The government transfers the property of the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Migration Service to the police. The merger of the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Migration Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs may lead to increased corruption

MOSCOW, April 5 – RIA Novosti. On Tuesday it became known about a significant expansion of the sphere of responsibility of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. President Vladimir Putin announced that two departments at once - the Federal Service for Drug Control and the Federal Migration Service - will come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, Putin announced the creation in Russia on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will fight terrorism and organized crime.

Expanding the powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The head of state announced the transfer of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at a meeting with the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov, the commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Viktor Zolotov and the deputy head of the Federal Migration Service Ekaterina Egorova.

“As for the fight against organized crime in the sphere of drug trafficking, as we said, we are implementing one of the proposals: we are transferring the Federal Drug Control Service to the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” Putin said.

The President noted that drug control “will work self-sufficiently, independently, but within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” adding that “the same applies to the migration service.”

Increasing efficiency and reducing staff

Experts consider this decision justified and say that the transfer of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system will increase the efficiency of the work of these departments.

“Given that all three organizations must constantly interact with each other, the transition to one structure will reduce the cost of financing the central apparatus. It will also be possible to more effectively organize interaction between services,” Ilya, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, told RIA Novosti Kostunov (United Russia).

Expert: the creation of the National Guard will lead to the strengthening of specific figures in the Ministry of Internal AffairsVladimir Putin announced the creation of the National Guard in Russia. This decision is aimed at strengthening the positions of specific individuals, including the commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viktor Zolotov, believes Nikolai Mironov.

At the same time, in his opinion, the released funds can be redistributed to work on the ground, to support those employees who directly solve crimes, carry out migration control and fight drug trafficking.

The Public Chamber also supported the president's decision.

“I have always openly called for this and support the president’s decision. We are currently losing in the fight against drug threats. The president listened to experts, heard society, heard professionals and made an extremely correct decision. And I am confident that the effectiveness of the fight against drugs will increase,” - Chairman of the Security Commission of the Public Chamber Anton Tsvetkov told RIA Novosti.

It is still unknown how these decisions will be implemented from an organizational point of view, but experts have already announced a possible reduction in the staff of departments that have transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

“For employees, these will be organizational measures, the structural staffing table will be cut, some people will be fired - first of all, this will not affect ordinary employees who have been doing their job and will continue to do it, but will primarily affect management ", lawyer Alexander Glushenkov told RIA Novosti.

Creation of the National Guard

Another important news for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the creation of the National Guard in Russia.

According to Putin, a new federal executive body is being created on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He will be involved in the fight against terrorism and organized crime, and in close contact with the Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue to perform the functions of riot police and special forces.

“We will fix this, as we discussed it with the Minister of Internal Affairs, not only in a decree, but also in a future federal law so that there is no inconsistency, so that everything works clearly and harmoniously,” Putin said.

“I really hope that the National Guard troops will carry out their tasks as effectively as they have done so far, and will strengthen their work in those areas that are considered priorities,” he added.

Viktor Zolotov headed the Russian National GuardThe President of Russia announced the creation of the National Guard on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The new federal executive body will fight terrorism, crime, and also perform the functions of riot police and special forces.

Russian experts and parliamentarians believe that the creation of the National Guard will unite professionals in the fight against terrorism and organized crime, as well as create an effective tool in the fight against these problems.

According to State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction, a former employee of the department for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Adalbi Shkhagoshev, the guard can become a kind of base for a quick response to any manifestations of terrorism and organized crime.

“This is an adequate response to the state of affairs in the fight against terrorism, in particular, international terrorism and organized crime. Organized criminal groups should never be categorically separated from the actions of terrorists. It is terrorist networks that are the best organized today, and there are no areas in the criminal world that act more coherently,” the parliamentarian said.

The first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Franz Klintsevich, agrees with this point of view. According to him, the decision to create the National Guard was dictated by the need to more effectively coordinate efforts to combat terrorism.

“To effectively combat it, clearer and more coordinated coordination of efforts is necessary,” he told RIA Novosti.

Klintsevich believes that “the elite, the best of those who are ready to do everything to fight terrorism and crime,” will be attracted to work in the National Guard.

“I fully support the decision to create a new body that will effectively combat terrorism, organized crime, and drug trafficking, having received new powers for this,” the senator said.

Read more about the merger, division and reassignment of departments in Russia

After 13 years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs regained its anti-drug and passport and visa divisions: the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service were merged into the structure of the department. As a result of the merger, the services themselves receive additional powers that have long been requested

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, April 5, announced the subordination of the Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). Both liquidated departments, after joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are implementing their long-standing plans - increasing their powers.


The issue of merging the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been discussed for more than a year. As a source close to the presidential administration told RBC, the head of the department, Viktor Ivanov, was against the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service. Ivanov was appointed to the position of head of the Federal Drug Control Service in May 2008; before that, he worked for a long time in the administration of President Vladimir Putin, in particular, from 2004 to 2008 he served as assistant to the president for personnel matters.

Over the past few years, the Federal Drug Control Service has been trying to expand the range of its interests; in particular, the agency wanted to monopolize the sphere of rehabilitation and socialization of drug addicts. The Federal Drug Control Service has even developed a state program that involves uniting about 500 rehabilitation centers existing in Russia under the auspices of the Federal Drug Control Service. They were planned to be able to receive grants from the state to help drug addicts. Initially, the Federal Drug Control Service requested more than 150 billion rubles from the state for these purposes. Subsequently, the estimated cost of the program was reduced to 1.5 billion.

The department received the authority to provide financial and organizational support to rehabilitation NGOs in August 2014 by Putin’s decree. But Ivanov never succeeded in implementing the program, since the Ministry of Finance refused to allocate money for it. The Federal Drug Control Service also failed to approve the relevant law on service, which was developed back in 2013. This law significantly expanded the powers of the service: the department wanted to conduct medical examinations, issue orders to companies and individual entrepreneurs so that they “take measures to prevent drug trafficking,” and even through the courts, suspend the work of companies if they did not comply with the service’s orders.

But for its main work - countering drug trafficking - the Federal Drug Control Service was criticized by experts who compared the service’s indicators with those of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police officers are dedicated to solving low-level or moderate drug crimes. Experts from the St. Petersburg Institute for Law Enforcement Problems, in a report on the effectiveness of the work of the two departments, stated that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is ahead of the Federal Drug Control Service in the number of crimes solved, and the Federal Drug Control Service is ahead of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the volume of drugs seized.

In the spring of 2015, Ivanov, commenting on rumors about a possible reorganization of his department, said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has higher rates of arrests of ordinary drug users, but the Federal Drug Control Service is focusing on large suppliers and distributors of drugs. “90% of all wholesale quantities of drugs are seized by the Federal Drug Control Service,” Ivanov emphasized.

It is still unclear what will happen to the more than 30 thousand FSKN employees who are on the department’s staff. Putin did not inform about layoffs in the Federal Drug Control Service at the meeting with representatives of departments; he only stated that “this entire structure will work self-sufficiently, independently, but within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” The Federal Drug Control Service itself announced in mid-January that it was optimizing its structure and staff.

What structural unit will be created in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in connection with joining the Federal Drug Control Service has not yet been announced. Before the creation of the Federal Drug Control Service, the fight against drugs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out by the Main Directorate for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking (GUBNON). After disbandment, an anti-drug department was created within the structure of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation and special departments in the regions. As Kommersant wrote, after the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service, it is planned to transfer the drug police to the criminal investigation departments. In addition, according to the newspaper, the possibility of recreating GUBNON is also being discussed.

The FMS became an independent unit in 2004, when the agency left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In recent years, the FMS has complained that the service is not a law enforcement agency and does not have the functions necessary to work with migrants, explains RBC’s interlocutor at the FMS. Last week, Nadezhda Voronina, deputy head of the monitoring department of the department for organizing work with foreign citizens of the FMS, spoke about the lack of authority at a round table in the Public Chamber.

In the spring of 2014, the FMS developed a bill “On Immigration Control,” which significantly expands the authority of the department and turns it into a full-fledged law enforcement agency. If this law were approved by the State Duma and signed by the president, service employees could conduct inspections of legal entities, cancel licenses and confiscate permits from employers. In addition, department employees would have the right to initiate and investigate criminal cases for organizing illegal migration, check citizens’ documents and use weapons.

