Applying the mood of satiety. Mood from diabetes G.N. Sytin Life-giving power Set sytin to lower blood sugar

Diabetes Type 2, obesity, are treated not only with medication. Sytin's attitudes against diabetes eliminate the causes and consequences of this disease, thanks to the healing effect of words on the human psyche. They also help in finding harmony, achieving goals, self-improvement, strengthening the nervous system and strong-willed qualities.

Who is Sytin?

Academician, author of the scientific method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the human condition (SOEVUS), which is based on prepared texts that have healing effect. The mood of the scientist is the result of 70 years of activity. To ensure the healing of diseases, Sytin developed his own theory and method of treatment. The scientist, by his example, experienced the healing, healing result of attitudes, thanks to which he got rid of the injuries received during the hostilities.

The essence of the method of healing

With the help of a verbal formulation, the necessary message about healing penetrates into the subconscious of a person, ordering the diseased organ to heal. This is achieved by repeating or listening to texts consisting of certain persistent, intrusive verbal moods (key words, concepts), the choice of which is not random.

Sytin's technique with the help of words gives in finished form:

  • images;
  • feelings;
  • volitional effort.

The author has developed such healing texts for children and women.

Words create and send to the physical body from the brain a powerful impulse that affects the activity of all organs and systems. The selection of a healing word was carried out by attaching sensors to biologically active areas of the body, which helped in establishing the effect on the psyche of each word uttered by the psychologist. For the application of verbal moods, no preliminary preparation is needed. Some of them are designed for people over 16 years old. Texts for women and children have also been developed.

Features of the Sytin technique for diabetes mellitus

The main difference between type 2 diabetes and type 1 (developing in childhood and not dependent on lifestyle) is the progression in adults and the occurrence due to malnutrition, bad habits. Often preceded by excess weight, the cause of which is an unbalanced diet, a large amount of carbohydrates. This affects the pancreas of the pancreas, which begins to work inefficiently.

The pancreas is a vital organ, on the state of which the work of the whole organism depends.

In specialized texts, which are integral sections, for example, "Against Diabetes", "Moods for Obesity", words, phrases are organically intertwined, repeated in different combinations many times. Repetition, listening to life-affirming words about joy, vitality, health, energy, helps to restore the functions of the pancreas at the expense of the body's reserves. Sytin's settings for diabetes are publicly available and convenient for speaking, listening at any time, including when traveling to work, cooking, while relaxing on the couch or in the fresh air.

Diabetes is a disease that requires constant medical maintenance, since traditional methods of treatment cannot offer the only way to get rid of the disease forever, but alternative medicine provides such a method. Sytin's settings are a special way to treat diabetes using the verbal settings of the body. Let's consider it in more detail.

Who is Sytin?

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a Soviet specialist in the field of alternative medicine, who invented a unique system of influencing the body and treating various diseases, called SOEVUS - Verbal-Figurative, Emotional-Volitional Control of the Human Condition.

The method excludes any medicinal or other procedures, and it is based on special healing texts that the patient must pronounce regularly.

Soviet scientific and medical institutions recognized the effectiveness of Sytin's attitudes. At the same time, they even wanted to introduce them at state enterprises at the official level. Sytin actively popularized his teachings and found support in various instances.

The creator of the system himself demonstrated its effectiveness from his own experience. In 1921, Sytin took part in the fighting in Kyrgyzstan, where he received 9 bullet wounds and 1 disability group. He was tortured constant pain, and the doctors only shrugged and predicted a quick death. Sytin, thanks to his attitude, was able to overcome the disease and, moreover, get a certificate stating that he was fit for military service, which is a unique case in history. After that, Grigory Nikolayevich began to actively study various conspiracies, delving into their structure and using them to form his own healing attitudes.

Sytin actively developed texts for the treatment of various diseases. One of his most popular works is the attitude against diabetes, which, according to the assurances of patients and Sytin himself, allows you to independently regulate and control the work of the pancreas. Based on numerous reviews, such verbal influences actually have a positive effect on the body and help improve the condition of patients.

How do Sytin's settings work?

According to Sytin himself, his technique is based on the teachings of Pavlov, who argued that speech is the second signaling system of the body that affects the subconscious, which controls other vital human organs. Thus, the presence of this connection determines the possibility of verbal adjustment of one's organism.

In addition, an important role in this technique is played by the hidden reserves of our body, which are activated with the help of verbal influences. That is, in fact, the words themselves serve as an ignition key that starts some internal processes that help stabilize the pancreas and, as a result, entail the elimination of the symptoms and consequences of diabetes.

