share this useful article with your friends on social networks and, of course, leave your comments.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Brown circles under the eyes can appear for a variety of reasons. First, find out where they came from, since there is no point in fighting the effect while ignoring the cause.

  1. Constant lack of sleep, stress, smoking. If at 20 you can drink, smoke, not sleep and look great, then at 30 such a hectic life will backfire. Try not to stay up until midnight, lead a healthy lifestyle, and avoid stressful situations. All this will help keep your face fresh and toned.
  2. Malfunction of internal organs. As a rule, yellow circles under the eyes indicate problems with the gallbladder and liver, pale pink circles indicate bladder disease, pale brown circles indicate circulatory problems, and purple and blue circles indicate kidney dysfunction. In this case, even the most expensive creams will not help you, since the problem sits deep inside. See a doctor immediately and take proper care of your health.

  3. Eyelid skin is too thin. As you know, with age, the skin around the eyes becomes thinner and thinner, and vessels begin to appear through it, which create the “bruise effect.” Cosmetologists recommend using eye cream with a high degree of UV protection.
  4. Heredity. Sadly, circles can be inherited. In this case, only successful disguise can save the situation.
  5. Dehydration and anemia. Eat foods rich in iron and drink up to three liters of clean water per day.
  6. Diets. When a woman wants to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds, she goes on a strict diet that includes a very meager diet. Yes, the weight will go away, but along with it you will say goodbye to minerals and vitamins, and they are the key to healthy and beautiful skin. Approach your choice of diets very carefully, lose weight wisely!
  7. Excessive consumption of tea, coffee and hot spices. If you drink more than three cups of strong aromatic drink a day, then after a while dark shadows will appear under your eyes, especially noticeable in the morning.
  8. Allergic reaction to dust, plants, animal fur. First, the eyes begin to water and itch, then severe irritation appears, and then bruises are not far away!
  9. Long work at the computer. Don't forget to take regular breaks, especially if you sit in front of a monitor all day!
  10. Wearing glasses (for vision or sun protection). Lenses block fresh air from reaching your eyes. If possible, remove your glasses as soon as possible.

Ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Naturally, you would like to ask the question of how to disguise dark circles under the eyes, and ideally, get rid of them forever. We have collected the best tips for you!

Cold compress

Good results can be achieved in a fairly simple way: applying a clean cloth moistened with cold water to your eyes 4-5 times a day. What does this give? Blood vessels and capillaries narrow, swelling and bruising under the eyes disappear. The same effect can also be achieved by washing your face with cool water in the morning.

Secrets of "disguise"

If you are interested in quick results, then concealers are the way to go. Just don’t “cover up” the yellow or brown circles under your eyes with foundation; it’s much better to buy a concealer or corrector. These products have a light texture, rich color and contain microscopic light-reflecting particles that will make the skin around the eyes simply glow. Another nice bonus: a 16-hour action and a moisturizing (and, for some manufacturers, also a rejuvenating) effect!

The shades of the correctors are so varied that you can choose one for any skin. To avoid mistakes, choose a product that differs from your skin tone by no more than half a tone.

How to apply concealer or corrector? You probably know that the skin around the eyes cannot be intensively rubbed or stretched, so apply it with gentle movements, either with your fingers or with the sharp corner of a sponge. Carefully “cover your tracks”, that is, shade the concealer. And, of course, powder your face a little.

Eye cream

Another way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes is to use an opaque eye cream based on alpha hydroxy acids. This complex name hides fruit and plant extracts, as well as glycolic acid. These creams perfectly smooth out wrinkles under the eyes, and also brighten the skin and restore its radiance.


Still wondering how to cover up a black eye? Let a light massage called “finger shower” become a habit. It’s all very simple: in the morning, when washing your face (as we found out, it’s better to do this with cool water), massage the skin under the eyes and around with light tapping movements of your fingers (it’s best to use your ring fingers, since the movements of these fingers are the most gentle and gentle). Move from the temples to the bridge of the nose. You should not touch the upper eyelids: this will not give a cosmetic effect, but it will increase the load on the eyeball. Just 3 minutes of this massage daily - and blood circulation improves, giving the skin a healthy and radiant appearance.

“Gymnastics” for dark circles under the eyes

We couldn’t help but introduce you to special visual gymnastics.

Its implementation gives excellent results: firstly, you improve your vision (and this, you see, is never superfluous), and secondly, your eye muscles and skin will noticeably tighten. And without expensive lifting procedures! Well, and thirdly, such exercise not only removes dark circles under the eyes, but also helps prevent their appearance.

  • Exercise 1

To begin, close your eyes. Rotate your eyeballs in a circle 4 times in one direction, 4 in the other.

  • Exercise 2

Also, with your eyes closed, raise your eyeballs as if you want to look at the ceiling, then lower them to the floor. Repeat 10 times.

  • Exercise 3

An excellent exercise for relaxing your eye muscles: looking ahead, blink quickly for 30 seconds. Take a break, then repeat twice more.

  • Exercise 4

Look at the top left corner, then down, then look up again at the top corner, but this time to the right. And so 8 times.

  • Exercise 5

Open your eyes wide and look at one point for a few seconds.

  • Exercise 6

Draw a dot on the window glass at eye level. Standing in front of a window, move your gaze from this point to some distant object and back.

  • Exercise 7

Closing your eyes, cover them with your palms and sit like that for a while. This is a great rest for the eyes.

  • Exercise 8

Closing your eyes, press your index fingers to the outer corners of your eyes, close your eyes for 5-6 seconds, and then relax your eyelids. And so 10 times.

  • Exercise 10

With your eyes closed, draw infinity signs.

Repeat this exercise daily, maybe up to 4 times a day, especially if you often have to strain your eyesight.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes

And, of course, you can’t do without a collection of “grandmother’s” beauty secrets that have proven themselves well. Try them, sometimes these masks and compresses are more effective than expensive creams!

Cottage cheese lotion

Place 2 pieces of gauze with cottage cheese wrapped in them on your eyelids. Lie down with these lotions for 10 minutes.

Parsley and sour cream mask

Mix 2 tsp. fatty, and best of all, homemade sour cream with 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley, and then apply this mixture to the skin around the eyes. After 15 minutes, wash your face and apply a rich eye cream.

Tea compress

Soak cotton sponges in strong brewed black or green tea and apply to eyelids for about two minutes. Repeat the procedure four times, soaking the sponges in tea leaves after each session.

Cucumber mask

A classic of the genre - thin slices of cucumber on the eyelids! The total time of such a mask is 15 minutes, but every 5 minutes it is recommended to replace the slices with new ones. You don’t have to cut the cucumber into slices, but grate it and then apply the cucumber pulp to your eyelids.

Milk compress

Milk is good for skin whitening. Boil it, cool a little, and then moisten cotton sponges and apply them to your eyelids, also for about 15 minutes. After washing, lubricate the skin around your eyes with your favorite cream.

