The reason for swollen legs in the evening is in pregnant women. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy: causes, treatment and prevention. Treatment of edema with folk remedies

Almost every pregnant woman is aware that the period of waiting for a child is accompanied by swelling of the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body. Statistics say that only 20% of women do not face such trouble at this time. During the normal course of pregnancy, about 7 liters of additional fluid accumulates in the body of the expectant mother, which is distributed rather unevenly: about 5-6 liters are retained outside the tissues, the rest is in the tissues of the body. In the last weeks, about 3 liters of fluid accumulates in the form of amniotic fluid in the placenta and the baby’s body.

The cause of swelling can be both normal physiological processes and the manifestation of such a complication during pregnancy as late toxicosis - gestosis. In order to determine the cause of increased fluid accumulation in the extremities, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist who “accompanies” the woman during pregnancy.

How to escape from swelling of the limbs?

What to do when your legs swell during pregnancy, because folk remedies should be used with great caution, and it is advisable to abandon them altogether and take preventive measures. Only a doctor should prescribe a diuretic for edema during pregnancy, because self-medication can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby.

There are a number of tips to help a pregnant woman cope with the appearance of edema:

  • balanced and nutritious diet, rich in proteins and carbohydrates;
  • reducing the amount of salt consumed; at best, it should be completely excluded from the diet for a while;
  • you should try to avoid staying in one position for a long time: sitting or standing;
  • for edema, doctors also do not recommend walking a lot;
  • You should not severely limit your fluid intake, about 1.5 liters per day will be quite enough, but overuse is fraught with the appearance of additional swelling;
  • if swelling bothers you in the area of ​​your legs, then in the daytime and evening, place them on a hill for 15-20 minutes and give an energetic massage in this area;
  • when the gynecologist has determined that the cause of swelling of the legs is the uterus, which in the third trimester began to compress all internal organs, special gymnastics can help, or rather only a certain position: knee-elbow, in which you need to stay at least 2 hours a day. This time can be divided into 10 approaches of 20 minutes, or at the discretion of the pregnant woman.

Types and causes of edema

If the arms and legs swell, and no protein was found in the urine, and the pregnant woman’s blood pressure is within normal limits, then most likely the reasons lie in slower blood circulation in the extremities. This usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy, after about 30 weeks. When a woman does not control her diet and consumes a large amount of salt and then liquid, the consequence is quite obvious - mild or severe swelling that goes away after a night's rest, but returns during the day. This is not considered a dangerous condition, but it still causes the pregnant woman some discomfort, and therefore requires certain actions to adjust the diet and other preventive actions.

There are 4 stages of swelling:

  1. fluid accumulates in the lower leg area;
  2. the feet and lower abdomen are connected to the lower leg;
  3. swelling of the hands is added to the previous parts of the body;
  4. Almost the entire body swells.

There are also hidden swellings that cannot be noticed by the appearance of a pregnant woman. A doctor may suspect them when a woman experiences a sharp jump in weight gain, while her usual diet has not changed much.

Swelling of the legs is especially common among pregnant women who suffer from cardiovascular disease, kidney problems or varicose veins. In this case, the woman’s condition must be monitored by a specialist.

When this problem occurs due to gestosis, fluid first accumulates in the area of ​​​​the feet, gradually rising up to the face. Sometimes the first manifestations of late toxicosis occur in the form of weight gain of more than 350 grams per week. When swelling begins to appear throughout the body, we can conclude that dropsy of pregnancy has occurred. If protein in the urine and high blood pressure are added to this, then treatment of this condition occurs in a hospital setting. In mild cases, a woman can simply be prescribed a number of medications and sent home, but she will need to see a doctor much more often than usual.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


About 80% of all expectant mothers suffer from swelling of the legs while carrying their babies. For most of them, swelling is normal, but for some mothers, swelling is a signal for urgent medical attention.

Let's figure it out!

Causes of edema during pregnancy - why can pregnant women have swollen legs in the early or late stages?

Edema is defined as excess fluid in the space between tissues in a specific part of the body.

Considering that the amount of fluid circulating in the body during pregnancy increases severalfold, swelling is a natural phenomenon. Moreover, changes in water-salt metabolism during pregnancy do not contribute to the rapid removal of fluid (this occurs due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone), and then the uterus compresses the organs and interferes with normal blood circulation.

