How to make colored jelly. Jelly cake “Broken glass. Universal recipe for beginners

Frost is already decorating the windows with intricate patterns, the smell of tangerines is in the air, Santa Claus is rushing on a sleigh through the forests and steppes, and the President is preparing a New Year's speech, which means that there is very little time left before the New Year and it's time to start preparing New Year's desserts and create festive atmosphere at home.

A wonderful dessert for a festive New Year's table - multilayer jelly. This original dessert can be made both from natural juice and using bags sold in stores. Jelly is made from water, sugar and gelatin (about 50 g of gelatin per 1 liter of water), as well as from fresh berries and fruits; berry juices, syrups, milk and other products. Vanilla sugar, citrus zest, citric acid, wines or liqueurs are added for flavoring.

Gelatin is soaked in a large amount of cold water, and when it swells (after about an hour), the excess water is drained and the gelatin is introduced into the boiling syrup with continuous stirring. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, the liquid is poured into molds and placed in a cold place to solidify. If, after cooling, the finished jelly needs to be removed from the mold, then it is immersed in hot water for a few seconds, preventing water from getting on the jelly.

Multi-colored multi-layered jelly is a versatile dessert that will appeal not only to your children, but also to adult guests. Preparing multi-colored puff New Year's jelly is not difficult at all. Dissolve gelatin in milk and dissolve sachets of red and green jelly in boiling water (in separate bowls). Then take a pan and grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil (so that later the jelly can easily “peel off” from the bottom). Pour the first layer of gelatin, wait for it to harden and pour in the next layer. Repeat the procedure until you fill the container and send it to the refrigerator. After the jelly has hardened, remove it from the pan, cut into portioned cubes and decorate each with a “rose” of cream and a cocktail cherry.

You can make multi-colored New Year's jelly from different colors of juices.
- 3 glasses of juice
- 25 g gelatin
- sugar to taste.
Pour gelatin with cold water for 30 minutes. Bring fruit or berry juice to a boil and dissolve gelatin and sugar in it, constantly stirring with a spoon. Strain, pour into molds and refrigerate.

White jelly can be made from milk, cream or sour cream. In order to make milk jelly, you will need the following ingredients:
- 250 g milk
- 150 g of granulated sugar
- 25g gelatin
- 25 g of water.
Boil milk, add sugar and vanillin to it, bring the mixture to a boil and pour in the pre-soaked swollen gelatin, stir everything, bring to a boil again, pour into molds and cool.

To make cream jelly, you will need:
- 100 g cream
- 1/4 lemon
- 30 g of sugar syrup
- 4 g of gelatin.
Boil cream, sugar syrup and lemon zest. Add prepared gelatin to the mixture, stir it until dissolved. Strain the mixture, pour into molds, glasses or a bowl and cool.

An interesting effect can be achieved if you place the glasses in an inclined position and pour jelly into them. In this case, after solidification in a glass, you will get an even sloping line, on top of which you can put buttercream, whipped cream, ice cream or fruit salad. You can pour more than one layer of jelly into glasses, but several at once - then you will get a striped red and white dessert that is in perfect harmony with Christmas candy.

You can make a dessert of chocolate, milk and lemon or orange jelly. Pour chocolate jelly into the mold, when it cools down a bit and thickens, pour chilled milk jelly on top, let it harden and pour a layer of non-hot orange jelly. The top of the dessert can be decorated with cream, fruits or berries.

chocolate jelly
- 150 g chocolate
- 100 g of granulated sugar
- 0.75 l of milk
- 30 g gelatin
- 0.2 g of vanillin.
Grate chocolate and dissolve it together with sugar in hot milk, add vanillin, dissolved gelatin and bring to a boil.
Pour into molds and chill.

You can make a portioned treat or make jelly in orange peel halves. The jelly poured into the orange peel can be of different colors. The jelly in the halves of the orange peel can be cut into slices after hardening. Warm a very sharp knife in hot water before cutting. If the orange peel is pre-soaked for 6-8 hours in sweet water with the addition of a small amount of cognac, it will become quite edible.

Lemon jelly
- 0.5 lemon
- 50 g of sugar syrup
- 200 g of water
- 10 g of gelatin.
Pour boiling water over the lemon, remove the zest from 1/4 lemon with a grater. Cut this part of the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. Add sugar syrup, zest, soaked gelatin to boiling water and boil. Then strain the mixture, let it cool slightly, add lemon juice, stir, pour into a bowl and cool. You can also make jelly from orange and tangerine.

Portion jelly can be served on the table in tall glasses or in transparent bowls for desserts. Red and white jelly desserts look very New Year's. Just fill the glasses to the middle with the milk mixture, wait for it to solidify and pour in the raspberry or cherry jelly. You can decorate the top of the dessert with whipped cream and berries (or pomegranate seeds). You can add pieces of fruit or halves of berries right into the jelly, and put a layer of cookies, meringue or marshmallows on top of it. Top the dessert with whipped cream and garnish with a red berry mint leaf.

You can cook Mosaic Jelly or Broken Glass Cake. Chop frozen jelly of different colors into small pieces, mix, place in a salad bowl and pour colorless (from birch sap or sugar syrup) or slightly colored (lemon juice or other) jelly and let it freeze in the refrigerator.

If you think that jelly sweets have no place on the “adult” table, then you can prepare original jelly shots! Colored shots can be made with any alcohol, including creamy liqueurs, champagne cocktails, vodka, martinis, and rum. You will need one part strong (or not so) alcohol, one part water and 1-2 sachets of edible gelatin to set the mixture.

