Nikita Sergeevich meaning of first name and patronymic. Nikita - the meaning of the name. Nikita - Libra

Translated it means "winner". Since ancient times, it was considered the most popular in Rus'. Remember Nikita Kozhemyaka - the great Russian hero. He did not know defeat in battle, and was truly a real Winner.

Nikita: the meaning of the name. Character

From early childhood, this child is as active as mercury. He understands everything, grasps a lot on the fly. It is almost impossible for a stranger to talk to little Nikita. The boy will look closely at him for quite a long time: what if this uncle or aunt is evil? But if a child believes an adult, then it will be simply impossible to tear Nikita away from him. Questions pour in like from a cornucopia. In the company of children, little Nikita is a real leader. He always has a lot of friends. However, there is one “but” - parents must monitor their own behavior very carefully so as not to raise the Winner to be an Egoist. Even raising a child can be greatly spoiled. Screaming and spanking will not help in your relationship with Nikita. This will only make the baby closed and unsociable. It is worth showing more patience and trying to understand what problems your child has and helping to deal with them. Indeed, despite his big name, he is rather indecisive and gets lost in a difficult situation.

Age and changes in character

“Winner” is the meaning of the male name Nikita. And this trait begins to manifest itself more noticeably with age. The older he gets, the more success he achieves in life. Most likely, having matured, Nikita will become a successful businessman, and there will always be many friends around him on whom he can rely in everything. This is not surprising, because since childhood he himself was accustomed to helping everyone. However, he has such a character trait as self-confidence and the inability to sensibly evaluate his actions. If at a certain period of his life he does not learn this, then fate may cease to be favorable to him.

How do seasons affect the meaning of the name Nikita for a child?

Winter Nikitas really don’t like creativity. At school, getting them to write an essay is simply an impossible task. It’s easier for Nikita to tell everything in words than to transfer thoughts to paper. He sorely lacks exercise while studying. This child is a real fidget, and therefore combining physical exercise with mental work for him is the most important condition for good academic performance. He is persistent and very stubborn. Growing up, he learns to set goals and achieve them in any way. At the same time, he always knows his worth.

"Spring" meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Children of this time of year are very vulnerable and selfish. They do not accept criticism, even if they know they were wrong. Admit the mistake yourself - please, but never agree that he is wrong. At the same time, Nikita, born in the spring, is very attached to his parents. He is able to empathize with others and take their place, and therefore can give a lot of practical advice.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child born in summer

This boy is exceptionally talented. He is slow and fair. He can't stand pressure from above from anyone. Independent from early childhood. In his family, he does not strive to be the main one - the solution to all problems will fall on the shoulders of his wife. But in work no one can go ahead of him. If Nikita can’t decide what he wants from life as a child, you shouldn’t decide this for him. The child will grow up and find his own path.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child: autumn baby

A child born in autumn is the most incredible of all Nikitas. It was as if he had collected all the best in himself. This was the ringleader, the artist, the painter, the mathematician, and so on ad infinitum. He will always find an interesting story or a funny joke for friends, give practical advice and help in difficult times. He has many friends, and the girls around him hover like moths to a flame. This is how he is - Nikita the winner.

Nike is an ancient Greek deity meaning victory. Many astrologers suggest that the boy is named Nikita in honor of the daughter of the titan Pallant and the goddess Styx. Perhaps the name is not associated with a warlike woman, but it has Greek roots and, translated from the ancient language, means “winner” or “victorious.”

Parents who want to name their son an iconic name that speaks of good character traits, promises well-being and a lot of remarkable features with a male name, should pay attention to Nikita.

A man named by this name will have a wonderful future, because he has his own idea of ​​his qualities. Knowing about the virtues, which include a cheerful disposition, charm and charm, creative nature, mystery, impressiveness, he surrounds himself with people who recognize him as a leader. If they don’t appreciate him, he will withdraw into himself and later find new friends.

Nikita is controlled by reason, not emotions, so he, giving the impression of a soft, good-natured and unforgiving person, will not open his soul to anyone. A man will defend his beliefs and point of view to the end. It doesn’t matter to him what his opponents think about this.