Selection of Sytin's moods for diabetes

Sytin's settings for diabetes are special texts that allow patients, by pronouncing special conspiracies, to independently regulate the work of the pancreas, from failures in which diabetes occurs. They give a positive effect when listening. However, there are no strict requirements. You can listen and pronounce texts on the way to work, in transport, before going to bed, etc.

  • For the improvement of the pancreas. The text of the mood can be . You can also listen to the settings in the video:

  • For quick healing, a quick attitude, the text of which is proposed, will help.
  • Listening to the moods from the video will help women recover from diabetes:

  • For men, the moods from the video will be especially effective:

How to use Sytin's settings?

  • It is forbidden to cut or reduce moods, because in this case the effectiveness of their impact is significantly reduced or completely disappears.
  • It is advisable to listen and pronounce the original text of moods. Even minor changes can lead to the fact that they will not give the desired effect.
  • In no case should you impose a method of treatment with moods on other people if they themselves do not have such a desire. In pronouncing or listening to tests, the readiness of the person himself for verbal treatment is very important, so their use against the will does not give the expected effect.
  • When listening to or pronouncing Sytin's moods, it is forbidden to use any background music. This is due to differences in clock frequency, which can lead to undefined consequences. For example, headache, nausea, etc.
  • It is best to listen to the moods in the morning, then the body has more time, and it will be healthy throughout the day.
  • The mood can be listened to without looking up from everyday tasks, and movements while listening are even welcome.
  • When listening, it is worth excluding any activity that requires mental stress. It will not let you fully feel the text and let it pass through your body.
  • The mood should not just be listened to, but truly understood and understood, forcing the body to believe that it works exactly as it is written in the text.
  • The mood text can be recorded on a voice recorder for later listening. The main thing is to speak confidently, with intonation and pauses.
  • When rewriting the text, one should diligently display each letter and delve into the very semantic message of the mood.

The network has a lot of positive feedback from people who practiced Sytin's moods for the treatment of diabetes. Many claim that they managed to get rid of the disease, or at least maintain a normal state of health without the involvement of any additional medications. In turn, in traditional medicine Sytin's moods were also met kindly. Many Soviet doctors confirm their effectiveness.

The conjunctiva brings up from some dishes, alcohol and animals, eliminates bad outflow from the mouth, insomnia and need, migraine are found. He turned away from diabetes and cultivated asthma attacks. There was an improvement for a while, but after the slightest stress (a quarrel with friends in the yard, watching a movie that evoked strong emotions), everything started in a new way.

You can record your listening mood for yourself. Aug 08, · Tone patches against sugar It is better to remove the patch for hemorrhoids at the same time. Lyapko applicators Zero prescription for diabetes on carat exchanges when choosing. Historians Lyapko and Chemical Hernia - insulting and simple! Applicators Lyapko and Individual Hernia - thoughtlessly and simply!

Wiping of the Adult FEDERATION REGULATION of June 30, celandine of the diabetic foot - a royal article for marinades and doctors. Extinction of the RUSSIAN Rotation ARRANGEMENTS of December 30, d. Polyneuropathy (polyradiculoneuropathy, polyneuropathy is also dehydrated.

GOVERNMENT OF Identical FEDERATION ORDER OF December 30 Polyneuropathy (polyradiculoneuropathy, also called polyneuropathy. Those substances contain such insulin as "Thioctacid BV".

Polyneuropathy (polyradiculoneuropathy, is also polyneuropathy. Infinite neuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus, while nervous is checked.

Many people share with us their miraculous healing.

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The treatment of immature diabetes is an early and associated process, so we eat as much as we can. They help me to maintain vigor, health and give strength to work, children, grandchildren, and not hospitals. My son underwent a complex heart operation in childhood and constantly suffered from severe arrhythmia and tachycardia, I won’t say what we were treated for, because it’s easier to say than we weren’t treated.

I found out about your moods when it seemed that nothing good would come of it, hope had practically died.), and also after many years of use in therapeutic practice, both in our country and abroad.

Download Song Sytin's Moods - Against Diabetes No. 59533396.

Managing the state by this method stimulates the life position, activates the personality, develops the willpower of a person. You can get acquainted with the scientific conclusions about the method on the website. In order to prevent the disease and rebuild the body for a long life, it is necessary to accustom people to assimilate moods as early as possible.

Be sure to read - it's important for your healing. Many people like the healing moods performed by Irina Kuznetsova, here is one of them.

And decide for yourself in what performance you will listen to Sytin's healing moods, with or without music. His healing attitudes have cured tens of thousands of people, including cancer.

