Do they cook mushroom soup from honey mushrooms? Recipes for making mushroom soups with honey mushrooms

From frozen mushrooms in broth. Moreover, it can be prepared in different ways, so the first one will not become boring for a long time.

Simple frozen forest mushroom soup

The mushrooms are pre-defrosted - preferably slowly, under natural conditions. Then they are washed well - most often honey mushrooms are not processed in any way before freezing, that is, they are stored with the remains of soil and forest debris. When the water has drained, the mushrooms are finely chopped and poured into salted boiling water. After a quarter of an hour of boiling, potato cubes are added to the future soup made from frozen honey mushrooms. While they are boiling, frying is done from finely chopped onions and grated carrots. It is added to the dish when the potatoes are ready. A couple of minutes after reuniting all the components, the fire is extinguished, seasonings and chopped herbs are added to the frozen honey mushroom soup, and it is left to infuse for about 10 minutes. When eating, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the plate - unless, of course, you are fasting.

Cheese soup

If you don’t really like such a modest soup, you can enrich it with additional ingredients. For example, cheese. But this soup is prepared a little differently: defrosted, washed and strained mushrooms are fried until the color changes and excess water evaporates. Finely chopped carrots and onions are added towards the end of frying; As soon as they turn golden, add strips of bell pepper. The broth (or just water, but broth tastes better) is heated in a saucepan. When the liquid boils, fry it, and after three minutes of cooking - potato straws. After making sure that the potatoes are ready, start adding grated processed cheese little by little, vigorously stirring the frozen honey mushroom soup so that the cheese does not clump together. At the very end, salt and spices are added, and the soup is served on the table.

Bean mushroom soup

The longest component in it to cook is beans, so they will have to be soaked in advance, preferably in the evening. For a harmonious taste of beans, take 100 g per quarter kilo of mushrooms. In the morning, the beans are filled with fresh water and cooked over moderate heat. After half an hour, mushrooms are added to them - they go whole, uncut, into this soup of frozen honey mushrooms. Cut two onions and two carrots (the root vegetables can be grated) and put them in the pan. Please note: there is no need to fry them. Before removing, the soup is salted and peppered, and in the bowls it is seasoned with herbs and a piece of butter. Very interesting taste! Just don’t even think about adding potatoes - there are beans here instead, and their absence is a special highlight of the taste.

Mushroom noodle soup

It is with this that pasta will not work. The beginning is traditional - 200 g of honey mushrooms are defrosted, cut and boiled for about 15 minutes. Large potatoes are peeled, rubbed and added to the mushrooms. Two onions and a carrot are fried and sent after the potatoes. When the mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms boils again, add noodles (two and a half times less than mushrooms) and leave the pan on the fire for the time indicated on the pasta package. Shortly before the end, tomato paste (two spoons) is poured into the soup, it is peppered, salted and flavored with bay leaf, which will need to be removed after turning off the heat.

Cream soup

A very interesting recipe for honey mushroom soup - the photo clearly demonstrates how appetizing the result is. Mushrooms (a third of a kilo) are defrosted if you received them frozen; fresh ones need to be boiled, frozen ones - just thaw. Large potatoes are cut into cubes and boiled. The chopped onion is simmered in butter until transparent, after which the mushrooms are added and stewed for about a third of an hour. The finished potatoes are caught with a slotted spoon and loaded into a blender along with the mushroom fry. Having achieved a puree-like state, the mass is transferred to water from under the potatoes. While stirring, the soup is brought to a boil, a glass of cream or milk is poured into it, and the gas is turned off. After a few minutes of infusion, you can start lunch.

from honey mushrooms

It is cooked in approximately the same way as a regular one, only mushroom broth is used instead of broth. To make the soup more aromatic and rich, you need to take half a kilo of honey mushrooms. Thawed and washed, they are placed in boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Whether to cut mushrooms or not is at your discretion. Smaller ones will be more beautiful intact. Next, four potatoes are introduced, chopped into cubes or cubes. As soon as the soup boils again, add half a glass of buckwheat, it cooks quickly and does not stick together. Onions and carrots are fried and added to the pan with salt and seasonings. After ten minutes you can turn it off.

