Why draw in a dream? Tattoo on the arm, back and other parts of the body: interpretation of dream books Draw on the body in a dream

You dreamed of a drawing, remember who drew it, what was used and what was depicted in the picture. For the most part, drawings seen in a dream are a sign of joy and pleasure. But it also happens that a picture can warn the sleeper about danger. If you want to know why you dream about a drawing, and in what cases this dream promises joy and in what cases sadness, consult a dream book!

Children's creativity

Seeing a child’s drawing on paper in a dream is a sign of pleasant news from parents, Miller’s dream book promises.

I dreamed that the baby brought a piece of album paper with butterflies on it - a sign of easy and relaxed relaxation.

The children sat down to draw and ask you to help - in reality, take a closer look at your loved ones, perhaps they have some problems that they are silent about.

Seeing a baby’s drawing consisting of scribbles means you will encounter minor difficulties that can be solved quickly and easily, Miss Hasse’s dream book promises.

The art of tattooing

If you have a dream in which a tattoo artist applies a design to the client’s body, you will commit an act that is unexpected even for yourself, which will have a public resonance.

Getting a tattoo on your own body means that in reality you could inadvertently cause harm to yourself, warns the Lunar Dream Book.

If you dreamed that you were choosing a beautiful design for a tattoo - in real life you will decide on something you have long dreamed of but were afraid to do.

If you dream of a man with a tattoo on his back - you are very mistaken about something, do not rush to draw conclusions or take actions, think it over again or consult with friends.

Chinese characters on the body are a symbol that you can make a very big and serious mistake at work. Be extremely collected and focused when it comes to work.

Graffiti is like painting

If you dream that you are transferring art that was depicted on paper to the wall - the dream characterizes you as a very careful person. You are not one to take risks.

Graffiti depicting people or animals and occupying the entire wall of the house is a great joy and pleasure. Perhaps one of your wishes will come true, suggests the Women's Dream Book.

Learning to draw graffiti in a dream means you will be offered a very interesting job with a good income.

The image on the stones means problems and obstacles in business, warns Tsvetkov’s dream book.

Pencil, watercolor, crayons

I dreamed of a sketch drawn with a simple pencil - everything in your life is simple and clear. Your happiness is cloudless, Vanga’s dream book pleases.

A dream in which a still life painted in bright watercolor appears predicts unbridled fun. An event awaits you that will turn your life upside down.

Drawing with chalk on asphalt means simplicity and clarity. It is difficult to deceive you; you sense lies and hypocrisy.

If you dreamed that you were depicting something on paper, a dream book will help you interpret such a dream. Drawing in a dream means being a subtle, vulnerable person with your own deep inner world.

But if you remember the nuances of the vision, you can easily find out other details of your life and future events.

What did you draw with?

Drawing with a pencil in a dream means standing on the threshold of easy, insignificant changes in life. If a pencil breaks while drawing, then minor troubles await you that will not affect important areas of life. According to the dream book, painting a picture with a well-sharpened pencil means being on the right path.

If you paint a picture with paints, it means that you are deprived of vivid feelings and emotions. Painting with a thin brush means thinking through each step well. And if it is wide, and you cannot reproduce small details, then the dream book suggests thinking about whether you are making high demands on people.

  • Painting with watercolors brings new impressions.
  • Gouache means meeting an extraordinary person.
  • Oil paints - for attending a public event.

Drawing with crayons in a dream means looking at the world simply, not complicating events with negative thoughts. If you only use white chalk, then you are considered boring. And to create a masterpiece with multi-colored crayons, according to the dream book, means to be a bright, versatile personality.

What were you depicting?

As the dream book says, drawing a portrait in a dream with a pencil means making peace with your offender in the near future. If you're ready to talk to him, don't be afraid to take the first step. After this, your relationship with this person will improve forever.

According to the dream book, to depict flowers or bushes means to meet a wonderful person. In him you will see an interesting interlocutor and a reliable partner. The dream book recommends continuing this acquaintance.

If in a dream you draw a spreading tree, then financial profit awaits you. Perhaps it will be a bonus, a gift or a lottery win. In any case, think carefully before spending this money. Don't buy things you don't need today.

Why do you dream of painting a house? The dream book gives a detailed interpretation of such dreams. If you depict your home, then you are a good housewife and an excellent wife. And someone else’s house in the picture says that you are drawn to love affairs, and you are not yet ready for family life.

