Symptoms and treatment of cervicitis of the cervix. Cervicitis of the cervix: how to cope with the disease Bacterial cervicitis

is an inflammation of the cervical tissue caused by bacteria, viruses or other pathogens, which can occur in acute or chronic form. Clinical symptoms are often absent; discharge, itching, burning, and pain are possible. For diagnosis, a smear from the external pharynx, simple and extended colposcopy are used. Bacteriological methods and PCR diagnostics help to identify the pathogen; the condition of the cervix is ​​additionally assessed using ultrasound. Treatment is carried out with medications; destructive and surgical methods are used according to indications.

General information

Cervicitis is more often detected in women 19-45 years old who are sexually active. Inflammation rarely occurs in isolation. The cervix forms a single system with the vagina and vulva, so cervicitis is combined with vulvitis and vaginitis. The pathology is found in 70% of women of reproductive age; the exact prevalence has not been established due to the possible asymptomatic course of the disease. Chronic cervicitis, combined with infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), increases the risk of developing neoplastic processes of the cervix.

Causes of cervicitis

In healthy women, mucus from the cervical canal acts as a protective factor that prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora. Infection prevents normal vaginal biocenosis and the production of lactic acid by Dederlein's bacilli. If their content decreases, conditions arise for the proliferation of opportunistic flora or the penetration of pathogens. The following types of infection lead to symptoms of cervicitis:

  • Opportunistic microorganisms. They are the main cause of the disease. More often, gram-negative flora (Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, enterococci), non-clostridial anaerobes (Proteus, Bacteroides) are detected. Staphylococci and streptococci may be detected.
  • Viruses. In women with symptoms of chronic cervicitis, HPV is diagnosed in 80% of cases. A viral infection is characterized by a subclinical or latent form; sometimes the pathogen is detected only during an in-depth examination. Cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, and less commonly adenovirus can also act as a pathogenic agent.
  • Chlamydia. They are the causative agent of acute cervicitis. Found in 45% of patients. In its pure form, chlamydial infection is not typical for the symptoms of chronic inflammation; its association with obligate flora is more common.
  • Trichomonas. They are detected in 5-25% of women who visit a gynecologist with symptoms of inflammation. Cervicitis often occurs with minimal signs of infection. The peak incidence occurs at the age of 40 years.
  • Gonococci. They cause acute vaginitis and cervicitis, which can be combined with symptoms of urethritis. In chronic infections, they are detected in 2% of patients. They often spread to the overlying parts of the reproductive system, which causes a combination of symptoms of cervicitis with manifestations of chronic endometritis and adnexitis.
  • Candida. A fungal infection develops when immune factors are reduced and the vaginal biocenosis is disrupted. Candidal cervicitis is complemented by symptoms of colpitis. Exacerbations can be provoked by chronic diseases, antibacterial therapy, and hormonal changes.

The cause of the disease may be pathogens such as syphilis and tuberculosis. Sometimes there is a combination of several infections. Risk factors for the development of cervicitis are abortions and any traumatic manipulations that damage the cervix. The likelihood of pathology increases with cervical ectopia or ectropion. The spread of sexually transmitted infections is facilitated by low sexual culture, frequent changes of sexual partners, and refusal of barrier contraception.


The exocervix performs a protective function. Its cells contain lumps of keratin, which provide mechanical strength, and glycogen is a nutrient substrate for the vaginal microflora. The cylindrical epithelium of the endocervix performs a secretory function; it secretes mucus, the composition of which changes in each phase of the cycle. The peculiarity of the secretion is the content of immunoglobulins.

With a decrease in protective functions and cervical injury, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the epithelium of the exo- or endocervix. After the alteration stage, desquamation of the surface epithelium begins, the basement membrane is exposed, and the glands are damaged. The composition of the secretion changes, as a result, intercellular contacts are disrupted, and immune cells are activated: macrophages, lymphocytes, histiocytes. The inflammatory reaction leads to a disruption of the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio in cells.

When acute cervicitis transitions to chronic, the infection penetrates into the deep layers of tissue, and destructive changes are observed in the cells. Cellular regeneration is activated, while apoptosis is slowed down, which leads to the appearance of young undifferentiated cells. When chronic cervicitis is combined with papillomavirus, dysplastic changes occur that can develop into cancer.


Cervicitis is classified based on the clinical and morphological picture and the characteristics of the course of the disease. The duration of the inflammatory process and its prevalence are taken into account. Particular attention is paid to the severity of changes in the stromal and epithelial components of cervical tissue. The type of cervicitis can be determined during colposcopy and using histological examination:

  • Acute cervicitis. Characterized by severe symptoms of an inflammatory reaction, serous-purulent discharge. The mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​edematous, prone to bleeding. The pathology can be focal, when delimited round foci appear on the surface of the exocervix, and diffuse, when inflammation spreads to a significant part of the cervix.
  • Chronic cervicitis. Cervical hypertrophy is observed, thickened folds of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal are formed. Cells are dystrophically changed. With endocervicitis, there is no hyperemia around the external pharynx, cloudy mucus is secreted, sometimes mixed with pus.

The structure of the outer part of the cervix differs from the mucous membrane of the endocervix. Outside, the epithelium is multilayered flat, in the cervical canal it is cylindrical. The inflammatory reaction may involve one of these areas, then cervicitis is classified as follows:

  • Endocervicitis. An inflammatory reaction that occurs in the cervical canal.
  • Exocervicitis. The epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix became inflamed.

The etiological classification of cervicitis is based on the types of pathogens that cause inflammation. It is necessary for choosing a method of therapy, correctly selecting medications and determining the prognosis. The type of infection can be assumed from the colposcopy picture, confirmation is obtained by culture or PCR. The following types are distinguished:

  • Nonspecific cervicitis. Symptoms appear when obligate microflora multiply (Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci), as well as during hormonal changes in the body.
  • Specific cervicitis. Manifestations of pathology occur after infection with sexually transmitted infections. More often it is chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, HPV. Less commonly, specific cervicitis develops with syphilis and tuberculosis.

Symptoms of cervicitis

Symptoms are often absent; manifestations depend on the nature of the course and the type of pathogen. In acute cervicitis, mucous or purulent discharge appears. Symptoms are more pronounced when cervicitis is combined with colpitis. The discharge is accompanied by itching and burning, discomfort when urinating. Pain during sexual intercourse sometimes bothers me. Pulling or aching pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbosacral region, is rare.