When preparing jelly shots, 85 g of gelatin powder is enough for 125 ml of boiling water and a whole glass of liquor, rum, vodka or martini! Alcohol should be added after you dilute the gelatin with boiling water, otherwise it will begin to evaporate when heated, and of course, the stronger the drink, the less it should be added to the jelly. If there is much more vodka than water, gelatin may simply not grab. Pour the finished mixture into wine glasses, molds or cups, after lubricating them with vegetable oil and garnish after cooling with mint leaves, chocolate chips or lemon. For prepared New Year's desserts, do not forget to serve small spoons - and do not be afraid to experiment! You will certainly get the most delicious and original decoration for the New Year's table!

A great decoration for any holiday?

Top 9 delicious, bright and mouth-watering jelly?

1. white-pink jelly.


  • - 250 ml of strawberry syrup (compote, juice).
  • - 250 ml of milk.
  • - 20 g of gelatin.
  • - Sugar to taste.


Soak 1 gelatin in 200 ml of cold boiled water and leave for the time indicated on the package.
2 then bring the gelatin to a boil, but do not boil.
3 Add half of the gelatin to the strawberry syrup, mix.
4 sugar can be added to the milk to taste (I did not add sugar to the milk, as the strawberry syrup was too sweet) and the remaining gelatin.
5 Pour strawberry juice into the bottom of the molds with a layer of 0.5-1 cm. Place in the refrigerator until completely solidified.
6 then pour the milk in a layer of 0.5-1 cm. Place in the refrigerator until completely solidified.
7. Pour juice and milk in this way until the molds are full. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified (preferably overnight. To make it easier to remove the jelly from the mold, you can lower it for a few seconds in hot water (most importantly, make sure that water does not get into the jelly.

2. jelly "Colorful".


- Gelatin - 20 gr.
- Jelly of different colors - 2 bags.
- Sour cream - 200 gr.
- Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
- Fig peaches - 3 pcs.
- Plum - 6 pcs.
- Sweet cherry - 200 gr.


1. Prepare jelly from one sachet according to package instructions. Pour into molds and put 2-3 cherries. Cool down.
2. In the meantime, prepare the next layer - pour gelatin with a small amount of cold boiled water, beat sour cream with sugar.
3. Mix the swollen gelatin with sour cream and heat on the stove until the crystals are completely dissolved, then cool slightly and pour into molds.
4. add peaches, cut into pieces, cool. The last layer, like the first, is prepared according to the instructions. Garnish with plums and refrigerate until completely set.

3. jelly "Broken Glass".


- Gelatin - 4 pieces (85 g each in different colors).
- Condensed milk - 400 milliliters.
- Colorless gelatin - 1 piece (85 g.).


1. Dilute 4 packs of gelatin according to package directions in boiled water in separate containers. And leave to harden for 3 hours (preferably overnight. After the jelly is ready, cut it into small cubes.
2. Pour the cubes in different colors into a separate bowl. In a separate bowl, dissolve 2 packets of colorless gelatin in 1/2 cup cold water. After the gelatin begins to dissolve, add 1 1/2 cups of boiled water and dissolve the gelatin completely.
3. Add condensed milk, mix well and refrigerate. Pour the colored jelly cubes with the milk mixture and leave to harden overnight.
4. cut into cubes or other shapes and serve.

4. colorful jelly.


Cherry or strawberry jelly (powder) - 250 grams.
- Lime jelly (powder) - 150 grams.
- Condensed milk - 700 grams.
- Gelatin (packing) - 9 pieces.


1. We dissolve one sachet of gelatin in 1/4 cup of cold water. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
2. immediately add a third of the cherry or strawberry jelly powder to the mixture. Mix carefully. 3. Pour the mixture into a large jelly mold, lightly greased with non-stick spray or regular butter (if not greased, the bottom layer will stick and spoil the appearance of the dessert.
4. put in the refrigerator. While the first color layer hardens, prepare the milk layer. Dissolve two packets of gelatin in 1/4 cold water.
5. Pour half of the condensed milk into a bowl, add water with dissolved gelatin and a glass of boiling water there. Mix carefully. We take out from the refrigerator a form with a slightly frozen first layer of jelly. Pour about a third of the condensed milk mixture on top.
6. We pierce the bubbles formed on the surface with a toothpick. We put the form in the refrigerator.
When the milk layer hardens slightly (it hardens faster than the color one), pour the green jelly layer prepared in a similar way (from lime) on top. Put it in the refrigerator again.
7. continue to alternate layers until you run out of all the ingredients. Layers can be of a different color, there can be a different number - everything is at your discretion.
8. when all the layers are ready, we send the jelly for a couple of hours in the refrigerator until the final solidification. Then we take out and cut into beautiful squares.
Multi-colored jelly is ready.

5. orange jelly.


Gelatin - 20 grams.
- Sugar - 200 grams.
- Oranges - 3 pieces.


1. Pour gelatin with boiled cold water (200 ml) and leave for the time that is written on the package.
2. take some dishes and squeeze the juice from the oranges there.
3. now take the orange peels and chop them coarsely. Put the orange peels in a saucepan and fill with water (one liter. Bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes.
4. then strain and cool to about forty - fifty degrees. Now add sugar and swollen gelatin. Bring to a boil (do not boil.
5. Pour the squeezed orange juice here. We remove the saucepan from the fire.
6. now pour into bowls or molds. We put it in the refrigerator for five to six hours.