Brisket soup

It makes a very tasty honey mushroom soup. Mushrooms and meat (it’s better to buy beef, it’s not so fatty) should be taken equally - 300-400 grams per three-liter pan. First, the broth is cooked from the chopped brisket. This will take about an hour. After about forty minutes, when the foam stops appearing, defrosted honey mushrooms are added to the broth. Once cooked, throw six chopped potatoes, salt and paprika into the pan. After ten minutes, frying of two carrots and two onions is added. The readiness of the soup is determined by the potatoes. And it tastes better sprinkled with dill and sour cream.

Honey mushroom soup in a slow cooker

What’s good about this device is that it eliminates many culinary steps. For example, to make soup from frozen honey mushrooms, immediately put pieces of chicken, a couple of chopped potatoes, grated carrots, a whole onion, a spoon or two of washed pearl barley, seasonings, a dill stalk and a third of a kilogram of thawed mushrooms into the bowl. Water is poured - depending on the volume of the bowl - stewing is set for an hour and forty - and you can go look for another useful or enjoyable activity. When the timer calls, take out the laurel and dill, add two cloves of garlic and chopped onions and dill. Another twenty minutes of the same regime - and you can call for the table.

Nice addition

The most delicious soup is made from frozen honey mushrooms with garlic croutons. They are made quickly and eaten even faster. Garlic is crushed (in a press or through a meat grinder), mixed with salt, vegetable oil and chopped herbs that are on hand. Black bread is cut (either into slices or cubes, as you prefer) and fried in sunflower oil. When it is almost ready, add the dressing to the pan. With mushroom soup - just right!

Any soup made from honey mushrooms is tasty and aromatic. The photos look at you with evidence - dishes prepared according to different recipes.

Mushroom soup is a flavorful first course that does not require any special culinary talent to prepare.

In addition, mushrooms are not just a tasty product, but also healthy, as they are optimally balanced with proteins, microelements and vitamins.

If you are worried about your figure and count every calorie you eat, then you can add vegetables to the mushroom soup. And you will get the perfect dietary dish.

Mushroom soup is an off-season dish that can be prepared at any time of the year. If you don't have fresh mushrooms, no problem. You can use frozen ones.

Several questions arise. How to properly prepare soup? What mushrooms are best to use? How many mushrooms do you need? We offer 2 simple recipes for delicious frozen honey mushroom soup that will delight all members of your family.

Frozen honey mushroom soup based on chicken broth

In many restaurants, mushroom soup is prepared using porcini mushrooms. This is due to the indescribable and rich aroma of these mushrooms, but this does not mean that other types of mushrooms cannot be used.

Soup with honey mushrooms will amaze even an avid gourmet with its taste. You just need to know a few nuances.

Required ingredients:

  • chicken broth (at least water) – 1 liter;
  • frozen honey mushrooms – 300 gr.;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill, parsley – 10 gr.;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

For this recipe, it is best to use pre-cooked chicken broth, but you can use plain water. Using water will make the soup lighter and more dietary, which is ideal for people on a diet or suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.

  1. It is necessary to heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  2. Peel and chop the onion and fry until golden brown.
  3. Peel and cut the carrots into small cubes, place in a frying pan and sauté together with the onion over medium heat for about 4 minutes.
  4. Add frozen mushrooms to the pan.
  5. Chef's tip: There is no need to defrost mushrooms, since when thawed they do not release enough liquid.

  6. After being added to the onions and carrots, they must be simmered until the water evaporates. After the water has evaporated, the contents of the pan need to be fried for several minutes.
  7. Pour chicken broth or water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  8. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and place in a saucepan. Boil potatoes for 5 minutes.
  9. Add the contents of the pan to the potatoes. Cook the soup for 10 minutes.
  10. Finely chopped greens should be added to the plates.

Recipe for honey mushroom soup without broth

Even a child can prepare the soup according to the above recipe. If you want to cook something more complicated, then the second recipe is just for you! What is needed for this?