The signs of chronic cervicitis are similar, but less pronounced. Exacerbation of the process is provoked by menstruation, hypothermia, and a change of sexual partner. Sometimes painful sensations over the womb persist without exacerbation and intensify during intimate relationships. A characteristic symptom of chronic inflammation is contact bleeding. Spotting is observed after sex, examination by a doctor, or taking a smear.

The causative agents of nonspecific cervicitis give approximately the same symptoms; for specific infections, the clinical picture may vary. The chlamydial process is often asymptomatic and quickly becomes chronic. Gonorrheal cervicitis is characterized by striking symptoms: copious purulent discharge, dysuric disorders. When infected with Trichomonas, greenish discharge and an unpleasant odor appear.

There is no deterioration in the general condition with cervicitis. An increase in temperature, abdominal pain, and signs of intoxication indicate the spread of infection to the uterus and appendages. If cervicitis is detected simultaneously with vaginitis, endometritis, salpingitis, the amount of discharge increases and the pain syndrome intensifies. Symptoms of cervicitis are often nonspecific, making it impossible to suspect inflammation of the cervix.


The danger is posed by severe, protracted course of cervicitis and lack of timely treatment. Severe chronic inflammation provokes ulceration of the cervix; upon healing, scar tissue is formed, which deforms the cervix and leads to stenosis of the cervical canal. This becomes a risk factor for infertility. Cervix stenosis causes complications during childbirth, the cervix loses its ability to open, and ruptures form.

Infection from the endocervix often spreads to the endometrium and further upward to the appendages, causing inflammation of the pelvic organs, which over time leads to menstrual irregularities and infertility. Chronic cervicitis without treatment leads to the development of dysplasia. This is a precancerous disease, which is characterized by the appearance of atypical cells. Of particular danger is the combination of inflammation with the detection of HPV of high oncogenic risk.


An obstetrician-gynecologist examines women with cervicitis. If gonorrhea is suspected, a dermatovenerologist is involved in diagnosis and treatment. The absence of symptoms in the acute stage often leads to a delayed start of treatment due to untimely examination. To confirm the diagnosis, a combination of several diagnostic methods is used:

  • Gynecological examination. In the speculum, in the acute type of cervicitis, an inflamed, hyperemic cervix is ​​detected. Petechial hemorrhages may appear on the exocervix. Touching with a tampon causes bleeding. With endocervicitis, the external pharynx protrudes in the form of a bright red rim. Mucopurulent discharge may be noticeable.
  • Vaginal smear. The composition of the microflora is examined - with cervicitis, the number of lactobacilli is reduced, cocci are present, gonococci and intracellularly located Trichomonas can be detected. The number of leukocytes is increased, there is a lot of mucus.
  • PAP test. In a cytological smear from the exo- and endocervix, signs of dyskeratosis may appear, which disappear after treatment - this distinguishes cervicitis from neoplasia. Epithelial cells have signs of cytoplasmic degeneration and hypertrophied nuclei. If symptoms of dysplasia are detected, a biopsy is necessary.
  • Colposcopy. After treatment with acetic acid, cervicitis is manifested by whitening of the epithelium and fine red punctures. Treatment with Lugol's solution normally causes brown spots to appear; this does not happen with cervicitis. The epithelium looks embossed. Finely speckled iodine staining may persist.
  • Biopsy. For histological examination in patients with chronic cervicitis, a section of the epithelium is taken during colposcopy. Symptoms of acute inflammation are a contraindication for biopsy.
  • PCR diagnostics. The DNA of the causative agents of cervicitis is determined. The method is valuable for diagnosis in the absence of pronounced clinical symptoms and minimal changes in the cervix. Using PCR, papillomaviruses are detected and their oncogenic type is specified.

Treatment of cervicitis

The goal of treating pathology is to suppress the inflammatory process using etiotropic antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal therapy. Immunomodulatory drugs can be used at the same time. Treatment is carried out by local or systemic means with subsequent restoration of the vaginal biocenosis.

Conservative therapy

In an acute process, treatment is selected depending on the type of pathogen. Local exposure is allowed for candidiasis infection and nonspecific inflammation. If there are symptoms of chlamydial, trichomonas or viral cervicitis, systemic therapy is necessary. For etiotropic treatment, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • For candidiasis. Clotrimazole, nystatin vaginal tablets, and butoconazole cream can be used locally in the form of suppositories or cream. In some cases, treatment is carried out with fluconazole capsules. For manifestations of candidal colpitis and cervicitis, anti-relapse therapy is carried out more often than 4 times a year after suppressing the acute process.
  • With chlamydial cervicitis. Local treatment is ineffective; systemic antibacterial therapy is prescribed. The drug of choice is azithromycin. Alternative agents belong to the groups of tetracyclines, macrolides, and quinolones. After completing the course, monitoring of cure is necessary.
  • For trichomonas. Trichomonas are protozoan microorganisms; a drug with antiprotozoal action, metronidazole, is used against them. If trichomonas are resistant, detected in 2-5% of women, tinidazole is prescribed.
  • For gonococcal infection. When determining the symptoms of gonorrheal cervicitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. 3rd generation cephalosporins in combination with azithromycin are recommended. The second line drug is doxycycline. Treatment is given to both sexual partners.
  • For HPV. A unified antiviral treatment regimen has not been developed. The drug based on inosine pranobex has proven itself well. It is used in long courses simultaneously with immunocorrection using suppositories with interferons.
  • For herpes. The main drug that suppresses the activity of the herpes simplex virus is acyclovir. It is used in the acute phase in the presence of clinical symptoms - vesicles with liquid contents on the exocervix. An additional line drug is famciclovir.
  • For mixed infection. Most often, during exacerbations of chronic cervicitis, a combination of nonspecific microflora and fungi occurs. Combination drugs are prescribed, including antibiotics of different groups and antimycotics.

Subsequent restoration of the microflora is carried out with local preparations, which include lactobacilli. Treatment results can be improved by eliminating the causes of cervicitis and correcting neuroendocrine changes. Lifestyle changes, dosed physical activity, and proper nutrition help. Treatment is effective using physiotherapy methods: diadynamic currents, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis.