6. blueberry jelly.


Blueberries - 300 grams.
- Sour cream - 300 grams.
- Gelatin - 3 teaspoons.
- Water - 50 milliliters.
- Medium fat cream - 375 milliliters.
- Sugar - 130 grams.


1. First you need to pour gelatin with cold water. In a blender bowl, mix berries and sour cream, bring to a homogeneous state with a blender. If desired, you can also grind through a sieve, but this is not necessary. I don't overdo it.
2. In a small saucepan, mix the cream with sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil. When it boils, remove from heat and add the swollen gelatin to the saucepan. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the gelatin.
3. when the mixture of cream and gelatin has cooled, mix it with our blueberry puree. Do not mix the uncooled mixture - the sour cream will curdle. Stir the mixture and pour it into glasses or other jelly dishes.
4. put in the refrigerator, after 2-3 hours the jelly will harden and it can be served at the table.

7. three-layer jelly.


Gelatin - 6 Art. spoons.
- Cherry juice - 200 milliliters.
- Sour cream - 200 milliliters.
- Milk - 200 milliliters.
- Cocoa - powder - 1.5 Art. Spoons.
- Sugar - to taste.


1. pour gelatin with 1.5 cups of cold boiled water and leave for an hour so that it swells. 2. then put the pan with gelatin on a slow fire and heat, stirring constantly, but not boiling. We need all the gelatin granules to dissolve. Pour sour cream into a separate pan and add half a glass of cooled gelatin mixture and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to it.
3. mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Now in our hands we tilt the molds a little and carefully pour a little sour cream mixture into them. We place in the refrigerator, fixing the forms at an angle.
4. After a few minutes, the first layer will harden, and we can start cooking the second one. To do this, mix milk and cocoa powder, add half a glass of gelatin and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix thoroughly.
5. then we tilt the molds to the other side and pour the second layer, fix it in the refrigerator again, but at a different angle. Now the last, cherry layer.
6. Pour cherry juice into a saucepan, add half a glass of gelatin, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour it into molds and put in a flat position in the refrigerator until the jelly is completely solidified.

8. fruit jelly.


Gelatin - 1 Art. The spoon.
- Water - 1 glass.
- Juice - 400 grams.
- Fruit - to taste.


1. Rinse the fruit and cut into cubes. Grapes can be cut in half and the pits removed. It is advisable to remove the skin from the orange slices and, of course, choose the seeds. Thinly sliced ​​​​apple slices look beautiful in jelly. In the event that seasonal berries are on hand, add them as well.
2. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of cold boiled water. Gelatin should stand for at least 20 minutes and swell.
3. Pour the swollen gelatin into a saucepan with juice, I use apple juice, but any will do. Heat over a fire, stirring until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Don't boil!
4. cool juice with gelatin to room temperature.
5. put the fruit in a mold (you can moisten it or grease it with butter. Pour juice with gelatin and refrigerate for an hour and a half. In the event that you want the fruit not to float and keep beautifully at different levels, pour them gradually, in layers .

9. jelly "Bird's Milk".


Gelatin - 50 grams.
- Sour cream - 1 liter.
- Vanilla sugar - 0.5 teaspoons.
- Sugar - 2.5 cups.
- Milk - 6 Art. spoons.
- Cocoa (powder) - 4 Art. Spoons.
- Butter - 50 grams.


1. dissolve 35 grams of gelatin in one glass of water. You can heat in a saucepan (but do not bring to a boil) or in a water bath. Mix well so that there are no lumps.
2. Beat sour cream with two cups of sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer or blender. The sugar needs to dissolve. Then add dissolved gelatin to the mass (35 gr.
3. Dissolve the remaining gelatin (15 g) in one glass of water (as was done in step one. Then add half a glass of sugar (all the rest), cocoa powder, butter and milk to it. Mix everything until smooth.
4. Pour sour cream jelly into prepared portion cups or bowls. After it hardens a little, fill with chocolate jelly. Send to the refrigerator until completely solidified. In the event that you want to get an unusually shaped jelly, pour the first layer into the bowl, place the dishes at an angle. You can also alternate layers. Jelly "Bird's Milk" is ready! Sprinkle with grated chocolate or garnish with whipped cream before serving. You can decorate with lemon peel, after cutting a leaf out of it.

1. First of all, make condensed milk jelly: pour 1.5 cups of hot water into a bowl, stir 2.5 tablespoons of gelatin in it. Pour in the condensed milk and another 1.5 cups of hot water, stir everything.

2. In a separate bowl, mix a bag of multi-colored jelly with 1 tablespoon of gelatin, pour hot water over everything according to the instructions (usually 2 cups of water), mix well. Divide the jelly between two glasses to fill two molds.

3. Prepare two molds, grease each with vegetable oil so that the jelly can be easily reached. Pour the bottom layer of jelly (250 ml) and spread it over the entire mold.

4. Scoop out any bubbles with a spoon, place the mold in the freezer for 15 minutes.

5. Remove the molds from the freezer and pour 100 ml of the condensed milk mixture into each mold on top of the colored layer.

6. Take the mold in your hands and rotate it from side to side to evenly distribute the layer of condensed milk. Send to the freezer for 8-15 minutes.

7. Prepare the remaining multi-colored jelly (as the first colored layer), divide it between two forms, like the first layer. Pour, alternating colored jelly and condensed milk, after each layer, send the molds to the freezer.