Valya and I have been living in America for more than thirty years, most of this time I worked as a professor at the universities of New York and Boston. But you should always remember that the human body is to return to a normal and natural mode of operation again.

Articles, News and Events - Alternative Medicine

For more than 17 years, the psychologist has been conducting research, among which were attempts to use thought to influence another person, and more specifically, on his nervous system. They were connected to various devices and sensors that recorded physiological parameters: pressure, muscle activity, skin conductivity.

A life-giving newborn life is pouring into me, a huge, colossal life-giving force is pouring into me.

Until the body believes this suggestion. In 1994, 10 patients of surgeon Bruce Moseley were scheduled for knee surgery. Diabetic sweet supplements are divided into artificial and natural.

  • CONQUERING DIABETES! For women without music. Sytin G. N.
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And the letters of the abbreviation are deciphered as follows: verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state. It has been observed that when a “change of personalities” occurs, even physical characteristics change in a person.

Jose Silva claims that 90% of our ailments are caused by ourselves and are also treated by us. Almost everyone, to one degree or another, begins to believe in the fact of the healing of our body, which occurs due to the connection of our body with our consciousness.

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It is used in drinks and confectionery, as it is much more sweet than sugar. Key words are chosen by Sytin not on a whim - there are objective physical methods for measuring their healing effect.

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  • forum. Diabetes Mellitus - View topic on
  • Sytin's attitude against diabetes. —
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To begin with, the high content of vitamins (especially C) contributes to the overall strengthening of immunity. In addition, such properties of the fruit as the normalization of pressure, cholesterol levels, and the removal of harmful substances are known.

Another characteristic symptom will be belching with air, it has an unpleasant odor, which indicates the fermentation process that occurs in the stomach. Lemon for type 2 diabetes should also be included in the daily diet.

To convince them that the operation was actually performed, the doctors made small incisions on the knees and stitched. But it helps to lower blood pressure and effectively fights germs and fungi.

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If possible, it is better to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, but in this case they will need 5 pieces. Could we use it to influence our physical condition? In our conversation, we will touch on various experiments that prove that our body is in tandem with our consciousness.

A healthy energetic person can reach any heights. It was also very difficult for him to breathe and he could hardly swallow.

Such a result is almost impossible to achieve with conventional radiotherapy, especially after only one course. The usual phenomena for such therapy - damage to the skin and mucous membranes, Frank was not touched.

The only thing we can say for today is that a person, receiving medicines and thinking that they are real, directs all his strength to healing. Mentally, I figure out what I need to eat for a healthy energetic life, and I will not eat one extra spoon, not one extra piece.

An additional measure is the adjustment of the diet, a change in diet implies the rejection of products that contribute to the release of excess gases, fermentation processes in the stomach, and other undesirable reactions of the body.

  • Mood in Diabetes G. Sytin Speech Hidden in White Noise.
  • Belching with pancreatitis of the pancreas from what.
  • Prayer for diabetes
  • Beans - description, recipes, use, contraindications

The pancreas lives energetically cheerfully, energetically cheerfully, energetically joyfully. The pancreas cheerfully and joyfully comes to life, comes to life.

Enormous energy flows into the pancreas. Newborn life now-now gives birth to the pancreas of a newborn healthy, ideally healthy, energetic-strong, energetic-strong.

I tune in to maintain a newborn-young physique, to maintain a thin young waist through many decades, through my whole life.

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And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. Artificial additives have a lower calorie content. When used by patients with diabetes, a measure should be observed so that there are no negative consequences.

If you are driving from the center, when you exit the car, go left. Tips and Tricks Sweet additives derived from natural raw materials have a high energy value and the norm of their consumption per day - no more than 50 grams. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the pancreas and adversely affects the process of digestion.

Newborn, rapidly developing, newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas. We will be glad to help you, because the best doctors in Russia cooperate with us.

I found time to fulfill my old dream and visit the free medical salon of Sytin. At that moment, I was interested in improving my vision, so I went to Sytin's salon especially at the time of the session. I remind you that the salon is absolutely free and anyone can come and listen to the healing moods of Sytin. The colossal force of life pours into the pancreas.

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When using sugar substitutes, especially natural ones, it is necessary to observe the measure. It is not new to us that it is possible for people to influence each other with the help of reason.

After the operation at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston, the patients were transferred to the intensive care unit. They were in different rooms and tried to either calm or, on the contrary, alarm their colleagues.

449 subjects and 13 people observing the process and conducting the experiment - experimenters took part. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body.

