What does the name Andrey mean? Andrey the meaning of the name is character and fate. The meaning of the name Andrey for sex

What a solid and strong name - Andrey! The secret of the name communicates the high energy that the owner of the name constantly feels.

The meaning of the name Andrey suggests the interpretation of something reliable, tough and domineering, active and joyful, therefore, its owner is faithful, hardy, self-confident, and stands out for his physical strength.

Andrei usually proudly bears his courageous and courageous nickname, showing himself to be a reliable friend, a terrifying opponent and an ardent lover.

According to statistical data, it has been established that the nickname was especially popular in Moscow in the 50-80s of the last century, then there was a decline in popularity. Now his rating is growing rapidly again.

Patronymics: Andreevich, Andreevna offer the following description of their owner: a friendly, hardworking, discriminating, eloquent person.

Would you name your child this name?

It can be assumed that its interpretation is “courageous”. The meaning of the nickname Andrei is based on the root of the word “andros” - husband, man. The origin of the name Andrey finds its roots in Ancient Greece.

It penetrated into Russian lands from Byzantium at a time when Christianity was introduced in Rus'. Therefore, it is not surprising that over so many centuries this name has become so familiar and traditional.

Among the prominent representatives of this name are the Holy Apostle A. the First-Called, the holy Prince A. Bogolyubsky, who was elevated to the rank of saints thanks to his piety and efforts for the needy and sick. He was the founder of the Bogolyubsky monastery near Vladimir, and later he was killed by his own servants.

Andrey can be proud of his origin, because he is the namesake of many famous outstanding personalities. The history of the name Andrei remembers such glorious people as Voznesensky, Gromyko, Kolmogorov, Makarevich, Mironov, Nikolaev, Rublev, Sakharov, Tarkovsky, Tikhonov Tupolev and others.

Name forms

Simple: Andrey Full: Andrey Affectionate: AndryushaVintage: Andrey

As a child, Andryusha is a restless, noisy and active child. Cunning and impressionable. During his school years he shows himself to be a capable student. As a teenager, he is independent and arrogant, surprising his classmates with his truthfulness. This young man is a fighter for justice, a defender of the weak.

The characteristics of the name Andrey endow an adult with determination and charm. Everyone likes him, easily makes new acquaintances, loves to be the center of attention in a cheerful company.

Andrey is responsible, takes any work seriously, and does not complain about difficulties. He has a desire to move forward: he does not sit still, but he will not take unnecessary risks.

He is not afraid to express his opinion to management and defend the interests of colleagues. Enjoys the respect of his superiors.

Getting acquainted with Andrei’s characteristics, we conclude that the man has literary talent and masters the art of oratory. Achieves success in creative professions - actor, writer, director, artist. Can also study natural sciences.

Andryusha is an optimist, he approaches everything with humor and fun. It turns out that he tries to be what those around him want to see him: an attentive son, a devoted friend, a passionate lover, an excellent student or a conscientious employee.

The character of the name Andrey is generous. He loves to give people positive emotions. However, if a person becomes his ill-wisher, the representative of the name shows himself from the completely opposite side. We do not recommend that you anger this man - it is unknown how it will all end. He is impulsive and unpredictable. His character is unstable.

Analyzing what the name Andrei means, we learn that the owner of this nickname is a clever, successful, and sometimes cruel person. The secret of the name reveals his entrepreneurial spirit, which contributes to Andrei’s achievements. He is characterized by a quick reaction to changing situations.

Andryusha is not simple, as others see him. He has a philosophical nature, enters into conversations with smart people, shares ideas. Andrey has a need to express himself.

Wants to be a leader in society. He is self-confident, and he only dreams of a quiet life.

The name Andrey describes a person who knows how to restrain his emotions and control his actions. Obligatory and punctual. Purposeful, always achieves his goals.

Representatives of the patronymic name Alexandrovich, Olegovich, Igorevich are conflict-prone and have a complex character.

Character traits










Girls complain about this guy's inconstancy. Today he speaks words of love to one, and tomorrow, forgetting about her, he walks next to the other.