Destructive methods

Methods of destructive treatment of cervicitis are used only when inflammation is combined with other background processes in the cervical area. For symptoms of papillomatosis, polyps, leukoplakia, ectropion, true erosion in nulliparous women, gentle methods are first used. If they are ineffective, additional examination is carried out and the approach is changed. Treatment is allowed in the following ways:

  • Chemical cauterization. It is performed with preparations that are solutions of acetic, nitric, and oxalic acid. Medicines are applied to a swab and applied to the lesion. This type of treatment does not lead to the formation of scarring and is well tolerated.
  • Cryodestruction. A solution of liquid nitrogen or carbon is used. A prerequisite for treatment is that the size of the lesion must correspond to the diameter of the cooling nozzle, therefore the technique is not indicated for diffuse exocervicitis. After exposure to liquid nitrogen, pathological cells freeze out. During healing, the tissues do not scar or become deformed.
  • Laser vaporization. Pathological areas on the cervix are precisely removed using a laser, which heats up the altered cells and leads to their death. The treatment method does not cause severe complications, scar deformation of the cervix, and can be used in nulliparous patients.
  • Radio wave treatment. Produced by the Surgitron device. The procedure is painless, and a delicate young epithelium is formed in place of the changed tissues. During treatment, healthy cells remain intact, radio waves affect only the pathological epithelium.
  • Argon plasma ablation. It is carried out contactlessly using radio waves enhanced by the action of the inert gas argon. The procedure can be prescribed to women of any age, including those planning pregnancy. Healing is fast, rough scars are not formed.


Surgical treatment of cervicitis is recommended in case of simultaneous diagnosis of dysplasia, cervical polyps or papillomatosis. The indication for surgery is cicatricial deformity of the cervix. Hospitalization to the gynecology department is required. Cervical polyps are removed and the bed is cauterized with liquid nitrogen. Other treatment methods may also be used:

  • Loop electrosurgical excision. It is carried out after relief of acute inflammation of the cervix. Using an electric loop, the altered area of ​​tissue is removed, while the vessels are sealed, which reduces the risk of bleeding. The resulting tissues are examined histologically.
  • Knife conization of the neck. Performed using a scalpel. A cone-shaped section of tissue is removed, with its apex directed into the cervical canal. The operation can be complicated by bleeding, and is rarely used today. After manipulation, the resulting tissues are sent for histological analysis.

Prognosis and prevention

With timely treatment, it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of cervicitis and prevent it from becoming a chronic disease and the appearance of complications. Prevention involves preventing infection with STIs. It is necessary to refrain from casual sexual contacts and use barrier contraception. You can prevent cervical injury by not having abortions. If it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy, it is safer to carry out the procedure early with medication.

Most women experience inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. The structural features of the female reproductive system are such that the infection quickly spreads from the vagina to the internal genital organs. Cervicitis develops into inflammation of the endometrium and ovaries. Often the consequences are pregnancy complications or even infertility. Chronic inflammation causes precancerous disease. It is important to strengthen your immune system, use contraception wisely, and be regularly examined by a doctor to protect yourself from such dangers.

The epithelium of the cervical canal (endocervix), connecting the uterine cavity with the vagina, differs in structure from the epithelium lining the part of the cervix that is located directly in the vagina (exocervix). Depending on which part of the cervix the inflammation occurs in, endocervicitis and exocervicitis are distinguished, respectively.

The age of women who develop cervical cervicitis in 70% of cases is 20-40 years, and only 30% of women are those who have reached menopause.

The disease must be treated, since when it becomes chronic, the walls of the uterus thicken and the lumen of the cervical canal narrows. This may cause infertility. The spread of inflammation into the tubes and ovaries also leads to the inability to conceive, the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy, and hormonal disorders.

The danger of cervicitis in pregnant women

Cervicitis is associated with the destruction of the mucous plug that protects the uterus from infection from the vagina. The likelihood of illness and the transition of the inflammatory process to a chronic form increases due to the inevitable decrease in immunity during this period (this prevents fetal rejection).

If pregnant women have cervicitis, the risk of complications such as miscarriage and premature birth increases. Infection of the fetus is possible, which leads to abnormal development, the appearance of deformities, intrauterine death, and death of the newborn in the first months of life.

Cervicitis poses a greater threat in the early stages of pregnancy, when organs and systems are being formed in the fetus. Most often, a woman has a miscarriage. If acute cervicitis occurs in the middle or end of pregnancy, the child may develop hydrocephalus, kidney disease and other organs. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a woman should be cured of cervicitis in advance and strengthen her immune system. Treatment is mandatory, as the risk of complications is very high.

Video: The danger of sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy

Causes of cervicitis

The inflammatory process in the cervix can be infectious in nature or occur for reasons not related to the penetration of microbes and viruses.

Infectious causes of infection

The cervix separates the sterile uterine cavity from the vagina, the microflora of which normally contains beneficial lactobacilli and opportunistic microorganisms. Beneficial lactic acid bacteria create a healthy environment that prevents the proliferation of pathogens. The causes of cervicitis of infectious origin are:

  1. Reproduction of opportunistic bacteria. Opportunistic pathogens are microorganisms that are always present in the human intestines and genitourinary organs in small quantities without causing harm. But under certain conditions, they begin to multiply uncontrollably, which leads to disease. These include, for example, staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, fungi, gardnerella. They cause inflammation of the vulva and vagina, spreading to the cervix. The infection can enter the vagina directly from the rectum and urinary organs.
  2. Infection with human papilloma viruses and genital herpes.
  3. Infection with sexually transmitted infections (Trichomonas, gonorrhea pathogens, mycoplasmas, chlamydia and others).

Non-infectious causes of cervicitis

Such reasons include:

  • prolapse of the cervix and vagina;
  • cervical injuries (ruptures during childbirth or abortion, as well as damage during curettage and cauterization, causing scar formation);
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules, use of inappropriate hygiene products;
  • frequent douching with solutions that cause overdrying of the mucous membrane and disruption of the microflora;
  • changes in the composition of the mucous membrane when using hormonal replacement therapy drugs or contraceptives;
  • pseudo-erosion of the cervix, that is, the movement of columnar epithelial cells of the cervical canal into the area of ​​squamous epithelium of the vaginal cervix. This happens during abortion, childbirth or surgery.