  • honey mushrooms – 400 gr.;
  • water – 1.5 l.;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • onions – 1 t.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

In order to prepare a delicious first course, you must strictly adhere to the cooking process outlined below. Do not violate the proportions or sequence of cooking, otherwise you may be disappointed.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. It is necessary to defrost the honey mushrooms and carefully drain the excess water.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Cut the potatoes into cubes and place in a saucepan, add salt to taste.
  3. Place flour in a dry frying pan and heat over low heat for several minutes until it begins to smell nutty. Then you need to remove from the heat and let cool.
  4. It is important to know: Roasting the flour is a very important step in cooking, without it you can spoil the soup and turn it into a sticky mass.

  5. Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Then fry in a frying pan for 10 minutes. Pour the roast into the pan.
  6. Place thawed honey mushrooms in a frying pan and fry for several minutes. Then put it in a saucepan, add spices.
  7. Add milk to the flour, stir so that there are no lumps. Then pour into the pan.
  8. After adding flour and milk, leave to cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Then turn off and let stand covered for 15 minutes.
  9. The soup is served with sour cream.

Frozen honey mushroom soup will diversify the menu during fasting or a strict diet. This dish will be a great addition to any holiday table. Bon appetit!

How to make honey mushroom soup in a soup maker, see the following video:

Many housewives are interested in the question of choosing honey mushrooms. Which is better: fresh or frozen? Let's try to figure it out.

First, you need to clarify what varieties of honey mushrooms exist and which ones are best suited for aromatic soup. It is customary to call “real” autumn mushrooms, which occupy the third category in terms of edibility. They are very aromatic and in most cases are not inferior to more noble mushrooms in taste.

Autumn honey mushrooms are great not only for cooking soups, but also for pickling and drying.
You can also buy summer honey mushrooms (ripen in June). They can be recognized by their brown color and very pleasant aroma. Summer mushrooms are small in size, so they are perfect for preparing delicious mushroom soup. Only this type of mushroom is not used for frying.

If you want to make a flavorful mushroom soup with honey mushrooms, you can look for the meadow variety of these mushrooms. Unfortunately, they are very rare in supermarkets. Therefore, you can look at the vegetable market, where nimble grandmothers will offer you these wonderful mushrooms. Their main distinguishing feature is their spicy aroma. You can also collect this mushroom yourself, but you must distinguish edible honey mushrooms from “false” ones.

It is important to remember that false honey fungus has a brighter color than the real one. Their disputes are also different. In real honey mushrooms, they are white (autumn appearance) and brown (summer appearance). False honey fungus has spores of a greenish tint, and the controversial powder of this mushroom has a brick-red or purple hue. Therefore, if you want to make soup from frozen honey mushrooms and not end up in the hospital after tasting it, be very responsible when picking mushrooms.

If you don’t know which frozen or fresh mushrooms are better to choose for making soup, pay attention to the fact that it is the latter type of mushroom that is more aromatic. But you will also like mushroom soup made from frozen honey mushrooms.

Of all the first courses, mushroom soup is the most delicious and flavorful. It is also known that many restaurant gourmets are very strict in assessing the preparation of this dish. The most popular type of soup is mushroom soup made from honey mushrooms. You can use both fresh and frozen mushrooms for it. Therefore, dear housewives, take note of this dish, the recipe for which is given below.

Soup ingredients:

  • potatoes – 500 grams;
  • honey mushrooms – 300 grams;
  • sunflower oil – 4-5 tbsp. spoon;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • sour cream – 2-3 tbsp. spoons (to taste);
  • greens to taste.