Before its liquidation, the competence of the FMS included issues of granting citizenship, issuing visas to enter Russia, issuing and issuing passports to citizens of the Russian Federation, deportation and entry bans for violators of migration legislation. The leadership of the department consists of representatives of law enforcement agencies. Three of the eight deputy heads of the FMS Konstantin Romodanovsky come from state security agencies, like himself, and three more come from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After staff reductions in the summer of 2015, the Federal Migration Service employed 36 thousand people. It is already known that the Federal Migration Service will reduce another 30%: this is stated in Putin’s decree on the merger of structures. The very fact of the return of the FMS to the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not mean that “the independent state was considered unsuccessful,” presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “It’s just that as a result of interdepartmental study, we came to the conclusion that at this stage such a structure is more appropriate,” Peskov explained.

The fate of the current head of the FMS Romodanovsky will be decided by Putin, deputy head of the FMS Ekaterina Egorova told RBC on Tuesday.

President of the Migration 21st Century Foundation, former deputy director of the Federal Migration Service Vyacheslav Postavnin, in a conversation with RBC, noted that the decision to merge departments was long overdue, since recently the Ministry of Internal Affairs has received some of the functions of the migration service. According to him, there are two options for subordinating the FMS to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The first option assumes that the FMS remains a service, but within the framework of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the head of the migration department becomes the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

“The second option is that the FMS will essentially turn into a passport and visa center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which it was before. The functions of monitoring migrants and regulating migration will then need to be given to someone, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not involved in this,” adds Postavnin. According to him, the function of issuing labor patents to migrants can be given either to the regions, as is happening in Moscow, or to the Ministry of Labor.

After joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FMS to some extent realized its desire to expand its powers, Postavnin clarifies. But these powers - inquiry, interrogation, operational work - will most likely not be needed by the service employees, Postavnin is sure. In his opinion, direct work with migrants will be carried out by police officers - district police officers, guards, etc., since the FMS will concentrate on passport and visa work.

Vyacheslav Kozlov

From an article in the newspaper VERSION No. 14 dated 04/11/2016.

Ministry of Cold Cases

The merger of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs became one of the most discussed topics of the past week. Unfortunately, the reforms have left behind the alarming figures of low crime detection rates. In March 2014, Vladimir Putin stated that the crime detection rate was 44%, and was extremely dissatisfied with this indicator. Now no one gives numbers anymore. We only know that in 2015 in Russia every second crime remained unsolved. At the same time, there are practically no statistics on the number of people missing, some of whom may be among those killed. There is no information on the number of bodies found with signs of violent death that remained unidentified. Just a few years ago, all this data could be found in the public domain without difficulty. Time passes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is changing, becoming more and more closed...

Law enforcement officers themselves do not hide the fact that criminal cases are opened today with reluctance, so as not to spoil reporting. Some joke darkly: “The Ministry of the Interior has become the Ministry of Positive Statistics.” Abroad, as you know, everything is different. There, upon any request, law enforcement agencies immediately initiate a case. If the information is not confirmed, it is simply closed. In our country, they will first spend a long time collecting evidence, writing kilometer-long reports, and then refuse to initiate a case.

Non-professional suitability

Experts associate negative changes in the work of law enforcement agencies with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when the Law “On the Police” came into force. It was after this that data began to appear about a sharp decrease in crime detection rates. The consequence of this reform was the reduction of operatives who directly solved crimes. We must not forget that each operational officer had his own agent base, informants, and developments - all of this was destroyed at once. As a result, by the end of 2011, the detection rate of crimes decreased by 6%.

Oleg Khatyushenko, a veteran of the Organized Crime Control Department, a retired police colonel, believes: “The reforms of recent years have had a painful impact on the internal affairs system. Thousands of highly qualified police professionals have been laid off. As a result, we have seen an increase in crime exponentially. The continuity of generations in the internal affairs bodies has ceased; specialized universities are taught by people who have no experience; there are now practically no officer positions in the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Operatives are taught from textbooks, not from personal experience. Independent, professional employees found themselves on the street. Hence the collapse, which is confirmed by a drop in crime detection rates.”

In the opinion of many, a special role in the degradation of the department was played by the clannish nature of the current system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which did not exist under the USSR and even in the 90s. This is what the Lieutenant General of Police says

Alexander Mikhailov: “I recently came to one district police department, and everyone there doesn’t speak Russian to each other. Why? Yes, very simple. A leader from the region comes, fires those he doesn’t like, and puts his fellow countrymen in their place.” This is how obedient non-professionals end up in leadership positions. The lack of qualified investigators who could investigate complex cases is, in my opinion, the main problem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today. For example, they simply do not know how to investigate cases of Internet fraud and unauthorized access to computer information. Because there are no specialists who could work with such cases: this requires special qualifications. It is necessary to train such employees; the need for them is growing every year. Today, unfortunately, there are no methods for investigating such crimes. We make the excuse that law enforcement agencies do not have enough laws, the regulatory framework is being improved, reforms are underway. This is how we arm criminals. Stop making excuses, you need to work, and for unwillingness to work, punish to the fullest extent.

“Statistics should only be good!”

Many pin their hopes for the revival of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the joining of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service to this department. However, in reality, apparently, we are talking about the actual failure of the activities of the last two structures. Thus, the Federal Drug Control Service has recently been rocked by several corruption scandals. In 2013, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the discovery of marijuana and cocaine in the possession of employees of the capital's Federal Drug Control Service - the drug police were found unconscious in their official car as a result of an overdose. Marijuana and cocaine were found in the car. And what is the cost of the appearance of a secret FSKN base on sale to street vendors? As a result, the names of many informants, addresses of drug dens, names and photos of drug addicts, personal data of informants, as well as ordinary citizens who called the FSKN hotline were revealed... It also became known that materials on the former deputy head of the FSKN Nikolai Aulov were transferred to Interpol. The procedure for organizing an international search has already begun. Prior to this, the judge of the Central Investigative Court No. 5 of Spain considered that Aulov was related to the activities of the criminal community. How could such a person become one of the leaders of the Federal Drug Control Service? As General Alexander Mikhailov reported, Nikolai Aulov received a complete service discrepancy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. However, literally a month later he took the position of deputy head of the Federal Drug Control Service.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if criminal cases are now initiated against the heads of regional departments of the Federal Drug Control Service,” says Alexander Mikhailov. - It is known that the former head of the Federal Drug Control Service had four deputies among the ten richest security officials. Of course, the business there was registered in the name of the wives, but questions inevitably arise for these people. As for the head of this department, Mr. Ivanov, the main thing in his activities was foreign trips. Ivanov visited Moscow less often than abroad. At the same time, no one was involved in the work of the territorial bodies; almost no one went to the regions; they were in charge from Moscow. And as a result, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service himself reports that the number of drug addicts in the country has increased and reached 7 million. How is that?!"

The sad result of the activities of the Federal Drug Control Service over the past five years is as follows: the number of drug addicts in Russia has increased by 3.5 million people, the number of drug seizures has sharply decreased. In January of this year, Ivanov, at a meeting with the president, reported the seizure of 29 tons of narcotic substances as some kind of incredible achievement. It is known that before his arrival, up to 139 tons of drugs were seized from circulation annually.

What kind of effective activity can we talk about here? “I consider the decision to transfer the Federal Drug Control Service to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a corresponding reduction in the department’s management apparatus absolutely logical. First of all, because the Ministry of Internal Affairs has more capabilities in operational investigative activities. In addition, the fight against the use and distribution of drugs there is already carried out every day, from local police officers and patrol services to juvenile affairs inspectors,” says Alexander Mikhailov. The FMS has also had its fair share of problems lately. Firstly, this department did not have the right to conduct operational investigative activities. As a result, with every raid on illegal migrants, the number of which has been growing recently, they were forced to turn to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for help. This department clearly did not have enough resources of its own, especially considering the terrorist threat. The staff in this structure was periodically reduced, but work was added. Retired police colonel Oleg Khatyushenko notes: “If the FMS staff is further reduced, the queues for receiving documents will grow. People already wait three months for registration. The situation in this structure is deplorable: people were deprived of their officer ranks, salaries were reduced. Naturally, there is a fear that with a salary of 25 thousand rubles, a person will strive to get a “smile in an envelope.” And what quality of work can we talk about with such a salary? As a result, we have the corresponding result. I recently learned about a paradoxical situation: people who were wanted were registered in Voronezh on a street that does not exist, in a house that does not exist. How could this happen with total computerization and created databases? My opinion is that this structure will not be able to work effectively without serious changes.” Most likely, the next reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will result, as usual, in cuts, revelations and high-profile reports. Everything will end as usual: the police authorities will again begin to demand positive statistics on solving crimes. They will most likely begin to achieve this, as usual, at any cost: falsifications, additions, refusal to register statements, or initiate cases. As a result, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will once again find itself on the sidelines of criminal cases.