Decreased immunity, the presence of tumor diseases, and uncontrolled use of antibiotics contribute to the occurrence of cervical inflammation.

Video: Diagnosis and treatment of cervicitis

Types and forms of cervicitis

There are different types of cervicitis of the cervix.

Purulent cervicitis. Sources of inflammation include gonococci, ureaplasma, and trachoma bacilli. The infection is sexually transmitted and affects the mucous membrane of the cervical canal (cylindrical epithelium). If columnar cells are displaced into the area of ​​squamous epithelium (cervical ectopia appears), then the purulent process spreads to the displaced areas. The process may also affect the stroma that separates the mucosa from the muscles. The infection spreads to other pelvic organs and causes inflammation.

Viral cervicitis. Inflammation is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) or the causative agent of genital herpes (specific infections). Papillomas or herpes can occur both inside the cervical canal and on the vaginal surface of the cervix. A characteristic symptom is severe itching in the cervix and pain in the lower abdomen. Most often, this type of cervicitis occurs in women of childbearing age who are sexually active.

Bacterial cervicitis. The process of inflammation spreads to all parts of the mucous membrane of the cervix: both internal and vaginal segments. The cause is bacterial vaginosis, that is, the development of opportunistic bacteria in the vagina due to a lack of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the microflora. With this disease there is no danger of infecting a sexual partner. However, if a sexually transmitted infection also enters the vagina, the disease becomes purulent.

Atrophic cervicitis. This is the name for a type of disease in which there is a decrease in the thickness of the mucous membranes of the cervix (atrophy). The causes of this process can be both specific (gonococcus, trichomonas, herpes virus and HPV) and nonspecific infections (staphylococci, streptococci).

In addition, cervicitis of this type occurs due to traumatic damage to the mucous membrane during abortion or curettage.

Cystic cervicitis. Inflammation of the glands located in the cylindrical epithelium occurs, an increase in its volume, the formation of many cysts in the mucosa and damage to its surface. This type is an advanced stage of the disease, in which a combination of different types of infection is observed.

The disease often occurs in an acute form with pronounced symptoms. If left untreated, the inflammation becomes chronic, spreads to the glands and affects the mucous membrane deeper. At the same time, treatment is complicated by the fact that the external signs of the disease are smoothed out, and it is more difficult to diagnose cervicitis. Often it can be detected only at a late stage, when the inflammation spreads to the uterine appendages.

Symptoms and signs of cervicitis

In some cases, even acute cervicitis is difficult to notice, since it occurs without pain or other obvious symptoms. However, in severe form, acute inflammation can cause the appearance of profuse purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor. There is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. Bloody discharge appears, especially after sexual intercourse, which also becomes painful. Itching is felt in the genitals. Possible increased body temperature, nausea and dizziness. There is frequent painful urination.

Signs of the disease in the acute stage are swelling and redness of the mucous membrane on the surface of the vaginal segment of the cervix. Upon examination, a protrusion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal into the outer area is detected. There are small hemorrhages and ulcers on it.

When the disease becomes chronic, the discharge becomes less abundant, as the production of mucus by the glands of the cervical canal is disrupted. Cloudy discharge contains blood. A woman feels constant aching pain in her lower back.

The severity of the disease depends on the type of infection. When infected with gonococci, the manifestations, for example, are stronger than with chlamydia. If the occurrence of cervicitis is associated with the herpes virus, then on the mucous membrane there are individual ulcers, loose areas of bright red color.

In the presence of chronic cervicitis, swelling of the mucous membrane decreases. It is possible that the outer epithelium of the cervix may move into the cervical canal. The color of the mucous membrane is bright pink. Cysts and blisters containing lymph and blood are detected. Inflammation spreads to neighboring tissues.

Diagnosis of cervicitis

Since obvious symptoms of cervicitis of the cervix may be absent, regular visits to the doctor for preventive purposes are of great importance for the timely detection and diagnosis of this disease.

The following methods are used for the examination:

  1. Examination of the cervix using speculum. At the same time, they notice a change in the color of the vaginal segment of the cervix, the presence of purulent plaque, hemorrhages, ulcers, as well as the appearance of edema.
  2. Tests of a smear from the cervix for examination under a microscope and detection of infectious agents in it.
  3. Bacteriological culture of the contents of the smear, which allows you to determine the type of microbes and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.
  4. PCR and ELISA. These methods of smear examination can determine the presence of pathogens of specific infections and estimate their quantity.
  5. Colposcopy. By optical magnification and illumination of the vagina and cervical canal using a colposcope, the condition of the mucous membranes is studied.
  6. Laboratory analysis of a smear for the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes and lymphocytes allows us to assess the degree of inflammation of a non-infectious nature.

In the chronic stage of cervicitis, destroyed epithelial cells are found in the smear. Additionally, general blood tests and a smear for leukocytes, as well as an HIV test, are performed.

Video: In what cases are different smear tests used?

Treatment of cervicitis

Treatment of cervicitis consists of eliminating the causes of the disease, fighting inflammation and strengthening the body's defenses.

Antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs are used to destroy pathogens. When a papilloma virus is detected in a woman’s body, special attention is paid to treatment, since damage to the genital organs is more likely to lead to the formation of malignant tumors. First of all, immunomodulator drugs (interferon, cycloferon, immunal) are prescribed.

Vaccines, tablets and ointments are used to clear the mucous membrane of papillomas. However, there is a risk of relapse, so women are advised to undergo regular gynecological examinations.

Often the only way to get rid of papillomas is through surgery. This treatment is often used to eliminate chronic cervicitis of any nature. Methods such as laser destruction, cryotherapy, chemical cauterization, electrical destruction, and radio wave coagulation are used.

Sometimes the treatment of cervicitis requires simultaneous elimination of urological diseases.

Note: If the cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane is sexually transmitted infections, then the woman’s sexual partner should be treated at the same time.

In order to speed up the restoration of the mucous membrane and improve hormonal levels, estrogen and progesterone preparations are used.

After eliminating the inflammation, products containing beneficial bacteria necessary to maintain the normal composition of the vaginal microflora are prescribed. Lactobacterin, Kipferon suppositories, as well as gynoflor vaginal tablets are used.