  1. First you need to prepare honey mushrooms. We wash them thoroughly and place them in a sieve to remove excess water. After this, they need to be finely chopped (can be either cubes or thin strips). Meanwhile, put a pan of water on low heat. When the water boils, you need to salt it and add chopped mushrooms. Let them cook for 15 minutes.
  2. While cooking the mushrooms, cut the potatoes (into cubes or strips). Then add to the honey mushrooms and cook for another 30 minutes. If you chose new potatoes for the soup, you can boil them a little longer (5-10 minutes).
  3. While the soup is cooking, prepare the fry. Place a frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and cut the onion into small cubes. Then grate the carrots (it’s better to do this on a fine grater) and add them to the onions in the frying pan. Fry for 5-10 minutes until the mixture acquires a golden hue.
  4. When the roast is ready, add it to our soup. Then salt, pepper, add herbs (as much as you like, to taste). Let the soup brew for about 10 minutes, after which you can try the soup with honey mushrooms and rejoice at the appetite with which your family consumes it.

Options for preparing honey mushroom soup

If you want to please your family and friends with a delicious hot mushroom soup, you can take note of several options for preparing it. The basic recipe was listed above. But, as they say, there would be desire and imagination. Do you like to experiment?

If yes, then try making soup with honey mushrooms and cheese. For it, in addition to the main ingredients (which we mentioned above), you will need to take another 150-200 grams. cheese. It can be either processed cheese or hard Dutch cheese. It is important to know! It is best to grate the cheese and add it to boiling water 15-20 minutes before it is ready.

You can also make honey mushroom puree soup, which will help diversify your daily diet. This soup needs to be cooked in the same sequence as regular soup, only the honey mushrooms and potatoes need to be chopped in a blender. This must be done after they are boiled. Puree soup with honey mushrooms, the recipe for which is listed above, can also be taken into account by mothers. Believe me, this dish will be very useful for children.

  • To make the soup with honey mushrooms even more aromatic, you need to add a bay leaf (1-2 pcs.);
  • If you want to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy mushroom soup from honey mushrooms, the recipe can be slightly adjusted by adding another ingredient to it - a stalk of celery;
  • Pay attention to the type of mushrooms. For making soup, it is best to choose meadow mushrooms, they are more aromatic;
  • When serving the soup, you can add a little sour cream to it. The taste will become softer;
  • If you are a fan of oriental cuisine, you can also add soy sauce or various fish-scented additives to the mushroom soup. The soup will acquire an unusual taste and pleasant aroma;
  • Mushroom soup with honey mushrooms can be prepared using various decoctions: chicken, meat, vegetable.
  • There is also another recipe for preparing this dish: with milk (instead of water);
  • If you still don’t know how to cook mushroom soup, stick to the recipe and follow the order in which you add the ingredients. The final result will depend on this;
  • In addition to potatoes (as the main ingredient), you can add rice and vermicelli to the soup;
  • A wonderful mushroom soup is obtained by adding all kinds of root vegetables to the broth: parsley root or celery root. You can also pick up spices specifically for mushroom soup in the supermarket;
  • Mushroom soup can be served either hot or chilled. In the latter case, it is best to add chopped herbs (dill, parsley);
  • Basil leaves will give the soup not only a unique taste, but also emphasize the aesthetic side of the dish;
  • You can serve it with bread or croutons (with garlic to taste). French buns are also an excellent option;
  • For those who don’t know how to cook mushroom soup from honey mushrooms correctly, you should definitely add our recipe to the cookbook.

Bon Appetit or bon appetit!

Mushroom season occurs in autumn; at this time, many mushroom picking families prepare soup from fresh honey mushrooms. Of course, such a dish can be prepared without going to the forest, because mushrooms can be bought in the store. You can prepare different versions of soup from honey mushrooms; here are several recipe options.

Honey mushrooms belong to the category of the most valuable edible mushrooms. The most delicious are fresh honey mushrooms collected in the forest. But you can also use mushrooms sold in supermarkets. Fresh frozen mushrooms are usually on sale. They are used in the same way as fresh ones.

If you are using fresh honey mushrooms collected in the forest, then you should start preparing the soup by sorting and cleaning the mushrooms. To make cleaning easier, it is recommended to pre-soak the honey mushrooms in cold water. During the cleaning process, be sure to cut off the lower part of the leg.