Andrey strives to start a family, but he is extremely careful in choosing his wife. The compatibility of this man with a beautiful and sensual woman is ideal. He is not interested in the inner world and character of the chosen one.

The owner of this name does not listen to the advice of relatives about taking a serious approach when choosing a bride.

According to the description, Andrei is selfish, has a high opinion of himself, and demands increased attention from his wife to his person. He may become jealous of his wife and child if he feels a lack of self-care. Impulsive, you never know what to expect from him.

Touchingly cares about his relatives.

The meaning of the name Andrey for a boy

The name Andrei appeared in Ancient Greece and came to us from Byzantium. It means "courageous, brave." Describing Andrei, you can use the expression “on your own mind.” The meaning of the name rewards the child with insight and observation, which are hidden under the guise of carefreeness and fun.

Andrey grows up as a naughty and active child. Since childhood, he has been firm and cold-blooded. A vulnerable boy who experiences failures painfully. This is a physically strong child, distinguished by endurance, endurance, and self-confidence. He has a hot temper. He is valued and respected for his original humor, friendliness, reliability and generosity.

What will Andrey achieve success in?

At school, Andrei is usually successful because he is able to quickly learn the material. But, due to innate inconstancy, he does not complete the work he has started. Has a penchant for the humanities. Often this child is interested in history.
Andrey can become a good leader. Creative professions are perfect for him. He strives to achieve success in his career and takes his work responsibly.

There is no need to scold Andrey for disobedience. This method will not be beneficial. The main thing in education is to find an approach to the boy and talk to him like an adult. The only method that will give tangible results is persuasion.

What games will Andrey like?

Each name has a unique energy and brings good luck to its owner. It can take many years to find this luck. But knowing what the secret of the name Andrey is, you can achieve victories much faster by using your best sides.

Meaning and origin of the name

This is a Greek name that means “courageous.” With the development of Christianity, it became part of both Orthodox and Catholic culture. The name Andrey is an original Russian variant, the Western alternative of which is Andreas or Andrew.

This name is widespread all over the world, so it can safely be called one of the most popular. It is curious that throughout history the name Andrei has been stable, especially in the Orthodox and Slavic world - children are and are called by it very often.

Fate and character

Andrey is incredibly hardworking. Anyone can envy their agility and interest. Most often they become programmers, engineers and mechanics, although successful businessmen, actors and artists are often found among them. It's all about their hard work and perseverance, because if a goal is set, Andrey is unlikely to give up.

At the same time, men who are named by this name are sometimes characterized by lack of confidence in their abilities. Andrey always tries to make his life better with all his might, and he succeeds, but he often does not notice it. He may think that everything is much worse for him than for others, although this is absolutely not the case.

Andrey's hobbies and preferences differ from the usual ones, since he is attracted to everything non-standard, bright and interesting. It cannot be said that he does not like money, because representatives of this name are very calculating. Andrei strives to show everyone what he is capable of, never misses an opportunity to show off and loves when people envy him, although he does not show this trait of his character.

It can be difficult to associate fate with Andrey, since he forgives very “slowly”, family values ​​are not a priority for him, and he himself is quite selfish. Sometimes he demands more than he does or is ready to do himself. Family for him is not something lofty and sacred, but something taken for granted. This is why Andrei often gets divorced and has several children from different marriages. Only a wife similar to him can stop the series of divorces and become the only one for him.

Andrey is unpredictable, he is characterized by painful pride, so even his friends have a hard time with him. Andrey can ask advice from close people, but he will still act in his own way. Even life rarely teaches him anything, because he can step on the same rake an infinite number of times.

Most often, abbreviations are not applied to this name, calling all Andreev Andrei. This is a fairly rare case when people choose not to shorten their name. Short forms such as Drone, Drew and Andy have opposite energies and are very different in pronunciation and perception from Andrey.

If, nevertheless, abbreviations are used in relation to Andrey, then this indicates that this person is less secretive. Those who like to be called Dron or Drew are even more imprudent, although they approach life more simply than the serious Andrey.

