Which insurance company is best? We choose a profitable home insurance program: reso-guarantee, vtb-insurance, ingosstrakh, sogaz, etc. Reso guarantee or rosgosstrakh

Before insuring a car, many motorists look at the rating of OSAGO insurance companies that provide insurance services. This allows you to choose the best insurer. After all, the developers of ratings are guided not only by the financial performance of companies, but also by the reviews of real customers. The ratio of payments and refusals, the average amount of compensation is also taken into account. This is important, because according to the Central Bank, about 2.7 million people applied for compensation under OSAGO policies. True, 3.4% of applications were denied.

Main evaluation criteria

According to Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002, owners of any vehicles must insure their motor third party liability. This is written in Art. 4 of said law. You can choose the best insurer if you look at the rating of firms.

Several criteria are taken to evaluate the activities of insurance companies. Such an integrated approach allows you to create the most objective rating. Taken into account:

  • the reliability of the company;
  • the size of the authorized capital;
  • reviews and evaluation of the insurer's activities by real customers;
  • the amount of insurance payments.

Depending on the performance indicators, certain rating categories are assigned. The highest score is "A". It can only be obtained by reliable companies that, upon the occurrence of an insured event, immediately pay compensation.

A "B" rating is given to those firms that do not have liquidity problems, but they have delays in payments. It is not recommended to consider organizations that received a "C", "D" or "E" as a result of the analysis.

  • Class A++ Exceptionally high level of reliability
  • Class A+ Very high level of reliability.
  • Class A High level of reliability.
  • Class B++ Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • Class B+ Low level of reliability.
  • Class B Low level of reliability.
  • C++ class Very low level of reliability.
  • Class C+ Unsatisfactory level of reliability.
  • Class C Failure to fulfill obligations.
  • Class D Bankruptcy.
  • Class E Revocation of the license (not at the initiative of the company).

Rules for choosing insurance

It is advisable to choose a company that has been engaged in civil liability insurance for car owners for more than a year. You should trust only those who have been assigned an “A” reliability rating. The official rating of OSAGO companies is based on accounting data and information from the Central Bank. They do not allow an objective assessment of the work of insurers.

Automobile periodicals, statistical companies sometimes create their own "people's" ratings. They are based on feedback from car owners.

Rating agencies

There are several agencies in Russia that compile their lists of the most reliable firms.

Expert RA evaluates:

  • volumes of work of insurance companies;
  • amount of capital;
  • the ratio of positive/negative decisions on payments.

Reliable companies are usually assigned an "A++" score. They have a stable development outlook. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the situation will not change in subsequent years.

Expert rating of insurance companies for OSAGO

Insurance Company reliability payment level likelihood of litigation reviews final rating
AIG (AIG) 4,5 21% 2,32% 4 3,8
Alpha insurance 4,3 43% 0,67% 2 3,9
Alliance / ex. ROSNO 3,6 110% 4,65% 3 3
VSK 4,1 45% 8,51% 2 3,1
VTB Insurance 4,6 29% 10,47% 3 3,5
Ingosstrakh 4,6 56% 0,13% 2 4
MAX 4,5 92% 13,83% 2 3,4
RESO-Garantia 4,4 52% 1,41% 2 3,9
Rosgosstrakh 4,6 52% 13,09% 1 3,3
SOGAZ 4,8 53% 1,37% 2 4,2

Reliability, reviews (negative) and the final rating is calculated on a five-point scale.

Reliability rating of insurance companies according to OSAGO

  • SOGAZ - 4.8
  • ERGO (ERGO) - 4.7
  • VTB Insurance — 4.6
  • Ingosstrakh — 4.6
  • Rosgosstrakh — 4.6
  • YAG / ex. Chartis - 4.5
  • Surgutneftegaz — 4.5
  • MAX - 4.5
  • RESO-Garantia — 4.4
  • Chulpan - 4.4
  • Spassky Gate - 4.4
  • RSHB-Insurance - 4.4

Rating of insurance companies by OSAGO payments

Insurance Company Average payment for OSAGO
Geopolis 118 333 ₽
Verna 103 440 ₽
Alliance 86 338 ₽
Welfare General Insurance 80 000 ₽
Muscovy 72 751 ₽
Strizh im. S. Zhivago 71 667 ₽
ASKO 71 203 ₽
Renaissance Insurance 70 846 ₽
Moscow region 70 435 ₽
Rosgosstrakh 69 362 ₽

People's rating of insurance companies

  • JSC "Intouch Insurance"
  • Renaissance Insurance
  • AlphaInsurance
  • Zetta Insurance
  • Yugoria
  • Soldier
  • Ingosstrakh
  • Tinkoff Insurance
  • UralSib Insurance
  • BIN Insurance
  • RESO-Garantia
  • Energoguarantor
  • Agreement
  • MAX
  • Rosgosstrakh

Evaluation and analysis of the activities of the UK

Video: Analysis of insurance companies and how to choose the right one

The best insurance companies in Moscow

Experts, based on the statistics of the Central Bank, evaluated the activities of various companies and created a list.