Fresh honey mushrooms must be boiled first, and the broth can be used as a base for soup. But frozen mushrooms do not need to be boiled beforehand; they can be placed directly into the broth. The remaining ingredients of the dish are prepared in accordance with the recipe. Potatoes and other vegetables are usually added to mushroom soup. In addition, you can use cereals, vermicelli or noodles as additives. The mushroom puree soup is very tasty and tender.

A simple recipe for fresh honey mushroom soup

The simplest recipe for mushroom soup will appeal to those who do not like to spend a lot of time on cooking, but love to eat tasty food.

  • 700 gr. honey mushrooms;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Read also: Beef broth soup - 13 simple recipes

Soak fresh honey mushrooms for a quarter of an hour, rinse and clean, cutting off the lower part of the stem. Place clean mushrooms in a saucepan, add 2.5 liters of water and set to cook the broth. When cooking mushroom broth, just like when cooking meat, you need to carefully remove the foam that floats to the surface. At the very end of cooking, season the broth with salt.

Pour the broth into another container through a sieve. Boiled honey mushrooms, if they are small, leave them whole. If you come across larger specimens, they need to be cut.

Peel and wash all vegetables. Send the diced potatoes to cook in mushroom broth. Heat the oil in a frying pan and make the dressing. To do this, lightly fry the onion, add to it carrots, which have been cut into thin strips or grated, as well as boiled mushrooms.

Fry everything over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then we transfer the dressing into the pan, where the potatoes have already been cooked in the mushroom broth. Stir and season with spices to taste. Cook for another five minutes and leave to steep under the lid for at least half an hour.

Advice! You can serve honey mushroom soup with a boiled egg. To do this, boil the eggs, peel and cut in half. Dip half an egg into each serving of soup and sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Fresh honey mushroom soup with barley and potatoes

Another simple version of the soup, which is prepared with potatoes and barley.

  • 500 gr. already prepared (cleaned) honey mushrooms;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 0.5 cups pearl barley;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

It is better to pre-soak the pearl barley for several hours (overnight is possible), then the cereal will cook much faster.

Pour two and a half liters of water into a saucepan, add honey mushrooms to the water and cook until tender, adding bay leaves and salt. The mushrooms will be ready in 15-20 minutes. After this, pour the broth through a sieve and pour it back into the pan. Dip the barley into the mushroom broth and cook until soft. It will take approximately 35-40 minutes to cook the cereal.

Read also: Kholodnik soup - 6 best recipes

Preparing the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, add them to the almost finished pearl barley and cook everything together until tender.

Prepare the dressing by frying onions, carrots and boiled mushrooms in oil. First you need to add the onion and fry until the pieces become translucent. Then add the carrots, which have been grated on a medium-sized grater, and add boiled honey mushrooms. Stir and reduce heat. Cook for about fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.

Transfer the prepared dressing into a saucepan with soup. Add, if necessary, salt and seasonings to taste. You can add fresh or dried herbs.

Delicate cream soup with cream

The cream soup made from fresh honey mushrooms is very tender and light. Let's prepare it with the addition of vegetables and cream.

Advice! If you want to make a dietary soup puree from honey mushrooms, then the heavy cream in the recipe can be replaced with milk.

  • 300 gr. honey mushrooms;
  • 1 potato;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of cream;
  • 1 teaspoon butter;
  • spices, salt and herbs - to taste.

First of all, you need to boil the honey mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms are cleaned, washed and filled with cold water. You don’t need to take a lot of water; the liquid should only cover the honey mushroom layer. The mushrooms will be ready in 20-30 minutes.

We peel the potatoes and chop them as desired, but not too large, so that the root vegetables cook faster. After the water boils, add salt.

Fry the finely chopped onion in butter, then add the boiled mushrooms and fry everything together for about fifteen minutes, reducing the heat.

Place the potatoes and mushrooms in a blender bowl and blend until you get a smooth puree. You can also grind food using an immersion blender. Dilute the puree with plums or milk, add a little potato broth.

Add the broth little by little, achieving the desired thickness of the dish. We warm up our puree soup without letting it boil. Pour into soup cups and sprinkle with herbs.