The meaning of the name Andrey for a child: choosing a name for children

All names in alphabetical order:

Pavel Globa is one of the most popular astrologers in Russia. His weekly horoscope will tell you...

When choosing a name for a child, parents often do not think about its meaning. But it should not only sound beautiful. The name is a fateful line, a planid factor. Of course, you may not believe in significance. But be that as it may, the fact remains a fact. The chosen name for a boy plays an important role in life.

According to astrologers, the name Andrei, which has meanings such as “courageous” and “brave,” began to be called for men in Ancient Greece. After the introduction of Christianity in Ancient Rus' in 988, this name spread throughout the Russian state. It came from the Byzantine Empire. It is interesting that at first only boys born into noble families were given the name Andrei; only much later children who did not belong to privileged classes began to be called this name.

By naming their son Andrei, the parents consciously influence his future fate. After all, this name prophesies to a man such qualities as a realistic look, masculinity, positive attitude, conscientiousness, charm, patience, accuracy, responsibility, hard work, and diligence. A man named Andrei is always the life of the party, as he is able to quickly find contact with other people. Such socially conditioned personality components help Andrey get a good job in life. Many people think that everything comes very easily to him. But that's not true. In reality, in order to achieve results, a man has to put in quite a lot of effort, although sometimes he himself doubts that it is perseverance and work that bears fruit. Andrey underestimates his self-esteem, his inner world is very complex. Sometimes he becomes the life of the party, he can joke, make wisecracks, play the guitar, tell jokes or play pranks. Other times he feels more confident when he is alone.

Work for Andrey is the meaning of life. He mainly chooses professions related to creativity. For example, he can be a director, actor, composer, artist, singer. Andrey is well versed in technology, but this is not interesting to him, because he is a humanitarian. In addition to creative activities, a man is often involved in exact and natural sciences, and he makes a good businessman. Andrey performs well in such professions as a seller of household and office equipment, a driving instructor, a labor teacher, a programmer, an engineer, a scientist, a designer or a manager. Andrey's colleagues and superiors value him for his professional qualities, honest performance of his duties and responsibility. The main task is to achieve career heights, because growth in the profession will raise his authority in the family and among friends. But material wealth comes first.

Quite often, Andrei wants to give up everything, be it work or family, and run away without looking back. This occurs due to overwork, as a man burdens himself with responsibilities that he cannot fulfill. A sense of duty and responsibility restrains him from rash actions, although he spends a huge amount of vitality on overcoming emotional impulses. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you just need to relax, disconnect from family worries and various kinds of affairs. You can go hunting, fishing, or just out into nature, where you can restore your lost strength.

Character of the name Andrey

A man named Andrei is always the way people around him want to see him. For a mother he is an affectionate and gentle son, for a comrade he is a true friend, for a wife he is a fiery lover, for a teacher he is an excellent cadet. A man enjoys making people happy. If a person does not interest him, he becomes an enemy. Moreover, he shows hostility towards him. If an enemy makes Andrey angry, the consequences will be unpredictable. Energy does not allow a man to show tolerance towards enemies. He may not show it, but he is unlikely to forget the insult.

Andrey has a rather contradictory character. He can be both soft and cunning. A man with this name is impulsive, he will never do anything if it is not beneficial for himself, even if with these refusals he will hurt his neighbors. Andrey achieves everything he wants in his life, as he is able to “show off” and present everything in a light favorable to him. He is calculating, selfish, does not have the habit of consulting, and does not listen to the opinions of his elders.

Andrey is quite vindictive. It is forbidden underestimate him. Although he jokes and has fun, at this time he notices and remembers everything. A man is arrogant, to prove his superiority, he can use blackmail or scandals. Andrey also has such a character trait as self-criticism. This stable quality contributes to self-development. He admits his mistakes, but does not tolerate others pointing them out. If success accompanies him, he can be self-confident, arrogant, and vain. This pushes people away from him.

