controlled reality. Effective reality management techniques. Very often life destroys families, and why

Effective Reality Control Techniques

Reality control: is it really possible? Those who have tried Transurfing on their own experience tell with amazement how their thoughts materialize in an incomprehensible way, and the surrounding reality literally changes its appearance before our eyes. For example, people for unknown reasons begin to treat you with more sympathy. Doors that once seemed hopelessly closed are opening. Oddly enough, there is no mysticism here - everything is real.

You don't have to put pressure on the world in an effort to achieve their goals. You will see that the world itself comes to meet you with open arms. People will feel an inexplicable sympathy for you. In order to achieve your goals, it is not at all necessary to be strong and self-confident.
Once you have the key to a controlled reality, you will discover a world where the impossible becomes possible.

Expanding Energy Channels
The energy of the Cosmos passes through the human body in two directions. The first stream, going from bottom to top, is located 2.5 cm in front of the spine. The second flow goes from top to bottom and is located almost close to the spine. The amount of human free energy, so necessary for us to realize our intention and maintain our health in good shape, depends on the width of the central energy channels. The wider these channels, the higher the energy.
Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but can imagine it.
Healthy energy can be developed and maintained by regularly performing special exercises. It's very simple and takes a little time. Stand up straight, as you feel comfortable, without straining. Breathe in and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the earth, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (approximately the distance indicated above), leaves the head and goes to the sky. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends from the sky, enters the head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't have to physically feel these currents. It is quite enough just to imagine it. Over time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you learn to feel them.

Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without intersecting, each in its own channel. At first, do this on an inhalation and exhalation, but over time, try to abandon the binding of the flows to the breath. You can use the power of imagination (intention) to speed up the flows, to give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and overhead like a fountain. Similarly, the downward current comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under the feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally connect the splashes of both so that you are inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Simply feel the surface of the skin, and then expand that feeling into a sphere, much like a balloon expands when it is inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of the skin, the sphere of closed energy fountains is fixed. All this is done stress-free. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something. Closing the flows to each other into a sphere, you create a protective shell around you. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you fix this shell in a stable state. The benefits of such gymnastics can not be overestimated. First, the shell protects you from injury. Secondly, by training your energy, you clear the subtle channels. The plugs that prevent the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is spent are tightened.

Affirmations are statements that describe the desired state, are repeated several times in order to convince the subconscious mind of something and cause positive results. For greater effectiveness, affirmations are repeated with great attention, confidence, interest and desire.
Affirmations work like visualizations. The repeated repetition of words focuses your attention on the goal and automatically builds appropriate images in the mind, which in turn affects the subconscious. Thus, at first the statement is perceived consciously, and then the subconscious takes it on its own responsibility. Using this conscious process, you can use affirmations to influence the subconscious mind and thereby transform your habits, behavior, attitudes, reactions, and even change your appearance and the attitude of others around you.
Affirmations (statements) must be built in the present tense, in the affirmative form (without the particle not). Write down in advance what you intend to receive or experience. Say affirmations daily (or several times every day), preferably in front of a mirror, out loud (at first you can read from a piece of paper). Say them expressively, fill yourself with positive pleasant emotions at this time. They should be imprinted in your mind, and then in your subconscious, gradually displacing negative beliefs and introducing positive ones.
The speed with which an affirmation produces results varies widely. Depending on the magnitude of your goal, results may appear immediately, days, weeks, months, or even more. Influence on the speed of appearance of results is exerted by such factors as the frequency of uttering affirmations, attention and concentration, the feelings with which you repeat statements, the strength of your intention, the level of your energy.

Glass of water
“Glass of water” is one of the simplest and at the same time powerful techniques for fulfilling a desire, V. Zeland describes it this way: Write a thought form on a piece of paper. For example:

  • I am a very charming person.
  • From me comes the inner light of charm, love, confidence, well, write what you want there.
  • I am a luminous being.
  • I attract good luck.
  • My people find me: (teachers/friends/lovers/associates...).

Etc. etc..
Place a glass of water on this sheet. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine a dense clot between your palms, like hot air balloon. This is your energy. Place the glass between your palms without touching it. Speak consciously and with conviction this thought-form, imagining its meaning as far as possible. Then drink water. Do this procedure in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. Your intention will be realized."

