Troubleshooting KKM. Signs of a faulty KKK KKM device is disabled due to problems

During the operation of the CCP, the occurrence of emergency situations is quite possible, which can lead to various kinds of malfunctions. At the time of the onset of such a situation, you need to turn off the cash register, call the manager (or his replacement) and try to solve the problem - identify the malfunction and its cause.

If suddenly strange data is printed on the checks, you must first look at the prints of the check on the cash register tape. If, on the contrary, checks do not come out, try to get any check together, the usual one, the so-called zero. The correct amount should be on its back (as usual, the amount in words, but the pennies in numbers). If a problem arises associated with a break in the cash tape, after a thorough check and identification of the absence of gaps in the numbering, you need to sign the place of the break.

If, due to a malfunction, it is impossible to continue working with the cash register, then it is worth formalizing the end of the work shift. The journal of the cashier-operator notes the time period and the reasons for the end of the working day. After that, the person in charge turns for help to the service department of the central heating service, with which the contract for the maintenance of this particular cash register was concluded.

At such a moment, you need to make the appropriate entries in the Call Log technical specialists and registration of work performed (it is started in the form No. KM-8). After a thorough inspection, the maintenance specialist enters the data in the Journal (full name, machine sealing data and brand imprint), and also indicates the cause of the breakdown and the actions taken.

In case of a malfunction of the cash control counters or the electronic part of the cash register, the machine must be sent for repair work to the central heating station. According to such a situation, a log entry is made. This record is confirmed by the signature of a specialist. In addition, this record must also contain the signature of the manager, or an employee with the right to sign.

After identifying the need service repair, an act is drawn up on taking readings from the cash register tape and summing cash counters. Such indications are taken at the time of the transfer of the CCP for repair. If the malfunction of the CCP was corrected and eliminated by the representative of the CTO, in this case, the act is not drawn up. Otherwise, the act must be drawn up in at least three copies. A prerequisite for drawing up an act is that the cause of the breakdown, its nature is indicated, and records are made of which parts were affected at the time of the check, and also, if the cause cannot be established on the spot, but only at the service center, this is also noted in act.

In addition, this document should contain notes on the readings of the summing cash and control counters before and after the repair. At the first visit to a CTO specialist, the indications that were before the repair, at the time of the malfunction and completion of the work, are indicated. The act is drawn up only with the participation of a representative of the tax authority, he certifies it and checks the data for compliance with reality. He signs the act, they also sign - a representative of the CTO, a cashier-operator, as well as a manager or a responsible person. The signature is additionally secured with the seal of the organization, as well as the stamp of the tax authority. Only after that you can proceed to the subsequent warranty service and repair work.

Upon completion of the repair work of the cash register, the service center specialist indicates in the act the number of the shift report and the final readings of the totalizing meter at the time the device was returned to the owners. The act is also confirmed by signatures and seals. One copy is given to the manager, the second remains at the service center, and the third copy is sent for information to the tax authorities. To the last two documents, certified copies of checks are additionally attached, their purpose is to certify the authenticity of the data. CCT receives a filling and then it becomes ready for subsequent work.

Breakdown of fiscal memory

If the device has a breakdown associated with fiscal memory, then such a problem does not have a quick and easy solution. Actions are carried out in strict accordance with the specially developed Rules for the replacement fiscal memory cash registers. They were approved by the decision of the State Interdepartmental Expert Commission on Cash Registers dated October 11, 2000.

The replacement of such memory of the cash register occurs only after an official document from the tax authority, which contains permission. Such a document is obtained from the tax authority in which it is registered. To obtain such a document, you need to make an official request to the tax office. It is necessary to attach to the application a copy of the decision from the TsTO, which spells out the need for repair and replacement of memory. The tax authorities issue such permission. The replacement process must be attended by the service center specialist himself, the entrepreneur or the head of the company, as well as a representative of the tax inspectorate.

If suddenly there was a serious accident or breakdown, when it is not possible to establish the contents of the memory, the data on the cash settlements carried out by the cash register and the number of shift reports are determined from previous fiscal reports, control tapes, as well as from the journals of the cashier-operator. If the data still managed to be established, they are necessarily attached to the documents.