The government is preparing a merger of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the reason is cost reduction

The Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) may soon cease to exist, the Vedomosti newspaper writes on Friday, January 30. As it became known, the government is discussing the idea of ​​merging the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reason is simple - budget cuts.

Plans to merge departments do exist. The fact is that over 60% of drug-related criminal cases are investigated by the police. So, in fact, the Ministry of Internal Affairs already shares powers with the State Drug Control Service, and in the current difficult economic situation in the country, such a merger looks logical.

Information about the possible merger of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs was confirmed by Alexander Khinshtein, a member of the Duma Security Committee. He specified that The initiator of this process is the Ministry of Finance, which optimizes budget expenses.

The Federal Drug Control Service is not enthusiastic about the possible merger and believes that the results of the agency’s work over the past 10 years speak for themselves. According to statistics, most cases under Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organization of a criminal community) are initiated based on materials from the Federal Drug Control Service. In itself, this does not mean that the majority of criminal groups in the country are drug mafia, it’s just that the Federal Drug Control Service works well, says Khinshtein.

In general, experts positively assess the prospect of merging the Federal Drug Control Service with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and believe that the ministry will fully cope with the operational work that is currently being carried out by the Federal Drug Control Service.

With the FMS, everything is more complicated, since out of more than 40 thousand employees of the department, only 7 thousand have special ranks and are in the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The rest are civil servants. The functionality of the FMS is not limited to the law enforcement component. In addition, civilians should switch to the paramilitary. the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not be easy.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs itself is also undergoing optimization. 100 thousand police officers are being cut. At the same time, the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now amounts to 1 million people, that is, every tenth police officer will be dismissed.

In any case, the decision on the merger of departments will be made by the President of Russia.


Text: Vladimir Bogdanov, Ivan Petrov Published: 01/15/2015Source:

Security forces will tighten their belts 4
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Drug Control Service are expecting staff reductions

Several publications and news agencies reported that two key law enforcement agencies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Drug Control Service - are preparing massive layoffs. According to TASS, reductions in the police will affect both the central apparatus and the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The fact is that 82% of the budget goes to social needs - payments of salaries, pensions, and various benefits. Therefore, the general economic situation could not but affect one of the largest ministries.

At the same time, the optimization of the staffing structure will be carried out according to the same principle that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev has adhered to in recent years: the number of management staff is being reduced, and they are trying not to touch employees from the “ground”. According to the source, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not reduce operatives, detectives and patrol officers to the last. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet spoken about any specific figures for future reductions, since there are no documents regulating this process yet.

The State Drug Control Service reported that a new significant reduction in the department’s employees will be carried out in the near future. At the same time, the anti-drug agency does not yet have information on the number of employees who are expected to be reduced. According to some reports, up to 15 percent of Federal Drug Control Service employees will be laid off. But, as the State Drug Control Service emphasizes, this will mainly affect people who have reached retirement age.

At the same time, the Federal Drug Control Service does not connect the cuts in any way with the economic situation in the country. The department explains the staff cuts by increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds. “The ongoing reforms involve the redistribution of budget funds to carry out the main tasks of the department to combat organized drug crime, eliminate international drug trafficking, and counter the spread of new drugs in Russia,” the Federal Drug Control Service said. At the same time, optimization of the structure will be carried out in compliance with all social guarantees, the State Drug Control Agency emphasized.

Let us remember that not long ago the number of the Federal Drug Control Service was already declining. In July 2012, the president signed a decree to reduce the number of drug police officers by January 1, 2016 by more than 5 thousand employees. In accordance with that decree, since 2016, the maximum staffing level of the department and its territorial bodies (excluding personnel for security and maintenance of buildings) was set at 34,785 units, including employees - 26,010 people, the rest - federal government civil servants and workers. In addition, drug control has its own special forces and “liaison officers” abroad.


Text: Anastasia Kuzina Published: 11/18/2012Source:

Tales of the FSKN aunt

What does drug control actually receive awards for?

Last year, Dmitry Medvedev presented the Federal Drug Control Service with a banner and said: “The results of the service’s work as a whole are impressive: according to the results of 2011, the Federal Drug Control Service seized about 47 tons of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent substances, as well as their precursors (components for manufacturing), which almost a third more than the year before.”

47 tons are some kind of unrealistic bags and wagons. That's a lot. The flames from the combustion of these substances were supposed to festively illuminate half the sky for three days. And there is one more figure: the UN Office on Drugs and Crime claims that 70 tons of heroin enter our country every year. And when 47 arrested tons and these 70 stand next to each other, you just feel how your soul becomes calmer. After all, we are winning! The enemy will not pass, the Federal Drug Control Service is not sleeping.

He doesn't sleep and writes fairy tales for us...

It is customary to love the Federal Drug Control Service, because only it, they say, saves the country from the drug swamp. And whoever argues with this is “the bestial mug of the drug mafia” (see the latest theses of Viktor Ivanov, director of the Federal Drug Control Service).

But there is no need to argue. It’s enough just to look carefully at their own website to see what exactly drug control is fighting against and what comes out of it.

All to fight acetone!

Now there will be a lot of numbers, but you will have patience because they are interesting.

If you open the “Statistics” section on the FSKN website, then at first all the same amazing tons will flash before your eyes. For example, in the first six months of 2012 alone, 69 tons and 249 kg of “drugs and their precursors” have already been seized!

In 2011 there were 48,871 kg. In 2010 - 33,419. That is, the dynamics are obvious, as Medvedev clearly noticed.

Now let's look in detail. Let's take the current year. And it turns out that out of this inhumanly large pile of 69 tons, only... 9 are actual drugs! And the bulk of those detained, arrested and suppressed - over 59 tons! - these are some precursors.

The picture is the same in 2011: out of more than 48 tons, drugs account for only 22 tons. Psychotropic and potent substances account for 1 and 3 tons each. The rest is another 22 tons! - precursors again! And it’s not without reason that in an interview with the news agency, the director of the Federal Drug Control Service, Ivanov, vaguely calls the harvest collected by his service no longer drugs, but controlled substances.

What are the precursors that are seized in such quantities? These are the chemicals used to make drugs. Let's say acetic anhydride for making heroin. But the precursors are acetone and potassium permanganate. Can't buy potassium permanganate at the pharmacy? So she is now an evil precursor...

Lawyers tell me: “Why are you hanging on? The functions of the Federal Drug Control Service also include supervision of precursors.” But I cling to it because there is no need to lump acetone and heroin together and proudly call it all seized substances, knowing full well that no one will really understand. After all, it never occurs to anyone that we are not talking about heroin!

And pay attention: the year before last, 2010, 28 orphan tons were seized (another 5 were psychotropic drugs, etc.). Almost two times less than in 2011. And all because the law on the circulation of precursors was adopted in 2011, and it was from this year that reporting began to inflate so pleasantly. And if we take control of anything else voluminous, then soon the Federal Drug Control Service will simply have nowhere to put banners and pennants.

Oh well, boys love to show off. It is clear that 69 tons looks better than 9. But let's now look at exactly what drugs were seized.

Was there heroin?

The head of the Federal Drug Control Service declares that the main drug threat is either “spice” or desomorphine, depending on the weather. But still, heroin has long been a firm favorite, aka the “Afghan drug threat”, aka the “opium needle”. And I wonder how many we caught him.

But here the FSKN website is no longer of any help to us. Firstly, the statistics are given only for two and a half years. What follows is drowning in darkness, although the Federal Drug Control Service has been going on for 10 years.

Secondly, to see separately how many of these luxurious tons were seized of hemp and how much of heroin - it’s interesting! - it was possible only in 2010. Now you can only see the figures for “significant seizures according to the UNP classification.”

But even so, it is clear that hemp is flying ahead with the flag. Here is 2010: almost 23 tons of hemp for 1322 kg of heroin. “Significant” withdrawals in 2011-2012 show the same imbalance.

But it doesn’t matter, let them be encrypted, because I have a much more informative document. This is the World Drug Report, released annually by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Each country is required to provide a report to him - how many substances were seized. Russia provides consolidated data: how much was seized by all law enforcement agencies: FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Drug Control Service and customs. So, all together they seized 2637.08 kg of heroin in 2010.

There is no data for 2011 yet, but if you look at the dynamics of recent years, then most likely it will also be no more than 3 tons. But not 9.

In fact, 1, 2, 3 tons of heroin is a very, very large amount. This is the result of a huge amount of work and is quite at the level of European countries. But, unfortunately, everything is not very clear with this seized heroin.

The fact is that for the UNODC Report, the country must indicate the purity of the seized substance. So, since 2001, we have provided cleanliness data only a couple of times, unlike the States, Western European countries and the UK.