As a rule, swelling becomes noticeable and noticeable from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, but it can also become an earlier “surprise” - for example, during a multiple pregnancy or.

Video: Edema during pregnancy

Among the causes of swelling that require special attention are:

  1. Development of gestosis. In addition to swelling of the legs, with gestosis, arterial hypertension is observed and protein is found in the urine. Disruption of water-salt metabolism and increased vascular permeability leads to the penetration of fluid into the intercellular space, and its accumulation in the placental tissues can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus. Without medical care for severe gestosis, you can lose both mother and baby.
  2. Development of heart failure. During pregnancy, the course of any “heart” disease worsens, and the risk of heart failure increases manifold. Swelling becomes one of the signs of right ventricular heart failure. If this disease is suspected, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the heart and promptly adjust the treatment.
  3. Kidney diseases. Swelling of the legs is often observed in diseases with nephrotic syndrome. The key symptom for kidney diseases, in addition to swelling of the legs, is morning swelling of the face and eyelids. Naturally, these signs absolutely cannot be ignored.

How to recognize if a pregnant woman has edema - signs and symptoms of edema

With severe swelling, a woman has no doubt about the presence of edema - they are visible to the naked eye and cause many problems.

But what to do with hidden edema?

The presence of swelling can be determined by the following signs:

  • It’s almost impossible to put on your favorite shoes in the evening. Difficulties also arise with removing the wedding ring.
  • Another sign is a strong mark from the elastic of socks after wearing them. and an increase in ankle circumference of 1 cm per week - and more.
  • , if it is too fast (more than 300-400 g/week) or uneven, it will also be evidence of internal edema.
  • Measurement of urine output. Under normal conditions, 3/4 of all liquid consumed per day should be excreted in the urine. The concept of “liquid” includes soups, apples (1 fruit is considered 50 g of liquid), water, coffee, and so on. The study involves calculating the difference/balance between what is drunk and what is excreted. Drinking diary need to be carried out throughout the day, and all urine is collected in a single container to determine its volume at the end of the day. Next, the resulting amount of liquid that the mother drank during the day is multiplied by 0.75 and the result is compared with the volume of urine per day. A strong difference in results is a reason for examination.
  • Press your finger on the skin . If after pressing there is no trace of pressure left, there is no swelling. If there remains a depression that takes too long to level out, and the skin at the site of pressure remains pale, there is swelling.

Video: Leg swelling in pregnant women

In what cases with edema during pregnancy should you urgently consult a doctor?

You should immediately consult a doctor for swelling in the following cases:

  1. Gaining weight too quickly.
  2. Severe swelling in the morning. Especially in the face area.
  3. The appearance of symptoms such as a burning sensation, tingling or even numbness in the limbs, difficulty bending the fingers and discomfort in the feet when walking.
  4. The appearance of shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat, hypertension.
  5. Nausea, headache, increased blood pressure over 140/90, as well as confusion (these are accompanying signs of gestosis).
  6. Enlarged liver with aching pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, belching and bitterness in the mouth, tenderness of the liver when palpated, shortness of breath even with light exertion and weakness, the appearance of a dry cough at night - sometimes even with streaks of red sputum. All these are signs that accompany swelling of the legs with heart failure.

After studying the medical history, the specialist prescribes appropriate tests and studies, including ultrasound of the heart and kidneys, urine analysis according to Nechiporenko and detailed blood tests, etc.

Treatment is prescribed according to the detected disease.


Even if your health remains quite satisfactory, swelling is a reason to consult a doctor!

In 90% of all cases of swelling, there is a deterioration of the condition, which over time can turn into gestosis. This is determined by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Therefore, it is important to timely foresee all possible scenarios and take action.

