To take the academy what you need. Is it possible to take a sabbatical leave if you have debts? Do they provide academic leave for non-medical reasons?

An academic is a break in the studies of a student at a higher educational institution without expelling him from the student body. may only be provided for a valid and compelling reason, supported by documented evidence. During five or six years of studying at a university, life can present many surprises. Therefore, the best solution, the so-called respite from studying, for a student is often an academic leave, the reasons for which can be varied.

Academic leave at the university: how to take (write an application) and for what reasons?

Many students gladly take advantage of this opportunity to go on academic leave. This is convenient in many cases, especially if the student is sure that he will be able to return to classes soon, but at the moment he is having some difficulties with this. Any university is required to provide leave, although each educational institution may require different documents to obtain the desired “leave.”

Academic leave, or three reasons for your deferment

Walking through the corridors of her favorite faculty, Tanya sighs. There is less and less time left before the start of the session, and there are more and more arrears on tests according to the laws of geometric progression. True, I must pay tribute to my friend - she has several well-thought-out plans that should definitely help her in this situation. She left for the very end what she thought was a win-win option – academic leave.

Academic leave. Procedure for granting academic leave.

If health status or existing family circumstances temporarily do not allow a student to continue his studies, then according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, he is allowed to go to academia. The procedure for granting academic leave is strictly regulated. If leaving for the academy is due to illness, then the academic leave is issued on the basis of three medical certificates: this is a certificate of form 095/u, a certificate of form 027/u and a conclusion from the EEC with recommendations on granting for health reasons.

Academic leave

In accordance with Article 49 of the Code, academic leave is granted to a student for medical reasons, in connection with conscription for service in the reserves or for other valid reasons. The duration of academic leave provided to the student during the period of mastering the content of the relevant educational program should not exceed one year (excluding the duration of academic leave granted to the student in connection with conscription into the reserve, leave provided in the case provided for in part three of paragraph 3 of this article) .

In what cases is academic leave taken?

Any student dreaming of an academic career should know in which case an academic leave is taken. The fact is that the reasons for which you can take academic leave include only a few reasons. It is unlikely that you will be able to get a break from studying for a year or more without such grounds.

How can a student take academic leave?

A considerable number of students, due to current circumstances or simply problems with their studies, are wondering: how to take a vacation? But in order to take an academic degree, desire alone is not enough. There must be a valid and compelling reason for registration. There can be two such reasons: for health reasons (illness), and for certain family circumstances. Let's look at both of these options in more detail.

How to take a sabbatical?

What do those who are interested in how to take a sabbatical need to know? The main thing is that no one will give it to you without a good reason. Going on vacation is not at all the same as staying in school for a second year. They are not sent to school for failure. If you get a bad grade you will be expelled from the institute. Therefore, you can count on this leave only if there is some valid reason or serious illness.

How to get academic leave at the university?

When studying at a higher educational institution, in exceptional cases, a student can apply for (AO). There are certain rules for its provision. They are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2782 dated November 5, 1998. It provides not only the definition of the very concept of joint stock company, but also the grounds and procedure for obtaining it.

The reasons why a student wants to get an AO must be quite compelling.

On what grounds can one obtain an academic degree?

The receipt of academic degrees by students is stipulated at the legislative level. It must be said that the right to receive an academic degree is assigned to all students undergoing training in the Russian Federation, regardless of the form and characteristics of this training. Accordingly, in fact, any student can exercise the right to.

Nowadays, many students are trying to take an academic leave from the university. Some people try to do this for really important reasons. For example, to earn extra money. And some people just want to relax. But organizing this type of “break” is not so easy. Let's see what you'll need.


So, male half of the students, we turn to you. Do you want a sabbatical from university? The army will help you. The fact is that quite often guys who have not yet served are ready to be taken into service. So, for example, if you have tails, then you are at risk.

Nevertheless, it also happens that you yourself want to go to the service, but are afraid of losing your place. Then go to the military registration and enlistment office, ask them for a certificate to appear for a medical examination and conscription. Scan them and present them to the university. Due to joining the army, you must be granted academic leave while maintaining your place. If you want, you can use this method. But a student’s academic leave can be issued for some other reasons. Shall we meet them?


A fairly significant reason for taking a break from study is a serious illness that has affected you or your close relative. True, you will also have to prove your difficult situation.

Nowadays certificates are often falsified. Therefore, try to undergo a medical examination in advance. Preferably independent. Then the provision of academic leave will be accelerated. If you have an appropriate certificate of serious illness or a long stay in the hospital, you must be given leave. Thus, your health is another reason to take a well-deserved vacation.