This is not just two and a half tons,” says a well-known expert on drug policy, lawyer Mikhail GOLICHENKO, who worked for many years at UNODC-Russia and knows this whole kitchen. - This is two and a half tons of heroin of unknown purity. If you look only at the numbers, they are quite adequate, although slightly lower than those of their foreign colleagues. However, it is important to look not only at the numbers, but also to think about what is being seized in Russia. And with this in Russia the situation is very vague, especially with regard to the most dangerous drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, desomorphine, opium. It is in relation to these drugs that in the overwhelming majority of cases the purity is not established, that is, it is not established how much of the seized mixture is real drugs and how much is neutral impurities.

According to UNODC data, the Russian Federation consumes 70 tons of Afghan heroin annually. And we are talking about heroin with a purity of at least 75%. But according to the results of a study conducted jointly by UNODC and the National Scientific Center for Narcology, the usual purity of the drug consumed by drug addicts in Russia is 5%. The rest is, roughly speaking, chalk. Therefore, when Russian law enforcement agencies report 3 tons of heroin seized per year, there is ten times less real substance there.

- And in criminal cases, what purity of heroin usually passes?

And in the overwhelming majority of cases, the examination does not establish purity at all. That is, we don’t even know what the Federal Drug Control Service actually seizes there as part of “significant seizures” - pure heroin or a mixture of 1%. But even in those few criminal cases where the examination was carried out efficiently, it is clear that the purity of the heroin seized is extremely low. It also happens 0.6%, as in the case of human rights activist Denis Matveev.

That is, if you calculate all this, per year law enforcement agencies seize less than 1% of imported heroin from circulation. In other words, there is a lot of noise and dust, and the result of the work tends to zero. We don't know how to work on heroin? We will clean out shopkeepers, bookstores, grocers and jail drug users in droves. And, of course, shake the air with statements about the “Afghan drug threat.”

In addition, if you seize a kilogram of pure heroin (75% and above), it costs nothing to take 90% for yourself, dilute the rest and continue to prosecute the person (the weight of the mixture does not change or even increases). And put the heroin you take into circulation again through your dealers. If you want, throw it up. If you want, create a drug community, as was recently the case in Moscow.

In the vast majority of European countries, Golichenko continues, possession of drugs without the intent to sell or even sale in quantities of up to 1 gram is not punishable by long-term imprisonment. But in Russia this is the norm. But here a drug user is forced to buy a lot at once! It is not uncommon for us to have people with a dose of up to 3 grams per day, because the drug itself is negligible in the substance that they buy.

And it’s one thing if for the seized 3 grams, which contain only 1% of the drug, a person receives a warning with a referral to treatment services. Just like in Europe. And another thing, if for the same thing he receives from 3 to 10 years in prison, and since 2013 also without the right to parole until 3/4 of the term is served. With such a level of punishment, the question is “for what?” more than appropriate.

We are not even talking about grams of heroin: Denis Matveev received 7 years in prison for thousandths of a percent, which were barely discovered during the examination.

Load straw in barrels!

In general, reading the documents published by the Federal Drug Control Service often becomes awkward. The Kuzbass Federal Drug Control Service proudly reported that it had discovered two pendants in the form of hemp leaves at a jewelry exhibition. Elsewhere, a lighter was seized and a shipment of belt buckles was seized. And in 2010, a line about an irreconcilable fight against some ridiculous “digital drugs” miraculously did not appear in the Anti-Drug Strategy, but no one bought such a scam, except for teenagers and employees of the Federal Drug Control Service.

But a penny, as they say, is a penny. And against this background, grocers turned up more successfully than ever with their potentially dangerous poppy seeds.

If you look at the World Drug Report by year, you can see how the Russian figure for heroin is steadily falling - from 3-4 tons in 2003-2005 to the current 2-2.5. But in 2006, data on poppy straw suddenly appeared. We never reported on it. And on you. Immediately 2.5 tons.

Poppy straw as such is an atypical drug for Russia. But the FSKN reports explain a lot: “Employees of the Federal Drug Control Service for Tatarstan detained a truck in the Moscow region with 2 tons of poppy straw, which the criminals planned to deliver to Naberezhnye Chelny under the guise of edible poppy.” Or: “Employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the Moscow region blocked the supply channel for poppy straw under the guise of edible poppy. More than 8 tons of narcotic drugs were seized from illicit trafficking.” Just like that, you’ll get 10 tons of poppy straw. But with her, a natural detective is observed.

When making a drug from edible poppy seeds, it is not the poppy seeds themselves that are used, but pieces from poppy pods (poppy straw) mixed in with them, which get there during threshing. But FSKN employees have been firmly standing on their own for five years now: not at all during threshing! It is the grocery sellers themselves who add straw to clean poppy seeds so that they can then calmly sell it to drug addicts in such a clever way.

Nobody argues: you can make a drug from a packet of poppy seeds. But not from any kind, but only from those where there is a lot of straw admixture, at least a few grams per kg of seeds. But now we are planting even tenths of one gram per kilogram.

When poppy seeds became the subject of court cases and examinations, the Ministry of Justice, together with the Federal Drug Control Service, developed unified “Methodological Recommendations” for their study. But the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Drug Control Service began to use these recommendations in different ways. The Ministry of Justice, under its microscopes, examined the “natural admixture of poppy straw” - whether there is a lot of it or not, whether something can be cooked from it or not. That is, is this poppy dangerous or not.

The Federal Drug Control Service swooped in like an eagle and wrote in all its examinations: “a mixture of poppy seeds and poppy straw.” And she was not interested in the quantity. Did you find 5 grams per ton? That's it, the seller mixed it in, plant him. They don’t even care: why did he mix in these crumbs? Who will buy it?

But the presence of confusion must be proven, says one of the authors of the “Methodological Recommendations”, head. laboratory of forensic examination of materials, substances and products of the Center for Forensic Expertise under the Ministry of Justice Yuri VORONKOV. - It is necessary to prove that there was such an intention - to mix poppy and straw. This can be done through investigation. For example, detect equipment.

- The Federal Drug Control Service says that they mix it in a washing machine.

So you find it, this car! There are also industrial mixing drums. But you can find them too! They never found it. Or you can prove that the poppy arrived at customs with one purity, but was delivered to retail with another. But in those examinations of the Federal Drug Control Service that I saw, this was never proven...

In addition, says Yuri Mikhailovich, the fact of “spraying opium” has never been proven in the examinations of the Federal Drug Control Service - there is such a version. That is, the Federal Drug Control Service may not find equipment for mixing, may not find containers for poppy straw, and may not track the channel for its supply. But simply, according to their examinations, there is opium in poppy, and this is considered the main evidence of its admixture. It doesn't matter in what quantity. At least a milligram per ton.

In a word, the fact that entrepreneurs mix poppy seeds with straw in order to sell more drugs is nothing more than an assumption. The Federal Drug Control Service itself invented the crime and is now investigating it itself. Moreover, it happens that the concentration of impurities in poppy seeds is actually high. But sometimes people receive non-illusory sentences for natural dust.

In conclusion about conclusions

All these four cases are united, according to Voronkov, by one thing: the complete unfoundedness of the examinations carried out by the Federal Drug Control Service.

These examinations have methodological errors, says Voronkov. - The conclusions drawn that the seeds are a mixture with straw are not substantiated. In Belgorod it’s generally insanity - a man even bought a cleaning machine. And they tied him up...

His sister Valentina has been fighting for Nikolai Romanov for many years now. She has already received two opinions from specialists: the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defense. Both coincide - the FSKN expert grossly violated the “Methodological Recommendations” when conducting examinations:

“The conclusions made by the expert are not substantiated and do not have objective confirmation... The expert’s conclusions about the presence of narcotic active opium alkaloids in poppy straw are not confirmed by experimental data... The studies were made with gross errors... Consider poppy seeds weighing 428.99 g and 417.85 g, containing 0.05 g and 0.075 g of poppy straw, as a “mixture of poppy seeds with a narcotic drug - poppy straw” is erroneous...”

But this examination of the Federal Drug Control Service formed the basis of the indictment. And a person will not spend five years in a sanatorium - in a zone. And these are just the cases that are rumored.

