Amulet black sun symbolism meaning. Black Slavic sun. The history of the amulet

Humanity has long used various amulets in everyday life. Magic rituals required a variety of devices. So, one of the most powerful and hidden signs is the black sun. The meaning of this symbol among the Slavs is difficult to overestimate. Wearing it indicated belonging to a special caste - the owner of the amulet was a priest. The essence of the amulet is connection with the otherworldly and mystical, because since ancient times this sign belonged to the world of Navi.


This name was given to the universe in which higher beings and spirits lived. The path there was inaccessible to a living ordinary person. The exception was magicians and priests, the first owners of such a talisman as the black sun. What this sign means, advises or orders - all this was conveyed to the people by those “endowed with knowledge”, those who had access to the entrance to


Nowadays, it is not known exactly how this amulet appeared. It is only known that initially the symbol could not be found in everyday life, since only magicians had the right to use and store it.

However, approximately 5 thousand years ago, dark times came on earth, what is today called Svarog’s Night. To give strength to the human race and provide it with the opportunity to survive, the priests allowed the people to use what was previously hidden from them - the most powerful amulets came out to protect society. One of them turned out to be a black sun.

What this gift means can be judged by the fact that our people were able to withstand these terrible times, defeating the night. Since those times, everyone could use the amulet, but it was not very popular. This is explained simply: the people were too afraid of the strong connection of the amulet with the world of spirits, which was always inherent in it.

Nowadays, the black sun (the meaning of this amulet among the Slavs was quite clear) was widely used by the Nazis. So, it is known for sure that this sign was inscribed in one of the halls of Wewelsburg Castle. It was placed on the floor by Hitler's henchmen in the hope of receiving help from the secret world of spirits.

However, the fact that the amulet was used for evil purposes does not make the symbol itself negative. This only makes one think about his strength and capabilities.


The meaning of the black sun among the Slavs is connection with the otherworldly. The wearer of the amulet could interact with the bright world of Navi through a unique channel provided by the sign. The connection with the ancestors of such a person was noticeably strengthened.

Moreover, in this context, these are not just blood relatives, but the personification of connections with deceased representatives of the human race in general.

Magicians who use the black sun, whose meaning among the Slavs is a connecting thread with the otherworldly, received higher knowledge and a surge of energy from such communication. However, the symbol had to be used extremely carefully - a person who did not respect his roots and did what was unacceptable for his ancestors risked losing his soul.

Since this amulet has such enormous power, it cannot be used thoughtlessly, because it is easy to harm yourself. Without special knowledge, you should not take risks - it is better to choose other symbols that have less energy.


Black sun - what does this amulet mean among the Slavs? First of all, a channel for communication with ancestors, built on the idea of ​​meaning the basis of the world, the cycle of all things. Experts in this field conclude that three Kolovrat are used simultaneously in the image of the dark luminary, which greatly increases the power of the amulet.

Each circle has a special meaning and its own essence:

  • The first is formation: the birth and organization of everything new in life.
  • The second is being: the location and existence of beings in the world.
  • The third is passing: this circle symbolizes the end of the path.

Considering that the last Kolovrat does not end the cycle of circles, but closes all three together, we are most likely talking about the infinity of existence in different worlds.

The amulet is endowed with such a structure for a reason: the three Kolovrat make it possible to easily expand the human line of understanding, allowing it to the most intimate knowledge.

The black sun (the meaning of this symbol among the Slavs also leads to strengthening the connection with the clan) is also capable of revealing a person’s talents, since the amulet seeks to rid the soul of incorrect knowledge and thoughts. It is believed that the sign makes it possible to realize one’s own potential and capabilities. The distortion of the expanded consciousness does not occur because the dark sun eliminates false illusions and erroneous knowledge, opening the way to further self-improvement and development.

The Black Sun is an ambiguous and even mysterious symbol. Some see him as a protector and helper, others see him as evil and dark forces. What is indisputable is that this sign is considered one of the most powerful esoteric symbols. This was previously used by priests - it was applied to jewelry, magical attributes, or to the skin in the form of a tattoo. In addition to our ancestors, the sign is also found among other peoples: the Celts and.

Today the Black Sun is available to everyone, but improper use of such a powerful talisman can lead to undesirable consequences. Can a common person wear this amulet, and why? After reading our article, you will understand the true meaning of the sacred sign and its application, which means you will protect yourself from unwanted

turn of events.