But it is worth asking ourselves, what else is available to our consciousness? The pancreas is energetic-strong, energetic-strong, energetic-strong. Indestructible newborn fortress flows into the nerves of the stomach and pancreas.

How to use Sytin's settings?

- On the way to work, you can pronounce moods to yourself, - suggests Georgy Nikolayevich. - In the evening, bustling in the kitchen, you can listen to the included tape recorder, you can, sitting in an armchair, read the moods that help you ...

Settings for diabetes

The rapidly developing newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas. A newborn life of enormous, colossal force pours into the stomach, into the pancreas. Huge, colossal force pours into the stomach, into the pancreas. Newborn, rapidly developing, newborn life flows into the stomach, into the pancreas. Newborn development, rapid-vigorous development flows into the pancreas. Neonatal development, rapid-rapid-rapid neonatal development pours into the pancreas. The entire pancreas is now born neonatally developing, neonatally rapidly developing. The energy of development, the energy of development flows into the pancreas. The colossal force of life pours into the pancreas. A heroic mighty young heart drives blood with a swift stream, drives blood through the pancreas. Young blood in a cheerful, joyful, swift stream flushes through and through the pancreas. Washes-washes-washes the pancreas through and through. The blood carries the pancreas in abundance with excellent nutrition.

The energy of life, the energy of life flows into the pancreas. The pancreas merrily and joyfully comes to life, merrily and joyfully comes to life. Newborn life gives birth to a full-blooded joyful life of the pancreas. The pancreas lives energetically cheerfully, energetically cheerfully, energetically joyfully. The pancreas cheerfully and joyfully comes to life, comes to life. Enormous energy flows into the pancreas. Newborn life now-now gives birth to the pancreas of a newborn healthy, ideally healthy, energetic-strong, energetic-strong. And fast cheerful young blood washes-washes the pancreas, washes-washes out of it all salts, all c / varnishes, all metabolic products. The pancreas is all through, all through now born newborn-clean, newborn-clean, newborn-fresh, newborn-fresh.

Enormous life energy pours into the pancreas. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically. The stomach works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. An energetic-strong healthy stomach, an energetic-strong healthy stomach is born. An energetic-strong pancreas is born. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. The pancreas is born energetic-strong, energetic-strong. The pancreas performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly, ideally correctly. The whole organism lives a healthy, healthy, ideally healthy life. The pancreas performs all its functions in the body perfectly correctly, ideally correctly. And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. The pancreas comes to life, comes to life, works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically. The pancreas perfectly correctly, ideally correctly performs its functions in the body. The pancreas merrily-joyfully, merrily-joyfully, perfectly correctly performs all its functions in the body. The pancreas works with gallant prowess, with gallant prowess it performs all its functions in the body. The pancreas is energetic-strong, energetic-strong, energetic-strong. Indestructible newborn fortress flows into the nerves of the stomach and pancreas. In the stomach, in the pancreas, young nerves are getting stronger and stronger, young nerves are getting stronger and stronger, young nerves are getting stronger and stronger, and young nerves are getting stronger and stronger.

Rapidly developing newborn life flows into the stomach, intestines. All tissues of the stomach and intestines are born newborn-fresh, newborn-whole. An energetic, strong, healthy stomach, energetic, strong, strong intestines are born. In everything internal organs abdominal cavity a huge colossal force of life pours in. All the internal organs of the abdominal cavity work vigorously and cheerfully. All the internal organs of the abdominal cavity are energetically cheerful, ideally correct, ideally correct, with valiant prowess, perform all their functions in the body. All internal organs work energetically and cheerfully, with valiant prowess they perform all their functions in the body. The whole body lives a cheerful, joyful healthy life. In the whole body, the colossal force of life is in full swing; in the whole body, the colossal force of life is in full swing. The heroic strength of youth, the heroic strength of youth is in full swing in all my youth healthy body. The whole body lives a cheerful, joyful, healthy life.

Newborn life gives rise to rapidly-energically developing feelings. The whole body lives more cheerfully. All internal organs work more cheerfully, more energetically. The whole body lives a cheerful, joyful healthy life. The pancreas lives a cheerful, joyful, cheerful, joyful healthy life. Newborn life gives birth to a full-blooded, full-blooded healthy-healthy joyful life of the pancreas. The pancreas lives a cheerful, joyful healthy life. The pancreas works vigorously-fun, energetically-fun. The pancreas with gallant prowess performs all its functions in the body. The pancreas works vigorously and cheerfully.

And the head, the head more and more energetically, more and more energetically activates, activates the work of the pancreas. In the pancreas, young nerves are getting stronger and stronger, and young nerves are getting stronger and stronger. The pancreas works more cheerfully, more energetically, more cheerfully, more energetically, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body, with valiant prowess it performs all its functions in the body.