Nobody pays any attention to the quality of examinations in drug cases,” says Mikhail Golichenko. - Drugs are so demonized that the fight against them by any means is taken for granted by society, and therefore no one understands the details. And the criminal case against Olga Zelenina, an employee of the Penza Research Institute of Agriculture, gives reason to suspect that the Federal Drug Control Service is seeking to cement the system of its own low-quality examinations, which are carried out, as they say, for show. Responsible specialists, like Zelenina, do not fit into such a system, and therefore an act of intimidation is necessary. The most accessible is a criminal case and public flogging with detention and sowing ridiculous rumors that Zelenina is part of an organized crime group selling drugs in edible poppy seeds. By this logic, any examination carried out by the defense already looks like a suspicion of an organized crime group. Consequently, there will be fewer and fewer specialists, which means that a system with unknown purity and dubious statistics will only flourish...

True, not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat. Voronezh businessman Alexander Polukhin, desperate to protect himself from the attacks of the Federal Drug Control Service, turned to State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein for help.

We fought for six months,” says Polukhin. - We had conclusions from independent experts that Voronezh and Moscow FSKN experts carried out false research on our poppy. Wherever we turned, nothing was wrong, everything was fine, no criminal cases were initiated against these experts. But then we turned to State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, who made two requests. And it turned out that all the decisions of the Voronezh Federal Drug Control Service were illegal, they were canceled by the prosecutor's office, and now we are conducting an inspection...

And at the request of lawyers Natalya Andreeva and Philip Shishov in Voronezh, the issue of initiating eight (!) criminal cases against employees of the Federal Drug Control Service on facts of abuse of office, falsification of expert research, falsification of evidence, deliberately false denunciations, theft of material evidence, illegal detention and imprisonment is being decided custody, extortion of funds and illegal activities.

The figures for all these poppies, straws, acetones and other things really look simply ridiculous if you look at how negligible a small amount of the most dangerous drug is seized, says Mikhail Golichenko. - Especially against the backdrop of all these statements about drug aggression... 2637 kg of heroin of unknown purity - these figures precisely reflect the work of the entire law enforcement system, headed by the Federal Drug Control Service with its State Anti-Corruption Committee. That is, the guys are not doing their real work. And just to be honest, they work according to what the PPS officers can handle...


The FSB Directorate for Moscow and the Moscow Region accused one of the Moscow drug control units of storing and selling heroin in the office in order to free its employees caught in crimes: “The service in the South-Western Administrative District of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow has a large batch of narcotic drugs available . The latter are carried out illegally when there is a threat of criminal prosecution of employees in order to obtain financial resources used in lobbying for the suspension or termination of verification (investigative) activities...”

At the beginning of 2011, the father and son PARAMONOV from BELGOROD, as well as four of their employees, were convicted. More than 2.5 tons of poppy seeds containing 96 grams of poppy straw were seized from them. The most amazing thing is that Paramonov Sr. specifically bought a separating machine for additional seed cleaning. Sergei and Alexander were given 10 and 8 years each. For women - 2-3 years of general regime. All of them were accused of not purifying the poppy in this machine, but, on the contrary, enriching it with opium.

NIKOLAI ROMANOV, KRASNODAR. Got 5 years for two 400 gram bags of poppy seeds. Microimpurities of 0.05 g and 0.075 g of morphine were found in each. Nikolai is a pensioner, he suffered two myocardial infarctions, suffers from stage 3 hypertension, angina pectoris, and underwent heart surgery.

VORONEZH. ALEXANDER POLUKHIN and his family are accused of trying to sell 4 tons of poppy seeds, onto which they allegedly sprinkled 18 kg of opium in the garage. The polygraph showed that they did not do this, but the Federal Drug Control Service does not give up.

ENTREPRENEUR SHILOV. Record holder: at one time, 42 tons of poppy were seized from him, in which 295 grams of morphine and 209 grams of codeine were found. How could they be mixed evenly? With a brush, perhaps, for every three-thousandth grain? And now Shilov has been presented with another 200 tons. FSKN experts have not yet found out what he “mixed” in them - there are a lot of bags.

Clown Morphinist

The Federal Drug Control Service does exactly what the prosecutor's office and the judiciary allow it to do.
Since the FSKN is not part of the government, is not subordinate to the government, and only Comrade Pu himself stands above the illegally created illegal armed group FSKN, the question “Who is capable of barking at the FSKN?!” has only one answer: NOBODY!

Olga Zelenina

Clown Morphinist

There are reasons and fears to believe that all this Yakovlev punks of FSKN investigators, capable only of falsifying criminal cases, will join the Ministry of Internal Affairs and “spoil the air” there even more.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own problems with the observance of human and civil rights, and these perverts from the Federal Drug Control Service will only aggravate these problems.
As for V. Ivanov and his henchman satrap S. Yakovlev, their scow will certainly float out again...

Clown Morphinist

Here is a man sitting and lying...
He lies easily and naturally. Just as someone who claims to be a politician should lie systematically.

Something else strikes. They listen to him. They listen and believe. And then some of these people will clothe lies in the rules of law...
But surely among the listeners there will be at least one who understands: he is listening to nonsense! But this one is silent too.
And this is much more terrifying than the flow of V. Ivanov’s lies.

Alex Smirny

Will there be calm after the "drug tsunami"?

 Health Promotion Foundation
and social justice
named after Andrey Rylkov

Text: Mikhail Golichenko

The liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service did not come as a surprise, even despite the timing chosen for this - on the eve of the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on drug issues. Now the main part of law enforcement activity on drug trafficking issues will be carried out by the police within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as it was before the creation of the Federal Drug Control Service in March 2003.
The liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service is certainly good news. FAR and partners have repeatedly drawn attention to the counterproductive work of this service. Throughout its thirteen-year history, the Service has given a strong impression that its employees were engaged in outright profanation of law enforcement activities. At the same time, the food for the forty thousand law enforcement monster was mainly drug users, including drug addicts. In his last speeches before the liquidation of the Service, the director of the Federal Drug Control Service admitted that 90% of drug convictions were imposed on drug users.

Against the backdrop of good news about the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service, the following possible consequences of this event can be noted:
1. Reducing the number of sentences and prisoners for drugs, reducing budget expenditures. Judicial statistics show that while the criminal law on drugs was relatively similar or more repressive before 2003, the number of prisoners in drug cases was significantly lower immediately before the creation of the Federal Drug Control Service in 2003, compared with the last year of its activity - 2015. The liquidation of the Service, whose main profile was to prosecute drugs, will reduce the level of repression. This is good news for the Russian budget. In addition to the Service's direct budget of more than 30 billion rubles a year, senseless prosecutions, directed mainly against drug users, significantly burdened the judicial system and the penal system.
2. The emergence of new opportunities in the field of health care and prevention of HIV, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. These diseases are largely developing in Russia due to the criminalization and marginalization of people who use drugs. At the same time, the Federal Drug Control Service has always been one of the main obstacles to the introduction and implementation of scientifically based HIV prevention programs among people who use drugs. And if by the end of 2007, under Cherkesov, at least some hopes began to appear for a change in the position of the Federal Drug Control Service on the issue of harm reduction programs, then already in August 2009, a year after the arrival of Ivanov and the new Deputy Directors of the Federal Drug Control Service at the Federal Drug Control Service, it became clear that The Federal Drug Control Service will “fight” harm reduction with renewed vigor. In June 2010, the Anti-Drug Policy Strategy, which came from the pen of the Federal Drug Control Service, was approved, which enshrined the principles of intolerance to drug use that are deadly for working with people who use drugs, a complete rejection of the possible introduction of substitution therapy in the Russian Federation, as well as harm reduction programs. With rare exceptions, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the contrary, were “closer to the ground” and understood that slogans about fighting a “drug tsunami” would not get them far and it was necessary to develop more effective methods of working with drug users. For example, in 2008-2009, it was the Ministry of Internal Affairs that was ready to launch a program for training police officers on HIV prevention among drug users. The Federal Drug Control Service with its State Control Committee, especially after the change in the leadership of the Federal Drug Control Service, became an insurmountable obstacle to this process. Also, it was the police who were the basis for the implementation in some regions of the Russian Federation in 2006-2011 of pilot schemes for referring drug users for treatment and preventive care. At best, the Federal Drug Control Service did not interfere with this process.
3. The emergence of opportunities to improve the international image of the Russian Federation in the field of international cooperation on drug issues. From the very beginning of its activities, and especially with the arrival of Ivanov, the Federal Drug Control Service had significant independence in matters of international cooperation, thanks to which it could intensively broadcast the bizarre drug policy of the Russian Federation to the international level. Ivanov's annual press conferences at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna have long been a hit with the international community. Largely thanks to the international initiatives of the Federal Drug Control Service, Russia has firmly established a bad reputation as a country with a bizarre drug policy, stubbornly moving in the opposite direction, compared to other civilized countries of the world.
4. The emergence of opportunities for the development of science in matters of drug trafficking. The quality of Russian science in matters of drugs has traditionally been extremely low, not least due to the fact that this area was under the total control of law enforcement agencies. During the time of the Federal Drug Control Service, the science of drug issues underwent approximately the same persecution as astronomy during the Middle Ages. On the one hand, the Federal Drug Control Service carried out open persecution of scientists for their scientific opinion. One of the most striking examples is the persecution of Professor V.D. Mendelevich and the head of the laboratory of the Penza Research Institute O.N. Zelenina. On the other hand, the Federal Drug Control Service has consistently demonstrated a complete lack of connection between its own activities and science. It is difficult to explain with anything other than the lack of connection with science the numerous comic speeches of the Director of the Federal Drug Control Service about methadone radicals, passionarity, the role of methadone in the color revolutions, the emergence of cases of food poppy. With the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service, there is reason to expect a weakening of law enforcement pressure on science in matters of drugs, which certainly means opportunities for its further development.
5. Easing law enforcement pressure on freedom of speech and freedom of information. At the request of the Federal Drug Control Service, a significant part of web resources on the RuNet is blocked. In addition to websites with questionable legality of drug information, websites with information on HIV prevention among drug users, including information on UN recommendations for the implementation of evidence-based HIV prevention, treatment and care programs among injecting drug users, were blocked.
6. There is hope in restoring a positive image of drug law enforcement. Over the years of its existence, the Federal Drug Control Service has repeatedly justified the GosKomDur “rattle” stuck to it. If we do not take into account the numerous political processes of recent years, the Federal Drug Control Service was certainly the leader of frankly insane processes, behind which, at best, there were falsely understood interests of the service, and at worst, banal incompetence in resolving the tasks assigned to the Service. In 2003-2006, it all started with the persecution of dealers for selling belt plaques with the image of a cannabis leaf. In 2009-2015, the Service “sank” to the mass persecution of families of grocers - sellers and importers of edible poppy seeds under the guise of an “effective” fight against transnational drug cartels.
7. The emergence of the possibility of reducing law enforcement presence in the medical field, including issues of availability of opioid analgesics, as well as treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. The Federal Drug Control Service has traditionally tried to actively subordinate these issues to itself. With the arrival of Ivanov in 2008, the Federal Drug Control Service was especially successful in this field, essentially subordinating by the end of 2015 some health authorities and institutions, as well as public organizations on the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. As a law enforcement agency, the Federal Drug Control Service imposed methods of compulsory treatment and mass repression under the guise of “incentives for treatment,” completely ignoring numerous studies and UN recommendations on the pointlessness of the mass use of such methods, especially against the backdrop of the active blocking of scientifically based and internationally recommended methods of treating drug addiction. It is thanks to the active “trolling” of doctors by the Federal Drug Control Service by imposing meaningless control measures that Russia is on a par with Samali and similar states in terms of the availability of opioid analgesics. In recent years, news has become regular about suicides of cancer patients, including admirals and generals, who, even despite their high ranks, were unable to obtain the necessary drugs and chose suicide over unbearable pain.