After obtaining a mandatory permit to fix the breakdown, the cash register is taken to the repair center. It should be noted that under the terms of the contract, the TsTO specialists must provide warranty or post-warranty service within thirty-six hours in an urban area, and if it is a rural area, then within seventy-two hours. When the apparatus is handed over for repair, a replacement must be provided and the tax authorities are informed of this.

During the period of routine maintenance, an inspection of all parts and their serviceability is provided.

Our customers are often interested in the question: in what cases will they have to pay for the repair of the KCM, and in what cases will the CTO cover the costs. And in general, is the repair of the KKM subdivided according to some criteria?

Our customers are often interested in the question: in what cases will they have to pay for the repair of the KCM, and in what cases will the CTO cover the costs. And in general, is the repair of the KKM subdivided according to some criteria? - Yes, there is a very specific division of repair types.

Depending on the malfunction, the repair of KKM can be carried out directly at the facility where the cash register is operated, or at the central heating station. KKM repair can be warranty, small, medium and capital. Not only the repair period, but also the documentation to be drawn up depends on how significant the malfunction is.

Warranty repair of KKM.

The new cash register has a warranty period of 12 months. During this period, a warranty repair of the cash register is carried out, provided that the identified malfunction that caused the failure of the cash register occurred through the fault of the manufacturing plant. In this case, the CTO carries out the repair of the KKM at its own expense, and subsequently settles with the supplier. The TsTO independently determines the cause of the failure of the KKM, and, accordingly, establishes whose fault the breakdown occurred.

If the cause of the malfunction is not related to factory defects, then the repair of the KKM is considered out of warranty, and the owner pays for it in full.

Please note that the sale and purchase of cash registers is not regulated by consumer protection law, since cash registers are not an item to satisfy the household or personal needs of the person who bought the cash register, but are aimed at commercial activities and making a profit. Therefore, the warranty repair of the KKM is carried out only in the manner described above.

Repair of KKM is also made for a fee if:

Not current contract for maintenance;

The breakdown of the cash register was due to the fault of its owner.

Small (current) repair of KKM.

Cash registers are among the devices for which preventive maintenance and a systematic assessment of the technical condition are mandatory. It is the current repair of the CCM that, in many respects, ensures its uninterrupted functioning. Minor repairs of KKM, as a rule, are carried out by a CTO mechanic at the place of its operation and consist in adjustment, tuning and testing. Although no functional parts and parts of the KKM are replaced, the seal mark is opened.

Average repair of KKM.

In the course of a medium repair, individual elements and parts of the KKM can be replaced, but entire blocks and assemblies are not replaced. Almost always, the average repair of KKM is accompanied by a small one. This combination, according to statistics, is the most common type of repair of cash registers.

Capital repairs of KKM.

The most long-term repair, during which the functional blocks and components of the cash register are replaced. If there is a need to replace the fiscal memory unit or ECLZ, then these actions are performed only after obtaining permission from the tax office where the KKM is registered. Overhaul of KKM always includes small and medium.

Any repair of cash registers is accompanied by the preparation of relevant acts, invoices and entries in the Journals KM-8 and KM-2.

We all know that technology is not eternal. If you do not follow it, then the device will become unusable in a few years. It is worthwhile to carry out repairs to KKM carefully, taking into account all the requirements, because this is an accounting technique, without it the outlet will not stand idle for a couple of days (of course, if there is one cash desk in the store).

We will tell you what to do if the cash register is broken.

The main reasons for the breakdown of the cash register

You can determine why the cash register does not work on your own. The main thing is to carefully examine the equipment. Or a service center specialist can do it for you.

Basically, cash register equipment breaks due to the fact that:

Important: If you have accidentally damaged the IFTS seal or the production sticker-marking, contact the specialists! Such a device is considered broken and invalid.

Remember also: if the fiscal memory has been erased, then such damage can even be brought to administrative responsibility.