Potato and parsley mask

Another option for lotions that refresh and whiten the skin around the eyes is raw potatoes, grated and mixed with finely chopped parsley. This paste should be wrapped in gauze and placed on your eyelids for 10 minutes.

Herbal compress

If you are serious, you can undergo treatment with herbal compresses. Dill, cornflower or chamomile greens are suitable. Make compresses with infusions of these herbs regularly (preferably at night) for a month.

Ice mask

Ice strengthens blood vessels well. Wrap it in plastic bags and hold it on your eyelids for 10 minutes.

And a few more tips!

  • Avoid lack of sleep and overwork;
  • Spend more time in the fresh air;
  • Monitor the condition of your liver, arrange fasting days;
  • Drink 1 glass of hot water before meals;
  • To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, vitamin C contained in lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, pumpkin, and rose hips will be useful.

Getting rid of dark circles under the eyes is difficult, but with desire and a certain amount of perseverance, anything is possible!

Reasons for appearance

  1. banal overwork, lack of sleep, insomnia, chronic fatigue, diseases of the nervous system, as a result of which the removal of toxins from the skin slows down;
  2. poor diet, stress and sedentary lifestyle;
  3. thin, transparent and sensitive skin, age-related changes, sometimes small blood vessels burst and hematomas are very noticeable;
  4. hormonal disorders, lack of vitamins and excess skin pigmentation;
  5. mechanical compression of the bridge of the nose, usually by the temple of glasses, which impedes the outflow of lymph;
  6. injury to the bridge of the nose, resulting in a hematoma;
  7. consequences of alcohol and drug abuse;
  8. oxygen starvation caused by diseases of the respiratory system, especially the nose;
  9. diseases of internal organs;
  10. heredity (features of skin properties and facial structure).

Photo 1: One of the reasons for the appearance of bruises in the corners of the eyes may be excess UV radiation, due to which the skin becomes thinner, becoming like parchment, which happens to those who often visit a solarium. Source: flickr (Hotel-Aurum-CZ).

Symptoms of what diseases can be bruises in the corners of the eyes?

  1. Blue circles under the eyes may indicate kidney problems. Perhaps they are overloaded, and you need to eat less heavy, spicy and salty foods. It may also be a symptom of kidney failure or pyelonephritis.
  2. Bruises around the corners of the eyes indicate problems with the pancreas. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets and eat small portions.
  3. Sometimes there may be bruises under the eyes or on the bridge of the nose manifestation of hypertension.
  4. Chronic runny nose or sinusitis reduces the supply of oxygen to the blood, causing the skin as a whole to take on an unhealthy appearance and bluish spots may appear on the bridge of the nose in the corners of the eyes.
  5. The cause may be heart disease, as well as general exhaustion of the body, including sudden weight loss, while the formation of bags under the eyes is still observed.
  6. Allergic reaction to animal fur, fluff and plant pollen can also cause bruises in the corners of the eyes. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause by taking antihistamines.
  7. In children, bruises under the eyes are signs of anemia or a consequence of frequent colds; it also happens if the skin is thin and the child often cries. It is necessary to harden and strengthen the child, vitamins and exercise, proper nutrition are useful, it is important to monitor the health of his nervous system.

First aid for bruises in the corners of the eyes

In most cases, the problem of bruises in the corners of the eyes is not dealt with in any way or is eliminated cosmetically, using foundation or concealers.

You can try improve skin blood circulation using specially selected creams or masks, as well as folk remedies, such as compresses made from sage and chamomile infusions, applying grated raw potatoes or slices of fresh cucumber.

Photo 2: The effect of herbal infusions will be better if you freeze them in the form of ice cubes. Source: flickr (bestacnemedicine02).

A special lymphatic drainage facial massage also helps.

If you have regular bruises, you need to change your diet and sleep patterns and undergo an examination by a doctor to rule out pathologies of the internal organs.

Homeopathic remedies can also be effective.

Homeopathic remedies

Drugs Purpose
Arnica Effectively and quickly removes dark circles under the eyes, like any other hematomas. It can be used both externally, in the form of an ointment, and internally.
Lymphomyosot Designed to affect lymph and intercellular space, has lymphatic drainage, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, and also improves immunity.
Natrium Muriaticum It normalizes water-salt metabolism, thereby eliminating bruises, but also affects the activity of the thyroid gland, so the dosage should be selected by a doctor.
Causticum For age-related bruises, as well as those caused by insufficient sleep. It is consumed once, then continues to act covertly in the body for another 40 days, normalizing its functioning.

general information

If you don’t have any health problems, but dark circles under your eyes appear quite often, you should think about the reason for their occurrence.

not uncommon, this is a simple lack of vitamin C. In this case, you need to eat more citrus fruits or take a course of vitamins.

Smoking is also a cause of dark circles under the eyes. the fact is that during smoking the blood vessels narrow, and the skin is poorly enriched with oxygen, which is why its bluish color is formed.

Sitting at the computer for quite a long time and eye fatigue also lead to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes the next morning. It is necessary to look away from the monitor at least once every half hour and give your eyes time to rest.

Often, dark circles under the eyes occur as a result of allergies to certain foods, or to other substances, such as pet dander, poplar fluff, dust and pollen.

Very often, bruises under the eyes appear due to nervous tension and stress. At such moments, the skin slows down the process of removing toxins and is not saturated with the necessary amount of moisture and oxygen.

Other reasons may be heredity and age. So, for example, if one of your blood relatives has very thin skin around the eyes, then it can be inherited. And, as you know, all the veins and blood vessels are very visible through thin skin, which leads to the effect of dark circles under the eyes. As for age, the older a person is, the thinner the fat layer under the skin of the eyelids becomes, which also leads to good lumen of blood vessels.


To reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, you can do a special massage every morning. The area around the eyes should be gently massaged with the pads of your fingers (finger shower) with light tapping movements. Massage should be done only after washing. You need to move in the direction from the temple along the line of the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose. The fact is that in the area between the corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose, the central lymphatic and venous nodes are located, and interstitial fluid rushes here. The finger “shower” should be done for 2-3 minutes. In order not to put unnecessary strain on the eyeball, there is no need to massage the upper eyelid.


Amid stress, moral and physical exhaustion, and chronic lack of sleep, a lot of cortisol is produced. WITH
On the one hand, the hormone adapts a person to a stressful situation, but on the other hand, it negatively affects the condition of the skin. The face becomes pale, haggard, and dark circles appear under the eyes. Working in front of a flickering computer monitor for long periods of time tires your eyes.

In this situation, it is quite possible to remove dark circles under the eyes at home. It’s good to start by eliminating the cause of the bruises: get a good night’s sleep, take a weekend off, and calm down. You can take tincture of valerian or motherwort for sound sleep. You should limit your time looking at a computer screen, take regular breaks and rest your eyes. It is better to stop using gadgets for games.