The Black Sun is a symbol with twelve rays, the upper edges of which close in a circle.

Externally, the sign of the Black Sun looks like a wheel with many spokes. They are called rays. Traditionally, this symbol has as many as 12 rays and they all point in the same direction. Which one depends on the method of making the amulet. For example, a through decoration will have two directions of rotation, while a regular one will have only one.

The rays themselves are more like lightning. Their upper edges close into a circle encircling the rays, and the lower ones seem to hit the ground - into a small circle in the center. In this case, the rays do not break off, but are connected to each other at one point.

According to some experts, this ancient sign came from the union of three Kolovrat, where each had its own meaning:

  • the emergence of something new and its development;
  • the existence of all life on earth;
  • completing the final period and combining all stages into one whole;

The general meaning of the Kolovrat boils down to the eternal triumph of the sun.

History of the appearance of the symbol

Black Sun sign at Wewelsburg Castle on the floor of the Obergruppenführer Hall.

The Black Sun symbol is complex and ambiguous. It is impossible to say with certainty that we understand its real meaning, because it is almost impossible to put together a complete picture. We can only create an approximate image of the sun sign, relying on pieces of ancient knowledge that have survived to this day.

Today, many are afraid of this symbol, associating it with the Nazis. This is due to the fact that Hitler and his followers actively used some swastika symbols, including this occult sign, in their ideology.

Attempts to understand the heritage of ancestors and use them to achieve their goals only led to the fact that the meaning of the original sources was distorted. Many of them are still misinterpreted to this day. But there is nothing wrong with the Black Sun. Many occultists of the twentieth century spoke about this, including the famous Helena Blavatsky. She, like many other followers of secret teachings, considered the Black Sun to be the center of the Universe, without which the existence of life would be impossible.

The meaning of the amulet among the Slavs and other peoples

The main meaning of the amulet, which has survived to this day, is communication with deceased relatives. Not only with loved ones - parents, grandparents, but with ancestors in a broader sense. Like magic, the symbol helps to connect with all representatives of the people and ancestors.

This property of the amulet helps to receive support, acquire the knowledge of previous generations and the opportunity to receive instructions from them in the form of signs on the path of life.

The Black Sun among the Slavs has a more global meaning. In addition to the connection with the Family, it ensures the growth of magical power. Therefore, the sign will become a useful assistant during various rituals.

The main meaning of the Black Sun amulet is connection with ancestors.

Among other things that are attributed to this sacred symbol:

  • recognition of deceitful speeches of the interlocutor;
  • cleansing in energy terms, the beginning of a new, clean stage of life;
  • manifestation and improvement of hidden talents;
  • assistance in spiritual development;
  • destruction of obstacles on the way to the chosen goal (provided that it does not carry negativity).

The general meaning of the Black Sun as a talisman comes down to protection from dark forces. Almost all Slavic amulets have this property. However, at the same time, this sign is considered navi, because it establishes a connection with the dead and develops magical power, so it must be used with caution.

Who is suitable for the Black Sun sign?

In the past, the Black Sun was worn only by a select few - people with special abilities. Those who had great magical power and also had the ability to control their gift. Priests used attributes with this sign for their secret activities, but over time the sign became available to ordinary people.

However, you should not use it as a simple decoration, because it has great potential. It is best used where the ancient Slavs used it - in the field of magic.

But in ordinary life, such a talisman can also be useful - it promotes an increase in spiritual strength and helps to feel the support of the Family. Due to its powerful energy, the sign is recommended for wearing by men. But this is not an exclusively masculine sign, such as. Women can wear it, but it is not advisable - especially those who have a strong character. Such a talisman will also have a destructive effect on a child’s aura, so it is better not to give them such a gift.

How to choose and use a talisman

Usually amulets are worn around the neck, as a pendant. This method of using protective attributes was greatly loved by our ancestors, and it remains relevant today. This pendant can be easily hidden from strangers or removed for cleaning. Yes, and you can wear it both in summer and winter.

The Black Sun symbol is perfect for applying to a ring.

The Black Sun can also be hung around the neck. It is best to make or buy a talisman from the most magical metal - silver. It accumulates strength well and transmits positive energy to its owner. In addition, it protects from evil. But for this symbol there is an even more effective way of wearing it - a ring or ring.