Fruits or vegetables drawn by you in a dream predict a luxurious feast. Most likely, this will be a banquet at your home.

Try to surprise your dear guests with your culinary skills. Someone will definitely like your signature dish, and they will be interested not only in its recipe, but also in you.

Drawing animals, according to the dream book, means experiencing certain fears. The predators in the picture indicate that you are afraid of scandals and quarrels. And your furry pets are witnesses to the fact that you cannot stand loneliness.

Huge animals are your complexes. And farm animals characterize you as a leisurely person who is afraid of hard work.

If in a dream you created a picture with paints, pencil or crayons, and want to know why you dreamed of drawing, be sure to consult the dream book for an explanation. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Did you dream about drawings on paper? In the business sphere, dizzying success awaits. Good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors; you can successfully cope with any task and achieve your goals in the shortest possible period of time.

Avoid rashness, inattention and imprudence, so as not to miss out on success due to stupid mistakes. Otherwise, failure in all matters awaits.

Dreaming about children's drawings

The meaning of a dream where children's drawings appeared indicates positive events in your personal life. There is a high probability of receiving good news from family members and parents.

Don’t forget your loved ones, be attentive to their achievements and successes, surround them with care, and make them feel your love. All this will help strengthen relationships and achieve bright emotions.

I dreamed about pencil drawings

Do you dream about pencil drawings? Everything in life is simple and clear. Cloudlessness and harmony can give previously unknown emotions and sensations. In the near future you can achieve sincere happiness and prosperity.

Try not to take rash actions so as not to lose everything you already have. Otherwise, you will have to regret what you did in the future.

I dreamed of an incomprehensible drawing

The interpretation of a dream, which featured an incomprehensible drawing, indicates a encounter with difficulties in professional activity, which can cause serious damage to the emotional state.

Don't be afraid of the difficulties that arise on the way to your goals. With maximum effort, you can deal with them easily and quickly.

Tattoo parlor - do an unexpected act that will cause a public outcry. You yourself will be surprised by what you have done, and the effect produced will exceed all expectations.

What drawing did you dream about?

I dreamed about children's drawings▼

Why do you dream about a child’s drawing? An image made on paper foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news from. The news received will bring a lot of pleasure and positivity, and will allow you to feel the present for your loved ones.

Dreaming of an incomprehensible drawing▼

A dream about an incomprehensible drawing predicts minor difficulties that can be solved easily and quickly. Having gathered together, you will be able to cope with adversity, achieving significant results.

How are other dream books interpreted?

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Did you dream about a Drawing, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Drawing in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello! Please tell me what my dream means. I dreamed that I saw a drawing on a landscape sheet and there was a beautiful castle drawn there with a simple pencil. And I saw 3 such drawings in turn. and in all three drawings different beautiful castles were drawn, but they are similar to each other. it felt like they were painted by an artist. Thank you very much in advance!!!

    Hello! I dreamed the following. I saw some circles appearing on my legs. I thought they were sun spots, but suddenly I realized that this was a drawing. It went up all over my body to my legs, torso, arms. Beautiful houses, like castles and trees... I understood that I was without clothes, but I didn’t see myself naked and didn’t feel any discomfort. The drawing was not drawn; it seemed to appear on the body.

    I’m at a colleague’s apartment (I haven’t been before). A whole room of beautiful professional drawings (drawn by the grandson of another colleague). Paints in tubes. They show me and offer me some of the drawings.

    Hello! I had a very strange dream, and this is not the first time. I love one person very much, but he doesn’t even know about my existence. So, I dreamed that this person died and when I found out about this, I cried a lot. Although several years had passed in the dream, and I was already with someone else , but when I found out about his death, I realized how much I love him and will always love him. I went to his friends and they gave me a small drawing on paper depicting a mythical tree with patterns. And they said that I drew this several years ago, when I loved him. But I don't remember this drawing. And she began to cry even more because he had kept it all this time. What could this mean?

    Hello! My name is Elina. I am 20 years old, I work as a waitress in a cafe. Last night I had a very strange dream. I don’t remember the whole plot, only some episodes pop up in my memory. In one of these episodes, my mother is holding a piece of paper. I I came closer to take a look. It depicted a boat drawn in pencil on a white sheet of paper. The drawing was incredibly accurate and professional. Although in life my mother was never particularly successful in the fine arts.

