In student dormitories there is a struggle for “open night”. Getting into the hostel at night: what a thriller Entertainment for students in the hostel

I lived in a hostel for about 7 years. Throughout the five years of studying at the university, 2-3 other people lived in the room with me, who changed periodically.

What can I say: all people are different, you can talk to someone about the topic of sex and relationships, but with some virgin neighbors you didn’t even have the determination to bring up this topic, let alone ask to take a walk in the fresh air for an hour and a half. The walls in the rooms are very thin, and any sound or creaking of the bed can be clearly heard from the neighbors and in the corridor. Therefore, in most cases, having sex in the room was problematic.

Many couples retired at night in the kitchen or on the ground floor in the corridor where we had a shower. I myself witnessed similar scenes a couple of times when I got up at night to drink some water and went to the kitchen with a glass. Mostly, couples tried not to compromise themselves and indulged in the joys of sexual life quietly. Often in the morning you could see a pair of used condoms in the common bin in the kitchen. Some did not use protection, and there were cases when girls became pregnant and married guys from the dorm, and, as a rule, these were girls of not entirely correct behavior, in the sense that they had this kind of relationship with more than one neighbor in the dorm.. .

The sexual activity of students increased when there were holidays and people drank alcohol: their minds became cloudy, and many young ladies were no longer able to refuse the guy they liked. Although I know many stories when love began from such casual sex, and then people started dating and got married, and many of them are still together.

It was very important for me that they didn’t talk badly about me behind my back or whisper about my personal life. This was a matter of principle, and multiple attempts by guys to court me in the hostel turned out to be nothing for them. Many of the girls who had, for example, very strict parents, finally freed from their care and control, indulged in all seriousness and led a promiscuous sex life. Often at night in the kitchen (and the kitchens in the dorms are shared) I found couples of lovers looking for privacy. All this was simply explained: it was almost never possible to be alone in the room, because... Of the 4 people living there, someone was always at home, so this option was rarely used. I remember my neighbor had sex at 6 in the morning with her classmate, and I not only heard the whole process, but also saw...

Since the walls in the dormitories are very thin, you, unwittingly, become unwitting witnesses and “listeners” of the stormy romances of your neighbors. But I didn’t judge or discuss anyone, because this is life, and no one is immune from spontaneous sex.

In fact, living in a hostel is very difficult. There is little space, there is no opportunity to be alone and calm. On the other hand, this is an invaluable life experience, which makes it possible to learn to better understand people and adapt to life in any conditions.

While students fight for their legal right to enter the dormitory at any time of the day, Gaude recalls what happened a year ago

St. Petersburg State University once opened round-the-clock access to dormitories after students contacted the rector’s office. Then the rector said that the “curfew” at the university was arbitrarily “imposed” by the watchmen, who did not want to let students through at night, but wanted to sleep

It happens differently

Several students interviewed were very surprised to hear that any punitive measures were even possible for late returns to the hostel. There are a number of 24-hour hostels in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the doors of which are always open to residents.


"While we ( Russian Student Union in St. Petersburg) we are deciding how best to resolve this situation,” commented Vladlen Kondratyev, deputy chairman of the RSS in St. Petersburg for legal issues. “We were unable to find the victim himself. However, there is an eyewitness who claims to have seen the victim after the incident. According to an eyewitness, he lives in dormitory No. 10; on the night of September 25-26, at the entrance to the MSG (main checkpoint), unknown persons took away the victim’s mobile phone and wounded his hand with a knife. Apparently, the victim himself did not contact medical institutions or law enforcement agencies. At the same time, there is a student, according to whom, the incident was seen by a guard at the main checkpoint. His comment has already hit the media. After the publication, according to the student, the head of the building threatened him with a criminal case for libel and eviction.”

Another student living in MSG, Nikita Yanenko, told Gaude that at night they are allowed into the dormitory only at 2 and 4 o’clock, “and then you have to write an explanatory note, even after” “they wrote down everyone who came at four (about fifty people were “late”) "

The lifting of the curfew remains one of the main requests of students living in MSG. A petition about this, organized by the Russian Student Union, was signed by 4,000 people. Other problems on the campus, according to the Russian Student Union and student records on VKontakte, include illegal evictions, forced attendance at events (the latest example is the ceremony of laying a capsule about the construction of a new building with the participation of the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko on October 2).

Text - Vera Shakhova, text about MSG - Vasilisa G.

Daria Popova

A conflict with a graduate student resulted in an investigation by the prosecutor's office for the Vyat GSU dormitory

The other day, an incident occurred in the dormitory No. 5 of VGGU (Svobody Street, 133). At night, one of the graduate students came to the dormitory with a girl (according to some reports, the young man was very drunk) and demanded from the commandant that this girl stay the night with him. The commandant refused to comply with this demand and the indignant graduate student wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office stating that his rights to use the hostel at night had been violated. The graduate student's request stated that access to the dormitory must be allowed at any time, and guests have the right to stay overnight.