A man named Andrey is an undoubted leader, leader, organizer. He leads people, overcomes obstacles, finds a way out where no one else could. High activity combined with strength allows you to achieve what is unattainable for others. Dexterity, luck and instant reaction influence situations that Andrey uses to his advantage.

It happens that failure knocks Andrei out of the saddle. He is overcome by depression and gives up. People avoid a man, because there is little left of a cheerful person. But Andrei copes with troubles in this case too. Gathering his strength of character into a fist, he turns it against the blues. The smile of fate and good luck return to him as a gift.

Name Andrey for a boy

When choosing a name for a boy, parents predict his fate. Indeed, translated from Greek, this word means “brave.” In childhood, Andryusha, Andreika, Andreichik, Andi, Andy, Dyusha (as they call him while he is small) is a calm and quiet child, but at the same time energetic. He can run around the house, playing outdoor games, or assemble, for example, a construction set alone, composing imaginary objects. At this time, you can hardly hear him, since he does not require attention. Little Andrei is especially close to his mother; he is gentle and affectionate with her. But he doesn’t want to obey and obey, because he is very obstinate, capricious and stubborn. The boy often argues with his father, proving that he is right. But you shouldn’t focus on this. After all, by nature Andrey is conflict-free, diligent, patient, purposeful, dreamy, and self-confident. If a child has a brother, then he is friends with him, but relations with his sister do not develop in the best way. Andrei constantly conflicts with her, and does not concede in anything.

The boy was not in very good health as a child. He is predisposed to colds, highly contagious infections. Andrey may also have vision problems. Parents should pay attention to the child’s mental state, as frequent depression and stress can cause serious illnesses.

A mature teenager becomes positive in all directions. His character changes. He is characterized by such traits as sociability, hard work, commitment, goodwill, constancy, integrity, positivity, attentiveness, and eloquence. But his peers consider him too boring and tedious, so Andrei does not have any friendship with them. True, no one complains about him, and conflicts do not arise between the young men. But later it turns out that the teenager is far ahead of his peers in development, he achieves everything in life, and his affairs are going well. He achieves this thanks to his analytical mind and penchant for design and programming. The guarantees of his success are determination and concentration.

But a boy in adolescence tries to avoid any responsibility. Due to his heightened sense of justice, he often conflicts with teachers who do not understand that he cannot be “pressured”; he simply needs to argue for his convictions. Andrey actively participates in the life of the team and carries out assignments conscientiously.

In his youth, Andrei enjoyed success with the fair half. He has many unique qualities, such as mystery and seductiveness. He knows how to guess the desires of girls, so he easily wins women's attention.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Andrey

Andrey takes marriage lightly. When choosing a life partner, he first of all pays attention to appearance - a woman should be beautiful, tall, elegant, smart, self-possessed, and Andrei is of little interest to her inner world and character. The main desire of a man is not love, but the impression made. True, with a representative of the opposite sex he is attentive and gentle.

In his youth, Andrei is quite fickle. He changes girls often, sometimes every day. It seems to them that the man is frank with them, does not hide anything, and tells everything about himself. But this is not so - Andrei will never pour out his soul, will not reveal his innermost thoughts.

The man loves compliments and flattery. If a woman wants to attract attention, she should not skimp on beautiful words. In addition, Andrei will never forgive his partner for betrayal, although he himself often goes “on the side.” Sometimes he is jealous of his wife even towards his children, and his relationship with his wife’s mother is quite tense.

A man named Andrey fully provides for his family, but all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife. He forbids her to even think about a career, since a woman is obliged to take care of him and the children, to be a sexy housewife. The wife should be stronger in character, she should set new goals and objectives for him. In addition, she is forced to endure her husband’s stubbornness and tight-fistedness. The impulsive and unpredictable Andrei can give his wife a very expensive gift, and next time he can spare the money for a penny item for use in the household. For Andrei, social values ​​are one step higher than mercy and kindness, although he loves his family very much.