The meaning of the name Nikita predetermines his fate. These parameters endow their owner with the qualities of a winner. As a rule, he is lucky in life like no one else. This is facilitated not only by predestination, but also by the people and environment around him. In addition, a man has several hobbies that cultivate kindness in him. For example, he likes to read books and listen to music. In addition, Nikita always has a cat or dog in her house. After all, his love for animals has been instilled since childhood. He also likes to drive. True, he is unlikely to repair it himself.

Nikita has been sociable since childhood, so it will not be difficult for him to choose a profession, especially since he is not too interested in the financial factor. The main thing is that work activity brings pleasure. Nikita can be a highly qualified specialist in a certain field of science, a public or political figure, an actor, musician, director, artist, advertising agent, image maker, writer, journalist, photographer, lawyer, engineer, teacher, discoverer or traveler. And also run your own business. In his chosen profession, a man, as a rule, achieves fame, amazing success and honor, because he is distinguished by his hard work. True, he sometimes shows his leadership qualities too sharply, which is why he is considered a real tyrant. But because of justice, his opinion still remains authoritative.

Nikita carefully monitors his health. In fact, it is strong. True, it is necessary to monitor the cardiovascular system. Overwork or stress may cause seizures or increased blood pressure. You should avoid excessive overload and lead an active lifestyle.

Personality of the name Nikita

Nikita is a gentle, kind and hospitable person. Relatives and friends are always under his care and protection. A man with this name is sociable, eloquent, loving, fair, talented, patient, serious, balanced, charming, honest, faithful, good-natured, cheerful. For all these quality characteristics, he must thank his parents, who chose the name Nikita for him. After all, it has good energy. Outwardly, the man looks like his mother, but his character is that of his father. He is as stubborn, persistent and emotional as his progenitor. Nikita is a worthy son of his father.

All his life a man searches for the truth, slowly understands problems, and does not rush to conclusions. Nikita's character is simple and kind, suggesting a bright inner world, so those around him always try to be close to him. In addition, he will never leave a person in trouble, and this attracts people to him. He also has a lot of friends, but he chooses supporters who are close in spirit and interests based on the conditions that they will not claim his authoritative role.

Although the man is quite purposeful and inventive, he sometimes lacks the willpower to complete the work he has started. In addition, his rigidity, selfishness, impatience, and inability to control words and actions often impede the achievement of material well-being. Nikita is also characterized by straightforwardness. Expressing his opinion in a rude manner, he often does not think that his words may offend a person. The man is devoid of diplomacy, he never adapts to anyone, much less will he tolerate anyone’s superiority. Nikita is able to admit mistakes when he reveals them himself, but if someone else points them out, he will fiercely defend his rightness, because he is persistent and stubborn. Perhaps these are all negative character traits. There are much fewer of them than positive ones.

Name Nikita for a boy

As a child, Nikita (also called Nikitka, Kesha, Mitya, Mikitka) is a child who cannot be kept in place. Activity, mobility, energy, the desire to develop and move forward, unwillingness to obey, inventing things and activities - these are just a few of the boy’s characteristics that will haunt neither his parents nor those close to him. True, he cannot be punished, especially with the use of force, because he is very vulnerable. Otherwise, from a gentle and affectionate child, he will turn into an angry and stubborn little man. Treat him with kindness, he will understand the explanation of your point of view. Only with the help of encouragement and affection can you influence your son.

Nikita also has one more dangerous trait - he is not afraid of anything, takes risks, makes rash decisions, and this, in turn, can negatively affect his health. Parents are very frightened by these parameters, while peers, on the contrary, are attracted. Therefore, Nikita has many friends who recognize his leadership, because he is also honest, selfless, good-natured, fair, reasonable, and attentive.

A talented, quick-witted, intelligent and versatile boy with the name Nikita, prone to fantasy, finds it quite difficult to choose a single hobby, since he quickly gets bored with monotony. But he has creativity, imagination, a lot of ideas and a sense of beauty, which will help him determine his ultimate goal in life.

