German Sterligov has opened a new exchange - for virtual money. German Sterligov launches silver cryptocurrency Only for the rich

The excitement around cryptocurrencies, which was created around the world in 2017, did not leave Russia indifferent either. In the absence of a stable regulatory framework on this issue, the cryptocurrency infrastructure remains open to all comers. On a positive note about the new financial instrument MPs also spoke State Duma and the President of the country.

Perhaps the most interesting moment in cryptocurrency is that it allows absolutely anyone to create their own currency. You just need to have knowledge of programming, or have the funds to hire a specialist and rent server space. This trend attracts businessmen not only as investors, but also as founders of cryptocurrency funds.

The world's first offline exchange

A well-known Russian entrepreneur, German Sterligov, also had a hand in expanding the crypto industry this summer. To begin with, he launched the project of the first Russian cryptocurrency exchange.

The project was named “CryptoSterlingClub Alice”, and at the start it was open exclusively to participants already familiar to the businessman. The reason for such selective trading is the desire of the exchange leaders to test and hone the functionality. On the first day of the exchange, according to Sterligov, 105 Bitcoins were sold.

The main feature of the exchange is that trading here takes place offline. That is, all those who want to participate in the acts of buying and selling cryptocurrencies perform these functions by live trading with other participants in the transaction on the premises of this very Sterligov crypto exchange. This trend allows you to trade at your own set price. The exchange does not take commissions, its profit is formed as a result of an increase in the price.

According to the businessman, the opening of such a site is not a serious costly business or something difficult. All you need is a room, furniture and communications, some staff to provide comfort and a safe deposit box.

Sterligov's own cryptocurrency

Then, already in October 2017, German Sterligov announced that he had come up with his own cryptocurrency. This solution was built on the basis of Waves, while being backed by silver at the rate of the London Stock Exchange. The crypt is implemented both in digital form and in the form of physical banknotes - silver coins, Crypto Sterlings. The entire task of trading this currency and ensuring transactions is taken over by the Alice crypto exchange.

“This will be the first ICO in the world backed by silver. One crypto Sterling is equal to one sterling, and is pegged to the rate of the London Metal Exchange,” the entrepreneur said.

The first mission of the crypt was 10 billion coins. This is an extremely high number, and where Sterligov took the silver for all the confirmation of his security is unknown. Another issue is the trading platform for transactions on this crypto.

To date, none of the popular exchanges operating among Russian traders have added Crypto Sterling to their assets. Physical coins can be spent in stores of the network natural products German Sterligov. According to the businessman, such a concept suggests that new currency will be spent only on natural Russian products and will not bring profit to Western capitalists.

CryptoSterlingClub, on the other hand, was reorganized into the CryptoAlisa company, which is engaged in both transactions and insurance, investment, placement and other financial services for its clients in the field of cryptocurrency investment and trading.

“This is not a withdrawal of Russian money abroad. The money that you paid me for bitcoins remains in Russia. Not a cent or a penny is going anywhere from Russia. Bitcoins are leaving Russia. Well, they weren't here. We don't need them," the businessman said.

The world's first cryptocurrency exchange opened in Moscow on August 24. She was created Russian Orthodox businessman German Sterligov. According to him, the exchange will allow you to make large purchases (up to five thousand bitcoins), which cannot be processed in exchangers. There will be no transaction fees. However, the cost of cryptocurrencies will be slightly higher than in exchangers. German Sterligov explained this by live bargaining and the predominance of buyers over sellers. It is worth noting that the cryptocurrency exchange itself does not participate in trading.

NSN contacted German Sterligov to find out how his first cryptocurrency exchange in Russia is organized. In an interview NSN the entrepreneur told how many bitcoins he managed to sell on the first day of work of the “CryptoSterlingClub “Alisa” and when he goes “back to the forest”.

– German Lvovich, how did the first trading on your cryptocurrency exchange go?

– We have an hour of live trading from 13 to 14. They are available only for those who have places in the CryptoSterlingClub. A very small amount was sold, because only five people participated. In total, 105 bitcoins were sold. The transactions were made by one buyer and different sellers. So far, we are working on a mechanism and allow only those owners of places that we have known for a long time to participate. They will not rot us for the fact that we have not worked out the mechanisms. In a week we will work them out to the end. I think that in a week we will be able to put up for sale the first 20 exchange places.

– Why did you decide to create such an exchange?