It is worth considering the operation of cash equipment if it:

  • Incorrectly prints check and receipts or does not print at all.
  • The equipment does not turn off or turn on.
  • Sales information is not saved.
  • Keyboard, printer stopped working properly.
  • Receipts are displayed, but without important information, such as bank details.

Contact the experts, they will help you set up the equipment or recommend how to properly deregister the cash register, as well as choose the latest modern equipment for you to suit your requirements for work.

All the nuances of repairing KKM in the central heating station - what to foresee and what to prepare for?

If you purchased the cash register at a specific service center, then you should contact the same organization for repairs. If it does not work, then do not hesitate and call other specialists, for example - in.

The sooner you contact the masters, the sooner the cash register will be repaired and the outlet will begin to operate in full.

Remember important nuances:

1. Repair cannot be carried out by a private master!

All cash registers are obligatorily serviced in the centers. If you turn to a private trader, then further problems may arise with the equipment and its repair, because it is not a fact that the master will have a license to carry out repair work on KKM, and he has been trained. What should a cashier do if the cash register breaks down?

Follow these instructions:

  1. Report the breakdown to your line manager.
  2. Try to fix the error yourself together with him and solve the problem.
  3. Contact the specialists of the technical service center if it was not possible to repair the KKM.
  4. Conduct a damage assessment with the foreman. After repairing the equipment, sign the act of performed services and other important documents. The specialist must indicate on paper the cause of the breakdown and how to eliminate it.
  5. When removing the seal from the device, be sure to contact the tax office with the documents: an extract that the KKM was repaired, the conclusion of the master.
  6. Get permission from the tax authorities to remove the seals. This must be done within 3 days!
  7. Pay for the services of specialists.
  8. After the permit is issued, you have 15 working days to bring the equipment into working condition.

Of course, it is better to put the equipment in order in a few days in order to establish the work of the outlet. Experts will help you solve all problems, contact us!

When making cash settlements with the population, the use of cash registers with fiscal memory in a non-fiscal mode or with a failed fiscal memory unit is equated with the non-use of cash registers. Pharmacies should check the serviceability of cash registers at technical service centers annually (in January-February). Not allowed for use in KKM pharmacies, where the TsTO seal is missing or damaged, there is no manufacturer's marking or one of the means of visual control. The pharmacy is responsible for the use of KKM malfunctions.

The fact that the pharmacy has entered into an agreement with the CTO and regularly pays for work under this agreement cannot serve as a basis for releasing it from liability. A KKM is considered faulty if:

a) does not print, prints illegibly or does not completely print on the check all the provisions of the Regulations on application of CMC requisites;

b) does not print, prints illegibly or does not print the control tape or other documents provided for by the technical requirements for cash registers and their fiscal (control) memory;

c) does not perform or performs with errors the operations provided for by the technical requirements for cash registers and their fiscal (control) memory;

d) does not allow obtaining the data contained in the fiscal (control) memory necessary for the exercise of control by the tax authority;

e) uses application programs that are not approved by the commission for use;
use with a particular model.

The operating rules may also provide for other malfunctions, in the presence of which these machines should not be used.

If malfunctions are found in the operation of the cash register, the cashier-operator of the pharmacy must perform the following actions:

Turn off the cash machine;

Call a representative of the administration using the alarm system installed in the cab;

Together with a representative of the administration, determine the nature of the

In case of unclear printing details on the check, non-issue of the check or breakage of the control tape, together with a representative of the pharmacy administration, check the prints of the check on the control tape, sign the check (if the check did not come out, get zero instead), indicate the correct amount on the back (rubles in words) and after checking the absence of numbering gaps, sign the places where the control tape breaks;

In case of impossibility of further work due to a malfunction of the KKM
the cashier, together with a representative of the pharmacy administration, draws up the end of work on this cash machine in the same way as at the end of the shift. In the Journal of the cashier-operator, a note is made on this cash machine about the time and reasons for the end of work.