Natural masks are applied to the lower eyelids, which reduce swelling, strengthen capillaries and brighten the skin. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, remove with cool water. Use the following options:

  • lotions made from strong tea leaves (you can use tea in bags);
  • grated parsley root;
  • crushed gruel from parsley leaves with vegetable oil;
  • finely grated raw potatoes;
  • cucumber or tomato slices;
  • white bread soaked in milk;
  • compresses made from fatty cottage cheese wrapped in gauze.

Rubbing with ice cubes constricts blood vessels, relieves swelling and refreshes the appearance. Decoctions of chamomile, green tea, sage, and cornflower are frozen. You can put slices of cucumber, lemon, and tea bags in the refrigerator in advance.

Creams with hyaluronic acid, caffeine, and retinoids increase tone and strengthen the skin. Cosmetics with almond oil, grape seed extract, and green tea nourish with vitamins, improve blood circulation, and protect against the harmful effects of the sun.

Eye massage promotes the outflow of fluid. Using your fingertips, stroke the lower eyelid in the direction from the temple to the inner corner of the eye, making light patting movements. The brow ridges are massaged from the temple to the bridge of the nose. You can firmly but gently press the skin to the edges of the eye orbits. Massage with undiluted almond oil works well.

Bad habits

Active smoking, consumption of alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic drugs are serious reasons, due to which not only the delicate skin around the eyes suffers, but also the heart, liver, lungs, and nervous system. Quitting addiction will significantly improve your appearance and improve the health of your entire body.


The following reasons why circles appear under the eyes are related to human health. With diseases of the heart, liver, and kidneys, fluid retention in the body is observed, the skin under the eyes swells, and blueness appears. Swelling and red-blue circles under the eyes occur as a result of an allergic runny nose.

Various types of anemia, especially iron deficiency, cause pale skin and the appearance of painful blue shadows under the eyes. To get rid of such bruises, you need to consult a doctor and begin treatment for the underlying disease.

With rosacea, small blood vessels dilate and form bluish vascular networks, which deteriorates the appearance. Couperose on the lower eyelids stands out sharply against the background of healthy facial skin. Treatment is carried out using laser and sclerotherapy.


Why do blood vessels lose elasticity and become brittle? Disorders can be caused by a lack of vitamins K, P, C in food. The normal flow of blood changes, the smallest hemorrhages are visible under the thin skin near the eyes like bruises. Excess salt in the body gives a puffy appearance to the face and provokes the appearance of blue circles.

To eliminate the causes of bruises, foods rich in essential vitamins are introduced into the diet:

  • Bell pepper;
  • sauerkraut and leaf cabbage;
  • greenery;
  • tomatoes;
  • currant berries;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus.

Improves blood circulation, reduces fragility and permeability of capillaries flavanol contained in dark
chocolate, green tea. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish, seafood, nuts, seeds, and legumes prevent stagnation and blood thickening.

Reduce the consumption of table salt, and increase the volume of liquid you drink - this gives tone to loose, dry skin, reduces swelling, and helps remove dark circles under the eyes. It is good to drink a vitamin decoction of rosehip, herbal tea.

Increased pigmentation

Dark circles occur when there is an increased content of melanin pigment in the skin under the eyes. They are observed in women with dark skin, as well as during photoaging from excessive tanning. To reduce bruises, use lightening creams with citrus or soy extract, and apply sunscreen to your face before leaving the house. Peeling with fruit acids and laser therapy help with pigmented bruises.

Thin skin

In some women, the appearance of bruises is associated with the natural features of the facial structure. Their blood vessels lie close to the surface of the skin. The skin itself is thin, pale, and has a weak fat layer. The capillaries are visible through the skin of the lower eyelids and give it a bluish tint.

Also, the skin can become thinner over the course of life. With age, the content of collagen and elastin decreases, which is why the skin under the lower eyelids becomes flabby, with fine wrinkles. When you lose weight dramatically, the subcutaneous fat under your eyes goes away along with the extra pounds. Previously invisible vessels and blue discoloration become visible.

It is almost impossible to effectively solve the problem of bruises due to thin skin at home. Natural masks will not make your skin thicker. In this case, cosmetology offers lipofilling. A person's own fat cells from another part of the body are injected into the area under the eyelids. The appearance improves, but the result is not lifelong; the procedure must be repeated every 3-5 years.

To tighten the skin structure, injections of hyaluronic acid, carbon monoxide and vitamin cocktails are used (mesotherapy). Laser correction stimulates the formation of new skin cells. Treatments for mature and aging skin are complemented by the use of anti-aging creams or serums.

In addition, dark circles under the eyes can be removed externally using the right makeup. Foundations with mica and reflective particles and cream concealers are recommended. Cosmetics are applied to the lower eyelid by patting the ring finger so as not to injure the delicate skin.

Actually, I have them throughout my life. The blood vessels are probably close. But now it’s just guard duty. I think it has to do with diet. The diet is good, balanced, effective. I feel good about it. But the bruises are terrible. What to do? How can you fight them?

Causes and treatment of strabismus in children.

Strabismus is a position of the eyes in which the visual axes do not converge on the object in question. Outwardly, this is manifested by the fact that the eye deviates in one direction or another (to the right or left, less often up or down, and various combined options are also found). If the eye is brought to the nose, the strabismus is called convergent (more common), and if it is brought to the temple - divergent. One eye or both may squint. Most often, parents turn to a pediatric ophthalmologist after noticing that the child’s eyes...

Bruises under the eyes. Pediatric medicine

My child (3.5 years old) has bruises under his eyes. The tests seem normal. Stomach problems. We went to a gastroenterologist, she saw our bruises and said that there were some changes in the pancreas. Maybe someone had this. But the main thing is the bruises, they bother me very much. I will be grateful for your answers.

bruise between the eyes. A child from birth to one year

Today a bruise appeared on the bridge of my nose, closer to my left eye. It is clear that these are burst blood vessels. Definitely didn't hit anything. And absolutely no one beat him. He eats, sleeps and acts as usual. There is nothing alarming except a bruise. My husband says it’s because of the sudden change in weather. And I was worried about something. Tomorrow we go to the doctor, but until tomorrow I’ll go crazy with excitement. Maybe someone had this? What could it be?

bruises under the eyes. Fashion and beauty

Not with me - I don’t want to go into medicine with my daughter, it’s deaf there. Surely someone here has experience... I don’t even know - treatment? A five-year-old child shouldn’t cover them up. in general, help me out, I’ll listen to any thoughts or advice, I know for sure that my daughter got it from her husband. blue-black circles under the eyes, paler or more intense depending on how you feel, fatigue, etc. but they are always there, by definition. My husband’s symptoms disappeared only under one condition: at least a week of sleep, 8-10 hours a day. he really didn’t need this...