With the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was faced with the difficult task of reformatting law enforcement work in the field of drug control. Without interfering in purely law enforcement issues, I would like to wish the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and local units to pay attention to the following fundamental issues:
- Maximum reduction in the use of criminal and administrative measures to deal with drug users. Scientific research shows that repression of drug users does not lead to a decrease in drug use and availability of drugs, but leads to an increase in HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, drug overdoses, budget costs, and also significantly impedes public health activities. Russian laws already allow the police, the prosecutor's office, the courts, and the penitentiary service to actively interact with state, municipal and public organizations in the field of protecting the health of citizens in order to maximally remove drug users from the sphere of criminal justice or the scope of application of measures within the framework of administrative offense proceedings.
- Maximum reduction of cases of human rights violations when working on drug cases. Currently, it is enough to at least study the practice of the ECHR and UN structures in cases against Russia in order to draw up a detailed and effective manual on how not to work in drug cases. For example, how there is no need to carry out test purchases, or how there is no need to conduct drug examinations, how there is no need to choose a preventive measure, how it is necessary to ensure the availability of medical care for drug users upon arrival at the police, how freedom of information and freedom of science should not be impeded. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it was the enforcement of human rights in police work that largely led to a significant increase in the quality of police work and a decrease in police corruption in European countries.
- Maximum cooperation with international scientific, law enforcement and human rights structures. Such cooperation will provide protection from the pseudoscience surrounding drug control issues that has developed in recent years. The Ministry of Internal Affairs system has a sufficient number of specialized universities that could take on the role of implementing tasks within the framework of this priority.
- Maximum cooperation with public organizations that have stable, trusting relationships with the community of people who use drugs. Such interaction will bring the police closer to one of the most difficult to reach groups of the population, which, in addition to the direct task of preventing crime in the field of drug trafficking, will also contribute to solving the tasks of combating corruption in the ranks of the police, as well as the task of ensuring national security in the field of protecting the health of citizens (countering HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis).
- Minimize restrictive police interventions in the scientific sphere, as well as in the healthcare sector. Treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction, access to opioid analgesics should not be the responsibility of a law enforcement agency. The legitimate task of the police, at a minimum, is not to interfere with scientific, medical and public organizations working on the development, testing, and implementation of effective methods for identifying, accompanying, and supporting people who find themselves in difficult life situations; The maximum task is to create conditions for the implementation of such activities in constant, conscientious cooperation.

During the time of the Federal Drug Control Service, articles on drugs received the label “people's articles” due to the massive use of them against the people. The Federal Drug Control Service has caused significant damage to the image of the law enforcement system. Now the police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have a good chance to restore a positive reputation and bring the police closer to the people through effective non-repressive work with the population on such a “popular” topic as control over drug trafficking.

Alex Smirny

Farewell speech about the Federal Drug Control Service
Alexander Mikhailov
April 14, 2016 2
FSKN Society

Is it a farewell?

The other day another reform took place in the law enforcement system. The Federal Service for Drug Control was abolished, and its functions and staff were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This has been discussed for a long time, one might say, from the early days, but in recent years it has been especially active. Despite the motivation - cost cutting, this story has its own very sad intrigue. But first, a little history.

In 2003, the law enforcement system was replenished with a new and, judging by the stated tasks, a very influential partner. The State Committee for Control over the Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (GNK, later the Federal Service for Control over Drug Trafficking - FSKN) was created. The new body, as conceived by the president, was called upon to become a coordinator not only in the fight against crime, but also to implement a new drug policy, the essence of which is to fight not the consequences, but the causes. First of all, due to a decrease in demand. In Russia, the very use of drugs was decriminalized, the transfer of users from the criminal zone to the zone of administrative responsibility, and, by and large, humanitarian: the use of resources of civil departments of civil society. It was amazing and interesting to do everything from scratch! There was nothing but thousands of confused tax policemen (would they be left or kicked out!), destroyed buildings and structures, mountains of auto junk and old equipment. There was no regulatory framework, orders, instructions, or basic acts for organizing work.

But the most important thing is that there was no experience in this field!

Formation was difficult. People did not believe in the prospects of the service. Therefore, as always in difficult situations, we relied on state security officers. As they used to say in our time, “if the party says it’s necessary, you’ll swallow a hedgehog.” In many departments, the positions of chiefs and heads of services were taken by people from Lubyanka. Many came with their own ideas. How the first chairman, Viktor Cherkesov, managed to create a team of like-minded people is impossible to understand today. But having worked in the first circle of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I can say that this was the first case of the harmonious formation of this “first circle”, where there were no squabbles, misunderstandings, envy and friendship against someone. There was no jar of spiders, which has become the norm for many departments.

Creating an agency on the basis of a liquidated one is like cleaning out the Augean stables... There was an active rotation, recruitment after a thorough check. More than two and a half thousand candidates for service, both from the former tax service and the police, were withdrawn for various reasons.

And yet, on June 1, the service “got back on track.” In the first full year - 2004 - 129 tons of drugs were seized from circulation, 109 of which were seized by the service. The managers did not get out of business trips. As they say, everything had to be done “with your feet.” How else? It was necessary to get acquainted with people, meet with the leadership of the subjects. To explain, to convince even of what they themselves were not entirely sure of. We went through trial and error. Sometimes fatal. But they walked.
During the year, the corrupt ties between law enforcement officers and the drug mafia were largely destroyed. In 2004 alone, more than 1,500 employees of various departments were prosecuted. The mafia's roof began to disappear...
In 2005, more than 139 tons of drugs were seized.