A much more effective reality management technique than affirmations is the visualization technique.
"Creative Visualization" is one of the tools for success, thanks to which you can get almost everything you can imagine out of life. Great importance to visualize desires, imagination plays, the more vivid and accurate images you can imagine, the more effective the process of realizing your desire will be.
By applying the concentration of thoughts and putting all the feelings into our imaginary pictures, we turn them into a great creative energy that can change our reality.
By imagining events, situations, cars, houses, furniture and other material goods, we attract all this into our lives. We imagine what we want and it comes to us in the most amazing way. It's like dreams, it's like magic, but there's nothing magical about it. This is a natural process.
Some people use this power on a daily basis, and often just unconsciously. They don't even know they're using that power. They present their goals in a positive way and succeed. Almost all successful people, one way or another, represented what they want to achieve.
Thought contains a great power that can influence the material world. Thought has its own energy. By focusing on something, you direct this energy into one narrow stream, which only becomes stronger from this. This creates pressure on the energy field around us, causing them to move and act. Thoughts change the natural, sometimes chaotic, balance of energy around us, leading to changes in the environment.
By changing our thoughts and imaginary pictures, we change our "reality". You use the power of visualization even if you don't accept that it works, even if you find it hard to understand and you think it's complete nonsense, visualization works. So why not change your thoughts and start making your dreams come true.
The basic rules for effective visualization: imagine what you want as a fait accompli, look at it in your imagination not from the outside, but from the inside, as if living in this reality. Feel your emotions, be imbued with joy, pleasure and happiness from the fact that the plan has come true (even if so far only in your imagination). Add more various pleasant details and refinements to your dream. Visualization should bring pleasant emotions of anticipation and joy. If visualization has become routine and boring, perhaps the desire to get what was conceived does not come from within, but is imposed by the outside world or pendulums.

Intent Coordination
Coordination of intent is effective method movement in the space of options. You meet each event as positive and thus always go on a favorable branch, more and more often you meet with a wave of luck. But you don’t have your head in the clouds, because you act intentionally and consciously. Thus, you are balancing on a wave of luck. This is the essence of transurfing. coordination of intention
With this principle in mind, you can be just as successful in the positive as the negatives are in their worst expectations. And it sounds like this. If you are determined to view a seemingly negative change in the scenario as a positive one, then that is exactly what will happen. It is necessary to change the negative orientation to the positive one.
Each event on the line of life also has two branches - in a favorable and unfavorable direction. Every time you encounter an event, you make a choice about how to deal with it. If you consider the event as positive, you fall on a favorable branch of the life line. However, the tendency to negativism makes a person express dissatisfaction and choose an unfavorable offshoot.

Reality inversion
Reality inversion is very similar to the principle of coordination of intention. The only difference is that the inversion is more radical and filled with humor.
This is a technique-game that uses our sense of humor. The essence of the game was to turn the attitude towards the situation upside down, that is, to do a kind of inversion. If a person feels bad, the pendulum rule makes him suffer, worry, bend under the weight of problems, indulge in all serious. And the rules of our game said that we must do quite the opposite. For example:
“I experienced a very happy disappointment! The fact is that an unusually happy misfortune happened! “Something irreparable happened, from which my business immediately went up the hill!” “Some nice gentleman in his car adorably threw mud at me!” “All my attempts were in vain, and this was the key to success!” "She does not love me! No, it's too good to be true! The infection skillfully pretends! "He left me! I neighed like a Budennovsky horse! And so on, in the same style, with all sorts of sophistications.
What happens in this case from the point of view of transurfing, you understand yourself. First, all importance is immediately dropped and excess potentials disappear. Secondly, the parameters of the radiation of the mental energy of delight, although idiotic, in no way correspond to the sad lines of life, so the transition is carried out immediately. The mirror reacts quickly because the soul and mind finally breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, reality straightens out.

Extinguishing and failure of pendulums
We all live in society, which means that we are surrounded by thousands of pendulums (egregors), both harmless and destructive, who are trying in every possible way to fix our attention on their wave, transfer us to the negative sectors of the space of options and take away our free energy. If something annoys you, it means that you are caught in a capture loop, the pendulum has hooked you, touched you to the quick, and in order to get rid of it, you need to fall into indifference, but this is not always so easy to do. Transurfing offers two universal action options that allow you to jump off the hooks of pendulums quite easily:

1) The failure of the pendulum. Imagine how a hefty kid swings a sledgehammer at you and strikes with all his might. You have nothing against, do not defend and do not attack. At this moment, you just calmly step aside, and the kid, along with the sledgehammer, flies into the void. This means that the pendulum cannot catch on to you and falls through. This principle is at the heart of Aikido wrestling. The following is literally happening. The attacker is taken by the arm, they go along with him, as if seeing him off, and then they are easily released and sent to fly in the direction where his energy was directed. The whole secret is that the defender has nothing against the attack. He agrees with the attacker's line, walks with him for a while, and then lets go. The energy of the attacker falls into the void, because if the defender is “empty”, aikido then there is nothing to hook him on. The technique of such gentle withdrawal is that you agree to the first thrust of the pendulum, and then retreat diplomatically or unobtrusively direct the movement in the direction you need.