But it happens that a man cannot create a social unit because he chooses a woman too carefully based on characteristics known only to him. Not finding an emotional, outwardly spectacular beauty, he may end up spending his whole life alone. But having gotten married, Andrei, out of a sense of duty, never destroys the family, even if the marriage is unsuccessful.

Famous personalities

The most famous person named Andrew is the first disciple of the central figure in Christianity (meaning Jesus Christ) - the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. After his crucifixion, the “St. Andrew’s Cross” appeared in the Greek city of Patras. It is used as a symbol on the flags of some countries and territories.

The name Andrei is borne by many outstanding personalities who have left their mark on history:

  • Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, engaged in theoretical physics, Sakharov;
  • publicist, artist, architect, poet Voznesensky;
  • painter, monumentalist, teacher Vasnetsov;
  • film directors and authors of many scripts: Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Tarkovsky;
  • the famous and revered Russian icon painter of the Moscow school Rublev;
  • Soviet actors: Mironov and Myagkov;
  • Russian aircraft designer Tupolev;
  • statesman Andrei Gromyko;
  • founder of the ensemble “Time Machine”, which was created in 1969, Makarevich;
  • football player Arshavin, who is an Honored Master of Sports of Russia, and other famous people.

A person’s entire fate, from birth to old age, largely depends on a person’s name. What fate awaits men named Andrei and what does this beautiful Russian name, so common among us, mean?

What character does this person have, what is he destined for and with which female names is he most compatible? Let's figure it out. The original meaning of the name Andrey is “brave”. The name Andrei is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “brave”, “courageous”, “brave”, sometimes it means “man” or “man” - as we see, Andrei has always been considered a real man, since ancient times.

Among Christians, the most revered saint with this name is the Apostle Andrew, a disciple of Jesus and his follower. This is the origin and meaning of the name Andrey - for a boy it means that he will always be courageous and brave.

His full name sounds like Andrey, but he can be diminutively and affectionately called Andryusha, Andryushenka or Andreyka. There are foreign forms - Andy, Andrew, Anzhey, Andreas and others.

Who is he and what awaits him?

As a child, little Andryushka is an ordinary boy, mischievous, sometimes naughty, cunning and very dreamy. He loves and knows how to make friends, but does not particularly attract the attention of others and does not stand out. But by adolescence everything changes.

He develops a strong character around the age of majority, and then changes begin. He never does anything for show, but always sets his goals, first small, then more serious, and achieves them. People around him are often surprised: when was he able to achieve so much? And he just takes it and does it.

Praise and recognition are of great importance to him - Andrei is often unsure of his importance and even downplays his own merits, although in fact he has a number of innate advantages. He is different from the men around him and, as a rule, is aristocratic, despite his origin and upbringing.

He loves creativity and is always interested in it, at least indirectly, and often chooses a creative profession. Among these men there are often very talented musicians, dancers or artists - which means that they are endowed with extraordinary abilities from birth.

This is a man named Andrey - what matters to him is what he was really able to achieve, but he sets the bar quite high and cannot always reach it. His character is firm, but can be changeable and fickle. Because of this, the fate of such men may be different.

As a rule, they earn good money and know how to find a good job, enjoy authority in the team, achieve promotions and do not live in poverty. But they don’t always manage to do exactly what their soul is about.

Andrey can set a goal for himself and achieve it, but it will have nothing to do with his dreams and true desires. Often they achieve wisdom and awareness by adulthood, and then they begin to change everything in their lives.

The man, whose name is Andrey, is very punctual, responsibility is in his blood. But at the same time, he is unpredictable and can “throw out the trick.” It happens, and very often, that he is active and active, everything is fine, but then suddenly he does something that no one expected. And after this “number” he suddenly becomes his former self and lives as if nothing had happened.

This is part of his nature, and you just have to get used to it. True, if he became a boss and manages a team (which often happens), then his subordinates sometimes have a hard time. They never know exactly what to expect from their boss today. But he is fair, smart and loves order, and these are huge advantages.