– This is the first platform in the world where people meet for live trading on the sale of cryptocurrencies. Nothing like it exists in the world. Bitcoin is now a commodity, like a bill of exchange, a receipt for which you can get money in different countries peace. Due to the mega-growth of the bitcoin rate, which covers the entire purchasing power of the world, soon all currencies will merge into one solid bitcoin. They have such (creators of bitcoin - NSN) idea. AT this case we use the possibilities of the pyramid inflated by London and the USA to overcome sanctions barriers to pay for various goods and services abroad and back without withdrawing real money abroad. When a person in Switzerland needs to receive money, just yesterday he had to break the law, go to banks, pay for gray schemes, be afraid that bracelets would be put on his hands. Starting today, we begin the procedure for obtaining this money completely legally. I think that tomorrow most countries of the world will offer this service.

We came up with an alternative to bitcoin back in 2008

– How do you plan to develop this project?

“Bitcoin is a twisted idea because it has no confirmation, no guarantee. This is empty air. This is a pyramid - zero! And we conceived a settlement system, which is confirmed by gold and silver. And we will continue this business now. That is, everything will be there just as quickly and deftly, but it will be guaranteed from the collapse of the pyramid.

- What system are we talking about?

– In fact, we have been working on this project since 2008, when we came up with Golden (this is the same as bitcoin, but in 2008). We were ahead of time and we were offered to go back to the forest - they did not give us a license for stock exchange activities. We then opened branches in different countries of the world and promoted this idea. Unlike bitcoin, in our case it was not a pyramid, but a new settlement system. We tried to convey this to the whole world in order to free ourselves from the power of the Fed. But since then other people from London and America have been doing it.

- What changed? Why did you decide to return?

- Now we live in a time when Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and his team are confidently fighting for the sovereignty of our country and are dissatisfied with the role of the financial appendage of the US Federal Reserve in the world. There are those mechanisms that we once invented and can use as a weapon torn from the hands of the enemy. This is what we are doing now.

Mining and bitcoin are connected only as a payment for the service

– You are in favor of the environment, but the mining that bitcoins use is additional energy costs. Isn't that contradictory for you?

– Mining has nothing to do with bitcoin. Mining is the provision of the technological part of the computerization of the planet. It is needed both for bitcoins and for gamers, banks, security services, transport systems. They just pay for it with bitcoins. It's like paying a prostitute with bitcoin and saying that she also grows bitcoin. This is nonsense. Mining and bitcoin are connected only as a payment for a service.

– Is creating a cryptocurrency exchange expensive?

“It's a completely free business. It consists of a room, tea and coffee, tables, chairs, monitors, communications, rooms for transactions, bailiffs, secretaries, small expendable executive staff. In any city in the world, this can be opened at the initial stage, when there are still few owners of places, by investing up to 200 thousand euros.

- Are you afraid of competition in the future?

– I am absolutely sure that I will have many competitors. For me, as the author of the idea, it will be flattering and wonderful that thousands of such structures will appear. But whoever starts is usually the one who skims the cream. We will be happy to see thousands of our followers. And we especially count on the youth. Now the youth will join - and I will go back to the forest to deal with peasant affairs.

Although you can buy bitcoins online different ways, this still requires certain knowledge and skills, and we still have a fairly large layer of people who do not even use Internet banking. Apparently, it was for such people that entrepreneur German Sterligov opened the “first official” store of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.

Btc-boutique will work from Wednesday in St. Petersburg, Sterligov said on his page on the social network VKontakte.

Reference. German Sterligov is known for the fact that in 1990. was one of the co-founders of the first commodity exchange in Russia "Alisa", then transformed into a holding company with "Alisa" with subsidiaries in Russia and abroad, as well as many other projects, including extravagant and adventurous ones. Later he left the business and went to the suburbs, becoming a farmer, but did not leave social activity.

Sterligov promised to move to St. Petersburg from August 14 to personally sell cryptocurrencies in the St. Petersburg office. The course in the store will always be higher than the exchange rate, and the minimum purchase amount is 60 million rubles. The entrepreneur promised to keep the names of the buyers secret. He is ready to stop operations if law enforcement authorities consider them illegal.

German Sterligov:

“Operations with bitcoins are not regulated in any way by our legislation. But they are not prohibited either. After hearing Vladimir Putin's speech with a positive message on cryptocurrencies, I became convinced that everything that is not prohibited is allowed. I'm getting down to open sale bitcoins for cash and for non-cash money.

The entrepreneur confirmed to Inc. that the cryptocurrency store is already open. The high bar for the transaction is due to the fact that at this stage the store does not have the infrastructure that will allow solving the problems of people who need several hundred or thousand dollars in another country. $ 1 million or 60 million rubles is not a very large amount for financial transactions to receive live money abroad, said Inc. Sterligov.