In addition, if your close relative is sick, and there is no one else to look after him, then you also have every right to apply for academic leave at the university. True, here too you will have to prove your position. It is very difficult to do this, but it is possible. There are several other reasons why you might want to take a break while studying. Now we will study them.

Family matters

Academic leave at the university, the reasons for granting which are often hidden, can also be given to those who have some problems in the family. The so-called family leave.

These include any problems that you can confirm. The illness or death of a loved one, a difficult financial situation and doctors' testimony about your peace - everything that can only be confirmed on paper. Provide the dean's office with the necessary documents and certificates depending on your problem, after which you can safely write an application for a vacation. True, some manage to avoid studying in another way.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Academic leave from the university can be given to the female half of students due to pregnancy and childbirth. Indeed, quite often in the early or late stages there are various factors that can lead to disastrous consequences. In addition, studying also greatly affects a woman’s body, which means it also affects the unborn child. So, if you are pregnant, you can apply for a sabbatical leave from the university.

In order to be provided with it, you will have to undergo an examination and bring to the dean’s office a certificate confirming the presence of pregnancy. In addition, if you decide to study until the last minute, you will be required to issue a certificate about the approximate date of birth. For this period, granting academic leave is not a whim, but simply a necessity. So, after receiving all the papers, write an application and attach all the supporting documents issued to you.

Baby care

After a girl gives birth, she is unlikely to immediately wake up and run to the university. So after the birth of your baby, you have every right to apply for academic leave in connection with the birth of a child. The period cannot exceed two years.

What do you need? First, get pregnant and give birth. True, this is not relevant to our topic today. You must submit an application to the dean's office requesting leave to care for a minor child.

Plus, you will be required, as usual, to provide evidence. What can be provided as an argument for granting academic leave to care for a child? No, not a child. You will have to bring a copy (and it would be nice to take the original) of the baby’s birth certificate. After you attach all the documents, you can get a well-deserved rest. True, you can raise a child on your own at home only up to two years inclusive. Then go out and study further. No one will save a place for you for more than 2 years.

What and how?

How does a student go on academic leave? Let's now try to put everything written in its place and formulate with you a more precise procedure for obtaining the right to rest from study.

First, you will have to find a compelling reason why you cannot attend classes at the university. After this, undergo a medical examination and receive an appropriate certificate of your health (in cases where you are planning a vacation for health reasons). If you have a different reason, you will still have to get all the necessary papers. For example, an income certificate or a child’s birth certificate.

Now it’s time to go to the dean’s office. There, ask to see a sample of filling out the corresponding application. After this, write a request for academic leave addressed to the rector. Attach all documents prepared in advance to it. All that remains is to submit the application for consideration and wait for a response.

Academic leave is a leave that gives the right to suspend the educational process for students studying in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions, residents, graduate students, assistant trainees due to medical indications and, in exceptional cases, due to the inability of students to carry out educational activities.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, by order No. 455 of June 3, 2013, describes the grounds, procedure and conditions for granting academic leave to students and other students. Academic leave for pregnancy, childbirth, and child care falls into this category.

Maternity leave

Academic leave for maternity leave is usually issued for a period of up to 140 days, which includes 70 days preceding childbirth and 70 days postpartum. If there are medical indications, for example, multiple pregnancy, the period of postpartum leave is increased to 84 days. If a student mother, already on academic leave, decides to give birth to a child again, she is given the right to take academic leave for pregnancy again.

Holiday to care for the child

Parental leave can be applied for until the child turns 1.5 years old. Also, parents (mother or father) can take leave to care for a child up to 3 years of age. In this case, the parent-student also applies to the management of the educational institution with a personal statement and the child’s birth certificate.

It should be noted that a student who is on academic leave is exempt from participation in the educational process and is not allowed to participate until the end of the academic leave.

How to apply for academic leave

In order to apply for academic leave, the student applies to the dean’s office with a personal statement, and also provides an opinion from a medical commission or documents that can justify the reason for applying for academic leave.

This may be a certificate of temporary disability in form 095/y or 096/y (birth history). To apply for academic leave to care for a child by a student, mother or father, a copy of the child’s birth certificate must be attached to the application.

It is also necessary to certify that the second parent does not use this type of leave, and also does not receive care payments at his place of work or study. If the father or mother of the child does not work, you must provide a certificate from the social security department at your place of residence.