    Hello, please tell me, today I had a dream in which a friend gave me a drawing he had drawn with a pencil, it depicted a tree with fruit, and the inscription “to my beloved”! In reality, nothing connects us with this friend, not sympathy, nothing...

    Good morning, Tatyana. I dreamed of some drawings, many, many. Everything is laid out in a row. On identical white sheets, the drawings are mixed. I remember that some of the drawings are understandable, and some are not clear. Thank you if you send the value.

    Good afternoon. PLEASE help. I had a dream in which my ex-boyfriend returned from abroad (I still have feelings for him, we dated for 3 years and he left for London, we don’t communicate, and his best friend Vova supports me). I saw my ex in a dream and was happy, but he didn’t care. We walked to the market together, he was silent for a long time and then said: “Vova has died!” We came to our tent where they were selling various trinkets, I sat on a small chair and looked at all, they were so calm, as if they didn’t care. I cried so much, covering my face with my hands, and then someone came up to me and said: why are you crying so much... Then I couldn’t resist, stood up and burst into tears and said: “He’s no more, don’t you understand, he died!” And the last thing he left for me was this drawing on the asphalt!” When I looked at two incomprehensible hieroglyphs, two bright bees flew out of it and then I woke up. The dream was in cold, rather gloomy tones, and the bees at the end were very intense.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was back at school in a literature lesson (I graduated from school 4 years ago). I am sitting at my desk with my classmates and discussing homework. It turned out that part of the task was to draw how you see your house in the future. And everyone had such beautiful drawings, but I planned to simply draw like I did in childhood. While we were discussing this, I made peace with my old friend, with whom I have not spoken since school. Next, one of her friends asks the teacher (who actually died 2 years ago) what will happen if she doesn’t turn in her work today. She replies that this will take the form of absenteeism. My friend responds to this by saying that I didn’t complete the task. I don’t know why, but this situation made me very upset and I was very angry at everyone. And I run out of the classroom and kick in the front door. Then a classmate finds me and says that the door has fallen off its hinges and everyone is going to call the police and this will get very serious for me. A female police officer comes up to me and handcuffs me, then removes me (or I free my hands myself). Next, I wander around the school and think how I could have done this, what to do now. Then I find out that all this literature homework is aimed at a special commission that came to our school. I meet my classmates and ask one girl to bring my work from class. She promises to do it, but in the end I have to go myself. That's it, I woke up.

    I had a dream in which my friend and I studied in the same class. We were sitting in a drawing lesson. He drew a picture and the teacher asked did he draw a portrait or did someone help? At first there was a portrait of him with a simple pencil, he was drawn. He was smiling there And then when he said that I helped him, there was a mushroom drawn there. Everyone in the class smiled. And a classmate erased her own drawing.

    Good afternoon My grandmother died 2 weeks ago... In a dream I dreamed that I was going to go to a wake (40 days), in the dream her house was in the forest, I didn’t go to the forest, in the house I saw drawings drawn by me (portraits (unfamiliar people), landscapes), as well as other people’s drawings - all in bright warm colors.

    Good. This time I saw a blind clairvoyant grandmother, she followed me and kept wanting something, was always there, and wanted to believe that I was not like everyone else... then I went into some apartment and there on the wall I saw a drawing a house, and next to it there is a dog nearby painted on the wall. Then I kept trying to protect someone from the guy who was a moniker with knives. and ended up in an old house, an apartment where I lived with my parents as a child. PS - in general, I often see dreams about mysterious creatures and places and times, to saints, the ends of the world, various dead people, whole stories for hours and sometimes dreams... What is the best way to develop a gift?

    Good afternoon
    I dreamed of a giraffe painted on the asphalt. I sat, washed it with my hands and sobbed over it... And I sobbed because I was told that my brother had died (in a dream). And in general, I had a nightmare: that before this, my colleague, at my request, dropped off a bag, but I didn’t like it and I left it on the bus. and then I went home and saw this same giraffe.

    my older nurse (she is a very kind and good person, but it seems to me that she has a pink eye on me) showed me a folder of her granddaughter’s children’s drawings and said that I should also collect and put my daughter’s drawings in a folder. and talked about work myself

    Tatyana, good afternoon!
    Today I dreamed that I was riding a bicycle to the railway station on an island (which I was recently on). I pass populated areas, see local residents, drive through empty landscapes (fields, steppes, which is not very typical for that area), then I stop at the railway station and meet my beloved with our mutual friends (he stayed in reality on that island, I left) . I stop, say hello, they ask me what kind of design is on my left hand, I didn’t notice it while I was driving. I look at my hand, there is a henna design, mehendi, so small, a bird seems to be drawn, both on the palm and on the other side of the hand. Then I decide that I won’t go by train, I get on my bike and my wheel falls off, we try to fix it, but it doesn’t work. I take my bike with me and continue my journey on foot, leaving behind all my friends at the railway station. Then I wake up.