Promising projects in the field of primary prevention were launched. The project for the harmonious upbringing of children and adolescents, the prevention of crime and drug use “Emergency Reserve – Children of the Fatherland” has become all-Russian. Hundreds of “Young Special Forces” camps began to be created with the participation of the Federal Drug Control Service. The magazine "Narkomat", the teenage magazine "Antidose", the newspaper "Zona Prava" were published... "Narkomat" published 52 issues! In the absence of budget funding!

By 2008, the increase in registered persons decreased from 25% per year to 1.5%. In Togliatti, employees of the Samara department liquidated the organized community. 42 bandits, murderers and drug traffickers were brought to justice. Terms from 10 to 20 years of imprisonment. 42! Cases were brought to court in a Kamaz truck! And in the hall they specially prepared a cage for the defendants.

The creation of the State Tax Committee was caused by a number of completely objective reasons, including a sharp increase in drug addicts in Russia (from 1991 to 2001, the number of those registered with a diagnosis of drug addiction increased 9 times), the drug business began to merge with the law enforcement system, which significantly increased the turnover of the potion sold in country, the opportunities for transnational crime have expanded. From a country of drug transit, Russia began to turn into a country of consumption. This was facilitated by the transparency of external borders, the availability of convertible currency, and the rapid entry into Russia of a new youth subculture, in which today sex, rock, and drugs are in a single package.

Drug control had to “saddle” the channels of drug supply from abroad and work among large drug communities. And in fact, work according to the principle of the special services: “from the enemy.” Preempting, stopping on the way, and even better - stopping at the planning stage. Do not control the commission of a crime, but do not allow it! Such a task can only be accomplished by a serious special service with intellectual potential. Powerful operational backbone.

The decriminalization of possession for personal use of small doses of drugs has further aggravated the situation. In fact, small retail was beyond the control of law enforcement agencies. The transfer of “storage” to the category of administrative offenses did not, in fact, change the position of the prosecutor’s office, which in a number of entities began to demand that for each fact of administrative proceedings the initiation of a criminal case “on the fact of sale by an unidentified person.” Neither the internal affairs agencies nor the drug control agencies were interested in such a “dispersal” of statistics.

Despite the decrease, at first glance, in the influence of internal affairs bodies in the fight against drug crime, the proportion of crimes solved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs still remained quite high. This is obvious, because in terms of the depth and breadth of penetration into the criminal environment, the internal affairs bodies have no equal and never will. Therefore, in a number of Russian regions, drug control authorities accounted for only 15 to 60 percent of solved crimes in this area. Even a cursory analysis of statistics shows that the share of participation in the fight against drug crime by internal affairs agencies, which have significant operational and human resources, is still large. Real resources (even numerical ones - 30,000 Federal Drug Control Service employees, of whom no more than 15% are engaged in direct work), not to mention the operational capabilities of the specially authorized service, are now exhausted. We are observing a decrease in the volume of seizures of the main types of drugs (heroin in the first place), and the increase is achieved due to the seizure of the so-called spice, or simply huge masses of dry grass pollinated with minute volumes of synthetic rubbish. Increased seizure of the so-called synthetic drugs (mainly raw materials for their production) do not improve the picture, since the statistics do not show dynamics by type. In fact, a multiple increase was achieved due to the seizure of smoking mixtures and sea salts, where the share of the drug itself in the total volume of the mass is negligible.

The structure of drug use is changing. There has been a tendency for heroin to leave the market. So far this is a trend. However, in the near future, stronger drugs synthesized at home may appear. This is evidenced by the intensification of consultations among Internet users. Bans imposed on certain types of drugs do not solve the problem, since the possibility of synthesizing a potion from something that simply cannot be prohibited cannot be excluded. Prohibition is for the weak! Moreover, the need for invention is cunning.

The introduction of a prescription for codeine-containing drugs has revived the discussion on blogs, where people even without secondary education discuss the creation of similar molecular lattices with new substances. The sharp drop in demand for such drugs does not illustrate anything. Thousands of new substances have appeared that are more dangerous than desomorphine. And the very statement that we do not have desomorphine drug addicts is absurd: the drug addicts were and remain, having changed their menu.

We live in parallel worlds. Law enforcement officers have one thing on paper, but on the street we have something else! Today society is not interested in the tons and kilograms of seized drugs, the situation in Afghanistan and Honduras, or the problems of the coalition troops. He is more concerned about syringes on stairwells, near schools and in leisure areas. Citizens do not want to smell the stench of drug dens. The gap between the interests of the Federal Drug Control Service and society began to widen: the reaction to statements was either belated or formal. For law enforcement agencies, the elimination of a drug den is a less noticeable line in the ranking than large seizures and exposure of groups and communities. And this is in the presence of more serious human costs and difficulties in bringing it to trial (if at all possible).

The Federal Drug Control Service does not have a real system and capabilities for working in risk groups. This is objective. As a person who began serving in the department from the moment of its creation and served until 2008, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the format of interdepartmental interaction stated in the regulations on the Federal Drug Control Service assumed interaction in the field of prevention with other law enforcement agencies. But this complex system was destroyed, and new attempts to establish effective work in the field of drug use prevention are purely decorative (actions, rallies, conferences without support on the “ground”) with a huge volume of unnecessary reports and certificates. Because of this, the activities carried out in the field of prevention in recent years are reminiscent of school skits, which have no prospects and, in fact, are routine, ostentatious actions.

The institution of district commissioners, school inspectors and juvenile affairs inspectors is the only effective tool, along with the public, for scanning and managing the grassroots drug situation. Attempts by the Federal Drug Control Service to work with these categories of Interior Ministry employees did not lead to anything good. Initially, it was not clear: who is the leader and who is the follower? Whose priorities come first? And the FSKN employees had practically no opportunities, because this link was mercilessly cut. A flood of papers instead of specific work...

Moreover, the artificially whipped up antagonism between the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which we have observed recently, has convinced everyone that there must be one master in the clearing. Spartakiads, who has seized more, who has more to do, do not lead to anything good. Because of this tug of war, through the efforts of the drug police leadership, it has turned into the most unauthoritative body, especially in the constituent entities of Russia.

But the most important thing is that since the change of leadership of the Federal Drug Control Service in 2008, the moral situation has changed radically. The leadership has turned into a peremptory superstructure that has chosen the only tactic: “I ask the questions here.” Swaggering and disdain for colleagues “on the ground” were brought to perfection. The generals were humiliated like lepers. Heads of territorial bodies were prohibited from entering the central office building without a travel certificate, although many issues had previously been resolved during the short stay of colleagues in Moscow when leaving or returning from vacation. This is normal and natural. The principle “I’m the boss – you’re a fool” prevailed. There was a practice when bosses were called to Moscow and kept for several days in the waiting room. This educational work led to some characters being hated by everyone from operas to generals.

And what kind of work is this if the bosses not only don’t like them, but hate them! The director's surroundings always gave off a strange feeling. Well, how could General N.N. Aulov be appointed for promotion? from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (now wanted by Interpol), if the day before he received “incomplete official compliance” as the head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District. How?!

The attitude towards deserved people cannot be called anything other than boorish. My colleagues - deputy directors, colonel generals - learned about their dismissal from the decree that was brought to them in a folder at the end of the working day. The head of the operational department, also a general (a talented operative who served in this sector for many years in the FSB), received a decree on his birthday! There were no previous conversations with any of those mentioned. Everything was done secretly and on the sly. Similarly, the Hero of Russia, who headed one of the departments, was fired.

Trying to clarify the situation, the general went into the reception room of his curator, who conveyed through the secretary: “I didn’t call you!” The newly appointed local leaders also adopted a similar practice of reprisals. With the arrival of a new leader in the regional department, the operational staff was almost completely renewed, and they were replaced by people personally loyal to the boss, who completed the purge. At the time of the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service, 16 departments had not appointed chiefs for more than a year!

Today, officers leave the Federal Drug Control Service without regret, with a feeling of unpleasant aftertaste. Such vile treatment of people has never happened anywhere. And after leaving Ivanov’s department, they reproach themselves for a long time for not doing it earlier. For the fact that in recent years they obeyed passengers who were unable to do anything with their hands, but only with their throats. And for whom swagger is the norm of life.

At the same time, the big shots of the department were in chocolate. Orders and medals and multimillion-dollar subsidies were generously distributed. Huge sums were divided among department heads. With one allocated subsidy, it was possible to buy several apartments in regional offices for operational personnel.