It is believed that a ring is best suited for this symbol. Moreover, the effect of the talisman will vary depending on which finger the ring is worn on:

  • A ring on the index finger is perfect for leaders. He will help them establish their leadership positions and make wise decisions.
  • Those who have poor self-control should put a ring on their middle finger. Thanks to this amulet, a person will become more restrained and thoughtful.
  • The Black Sun on the ring finger is recommended for married men. Preservation of family values, coupled with the continuation of the traditions of the family, is what its owners will receive.
  • Creative people should think about buying a pinky ring.

The Black Sun helps those who are pure in soul, but it can also punish. Those who do not respect their family, do not honor the traditions of the nation and live ignoring their conscience will only receive troubles and misfortunes from this symbol.

However you wear your talisman, remember to use it wisely. Treat the heritage of antiquity with respect, believe in its power and regularly clean the jewelry. This is the key to its positive impact on your life.

Tattoo with the Black Sun symbol

The Black Sun tattoo is a good alternative for those who do not like to wear jewelry.

Nowadays tattoos have gained particular popularity. Many people enjoy applying designs to their skin to decorate it. The Black Sun tattoo is a good alternative for those who do not like to wear jewelry. In this case, you don’t have to worry that the talisman will one day be lost or worn out over time. There is no need to charge the tattoos either - cleansing will occur on its own when a person takes water procedures.

The meaning of a tattoo is practically no different from an amulet in a more classic form - a pendant or ring. In the form of a tattoo, this sign will bring its owner protection from dark forces, enlightenment and help from the Family. Almost any part of the body is suitable for applying a body image - wrist, forearm, elbow, neck or lower back. Where to get a tattoo is up to you. But it is better if it is hidden from the views of strangers.

When getting a tattoo, remember that the Black Sun has the power to burn away negativity. It will not only destroy the evil around you, but can also “burn” you if you yourself turn out to be the source of negativity. To prevent this from happening, you need to live in accordance with the laws of nature and honor the traditions of your ancestors. A talisman with the sun will not harm a kind, purposeful and life-loving person.

A powerful esoteric symbol is the black sun. It is depicted on personal belongings, magical instruments, and is applied to the skin in the form of a tattoo. Such a sacred sign in the right hands is of great importance and can become a faithful assistant in any life situation. The main thing is to know how to wear and use the amulet correctly, because it is not suitable for everyone.

The origin story of the black sun

It is not known exactly how the black sun amulet appeared. In ancient times, the symbol was used only by priests and magicians. About 5 thousand years ago, a difficult time came when the solar system passed through the spaces of the Dark Worlds. To give people resilience and help them survive, the priests taught the common people to use the black sun amulet. With its help, the Slavs were able to defeat the night, and the amulet became known to everyone.

Today, the symbol of the black sun can be seen in one of the halls of Wewelsburg Castle. The Nazis inflicted it in the hope of enlisting the support of the spirit world. Despite this, the amulet is not considered negative.

This symbol appears in some literary works:

  • “The Secret Doctrine” by E. Balavatskaya;
  • works by M. Serrano;
  • works by V. Landing.

In 1991, a novel by the German journalist S. Megle-Stadel was published, which was based on the sign of the Black Sun, personifying a swastika with 12 rays. Today in the Russian Federation, esoteric ideas around this amulet are studied by the White Traditions community. The dark luminary is one of the symbols of the Azov volunteer regiment in Ukraine.

What does the symbol look like?

The classic amulet of the dark luminary is a wheel with 12 curved rays. Some experts suggest that the image of the black sun is based on the simultaneous use of three Kolovrat, which are ancient Slavic signs and personify the eternity of the sun. Each of them has its own meaning:

  • the first is the birth of novelty, its formation and structure;
  • the second means being;
  • the third symbolizes the end of the path and closes all circles with each other.

Other researchers find in the drawing of the dark luminary elements of the Slavic analogues of the zodiac horoscope. Runologists believe that this symbol includes the Soulu or Strength runes, which symbolize achieving the desired result at any cost. Today you can find a version of the image of a black luminary with different runes around the rays. Such a talisman must be used with extreme caution.

The meaning of the black sun amulet

There is not too much knowledge about the black sun. Most likely, the currently known properties of the amulet are not all the functions that it possesses. During the times of the Slavs, ordinary people used this symbol in very rare cases. It is known that it symbolized a strong connection with all deceased relatives. Therefore, magicians used the Slavic amulet to communicate with the other world, as well as for:

  1. choosing priorities along the way;
  2. concentration on spiritual development;
  3. distance from financial worries;
  4. breaking down barriers to success;
  5. protection from dark forces and black sorcerers.