The director of the pharmacy, if it is impossible to eliminate the malfunction by the cashier, calls a technical specialist by making an appropriate entry in the log of the call and registration of work performed (form No. 30)

Upon completion of the repair, the readings of cash and control counters are checked, and the casing of the cash register is sealed. On the results of checking and sealing the casing of the cash register, an act is drawn up in form No. 27 with the participation of the director, cashier-operator, specialist of the TsTO and a representative of the tax inspectorate.

Documents on the malfunctioning of cash or control counters and a conclusion on the suitability of the electronic cash register for further work or on sending it to the TsTO for repair are prepared by the programmer, while he fills out the passport on the cash register and makes appropriate entries in the log of calling technical specialists and registration of work performed.

Repair of KKM in accordance with the Regulations on the use of KKM should be carried out by organizations registered as a technical service center. At the same time, maintenance and repair of KKM outside the central heating center, in which KKM is registered, are prohibited.

The procedure for repair and technical maintenance of KKM defined by the Regulations on the procedure for the sale, maintenance and repair of cash registers in the Russian Federation, approved. decision of the GMEC dated 03/06/95, protocol No. 2/18-95 (as amended and supplemented on 03/25/97, protocol No. 2/34-97).

All cash registers are registered at the technical service center for maintenance and repair. The specialists of the center prepare the cash register for registration with the tax office, fill out the technical passport, check its serviceability, program the operation of printing the name of the enterprise - the owner of the cash register and its TIN on the check, place visual control tools on the cash register.

The technical service center carries out commissioning of KKM, including their pre-sale preparation, re-preservation, adjustment, adjustment and input control functional characteristics; elimination of detected malfunctions, installation of means of visual control of the central heating service, which certifies the serviceability of a particular device, and also seals the device, draws up a technical report and enters data into the KKM passport.

TsTO has the right to put on maintenance only those CFCs, the models of which are approved for the use of GCEM, are equipped with visual control means of the general supplier, certifying their compliance with the models included in the State Register, purchased by the consumer at the TsTO or from other sellers who have an agreement with the TsTO for maintenance of KKM .

TsTO has the right to transfer KKM for rent to enterprises and organizations using them, with subsequent registration of KKM in the tax authorities by the specified enterprises and organizations.

The appearance of errors in the Frontol program indicates incorrect system settings. For troubleshooting, you can use the user manual or contact the service technical support.

If an error has appeared in the Frontol program, then this most often indicates an incorrect system configuration, a database malfunction, or a lack of access rights to perform a specific operation. All possible types technical difficulties and ways to eliminate them are described in the Frontol for cashiers user manual. If it was not possible to solve the problem when working with the database on your own, then you can contact the technical support service specialists, who, thanks to the possibility of remote administration, will help you correct the situation.

Frontol: typical mistakes

Most often, Frontol users encounter the following types of errors:

  • product not found;
  • registration of a fractional quantity of goods is prohibited;
  • you can not return more goods than sold;
  • no access rights;
  • exchange error with KKM;
  • the operation is prohibited in the settings;
  • error when opening a document;
  • communication error with Frontolservice;
  • there is no registration of goods when scanning a barcode;
  • information is not displayed on the customer's display;
  • the cash drawer does not open and others.

Errors when working with the Frontol database

If the exchange occurred with errors when uploading data, then you should check the user settings. To do this, in the "Settings" section, find the "System" subsection and select the "Data exchange" item. In this step, you should create a new task or edit an old one. If you need to automatically upload data, you should set the frequency of the operation. In the "Format" tab, you must specify the parameters and file names for the exchange.

The appearance of a system error 0x80004005 when working with the database indicates a corruption or missing file required to activate the operating system. To solve this problem, the cashier is recommended to contact the administrator, since the OS will need to be reinstalled. Error 0x80040e14 most often occurs when updating a database.

For qualified assistance to resolve these and other problems, it is recommended to contact the technical support service. In the ATOL company, service partners are engaged in the sale, implementation and maintenance of software products. Thanks to a wide network of dealerships, you can seek qualified assistance from specialists anywhere in Russia and the CIS countries.

Repair of fiscal equipment is carried out in technical service centers. If you have any difficulties with finding a service partner to eliminate the problems that have arisen, please contact the ATOL support service.

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