Soup with honey mushrooms

Of all the first courses, mushroom soup is the most delicious and flavorful. It is also known that many restaurant gourmets are very strict when evaluating this dish. The most popular type is mushroom soup made from honey mushrooms. You can use both fresh and frozen mushrooms for it. Therefore, dear housewives, take note of this dish, which is given below.

Soup ingredients:

  • potatoes – 500 grams;
  • honey mushrooms – 300 grams;
  • sunflower oil – 4-5 tbsp. spoon;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • sour cream – 2-3 tbsp. spoons (to taste);
  • greens to taste.

Recipe for honey mushroom soup:

First step:

First you need to prepare honey mushrooms. We wash them thoroughly and place them in a sieve to remove excess water. After this, they need to be finely chopped (can be either cubes or thin strips). Meanwhile, put a pan of water on low heat. When the water boils, you need to salt it and add chopped mushrooms. Let them cook for 15 minutes.

Second step:

While cooking, cut the potatoes (into cubes or strips). Then add to the honey mushrooms and cook for another 30 minutes. If you chose new potatoes for the soup, you can boil them a little longer (5-10 minutes).

Third step:

While the soup is cooking, prepare the fry. Place a frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and cut the onion into small cubes. Then grate the carrots (it’s better to do this on a fine grater) and add them to the onions in the frying pan. Fry for 5-10 minutes until the mixture acquires a golden hue.

Fourth step:

When the roast is ready, add it to our soup. Then salt, pepper, add herbs (you can, to taste). Let the soup brew for about 10 minutes, after which you can try the soup with honey mushrooms and rejoice at the appetite with which your family consumes it.

How to choose for mushroom soup?

Many housewives are interested in the question of choosing honey mushrooms. Which is better: fresh or frozen? Let's try to figure it out. First, you need to clarify what varieties exist and which ones are best suited for aromatic soup. It is customary to call “real” autumn mushrooms, which occupy the third category in terms of edibility. They are very aromatic and in most cases are not inferior to more noble mushrooms in taste. Autumn honey mushrooms are great not only for cooking soups, but also for pickling and drying.

You can also buy summer honey mushrooms (ripen in June). They can be recognized by their brown color and very pleasant aroma. Summer mushrooms are small in size, so they are perfect for preparing delicious mushroom soup. Only this type of mushroom is not used for frying.

If you want to make a flavorful mushroom soup with honey mushrooms, you can look for the meadow variety of these mushrooms. Unfortunately, they are very rare in supermarkets. Therefore, you can look at the vegetable market, where nimble grandmothers will offer you these wonderful mushrooms. Their main distinguishing feature is their spicy aroma.

You can also collect this yourself, but you need to distinguish edible honey mushrooms from “false” ones. It is important to remember that false honey fungus has a brighter color than the real one. they are also different. In real honey mushrooms, they are white (autumn appearance) and brown (summer appearance). False honey fungus has spores of a greenish tint, and the controversial powder of this mushroom has a brick-red or purple hue. Therefore, if you want to make soup from frozen honey mushrooms and not end up in the hospital after tasting it, be very responsible when picking mushrooms.

If you don’t know which frozen or fresh mushrooms are better to choose for making soup, pay attention to the fact that it is the latter type of mushroom that is more aromatic. But you will also like mushroom soup made from frozen honey mushrooms.

If you want to please your family and friends with a delicious hot mushroom soup, you can take note of several options for preparing it. The basic recipe was listed above. But, as they say, there would be desire and imagination. Do you like to experiment? If yes, then try making soup with honey mushrooms and cheese. For it, in addition to the main ingredients (which we mentioned above), you will need to take another 150-200 grams. cheese. It can be either processed cheese or hard Dutch cheese.

It is important to know! It is best to grate the cheese and add it to boiling water 15-20 minutes before it is ready.

You can also make honey mushroom puree soup, which will help diversify your daily diet. This soup needs to be in the same sequence as regular soup, only honey mushrooms and potatoes need to be chopped in a blender. This must be done after they are boiled. Puree soup with honey mushrooms, the recipe for which is listed above, can also be taken into account by mothers. Believe me, this dish will be very useful for children.