The leading position is held by SO "ZHASO". She has a minimum percentage of refusals (only 0.5%). The amount of compensation she has is also not large and averages almost 45 thousand rubles. And this is less than the average level of compensation by 3 thousand rubles. According to RAEX and RA "Expert", the company was awarded an exceptionally high level of A ++. General annual contributions for OSAGO are 2.5 million rubles.

No worse performance and the company "Ugoria". They denied damages to 0.7% of customers. The amount of their contributions is 3.1 million rubles. The main shareholder of the company is the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. But this does not mean that it works only within its limits. The company has more than 60 representative offices in the Federation. The average amount of payments is 44 thousand rubles. But according to RA "Expert" the company was assigned an "A" rating, its rating is under observation. Analysts say it's a growing company.

SK MAKS has been on the market since 1992. But she has been engaged in OSAGO insurance since 2003. After all, this type of activity requires a special license. This is written in Art. 1 of Law 40-FZ of April 25, 2002. Refuses IC "MAKS" 0.8% of applied customers. The amount of the average insurance indemnity from this company is small - 35.4 thousand rubles. According to the analysis of RA "Expert" it is a reliable company with a stable development forecast. Under the OSAGO program, the amount of contributions to IC MAKS is 3.7 billion rubles.

SD "VSK" is one of the largest in the Federation, CMTPL clients brought 18.2 billion rubles. "Military Insurance Company" has twice received gratitude from the President for the work done. But in terms of the number of failures, it takes 4th place - 1.4%. According to the indicators, the average amount of compensation is 42 thousand rubles. RA "Expert" confirms the reliability of this insurance house. It has been rated "A++".

Firm bounce rates "Alpha Insurance" the same as in SD "VSK". The average amount of payments they have is slightly lower - 41.8 thousand rubles. Their total contribution is 10.6 billion rubles. This is a company that has been assigned an A++ rating by RA Expert. Her developmental prognosis is stable.

The amount of insurance payments in SAK "Energogarant" slightly higher - 45.6 thousand rubles. But they refuse 1.5% of the customers who applied. Judging by the total amount of contributions, the company is not very popular. The total amount of OSAGO insurance is 2.8 billion rubles.

Uralsib offers a fairly high average amount of compensation - almost 51 thousand rubles. But this organization refuses 1.9% of its customers. 6 billion rubles were attracted under OSAGO policies. The rating agency "Expert" assesses the level of reliability of "Uralsib" as "A+". It was raised, further development forecast is stable.

A subsidiary of an oil producing enterprise enjoys popularity "Transneft" with the same name. Since 2013, the SOGAZ company has become its owner. According to RA "Expert" since 2011, she has been holding the position "A ++". But her payments are small - the average amount of compensation is 17.5 thousand rubles. She refuses 2.4% of clients. But few are insured. The total amount of investments under OSAGO policies is 0.4 billion rubles.

SPAO Ingosstrakh gives refusal 3.3% of the people who applied. The amount of compensation they have is an average of 40.5 thousand rubles. The total amount of insurance under OSAGO policies is 15.5 billion rubles. It is a reliable company with an A++ rating and a stable outlook for further development.

One of the most famous is Rosgosstrakh. If we evaluate the amount of insurance premiums, then this is one of the largest companies. They equal 77 billion rubles. Also, PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh" has one of the largest amounts of compensation - it is equal to 53.6 thousand rubles. True, 3.5% of all applicants face a refusal to compensate for losses. The level of reliability A ++ according to the estimates of RA "Expert" has been maintained by the company since 2008.

But this is not all rating insurers. Don't forget about "RESO-guarantee" with an A++ rating. The amount of insurance premiums for OSAGO is quite large and amounts to 27.6 billion rubles. But they have a large number of failures - 4.8%. The amount of compensation is 43.8 thousand rubles.

Sufficiently large amount of the average level of insurance indemnities for the group "Renaissance-Insurance". They pay almost 53 thousand rubles. But 5.1% of those who applied refuse to pay compensation.

When choosing an insurance company, all these data must be taken into account. Only in this way it will be possible to choose the best insurer who, in the event of an insured event, will surely pay the due compensation.