Based on the young man’s appeal, the Pervomaisky District Prosecutor’s Office conducted an investigation, during which violations of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation were identified.

Yuri Lokhtin, deputy prosecutor of Pervomaisky district:
- Indeed, we identified violations of the housing code, namely, the dormitory had an access control system at night: from 23:00 to 6:00 it was impossible to get into it. By law, students have the right to enter the dormitory at any time - this is their home, and these restrictions are unlawful. A proposal was made to the rector of VSGU, in response to which he indicated that this would not happen again. We do not plan to check other dormitories - since the check was carried out based on a single request, there is no reason for a mass check.

As reported by the prosecutor's office, the restrictions established in the 5th dormitory are not provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on student dormitories of Vyat GSU and violate the rights established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation of students and graduate students living in the dormitory to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence.
We found out whether similar restrictions exist in other student dormitories in our city:

Lyudmila Novokshonova, commandant of dormitory No. 4 at VGGU:
- All our students enter into an agreement upon check-in, which states that silence must be maintained at night, and the doors to the dormitory are closed from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am.
If a student has made an agreement with us in advance, then we let him in, but if he comes drunk, I don’t understand when, I don’t understand where from, and without warning in advance, then we reprimand such individuals, inform the dean of the faculty about this, and threaten that next time we won’t let them in . But such cases are rare, we live generally calmly, and if we start letting everyone in, can you imagine what it will be like? Mess!

Lyubov Muravyova, commandant of hostel No. 2 of the VGSHA:
- Yes, the doors of our dormitory are closed at night, but in general we let in everyone who shows a student card, even if the person came at night. I understand that cases are different - students went to a disco or the train arrived late. The watchman makes sure to record those who came at a late hour and hand over the documents to the district police officer, you never know what could happen at night, after all, we must be responsible for the safety of students.

Larisa Vladimirova, commandant of dormitory No. 3 of KSMA:
- If a student did not warn that he would arrive late, then he goes to the head of the dormitory and explains the reason for his late arrival. We must know where the person is, what happened to him. Access control at night exists in all of our dormitories; we do not have a walk-through yard. The reason for the regime is that there must be silence at night, and we must know that everything is fine with our students.

Access control in dormitories often causes inconvenience for students themselves.

VSGU student living in the 5th dormitory:
- When I had a train at 6 in the morning, I had to spend the night at the station, because the commandant was sleeping and was not going to open the doors.

VGGU student:
- Some people enter the hostel at night via the fire escape, because the doors are closed and that’s it, I myself had to spend the night with friends several times. Sometimes, when major holidays are held and people return in large numbers after midnight, the doors are opened, but only by prior agreement with the commandant.

Olga Chervotkina, commandant of dormitory No. 5 at VGGU:
- The graduate student felt that I was violating his rights; he demands that access to the hostel be around the clock, and that guests can stay overnight. Because of this incident, I had to write an explanation to the vice-rector. Why now let everyone in at any time of the day or night? We don’t have a walk-through yard; we have certain safety rules.

The legal department of VSGU commented on this situation as follows.
Alexandra Veselkova, head of department:
- Neither the agreement nor the local regulations of the university prohibit students from accessing the dormitory for a certain time. At night, silence must be maintained in the dormitory premises, and restrictions on passage have never been introduced and will not be introduced. If there is a case of hooliganism - a student comes to the hostel in a drunken state and violates discipline, then the commandant has the right to bring him to disciplinary liability. If a student behaves inappropriately, the police must be called, and in other cases he must be allowed to spend the night, regardless of whether there was an agreement with the commandant in advance or not. Before this incident, neither the prosecutor’s office nor we had received such complaints from students. Here there was a personal conflict between a graduate student and the commandant of the hostel.
Although during the inspection it was established that the local act of the VGGU did not contain violations of the law, nevertheless, the fact of establishing an access control system took place.

After this unpleasant incident, the university management held preventive conversations with the commandants of the dormitories, and excerpts from the rules for using the dormitories were posted on stands, from which both students and commandants can receive clear information about their rights and responsibilities.

As reported in the legal department of VSGU, no new rules will be adopted as a result of the inspection, and guests of the dormitories are still not allowed to stay overnight, as this would be a violation of long-established rules.

As for the case in the 5th dormitory, the commandant received a disciplinary sanction in the form of a reprimand for a dispute with a graduate student, and in the future she will not violate the established rights of students.

Russian students are collecting signatures for the abolition of the curfew in dormitories. Today, the vast majority of educational institutions prohibit residents from visiting campuses 24 hours a day. At night, entrances and exits are simply closed to residents. And if the student did not manage to return by the appointed time, he risks being left on the street.