- To make the soup with honey mushrooms even more aromatic, you need to add a bay leaf (1-2 pcs.);

If you want to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy mushroom soup from honey mushrooms, the recipe can be slightly adjusted by adding another ingredient to it - a stalk of celery;

Pay attention to the type of mushrooms. For making soup, it is best to choose honey mushrooms; they are more aromatic;

When serving the soup, you can add a little sour cream to it. The taste will become softer;

If you are a fan of oriental cuisine, you can also add soy sauce or various fish-scented additives to the mushroom soup. The soup will acquire an unusual taste and pleasant aroma;

Mushroom soup with honey mushrooms can be prepared using various decoctions: chicken, meat, vegetable. There is also another recipe for preparing this dish: with milk (instead of water);

If you still don’t know how to cook mushroom soup, stick to the recipe and follow the order in which you add the ingredients. The final result will depend on this;

In addition to potatoes (as the main ingredient), you can add rice and vermicelli to the soup;

A wonderful mushroom soup is obtained by adding all kinds of root vegetables to the broth: parsley root or celery root. You can also pick up spices specifically for mushroom soup in the supermarket;

Mushroom soup can be served either hot or chilled. In the latter case, it is best to add chopped herbs (dill, parsley);

Basil leaves will give the soup not only a unique taste, but also emphasize the aesthetic side of the dish;

You can serve it with bread or croutons (with garlic to taste). French buns are also an excellent option;

For those who don’t know how to cook mushroom soup from honey mushrooms correctly, you should definitely add our recipe to the cookbook.

Bon Appetit or bon appetit!

How to cook lean mushroom soup with honey mushrooms and buckwheat

mushroom soup with honey mushrooms and buckwheat

Mushroom soup with honey mushrooms and buckwheat- a simple recipe for a delicious lean soup. But instead of vermicelli, as mushroom soups are usually prepared, I suggest adding buckwheat. By the way, the combination of honey mushrooms with buckwheat gives this dish an amazing and unforgettable taste.

The following will be requiredIngredients

  • Honey mushrooms (can be frozen) 450 gr. ;
  • potatoes 4 pieces;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • onion 2 onions;
  • buckwheat 100 gr.

Instructions for preparing mushroom soup with buckwheat

  1. Cut the onions and carrots (into cubes), place the chopped vegetables in a frying pan with vegetable oil and lightly fry until light golden brown.
  2. 2.5 l. Place the water on the fire; when the water boils, add the carrot-onion mixture.
  3. We also place pre-washed and cut mushrooms there. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Next, add buckwheat and leave on the fire for another 5 minutes.
  5. Now it's time to add the prepared peeled and cut potatoes. Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste. Continue cooking for another 15 minutes until the potatoes are ready.

Delicious aromatic mushroom soup with honey mushrooms and buckwheat is ready, you can take out the spoons!

Soup with honey mushrooms "drunk cook"

Simple and easy to prepare soup.

I prepare this soup when a rather hearty dish is served as a second dish, but below in the recipe I will write in parentheses several ingredients that will make the soup more satisfying.

For 6 servings:

- 3 liters of water (this time I cooked with water, but best of all with chicken broth)

— 300 grams of frozen honey mushrooms

- 1 medium carrot

- 1 large onion

- 5 medium potatoes

- 1 small green bell pepper

- Bay leaf

- 3 cloves of garlic

- vegetable oil

- sour cream

— (additionally for satiety: rice, flour)

I put water (broth) on the stove (if I make soup with rice, I add it right away).

Then after 5 minutes I add the potatoes.

I chop the carrots into strips and finely chop the onion; I lightly fry them in vegetable oil, then add frozen mushrooms, bell peppers cut into strips and a couple of ladles of water (broth); stir, cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat (for a richer soup, add a couple of tablespoons of flour to the frying).

I send everything from the frying pan to the saucepan.

I cook everything until the potatoes are ready.

About 5 minutes before it’s ready, add bay leaf and finely chopped garlic.

I turn off the soup, cover with a lid and let it brew for 5-7 minutes, then throw out the bay leaf and pour into plates.