Consider which insurance company is better to insure your real estate. Today there are a large number of SCs, each of which offers its own package of services. These include:

Every citizen can insure a house with the following trusted companies:

  1. AlfaInsurance.
  2. Alliance (ROSNO).
  3. RESO-Guarantee.
  4. SOGAZ.

Where is the best place to insure your home under various conditions?

In the city

Companies where you can better insure urban real estate:

  • Alpha.
  • Inogostrakh.
  • Country.

Country or country

Summer cottages are most often concentrated away from the developed system of fire departments and police stations. The fact is that such houses are most often endangered. Where is the best place to insure a house in the countryside?
Policies are offered by the following companies:

We wrote about insurance for country houses in.


It is not always possible to build a house in a short time. The construction process of an object can be slowed down during cold weather, due to lack of money or for other reasons. To protect the already invested finances, it is worth using the services of such insurance companies:

  • Ingosstrakh.
  • Renaissance Insurance.

It is told about the insurance of an unfinished house.

Various options


This company is one of the oldest in the territory of the Russian Federation, dealing with real estate insurance.

It offers its clients two programs:

As an added bonus, the two programs come with the ability to insure not only the house, but also the property that is inside the building. This includes even engineering and other communications.

Read about insurance of private houses in Rosgosstrakh.

VTB Insurance (home keeper)

This company has developed the following insurance programs for its clients:

  • "Hi, neighbor!"- for property and apartment insurance.
  • "Advantage for home"- for insurance of country houses.
  • “Advantage for the apartment» — for insurance of apartments.
  • "advantage for furniture" for furniture insurance.

VSK insurance house

The company has been operating in the financial market for 25 years. Insures houses, apartments and other residential real estate.

The company offers the following programs to its clients:


The company has been operating in the financial market for 25 years. It offers its clients insurance for apartments, cottages, houses against fire and flooding. The Domostroy program remains very popular. It includes the following risk packages:

  • Premium.
  • Express.
  • Economy
  • Preferential.

Rules of the program Reso Dom provides protection for suburban buildings, dachas, land plots and apartments.

For example, if a house is insured for 6.5 million rubles, then insurance will be 19.6 thousand rubles, and fence insurance for 150 thousand rubles will be 600 rubles.


This company belongs to the universal insurers of the federal level. The key home insurance package includes the following risks:

In addition, the following risks are an additional bonus:

  • glass breakage;
  • radiation exposure;
  • breakdowns.

Important! SOGAZ provides insurance only if the insured amount in terms of volume is above 60 thousand rubles and not more than 3.5 million rubles.

Alpha Insurance

This company has been on the market for about 10 years. It is one of the top five leaders in the open insurance market.
Alpha insurance provides clients with such popular programs:

  1. Repair insurance.
  2. Neighbor protection.
  3. "Though the Flood" (a comprehensive package of risks - values, repairs, decoration, civil liability).
  4. Calm.

This company is popular due to the quick payment of insurance claims, and you can also apply for a policy online.


The company has been in the financing market for 70 years. You can insure property in Ingosstrakh for 20 insurance programs. Some of them can be distinguished:

  • Platinum - a full package, for a period of 3 months.
  • Vacation is a short-term policy.
  • Freedom.
  • Express - economical insurance.

Representations exist in countries near and far abroad.


The company has been operating in the insurance market for 25 years. It offers numerous home and apartment insurance options. There are restrictions on payments for the elements of "bearing structures", "finishing".

The company offers clients who wish to insure real estate to take advantage of the following programs:

  1. House. The basic set includes the following risks: gas explosion, lightning strike, aircraft crash, vehicle entry. The extended package contains the following risks: flood, natural disasters, encroachments by third parties.
  2. Flat. The company insures such risks: fire, gas explosion, flood, natural disasters, force majeure, illegal actions.


This bank is the largest in Russia. The state-owned company provides various insurance services for houses and apartments. Main .

Where is the best place to go?

Today, for home insurance, people are increasingly turning to a company such as VTB 24. This company has been operating for 15 years on the market. Its offices are located in 114 cities of the Russian Federation. The financial stability of the company is confirmed by reputable rating agencies, the company's own funds amount to 12 billion rubles.

VTB Insurance is always responsible for all its obligations and this is one of the main advantages for buying a policy. According to the rating agency "EXPERT RA", the company belongs to the reliability category A ++ (the highest level of reliability).

In fact, today it is quite difficult to choose the right insurance company. The reason is their wide variety. But it is best to trust proven insurers who already have sufficient experience and have never let their customers down.