In relationships, a man whose name is Andrey is also difficult, and not every lady can cope with him. Today he likes some Olga and he confesses his eternal love to her, and tomorrow his dream is Yulia or Natalya, or someone else. No, he is not a womanizer at all - it just takes him a lot of time to choose a chosen one, and until he tries, he will not understand.

So he gets married late, but he is already sure that this is his woman, alone forever. And in his youth he often changes girlfriends and rarely starts long-term relationships. How to keep him close for a long time is unknown to any woman. It's a mystery!

What kind of life awaits Andrey depends on many things. From his parents and upbringing, from friends, from his beloved one. For him, the presence of a loved one is extremely important, the opportunity to open his soul and ask for advice. He definitely needs to be encouraged, praised and told that he is doing everything right - otherwise he will go astray all the time.

Who will be dear to your heart?

Andrey gets along with women quite easily, but he won’t stay with every one. He loves female attention and knows how to court very gracefully, even if he is not rich. He knows how to be a real gentleman with women, he is able to surprise, make beautiful surprises and simply win the heart. As a rule, he chooses beautiful and impressive women, paying attention first of all to their appearance - and only then, over time, evaluating the “content”.

  • He has maximum compatibility with women whose names are Veronica, Angela, Elena, Lyudmila, Galina. With these young ladies, he finds understanding very quickly and can feel a real spiritual kinship. Here the chances of eternal love are very high!
  • Julia, Tatyana, Raisa, Maria, Natalya can make good compatibility. But a woman, for example Julia, must try and make an effort to keep him and, as it were, “educate” him. A woman will need wisdom, patience and gentleness. You need to understand this man, be able to listen and adapt to him, learn to grasp what he wants - then you will be able to make him faithful and devoted forever.
  • But Olga, Oksana, Sofia, etc. are unlikely to become his chosen ones for a long time. Women such as Olga, for example, have the opposite character, and it will be difficult for them to achieve harmony with Andrey. There is a high probability of frequent conflicts and misunderstandings.

They are all so different...

According to the Orthodox month, Andrei has a name day. There are many such days in the church calendar, but the main holiday can be celebrated on July 13th. This day is dedicated to Apostle Andrew the First-Called, an ancient saint who was the brother of the Apostle Peter and was a disciple of Christ.

But there are many other saints, and Andrei has more birthday dates on the calendar than anyone else. These are martyrs, bishops, saints and monks, all different and at different times. So people called by this courageous name have different characters.

You shouldn’t strictly and literally “fit everyone to the same standard”, considering that all the Andreys of the world have common features and the same characters. Yes, there are common things, because the name gives us partly both character and destiny, but much is individual, and all people are very different.

To understand a person and unravel his secrets, you need to communicate with him, reveal him and independently try to understand who he is and what is behind him? Who knows, maybe you will meet a completely atypical Andrei, to whom the general rules will not apply? Author: Vasilina Serova

According to Higir

The basis of the name Andrei is the root of the Greek word “andros” - husband, man. The name has many variations: Henri - among the French, Andriyash - among the Moldovans, Ondrei - among the Slovaks.

Little Andryushas are cunning and dreamy. They can spend a long time and enthusiastically assembling a “Constructor set”, but they can also run around the apartment screaming, pretending to be either an airplane or a horseman. Naughty. They love sweets, which is why they spoil their teeth from childhood. They listen to the mother according to her mood, and try to argue with the father. If there is a brother, they are friends with him and love him, they treat the younger sister jealously and are not inferior to her in anything. Andrei the teenager does not stand out in any way, but later those around him will suddenly notice that he graduated from sports school and got a better job in life than his peers. The girls complain about Andrei's inconstancy: he can easily confess his love to one, and the next day, without noticing her, pass by with another. Nothing seems to bother him. Andrei will sincerely tell his next friend everything about himself, as if in confession, but do not be deluded by this - you will never know everything about Andrei.