Putties for specific dark circles under the eyes. Fashion and beauty

Ladies, please share, who can effectively cover up severe bruises under the eyes? I still use the yellow Paloma polish pencil, but I am looking at other products. I bought a Lumen corrective brush; there are a lot of this type of highlighter now. Her color is kind of average, not for the face, that’s obvious, but for dark circles under the eyes it’s just right. And its consistency is quite normal, and it does not emphasize wrinkles and does not go on matte, i.e. Reflects as promised. In general, it feels...

How not to cry your eyes out? Fashion and beauty

Even in that long-ago discussion, someone noted that I have bags under my eyes. I was surprised then, took a closer look - and indeed, there were bags, some kind of swelling... And only now it dawned on me - it was from tears! I’m going to have to cry for a long time, so the question is: how can I protect my eyes from bags and wrinkles? Horizontal wrinkles under the eyes have already appeared along the edges of the swelling. Not crow's feet, but parallel to the eye... Who can advise?

Photo via link. Real, “truthful”, that’s why it’s so scary - especially pay attention to the completely natural bruises under the eyes 🙁 Question - how to visually enlarge your eyes (I asked recently)? Here I am without mascara (and without makeup at all), but now I bought an extension ISL, and my eyes immediately began to appear smaller in combination with long eyelashes. How to draw big eyes?

Bruises.. Medicine and health

As a child, my legs were covered in bruises, big and small. At the same time, I hardly fought harder than other children, but they didn’t have that, and I have polka-dot legs. Then somehow it passed, it manifested itself in the last couple of years. As I pass by, I’ll lightly brush against a stool or the corner of a table, and that’s it. Bruise, no, Bruise:(((In winter, okay, you can’t see it under your trousers. But summer is coming:((Tell me, what should I apply to make it go away faster?

removal of dark circles under the eyes. Fashion and beauty

Bruises since childhood (namely bruises, not light shadows), now bags are also emerging. I dream of getting rid of the damned, even through surgery. Can anyone recommend anything? Let me make a reservation right away: I had kidney problems in childhood. But a lot of time has passed since then, and since then the kidneys have not been bothered. I think this is a hereditary facial structure :) Once I went to a cosmetologist and at the same time asked about bruises. He said that it can be removed, only later, when in my old age I want to tighten up, they can...

Dark circles under the eyes (possible cause). Pediatric medicine

The situation is as follows: in recent days my son (1 year 1 month) has developed pronounced bruises under his eyes (more likely red in color and closer to the inner edge of the eyes). Blood and urine tests were done two weeks ago and everything was normal with some very minor abnormalities in the blood test. Then I drew the attention of our pediatrician to the then still light bruises, but did not hear anything concrete or intelligible in response. At the end of last week there was a one-day sharp jump in temperature to 38...

Bags under the eyes. Fashion and beauty

Hello. Can you recommend effective ways to combat bags under the eyes? I am 31 years old. Everything is fine with my kidneys, I don’t drink liquids at night, I don’t overuse salty foods. Sleeping is problematic, I seem to sleep the required 8 hours, but I still don’t get enough sleep. Almost every morning in the mirror I see myself with bags under my eyes (and I noticed that the bags are concentrated closer to the corners of my eyes, that is, the bridge of my nose), sometimes with bruises. My skin is dry. I tried massage with cubes a couple of times...

33 years old - dry skin, expression lines have recently appeared, black dots on the nose (not critical). The skin itself is kind of flabby, it needs some tone. Under the eyes there is something between bags and bruises. There are pimples (along the hairline and on the cheekbones, closer to the ears, the number increases during the month - there are not many of them, but they bother you. A monster, in short :) I have never taken care of my skin - I have always had only moisturizer in my arsenal, now I’m saving myself Topicrem, until...

How to restore youth to your eyes? Blepharoplasty: methods...

...The most common type of blepharoplasty is anti-aging, but other tasks are also subject to it: for example, expanding peripheral vision, correcting oriental eyelids. So, with the help of blepharoplasty you can: remove excess fatty tissue from the eyelids; remove excess stretched skin; perform an eyelid lift; perform plastic surgery of the orbicularis oculi muscle; raise the drooping corners of the eyes; change the shape and shape of the eyes; eliminate congenital and acquired eyelid defects. As a rule, the operation is performed under local anesthesia in combination with medicinal sleep, but if the patient wishes, it can also be performed under general anesthesia. In order not to injure the tissue, as a suture material...
...So, with the help of blepharoplasty you can: remove excess fatty tissue from the eyelids; remove excess stretched skin; perform an eyelid lift; perform plastic surgery of the orbicularis oculi muscle; raise the drooping corners of the eyes; change the shape and shape of the eyes; eliminate congenital and acquired eyelid defects. As a rule, the operation is performed under local anesthesia in combination with medicinal sleep, but if the patient wishes, it can also be performed under general anesthesia. In order not to injure the tissue, the thinnest threads are used as suture material,…

Bruises under the eyes - what to check? A child from birth to one year

Two months ago, my daughter developed dark circles under her eyes and small swellings appear and disappear. The pediatrician sent me for a urine test and I asked for more blood to check for hemoglobin. Urine is normal, leukocytes are 0-1 in the field of view, hemoglobin is slightly higher than normal, but the leukocyte formula (or something like that) is also slightly higher than normal, the doctor said that you can ignore this, since there are no signs of inflammation . And about the bruises, I concluded that the peculiarity of the arrangement of blood vessels in our country means...

what to do with undereye? Fashion and beauty

Girls, teach me what to do to remove bruises and swelling under the eyes? Just don’t advise me to sleep more... Maybe there’s some kind of massage, otherwise it seems to me that my muscles are already hanging under my skin :) But I can’t disguise it with deocrativism, I can’t figure out how to put the right light and shadow here so that it doesn’t rush into the eyes. In general, I was desperate.

Injuries in children: first aid. Face and head: 6 most dangerous...

...Lips One of the most common injuries is damage to the lip. As a result of an unsuccessful fall or blow, a hematoma forms, the lip swells, hurts, and bleeds. It is necessary to wash the wound as soon as possible with plenty of water, apply ice to stop the bleeding and press a piece of sterile gauze or a cotton handkerchief to the lip for a few minutes. When the wound is bleeding heavily, it is worth applying 2-3 layers of gauze, securing them with a plaster or elastic bandage. This compress will...

Getting rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

...This may also be due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure: for some, the membrane between the skin of the eyelids and the subcutaneous fat is quite dense, while for others it is not. Therefore, some people have no signs of fatigue on their faces, while others have them visible right away. An effective remedy in this case is eye gymnastics. Close your eyes and slowly press your index fingers on the inner corners of your eyes several times. Close your eyes very, very hard, count to 5, then open your eyes sharply and as wide as possible. Relax for 2-3 seconds and repeat the exercise 5 more times. Of course, swelling and circles under the eyes can also be a manifestation of some internal pathology, but we are considering the option of a relatively healthy person with a cosmetic problem. Everything...