8. Pour the last layer and send the mold to the refrigerator for several hours until it hardens.

9. Due to the fact that we greased the mold with vegetable oil, the jelly is easy to get out of the mold, cut it into pieces and serve. Bon appetit!


  • jelly powder in packages (pictured) - apricot, cherry, kiwi (or any other flavor);
  • sour cream 10-15% - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • gelatin - 3 incomplete tablespoons;
  • shredded coconut for decoration.

Preparation of the colored part

  1. boil water, let cool to 60 degrees;
  2. pour the powder from each package into three separate bowls;
  3. pour hot water, taking 50-80 ml less than the recipe on the package suggests;
  4. stir, cool and refrigerate for 3-4 hours or overnight;
  5. when it hardens (as in the photo), cut into small pieces, mix and spread the base for the Mosaic dessert in molds or bowls.

Filling preparation

  1. pour gelatin for the “Mosaic” dish with warmed milk in a saucepan, wait 30-40 minutes until it swells;
  2. combine sour cream and sugar, beat with a whisk or mixer until smooth, as shown in the photo;
  3. turn on a small fire and heat the gelatin, remembering to stir constantly;
  4. make sure that it does not boil;
  5. when the contents dissolve, remove from the stove;
  6. carefully and gradually pour the contents into the sour cream mixture;
  7. stir constantly.


  1. pour a mixture of bowls with multi-colored jelly;
  2. let it dry to get it as in the photo;
  3. sprinkle with coconut flakes on top.

Vegetarian option

Edible gelatin is made from bone meal, i.e. it is a product of animal origin. For jellied dishes, vegetarians and vegans use agar-agar - powder or plates from red and brown algae (pictured). With its help, it will be possible to prepare a tasty and healthy multi-colored Mosaic dish, which can also be eaten in fasting.


  • agar-agar - 1 tablespoon for the multi-colored and 1 tablespoon for the dairy part;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • cold boiled water - 150 ml for each type of jelly according to the recipe;
  • hot water for multi-colored fragments - 500 ml;
  • berry or fruit syrups - to taste;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar or natural sweetener - to taste.

Preparation of the colored part

  1. pour agar-agar into an aluminum dish;
  2. fill with cold water;
  3. mix sugar or colorless syrup with hot water;
  4. Pour agar-agar into the warm mixture and mix thoroughly;
  5. put on medium gas, without bringing to a boil, cook for several minutes;
  6. remove from stove and cool slightly;
  7. pour into molds, add syrups to make a multi-colored jelly, and set to harden.

Filling preparation

  1. pour the vegetable thickener into an aluminum bowl;
  2. fill with cold water;
  3. bring to a boil, turn off the gas and cook for 5-7 minutes;
  4. in a separate bowl, combine the milk part with honey, mix;
  5. gradually pour this mixture into the thickener;
  6. stir without letting it boil;
  7. leave to cook for a few minutes;
  8. do not forget to stir regularly;
  9. remove from fire.


  1. cut multi-colored jelly into pieces (as in the photo);
  2. arrange in molds or sockets;
  3. fill with milk mixture;
  4. cool and put the Mosaic dish in the cold for 1-2 hours.
  1. if you follow the figure, then keep in mind that such multi-colored jelly contains a lot of simple (fast) carbohydrates;
  2. to fill the thickener, you can take 300 ml of warm water;
  3. if you are allergic to powdered jelly or ready-made syrup, you can use natural berry juice;
  4. a recipe with natural juice instead of powder will require a glass of berries for a standard amount of jelly;
  5. when boiled, the animal thickener loses its gelling qualities, unlike the vegetable substitute from algae;
  6. if you want a more delicate taste, try changing the recipe with sugar and sour cream to the condensed milk option (1 can);
  7. using vegetable milk (almond, soy, rice, hemp), prepare a multi-colored “Mosaic” for vegan friends.

Such a dessert is suitable for a festive table, and for a regular dinner. The recipe allows for substitution of ingredients. This will allow you to choose a dish option for any sweet lovers.

Jelly is a delicacy loved since childhood. I remember, at the age of 11, I first tried two-color jelly in a children's cafe. For me it was a miracle. I have never tasted anything better than that. Memories are a bright spot crashed into the memory.

Now, of course, jelly of any color and any layering can be prepared independently, which is what I propose to do. The white layer of jelly is made from milk or cream (fat milk in my recipe), and the bright layer is made from any compote. I took frozen cherries. The richer the compote, the brighter the taste of the jelly will turn out. Freezes quickly. 3 hours after cooking, you can eat.

Cooking steps:

1) First of all, I soak the gelatin for 10 minutes. Pour dry powder into a bowl, pour 200 ml of boiled cold water. I stir occasionally. After 10 minutes, the gelatin is heated over a fire. The main thing is not to let the liquid boil.

2) Pour 250 ml of filtered water into a mug, add a generous handful of cherries and a tablespoon of sugar. I cook compote. If sweetness is not enough - you can always add. To make the cherries release their juice better, you can crush them directly in the compote with a mortar. Compote should be tasty, rich.

3) Pour 250 ml of milk into a mug, bring to a boil.

4) I add hot gelatin to strained compote and milk. One hundred ml in milk and 100 ml in compote. I stir thoroughly.

5) At the bottom of the molds I pour 2 tbsp. spoons of warm cherry jelly. I put the molds in the fridge. It freezes in half an hour. Next, I pour 3 tbsp. spoons of milk jelly and send it back to the refrigerator. As soon as the white layer hardens, I pour a layer of cherry jelly and so on.