The decision to grant a student an academic leave is made by the management of the educational institution and is formalized by order of the educational institution. It should be noted that the provision of academic leave for pregnancy and child care is not affected by the student’s academic debt. Pregnancy is a medical reason, and if the student has an application and the necessary documents, the decision, of course, will be positive.

Order No. 455 indicates that academic leave can be taken out by a student more than once, and the number is not limited. To apply for your next vacation, you need to go through the same procedure with an application and provision of the necessary medical certificates.

The same order stipulates the maximum period of academic leave - no more than two years. Therefore, if, for example, a student needs to extend her academic leave to care for a child, then she needs to go through the procedure for exiting the leave and apply for it again. If this is not done, the student may be expelled from the educational institution.

Scholarship while on vacation

Order No. 1000 of August 28, 2013 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approves the procedure for assigning state academic and social scholarships to students who study full-time at the expense of the budget.

Academic leave for maternity and child care up to the age of three is not a reason to terminate the payment of an academic scholarship. In other words, a student being on leave does not create academic debt and does not affect the receipt of a scholarship.

If a student does not receive “satisfactory” grades at the assessment for the corresponding semester and does not have academic debt, he will receive a state academic scholarship.

For example, if a student received an increased scholarship before going on academic leave, then while on academic leave she will continue to receive an increased scholarship throughout the academic leave. In addition, she will receive compensation, for which she needs to contact the local branch of the social welfare service.

If a student studies at an educational institution under an education agreement at the expense of an individual or legal entity, he does not pay tuition fees during the academic leave period.

If a student studying on a paid basis paid for tuition for the current semester, but was unable to use the educational services of the educational institution due to going on academic leave, we advise you to contact the management of the educational institution and write an application with a request to transfer the payment to the academic semester, at the time when the student will return from academic leave and continue his studies.

While the student is on academic leave A social scholarship is not paid to the student. An exception is if the student is an orphan or left without parental care.

If the student lived in a dormitory before taking an academic leave, the issue of accommodation during the leave should also be decided by the management of the educational institution. The student must also document his appeal by writing an application to the dean’s office.

Exit from academic leave

To continue studying after the end of the academic leave, the student must contact the management of the educational institution with a personal statement. This procedure is formalized by order of the educational institution. To exit from academic maternity leave, you must also provide a medical certificate.

To obtain academic leave at the university, reasons for this purpose they must be sufficiently weighty. There may be several such reasons. More often people go on academic leave due to pregnancy, to care for a small child, or for health reasons.

Academic leave is granted to a student on the following grounds:

In the case of an application for medical reasons - on the basis of the student’s personal statement, as well as the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the state, municipal health care institution at the place of constant observation of the student. The conclusion must be written or certified by the university medical center. Moreover, without the consent of the student himself, the diagnosis is not indicated in the conclusion.

In the case of an application for other reasons - on the basis of the student’s personal statement, as well as the corresponding document that confirms the basis for receiving academic leave indicating the reason.

A student applying for academic leave must not have any outstanding debts in any subjects. Otherwise, the request may simply be refused.

To obtain academic leave for health reasons, you must obtain a special certificate in form 095/U. The same certificate is needed when applying for academic leave due to pregnancy. A student who fails to complete such a document on time may be expelled for academic failure.

Another reason why a student may apply for academic leave is the difficult financial situation of the family. A student can receive an extra year of deferment from study by obtaining appropriate confirmation of financial status from the social security authorities. You can also get an academic degree due to the need to care for a sick relative.

Most often, academic leave is given for six months or a year. However, the mother of a young child has the right to receive a deferment from education for a period of up to six years. True, if possible, you should try to finish your studies at the university as early as possible. During the entire period of study at the university, a student can take no more than two academic leaves.

Many students want to go on academic leave due to serious debts in their subjects. But almost no one manages to do this. Even if a student has a good reason for taking an academic course, he may simply be expelled for poor academic performance.

An application for academic leave must be submitted to the rector, who can reject or approve it. To confirm valid reasons, the student may be required to provide various documents and certificates. Based on the decision made, an order of the rector is issued.

If a student has not started studying at the end of the academic leave within a month, he is expelled from the university.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1206 of November 3, 1994, students on academic leave for medical reasons receive monthly compensation payments. The university can also pay students who are on academic leave benefits from its own funds.

Students staying at the academy have the right to live in a dormitory. The procedure for paying tuition when granting academic leave to students who study with full compensation for training costs is determined by the terms of the contract.