Video: Swelling of the legs during pregnancy. Preventing leg swelling

What to do in case of edema in a pregnant woman that is not caused by diseases - getting rid of edema during pregnancy

If, according to studies, analyzes and the doctor’s verdict, swelling has exclusively physiological causes, and experts have not found anything wrong with it, then you can get rid of swelling (or at least reduce its intensity) in the following ways:

  • Eliminate salt from the diet! The more sodium in food, the more water is retained in the tissues. Can't you avoid adding salt to your food? Of course, bland food won’t even fit into your mouth. Therefore, at least reduce the amount of salt per day and give up the saltiest foods - herring, cabbage, sausages, etc. There is no need to talk about canned food, snacks and chips.
  • Get used to a healthy diet, relieve your blood vessels from stress . We refuse frying in favor of steamed and boiled food; refuses harmful substances in the diet, regularly consume vegetables and fruits and cereals, do not abuse coffee and even green tea, which, note, contains even more caffeine than classic black tea. Drink water, juices, mineral water, compotes.
  • Don't take diuretics . Even homeopathic remedies can seriously harm mother and baby. Therefore, discuss recipes like “take lingonberries, bearberry and parsley…” first with your gynecologist. And don’t forget that along with the liquid you will also lose the potassium you need.
  • We rest more often! About 40% of all expectant mothers with edema suffer from it due to varicose veins. The disease is harmless at first glance, but requires attention. Use a small footstool to relieve fatigue. Buy an ottoman so that you can rest your swollen feet on it during moments of relaxation. In the “lying down” position, place a bolster or pillow under your legs so that your legs are raised to a height of up to 30 cm. Use creams for varicose veins as recommended by your doctor.
  • Lie on your left side more often. In this position, the load on the kidneys will be less, their work will be better, and the “run” of urine through the excretory system will be faster.
  • Walk for 40-180 minutes a day. Activity reduces the risk of developing physiological swelling by half. Don't forget about water aerobics and yoga, swimming and gymnastics for expectant mothers.
  • Have you decided to work until the birth? Commendable! But Every hour there are mandatory breaks with gymnastics for the body and legs. Remember that it is absolutely forbidden to sit cross-legged!
  • We buy compression stockings with tights and a bandage , which will relieve the back and reduce the load on the lower limbs. Important: the bandage should support and not squeeze in any way, and the degree of compression of the stockings/tights will be indicated by a phlebologist. And pay attention to special underwear for pregnant women, which protects blood vessels from stagnation of fluid. And remember that the expectant mother should put on underwear, tights and a bandage while lying down in order to properly distribute the load.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy indicates developing gestosis. More often, this phenomenon appears in the third trimester (signs may appear from the 20th week) of a normal pregnancy and is also called late toxicosis.

The pathology manifests itself in the form of a triad of symptoms: swelling (starts from the feet and gradually spreads to the entire surface of the body), the appearance of protein structures in the urine, a constant or periodic increase in blood pressure. It’s rare to have three signs at once. More often, the development of late toxicosis is indicated by swelling of the legs. Other symptoms are not so noticeable and can only be revealed when visiting a doctor and undergoing routine tests. Significant weight gain may indicate the presence of hidden edema.

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Causes of swelling of the legs

Science knows several reasons that can cause swelling and other signs of gestosis:

  1. Cortico-visceral theory. It suggests a disruption of the relationship between the subcortical structures of the brain and the cortex due to adaptive processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. The result is neurosis, which is expressed in reflex changes in blood circulation.
  2. Hormonal changes. Associated with disruption of the endocrine system. There is no clear opinion among scientists on this matter: some believe that changes occur in the functioning of the adrenal cortex, others are inclined towards ovarian dysfunction, others cite the work of the placenta as the cause, and others claim that hormonal imbalance is a consequence of gestosis, and not its cause.
  3. Immunological changes. There are two assumptions about why legs swell during pregnancy and other signs of gestosis appear within the framework of this theory. First, the mother’s immune system produces a large number of cells aimed at fighting the fetus and its foreign proteins (it consists half of the father’s DNA); second, the mother’s immune system cannot provide sufficient production of antibodies to substances entering the bloodstream from the placenta and fetus.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. It has been reliably established that women whose mothers suffered from severe late gestosis are 8 times more likely to have the same pathology during pregnancy.
  5. Insufficient intake of vitamins. The causes of leg swelling during pregnancy may be a lack of B vitamins and folic acid. Insufficient intake from food threatens to increase homocysteine ​​concentrations. This substance promotes perforation of blood vessels, plasma leaks into the interstitial space through the formed pores (swelling appears), and the total amount of blood decreases. The brain receives a signal about a lack of blood and produces vasopressin (a substance that increases pressure in the blood vessels and reduces the amount of urine produced).
  6. The theory is placental. Changes occurring in the vessels surrounding the uterus cause spasms that disrupt blood flow. The consequence is hypoxia and damage to the structures of the placenta. In response, the brain produces vasopressin, which also increases blood pressure and reduces urine output.