Video: Cervical diseases in the presence of human papillomavirus. Cervical treatment methods

Prevention of cervicitis

The most important preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of cervicitis are proper hygienic care of the external genitalia and the use of condoms during sexual intercourse. Properly selected contraceptives help avoid abortion, possible injury to the cervix and infection. It is necessary to treat intestinal and urological diseases in a timely manner.

In recent years, there has been a pronounced tendency towards an increase in cases of female infertility. Many patients are faced with the fact that the cause of reproductive system problems is inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Most often, doctors have to treat cervicitis. This pathology is extremely dangerous because in the initial stages of development it is almost impossible to suspect it: up to 90% of cases are detected during a random examination. That is why doctors recommend devoting more time to the rules of individual prevention and carefully taking care of your health.

What is cervicitis of the cervix

Cervicitis is an inflammatory disease of an infectious or non-infectious nature, which is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix. Women of any age suffer from this pathology, but there are also vulnerable groups of the population:

  • teenagers during the period of menstruation;
  • pregnant women;
  • persons who have undergone surgery in the cervical area;
  • patients after radiation or chemotherapy.

"Cervix" in Latin means cervix, and the ending "itis" means inflammation. That is why pathology is called this way.

With cervicitis, the mucous membrane is affected

What types of disease are there?

Classification of cervicitis according to the nature of the course:

  • acute (intensive increase in symptoms over 1–2 days);
  • subacute (smooth onset, duration 2–4 weeks);
  • chronic (smoothed course for more than six months with periodic deterioration).

Types of disease according to the reason that caused it:

  • infectious (pathogenic microflora such as fungi, protozoa, bacteria, viruses);
  • non-infectious (triggered by injury, radiation, taking pharmaceuticals, poisoning).

Classification of infectious cervicitis according to the nature of microorganisms:

  • nonspecific - under the influence of microbes that normally live in the human body (Candida, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli);
  • specific - when pathogens are introduced into the body that are not found in a healthy person (chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, amoeba, herpes virus).

Varieties of the disease according to the localization of the focus of altered cells:

  • endocervicitis (inner surface of the cervix);
  • exocervicitis (outer part of the cervix).

Classification of pathology according to morphological changes in the mucous membrane:

  • cystic (formation of cavities containing clear liquid);
  • lymphocytic (infiltration of the mucosa by lymphocyte cells);
  • atrophic (death of the upper layer of soft tissue with the formation of inflammatory segments);
  • herpetic (appearance of pathological rashes in the form of blisters).

Forms of the disease according to the severity of clinical manifestations:

  • minimal (virtually no symptoms);
  • moderate (more intense symptoms);
  • maximum (intoxication of the body and severe damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix).

Video: doctor talks about the disease

Why does cervicitis occur?

The inflammatory process is formed against the background of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses or fungi) into the mucous membrane. They enter the human body through unprotected sexual intercourse, using other people's hygiene products, or from another source of infection (carious tooth, abscess, phlegmon). Gradually, microbes multiply and accumulate, forming toxins. This contributes to the formation of pathological discharge. If cervicitis is non-infectious, the mucous membrane is affected mainly mechanically.

Factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • promiscuity;
  • performing surgical procedures, dressings and manipulations in the cervical area;
  • difficult childbirth with ruptures or abortions with curettage of the mucous membrane;
  • intrauterine contraceptive devices (spiral);
  • scar deformities;
  • intense sexual intercourse;
  • abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • primary or secondary immune deficiencies;
  • uncontrolled use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs;
  • obesity and sedentary lifestyle;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disruption of normal blood circulation in the vessels of the lower half of the body ().

The main symptomatic manifestations of the pathology

Cervicitis in 90% of cases develops gradually. Signs of the disease slowly and steadily increase, forcing the patient to seek medical help. If you have not encountered a similar illness before, it will be extremely difficult to suspect it yourself. Cervicitis is characterized by:

  1. Formation of pathological discharge. They are toxic products of the activity of microorganisms in combination with dying cells of the mucous membrane. The discharge is yellow, brown or green in color and may contain blood in case of massive vascular damage. The smell and consistency depend on the pathogenic microflora that caused the inflammatory process.
  2. Pain during sexual intercourse and increased sensitivity. The soft tissues of the vagina and cervix react sharply to even minor impacts, which causes women discomfort. With physical exertion or stress, this symptom intensifies. Painful sensations of aching and pulling nature may also be present at rest, which is an unfavorable prognostic sign.
  3. Swelling and redness of soft tissues. When the inflammatory process moves beyond the cervix, the mucous membrane of the vagina and external genitalia is affected. They turn red and increase in size, which also indicates an acute course of the pathology.
  4. The syndrome of general intoxication is typical for massive lesions of the cervix. Patients complain of fever up to 38–39 degrees, periodic chills, weakness, sleep disturbances, headaches and dizziness. 70% of victims experience nausea and vomiting not associated with meals. Doctors explain this as the body's reaction to damage to soft tissues under the influence of microbial toxins.

Photo gallery: changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix with cervicitis

Damage to the cervix is ​​accompanied by pathological discharge During the inflammatory process, protrusion of the mucous membrane occurs Upon examination, you can see redness and swelling of the soft tissues due to inflammation

Cervicitis and pregnancy

The inflammatory process in the cervix is ​​a serious threat not only for those who want to become a mother, but also for women who are already bearing offspring. During pregnancy, intense hormonal changes occur in a girl's body, as a result of which the immune system becomes more vulnerable to harmful environmental factors. Even fleeting contact with pathogenic bacteria, fungi or viruses is sufficient for infection.

Cervicitis during pregnancy is much more severe: women experience intense pain in the uterus and vagina, and the child behaves extremely restlessly. The placenta (baby place), through which the baby receives nutrients, is also permeable to most pathogenic microorganisms. This often leads to infection of the fetus and various complications of pregnancy and childbirth:

  • miscarriage: spontaneous abortions and miscarriages in late and early stages;
  • placental insufficiency and oxygen deficiency;
  • labor abnormalities (low or high uterine tone);
  • delayed growth and development of the child.

Methods for diagnosing cervicitis of the cervix

If you suspect an inflammatory process, you should immediately seek help from the hospital. At the initial examination, only changes in the external and internal genital organs (swelling, redness, presence of discharge) can be detected. Symptoms of cervicitis are similar to other diseases:

  • candidiasis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • colpitis;
  • endometritis;
  • syphilis;
  • herpes virus.