What was the role of the chief head of the department? He was engaged in “state activities.” He had no time to deal with the structure itself. The number of business trips (and not cheap ones! Latin America, Europe, Asia and even South Africa, all in business class) abroad is many times greater than the number of business trips within the country. In many regions it was simply not seen. And the employees simply laughed at what they heard from his lips on television, since he passed off actually falling results as victories, without thinking that this was a complete failure. Suffice it to recall his statement that in 5 years the number of drug users has increased by 3.5 million people! This was already a verdict on the department: why was it created then? In the speeches of the former head of the Federal Drug Control Service, figures were repeatedly heard that characterize the drug situation in the country. And each time there was a feeling of deception, since even upon closer examination they all only confused the situation. Both in relation to drug addicts and in relation to ordinary users... Now 5, then 7, then 18 million. With deaths, the bar was raised so high that it was time to shout the guard. In one of his speeches, he claimed that from 2003 to 2008, 140 thousand people died annually in Russia. The figure is crazy, but coming from the mouth of a high-level executive, it should have inspired confidence. True, a week later he adjusted... “and in 2014 it decreased to 90 thousand!” In this regard, scenes from the film “The Feast of St. Jorgen” come to mind, where the fraudster, allegedly healed by the priest, said: “When I was little, my poor mother dropped me from the second floor”; As he got excited, he increased the floor for new onlookers... right up to the seventh.

And this nonsense appears in all its glory when we learn that, according to the UN, about 200 thousand die every year in the world! So here it is. As a person responsible for interdepartmental cooperation at the Federal Drug Control Service, I note that these wild numbers have never appeared in any statistics. Moreover, there was a slow but steady decline until 2008. From 12,000 to 8,000 (officially) and from 50,000 to 30,000 unofficially. Even the number of ambulance calls decreased several times.

With the arrival of the new team, the situation changed for the worse. I don’t understand how they could not have noticed this? Even greater manipulation is associated with results. For comparison, I will note only one fact. In 2004 (the first year of operation of the Federal Drug Control Service), 139 tons of drugs were seized. In 2015, only 27 tons. And this is passed off as a victory. At the same time, the special role of the Federal Drug Control Service is constantly emphasized. Titanic work and operational skill... Although in a number of regions the share of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in solving drug crimes is 80-85%. And the volume of drugs seized by the Federal Drug Control Service fell every year. For the purity of the experiment, all statistics up to 2008 were removed from the Federal Drug Control Service website, since the results of the previous period were many times greater than now.

I will not analyze all aspects: anyone can see them on the websites of the relevant departments. It’s enough just to take a calculator... Although it will be difficult, because we were always asked to compare green with salty. Sometimes the statistics are in tons, sometimes in grams, sometimes in doses (how to calculate this if we are talking about different substances?), sometimes in dollars, sometimes in rubles. The list of absurdities and deceitful ideas can be continued for a long time. It was proposed to finance the construction of poultry farms in the southern CIS countries so that farmers would not trade drugs, then to sow poppy seeds, then to grow hemp... To fight drug trafficking in Latin America (where are we and where is America!), to exchange experience with Japan, although nothing was imported from there one gram of drugs, teach the police of Colombia and Honduras... They couldn’t really teach their own!

But the fact remains a fact. Despite Ivanov’s bravura statements, one can notice that it was with his arrival that the system began to slowly slide into the grave.

The President's decision is a long overdue one. As they say in the system, “better a terrible end than endless horror.” Today, due to the absorption of the Federal Drug Control Service, it is possible to significantly strengthen the block of employees working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the area of ​​​​fighting drugs. Taking into account the presence of organized forms of drug trafficking, increase the role of the drug control department.

It is necessary to fundamentally and radically increase the status of the State Anti-Drug Committee (if it remains). As in previous years of the existence of the Government Commission, it should be headed by one of the deputy prime ministers, and not by the head of the department. The existing apparatus of the SAC must be reduced several times. In fact, all employees of the advisory body’s apparatus serve in the Federal Drug Control Service. In what state are special officer ranks treated so extravagantly? Its employees should have long been transferred to the category of state and civil servants. The released personnel must be transferred to operational units. However, recently the number of SAC has increased due to the creation of new divisions! Knowing the people who worked in the apparatus, I can say one thing: they did not live, but suffered through paperwork. Many talented opera singers, who by the will of fate found themselves in the wrong place, languished from a largely aimless existence. Imitating the “process,” they sent tons of papers to the lower divisions of the federal service, where the performers were literally groaning from doing work that no one needed. Today, the apparatus consists mainly of people in uniform who, due to professional deformation, cannot fully solve the tasks of all departments included in the State Aviation Committee. Representatives of different departments should work in the SAC apparatus. By the way, in government commissions to combat the spread of drugs in different years (one was headed by the prime minister, the second by the deputy prime minister), the functions of the apparatus were performed by only one person.

Always, as soon as the conversation about liquidating the Federal Drug Control Service began, Ivanov pathetically declared that the bestial mug of the drug mafia was behind this. The President said this today. I wonder if Ivanov thinks the same way now?

And one last thing. Surprisingly, the decision to liquidate the Federal Drug Control Service did not cause any reaction in society. And this is a symptom.

There was love without joy,
The separation will be without sadness.

An RBC source close to the leadership of the FMS previously emphasized that the head of the FMS, Konstantin, would also object Romodanovsky . RBC's interlocutor in the Kremlin noted that no decisions have been made.

Later in the Kremlin . One of RBC’s interlocutors in the security forces clarified that Putin instructed the Security Council to further develop the proposal to abolish the FMS. At the same time, the source said, in Security CouncilRomodanovsky can count on the support of his colleague in managing the FSB’s own security - the current director of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov, as well as a permanent member Security Council Boris Gryzlov.

March 31, 2016 that Putin and the Security Council will discuss the issue of abolishing the FMS,. The publication's interlocutors said that the issue of liquidating the agency was submitted for further consideration to the Security Council in February 2016 and its decision could be announced at the meeting. A source close to the leadership of the FMS reported that the main functions of the department could be transferred to the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He also said that it is proposed to establish a three-year transition period for these transformations. The interlocutor noted that the main reason for the reform being undertaken is the need to save budget funds.

The FMS became an independent unit in 2004, when the agency left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In recent years, the FMS has complained that the service is not a law enforcement agency and does not have the functions necessary to work with migrants, explains RBC’s interlocutor at the FMS. Last week, Nadezhda Voronina, deputy head of the monitoring department of the department for organizing work with foreign citizens of the FMS, spoke about the lack of authority at a round table in the Public Chamber.

The competence of the FMS included issues of granting citizenship, issuing visas to enter Russia, issuing and issuing passports to citizens of the Russian Federation, deportation and entry bans for violators of migration legislation. The leadership of the department consists of representatives of law enforcement agencies. Three of Romodanovsky’s eight deputies come from the state security agencies, like himself, and three more come from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

President of the Migration 21st Century Foundation, former deputy director of the Federal Migration Service Vyacheslav Postavnin, in a conversation with RBC, noted that the decision to merge departments was long overdue, since recently the Ministry of Internal Affairs has received some of the functions of the migration service. “The FMS has exhausted itself and fallen, like a ripe apple, into the arms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” Postavnin said.

State Secretary, First Deputy Head of the Federal Migration Service Ekaterina Egorova, in a conversation with RBC, clarified that the decision to merge departments was predictable, since the issue had been discussed for some time. Egorova noted that it will be possible to discuss the technical details of the merger after the publication of a presidential decree, which will become “the starting point for organizing work.”

Then it will be possible to talk about whether there will be reductions in FMS employees, Egorova emphasized. The main direction of the merger, according to her, will be set by the Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, and the details will be decided at the working level. The fate of the current head of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romodanovsky, will be decided by Vladimir Putin, Egorova is sure.

The fate of the Federal Drug Control Service

The issue of merging the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has also been discussed for more than a year. According to RBC, citing a source close to the presidential administration, the head of the department, Viktor Ivanov, was against the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service. A former deputy head of the presidential administration, Ivanov for a long time tried to defend the right to exist of the service, trying to expand the department’s sphere of influence and expand the specifics of its work.

In particular, in recent years the Federal Drug Control Service has wanted to monopolize the sphere of rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicts. The department insisted on allocating funds for the implementation of a program for the rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicts. The program involves uniting under the auspices of the Federal Drug Control Service about 500 existing rehabilitation centers in Russia, which, as planned, will be able to receive grants from the state to help drug addicts. The department received the authority to provide financial and organizational support to rehabilitation NGOs in August 2014 by decree of Vladimir Putin.

Before the creation of the Federal Drug Control Service in 2003, the fight against drugs was the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This was done by the Main Directorate for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking (GUBNON). After disbandment, an anti-drug department was created within the structure of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation and special departments in the regions. As Kommersant wrote, after the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service, it is planned to transfer the drug police to the criminal investigation departments. In addition, the possibility of recreating GUBNON is being discussed.

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