A student cannot take academic leave from the university due to incapacity for work. During the period of incapacity for work due to pregnancy and childbirth, in accordance with Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, students are granted leave with the wording “maternity” with the payment of benefits established by this law. In these cases, full-time and part-time students are granted leave with the wording “for family reasons.”

So, in order to receive academic leave, a student must submit to the dean of the faculty a personal application completed in the prescribed form, as well as one of the following documents:

The conclusion of the clinical expert commission, certified by the medical health center of the university, or the conclusion of the medical health center of the university;

A document confirming the grounds for receiving academic leave, indicating the reason why the student wishes to take academic leave from the university.

The dean of the faculty endorses the application and then submits it for consideration to the vice-rector for academic affairs. In case of a positive decision, the application with the resolution of the vice-rector is sent to the department of personnel management and social work for the preparation of an order. After the order is issued, the general department of the university transmits an extract from the order to the faculty.

Russian legislation guarantees every student the right to be granted academic leave.

Academic leave- this is a leave granted to a student of a higher or secondary vocational educational institution for medical reasons and in other exceptional cases (for example, natural disasters, family circumstances, conscription into the army). Leave is granted to students in the manner and on the grounds established by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2013 N 455.

Let's try to understand in more detail the issue of granting academic leave to students.

To whom? How long? How?

Academic leave is provided to students in educational programs average professional or higher education (students (cadets), graduate students (adjuncts), residents and assistant trainees).

Academic leave May be is provided:

While on academic leave, the student retains the status of a student, but cannot be allowed to participate in the educational process - attend classes, pass intermediate or final certifications.

According to the law, the duration of academic leave cannot exceed two years, but it can be provided unlimited number of times.

A student on academic leave cannot not only be expelled, but also other disciplinary measures cannot be taken.

The decision to grant a student academic leave is made by the head of the educational organization or an official authorized by him to do so. Such a decision must be made by him within 10 days, after receiving from the student an application for leave and all documents confirming the need for it.

If a student plans to take leave for medical reasons, he must provide the management of the educational institution with a conclusion from the medical commission of the medical organization.

If a student is called up for military service, a summons from the military commissariat containing the time and place of departure to the place of service will be sufficient grounds for taking academic leave.

Other exceptional circumstances can be confirmed, for example, by the following documents:

  • certificates of income of family members and its composition;
  • a copy of the death certificate of a close relative;
  • invitations to work or study;
  • other documents confirming the fact of exceptional circumstances.

Financial issue

A student being on academic leave is not grounds for termination social scholarship payments. Payment of academic scholarships is suspended from the first day of the month following the month of academic leave.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that if a student undergoes training on a paid basis (i.e., under an education agreement at the expense of an individual and (or) legal entity), then during academic leave tuition fee he is not charged.

In most universities, funds previously paid as tuition fees are not returned, but are counted towards future periods of study. Moreover, if while the student is on academic leave there is an increase in the cost of education, then most likely the difference will have to be paid after leaving the leave. More accurate information about this can be found in the charter of the educational institution, its internal regulations or in the contract for obtaining education on a paid basis.

Students on academic leave for medical reasons are assigned and paid monthly compensation payments. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 N 1206 “On approval of the procedure for assigning and paying monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens”, such payments are 50 rubles per month.

The decision to assign such payments is made by the head of the relevant educational institution. It must be accepted within 10 days from the date of receipt of all documents from the student.

If the application for payments was made no later than 6 months from the date of granting leave, then they are assigned from the first day of granting academic leave. Otherwise, payments are assigned and paid for the elapsed time, but not more than 6 months from the day of the month in which the application for assignment of these payments was submitted. These payments are made at the expense of educational institutions, allocated to pay for scholarships to students.

For students in areas and localities where they are installed regional coefficients to wages, the amount of monthly compensation payments is determined using these coefficients, regardless of the place of actual stay of the recipient during the period of academic leave for medical reasons.

Termination of academic leave

Academic leave may be terminated early. The basis for this is a written statement from the student. He is allowed to study after the issuance of an appropriate order from the head of the educational organization or an official authorized by him.

The basis for the rector of an educational institution to issue an order for a student to take academic leave is his personal statement and the conclusion of a medical commission on the possibility of continuing his studies (if the leave was taken for medical reasons).

If necessary, the student can extend academic leave. To do this, he must provide the same package of documents as when receiving leave.

Please note that if the student has not submitted a leave of absence application to the educational institution, this may be interpreted by his management as absenteeism from vacation, and this in turn entails the student’s expulsion from the educational institution. The absence of a student from vacation must be recorded in an appropriate act.

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