2) Pendulum damping. There are times when a presumptuous pendulum fails to fail. That is, it is impossible to ignore or get away from it here, the damping of the pendulum will help.

THE FIRST WAY is rough. If you find yourself in a situation where you know the standard scenario for the development of events, do something - no matter what - that does not fit into this scenario. Those. impudent unusual behavior for which does not fit into the framework of the usual layman. Either respond with brute force to a provocation, no matter physical or mental strength, but this must be used carefully when the threat to health and life is minimal. The pendulum will be extinguished. The fact is that while you are acting according to the script, you are playing the game of the pendulum and giving your energy at its frequency. But if your frequency is very different, you get into dissonance with the pendulum, and thereby knock it out of rhythm.

SECOND WAY loyal. A sense of humor and imagination can help in extinguishing. Turn your irritation into a game. Of course, this may seem difficult when you want to tear and throw on the contrary. But if you set yourself the goal of getting into the habit of constantly remembering the inner caretaker, you will eventually develop immunity to the provocations of the pendulums.

Inserting a Frame into a Option Space Window
Frame definition. Imagine how you would feel when your plan was fulfilled? Scroll through the goal achievement slide several times in your head, and then take one integral cast from the entire slide - a frame. For example, you sign a contract and feel satisfied. Or you successfully pass the exam, and the teacher shakes your hand. Or come to the finish line first and tear the ribbon with your chest. This cast will be the formula that you need to insert into the slightly opened window. The frame can be titled with one word, for example: “Victory!”, “Yes!”, “It turned out!” or whatever you like. This title will serve as the anchor point of the frame.
According to Transurfing, there are so-called “windows” in the Variant Space that allow you to quickly move from one sector of reality to another. These “windows” open at the moment when the mind briefly falls into sleep (when the internal monologue stops and the mind turns off its control, or at least weakens its vigilance). At this moment, the “frigate” of our Soul raises its sail and we get the opportunity to instantly and freely move in the space of options, as soon as the wind of external intention begins to blow in the right direction. As soon as we insert a slide (frame) into this “window”, a gust of external intention will shift the implementation of the sector by a significant distance.
The effectiveness of the window lies in the fact that the unity of the soul and mind in this state is manifested to the highest degree. The dormant mind releases its control and lets the unreal into its pattern of perception, just as it does in a dream. The sail acquires considerable dimensions, and the outer intention acts with the greatest force.
The difficulty of this method is that the stop of the internal monologue occurs only in a dream or in a state of deep meditation. However, there is a loophole that allows you to use the stop of the internal monologue and in a conscious state. It happens in a spontaneous way when the mind control loosens up and the intuitive feelings of the soul break through into consciousness.
This technique is quite complicated, but you can try. You should start by constantly paying attention to intuitive premonitions, observing yourself. Then you will realize that during the day the window opens quite often. The mind gets tired of its control and chatter from time to time and falls off its guard for a few moments. At this point, you can deliberately insert feelings about the event you want to induce. It is feelings, not verbal formulations.
It is difficult to catch the window, because your mind does it, although it is dormant, which means that it wakes up and the window immediately slams shut. Skills will come with time. You need to have firm intention and patience. First you need to develop a frame of feeling the realization of the event with the help of the mind. Let him actively participate in this development. Then, without trying to catch the window, scroll through this frame in order to properly understand for yourself what the final feeling is. Create a hook, an integral feeling. And then it will be possible at the moment open window instantly insert a frame into it.
You should end up with the dormant mind suddenly becoming aware of its sleepy state and immediately throwing the frame out the window before it even wakes up. This is what will be the work of external intention when stopping the internal monologue.