Do not forget that 4 hours before visiting the doctor and taking tests, it is forbidden to wash or douche the vagina, as this contributes to the appearance of unreliable results. I participated in the treatment of a patient whom doctors were unable to diagnose in time for this reason. An hour before going to the gynecologist, the victim douched her vagina with an antiseptic solution. This led to the destruction of most of the secretions contaminated with microbes. The smear data showed a negative result, while in fact the woman had chronic cervicitis. It was possible to identify the disease several months later, when the symptoms became more than obvious.

Methods used to confirm the diagnosis:

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have been suffering from symptoms of a disease that resembles cervicitis for a long time, you need to visit a gynecologist. It is he who will prescribe all the necessary examinations and help confirm or refute the diagnosis. In the event that there is no such doctor, it is permissible to visit a dermatovenerologist and take smears in his office, which reveal pathogenic microflora.

Various treatment options for the disease

Therapy for cervicitis begins with the use of medications. For uncomplicated forms of the disease, doctors use gentle remedies that are easily excreted by the kidneys and utilized by the liver. If the disease exists in the body for quite a long time, more powerful and heavier drugs are used that have maximum effect. In cases where cervicitis cannot be treated with medication, doctors decide on the need for surgery. During the recovery stages, physiotherapeutic procedures of various types are widely used.

Use of Pharmaceuticals

Drug therapy for cervicitis involves the use of medications that eliminate symptoms and are responsible for fighting the pathogen. The first group includes etiotropic drugs, most of which are sold only with a doctor's prescription. Many of the medications are used for topical administration in the form of ointments, gels, suppositories, and douching solutions.

Do not forget that the duration of the therapeutic course and the specifics of the use of medications are determined only by a gynecologist. Self-administration can lead to uncontrollable consequences.

Drugs for etiotropic treatment of cervicitis:

  1. Antibiotics are used to fight bacteria that cause inflammation. They contribute to the death of harmful microbes and prevent their further development. Most often, Keflex, Claforan, Rocephin, Fortum, Vancomycin, Augmentin, Rondomycin, Tienam, Teicoplanin, Primaxin, Imipenem, Caten, Cefoperazone, Ceftriaxone, Ceclor, Cefalotin, Maxipim, Vancocin, Chloramphenicol, Sintomycin, Tobramycin are used for this purpose.
  2. Antiviral agents destroy viral microflora and strengthen the body's immunity. These include Oxolin, Metisazone, Saquinavir, Poludan, Megosin, Cycloferon, Foscanet, Neviapine, Stavudi, Zerit, Azidothymidine, Midantan, Arbidol.
  3. Antifungal drugs kill various fungi, which also cause the development of cervicitis. For this purpose, Miconazole, Pimafucin, Griseofulvin, Natamycin, Naftifin, Fetimin, Nitrofungin, Batrafen, Ciclopirox, Clotrimazole, Decamine, Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Nizoral are used.

Photo gallery: etiotropic drugs to combat cervical inflammation

Augmentin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic to fight bacteria Cycloferon causes the death of viruses and strengthens the immune system Pimafucin effectively fights fungus

Means for the symptomatic treatment of cervicitis:

  1. Douching solutions cleanse the vagina of excess secretions and prepare it for the introduction of suppositories or creams. This group includes the antiseptics Furacilin, potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs help fight itching, burning, pathological discharge and swelling. Some of them also have an analgesic effect. The most commonly used are Tamoxifen, Nurofen, Ibuklin, Ortofen, Aspirin, Naproxen, Naprosyn, Indomethacin, Methindol, Ponstan.
  3. Medicines to normalize the microflora of the vaginal mucosa are used together with etiotropic therapy. They revive beneficial bacteria that independently eliminate the infection. For this purpose, Vaginorm-S, Atsilakt, Lactonorm, Lactobacterrin, Vagilak are used.

Photo gallery: symptomatic treatment of cervicitis

Nurofen reduces pain Vagilak softens the mucous membrane Chlorhexidine has antiseptic properties

Table: physiotherapy to combat the disease

Procedure nameWhat is the essence of treatment?Number of procedures and their durationMain effects of use
InductothermyApplication of magnetic fields of various frequencies and intensities7–10 in 1 monthReducing inflammation and pain
AcupunctureInserting thin needles into certain areas of the patient’s body to a depth of several centimeters5–6 within six monthsImproving the processes of regeneration and healing of the wound surface due to the formation of new cells
MassagesPoint mechanical impact on the lumbar and pubic area with rubbing movementsOn an ongoing basisStimulation of blood circulation and lymph outflow from the pelvic area
Conducting electrical current through connected sensorsUp to 30 procedures per yearRelieving swelling of soft tissues, relaxing the muscles of the perineum
Using a sound wave with a specific length20 procedures over 6 monthsDeath of remaining pathogenic microorganisms
Electrophoresis with medicationsIntroduction of a pharmaceutical drug into the body using current10–14 for 3 monthsFaster distribution of the drug in tissues

Photo gallery: physiotherapy used in the inflammatory process

Ultrasound therapy causes the death of many microbes Drug electrophoresis allows you to quickly and effectively introduce the desired drug into tissues UHF therapy effectively combats the manifestations of the disease

Surgical treatment of cervicitis of the cervix

If conservative therapy does not bring the expected result within several months, doctors decide to perform one operation or another. Indications for this type of treatment are:

  • long-term pain syndrome;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • large affected area.

There are several types of surgery that differ in their technique:

  1. Application of laser cauterization. Laser beams are directed into the area where the inflammatory focus is located. They destroy damaged cells and cause the formation of a dense scab on the surface of the mucous membrane, under which healing occurs. The cauterization itself is performed under anesthesia and lasts from 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Cryosurgical procedure. A special device containing liquid nitrogen is inserted into the vagina. Its temperature is extremely low, as a result of which the device itself cools and cauterizes soft tissue. The procedure is carried out in 2 stages with a difference of 3-5 minutes, which allows you to destroy dead areas. Recovery from this treatment method is faster, which is associated with less damage to the mucous membrane.