250 ml of milk, 250 ml of cherry compote, 20 g of gelatin, sugar to taste.

For compote: 250 ml of water, a handful of cherries, 1 tbsp. a tablespoon of sugar.

Video Colorful jelly

Multi-colored jelly layers. Different cooking methods

  1. A bag of red powder must be dissolved in hot water. To do this, it is better to use a deep container. The powder is gradually introduced into the water, while it is important to mix well so that the gelatin does not come together in a lump. Otherwise, unpleasant parts of the dessert will fall on the tooth, and the appearance may also suffer accordingly.
  2. The dissolved gelatin mixture is poured into glasses in equal portions. It is important to do this evenly.
  3. It will be possible to make the next stage after the complete solidification of the first layer. Glasses should stand in the refrigerator for about two hours. You can check with your finger whether it has become elastic. If yes, go to the next point.
  4. According to the principle of the first layer, we make the second mixture - orange. You need to let it cool down a bit. Then pour even portions of orange jelly over red.
  5. Having repeated the manipulation with solidification, the jelly ends with the third green layer.
  6. Store jellies in the refrigerator to avoid mixing colors. Treating your loved ones, dessert can be decorated with fresh berries.

How to make colorful jelly cubes. Jelly "colorful cubes"

At the moment when the holiday is coming to an end, I want to surprise the guests in a special way and put the finishing touches on a good impression of the festive table. Jelly dessert will help us with this. To make jelly, you need: 1. Jelly 6 packs (different flavors); 2. Gelatin: 2 sachets; 3. A jar of condensed milk. We make jelly according to the instructions, pour it into vessels and put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

Before we cut the frozen jelly, we prepare the mixture with which we will pour the chopped jelly cubes. Premature preparation of the mixture will preserve the integrity of the cubes. The mixture is prepared from hot water, since jelly is very afraid of heat, it is better to cool the mixture well before pouring the cubes, but you should not overdo it so that it does not have time to freeze. So, prepare the mixture: pour 2 packets of gelatin and add half a glass of water. Within two minutes, the gelatin will swell and then add another half a glass of boiling water.

Add a jar of condensed milk. We send it to the refrigerator for 7 minutes.

Cut the jelly into cubes with a hot knife (lower the knife into hot water).

Fill our jelly cubes with the cooled mixture. We send jelly for the whole night in the refrigerator.

Before serving, put the dishes in which the jelly has solidified in hot water for one minute. The jelly itself will move away from the vessel and it will be possible to freely remove the jelly and cut it into multi-colored cubes. This is how multi-colored jelly cubes look in a black plate:

Or you can serve it on a white plate.

10 recipes for DELICIOUS JELLY!

1.Jelly white-pink


250 ml strawberry syrup (compote, juice)
250 ml milk
20 g gelatin
sugar to taste


1 Soak gelatin in 200 ml of cold boiled water and leave for the time indicated on the package.

2 Then bring the gelatin to a boil, but do not boil.

3 Add half of the gelatin to the strawberry syrup and mix.

4 In milk, you can add sugar to taste (I did not add sugar to milk, because the strawberry syrup was too sweet) and the remaining gelatin.

5 Pour strawberry juice into the bottom of the molds with a layer of 0.5-1 cm.

6 Then pour milk in a layer of 0.5-1 cm.
Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

7 Pour juice and milk in this way until the molds are full.
Refrigerate until completely chilled (preferably overnight).
To make it easier to remove the jelly from the mold, you can lower it for a few seconds in hot water (most importantly, make sure that water does not get into the jelly).

2.Jelly "Colorful"


Gelatin - 20 gr.
Jelly of different colors - 2 sachets.
Sour cream - 200 gr.
Sugar - 1 tbsp
Fig peaches - 3 pcs.
Plum - 6 pcs.
Sweet cherry - 200 gr.


Prepare jelly from one sachet according to package directions. Pour into molds and put 2-3 cherries. Cool down.

In the meantime, prepare the next layer - pour gelatin with a small amount of cold boiled water, beat sour cream with sugar. Mix the swollen gelatin with sour cream and heat on the stove until the crystals are completely dissolved, then cool slightly and pour into molds. Add chopped peaches, cool.

The last layer, like the first, is prepared according to the instructions. Garnish with plums and refrigerate until completely set.

3.Jelly "Broken glass"


Gelatin - 4 Pieces (85 g each in different colors)
Condensed milk - 400 ml
Colorless Gelatin - 1 Piece (85 g)
Servings: 10


Dilute 4 packs of gelatin according to package directions in boiled water in separate containers. And leave to harden for 3 hours (preferably overnight).
After the jelly is ready, cut it into small cubes.
Pour the cubes in different colors into a separate bowl.
In a separate bowl, dissolve 2 packets of colorless gelatin in 1/2 cup cold water. After the gelatin begins to dissolve, add 1 1/2 cups of boiled water and dissolve the gelatin completely. Add condensed milk, mix well and refrigerate. Pour the colored jelly cubes with the milk mixture and leave to harden overnight.
Cut into cubes or other shapes and serve. Bon appetit.

4.colorful jelly

Multi-colored jelly is a very joyful and colorful looking jelly that I traditionally make for the New Year holidays. Not jelly, but a real feast for the eyes and taste buds.