…Let your head follow. Inhale, exhale and try to feel the following: your spine stretches, becomes free and mobile; the head “floats” on the cervical vertebrae; the back of the head becomes light and long; the chest rises and the shoulders fall back relaxed; the facial muscles relax more and more: the lower jaw and chin sag, the corners of the mouth are freed, the eyes seem to go deeper into the hollows, and there is no tension left on the forehead. Most likely, you will not be able to immediately straighten your spine and feel your head “floating.” For many of us, the neck and back of the head are constantly tense, and the spine is habitually bent. Be patient and gradually awaken in them new, or rather, long-forgotten sensations. For some, this will take three sessions of 5-10 minutes each...
...For some this will take three sessions of 5-10 minutes each, and for others it will take three weeks. This technique will help you feel both “stars” and revive the energy flows that activate the muscles. In the same relaxed position, squint your eyes to the bridge of your nose. Close them while continuing to “look” at the bridge of your nose. After a few seconds, there will be a sensation of a beam of energy emerging from the eyes through the bridge of the nose. Now “swing” this energy beam, moving it in tiny figure eights higher and higher into the sky. Having learned to feel the “stars” and relax your neck, spine and facial muscles well, you can move on to the first face-forming exercise. Let's learn to move our ears Remember, in one of Chekhov's stories the boys, out of nothing to do, try to move their ears?...

How to properly treat strabismus in a child?

Concussions and fractures are an unpleasant “gift” of ice slides. Be careful!
...One of the most well-known symptoms of a fracture of the base of the skull is a paraorbital hematoma (“symptom of glasses” - bruises around both eyes). However, the diagnostic value of this sign is low - in case of a skull fracture it is not always observed, but it is often found in cases of injury to the periorbital region, zygomatic bone or bridge of the nose. There is also bleeding of blood, ichor or colorless liquid from the nose and ears. When the base of the skull is fractured, cranial nerves may be damaged, causing disturbances in smell, vision, hearing, or the development of facial asymmetry. There is no direct correlation between the severity of brain damage and the type of fracture. However, as a rule, depressed fractures are accompanied by...
…There is no need to hesitate here; timely and correct diagnosis significantly increases the victim’s chances of getting out of the situation with minimal consequences. It is advisable that an ambulance deliver the victim to a medical facility, and until its arrival, the child needs to be provided with maximum peace. If for some reason a victim in a serious condition, unconscious, has to be transported on his own, then you should remember that it is advisable to do this in a supine position, if possible on a rigid base (since in such cases an injury to the cervical spine cannot be ruled out). spine). In the most extreme case (transportation in a car), it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the cervical spine (for example...

Youth for money: pros and cons. Cosmetology, plastic…

...Mesotherapy is recommended if operations on the face and body are contraindicated (or they are not yet necessary). But in general, some doctors tend to question the effectiveness of this procedure. Complications: There are no complications. There may be temporary bruising after the injections. But if you have gallstones, you should not resort to mesotherapy. Price: from $300 and above Resurfacing Mechanism: Exfoliation occurs of the layers of the skin - the upper ones, as in the case of dermabrasion or laser resurfacing, and the deeper ones, as in the case of deep peeling. Grinding also stimulates the skin - it becomes more elastic and smooth. You can choose laser resurfacing (and the erbium laser is considered more gentle...
...The gel is injected with a thin needle into the middle layers of the skin, under wrinkles, and the substance acts as a “pillow” supporting the skin. This gel is also used to increase lip volume. The procedure takes no more than half an hour, and the result is noticeable immediately. The effect lasts 6-12 months. Who should do it? For those who have wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, around the nose, eyes and on the bridge of the nose and who want to get rid of them radically and quickly. Complications: Slight swelling immediately after the injection of the gel, after a few hours it goes away, the formation of small hematomas is possible. Price: $350 and up Botulism toxin Mechanism: This includes Botox and Dysport drugs. Botulinum toxin type A is injected into the muscle (most often in the area of ​​facial wrinkles) and, as it were, lulls the nerve windows...

...When you pull back the lower eyelid, you see that the mucous membrane lining the inside (conjunctiva) has also acquired a reddish tint and become swollen. Now the most important thing is to find the cause of the disease as quickly as possible without wasting time. Viral, bacterial, allergic Suspects #1: Viruses. They leave thin white or grayish films on the inside under the eyelids and in the inner corners of the eyes. If, in addition, the child is shivering, his nose is running in three streams, his throat and stomach hurt, most likely conjunctivitis and general malaise are caused by an adenovirus infection. Please note that with this eye pathology, the mucous membrane of one eye first becomes inflamed, and then painful sensations occur in the second. Suspects ͏…
...You can do this yourself. Pull back the edge of your child's lower eyelid and see what the underside of it looks like. If it is uneven and covered with many small nodules the size of a millet grain, the so-called “frog spawn symptom” is evident. It is characteristic specifically for chronic conjunctivitis. No amateur performances! Having established the probable cause of the disease, rush your child to the doctor to confirm your guess. Do not under any circumstances apply any bandages to children’s inflamed eyes - this will only worsen the symptoms of the disease! Do not use eye medications on your own initiative. Do not instill sodium sulfacyl solution, which is often kept in your home medicine cabinet “just in case.” Many children react to it with allergies, as, indeed, ...

...For facial makeup for amateur photographs, you should not use pearlescent cosmetics, especially pearlescent blush - they can give the effect of bruises on the face. Eyebrows highlight the eyes, so they should be given special attention. They should be combed with a brush, and if they are too thick or “grow together” on the bridge of the nose, then they should be adjusted (plucked) a little. For eyeliner, you should not use a dark blue, intense green or black pencil - these colors will be too contrasting in photographs. It is best not to line the lower eyelid with a pencil at all, just tint the eyelashes more intensely and thoroughly with mascara. You can apply a little beige eyeliner to the inner corners of your eyes...

I was walking along the corridor of the house :)) and hit my nose on the corner (in the dark...)

If I sit with ice on my nose now, won’t my nose be blue tomorrow? Otherwise I have to go to work :)

...The following accompanying symptoms are also possible: feeling hot, sweating, palpitations, dry mouth. Environments of the eye. This threatens vision loss. Hemorrhage is visible. Hemorrhages in the soft tissues of the neck, face, tongue, oral cavity. This type of hemorrhage, if progressing rapidly, can lead to respiratory arrest. Vasopathies (damage to the vessel wall) The group of vasopathies is represented by 2 main diseases - Randu-Osler disease, hemorrhagic vasculitis. Ra's disease...
...At the same time, no violations are detected on the part of the hemostatic system. Children's. In some cases, hemorrhages in children are not a sign of hemorrhagic diathesis. The appearance of bruises is associated with trauma, such as blows from toys, bites, and pinches. Children often hide the cause of bruises. Therefore, parents need to monitor their children and find out the causes of bruising. Nadezhda Ermilova...