Freiling is a very charming technology of human relations. Freiling suggests giving up pressure on the world around you in an effort to achieve your goals. The world itself will come to meet you with open arms if:
You give up the intention to receive and replace it with the intention to give. In this case, you will receive what you refused.
What drives people? inner intention. Use people's inner intention to achieve your goals. Despite the self-serving tone of the sound of this phrase, you do not use people, but simply do not prevent them from doing what they want. After all, all problems, one way or another, are born as a result of contradictions between the internal intentions of people.
So, at the heart of a person's inner intention lies his sense of self-worth.
In order to attract attention to yourself, it is enough just to show interest in others. Talk to people not about what interests you, but about what interests them, including about themselves. In this case, your inner intention is transformed into an outer one. By abandoning your inner intention and turning your attention to other people, you will effortlessly get the desired result from them. Outer intention will do it for you.
In everyday communication, it is not important how interesting you are, but how suitable you are this person for relationships. This is what he appreciates. You will suit a person in all respects if you give a person satisfaction with his significance. If he receives this, he will turn a blind eye to your obvious shortcomings and forgive your weaknesses.
Do you want to achieve recognition and respect from a person? Don't demand respect. Respect the person yourself, make sure that he feels significant in your eyes. Do you need sympathy and gratitude? Don't look for them. Take sincere concern and participation in the problems of the person. Strive to achieve sympathy? You won't get her for pretty eyes. Show sympathy for a person yourself, then you will be sympathetic to him by definition. Need help and support? Help yourself. Thus, you will increase your significance, and the person will not want to be less significant and will not remain in debt. Finally, do you want to mutual love? Give up possession and dependency relationships. You will succeed if you just love, without counting on anything. Such love is very rare, and no one can resist it. In all these cases, you will certainly get what you refused.
Avoid like the plague trying to hurt people's sense of worth. Let it become a kind of taboo. Thus, you will save yourself from a lot of problems and troubles, the causes of which will not be clear due to the hidden nature of a blow to someone else's significance.

A message of love
One of the most powerful and effective reality manipulation techniques is the message of love.
Love is not just a word or a feeling. It is the source of energy and energy itself. You can invoke it, store it, store it, send it, and focus it for many uses. She is always available and will never let you down. You are endowed with the ability to co-create, for you are the conductor of the Divine Energy of Love, which you draw from your Higher Self.
By sending love to other people or objects, you can multiply your co-creation abilities and significantly improve your life. Love has a very strong positive impact on the events in your destiny, on relationships with people with whom you interact.
By sending love to another person, you have a huge impact on his attitude towards you, on his perception of you. With the help of love, you can dissipate the energy of conflict, hatred. By sending love to another, you can, if not make this person fall in love with you, then certainly make him your good friend and comrade-in-arms. By sending the energy of love to a sick person, you contribute to his recovery and spiritual purification.
By filling the rooms in which you live and work with love, you will miraculously remove all the accumulated negative energy and make the room cozy and pleasant to stay in it. People will tell you about its special inspiring atmosphere.
By sending love backed by your intention and desire to certain events and situations, you contribute to their positive resolution.
Sending love, most important point is the need to focus precisely on your desires and to imagine in as much detail as possible what you want to do with love.
There are energy centers in our body, some call them chakras. Imagine that all your chakras have a valve for opening love, and this is exactly what you need to work with. You can open love in all your chakras and direct the flow of love to certain places, events, people, while putting your desire, intention, goal into this message.
As you begin to radiate love through all of your energy centers, you will notice that something special is happening. If you do not know where the energy centers are located, then I advise you to go to any library and read the relevant literature about the chakras.

Whoever has gratitude, to him will be given and multiplied. And whoever does not have gratitude, what he has will be taken away from him.
Gratitude is subject to some universal law that governs your entire life: the law of attraction. It says, "Like attracts like." This law affects all of our lives. Our thoughts and feelings are the energy that we radiate to the outside world. Therefore, what are your thoughts and feelings, they attract into your life.
If you think about your life with gratitude and your gratitude is sincere, according to the law of attraction, you will definitely receive more of these life blessings and pleasant sensations. To receive, you must first give. That is the law. When you express gratitude, you give. By forgetting about gratitude, you cut yourself off from what you would like to receive in your life.
In order to live in gratitude, in order to feel the magic in your life, the word thank you must become a word spoken and felt more often than any other. It needs to become second nature to you. The more consciously you say the word thank you, the more gratitude you experience. And the more gratitude you experience, the greater the abundance you receive.
The main thing in the practice of expressing gratitude is to consciously, with the maximum available intensity, feel it, because the power of magic is directly proportional to the gratitude you feel.
Thanks, you focus on the fact that you have already received what you want (even if only in your imagination for now). And since the Universe is a mirror reflecting our thoughts and beliefs, everything immediately begins to adjust to your new mood around you and soon you will see how what you are grateful for comes into your life in abundance.

Everything about reality management, wish fulfillment techniques, transerfing, simoron

I will not retell the theories that prove our ability to shape the reality that surrounds us - "control of reality" is too vast a field of information to retell it briefly. Everything about reality control (or rather a part of it, but undoubtedly the best part) you will find in the articles published on our website.