At the stage of growing up, Nikita practically does not change. He is also attracted to mischief, risk, and adventure. The teenager is as noisy, brave, and active as he was in childhood. True, despite his frivolity and restlessness, subjects at school come quite easily to him. He is obligatory, efficient, balanced and patient, which is why he cannot help but bribe teachers. But Nikita studies only what he likes. For example, he gives preference to the humanities over the exact sciences. Although at any moment he can change his mind and views regarding his studies, for example, drop out of the third year of one educational institution that provides higher professional education in order to move to another university.

But in some issues Nikita feels insecure, so it is extremely difficult for him to make one decision or another. He often turns to his parents for help, who, in turn, must instill independence in the boy from childhood. In general, the teenager has a rather contradictory character. He can be purposeful and insecure, calm or overly impulsive, vulnerable and stubborn, generous and vindictive. In combination, all these qualities help you make a brilliant career in the future. Balance and fairness are the characteristics that become the foundation for establishing contact with others. He has authority, so his friends recognize his leadership. True, excessive praise does not guarantee that it will not lead to the development of vanity and narcissism.

In his youth, Nikita is physically well developed, because he loves active games and sports. But his energy must be directed in the right direction, otherwise he may end up in bad company, since he is incapable of taking serious independent steps. Although Nikita rarely accepts anyone's help, as she prefers to learn from her mistakes.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Nikita

Nikita is like a magnet for women. A loving romantic takes good care of them and can give any man a head start, that is, there is no point in competing with him. But in adulthood, many problems overtake him, one of them is his own fear of a serious relationship. For quite a long time, Nikita will decide to start a family, because he loves freedom and independence, the monotony of married life is a burden for him, he is not created for constancy. A man has quite a lot of fleeting and fleeting relationships. He “sucks” love, care, attention, passion out of a woman, and then looks for a new passion. It should be admitted that Nikita is always honest with the fair sex. If he falls out of love, he speaks about it directly, and does not torment either himself or his partner.

Sooner or later, a man ties himself to his chosen one by marriage. True, he chooses her carefully. In a woman he values ​​tenderness, spiritual qualities, temperament, emancipation, intelligence, strong and strong-willed character, appearance, and the ability to dress well. But family life, as a rule, does not last long, since the man does not know how to diplomatically resolve conflicts, he shifts all the chores around the house to his wife, and he lives for his own pleasure.

If Nikita gets an intelligent wife who can subjugate him without commanding him, the man may change. When children appear, there can be no talk of divorce at all. He loves his heirs very much, so he doesn’t even think about the breakup of the family. True, he does not take part in raising children. But he will still cheat on his wife, since he is fickle in his affections. The financial costs of maintaining the social unit rest entirely with the head of the family. Moreover, he tries to provide not only for his family, but also for all his relatives. The wife manages the family budget, but he controls expenses, since he hates squandering.

Famous personalities

The first known bearer of the name was Niketas Choniates (Acominatus), born in 1155 in an ancient city located in Phrygia on the Lycus River (the territory of modern Turkey). He became famous during his lifetime for his eloquence.

The second bearer of the name Nikita is no less famous. Perhaps all children know about him. This is the Slavic hero Nikita Kozhemyaka - the hero of the epic tales of Kievan Rus, common among the Slavic peoples.

Other people with the name Nikita are no less famous. Among them are the following:

  1. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev. While remaining the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, he assumed the responsibilities of head of government in 1958.
  2. Teacher of Peter I Nikita Moiseevich Zotov.
  3. Soviet actors: Dzhigurda, Mikhailovsky, Mikhalkov, Efremov, Zverev, Vysotsky.
  4. Composer and conductor Nikita Bogoslovsky
  5. Singers named Nikita: Presnyakov, Malinin.
  6. Princes: Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskoy and Nikita Ivanovich Odoevsky.

There is even a woman with that name. True, the stress falls on the last syllable. Her name is Nikita. This is the main character of the French film of the same name, written and directed by Luc Besson.

DOB: 1945-10-21

Version 2. What does the name Nikita mean?

Nikita, translated from Greek as winner, was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, he persistently moves towards his goal.

He is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure or dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to his father’s advice. Nikita is a very talented, hardworking, charming person. Deep down, he is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

DOB: 1917-08-23

Soviet and Russian environmental scientist, public figure

3 version of the meaning of the name Nikita

Nikita - “winner” (Greek)

From early childhood he is a smart, quick-witted boy. He does not immediately enter into conversation with strangers; he silently looks closely at them. One gets the impression that he doesn’t want to talk, but for Nikita it is important to get to know the person better, to understand whether he can be trusted.

