What is an offset paper receipt? Receipt tape and thermal tape, offset paper Cash tape types

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Publication date: 01.12.2016

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Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

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There are several modifications of the check tape.

Single layer receipt tape- consists of one layer of offset paper.

Multi-layer or double-layer receipt tape- consists of one layer of offset paper and the second self-copying layer. It is divided into a receipt tape with two active layers, which consists of two self-copying layers, and a receipt tape with one self-copying active layer.

thermal tape(or thermochemical receipt tape) - consists of a single layer of thermal paper, the image on which appears under the influence of temperature.

Single layer receipt tape

There are 6 sizes of receipt tape in width - 37, 40, 44, 57, 69 and 76 mm. Receipt rolls of the same width differ in outer diameters, which can be from 54 to 70 mm, inner diameters of the sleeve - 12 or 18 mm. In each model of the cash register, a check tape of a strictly defined width and a certain diameter can be used to fit in the space allotted for it. The diameter of the sleeve is also important - only Samsung POS printers can use rollers with a sleeve of 12 and 18 mm, as they have a conical pin for the roller.

A prerequisite is the application of a colored (usually red) stripe on the last 5 meters of the receipt tape. The appearance of a receipt tape with such a strip at the exit from the cash register shows that the receipt tape will soon run out and it is time to change the roller.

For the manufacture of a single-layer receipt tape and the top layer of a two-layer receipt tape, both offset paper with surface sizing and a whiteness of 96-100%, and writing paper with a whiteness of 92-94% of domestic production are used.

Multilayer, it is also a two-layer check tape

A multi-layer check tape consists of two layers, the image on which is applied by one printing unit of the CMC. The top layer of the check tape is received by the buyer, while the bottom layer remains in the cash register. The top layer is made of high quality offset paper, and the bottom layer is made of special paper with a self-copying layer. A check tape is produced with a width of 44, 57 and 76, less often 69 mm and an outer diameter of the roller from 54 to 70 mm. The sleeve is used only one inner diameter - 12 mm.

Multi-layer check tape with two active layers consists of two layers of paper with a self-copying coating. Such a check tape is used in cash registers without cartridge, often used when using POS printers at low temperatures, when the ink of the cartridges freezes, or if replacing the cartridge is more expensive than using a dual-active tape. The receipt tape is produced in widths of 44, 57 and 76 mm.

A multi-layer receipt tape with one active layer is used in cash registers without a cartridge, in the same cases as a double-active receipt tape. It is used on Samsung cash registers, since it is often cheaper to work on a single-action receipt tape than to buy expensive cartridges that are of poor quality.

thermal tape, she is thermochemical receipt tape

This receipt tape consists of a single layer of paper coated with a thermosetting coating. The paper used is the same as for production fax rollers. The width of the check tape is mainly 44 and 57 mm, but there are rollers with a width of 80 mm. The density of the paper base is from 55 to 58 g / m2, and sometimes there are manufacturers who wind rollers from thermal paper of a higher density, which makes the rollers visually look larger with the same or even less length of the receipt tape.

Cash tape from the manufacturer

Cash or check tape is an invariable attribute of modern business. Any trade point, a firm or company associated with the sale of goods or services, uses this consumable in its activities.

Scope of application of ribbon for cash printer

This product serves as the basis for printing checks and reporting forms using terminals and cash registers. On a strip of paper, information is printed on transactions performed within the company, which can subsequently be used by internal and external reporting. When a consumer expresses a desire to buy a product or service and pays for it, in any store, mall, a public catering facility, the sale, or rather its fact, is confirmed by the seal of the receipt. Depending on the model of the cash register, you can use a check tape of a specific width, winding length, with a certain number of layers. Data on the necessary consumables for a particular device is always indicated in the equipment passport.

Types and types

Today, you can buy wholesale and retail several varieties of receipt tape: single- and multi-layer versions, paper with a thermal layer are widely used. Each material variant is designed for specific aggregates, printing special type, so the prices of ribbon paper may vary. In a certain cash register, a reel of a specific size can be installed, so the marking of products is carried out depending on the width of the roll, for example, 44, 57 or 69 mm.

What is the difference between cash register tape and terminal material?

1. A single-layer tape is used for printing non-fiscal checks and checks for internal reporting. This roll material is made from offset paper with a whiteness of at least 98% and writing paper with a whiteness of 92% or more. The main requirement for it is high-quality and fast absorption of paint.

2. A cash tape with several layers is used to copy information about a trade operation. The first layer of paper with printed data remains in the cash register for reporting, the other layer is given to the buyer as a check.