Career named after Andrey

Among the Andreevs there are directors, actors, singers, composers, and artists. However, talent in the field of arts is more relevant to “winter” Andreys, “Autumn” Andreys, as a rule, are prudent, punctual, do not have their head in the clouds, and choose a profession in the field of exact and natural sciences. Lucky in business. In his service, Andrei is always appreciated by his boss. Older employees treat him condescendingly, and those who are younger always expect surprises from him. Nobody knows what might come to Andrey's mind in the next minute. Impulsive and unpredictable, he can cause his wife to be truly delighted with a rare and expensive gift, and then suddenly become stubborn and drive her crazy by flatly refusing to buy a cheap thing that has long been needed in the household.

Love and marriage named Andrey

Andrei chooses a beautiful, emotional, outwardly spectacular woman as his wife, with almost no interest in her character and inner world. Entreaties from relatives and warnings from friends not to rush into marriage are rejected. The Andreevs have high self-esteem, they are selfish and artistic, and require increased attention. They may be jealous of their wife if she devotes a lot of time to the child and little to him. They are thrifty and rational in spending materially. Relationships with mother-in-law are usually difficult.

They should be very careful when marrying Varvara, Zoya, Clara, Nellie, Oksana, Olga, Sophia, Yulia.

It is better to give preference to girls whose names are Alevtina, Vesta, Danuta, Juliet, Diana, Elena, Elizaveta, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Liya, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalya, Taisiya.

Patronymic name Andrey

Regardless of the location of the stars at the time of birth, Andrei with patronymics Alexandrovich, Abramovich, Igorevich and Olegovich are difficult to communicate with and have a complex character.

According to Mendelev

A bright, cheerful and very courageous name, traditionally loved by the people - and not only in Russia. Perhaps this is explained by the not so common combination of the signs “cheerful” and “active”. But the most noticeable signs in Andrey are “good”, “loud”, “mighty” and “brave”.

Character of the name Andrey

People with precisely these character traits become leaders and lead others. They overcome obstacles and find a way out where no one else could do it. Of course, at times they are harsh; in the name Andrey there are no significant signs of “kind” and “reliable”; perhaps the means they choose to achieve their goals would not be approved by everyone. Their activity is quite high and, combined with strength and power, allows them to achieve what is unattainable for others.

Quite often, bearers of this name are organizers and leaders. They unite and lead, and sometimes they are simply clever and lucky people with an instant reaction to changing situations and the ability to use it to their advantage. However, they are not inclined to harm anyone or commit acts that humiliate anyone - they are usually good people. The name Andrey has always been one of the most popular. Ten years ago, for example, in terms of frequency of use it shared fourth and fifth places with the name Dmitry, only slightly behind Alexander, Alexey, Sergey and significantly ahead of Vladimir.

The main color of the name Andrey is green, even bluish-green, with a red stripe along the edge.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He is very sensitive, loves flattery and compliments. He is attentive and caring with women, he is a gentle lover. He doesn’t pour out flowery compliments in front of his partners, but he never misses an opportunity to show them how much he appreciates their charms - give him the opportunity to talk about it to his heart’s content. His love adventures are endless. For Andrei, love is most often a form of self-affirmation in the erotic sphere, recognition of his sexual abilities, which he may consider underdeveloped.

Sexuality of the name Andrey

It happens that Andrei’s sex life begins quite late, that his first woman is his wife, and he does not fully realize his sexual capabilities until marriage. He quickly gets used to changes in the situation, loves to bring joy to a woman even to his own detriment, and asks her to tell her about her desires. During the first meeting, he may be sexually active, but sometimes he just wants to hug his woman and fall asleep next to her. In order to show high sexual qualities, Andrei must love. In love, he needs a patient woman who can understand his difficulties and share his joy; he hates any manifestation of rudeness on the part of his partner. Being passionate by nature, he does not worry too much about love failures (this mainly applies to “winter” men).