    I would be grateful for a transcript.

    I dreamed of a guy with whom we are not communicating now, he drew exactly the same drawing as me (a girl with long hair in flowers), the drawings were different, but very similar. He drew this in class, and I drew it yesterday, he was very surprised, and so was I.

    I dreamed that in my record book on the first page there was a drawing of a young man, the drawing was beautiful, the young man too. everyone admired him. After some time, he came into the room where I was being tested and took a couple of pictures with a black SLR camera. in one of them the lens was pointed at me

    Hello Tatiana! I've been having a similar dream for 2 nights now. My boyfriend puts a joint photo on the avatar of his page, which doesn’t actually exist. He does this for me (to make me feel good). The second dream is exactly the same, only here instead of a photo there is a drawing, there is an ordinary cartoon character on it, nothing special, he signs it and posts it online again. Again, to please me.

    I dreamed that I was participating in some kind of drawing competition. And I decided to draw a tree, at first an ordinary one, then I suddenly began to add some fragments. I drew it as if it were a huge green tree, but the side is starting to dry out, and on the other side it is completely without leaves. I put an orange instead of the sun, there were a bunch of other things that I used to replace something in the drawing, but I don’t remember them. The fact is that out of the blue, my tree began to die.

    Hello, the dream was this: I draw on a large sheet of paper, folded several times, on all sides I drew grass and earth, on one side I drew a tiger (predator) and the other two game, perhaps two hares, I don’t remember, and at the same time all that painted, moved and lived its own life! What is this for?

    I’m driving along a wide white bridge or across a very wide river or across the sea, the bridge is fundamental, strong, there are road crossings on the bridge, at the beginning I made a mistake, took the wrong arrow, came back and drove correctly. Then I explained to someone the structure of the gateway, there were drawings and I observed it from the side.

    At first, I saw an endless plain, and I myself stood on some hill, everything was in very, how would it be more correct to say, meaningless colors. Then, one of my friends showed me a diagram that I did not understand

    There were a lot of people, some I knew and some who didn’t, it was like a lesson where we drew a picture, first whoever wanted it, then we were told what to change and we had to decorate it. The drawing was childish and inept, although in the dream we were not children. I colored it with the brightest markers. Before I could finish the drawing, I had to wash the dishes, apparently we had all eaten before. We were not at my house, in some room and the dishes were not mine, but belonged to that room. Apparently I washed the dishes before, because when I came to the sink all the dishes were very clean and dry, beautiful white dishes, but when I started putting everything in its place, first I found dirty coffee mugs and later a couple of dirty plates, there were no leftovers of food on plates, more fatty... A girl I knew came and invited me to go shopping with them, and I suggested going to a cafe there. Everyone was waiting for me, and no matter how hard I tried to do everything faster, I couldn’t do it, everyone was waiting for me, it made me feel very awkward and uncomfortable.. Then I woke up, went to the toilet, and when I fell asleep again I dreamed that I was looking at a rainbow, at its beginning. how it turns into the ground and some guy is frolicking in it.. From every color of the rainbow, crystals of different colors seemed to fall onto the ground, when that guy left I went to see what kind of crystals they were, they looked like little dewdrops of different colors, I took It looked like it was yellow on my finger and I tasted it. The taste seemed to be slightly sweet, then a friend came up to me and said under no circumstances should you try the dewdrop, it is very dirty and it is dangerous, but it was too late, I already tried it. Afterwards we went to some house, there were again a lot of people there, it looked like I knew them, and we got together to play.. There was a huge shelf with different barbies and I had to distribute these barbies according to who took which dewdrop from the rainbow, we divided them into elements and there were some other little things... I asked each person and gave them a doll, I had the element of air. I don’t remember for what reason, but the game didn’t take place. Afterwards the dream jumped to another one altogether, I don’t remember the whole thing, but I remember clearly the moment how the characters from the TV series I’m watching right now are involved, in the dream there were a man and a woman who are good friends to each other and always support each other, but something I became obsessed with this woman and she starts running after the man with a knife, in this dream I first had the role of someone else, but then I became that man, I was running away from that woman, we were in some public place, like shopping center, but no one paid attention to us. A man, i.e. I periodically called my beloved woman (the woman who was his love in the series) and warned her to be careful and keep running. The woman with the knife was very strong and fast, it was impossible to break away from her. Then I woke up.