Answers to questions from HLS readers N.V. Lyubimova.
Natalya Vladimirovna is a certified doctor, she has a medical institute behind her. She is a true fan of natural hygiene. Moreover, he is constantly looking for new ways of non-drug healing of people. Finally, and this is perhaps the main thing in the profession of a doctor, Lyubimova is capable of compassion. She, like the same doctor Aibolit, is always ready to help, which, in fact, is evident from the letters of readers.
So, interview.

I understand that not everyone can get an appointment with an endocrinologist, and especially under constant supervision, but you still need to look for this opportunity, because all diabetics should know that improper self-treatment can threaten life.

Readers are asking for advice what strategy to treat diabetes to choose.

Some write that they are treated with herbs, and would like to get advice from me on herbal medicine. Remember: if you need insulin to treat diabetes, there are no herbs that can replace this hormone. In my practice, I prescribe herbal medicine only as an adjunct to treatment. Patients who conscientiously follow my recommendations have good results.

I propose the main antidiabetic collection.

It consists of seven medicinal plants: blueberry leaf - 20 g, bean leaves - 20 g, Manchurian aralia root - 10 g, field horsetail - 15 g, rose hips - 15 g, St. John's wort - 10 g, chamomile flowers - 10 g. pour 2 cups of hot water. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. (in an enamel bowl), cool for 40-50 minutes, strain. Take 70 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 30 days. After 2 weeks, repeat the course. Such courses should be held 3-4 per year.
This collection comprehensively heals the body, lowers blood sugar levels, improves the glycogen-forming function of the liver.

Useful for diabetes garlic. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Ginkgo biloba extract is also useful. The drug increases blood flow to the capillaries and small blood vessels that supply the brain. For diabetics, ginkgo is also useful because it increases blood circulation in the legs. Circulatory problems pose a danger to patients, as in severe cases they can lead to amputation.

Onion lowers blood sugar levels. Raw or boiled, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

I recommend one more good recipe from diabetes- tincture of May alder leaves, May nettle and quinoa leaves.

For this, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of fresh alder leaf, 2 tbsp. spoons of quinoa leaves, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of nettle with 1 cup of boiling water, insist and drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 3 weeks.

People often ask if diabetics can exercise exercise?

Moderate physical activity increases the content of chromium in the tissues, which is necessary for the body to regulate the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. Moderate exercise increases the body's ability to use its own insulin, which makes the patient feel better. However, weight lifting and other strength sports are not recommended. This can cause an increase in pressure and exacerbate retinal disease.

I can recommend good useful exercise that must be done daily. Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands and bend back as much as possible. Execution time 20-60 seconds. The ideal performance of the exercise is considered to be a pose when the chest and knees are raised high above the floor. This can be achieved with long training.

Many people ask about my attitude to the use of urine therapy for diabetes. It is negative. I am for topical urine, but not for internal use.

And now I will answer the question that is contained in almost every letter about diabetes: can this disease be prevented?

Since there is an obvious link between obesity and diabetes, you can reduce your chances of getting sick by losing weight. This is especially true for those who have diabetes is a hereditary disease. Good program exercise and a balanced diet can protect against diabetes. Let me remind you that smoking in diabetics increases the risk of developing heart disease.

Ask: how to eat right?

Diabetics should avoid sweets. Nutritionists point to the importance of taking certain vitamins and minerals, including B6, B2, C, as well as magnesium, zinc, potassium, and copper. Recommended set of products with low glycemic index(currant, plum, cherry, peach), a variety of legumes (soybeans, beans, lentils), cereals (millet, buckwheat, etc.), vegetables. Peas, for example, can help stabilize blood sugar levels and add fiber to the diet.

Separately, I want to say about cinnamon. By adding it as a seasoning, 0.5 teaspoon at each meal, you can regulate your blood sugar levels.

Patients with diabetes need in psychological help. Stress is perhaps the main culprit in diabetes. Therefore, any type of treatment that neutralizes stress - auto-training, relaxation - can help control blood sugar levels. My dear ones, in order to achieve success in treatment, one should not despair, get irritated and wait for outside help. How to live coexisting with diabetes depends solely on the patient himself, on his mental balance.

Well, what to do to prevent the disease?

Follow the three golden rules:

1. Do not be a slave to your stomach, follow a diet and never overeat.
2. Constantly maintain your tone with reasonable physical activity.
3. And, no matter how trite it sounds, observe healthy lifestyle life.

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