At one time, the authors of the site were greatly impressed by Vadim Zeland's reality transerfing. Applying it to the achievements of modern psychotherapy, we did not find anything anti-scientific in Zeeland or in his transerfing, nothing obviously charlatan and nothing ... that would not have been said by other philosophers and other thinkers before Zeeland. Even more seditious ideas were expressed ... But as Vadim Zeland said it! Thanks to transurfing and Zeland for this.

Of course, Vadim Zeland seems to have exhausted itself as a commercial project, but this unfortunate fact does not detract from the value of the thoughts that were formulated earlier by the author of tranerfing.

Another popular trend is simoron, oxymoron and other discrepancies. And here, as in the case of Vadim Zeland, there is nothing that would sound like OBVIOUS heresy or was sucked out of the finger by a half-crazy fanatic of one idea. No no no! Oxymoron (simoron) is a very intelligent thing (if I may say so) and books on simoron (for example, Lissy Moussa) are worth re-reading, they are worth returning to. And this is an indication that there is something in them. A book that survives READING is worth a lot.

By the way, I refer all readers to Lissy Moussa's preface, written by herself to her book "Here's your foothold."

These are the theories that underlie the "techniques for fulfilling desires."

"The textbook work of Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky, the work of an actor on himself", which in fact is a perfect program for personal growth, and not just a manual for the professional training of an actor.

Mikhail Chekhov's work "On the Actor's Technique" opens the way not only for an actor, but also for a magician"

Even the epigraph that Mikhail Chekhov chose for his book perfectly conveys the mood of the book:

"Your and younger feels the one who enters the world of imagination. Now he knows: it was the mind that aged him mentally and made him so inflexible"

Of course, I refer the Reader to these books, which are quoted by Lissy Moussa.

Well, now let's look at the articles of our site. What can they tell about the techniques for fulfilling desires, about managing reality?

Get started on " " with this concept article "The Universe Doesn't Like to Argue"...

"Workshop of the Law of Attraction", from theory immediately - to practice. Everything is natural.

"Tunnel of reality", another theory under " ", and what a theory! My favorite article on this subject.

And here is a specific exercise in managing reality "".

Another exercise right after a portion of theory...

The “as if” lifestyle is again a theory proving that the management of reality is NOT a fake, invented for the simple-minded in order to extract commercial benefits.

"From the point of view of anthropologists who have studied the ancient ways of man to manage events, this is a typical example of the MAGIC OF CONTINUE. When an object taken from another context attracts all its missing context into your life. Take the earth from the grave - a grave will come. Take a ball gown - an invitation will come to the ball ... Who needs what.

That's it. Read the article about this "There will be a spacesuit - there will be travel." At one time, it caused a whole stream of discussions.

The article "How to tear off your head and where to get a new one (with instructions for use)" about how the magic of the name is connected with and what needs to be done in your particular case.

Read. Note.

And finally, a series of articles about simoron - there is nowhere to go in more detail.

Attention! This is about the famous "Yakatelny translation". If you are sad or you have some claims to the world, first of all, take a pen and paper and write a mini-essay (from 5 to 15 sentences), which will describe your pressing problem ...

It's not easy for everyone sometimes

Sometimes life is like delirious

But he waves his hand

Kind viewer in the ninth row

This article is about how to get this "viewer" as your friend...

And what will you do when a man with a gun is sitting in ambush by the road you are walking on?

And I just won't be on that road at that moment

Perhaps, this main and deservedly popular phrase has long become a kind of Symbol and motto of all these areas listed above in “positive psychology” and self-help.

This phrase immediately reduces anxiety in a neurotic person and best of all treats a harmful attitude: "the world is evil and full of unpleasant surprises."

Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the fact (especially with those who watch the news and listen to their neighbors on the bench) that the world is full of dangers.

Nevertheless, if what is shown in the news happened to EVERY PERSON CONSTANTLY, probably, the apocalypse would have come long ago. And no, it hasn't arrived yet. Everywhere there are people who are happy with life and for whom everything is NORMAL, and even WELL. And this is by no means only the oligarchs in the Canaries ...

Let us also count ourselves among these people who have wonderful good events in their lives - small and big joys, moments of happiness and whole years of peace?

But what a task .... - this is our "let's" means, after all, some actions and, moreover, actions are correct, and not careless!

Well, let's get down to the Exercise or the Layout, so that they teach us the mind in an entertaining and boring way.

The layout of the Man "with a Gun" and the Man "with a Redhead"

And other husbands -

red rings,

Earrings - mother-of-pearl...

And you have a tear

pure turquoise,

Dries up in the morning...