During pregnancy, swelling in the legs can indicate not only a severe pathology or disruption in the functioning of various body systems, but also be a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, or simple fatigue and overwork. Such changes in water balance go away on their own after proper rest or normalization of nutrition. But what to do if you constantly suffer from severe swelling of the legs during pregnancy? It is better to contact a qualified gynecologist. Because the first step is to understand the causes of the pathology in order to eliminate them in a timely manner and prevent further development of complications.

What causes swelling of the legs?

In total, there are several stages of gestosis.

Swelling only

At the first of them, slight swelling of the legs appears, the woman may complain of general malaise, increased fatigue, the doctor diagnoses weight gain that is above normal values. At this stage, swelling may spread to the area of ​​the pregnant woman’s internal organs and even the placenta. The consequence is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus (hypoxia) and a disruption in its development (mainly the nervous system). If you do not pay due attention to the woman at this stage, gestosis progresses to the second stage - nephropathy.


It is expressed in addition to swelling of the legs with increased pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. When all three signs appear, the woman needs urgent hospitalization, since nephropathy may develop into preeclampsia within a few days and even hours.


A characteristic sign of preeclampsia is the involvement of the brain (it swells) and the fundus of the eye (visual impairment, retinal detachment). The nervous system suffers, mental disorders are possible. If urgent measures are not taken to normalize the condition, eclampsia quickly develops.


The fourth degree of gestosis already threatens the life of both mother and child. Detachment and premature aging of the placenta, oxygen starvation of the fetus are possible, which can lead to its death. There is a risk of termination of pregnancy (spontaneous miscarriage), uterine bleeding, development of liver and kidney failure in the mother, cerebral hemorrhage (stroke), heart attack, cerebral edema can provoke coma. In addition, the formation of blood clots in large vessels and vessels feeding the fetus and the appearance of convulsions are possible. The consequence may be the death of the fetus or the death of the mother.

Swelling can lead to serious complications. Therefore, you should not look for treatment methods on your own; you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do about leg swelling during pregnancy?

If, after visiting a doctor and conducting an examination, a specialist does not identify pathologies in the functioning of a woman’s organs and systems, then simple recipes will help normalize the water balance and get rid of swelling.

  1. Spend as little time as possible sitting. Movements will help activate blood flow in the lower extremities and drain excess fluid from them. There is no need to overdo it - excessive physical activity can cause swelling.
  2. Make it a habit to lie down for at least a quarter of an hour a day, raising your legs above body level (placing a small pillow or cushion).
  3. Do a foot massage yourself, or ask someone in your household to do it for you. Activation of blood flow promotes the outflow of excess fluid.
  4. Before going to bed, you can make a foot bath with the addition of sea salt; the water temperature should be at 35 degrees.
  5. Drink plenty of water. It is a misconception that when you have edema you need to drink less fluid. A lack of moisture will contribute to the beginning of the process of fluid retention, and a sufficient supply will provoke an intensive outflow of its excess part (paradox). In total, you need to drink 3 liters of liquid per day.

  1. Minimize foods that have a salty taste (herring, canned food, pickles, smoked meats, olives, etc.). Salt retains moisture. In severe cases of gestosis, it is recommended to completely eliminate salt from the diet.
  2. Sugar and carbonated drinks should also be excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet, as they contribute to fluid retention.
  3. The old method will tell you how to remove swelling on the legs during pregnancy: you need to put on tights in the morning right in bed (without getting up). This simple technique will help the blood not to stagnate in the ankle area and prevent the appearance of swelling.
  4. Don't stay in the heat for long.
  5. Ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals in the body. Fresh vegetables and fruits are ideal suppliers.
  6. Don't eat extra food. The myth that a pregnant woman needs a double portion has long been dispelled. The daily diet should not exceed 3500 kcal.

If the doctor discovers a problem in the pregnant woman’s body, then specialized treatment is necessary. In some cases, the use of mild diuretics and antihypertensive drugs will be sufficient, in others it will be necessary to hospitalize the woman in a hospital and use special drugs intravenously. It must be remembered that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Taking them on your own without control can affect the child’s health.