3. Special options for offset paper products are designed to work with special inks or thermal ribbon. They develop characters such as batch number, price, date of printing under the influence of a certain temperature. Such consumables are used for bank terminals, in some self-service stores. It has a special coating, due to which it darkens when interacting with a hot printed element of the equipment.

You can order any type of tape for check machines and terminals from us - the catalog contains one- and two-layer products of popular types and sizes. You can buy wholesale products of any size and width at a bargain price.

Our company is a manufacturer, therefore it offers the best prices in the region and the possibility of wholesale supply of consumables for cash registers, terminals and other printing equipment.

check tape- the main expendable material for cash registers and various cash registers. On our website check tapes of various types and from various materials- from complex two-layer to simple thermal paper.

Receipt tape dimensions 80 typical

Description Quantity, pcs. in the box Price rub./roller
Check tape 80
80x80x18 (winding 79m.) 60 35,00
80x80x26 (winding 75m.) 60 34,50
80х88х18 (winding 95m.) 36 43,50
80x200x26 (winding 538m.) 8 240,50
80x200x18 (winding 542m.) 8 242,50
80x210x18 (winding 600m.) 8 268,40
80x120x26 (winding 190m.) 24 86,00
80x130x26 (winding 220m.) 18 102,00
80x150x26 (winding 295m.) 14 135,50
80x160x26 (winding 332m.) 14 156,80
80x180x18 (winding 423m.) 10 192,50
Cash register tape of non-standard sizes
112x160x26 (winding 332m.) 8 242,00
57x120x12 (winding 200m.) 30 70,50
57x60x12 (winding 45m.) 140 15,75
57x50x12 (winding 31m.) 192 10,50
57x43x12 (winding 23m.) 252 8,80

Today on the market you can find many types of check tape for cash registers. Such a wide choice is due to the existence of various printing KKM devices, as well as the development of new technologies in the production of consumables.

Receipt tape is made in small rolls of tape with a sleeve, often referred to as rollers. The rollers can differ from each other in such characteristics as: the outer and inner diameter of the roll, the width of the tape, the type of tape. These parameters determine for which KKM model the selected receipt tape is applicable. It also happens that the same tape is suitable for working in several KKM models from the same manufacturer. Tape width can be: 37mm, 40mm, 44mm, 56mm, 76mm. As for the diameter of the cash tape roll, the requirements are less critical here, since the roll can simply be unwound if its dimensions do not allow it to be installed in the receipt tape compartment in the cash register.

Receipt roll change is the procedure for loading the receipt tape into the POS printer. Often this procedure presents some difficulties, therefore, manufacturers of cash registers are trying to produce models whose design allows the replacement of consumables as simply and quickly as possible.
The cash tape comes out of the cash register during the printing process, and then it is either torn off, or it is cut off using a special knife installed in the cash register and given to the buyer. The tape installed in place of the control tape remains in the receipt machine after printing and is wound on a special reel. Upon completion, the control tape is removed from the spool, signed and stored in good condition. How quickly the tape will be consumed depends on the intensity of work on the KKM.

There are several types of check tape.

Single layer cash register tape:

The material for the manufacture of a single-layer tape is ordinary glued offset paper with a density of 80 g/m2. One roll can contain several tens of meters of paper. This type tapes can be used both as a receipt and as a control tape. Note that it is considered a classic receipt tape, since earlier all cash registers worked using such a tape, although they were made from lower quality paper.

Two-layer (self-copying) cash register tape:

Such a tape is made from special thin paper folded in two layers (inner and outer), so it is called two-layer. In the course of operation, the PKM printer makes an imprint on the outer layer, as well as on other tapes. After printing, this layer is torn off and given to the buyer as a receipt. An imprint of printed information remains on the other (inner) layer, and this part of the tape is formed as a control tape, which, as we have already said, is wound on a reel and remains in the cash register. The image on the second layer is formed due to the special properties of the paper, and not from the contact of the material with the ink ribbon of the KKM printer. It's all about the pressure that the printer's needles exert on the paper, hitting both layers at the same time.

The paper on which the image is formed due to pressure is called strain paper, or capillary paper, because. it contains a layer of polymer coating, consisting of numerous small air bubbles (capillaries). These pressure bubbles burst and become visible.

Of course, two-layer cash tape paper is suitable for printing on letter and dot-matrix printers that have an impact phase. The use of such paper greatly simplifies the design of the printer, saves on cartridges and increases the speed of printing a check.

Replacing the cash tape

Nowadays, there is a two-layer paper, in which both layers have a capillary coating. This type of ribbon allows you to print without cartridges, and therefore avoid the problems associated with them.