It is believed that this sign helps to comprehend the truth, become wiser, and understand the hidden nature of many things. The black sun allows you to get rid of negativity, the burden of the past. Thanks to him, a person develops his hidden capabilities and finds peace of mind.

How to wear and who can use the amulet

To choose a black sun amulet, you need to understand for yourself what purposes it will be used for. A pendant that can be easily hidden under clothes will help you attract the power of your ancestors. For magical practice or religious rituals, a ring with the symbol of a dark luminary is suitable.

To make the talisman as effective as possible, it is recommended to wear a silver ring with the image of a black sun. And they put it on a specific finger:

  • little finger – passionate and creative people;
  • index – leaders and managers;
  • unnamed - married men;
  • average - individuals who cannot control themselves.

The black sun amulet imposes a certain responsibility on its owner. If a person does not honor his ancestors, does not respect his people and does not live according to his conscience, misfortune can overtake him. In this case, the owner of the talisman may lose his mind and even die.

It is important to monitor the condition of the amulet. The appearance of cracks and chips indicates a loss of its strength. In this case, you cannot use it.

How to Cleanse and Charge Black Sun

Regarding cleansing and charging the talisman, experts give the following advice:

  1. You can come up with a name for the amulet, putting the essence of your desire into it.
  2. It is important to choose the right day for cleansing and charging the black sun. It is better to do this on the waxing moon.
  3. You need to prepare for the ceremony yourself: put on clean clothes, take a bath. It is important to tune in to the ritual mentally.
  4. During the ritual, you need to pronounce words, addressing the spirits and Gods. They must come from the heart.

It is best to clean and charge the amulet with the help of the elements. Clean water is suitable for purification: river, stream. You need to keep the amulet in the water for several minutes. You can leave it overnight under the moon so that its light falls on the talisman. It is advised to bury an object in the ground for half an hour so that it absorbs bad energy.

It is recommended to keep it in the cold or in the refrigerator, this will help remove negativity and remove information. There is fire charging. It is carried out using a fire, sun or candle. After such cleansing, you need to thank the moon, earth, fire, water.

Meaning of black sun tattoo

Black sun tattoos are quite popular among men and women today. Similar drawings are found in prison culture. Thus, a luminary at sunrise means the desire for freedom. In ordinary life, the black sun can mean belonging to a certain group of people, hope for a bright future, it acts as a talisman against evil forces. Due to the intersection of some of its elements with the famous fascist swastika, it is worth thinking before decorating your body with a black sun. It will clearly attract the attention of others.

Some say that such tattoos are obtained by people who adhere to neo-Nazi views. Actually this is not true. A black sun tattoo can only be worn by a person with good intentions. It is of Slavic origin and was unjustifiably used by the soldiers of Hitler's Germany.

Most often, this pattern is placed on the arm or back. There is a black sun on the elbow, wrist, neck and lower back. There are a huge number of designs for such tattoos. The sun is combined with the moon, decorated with various ornaments, and combined with flowers, birds and animals.

How to make a talisman yourself

To make a talisman, you can use gold or silver, wood, paper or leather. It is best to do it at dawn on the summer solstice - June 22. It is advised to entrust the making of the amulet to a relative who has a warm relationship with the owner of the black sun.

After making it, you need to consecrate the amulet over a smoldering coal, on top of which dry herbs are poured: St. John's wort, chamomile, sage. The object should hang above the smoke for several minutes.

It is important to understand that the magic of the black sun has great strength and power. It must be used with extreme caution and great responsibility, otherwise the result may be disappointing.

The Slavs are a very ancient people who had a developed culture based on knowledge of the laws of nature. The Magi used various symbols, but did not always reveal their true essence to ordinary people.

The Black Sun symbol became known to the Slavic people about 5 thousand years ago. Before this, it was known only to the Magi, who carefully protected sacred knowledge from ordinary people. It was believed that only dedicated priests could make good use of this sign. Others can harm themselves and others if they begin to perform rituals without having the necessary knowledge and experience. However, at a certain time it became necessary to introduce the Black Sun into the world, the meaning of which is in the connection of each person with the souls of their ancestors, and not only in a straight line, but with everyone who belonged to the Aryan-Slavic civilization.