Tired of sleeping on the street

The initiator of the protest was the Commissioner for Student Rights of Russia Artyom Khromov. A young man on the website began collecting signatures for a bill that guarantees students living in dormitories 24-hour access to their housing. In a week and a half, more than 16 thousand students supported the petition. If the petition receives one hundred thousand signatures, it will be required to be considered in the State Duma.

University administrations are disingenuous when they say that they close dormitories at night for the safety of students, admits Artyom. It’s unlikely that latecomers forced to wait outside for opening are safer than inside.

Students from Ekaterinburg universities actively joined the fight for the “open night.” Those living in the UrFU dormitories were most passionate about the idea of ​​freedom. This is understandable; more than seven thousand people live on the Ural Federal campus and it is simply impossible to force everyone to return by one in the morning.

For being late, I was not allowed into the hostel three times, which is on Bolshakova, 79, recalls graduate of the Faculty of Economics of UrFU Maxim Smirnov. At one time, some guys I knew and I rented a football field at the Central Stadium. To make it cheaper, we signed up for the evening. One day I was an hour late to the dorm and couldn’t reach the watch. Although I know that the guard heard my knock perfectly well. The other two times I was returning from a movie night I had gone to with my girlfriend. Same story: they didn’t open it for me. Fortunately, I have a car in which I had to sit until six in the morning until the door was opened.

Of course, UrFU students can get inside after the dormitories are closed, but not without unpleasant consequences. To do this, you need to go to the security watch, which is located on campus. The student squad members will happily escort you straight to your room, but will take away your dorm pass. Three or four such seizures = eviction. Therefore, few people choose this path. The guys are constantly looking for alternative entrances and exits.

At one time it was possible to get inside, for example, through the showers, which are located on the ground floor, says a student of the Faculty of Journalism and a resident of the dormitory at Bolshakova, 79. To do this, it was necessary to acquire a handle for a plastic window, since the administration of dormitories has them everywhere twisted it. And make a copy of the shower key, which is, of course, illegal. Then it’s easier: you ask your roommate to come down, open the window and pull you inside.

According to UrFU campus director Sergei Pilnikov, the university management is not going to open the dormitories at night.

There were hard times in Yekaterinburg. Very often our students returned from night parties beaten. Now after one in the morning everyone must be in the dormitories, explains Sergei Ivanovich. Imagine that you can enter and exit dorms around the clock. They will turn into a walk-through yard.

Entrance to the dorm through the court

There is experience of round-the-clock access in the dormitories of Ekaterinburg universities. In 2008, the chairman of the trade union committee of the Ural State Law Academy, Andrei Elantsev, after he was not allowed into his room for being late, contacted the prosecutor’s office with a demand to lift the “curfew” on the entire campus. The claim was granted. The doors opened. But not for long. In 2010, after one student left her dorm late at night and was found murdered behind the garages the next day, the locks were urgently returned. Now, as Natalya Mininina, the head of the second dormitory of Ural State Law Academy, says, students are punished for going out at night: after three violations, the data is submitted to the dean’s office, where they call the student and decide what to do with him. Sometimes it comes to expulsion.

The dormitories of the Ural State Pedagogical University are still open around the clock. Now the university administration is collecting the necessary paperwork to introduce a curfew on its campus. The deputy director of the campus, Galina Malkova, admits that she no longer has the strength to tolerate the antics of the students. Students constantly show up drunk in the middle of the night and start rows. In her opinion, closing the dormitories at night will help resolve the current situation.

The situation is slightly different in the dormitory of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. There, students have no problems with leaving or entering, as well as with discipline.

Before leaving somewhere or coming after closing, the resident must write a statement and leave it on duty, says the head of the hostel, Alexander Shlapak.

To RANEPA students, this system seems to be the only correct one, and no one is in a hurry to sign the petition of the Moscow human rights activist. But Artyom Khromov considers even such a restriction a violation.

Signed up for their lack of freedom

Such prohibitions contradict the fundamental norms of Russian housing law, Khromov objects to the management of universities. The third article of the Housing Code states that “no one can be limited in the right to use housing.” In addition, our Constitution contains Article 27, which prohibits restricting freedom of movement within the territory of the Russian Federation. However, it is sometimes difficult for students to protect their rights, since the law does not contain a rule prohibiting universities from establishing such restrictions.

According to lawyers, students cannot independently change the statutes of their dormitories.

Now the dormitories are owned by universities, explained lawyer Ivan Kadochnikov. On this basis, educational institutions have the right to independently establish the procedure for using their property. Accordingly, students are required to comply with these rules, in particular the time regime. Now, when signing a rental agreement for residential premises when moving into a dormitory, each student obviously agrees with these norms.

However, thousands of students are signing the petition every day. In addition, Khromov’s initiative was supported by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Livanov. At a meeting with a human rights activist, the minister said that if the “curfew” in dormitories is lifted, then students must comply with the rules of residence at all times. The students gave their honest student word...

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