Preparation description:
Multi-colored jelly is a very cheerful, festive dessert. While you are preparing it, you are already charged with positive and good mood, and when you cut and serve this beautiful jelly and see the joy and delight in the eyes of the guests, it is impossible not to rejoice yourself :) Preparing jelly, I must say, is quite simple, it turns out - very tasty and spectacular thing. The most difficult thing is to wait for the holiday and not gobble up all the jelly before the guests arrive :)


Cherry or strawberry jelly (powder) - 250 Grams
Lime jelly (powder) - 150 Grams
Condensed milk - 700 grams
Gelatin (packing) - 9 Pieces

Servings: 16

How to make colorful jelly

Dissolve one packet of gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water.
Pour in a glass of boiling water.
Immediately add a third of the cherry or strawberry jelly powder to the mixture.
Mix carefully.
Pour the mixture into a large jelly mold, lightly greased with non-stick spray or regular butter (if not greased, the bottom layer will stick and spoil the appearance of the dessert).
We put in the refrigerator.
While the first color layer hardens, prepare the milk layer. Dissolve two packets of gelatin in 1/4 cold water.
Pour half of the condensed milk into a bowl, add water with dissolved gelatin and a glass of boiling water there. Mix carefully.
We take out from the refrigerator a form with a slightly frozen first layer of jelly. Pour about a third of the condensed milk mixture on top.
Pierce the bubbles that form on the surface with a toothpick. We put the form in the refrigerator.
When the milk layer hardens slightly (it hardens faster than the color one), pour the green jelly (from lime) prepared in a similar way on top. Put it back in the refrigerator.
Continue alternating layers until you run out of all the ingredients. Layers can be of a different color, there can be a different number - everything is at your discretion.
When all the layers are ready, we send the jelly for a couple of hours in the refrigerator until the final solidification. Then we take out and cut into beautiful squares.
Multi-colored jelly is ready. Bon appetit! :) jelly

Cooking time: 40 min.

Recipe for orange jelly. Such a dessert is very good to cook in hot, summer weather. It is very suitable for serving on a festive table. The taste is amazing!


Gelatin - 20 Grams
Sugar - 200 Grams
Oranges - 3 Pieces

Servings: 7

How to make orange jelly

1. Pour gelatin with boiled cold water (200 ml) and leave for the time that is written on the package.
2. Take some dishes and squeeze the juice from the oranges there.
3. Now take the orange peels and chop them coarsely. Put the orange peels in a saucepan and fill with water (one liter). Bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes.
4. Then strain and cool to about forty-fifty degrees. Now add sugar and swollen gelatin. Bring to a boil (do not boil).
5. Pour the squeezed orange juice here. We remove the saucepan from the fire.
6. Now pour into bowls or molds. We put it in the refrigerator for five or six hours.

6.blueberry jelly

Blueberries are an incredibly healthy berry, so the season for fresh blueberries is not to be missed. One of the most delicious blueberry desserts is blueberry jelly. On a hot summer day - that's it!

Preparation description:
A slightly unconventional blueberry jelly recipe, since the composition also includes cream with sour cream. However, you should not be afraid - the recipe is still quite simple, and the result is much more impressive than ordinary blueberry jelly.


Blueberries - 300 Grams
Sour cream - 300 grams
Gelatin - 3 teaspoons
Water - 50 milliliters
Medium fat cream - 375 milliliters
Sugar - 130 Grams

Servings: 6

How to make blueberry jelly

First you need to pour gelatin with cold water.
In a blender bowl, mix berries and sour cream, bring to a homogeneous state with a blender. If desired, you can also grind through a sieve, but this is not necessary. I don't overdo it.
In a small saucepan, mix cream with sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil. When it boils, remove from heat and add the swollen gelatin to the saucepan. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the gelatin.
When the mixture of cream and gelatin has cooled, mix it with our blueberry puree. Do not mix the uncooled mixture - the sour cream will curdle.
Stir the mixture and pour it into glasses or other jelly dishes. We put it in the refrigerator, after 2-3 hours the jelly will harden and it can be served at the table.

7. Three-layer jelly

Cooking time: 4 h. 00 min.

Preparation description:

At first glance, it seems that making such a jelly is not so easy, but believe me, the recipe for making three-layer jelly is extremely simple, and you can easily handle it. And if you want to make a sweet surprise for your soulmate and cook a romantic dinner, then it is impossible to think of a better dessert - it is insanely beautiful, and the taste is very gentle and soft. In general, such jelly will suit any occasion and will become a real decoration of the table. Be sure to try to cook it, it will not take you much time, but the result will exceed all your expectations, and I will be happy to share my recipe with you and tell you how to make an incredibly beautiful three-layer jelly.


Gelatin - 6 Art. spoons
Cherry juice - 200 milliliters
Sour cream - 200 milliliters
Milk - 200 milliliters
Cocoa powder - 1.5 Art. spoons
Sugar - to taste

Servings: 5

How to make three-layer jelly

Pour gelatin with 1.5 cups of cold boiled water and leave for an hour, so that it swells. Then put the pan with gelatin on a slow fire and heat, stirring constantly, but not boiling. We need all the gelatin granules to dissolve.
Pour sour cream into a separate pan and add half a glass of cooled gelatin mixture and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to it. Mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Now in our hands we tilt the molds a little and carefully pour a little sour cream mixture into them. We place in the refrigerator, fixing the forms at an angle.
After a few minutes, the first layer will harden, and we can start cooking the second. To do this, mix milk and cocoa powder, add half a glass of gelatin and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix thoroughly.
Then we tilt the molds to the other side and pour the second layer, fix it in the refrigerator again, but at a different angle.
Now the last, cherry layer. Pour cherry juice into a saucepan, add half a glass of gelatin, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Pour it into molds and put in a flat position in the refrigerator until the jelly is completely solidified.