I. Brodsky

So you have three paths in front of you.

    at the first you will find an ambush - a gun,

    on the second - gold and the one who showers you with it,

    on the third you will find an evening newspaper and a cup of tea with linden - not bad either.

We need to know:

    why don't you find yourself on the road where the gun is aimed at the traveler?

    What are you so good and correct (according to the situation) will be distracted and carried away?

    why can you hypothetically still reach for the road where the gun is? (To know what not to do)

    why can you (situationally) choose tea alone (or in a quiet cozy company) instead of a person who is really ready to shower you with gold?



    what leads you to dangers and to what!

    what will lead you to well-being beyond your dreams (to what)

    and what will leave you in peace and comfort (in what it is expressed)


Suppose you stated that you have been on the “with a gun” map for a long time ... Or on the “with tea” map.

Pave the road from bad to good! One or two more spontaneous 1000 Road cards (laid between the existing cards) will lead you on new paths to a more favorable situation.


Then go back to the "with tea" card. Maybe you need peace and rest, and not gold at all?

Or go back to the "map with a gun." Maybe you are the same hero who must clear this road from the robber who has settled there?

"Return" is also laid out with new cards of 1000 Roads. They are laid between old cards.

Have a rest? Has the villain been appeased?

Now return to the card you want to return to: tea with a newspaper or gold.

The return is paved with new cards and, among other things, the second layer of the main cards!

    new "tea with newspaper"

    new gold...

By the way, after all these festivities: what new map now symbolizes for you "A man ready to shower you with gold"?

So do you like it better? Are you happy with gold now? We congratulate you on your new happiness!

Elena Nazarenko

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reality control

Every person wants to control reality, to be the master of his life, to make all his dreams come true. Say it's impossible? That's right, it won't be possible for you. You will say that you are the master of your life and that which others have considered impossible will become a reality for you. I don't care if you believe it or not. It is. Just like there is sun, air, earth and fire. You may not believe in many things, but they still exist.
There are truly limitless resources hidden in our brain. Everyone can learn to control their reality, to make their subconscious work for you.
And so, let's go!
1. You need to relax. And this also needs to be learned. By properly relaxing, you will be able to enter into a state of meditation, which will allow you to control your body, your emotions, and finally, you will be able to pull the thread called "External Intention". This is a very powerful force that everyone can learn to manage, but not everyone knows about it. Our subconscious mind is a very powerful force. It can make our dreams come true! I repeat: any! Even those that seem unrealistic to you. But, I have to warn you. The subconscious can turn your life into a fairy tale as well as destroy it. It all depends on your thoughts, emotions and words, because what we set for our subconscious mind, it does. This means that if your thoughts are about the bad, then you, not knowing about it, yourself set the subconscious mind to a bad end to events. It is necessary to accustom yourself to perceive all negative events as positive. Literally begin to enjoy any negative event in your life, as if you were given a gift and the situation plays into your hands. You will see, in a short time, it will be so, if you do not succumb to doubts in a fortunate combination of circumstances.
The subconscious can do everything. This means that it sees everything, hears everything, knows everything about everything, and, using this, we can even draw any information from it. Does this person love me? What is he doing now? What do people think of me? How can I win a million? It knows everything! You can ask yourself any questions that only arise in your head and you will certainly get an answer. The main thing is to correctly interpret the information received from the subconscious. Even if the answer does not come immediately, do not be upset, the subconscious mind needs time. It is best to ask a question that concerns you at the time when you go to bed. You have not yet fallen asleep, but you are no longer awake, at this moment ask your question several times, write it down on paper and put it next to the pillow. Perhaps the answer will come in the morning, and if it does not come right away, do not be upset, some questions are complex enough to give an unambiguous answer to them. For difficult questions it may take several days, months and even years, but the answer will definitely come.
Give your subconscious a name. This is very convenient, because you can refer to him at the right time for you by name. Well, for example, I call my subconscious Genie. Since I associate it with the spirit from a magic lamp, which you only need to rub with your hand, so that he comes out of it and fulfills any desire of his master. You can also name your subconscious mind, I won't be offended.
For initial practice, a comfortable sitting or lying posture is suitable. The main thing is not to fall asleep. Sit in a chair, or better lie on your back on the bed. Relax, close your eyes, think only about how you relax. Start with your feet. Relax your fingers, your feet, move on, up your legs, feel the warmth, feel your legs get heavy as you relax. Higher, higher up the legs to the pelvis, abdomen, chest. Next - arms, shoulders, neck, head, face. The eyelids become heavy, the mouth is closed (because this can dry out the mouth, which will disturb you and interrupt you from work). Your body is now completely relaxed, it is getting heavier. Get to the point where you don't feel it at all. Breathing should be deep and even. Let's put things in order. Scatter all thoughts. Let go of all fears and anxieties. Enjoy the state you are in. You are very good and happy.
2. Now formulate the image that you want to implement. You should not just imagine this image, object, event, but see it in the smallest detail, feel the temperature, smell, really be present there. Enjoy this way. Get sincere pleasure from the fact that you possess this, live in this world.
3. The practice of visualization must be performed every day, preferably for half an hour, the main thing is that it should not be strained. Reality will change over time. Do not doubt a little that the subconscious mind will fulfill your request. Faith can work miracles, move mountains. But you are not obliged to believe or not believe, just know that it is, that it will be the way you want, because you, and only you, are the master of your life. Just to energize your power, trust in your subconscious. I assure you when you succeed, you will not immediately believe that it was you who did it. You will regard it as a miracle. But this is a miracle, this is the magic that you yourself create.
So you can manage people, change the course of events at your discretion. And just enjoy life, your victories, your creation. Constantly improve your skills, and later you will become irresistible, powerful. Never doubt your strength, for your strength is truly mighty. By doubting this, you put them at risk.