    Good morning!
    I had a very strange dream today: it was as if an old acquaintance (just a friend, his first love) had arrived and we were chatting, then suddenly we kissed, then we began jokingly arguing about who had the most vigorous personal life, and then they looked at my left hand and saw , that there in the middle of the palm the skin opens horizontally! (a very frightening and not pleasant sight!) one colored eye becomes visible at the edge (I used to have dreams where the skin opened up like this and this eye was visible at the edge, but nothing further could be seen - that was where it all ended), then the second, then it’s clear a man's head is visible, behind it is a train on wheels and with smoke coming out of a chimney, as if rushing at full speed - a color drawing of a train with a man's head is clearly visible in the open skin.

    I had a dream that my girlfriend with whom I was killed in welding deprives me of the pleading of the little ones on the side of the car on the street and until the end I go out and take the little ones and see the painted sky of a blackish color with white glooms, I want to know, but there’s raptovo knows and I pick up little ones

    I dreamed of my lover and I making love, while we painted beautiful patterns on each other’s body and this fascinated us very much. The setting is unclear, but it appears to be his parents' home.

    Demonstration of women with posters, in the corner of the poster there was a black key, but the women said that my key was red. I asked what kind of posters? they answered in honor of Ksenia (the name of my mother, who died on November 4, 2015)—and that’s all

    I had a continuation of the dream in which I was looking at my drawings in a large album. The drawings were not colored, they looked more like children's drawings. In the first such dream, I drew these drawings, and in the dream that I had today, I looked at the same drawings. I don’t remember exactly what was shown in the drawings, but I remember one picture. It depicted a man with a round head and stick-shaped legs (a common children's drawing).

    I was in some room, in front of the house stood a woman with a picture of a mountain and asked: “Are you afraid of heights?”, I remained silent, then she asked: “Do you love your mother?” After that, I cried a lot in my sleep, when I woke up the pillow was wet and I continued to cry

    Hello)) I dreamed of a guy I liked and he drew a house on my leg and then wrote good morning and I can’t remember one more word, he smiled at me in the dream and in response I also wrote something on his body with a felt-tip pen, it all happened in fitness club he is my coach and he knows about my feelings

    I looked at the patterns on the tips of my fingers, how they were defined by nature and dreamed of them, only on one finger this pattern was different - in the center there was a circle, and lines came out of it like a whirlwind

    I came to visit my sister and saw on her table a lot of drawings on velvet paper. She doesn't draw, but the drawings were very beautiful - bright, professional. Mostly beautiful faces of girls and Disney princesses were drawn. I wondered for a long time how she was able to draw this, but she said that it was very easy. And I started trying to draw too.

    All my drawings were spread out in my room. I dreamed that my dad (who died) threw away or took down and put most of the drawings somewhere, saying that I could have drawn better. And then he gave me a painting of me, him and my mother.

    I dreamed of a friend of mine with whom I want to meet, we are good friends and I had a dream about us sitting in a cafe with our friends, I invited him to meet, he agreed to set a meeting place, we met and went chatting about good things, came to the cafe, had fun, played, and so on, but there there was my rival and it seems to me that she also wants to be friends with him more, she comes up to him and says let’s take a photo, let’s chat, play and so on, I think that they are friends and it’s like the next day we were invited to a cafe and everything is the same there was

    I drew a card on plain white paper as a gift for someone. Watercolor and brush. The colors were bright, and she painted fairy-tale animals, like from children’s books: a cheerful hedgehog and, it seems, a bunny. Just like they used to be depicted on postcards.

    my mother handed my boyfriend a drawing of a house. Mom and boyfriend don't know each other in real life. Mom extended this drawing with a serious expression on her face, and then left the room. the action took place in my room

    Hello, I had a dream in which my friend was drawing pictures. But they were all terrible: either because of the colors in which they were drawn (black and white) or something was simply repulsive. Only one drawing was in color - it was a red rose on a yellow background. Then I don’t remember much, but it turned out that I see that he repainted the rose and it also became black and white. I told him to repaint it back, but he refused, because of this we quarreled. That's the whole dream