8.Jelly with fruits

Cooking time: 2 h. 00 min.

Fruit jelly can be served in the form of small "cakes" or a cake. Any fruit is suitable for dessert - grapes, oranges, apples, pears, plums, etc. The type of fruit jelly also depends on the shape.

Preparation description:
The fruit jelly looks amazing. Especially if you take the trouble to stack the fruit. Jelly can be filled with multi-colored layers, for this, use juice of different colors. Citrus fruits, apples, pears, grapes look beautiful in jelly. They need to be thoroughly washed, dried, cleaned of skins and bones. Serve fruit jelly with ice cream or whipped cream. From the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, 600 g of jelly will be obtained.
How to make fruit jelly
1. Rinse the fruits and cut into cubes. Grapes can be cut in half and the pits removed. It is advisable to remove the skin from the orange slices and, of course, choose the seeds. Thinly sliced ​​​​apple slices look beautiful in jelly. If you have seasonal berries on hand, add those as well.
2. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of cold boiled water. Gelatin should stand for at least 20 minutes and swell.
3. Pour the swollen gelatin into a saucepan with juice, I use apple juice, but any will do. Heat over a fire, stirring until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Don't boil!
4. Cool juice with gelatin to room temperature.
5. Put the fruit in a mold (you can moisten it or grease it with butter). Pour juice with gelatin and refrigerate for an hour and a half. If you want the fruits not to float and keep beautifully at different levels, pour them gradually, in layers.


Gelatin - 1 Art. the spoon
Water - 1 glass
Juice - 400 Grams
Fruits - - To taste

Servings: 5-6

9.Jelly "Bird's milk"

"Bird's milk" is a favorite delicate dessert, the taste of which many remember from childhood. Jelly "Bird's milk" has a simply amazing taste, it will refresh after a meal and bring back good memories.

Preparation description:

Sometimes you want to treat yourself to something delicious. Delicate chocolate cream jelly is just right for this occasion. "Bird's milk" can be made low-calorie by choosing low-fat sour cream and milk, as well as replacing sugar with fructose or stevia. This jelly can be alternated to create a striped dessert. And you can make chocolate jelly, let it harden well, cut into irregular cubes and then pour them with sour cream. Turn on your fantasy!

1. Dissolve 35 grams of gelatin in one glass of water. You can heat in a saucepan (but do not bring to a boil) or in a water bath. Mix well so that there are no lumps.
2. Beat sour cream with two glasses of sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer or blender. The sugar needs to dissolve. Then add dissolved gelatin (35 g) to the mass.
3. Dissolve the remaining gelatin (15 g) in one glass of water (as was done in step one). Then add half a cup of sugar (all the rest), cocoa powder, butter and milk to it. Mix everything until smooth.
4. Pour sour cream jelly into prepared portion cups or bowls. After it hardens a little, fill with chocolate jelly. Send to the refrigerator until completely solidified. If you want to get an unusually shaped jelly, pour the first layer into the bowl, put the dishes at an angle. You can also alternate layers.
Jelly "Bird's milk" is ready! Sprinkle with grated chocolate or garnish with whipped cream before serving. You can decorate with lemon peel, after cutting a leaf out of it.


Gelatin - 50 Grams
Sour cream - 1 Liter
Vanilla sugar - 0.5 teaspoons
Sugar - 2.5 cups
Milk - 6 Art. spoons
Cocoa (powder) - 4 tbsp. spoons
Butter - 50 Grams
Servings: 6

10.cola jelly

Cooking time: 3 h. 00 min.

If you are a true Coca-Cola fan, then you will surely love this unusual low-calorie cola jelly made from this popular drink.

Preparation description:

It's now an indisputable fact that cola is one of the most popular drinks in the world and lately I've been seeing more and more of it being used to make desserts. And recently I found this interesting recipe for making cola jelly and decided to try it. I'll tell you honestly, the taste is very unusual, but I really liked the combination of cola and citric acid. And although you can talk for a long time about whether this drink is really harmful, but, I believe that from time to time you can definitely treat yourself to this yummy. And now I will be happy to tell you how to make cola jelly for sour lovers:

1) Put gelatin in a deep bowl and pour 200 ml of cola, leave to swell for 10-15 minutes.
2) Pour the rest of the cola into a saucepan, add citric acid to it, put on fire and heat, but do not bring to a boil.
3) Pour the swollen gelatin into the warm cola and mix until the granules are completely dissolved.
4) When the mass has cooled to room temperature, pour it into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.
Decorate the finished jelly with mint leaves and serve. I'm sure your friends will appreciate this culinary masterpiece! ;)


Coca-Cola Light - 500 Milliliters
Gelatin - 20 Grams
Sugar substitute in tablets - 2-3 Pieces
Citric acid - 1 teaspoon
Servings: 6-8

Three jellies at once! Cherry, orange, sour cream. The process of preparing multilayer jelly, although longer, is not at all laborious.

4-5 servings.


  • cherry jelly - 1 sachet
  • orange jelly - 1 sachet
  • sour cream - 150 ml
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • instant gelatin - 2 teaspoons

To decorate "hoarfrost"

  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • ready-made jelly or water - 1-2 tbsp. spoons


Large photos Small photos

    In a bowl, according to the instructions, dissolve the cherry jelly. In another bowl, do the same with orange jelly.