Traditional medicine can also tell you what to do for swelling of the legs during pregnancy. However, any remedy must be approved by a doctor and be sure to first find out the cause of the pathology. You can use one of the following recipes.

An infusion of white birch leaves is prepared: a couple of tablespoons of dry raw material are poured with boiling water (about half a liter) and left to cool (you can use a thermos). Drink half a glass of infusion before each meal (up to 5 times).

You can also try to get rid of swelling of the legs with an infusion of corn silk (adding a teaspoon of natural honey to half a glass of infusion), bearberry (drink a tablespoon before each meal), meadowsweet and other herbal ingredients.

Herbal ingredients for oral administration are not always safe during pregnancy, so you can use folk remedies for topical use. It is necessary to separate several leaves from a head of cabbage and roll them out with a rolling pin (to achieve their softness and the juice to come out). You need to wrap your legs with cabbage and secure the compress with a bandage. You can do the procedure at night, or in the daytime, leaving the leaves for about half an hour.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy- a problem that almost every woman faces while carrying a child. Swelling occurs especially often during late pregnancy. in the second half of pregnancy, closer to the third trimester. The legs swell during pregnancy, they hurt, there is a feeling of heaviness, and it becomes difficult to stand on your feet for a long time.

A similar problem arises due to the fact that the pressure in the vessels of the veins, which are located in the lower extremities, increases greatly. The fetus increases in size, the uterus grows, squeezing the pelvic veins. As a result, stagnant processes can occur in the vessels of the legs, which lead to the formation of edema. Untreated swelling in the legs can cause a number of serious complications, therefore, this problem cannot be left without due attention.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Why do legs swell during pregnancy? Edema during pregnancy, in most cases, is a temporary phenomenon and quickly disappears shortly after birth. Most common reasons swelling of the legs during pregnancy:

  • Excess fluid in the body. When carrying a child, hormonal levels change, which is why pregnant women often experience thirst. This is a completely normal phenomenon and should not cause concern to the expectant mother.
  • Varicose veins of the legs. As the fetus grows, the uterus begins to exert a compressive effect on the vessels of the legs, as a result of which it forms. The veins become overfilled with blood, which leads to the appearance of edema.
  • Renal dysfunction. During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases. This leads to the fact that they do not always fully remove excess fluid from the body, which provokes the appearance of edema. Such problems are often accompanied by the formation of bruises under the eyes and a decrease in the frequency of urination.
  • Uncomfortable shoes and clothes. Tight and constrictive clothing and shoes can interfere with blood circulation in the legs. It is especially not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes during pregnancy.
  • Problems with the heart or thyroid gland. They cause not only swelling of the legs, but also of the shoulder girdle and even the tongue. In addition, with such disorders, fatigue and constant drowsiness may be observed.
  • Intestinal problems. If frequent, intestinal disturbances are possible, which often lead to swelling in the legs.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis. An extremely dangerous disease, one of the signs of which is swelling of the legs. This disease can be recognized by symptoms such as: fever, hyperemia (redness) of the legs, pain.
  • A recent viral illness. An infection can cause complications on the kidneys, and they, in turn, cease to cope with their functions.
  • Preeclampsia. This condition poses a serious health hazard. Preeclampsia is characterized by swelling not only of the external parts of the body, but also of the internal organs. The placenta also falls under its harmful influence, and this is a direct threat to the life of the unborn baby.

Edema can also occur for reasons such as: joint diseases, venous insufficiency, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, prolonged sitting with legs crossed. To exclude possible diseases, it is necessary be sure to visit a doctor.

In some cases, when edema is caused by pathological disturbances in the functioning of the body, the condition of a pregnant woman may constantly worsen. In this case, swelling will spread not only to the legs, but also to other parts of the body.

There are 4 stages of edema:

  1. First, swelling forms in the area of ​​the legs and feet.
  2. They are accompanied by swelling in the hips, lower abdomen and lumbar region.
  3. Further, the swelling spreads higher, affecting the hands and even the face.
  4. General swelling of the body.

During pregnancy, sodium salts accumulate in the mother's body, which tend to attract water. Under the influence of certain factors, physiological edema develops. Such factors may be: eating a large amount of salty foods, high ambient temperatures, excessive physical activity. Physiological edema is a completely natural phenomenon during pregnancy and should not cause concern. If the provoking factors are eliminated, the swelling will easily disappear.