    What does a mirror mean and they drew a picture on the mirror at first, it seemed like there was a peacock fire bird, but then a clear picture appeared on the mirror of a doll in a lush beautiful dress and it was drawn by a girl, like in a dream, her little sister

    It started with me drawing a picture; in reality, I really like to draw. This drawing featured a girl sitting at a computer, drawn in a cartoon style. Then, I don’t remember, the drawing ended up with a person (I know him, but we never crossed paths). This person (man) gave this drawing, already in an improved form, well, probably added shadows or something, in short - improved it, and also, I remember, there were other drawings (the same as this one, but it seems there is a girl there sat in other positions). That's all, it seems.

    My colleague at my former work gave me a drawing with my image in a queen’s costume drawn in watercolor and a lot of garnet stones of different colors from red to pink, and she did this in front of a large crowd of men in the hall with stands; one of the men came up and took the drawing in his hands and said that is very similar.

To draw a portrait of a friend is to rejoice in meeting this person or receiving a marriage proposal from him. Watching someone else draw - such a dream promises profit, prosperity, and mutual understanding in the family. To draw something is to successfully deceive. Drawing fails -...

What does a dream mean in which a Painting (drawing, portrait) is seen?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is the picture” (this is the situation). “I am returning your portrait” - a situation of separation, quarrel. "interesting picture" Paint.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Painting (drawing, portrait)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is the picture (this is the situation). I am returning your portrait - a situation of separation, quarrel. Interesting picture.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Drawing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw yourself depicted in a drawing (photo) in a dream, the gods are actively helping you in solving all your problems. It’s worth saying thank you to them for this - draw a yellow circle in one corner of the room, a black square in the other, ...

Interpretation of sleep Drawing

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Receive a lot of pleasant things as a gift - you will be popular.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Drawing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Looking at the drawing is a pleasant surprise.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Drawing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: What does the drawing mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You have a difficult conversation ahead of you. Beware of being deceived or misunderstood.

What does a dream mean - Embroidery

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing embroidery in a dream is an indication that you have a rich imagination and dream of beautiful love. The richer the embroidery, the more colorful your dreams. Richly embroidered clothes in a dream are a sign of honor. If in a dream you were presented with something embroidered...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Album?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you look at photographs of relatives in an album predicts the imminent death of one of them. If your album contains a lot of beautiful pictures and poems, then the dream foretells that you will soon receive good news and have a pleasant time with your friends. Consider …

How to interpret the dream “Embroidery”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a woman sees herself embroidering, this means that very soon her noble character will attract the attention of others. Her ability to do everything she undertakes in the best possible way will also not go unnoticed. For a married man...

I had a dream “Carpet”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbol of a happy family life. Seeing a new carpet in your home means a holiday in your home. A blooming garden depicted on the carpet means love and happiness. The figures of children are fortunately in the offspring. Fruits or things - to wealth and...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Glass?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Broken glass in a dream - old acquaintances will remind you of themselves very soon. Seeing a frosty winter pattern on glass in a dream means that in the near future you will meet your true love. If you dreamed of glass, it means that they are waiting for you in the near future...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Drawing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you draw something incomprehensible, blots or blurry images, then you should think about starting a family, opening your own business, and self-realization in the real world. If you dreamed that you were in a gallery among many drawings, it means that you will soon be noticed by those...

Openwork - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a person dreams of an openwork fence, into which a completely ordinary iron fence turns right before his eyes, this means that in real life his enemies will try to force him to change his point of view. Persistence and willpower will help you defend your own opinion. Your creation of an openwork...

Dream - Embroider

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a woman sees herself embroidering, soon someone will pay attention to her noble character and thriftiness. For a married man, this dream for a lover, a dream about embroidery, will bring marriage to a worthy girl. If you dreamed that you were embroidering a complex, but...

See in a dream Draw

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you draw castles in the air or symbols of royal power - a crown, scepter, mantle, etc., then such a dream warns you that you are entertaining yourself with empty hopes. If in a dream the picture you painted is finished...

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You dreamed of a drawing, remember who drew it, what was used and what was depicted in the picture. For the most part, drawings seen in dreams are...
Doctors recommend a diet for lung cancer to maintain the body’s immune defense, inhibit the growth of malignant tumors and...
The Summer Olympic Games are the largest international competitions in summer and all-season sports, held once every 4 years...