    Advice. It is advisable to use 50 ml less water when preparing jelly.

    While they harden, you can decorate the glasses, make “hoarfrost” along its edges.

    Cooking "hoarfrost" . Pour a couple of tablespoons of light jelly or water into a shallow dish. Dip the neck of the glass in the jelly to wet the rim. Pour sugar into another container and dip the wet edge of the glass into it.

    While the jelly cools to room temperature, the edge of the glasses will dry out a little.

    Now place the prepared glasses in a container or other suitable container, at an angle.

    Carefully pour some cherry jelly into the glasses. Put them - in the same, reclining form, in the refrigerator so that the jelly freezes.

    Dissolve instant gelatin in 40-50 ml of water. Separately combine sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar.

    Beat the mass with a mixer until fluffy (it should be kept on the whisks of the mixer).

    If the gelatin has not completely dissolved, bring it to homogeneity in a water bath. Pour the gelatin into the whipped cream mixture and mix thoroughly.

    Pour some sour cream jelly into the glasses over the chilled cherry jelly to form a thin layer. Place back in the refrigerator until set. When the jelly hardens again, pour the next layer - orange jelly, and finally - sour cream again.

    Advice : so that the layers do not mix, it is advisable to pour the next layer only after the previous one has completely solidified.

    To create a beautiful picture, you need to fill the glasses from the opposite side. To do this, arrange the glasses in the container so that the unfilled part of them is at the bottom. Repeat layers, alternating cherry, then sour cream.

    A V-shaped depression forms in the center of the glass, fill it to the brim with orange jelly. It remains to place the glasses in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Multilayer jelly is ready and can be served.

The best way to surprise guests or delight children is to prepare a delicious unusual dessert. But in search of such a dish, the hostess is often disappointed, because getting the ingredients according to the recipe turns out to be unrealistic or very expensive. There is an amazing recipe for sweet jelly that will not only satisfy your taste buds, but also look great on your table. Exquisite multi-colored jelly can be prepared from the simplest ingredients at no special financial cost.

Making rainbow jelly is very easy. Most often they take ordinary food gelatin and multi-colored juices, use fruit puree instead of juice. You can simply buy ready-made gelatin mixtures with different tastes and shades.

Multi-colored jelly is prepared in stages. A thin layer of one color is poured, then another, and so many shades can be used if desired. The more - the more fun the dessert, and such a sweet rainbow will delight all household members. Each time you can cook a different dish and make a collection of photos for memory. To create a wonderful treat, two or three colors will be enough.

Three Layer Delight

Although the recipe is simple, the instructions for cooking still do not hurt. First of all, in order to make three layers, you need to take:

  • powder mixture for red jelly (you can use raspberries, strawberries, cherries) - 1 sachet;
  • such a component, but orange (orange, tangerine) - 1 sachet;
  • again a bag, but already green (kiwi, lime) - 1 pc.;
  • hot water - 400 ml for each mixture.

From this composition you will get about 10 servings of a delicious dessert.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. A bag of red powder must be dissolved in hot water. To do this, it is better to use a deep container. The powder is gradually introduced into the water, while it is important to mix well so that the gelatin does not come together in a lump. Otherwise, unpleasant parts of the dessert will fall on the tooth, and the appearance may also suffer accordingly.
  2. The dissolved gelatin mixture is poured into glasses in equal portions. It is important to do this evenly.
  3. It will be possible to make the next stage after the complete solidification of the first layer. Glasses should stand in the refrigerator for about two hours. You can check with your finger whether it has become elastic. If yes, go to the next point.
  4. According to the principle of the first layer, we make the second mixture - orange. You need to let it cool down a bit. Then pour even portions of orange jelly over red.
  5. Having repeated the manipulation with solidification, the jelly ends with the third green layer.
  6. Store jellies in the refrigerator to avoid mixing colors. Treating your loved ones, dessert can be decorated with fresh berries.

The recipe is not complicated, just the process of hardening the jelly is protracted. Don't forget to brag to your friends about your gorgeous dessert. Take a photo for a friend so the recipe is crystal clear.

Layered fruit jelly

If you make non-portion jelly, then you will need a square shape. Multi-layered jelly will look especially good there. Such a rainbow on the table will please everyone.

At the bottom of the mold, you can apply non-stick spray or a little butter. Next, you need to follow the step-by-step actions that the recipe gives.

  1. Gelatin dissolves in cold boiled water, after which it is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Carefully add the red powder, stirring constantly. Each recipe suggests taking different fruits with a red tint as a basis.
  3. Pour the finished mixture into a mold and send it to the refrigerator. We are waiting for the final hardening.
  4. The next layers are up to your imagination. You can use condensed milk.

The first recipe gives recommendations for preparing a jelly mixture. When pouring layers, make sure that there are no bubbles, they need to be pierced. Then yellow, green or red again - as your soul and your mood desire. Having captured your masterpiece in the photo, there will be many more reasons to remember the wonderful dessert.

After preparing such a dessert, the recipe gives advice - take it out of the refrigerator and put it in hot water for a few seconds or hold it over steam. In order not to spoil the appearance - water should not get inside the form.

Jelly is cut into beautiful curvy portions and served directly from the refrigerator. You can feel the taste of the rainbow for yourself by trying our recipe for an unforgettable dessert.

Video recipe for making colorful jelly

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