“Winter” Andrey does not cheat on his wife and he himself will never tolerate not only her betrayal, but even light flirting with another man. He is an excellent lover, full of energy and vigor, and with his elegant appearance can attract beautiful women.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: " Courageous" (Greek)

Energy character of the name: This name has such strong energy that it is more than enough for everyone in the Andreev world. Andrei the merry fellow, Andrei the jokester, the ringleader, the soul of the party, often the lucky one, to whom luck seems to fall into his hands - all these are familiar images that have developed in the popular consciousness. Sometimes even Andrei himself cannot determine whether this is true or not - after all, not everything is so simple and a lot is given to him thanks to hard work and patience. However, the energy of the name endows him with something, patience, in abundance.

At the same time, an amazing sobriety and calmness are felt in the name, and therefore often behind a mask of carelessness, Andrey lives in a rather calculating observer. He is, of course, not as simple and open as he seems, although he often so embraces his favorite role of a cheerful person that he actually becomes like that. Even when he is sad or hard, in communicating with people Andrey easily finds the necessary charge of cheerfulness and optimism; friends and acquaintances, fascinated by the favorable energy of the name, themselves begin to amuse him.

This is probably why Andrei is not inclined to consider the hard work, thanks to which he achieved his position, as some kind of feat. For him, this is natural as long as his friends are nearby and everything works out. But try to humiliate or insult Andrey! Rest assured, a completely different person will stand in front of you. The energy of the name does not dispose Andrey to be patient with his enemies; perhaps he will remain silent, but he is unlikely to forget the insult.

Negative traits of the name: However, any force also has its negative side. Often Andrei is blinded by his successes and it begins to seem to him that he has achieved everything in life thanks to his own efforts. There is, of course, some truth in this, but if only everything in life depended solely on personal efforts! It may happen that a series of failures will knock Andrei out of the saddle and the disappointment in his own abilities will be so great that he will give up. In this case, there will be little left of the cheerful Andrei; people will begin to shun him, ceasing to provide support. Then he won’t see any luck for a long time, and his depression will get worse day by day.

To avoid such an unpleasant turn of events, Andrei just needs to turn the strength of his character against this blues. Having managed to take failures calmly and return a cheerful smile to his face, Andrei can be sure that the answering smile of Fate will not take long to arrive and people will be happy to help him in any of his affairs! Well, for now, Andrei will achieve success in almost any area, with the exception of the funeral service bureau, where his love of life is unlikely to be appropriate.

Secrets of communication: It’s not only easy to communicate with Andrey, but you can also argue. But we don’t recommend getting personal in disputes, unless, of course, you want to get a fairly strong enemy. He will most likely willingly respond to your request for help, however, we still advise you to know when to stop.

The name's trace in history:

Andrey Makarevich

What does a person's portrait consist of? From his past, present or prospects? From your worldview, work or hobbies? Or a little bit of everything, like multi-colored pieces of a mosaic? But what happens when there are too many of these pieces in someone’s life? Then there is nothing left to do but, having weeded out the unimportant, stop at the most important thing. And the main thing, without a doubt, is that Andrei Makarevich is a living legend of Russian rock, the permanent leader of the Time Machine group, philosopher, singer, musician. His philosophy is not in interviews on the pages of newspapers, not in culinary revelations, not in scuba diving, fine arts, or business. It is in his songs and in his way of life, which combines all these incompatible components and pushes him into new areas, to conquer new heights.

Perhaps one of the main driving forces of Makarevich is his curiosity, which truly knows no bounds. What else could make a person try to penetrate into the essence of almost all objects and phenomena, be it the laws of the Universe, the laws of the sea, the laws of success or the laws of hodgepodge? As for Makarevich himself, he assigns a significant role in his life to intuition, including his dreams. “As a child, I was often haunted by the same dream: as if I were riding a boat on a lake with my parents, when suddenly I fell overboard backwards and immediately went under the water. Many years later, while scuba diving and looking up, I was amazed at how accurate the picture was then in my dream.”

With all his diverse interests, Andrei Makarevich approaches politics with cold curiosity, as an incomprehensible phenomenon: “I can understand when a person dreams of becoming a firefighter or an astronaut from childhood. But when does he become a politician? This is terribly interesting to me. Because in childhood everyone was probably normal people.”

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