Another thing - pathological edema that arise as a result of diseases. They are usually accompanied by other symptoms: sudden weight gain, spread of edema to other parts of the body, fever, hypertension, weakness, difficulty moving, and more.

What are the dangers of leg swelling during pregnancy and when to consult a doctor?

Greatest danger represent swelling of the legs in pregnant women, which is caused by gestosis. In the initial stage, it leads to the formation of dropsy, which over time can lead to nephropathy - damage to the renal apparatus, and subsequently to. Eclampsia is almost incurable and is characterized by frequent attacks of seizures, which can sometimes be so severe that the woman falls into a coma.

Preeclampsia can cause severe disturbances in the blood supply to organs, including the placenta. The fetus is deprived of nutrients, as a result of which the normal development of its organs and systems is disrupted. It is in this state that the foundations for future chronic diseases are laid.

Other complications of gestosis may include intrauterine fetal death and premature birth.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • when swelling appears not only on the legs, but also on the stomach, hips, lower back, face or arms;
  • if swelling and heaviness in the legs persist even after a long rest or the next morning after sleep;
  • if the general condition worsens, increased blood pressure is observed and.

If the legs are slightly swollen, this does not mean the presence of edema. Often this is simply due to an increase in body weight during pregnancy. Swelling can be detected by the enlargement of the foot, when it becomes difficult to squeeze your foot into your usual shoes.

Swelling can also be determined by how the surface of the leg reacts to compression. For this purpose it is carried out simple experiment: You need to lightly press your finger on the skin of your leg, then release. If the skin immediately becomes even, then there is no talk of any swelling. But if after squeezing a small dent remains, it means there is swelling of the leg.

In the evening, symptoms usually become more pronounced because more fluid accumulates in them during the day, after being on your feet for a long time. In the morning, after the pregnant woman has had a good rest and sleep, swelling usually decreases significantly or disappears altogether. If swelling is caused by physiological reasons, it does not cause pain.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

What to do if your legs swell during pregnancy? How to get rid of edema during pregnancy? For natural causes of swelling in the legs, no special treatment is required. The doctor may prescribe some means that improve blood circulation- for example, ointments Heparin, Venitan, Troxevasin, Lyoton, as well as creams based on horse chestnut.

In addition, it is usually prescribed special diet and a number of preventive measures:

  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume, which prevents the removal of fluid from the body. It is better to undersalt food. In addition, you need to eat as little hot, smoked and spicy foods as possible. The best option is steamed food.
  • Reduce the amount you drink, especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The maximum amount of liquid that should be consumed is one and a half liters per day. This includes not only drinks, but also juicy fruits or vegetables, as well as soups.
  • Take vascular-strengthening vitamin complexes. They will help reduce the volume of fluid that leaks from the vessels into the tissue, thereby reducing swelling.
  • Herbal teas, which have a diuretic effect, will help remove excess fluid from the body. These include decoctions of rosehip, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, cranberry, bearberry, and dried apricots. For these decoctions to have a positive effect, you need to use them for a month or more. It is strictly not recommended to take any chemical diuretics as they can be dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Foot massage helps reduce swelling well, especially if done with jojoba, peach or grape seed oils.
  • May have a beneficial effect homeopathic remedies. For example, sodium chloride restores fluid metabolism in the body. Non-traditional treatments such as manual therapy, acupuncture or osteopathy are also often used to improve blood flow in the legs, normalize urinary function and relieve swelling.

If the cause of edema is gestosis, treatment is carried out in stationary conditions. It is rarely possible to completely eliminate this problem, but with the help of properly selected drug therapy, the negative impact of the disease on the body of a pregnant woman can be reduced.

How to avoid swelling

To prevent swelling, it is recommended to follow the following: preventive measures:

  • Physical activity. During pregnancy, you should maintain physical activity - do exercises every day, take walks, and in the evenings, after a working day, lie down on the bed or floor, raise your legs, resting them against the wall, and lie there for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the blood will flow down, reducing congestion in the legs.
  • Special diet. You should reduce the amount of salt you consume, eliminate carbonated and sugary drinks, and drink less coffee and tea. If you are very thirsty, it is better to eat some juicy vegetable or fruit, and if you drink water, then only mineral water.
  • Necessarily include such foods in your diet like: oranges, parsley, lemon, celery, garlic, tangerines, onions. These products have a beneficial effect on the function of the urinary system.
  • During sleep it is recommended put a pillow under your feet so that they are slightly above the head.
  • Shoes should be comfortable, and the clothes are spacious so that they don’t squeeze your legs.
  • Avoid overheating the body– during pregnancy, you should avoid visiting steam rooms and saunas, as well as sunbathing.