Traditional recipes as an aid

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor in the near future, and the symptoms of cervicitis continue to cause inconvenience, it is permissible to use decoctions, infusions and baths based on medicinal plants and herbs. Many of them have an extremely low cost and are sold in any pharmacy, which makes such methods very popular. But do not forget that almost all folk remedies have a temporary effect and do not help get rid of the cause of cervicitis - pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, doctors prohibit traditional treatment.

Traditional recipes, like medications, have contraindications for use. Most often in my practice I have encountered the phenomena of individual intolerance to a particular substance. One woman who suffered from inflammation of the cervix, on the recommendation of a friend, decided to douche with a solution of celandine. After preparing the product and washing the vagina, within a few minutes she developed Quincke's edema. This is an acute allergic reaction to the components of the mixture, which is accompanied by redness of the soft tissues and a sharp spasm of the vocal cords. It was possible to save the patient from death only thanks to the administration of adrenaline. That is why all doctors advise first to test your sensitivity to the substance by applying a small amount to the skin. If there is no reaction, it is permissible to continue using this method.

The most popular folk recipes for combating cervicitis:

  1. Mix 100 grams of chopped plantain with the same amount of burdock. Place the resulting powder in a bowl of boiling water and wait until it cools to an acceptable temperature. Immerse your lower body in this bath and spend 10-15 minutes in it. Plantain in combination with burdock have pronounced healing properties and eliminate existing cracks and tears in the mucous membrane. It is recommended to use this method 2-5 times a week before bed.
  2. Grate the bar of laundry soap on a fine grater and pour into a clean jar. Stir one tablespoon of chips in a container with 0.5 liters of warm water. Draw the solution into a syringe and rinse the vagina several times. Laundry soap creates an environment unfavorable for the reproduction and further growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The danger of frequent use of such a remedy is that it dries out the mucous membrane: that is why it is used once a week.
  3. Dissolve 50 grams of calendula in a glass of boiling water and cover with a saucer. After 10–15 minutes, remove the remaining raw materials using a sieve and draw the solution into a syringe. Rinse several times. Calendula is the best natural anti-inflammatory remedy that relieves swelling, relieves itching and unpleasant discharge. The procedure should be performed daily before bed to achieve maximum results.

Photo gallery: basic folk remedies to combat the disease

Plantain improves soft tissue regeneration Soap creates an alkaline environment where germs die
Calendula reduces inflammation

Treatment prognosis and possible complications of pathology

Any inflammatory diseases pose a serious threat to the body, since microbes are easily transferred through the bloodstream to other places. That is why, with a long course of cervicitis without specific therapy, various complications arise. On average, it takes from 2 to 7 months to treat such an illness, and it takes several years to completely restore and rehabilitate the body. The success of therapy largely depends on the age of the victim, the presence of other acute or chronic infections (ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, syphilis, genital herpes).

Doctors advise postponing pregnancy for several years after suffering from cervicitis. This will allow the female body to adapt to the stress and bear a healthy baby.

Compliance with a special regime during treatment plays an important role. I have encountered one patient who suffered from manifestations of chronic cervicitis for 2 years. The doctor prescribed a course of therapy, consisting of taking medications and suppositories inserted into the vagina. During the treatment period, it was necessary to maintain sexual rest so as not to irritate the mucous membrane and not cause additional infection. Unfortunately, the patient did not comply with this rule, as a result of which another partner infected her with gonorrhea. In damaged tissues, pathogenic microorganisms began to develop much more actively, and inflammation spread to neighboring areas. The woman was urgently taken to the gynecology department and operated on. Due to the infection, adhesions formed over several years - areas of connective substance that disrupted the normal process of conception. The patient was unable to get pregnant on her own for a long time, after which she resorted to in vitro fertilization surgery.

What complications may occur in patients with cervicitis:

  • reproductive dysfunction (temporary or permanent infertility);
  • the formation of polyps - growths on the mucous membrane of the uterus;
  • the formation of acute or chronic urinary tract infection (cystitis, urethritis,);
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • transition of the inflammatory process to the uterine cavity (myometritis, endometritis) or to the area of ​​the ovaries and tubes;
  • the occurrence of septic shock when microbes penetrate the systemic bloodstream and their further migration throughout the body.

Photo gallery: unpleasant consequences of cervicitis

A polyp is a protrusion of the mucous membrane into the lumen The adhesive process leads to female infertility Cystitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder Erosion is damage to the cellular layer in the cervical area

How to protect yourself from illness

Cervicitis is a fairly common pathology that leads to disruption of the reproductive functions of the female body. That is why many obstetrician-gynecologists make its prevention their direct task. For this purpose, anonymous health rooms are being created at various hospitals and clinics, where everyone can get a full consultation on an issue of interest and get tested.

While studying at medical university, I had the opportunity to participate in organizing seminars in gynecology, which were devoted to the problem of early infertility. For this, doctors selected more than 200 case histories of patients aged 18 to 30 years old who could not have children for some reason. During the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that 60% of them suffered from acute or chronic cervicitis, but did not consult a doctor. Doctors decided to organize a portable gynecological service in the form of a car with special equipment, where each patient can undergo examination. In the first few months, such a machine traveled to a couple of dozen schools, colleges and universities; many girls were able to get tested without any unnecessary queues. Using this method, many cases of cervicitis at the initial stage were identified, and specific treatment and restoration of reproductive health were started. After six months, almost all the patients were able to forget about the existing problem once and for all and have healthy offspring. Doctors decided to arrange such checks in combination with an annual preventive medical examination, which made it possible to detect other inflammatory diseases.

Rules for individual prevention of cervicitis:

  1. Choose the right way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Most inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system are a consequence of abortion. During these procedures, the mucous membrane is significantly damaged and sensitivity to microbial influences increases. That is why doctors strongly advise avoiding such interventions. To protect against unwanted pregnancy, suppositories, implants, the Nuvaring ring, hormonal contraceptives in pill form or condoms are used. The latter are recommended for use during sexual intercourse with a new partner: latex reliably protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation in the cervix.
  2. Follow the rules of personal hygiene. During menstruation, it is necessary to change the tampon or pad every 2-3 hours to prevent the development of bacteria in the thick layer of cotton wool. In the morning and evening, you need to wash your face using gentle intimate hygiene products. This will allow you to maintain cleanliness of the perineum and external genitalia throughout the day.
  3. Don't forget to watch your diet. An abundance of fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods is a serious blow to the body. Many sweets, savory snacks, carbonated drinks, processed foods and fast food contain harmful additives and flavor enhancers that slow down your metabolism. That is why patients with such a diet have a much greater predisposition to the development of inflammatory diseases. Doctors advise eating small portions and eating a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals and lean meats, dairy products.
  4. Play sports and try to lead an active lifestyle. Constantly being in a forced position causes blood stagnation in the pelvic area. Various exercises help improve fluid circulation through the vessels, as a result of which the organs of the reproductive system receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. It is recommended to exercise in the gym 2-3 times a week, or choose another sport for yourself: swimming, tennis, active ball games. An alternative is dancing, yoga, and gymnastics. If you don’t have any time to visit the gym, you need to set aside 5-10 minutes during the day and do a light warm-up.