Both types of double-layer tape have never received a simple and precise name, so they are constantly confused. In order not to confuse our customers, we recommend them to use the following name options: name a tape with one capillary layer - tape 1k ("one ka"), and a tape with two layers - tape 2k ("tape two ka").

Thermal tape, cash tape for thermal printing

This type of ribbon is designed to work exclusively in thermal printers. Sometimes there may be defects in the thermal tape - places where the thermal sensitivity of the tape is less than in other parts of it. Note that thermal paper consumables require special storage: they are not recommended to be stored in a warm place, as they can darken under the influence of temperature and become unprintable, and even worse, lose the information printed on them. The effect of darkening due to heating is irreversible, that is, if the tape is cooled, it will not become lighter.

Typical dimensions of thermal receipt tape

Receipt tape 37 mm (37х60х12) for KKM "ELVES-01-03 F"
Receipt tape 44 mm x 30 m thermochemical (for Felix-02-K, Samsung ER 250/4615, etc.)
Receipt thermal tape 57 mm x 22 m for KKM "SHTRIKH-MICRO-F"
Receipt tape 57 mm x 30 m, thermochemical (Shtrikh-FR-K, AMS-100K, KKM Elves-Micro-K, Felix-RK, Felix-3SK, etc.)
Receipt tape 57 mm x 40 m, thermochemical (Shtrikh-FR-K, AMS-100K, KKM Elves-Micro-K, Felix-RK, Felix-3SK, etc.)
Receipt tape 57 mm x 80 m is used for printing checks in cash registers Shtrikh-FR-K, Felix-RK, Elves-Micro-K, etc.
Receipt tape 69 mm single layer (69x60x12) (Shtrih-950K)
Receipt tape 76 mm x 54 m capillary two-layer is used for printing receipts in receipt printers of Star, Epson, Samsung, Posifilex, etc. brands.
Receipt ribbon 76 mm x 54 m single layer is used for printing receipts in receipt printers of Star, Epson, Samsung, Posifilex, etc. brands.
Receipt tape 80 mm x 60 m thermochemical for receipt printers and fiscal registrars.
Receipt tape 80 mm x 80 m thermochemical for Star receipt printers and fiscal registrars.

custom size

In this article we will talk about what kind of check tape is, what it consists of and for what purposes a tape of one kind or another is intended.

The first check tape appeared at the same time as the first cash register, that is, in 1884. With the light hand of the Ritty brothers, an invention came into the world that affected almost all the inhabitants of the Earth. The sellers received a device that allows them to quickly make payments, cancel invoices and record all transactions, and buyers - the ability to quickly make purchases in stores and have their documentary evidence.

Today there are a huge number of modifications not only of the cash registers themselves, but also of receipt tapes. They differ in width or length, number of layers, printing method, core diameter.

Receipt tape can be single-layer, double-layer, with and without perforation, dense and low density. Plus, the standard values ​​\u200b\u200bare important:
- diameter of the sleeve for winding the tape: 12 mm, 18 mm, 26 mm,
- tape width - 28.5 mm, 38 mm, 44 mm, 57 mm, 70 mm, 76 mm.
Usually, the standard size of a check tape is indicated as follows: “width” x “roller diameter” x “inner sleeve diameter” - for example, 57 x 60 x 12, all dimensions are in millimeters.

What is a check tape
If a single-layer ribbon consists of a single layer of offset paper (with a density of 60-65 g / m and a whiteness of 90 - 96% according to ISO, a colored strip is applied on the last five meters of the ribbon), then with regard to the multi-layer, everything is much more complicated. It is divided into:
- two-layer, consisting of one layer of offset paper and the second self-copying layer. The same cash register assembly applies an image to both layers, the buyer receives the upper one, and the lower one remains in the cash register. The latter is made of special paper with the addition of microgranules, which, under the pressure of the printing unit (cartridge) of the CMC, burst and form an imprint.
- Two-active (capillary two-layer) - from two layers of paper with a self-copying coating. Typically used in cash registers without a cartridge, often when operating at low temperatures, when the cartridge ink freezes, or when replacing the cartridge is more expensive than using dual-active tape.
- Single-active (capillary single-layer) - from one active (self-copying) layer, the image on which appears under mechanical action. Often used in cash registers without a cartridge.
- Thermal tape (thermochemical check tape) - from one layer of thermal paper, the image on which appears under the influence of temperature. The paper used is the same as for the production of fax rollers. The thermoset coating allows the receipt tape to be used in the harshest conditions and significantly increases the speed of issuing checks. Thermal tape is often used in ATMs and payment terminals.

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