When compiling the ratings of insurance companies, the financial performance of insurers and the results of the popular vote are evaluated. Also, the frequency of litigation involving insurance companies and the loyalty of CASCO rules are taken into account.

Expert rating of insurance companies

The expert rating of insurance companies (or the reliability rating of insurance companies) is compiled on the basis of data from the reputable rating agency Expert RA. When determining the rating, the financial performance of insurers is assessed. According to the Expert RA classification, the following assessments are used:

  • The maximum level of reliability.
  • , , Very high level of reliability.
  • , , High level of reliability.
  • , , Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • , , Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • , , Low level of reliability.
  • Very low level of reliability.
  • Unsatisfactory level of reliability.
  • Failure to fulfill obligations.
  • A temporary administration has been introduced.
  • Bankruptcy, license revocation, liquidation.
  • 3 SC - assessment "Maximum level of reliability" (ruAAA): VTB Insurance, Ingosstrakh, SOGAZ.
  • 10 SC - "Very high level of reliability" rating (ruAA+, ruAA, ruAA-): AIG, AlfaStrakhovanie, Alliance, VSK, MAKS, Renaissance Insurance, RESO-Garantia, Rosgosstrakh, RSHB-Insurance, Energogarant.
  • 13 SK - "High level of reliability" rating (ruA+, ruA, ruA-): Absolut Insurance, D2 Insurance, Zetta Insurance, Liberty Insurance, Mafin, Medexpress, USC, PARI, Spasskiye Vorota, Surgutneftegaz, Chulpan, ERGO, Yugoria.
  • 10 SK - assessment of "Satisfactory level of reliability" (ruBBB+, ruBBB, ruBBB-, ruBB+, ruBB, ruBB-): ASKO-INSURANCE, Geopolis, EUROINS, Paritet-SK, POLIS-GARANT, Soglasiya, Sterkh, Insurance business group, Tinkoff Insurance, UralSib.
  • 1 SC - "Low level of reliability" rating (ruB+, ruB, ruB-): Help.
  • 1 SC - rating "Unsatisfactory level of reliability" (ruCC): VERNA.

A high rating (ruA- or higher) is the recognition of the company's reliability by the expert community. The described layout reflects the situation as of March 19, 2020.

People's rating of insurance companies

Policyholders evaluate a variety of non-obvious performance indicators of insurance companies. Among them, for example, the quality of services, the friendliness of the staff, the speed of service, the speed of processing the necessary documents, and so on. At the same time, a regional company can get a high rating, and a large insurance organization with an extensive branch network, on the contrary, “go into the red”.

The national rating of insurance companies has a number of features. Thus, policyholders are much more likely to share bad experiences, and there are more negative reviews than neutral or positive ones. In addition, reviews are not always objective. Sometimes messages with an overly emotional connotation are left by policyholders who themselves violated the terms of the contract and did not receive compensation as a result of their own actions.

Everyone can influence the formation of the national rating - for this it is enough to leave a review about the work of the insurance company.

Financial rating of insurance companies

The financial rating compares insurers based on statistical indicators. The financial rating is based on the official reporting of insurers, which is published quarterly by the Central Bank of Russia. Sales of insurance services to legal entities and individuals are taken into account.

The key assessed indicator is the level of payments. The payout rate shows the percentage of fees that the insurance company paid out in a year as an insurance claim. The optimal level of payments in the Russian market is approximately 55-65%.

If the percentage is too high (say, 75% or more), the insurance company does not adequately assess risks or significantly reduces sales. Both situations speak of potential financial problems for the insurer.

If the percentage is too low (say, 40% or less), the insurer is likely to save on payments. The company underestimates the amount of insurance indemnities or often refuses to pay for insured events. Indirectly confirming this hypothesis is the judicial rating of insurance companies. If a company "saves" on payouts, it's almost certain that it also has a high percentage of litigation in relation to claimed losses.

Judicial rating

The litigation rating evaluates how many litigations involving an insurance company account for one claimed insured event. Insurers do not always sue policyholders. Sometimes two insurance companies are opponents in court. Also, financiers are suing other subjects of law in non-insurance cases, for example, with landlords or government agencies.

However, practice shows that the lion's share of litigation falls on litigation with policyholders. That is why the judicial rating of insurers allows you to fairly accurately assess the likelihood of litigation when claiming an insured event.

Loyalty rating of insurance rules

The CASCO loyalty rating helps to understand how the company's voluntary car insurance rules take into account the interests of the car owner. The higher the loyalty of the rules, the less likely it is that disputes will arise when settling a loss.

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