Cervicitis is an inflammatory process in the vaginal segment of the cervix. Cervicitis, the symptoms of which are characterized by purulent or mucous discharge, pain in the lower abdomen (pulling or dull), pain in sexual intercourse and urination.

Protracted chronic cervicitis leads to the development of erosion, thickening of the cervix, and the spread of infection to the upper parts of the genital apparatus.

By its structure, the cervix serves as a barrier that prevents infection from entering the uterus. Under certain factors, its protective function is disrupted, which leads to the entry of foreign microflora into this area, thereby promoting the development of inflammation - cervicitis of the cervix.

Most often, the disease occurs in women aged 18 to 45 years who are sexually active. However, many infected women do not undergo the necessary treatment, since the symptoms of cervicitis may be hidden.


Why does cervicitis occur, and what is it? In order for a woman to develop this disease, it is necessary to introduce various pathogenic microflora into the genitals: E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasmas and other microorganisms. They are able to enter the cervix through contact pathways, through the blood and lymph or from the rectum; specific microflora is transmitted sexually.

In most cases, cervicitis of the cervix occurs due to the presence of vaginal sexually transmitted infections:,. Inflammation of the cervix can also be provoked by herpetic genital infections, or. In addition, mechanical irritants can also accompany the onset of the disease, such as injuries to the cervix after abortion, childbirth, or due to other injuries.

Cervicitis rarely occurs in isolation; usually its development is accompanied by other pathologies of the reproductive system: vaginitis, ectropion, pseudo-erosions of the cervix. To avoid complications, you need to think in time about how to treat cervicitis and what medications will be required for this.

Cervicitis symptoms

The disease can occur in two ways. The first is without symptoms, the second is with the manifestation of certain signs. In most cases, the severity of the clinic depends on the causative agent of the infectious process.

With a mild form of cervicitis, a woman may not notice any symptoms at all. There may be periodic appearance of small vaginal discharge, which is predominantly mucous in nature.

Main features cervicitis of the cervix:

  • weak aching;
  • pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • rare bloody discharge from the vagina, sometimes mixed with pus;
  • cloudy mucous discharge from the vagina, regardless of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation.

With cervicitis of the cervix, there are more pronounced symptoms - bleeding, itching in the genital area, pain or discharge with blood during intercourse, burning during urination. In addition, a woman with cervicitis experiences periodic and uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen. If acute cervicitis is severe, then it is possible to observe an increase in body temperature, dizziness, nausea or vomiting.

If a woman has developed gonorrheal cervicitis, the discharge becomes yellow in color; with trichomoniasis, it becomes foamy. The human papillomavirus can cause the formation of condylomas and cervical ulcerations of various sizes.

Treatment of acute cervicitis is carried out using antibiotics. And if the cause of the disease is gonococci, then treatment of both partners will be required. Cervicitis untreated at this stage becomes a protracted chronic process. The discharge becomes cloudy and mucous. In the chronic stage, signs of inflammation (swelling, hyperemia) are less pronounced.

During pregnancy

Cervicitis during pregnancy can turn into a rather serious problem for both the woman and her child. With an infectious course of the disease, there is a high probability of infection of the fetus during childbirth.

It is extremely difficult to treat cervicitis during pregnancy due to the fact that many antibacterial agents negatively affect the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to cure cervicitis before the start of pregnancy, so that there are no various pathological changes in the fetus.

Chronic cervicitis

If acute cervicitis is not treated properly or not treated at all, after one or two weeks the acute phenomena subside, and the inflammation acquires the features of a chronic process.

Symptoms of chronic cervicitis may include occasional aching pain in the lower abdomen and mucous discharge from the vagina. Chronic infection poses a great danger to a woman’s health, since due to untimely treatment, the walls of the cervix become thicker, which can cause cancer, infertility and dysplasia in the genital area in question.

Purulent cervicitis

This is an inflammatory process in the columnar epithelium, as well as subepithelial damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix and any area that is adjacent to the columnar epithelium.

Its main manifestations:

  • profuse (mixed with pus), unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge;
  • uterine bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • , malaise (in rare cases).

If a woman has purulent cervicitis, it can almost certainly be said that her partner has urethritis, caused by a similar type of pathogen.

Cervicitis - treatment

First, you should identify the cause of the disease, and then prescribe a comprehensive treatment for cervicitis. To do this, a woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist, tested for sexually transmitted infections, bacterial flora of the vagina, as well as standard blood and urine tests. It is worth noting that if an STI is detected, the sexual partner must also undergo testing.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • prescribing antibiotics after identifying the pathogen.
  • local anti-inflammatory, analgesic therapy.
  • restoration of vaginal microflora.
  • physiotherapy.

For chlamydial cervicitis, tetracycline antibiotics (doxycycline), quinolones, and macrolides (erythromycin) are indicated. For candidal cervicitis, antifungal agents (itraconazole, fluconazole) are used. In the treatment of cervicitis, combined local drugs are widely used.

After the acute stage of the disease subsides, it is possible to use local methods of treating cervicitis. Candles (terzhinan) and creams are good for this. Thus, cervicitis of the cervix requires long-term and thorough treatment so that it does not become chronic and is completely cured.

In rare cases, if a woman’s cervicitis does not go away after a course of antibiotics, cauterization of the inflamed areas is performed.

Preventive measures

Prevention of cervicitis is, first of all, timely treatment of endocrine disorders, prevention of abortions, personal hygiene and exclusion of sexually transmitted infections.

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