...For example, adrenaline causes blood to flow to the muscles, causing the skin to turn pale, limp and lifeless. A high concentration of growth hormone provokes the appearance of age spots on the face and body, and with an excess of glucocorticoids, skin regeneration is disrupted, nails deteriorate and even hair falls out. Bad mood and heavy thoughts lead to the appearance of facial wrinkles: above the bridge of the nose, at the outer corners of the eyes and around the mouth. Lips. As a result of stress, lips can begin to peel and crack. In order to get rid of flaking, you need to regularly use soft peelings, and to moisturize your lips, use creams with vitamin E, sunscreens and natural oils. Compresses and masks are especially effective in lip care: even simple cotton pads…
...Citrus fruits, broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, berries, melon, peppers, potatoes are sources of vitamin C, necessary for strengthening blood vessels and neutralizing free radicals. Useful substances: L-ascorbic acid, palmitate, phosphates. Effect: accelerating skin regeneration, preventing the formation of scars and bruises, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, improving microcirculation in the skin. Egg yolk, salmon, herring, liver, milk are sources of vitamin D, necessary for the normal functioning of skin cells and optimal absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is absorbed in sunlight. Useful substances: calciferol. Effect: moisturizing and conditioning the skin, preventing dermatitis and all...

Problems in newborns. Physiological conditions of the newborn

Surgery is against wrinkles. Cosmetology, plastic surgery

...The first wrinkles can appear very early, first on the forehead or in the corners of the eyes. This is not yet withering of the skin, but simply a consequence of the activity of facial muscles - the habit of wrinkling the forehead or squinting the eyes. With age, the soft tissues of the face, due to various reasons, including the effect of gravity (from the Latin gravitas - heaviness), sag, become sour, and subcutaneous fat tissue is redistributed. At the same time, the contour of the face and neck is disrupted,…
...Wrinkles are different from wrinkles The first wrinkles can appear very early, first on the forehead or in the corners of the eyes. This is not yet withering of the skin, but simply a consequence of the activity of facial muscles - the habit of wrinkling the forehead or squinting the eyes. With age, the soft tissues of the face, due to various reasons, including the effect of gravity (from the Latin gravitas - heaviness), sag, become sour, and subcutaneous fat tissue is redistributed. At the same time, the contour of the face and neck is disrupted, eyebrows and eyelids begin to droop, the corners of the mouth droop and folds form. It is these complex changes that are an indication for contacting cosmetic surgeons. Cosmetic surgery is offered today...
...For some, the cosmetic effect of the operation is very pronounced and lasts a long time. Others need to combine reinforcement with other types of plastic surgery, gel, braces, etc. Lipofilling The method of surgical correction of cosmetic defects by introducing fat cells into the patient is called lipofilling. It allows you to shape the contour of the face, fill folds in the bridge of the nose, corners of the mouth and under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows, and correct retracted scars. In addition, this is one of the most optimal methods for correcting post-traumatic skin defects. First, in the area of ​​excess fat, usually on the thighs, a skin puncture is made and the fatty substrate is sucked out with a thin tube connected to a syringe. Then they introduce it into the area to be...

...How safe biorevitalization will be depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist. If the specialist is not sufficiently qualified, after the procedure characteristic lumps may form at the injection sites, irritation and bruising. It will take 1-2 weeks to get rid of such side effects. Once in the hands of an experienced master, you will notice improvements the very next day. However, don't expect too much from this procedure. Like mesotherapy, it copes with minor problems and helps revitalize tired, stressed skin. But serious age...
...When it gets into the deep layers of the skin, it “locks” water molecules inside. It also activates the production of its own hyaluronic acid and, accordingly, enhances regeneration processes. Possibilities Copes with wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose, and in the corners of the eyes, both age-related and facial wrinkles. Quite broad: cocktails are used to deeply moisturize the skin, nourish, relieve the effects of stress, etc. But at the same time, they can correct only minor age-related changes. Excellently moisturizes, thereby increasing skin elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles. Advantages Allows you to…
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I have. No, I’m not a victim of family tyranny, as you might think in light of recent events (I haven’t been in for a couple of days, I was shocked at you here:) But the question is: What to apply? troxevasin? The bruise is in full swing. You can't leave the house. Today the massage therapist came to see the older one and looked at me so strangely :) And then I started painting my eyes and discovered that... hmm... I remembered that on Sunday morning the little one crawled into bed and, floundering, hit me hard in the eye with his knee.

Fatigue and lack of sleep

The most common reason why dark circles appear under the eyes is insufficient sleep and overwork. From lack of sleep, the skin becomes paler, and against this background blood vessels appear.

The treatment for the problem is simple - get enough sleep. Even better is to get enough sleep regularly. But if you spend enough time sleeping, and the bruises don’t seem to go away, then the problem is more serious. It's worth looking for its root, and not just arming yourself with foundation in front of the mirror.

Cardiovascular disorders

Bruises under the eyes and brownish color of the skin of the eyelids may appear due to improper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Poor blood circulation, just like lack of sleep, leads to a lack of oxygen and pale skin. Vascular disorders are especially likely if the following symptoms are present: dizziness and headaches, flashing before the eyes, shortness of breath, discomfort in the heart area.

Kidney problems

When fluid exchange in tissues is disrupted, excess water accumulates in the fingers and toes, on the face, and sometimes in other parts of the body. Swelling and bruising around the eyes become especially noticeable.

Even people with healthy kidneys should not drink a lot of fluids at night. Strong tea and coffee are especially harmful: after them, the eyelids almost always swell. If you are thirsty, you should limit yourself to a glass of ordinary water. It is best to choose a flat and small pillow, ideally an orthopedic one. Cool air in the bedroom will help speed up the exchange of fluid in tissues.

What other reasons are there?

In addition to fatigue and illness, several other factors contribute to bruising.

  • Smoking. Nicotine makes blood vessels narrow, and less oxygen reaches the tissues. Hence the pallor of the face and the appearance of dark circles.
  • Heredity. Some people have very thin skin and capillaries are clearly visible through the eyelids.
  • Constant stress. The causes of dark circles under the eyes often lie in nervous tension. It depletes the subcutaneous fat layer, the vessels become visible to the eye.
  • Age over 40. During these years, subcutaneous fat thins out in almost everyone.
  • Incorrect use of night cream. A serious mistake is made by those women who apply cream to their face and then go to bed. Despite the name, night cream is used in the evening; it is recommended to keep it for 10 - 15 minutes, and then remove the excess with a napkin. Under a thick layer of night cream, the skin will sweat, the intercellular fluid will not be able to evaporate. The result will be unsightly puffiness and shadows under the eyes.
  • Working at the computer. Sitting at the monitor for a long time leads to poor blood circulation. It is advisable to take a break from the computer at least once every 40 minutes.