We have an expensive store for rich customers. The minimum purchase amount is 60 million rubles. I guarantee the confidentiality of the transaction.

“The specificity of this activity lies in the fact that we do not withdraw money: people receive money abroad, giving it back here. The money they gave here remains in Russia. Not a cent or a dime cross the border Russian Federation. They receive bitcoins and can exchange them online for the currency of interest in many countries of the world.”

The exchange of bitcoins for other currencies of the world will take place without the participation of the Sterligov store - the owners of cryptoassets will do it on their own. When buying a large number of bitcoins, the Sterligov store provides a wholesale discount on the contrary - it is offered to pay more money for the service.

“The overpricing is explained by the fact that it is easy to buy a few bitcoins and this operation is carried out in a rather artisanal mode - literally in the doorways in Moscow. It is difficult to buy a few hundred bitcoins in these alleyways, let alone several thousand bitcoins. This is practically impossible: you need to have a high degree of inexplicable trust in the person in the alley. Besides, he just doesn’t have those bitcoins.”

Sterligov excludes the possibility of fraud during a transaction in his store: all bitcoins before the sale are on his account. Only after that the buyer will be able to give the money to the entrepreneur. “If someone does not trust me, then there is nothing to contact,” he wrote on his page on VKontakte.

“Now in Russia there are semi-legal operations called “envelope” (or conversion), the withdrawal of money abroad. And there quite a lot of interest is charged for such a service: from 10% and above. We are canceling this service. We say: that's it, no need to break the law anymore. Come to us, we will sell you bitcoins completely legally and openly, and you will automatically receive money abroad.”

As for limits on withdrawing money abroad, etc., Mr. Sterligov believes that there is nothing to worry about.

“This is not a withdrawal of Russian money abroad. The money that you paid me for bitcoins remains in Russia. Not a cent or a penny is going anywhere from Russia. Bitcoins are leaving Russia. Well, they weren't here. We don't need them," the businessman said.

Based on materials from Inc and VK German Sterligov

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German Sterligov released the world's first cryptocurrency backed by silver and gold

German Sterlingov at a press conference at Rosbalt © Photo by IA Rosbalt, Anna Semenets

One of the co-founders of the first crypto exchange in Russia, German Sterligov, told reporters about its emergency closure. At a press conference in the Moscow press center of Rosbalt, he said that he would now issue a completely new cryptocurrency - the first in the world, which is backed by precious metals.

They decided to name the new coin in honor of its creator - crypto Sterling. As told CEO of the recently created CryptoSterlingClub, the former head of the first Moscow crypto exchange Alexander Malenkov, you can buy new cryptocurrency tokens on the and Sterling.rus websites. One Crypto Sterling will be equal to one Silver Sterling. The owner of the virtual currency will be able to exchange one of its units — a token for silver — at any time.

“This will be the first ICO in the world backed by silver. One crypto Sterling is equal to one sterling, and is pegged to the rate of the London Metal Exchange,” the entrepreneur said. “We are urgently closing the exchange because silver coins have finally been minted. We no longer need it. On the site of the exchange there will be a grocery store with real peasant products, ”he said.

According to Malenkov, the Sterligov cryptocurrency was created on the Waves platform and is already being traded. In the near future, they plan to display it on other crypto exchanges. “This is not new money, but confirmation of cryptocurrency with valuable metals,” the head of the CryptoSterling Club emphasized.

As Sterligov clarified, in addition to silver coins gold will also be minted. Their value will determine the price of precious metals on the London Stock Exchange. “We are counting on the growth of silver quotations without the growth of quotations for gold. If the project is implemented, if there are no obstacles in its path, silver quotes will grow due to the order of hundreds of millions of coins. We will buy back all the remains of silver that we find. Only 28 thousand tons are mined per year. It goes to industrial needs, jewelry, and there is not much left. We have issued crypto Sterlings for a significant amount - 10 billion coins. As crypto Sterlings are redeemed, silver sterling will be minted. The number of silver orders in different countries of the world will depend on this. Preliminary negotiations are underway with mining companies,” Sterligov said.

Silver coins will become the unit of account in Sterligov's grocery stores. “Philanthropists will be able to help those in need not with money that people spend on who knows what, but with natural products – bread, butter, milk. Since coins are accepted only in natural food stores, there is a guarantee that they will not be spent on anything else,” the entrepreneur noted.

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