The danger of this ancient symbol is that its use by sinful people who do not live in honor and conscience can simply burn their souls. In this case, the resulting people are extremely cruel, with a distorted concept of the role of their kind in history. Some followers make a Black Sun tattoo on their body, without thinking about the possible consequences. If a person of pure blood does this, honoring the memory of his ancestors, then the symbol can help him become the leader of his people. If the tattoo is depicted by a cruel and evil person, he cannot avoid a crushing defeat.

The Black Sun symbol is a circle with 12 Zig runes enclosed in it. Ideally, such a sign burns out all false knowledge from the soul, leaving only neutral primary matter and shows the way to the Spiritual world. There is an ancient legend that says that this symbol and many others came from the North, from the Hyperboreans. In any case, there is plenty of evidence for this. In the 20th century, Hitler tried to use the swastika to establish the superiority of his nation over others, but such intentions led to his collapse. The Black Sun does not allow the triumph of such ideologies.

The black sun among the Slavs symbolizes the connection with the cosmic mind, one of the types of black energy. But you need to know how to use it, simply wearing an amulet with this symbol will not give any power and it is not dangerous. The Slavs knew the ritual of unity with the Black Sun, only by performing which can one expect some kind of effect on the human mind and body. It is known that the sign became known to ordinary people only when Svarog’s night approached - a dangerous period in the life of the ancient Slavs and only such a symbol could protect, since it gives strength to overcome troubles and bring the clan to a new stage of development. The priests taught many people how to use the amulet, so the knowledge has survived to this day.

The Black Sun symbol has more than one meaning. Like the sun, it promises rebirth from oblivion, but black light can lead a person’s thoughts and deeds to the side of darkness. Only those who are pure in soul and blood will receive full power.

You've probably seen this pattern more than once - a symmetrical, strict interweaving of broken lines inscribed in a circle. This is the Black Sun amulet, an ancient Slavic amulet that has enormous power and has survived to this day.

It is strong, but has a meaning that is difficult to understand, so it is not accessible to everyone. This symbol once belonged exclusively to priests and magicians, but today all people can use it.

A little history

This amulet can be used for protective purposes, at all times, in all situations. Ancestors will come to the rescue, you can count on their support. But for them to really help and protect, it’s worth knowing a few features.

In order for the amulet to “work” and its effect to help, a person must honor his ancestors. And not only parents, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, but ancestors – ancient, invisible and distant. A person must realize and feel his connection with the ancient tribes, and be proud of this connection, attach sacred significance to it. Know who he is, where he came from, and don’t forget his roots.

If a person does not respect his family, does not honor his parents and does not remember his roots, then this symbol will not only not help, but will also harm him. The power of the Black Sun should not be underestimated - it really connects the wearer with the ancestors, and nothing can be hidden from it.

It is believed that this amulet can only be worn by those whose blood is pure, that is, there are no impurities in it. However, this is an outdated requirement that applied to the ancient Slavs and was due to protection from conquerors.

A clear conscience and bright thoughts are the main requirement. If a person wears the Black Sun, but he has a bad conscience and his thoughts are dark, then the symbol will harm him.

It may seem like everything is too serious? Such is the Black Sun talisman - it has always been taken seriously, and it is worth doing so in our days. But he can provide immeasurable help!

The Black Sun has a main meaning - protective. He is able to protect in the most difficult times and help in hard times. Even in situations when it seems that nothing can be done and everything is very bad, the Black Sun will help. The amulet will not only protect and ward off trouble, it will also help you believe in your own strength, give optimism and add strength.

Another property of the talisman is to reveal the hidden strengths and reserves of its wearer. Mystical abilities, intuition, secret gifts - all this is enhanced, new opportunities appear, and you can reveal your potential.

For a person who goes to battle, this is a very necessary amulet. What does it mean today? Fighting problems, enemies and competitors, rivalry, any conflicts. But remember: the talisman will only help those on whose side the truth is and who are honest.

A very useful property of the Black Sun is that it helps you understand what is important and what is unimportant. In other words, it gives a state of awareness. A person becomes focused, begins to understand what deserves attention and what is not worth wasting time on. Consciousness crystallizes, becomes pure and cold.

This is a priceless gift that our ancestors left us. You need to use it wisely! Under no circumstances should the Black Sun be worn as a decoration or used for other purposes - difficulties may arise and failures may follow. If you want to sincerely and wholeheartedly ask for help and protection from your ancestors, do not hesitate to do so! The spirits of ancestors will always help and protect if you honor them, respect them and believe in their protection. Author: Vasilina Serova

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