If you did everything right, then you will definitely succeed. Try, do not be lazy, work on yourself. You will see how wonderful the world is, how wonderful it is to live in this world when the reality is exactly the way you want it to be. Believe in yourself!

Do not be silent, leave your comment at the end of the article.

The practical application of the techniques is described in detail in the book. Here I will separate them from the general content and present them in the form of a clear technology.
We take the quantum cycle as a basis.
1. Choose a goal, develop a plan and start implementing it
"Any plan resolutely carried out is better than inaction."
2. Act with whatever tools are appropriate for the occasion.
Any change in reality occurs only after an act. "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
3. Entering into humility. Catharsis
When faced with obstacles that are beyond your influence, entrust the solution of the problem to the unconscious. Feel trust in God, the Universe, complete humility. You let go of control, you jump into an abyss, you take a step of no return. Slide down a completely smooth slope with no chance of getting hooked or knowing where it will take you. And then your fears begin to scream and squeal. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god."
And you, rubbing your hands, rejoice, watching your fears, depressions, and say to yourself: “Cool. There is work to be done. Come on, catharsis, show what you are capable of. And you begin to dissolve the negative material of the psyche.
4. Utilization (use) of a new situation.
In the case of the correct execution of the previous paragraph, new circumstances will be discovered, there will be necessary appointments, insight and a new understanding of the situation may come. All this solves the former problem and helps to perform correct and accurate actions. There will be a quantum leap from the previous orbit to a new one, and then, following Baron Munchausen, it will be possible to repeat: “There are no hopeless situations!”
The quantum cycle harmoniously combines completely opposite approaches. Some say: "Fight with all your might and to the very end." Others convince: "Submit, humility is necessary." Some advise - do not waste time, others - know how to wait. Some - control everything, others - trust and let go of control. Some recommend a positive attitude towards life, ignoring the negative. Others argue that the most important thing is, on the contrary, to pay attention to negative emotions and discharge them.
From the standpoint of quantum psychology, we argue that each of the above approaches is true under some circumstances, but becomes completely wrong under others. A successful person must, firstly, master all these approaches, and secondly, choose the moments of their correct application.
Do not listen to banal unambiguous advice. If you are told that for success you need to be able to light matches, then always specify: “Where? How? With what effort? You can light a match by the water, you can by a haystack, you can by a barrel of gunpowder - the act is one, but the result is different.
Now it is necessary to emphasize the main thing - no technology of luck can be considered modern if it does not rely on the activity of the unconscious. The Master of Reality Control uses both the tools of the conscious mind and the possibilities of the unconscious.
\r\nLEFT HEMISPHERE RIGHT HEMISPHERE\r\nLinear processes. Nonlinear processes.\r\nManifestation of the masculine principle (yang). The manifestation of the feminine (yin).\r\nCorresponds to the consistent movement of the electron in space, in the material world. Corresponds to events taking place in the quantum gap.\r\nPossibilities of consciousness. Possibilities of the unconscious.\r\nIntellectual, rational thinking Sensual, emotional perception.\r\nActions based on rationale. Spontaneous, intuitive actions.\r\nThe ability to plan, the active implementation of the plan. Following the flow and trusting the process of life.\r\nSearching for connections. No visible connection between cause and effect.\r\nDetail (trees). General form(forest).\r\nA state of certainty - the future is predictable, as there is a connection between cause and effect. A state of uncertainty - the future is unknown, as there are unpredictable accidents.\r\nSuccessive search of options in search of the right one. Seeing all options at once, choosing the right one at once.\r\nPositive programming, pursuit of happiness
Work with the negative material of the subconscious (catharsis). The worse the better.
\r\nThe maximum degree of physical survival, the desire to achieve the greatest (absolute greed).
Willingness to lose everything, lack of attachment, willingness to die (absolute generosity).
\r\nThe ability to create pictures of the world for other people. Adjustment to someone else's picture of the world.\r\n
The correct use of linear and non-linear tools is a balancing act between two opposites. Because of this balancing act between activity and passivity, power and humility, concentration and relaxation, we call life Dancing with reality.