Circles under the eyes in children

In children, bruises under the eyes are caused by the same reasons as in adults. In most cases, the problem can be solved with a proper daily routine, good nutrition and a sufficient amount of vitamins. Often circles appear during illness.

If simple methods fail to eliminate the bruises, you need to look for their cause in an endocrine, vascular or other disease. You will have to decide with your doctor how to get rid of darkening under the eyes.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes: folk remedies

Potato masks

  • The simplest recipe is to put two thin slices of raw peeled potatoes under your eyes and lie with them for 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Raw potatoes are grated until pureed. A couple of teaspoons of the resulting mass are mixed with a teaspoon of sunflower or, better, olive oil. The mixture is applied under the eyelids for 20 - 25 minutes.

You can wash off potato masks not only with water, but also with weak tea leaves, which will moisturize and cleanse the skin.

Another version of the mask using potatoes can be seen in this video.

Other nourishing and strengthening eye masks

Greens, cottage cheese, and nuts are used as a remedy against bruises under the eyes.

  • High-fat cottage cheese can be kneaded well with a spoon. The mask is applied to the eyelids for 15 - 20 minutes, washed off with green tea.
  • Walnuts need to be peeled and thoroughly ground in a blender until powdered. Two teaspoons of the resulting nut flour are mixed with 2 - 3 drops of fresh lemon juice. The mask is applied similarly to the previous one.

Emergency help for bruises and swelling under the eyes

A light facial massage will help quickly remove bruises. It will restore blood circulation and relieve swelling.

After washing with cool plain water, massage your face, paying special attention to the area around the eyes. Touches should be light, only with the pads of your fingers. The direction of movement is from the temple to the bridge of the nose, along the line of the lower eyelids. Using your index fingers, you can lightly pull the skin towards your temples (while keeping your eyes closed).

Another exercise: you need to close your eyes tightly, hold it for 6 seconds, and then open and completely relax your eyelids. It is repeated 8 - 10 times.

Medical reference books often look for the answer to the question of how to remove dark circles under the eyes. People in white coats warn that there is no universal solution. The problem is complex. First you need to find out what exactly served as the starting point. We can talk about simple fatigue or chronic diseases. Only a doctor can determine the true culprit behind the appearance of circles under the eyes.

Circles appeared under the eyes: causes of the disease in women and men

The first thing that immediately comes to mind when people see a person with characteristic marks under the eyes is extreme fatigue. The error of this judgment often provokes a chain of incorrect actions. It is strictly forbidden to take medications if the causes of the disease have not been established.

The list opens with excessive breakdown of hemoglobin. In order to understand how this affects the under eye area, you need to understand 1 thing. There are many small blood vessels called capillaries located there. The diameter of each is insignificant, so the red blood cells move like train cars in a tunnel - one after another.

In some cases, when the diameter of the capillaries is smaller than necessary, the red blood cells are divided into 2 halves. There is nothing to fear here.

The body of a healthy person can independently cope with the regulation of traffic in the capillaries. Problems arise at the stage of disposal of products resulting from the division of red blood cells. They are what cause dark circles under the eyes.

Once the excess waste products are processed, the dark circles around the eyes disappear. Bruises disappear over time in the same way.

If we talk about other reasons, they look like this:

  • Black spots around the eyes appear against the background of a severe allergic reaction;
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Wrong daily routine;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Negative age-related changes;
  • A complicated form of menstruation and pregnancy often provoke similar symptoms in a woman;
  • If your kidneys are bothering you, then don’t be surprised when blue circles appear under your eyes;
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Frostbite;
  • Addiction to alcohol and tobacco.

A separate category includes patients whose circles under the eyes appeared as a result of errors associated with the selection of skin care products. Doctors remind us once again that amateur activity is unacceptable here. A cosmetologist and dermatologist will help you make the right choice, not the Yandex search engine.

Let's get into the details: how to remove dark circles around the eyes

Problem areas are often localized in the bridge of the nose and the corners of the eyes. Even a healthy person gradually develops clinical manifestations. There is an inexorable time to blame here.

The risk group includes representatives of both sexes whose age has reached 40 years. The body begins to produce melanin too actively, which does not have the best effect on the functioning of the body.

The mentioned substance causes excessive pigmentation. The first and most striking sign of it is the appearance of bruises.

They consist of breakdown products of fruit acids, so removing such circles is not always easy.

In addition to excess melanin production, the following factors can trigger the appearance of dark spots in problem areas:

  • Lack of vitamins E;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Thinning of the walls of blood vessels;
  • Failure of the endocrine system;
  • Traumatic rupture of a vessel - often provoked by a jump in blood pressure.

Self-medication is the worst enemy of health, so you should not ignore the doctor’s opinion. As soon as dark marks appear in problem areas, it would be a good idea to talk to a therapist or cosmetologist. The person in the white coat will give specific recommendations based on the results of the examination.

Conservative therapy: how to remove brown circles around the eyes

Elimination of clinical manifestations begins immediately after the correct diagnosis is made. First you need to normalize your daily routine. Lack of proper rest will not allow the body to recover. In addition, it will not hurt to get rid of cravings for alcohol and tobacco products. The patient may be referred to a nutritionist to adjust the diet.

As soon as internal and external negative factors are eliminated, the physician prescribes an intensive therapeutic course:

  • A little fatty acids are injected into the damaged area, under the influence of which the brown spots gradually disappear;
  • The use of mesotherapy helps restore the natural tone of the skin and blood vessels in a few sessions;
  • Using a laser;
  • Massage is a good medicine against congestion;
  • Peeling using serums eliminates dark marks from the lower and upper eyelids.

The duration of the rehabilitation course is determined by the doctor based on clinical indications. In most cases, several procedures are used. An integrated approach speeds up the healing process.

The right diet: how to remove dark spots under the eyes

A nutritionist will tell you why you need to make healthy eating choices. First you need to restore the balance of vitamins K, P, and C. This improves the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

The less likely it is for stagnation to occur, the faster you can get rid of unsightly stains.

You need to pay attention to sweet peppers and potatoes. They contain many useful substances. Another effective remedy is tea leaves. A warm bag is wrapped in gauze and applied to the inflamed area.

In addition to this, there are a number of other techniques:

  • Make cabbage salads more often;
  • An addiction to citrus fruits will improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • Natural chocolate – strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • If dark circles appear under the eyes, then you need to use rosehip decoction more often;
  • Green tea improves the structure of the epidermis;
  • Any ointment and cosmetic masks are used only after consultation with a doctor;
  • A decoction of mallow will help remove darkness under the eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes appear under the influence of external and internal factors. The patient should first talk to the doctor. Once the true cause of the deterioration in health is determined, a rehabilitation course can begin. Its duration ranges from several weeks to several months. Conservative techniques are used.