Already in the plate I sprinkle SMPH, fresh dill and add sour cream (it is better to take sour cream with the lowest fat content, because it is already not an easy product for the stomach)

Have fun =)

It's spring, it's time for updates. On March 8, Muschshchino reported with money, saying, “decide for yourself what you want.”

I’m just thinking about remodeling the kitchen and first of all I want to change the sink and faucet, it’s already leaking, it’s very old. The other day I was surfing the Internet in search of inspiration, and just to look at current trends, I really liked the Blanco Actis faucets, beautiful and, I hope, reliable. I’ll probably order this one, now all that’s left is to pick out another sink. Oh my goodness, how hard it is to be a housewife))))

Mushroom soup with honey mushrooms and vermicelli

for a 3 liter saucepan

honey mushrooms - 0.5 kg

onion - 1 large onion (150 gr.)

carrots - 2 pieces (160 gr.)

vermicelli “spider web” - 125 gr.

butter (or vegetable) - 30 gr.

bay leaf


Wash the mushrooms and place in a saucepan. Fill with water and put on fire. Cook for 30 minutes.

While the mushrooms are cooking, let's start with the vegetables. Peel and wash the carrots and onions. Grate the carrots. Cut the onion into cubes. Place the vegetables in a saucepan with melted butter and sauté the vegetables for 10-15 minutes.

Add the sauté to the mushrooms, cook for 10 minutes.

Add thin vermicelli and salt.

Cook for as long as indicated on the vermicelli package.

Bon appetit!

Next >

How to cook honey mushroom soup:: step-by-step preparation of the dish, real recipe, :: food:: how easy it is to do everything

Cooking recipes soups enough. After all, all these dishes have a positive effect on digestion. No lunch is complete without liquid, be it borscht or soup. Vegetables contained in first courses activate the activity of the digestive glands and stimulate appetite. Soups can be either hot or cold. These dishes are prepared in meat, fish and mushroom broths. A very tasty soup can be prepared from again. It is very healthy and low in calories.

Mushroom soup with honey mushrooms and vermicelli












































Mushroom noodle soup with honey mushrooms: first courses

Kolokol4ik wrote: oh, Svetlana, the soup is just right. Today we found a lot of mushrooms, all vigorous and young, it’s a pity I had a small bucket, we’ll definitely try your five-liter soup, but next time, these ones have already been fried and frozen. thank you for the recipe

Oh, little white ones... My dream Although, most of all I love...

I think there’s still a lot of time ahead, so you’ll still have time to try... Thanks for the fried-frozen mushrooms. For some reason, I always freeze boiled ones and then wonder why the broth is tasteless. But if you fry them, then nothing will go into the water and you can cook soup in winter too, right? I keep thinking about just pouring boiling water over the mushrooms and then freezing them, so that... They might become smaller...

And I myself am afraid to eat canned mushrooms, that’s why I don’t make canned mushrooms... if I do, I just boil them, salt them and don’t store them in a jar for very long...

FotoTanya wrote: Svetlana, vegetarian MERSY))) Mushroom soup with noodles is news for me)))

Cheers, Tanechka Prepare, you won’t be disappointed...

Thanks for stopping by...

Mushroom soup with honey mushrooms: how to cook - culinary tips for those who like to cook delicious food - notes for the housewife - cooking - ivona - bigmir)net - ivona - bigmir)net

At the end of summer and autumn, cute small fungi appear on rotten stumps in the forest - honey mushrooms. Honey fungus is one of the most delicious lamellar mushrooms, second in taste, perhaps, only to saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms.

Such useful honey mushrooms

Honey fungus is a parasitic mushroom that destroys the tree on which it lives. But for people, honey mushrooms are very, very useful. These small mushrooms contain minerals necessary for the human body for hematopoiesis - copper and zinc. Autumn honey fungus has a mild laxative effect, and winter honey mushrooms, rich in proteins, contain antiviral and anticancer substances. Since ancient times, meadow honey fungus has been used by folk healers to combat E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus; it is also useful for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

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