So, forward to your dream! Through work, planning and self-discipline. And at the same time, no work, planning and self-discipline, because wisdom must rely on the unforeseen.
When you can't control circumstances, let circumstances control you. Manage humble yourself - this is the key to success. It is very easy to understand this. “We cannot change the wind, the more stupid it is to be offended by it, we are humble before it, but we can set sails in different ways.” A good captain sooner or later gets where he needs to be.
Don't try to control everything. Delegate some authority to God. Or other people. This is the same.
By the way, about the delegation of authority. I have already mentioned that in my youth I went in for sports. At a more mature age, I worked as a massage therapist in the national team of Belarus. Among my wards were world record holders and Olympic champions, people acting at the limit of human capabilities. And I noticed one feature. When the athletes quarreled with the coaches and began to train on their own, the result for some reason fell. Why? After all, experience and talent remained.
And the fact is that it is necessary to delegate part of the control. Release the mind. Then access to the quantum gap opens, and this contributes to the materialization of the dream. In any field of activity, it is easier to “resolve” the situation from the outside. This is how the human psyche works - access to the unconscious is much easier in someone's presence. For example, we are always surprised by pop numbers, where a person jumps barefoot on broken glass or pierces the skin with knitting needles. To do this, you need to carry out a certain self-suggestion. And although potentially everyone is capable of this, in practice only a few master such self-control. And a good psychotrainer will be able to put almost anyone into such a state. Because when entering the unconscious, we resist much more to ourselves than to others.
Delegate some control. Just as businessmen entrust part of their work to secretaries, patients entrust doctors, restaurant visitors entrust chefs. By the same principle, you can use the services of a success coach or a spiritual teacher. It is necessary to transfer part of the control. That is why in India every inhabitant has a personal guru. It doesn't matter that most of the gurus are not great enlightened beings at all, but this is a very wise tradition nonetheless.
So, you can be more active and work harder. But when the resistance of the world is so great that efforts do not help, apply catharsis.
Dissolve obstacles with it.
With the help of catharsis, you dissolve the old picture of the world, and the liberated construction material(energy) you use to build on the same place new reality.
Now, whatever is offered to you - hard work, prayers, psychoanalyst advice, neuro-linguistic programmer exercises, sorcerer rituals, healing and weight loss techniques, positive visualization or catharsis - you can coordinate everything with Quantum and find a place for it in the quantum cycle.
The main question is the exact choice from an infinite number of possibilities. The choice between linear and non-linear tools is the most challenging task standing in front of a man. "Lord, give me strength to change what I can change, humility to accept what cannot be changed, and wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
And wisdom comes from a combination of intuition and reason.
A precise act in the face of an infinite number of strategies can only be done using the unconscious. “The unconscious mind of a person sees correctly, even when the conscious mind is blind and powerless” (K. Jung). “A person knows much more than he understands” (A. Adler). The book you are holding in your hands offers modern techniques for harnessing the enormous potential of the unconscious.


  2. 2.3. Methods and techniques for managing innovative projects
  3. How to Improve Your Life with the Golden Imaging Technique
  4. 12. The use of special knowledge in the investigation of crimes related to the assignment of the right to own and manage enterprises
  5. Reorganization of public authorities and administration in the post-war period (1945 - 1985).
  6. § 1. Legal technique of lawmaking: determination of the institutional and legal status and elemental composition
  7. 2.4. Local self-government bodies in the organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation
  8. §2. Justification of the right of a legal entity to manage internal affairs as an independent subjective right

- Copyright - advocacy - Administrative law - administrative process - Antimonopoly and Competition Law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - banking law - Business - Accounting - Real right - Public law and administration - Civil law and process - Money circulation, finance and credit - Money - Diplomatic and consular law - Contract law - Housing law - Land law - Suffrage - Investment Law - Information law - Enforcement proceedings -

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