Video about swelling of the legs during pregnancy

This video talks about the causes of leg swelling during pregnancy, the symptoms and dangers of this problem. After watching the video, you will find out how to relieve swelling during pregnancy and prevent their occurrence.

To combat edema, many women use folk remedies. For example, compresses made from fresh cabbage leaves applied to swollen legs can have a very beneficial effect. What folk recipes against edema do you know? What helped you cope with this problem? Share your experience in comments.

Most women carrying a child experience swelling of the lower extremities. This can occur under the influence of many factors, some of which necessarily require treatment to avoid complications. To prescribe adequate therapy, it is necessary to find out what caused the problem.

Why do your feet swell during pregnancy?

Possible causes of edema:

  • Excessive fluid intake. This condition is not pathological, but requires observation.
  • Excess body weight. In some cases, with an unbalanced diet, weight rapidly increases, which in turn increases the load on the legs and provokes their swelling.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities. The uterus increases in size, putting pressure on the vessels, and the veins, overflowing with blood, cause swelling.
  • Late toxicosis. This is a dangerous condition in which blood pressure rises and protein is present in the urine test.
  • Impaired kidney function. The load on this organ doubles during pregnancy, so problems often arise that should be under the supervision of the attending physician.

Factors that provoke swelling

There are factors that increase the risk of edema. These include:

  • long stay in the heat;
  • lack of potassium in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • standing or sitting for long periods of time, wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • Frequent consumption of drinks that contain caffeine.

Types of swelling during pregnancy

Edema can be obvious or hidden:

  • Obvious swelling immediately makes itself felt: the usual shoes become small, the shin increases in girth, the elastic of the socks leaves a strong mark on the skin.
  • The latent form is revealed when a woman comes to the doctor to be weighed. If there is a sharp jump in a pregnant woman’s weight, the gynecologist may suspect hidden edema.

What to do if your legs are swollen

  • Change your body position as often as possible: long standing, sitting, lying down will adversely affect the condition of your legs. Hiking must be replaced by rest, all loads must be distributed correctly. At the end of the day, it is useful to do an exercise: lie on the floor, raise your legs up for 10 minutes, you can lean them against the wall. After this, perform a small foot massage. Place a pillow under your feet while you sleep to help drain blood from your extremities.
  • Shoes should be soft, comfortable, without heels. Also choose clothes that are comfortable and do not compress blood vessels.
  • The nutrition of the expectant mother is of great importance. It is worth putting a taboo on visiting fast food restaurants, limiting yourself in consuming sweets, salt, smoked meats, spicy, fried foods. Fruits, vegetables, steamed, stewed, boiled dishes will be useful.
  • Ensuring a full supply of fluid to the body will have a positive effect on the body and prevent the appearance of edema, but you need to keep in mind that in the evening the amount of water you drink is reduced. Avoid soda and very sweet drinks, as they interfere with fluid removal.
  • A cold water bath to which you can add sea salt can relieve fatigue and swelling.
  • Only strictly as prescribed by a therapist or gynecologist, drugs that have a diuretic effect, drugs, and vitamins that help strengthen blood vessels help in the fight against edema.

If edema occurs, you should never self-medicate to avoid consequences. Only a doctor can conduct a competent examination and treatment.

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Almost every pregnant woman is aware that the period of waiting for a child is accompanied by swelling of the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body. Statistics...

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Most women experience inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. The structural features of the female reproductive system are such that...
Irregular bowel movements in babies can cause parents quite a lot of worry and worry. Constipation in infants can cause crying and...
is an inflammation of the tissues of the cervix caused by bacteria, viruses or other pathogens, which can occur in acute or...
The phenomenon of a white pimple in the mouth is quite common. There is little pleasant in such a situation, since such formations...
Infection can occur through any type of sexual contact: oral, genital, anal. Therefore the only possibility...