Dark circles under the eyes rarely bother men as much as women. Having discovered dark circles under their eyes, girls will most likely immediately try to hide them with the help of cosmetics, find out the cause of their appearance and get rid of the bruises. A man may not even pay attention to the darkening of the skin around his eyes, not considering it a problem. Meanwhile, the point here is not at all about aesthetics. Dark circles under the eyes in men and women can be symptoms that signal diseases in the body. Therefore, you should not ignore their appearance.

Dark circles under the eyes in men: causes

Blue circles under the eyes in men are not always a sign of health problems. In some cases, blueness under the eyes is due to the individual characteristics of a person (for example, a small amount of subcutaneous retina). The effect of dark circles also appears in men with deep-set eyes. In general, the proximity of blood vessels to the skin, which causes the effect of darkening the skin around the eyes, is not a signal of poor health. For many men, dark circles under the eyes appear as they age as their skin thins.

Bruises under the eyes appear as a result of the following factors:

  1. Lack of proper sleep. In this case, bags under the eyes may also appear. After a good rest and normalization of the daily routine, the blackness under the eyes should go away.
  2. Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits. Nicotine accelerates the aging process and contributes to the darkening of thin eyelid skin. Excessive alcohol consumption contributes to a lack of oxygen in the body tissues and poor circulation.
  3. Poor nutrition. Insufficient amounts of microelements and vitamins in the body lead to poor circulation.
  4. Working at a computer that causes eye strain. This leads to blood flow to the eyelids, causing the dilated vessels to show through the thin skin.
  5. Stress and depression. Black circles under the eyes in men may be an individual reaction to stress, which releases increased amounts of cortisol. It leads to an increase in blood volume, which can result in capillary rupture.
  6. Dehydration. Insufficient water consumption leads to dryness and thinning of the skin.
  7. Exposure to sunlight. Thin and sensitive skin around the eyes reacts faster to ultraviolet radiation. With age, this sensitivity is expressed in pigmentation.
  8. Circulatory disorders. One of the most common is vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  9. Injuries. Under the influence of mechanical action (impact), a blood vessel ruptures, causing blood to enter the subcutaneous space.
  10. Inflammatory eye diseases. In addition to circles under the eyes, watery eyes, itching, and inflammation appear.
  11. Allergy.
  12. Diseases of internal organs. Bruises under the eyes can be symptoms of various diseases of the body. How to determine what exactly the darkness around the eyes signals is written below.

Circles under the eyes in men as a result of a lack of useful elements

  • A lack of zinc leads to disruption of metabolism and the functioning of the immune system, which, in turn, can cause blue under the eyes.
  • Vitamin K is involved in blood clotting and is therefore very important for normal blood circulation and a healthy complexion.
  • Vitamin A deficiency accelerates skin aging.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents their damage.
  • Vitamin E fights free radicals and helps maintain normal skin structure.

If there is a lack of any of these vitamins and minerals, men may develop dark circles under the eyes.

Blueness around the eyes as a symptom of body diseases

  1. Red-brown circles under the eyes indicate problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Yellow or yellow-orange bruises indicate diseases of the liver and biliary system. Hyperpigmentation in this case is associated with the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, including an increase in the amount of bilirubin. This pigment, which is part of bile, is what causes the yellow tint of bruises. Under-eye circles are not the main symptom of liver disease, but when combined with other signs they indicate the disease.
  3. Blue circles combined with swelling of the eyelids may be the result of problems with the kidneys and urinary system of a man. As a rule, with kidney diseases, circles under the eyes are accompanied by swelling (due to fluid retention in the body). With kidney problems, bruises appear in the morning, but as the disease progresses, they persist throughout the day.
  4. Dark brown and bronze circles under the eyes indicate chronic adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease).
  5. Rhinitis, which is common in men who smoke, can also cause under-eye circles.
  6. Circles under the eyes can appear with diabetes. Its consequences can be diseases of the kidneys, retina and blood vessels, which lead to the appearance of bruises under the eyes.
  7. With anemia, bruises under the eyes do not disappear even after proper rest. The skin becomes pale and against its background the shadows under the eyes appear darker.

How to remove circles under the eyes of a man

To finally get rid of circles under the eyes, it is first important to determine their cause.

  1. It is the disease that needs to be treated, not the symptom, so if you suspect that bruises are a consequence of health problems, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.
  2. To eliminate dark circles under the eyes caused by lack of sleep, dehydration or poor diet, normalize your lifestyle and diet. Sleeping for 7-8 hours, sufficient amounts of clean water and a balanced diet will help get rid of dark circles and improve the overall condition of the body.
  3. If bruises are caused by bad habits, stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
  4. For bruises caused by eye strain while working at a computer, try to take more rest from the monitor. Take five-minute breaks. It is useful to do eye exercises during such breaks.
  5. A massage with ice cubes will help remove blue under the eyes. The cooling effect has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Comment on the article "Causes of dark circles under the eyes in men"

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How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes. If bags and dark circles under the eyes are constantly observed in the morning, the cause will have to be sought either in a chronic disease or in internal dysfunction. Otherwise, the flow of fluid to the face will give just the effect of swollen...

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Sometimes the cause may be exposure to the sun: in the area of ​​sensitive skin under the eyes, pronounced pigmentation appears, the fight against which is quite problematic due to the delicacy of the area. Causes of dark circles under the eyes in men.

Knowing the cause of swelling, it will be much easier to deal with bruises and bags under the eyes. Once a week I go to the pool, because I wear contact lenses and have to swim with glasses. If you constantly experience bags and dark circles under your eyes in the morning, you will have to look for the cause either in...

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girls, how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes? not bags, but bruises. If the cause of dark circles is blood stagnation in the thin skin capillaries under the eyes, then try doing eye exercises, this will strengthen the muscles and improve blood circulation.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes in men. Of course, swelling and circles under the eyes can also be a manifestation of some internal pathology, but we are considering the option of a relatively healthy person with a cosmetic problem.

Section: Facial care (how to remove bruises and hollows under the eyes). How can I try it? In the store they don’t allow you to spend time on your face, especially under your eyes, on the reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes in men. Dark circles under the eyes are not always a sign of health problems.

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Having discovered dark circles under their eyes, girls will most likely immediately try to hide them with the help of cosmetics, find out the cause of their appearance and get rid of the bruises. Section: Facial care (how to remove bruises and hollows under the eyes). In the store they don't let you put it on your face...

See other discussions: Causes of dark circles under the eyes in men. In general, the proximity of blood vessels to the skin, which causes the effect of darkening the skin around the eyes, is not a signal of poor health.

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