Rough shouts and spanking have a bad effect on him; the child becomes withdrawn and touchy, which can lead to neurasthenia. Nikita often finds it difficult to make any decisions on her own. Parents should help him understand his childhood problems. Nikita should not be confronted with a difficult choice; he is lost and does not know what to do. At school he studies well in all disciplines, grasps everything on the fly. However, there are subjects that he does with pleasure; he should not be forced to do something against his will; he will do everything himself later.

“Winter” Nikita, especially “December”, does not like to write essays, not because he doesn’t know how, it’s just hard for him to put his thoughts on paper, it’s easier to tell it all. He is a complex, emotional boy, restless. It is difficult for him to do one thing. It is important for him to alternate mental stress with physical stress. Nikita enjoys riding her bike all day, watching cartoons, war films, and programs about animals. He is too energetic, his energy is looking for a way out, if he is limited in something, he can play pranks out of spite, do what his parents don’t like. He is persistent and stubborn. Outwardly he looks like his mother, but his character is that of his father. Growing up, he becomes self-confident, knows his worth, is able to achieve great success, and is purposeful.

“Spring” Nikita is selfish, easily wounded, and squeamish. He takes criticism painfully and does not tolerate comments, although in his heart he agrees that he was wrong. The spirit of contradiction lives in him. He is able to admit his mistakes himself, but if someone points out these mistakes to him, he will vehemently defend his rightness. Parents should carefully lead him to think about whether he is doing the right thing, to make him think about what is happening. All his life he searches for the truth, does not rush to conclusions, is able to put himself in the place of another in order to understand problems. Philosophical nature, very spiritual. He has a literary and artistic gift. Able to deeply empathize. He is very attached to his parents and always finds support in them.

“Summer” Nikita is multi-talented. He loves nature and animals very much. Good-natured, altruistic to some extent. Specific, fair. Somewhat slow. Can't stand pressure, has been too independent since early childhood. He does not know how to adapt to anyone, he is proud and independent. Having started a family, he does not strive to establish his leadership; all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife, but in work he will not allow anyone to be ahead. He is obsessed with ideas, knows how to implement them, easily takes responsibility, and is not afraid of difficulties. Just like the “spring”, “summer” Nikita is a vulnerable person, he is easy to offend, he does not show it outwardly. He is very sociable, willing to make new acquaintances, and has a great understanding of people. As a child, it is very difficult to determine what he is more inclined to - how versatile his interests are. Parents should not direct his abilities in any particular direction; Having matured, he will find his place without much difficulty.

“Autumn” Nikita is the most unique personality of all Nikitas. All abilities are embodied in him. He is a writer, a musician, a dancer, an actor, a director, an artist, a mathematician, a physicist, and a chemist. Everything comes very easily to him. A favorite of the public, not a single celebration is complete without him, he is in great demand among girls, his friends are jealous of each other, everyone wants to get more of his attention than the rest. Nikita is very reasonable, purposeful, and practical. He knows how to give practical advice and support his neighbor at the right moment. Charming, witty, resourceful.

The patronymics that suit “winter” and “autumn” Nikita are: Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Viktorovich, Antonovich, Maksimovich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Veniaminovich, Anatolyevich, Vyacheslavovich, Borisovich, Leonidovich, Stepanovich.

DOB: 1913-05-22

Soviet and Russian composer, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR

4 version of interpretation of the name Nikita

NIKITA - winner (Greek).

Name day: April 17 - Hieromartyr Nikita the Albanian, Slav, labored in the Russian-Athos monastery; For preaching Christ and denouncing Mohammedanism, he was subjected to terrible torture and strangled.

June 6 - The Venerable Nikita the Stylite, Pereyaslavl miracle worker, in the world was a tax collector and a great sinner, then he repented, became a monk and labored on the pillar; cast out demons and healed the sick through prayer. Killed by robbers in 1186. September 28 - The Holy Great Martyr Nikita the Warrior, for the faith of Christ, after suffering, was thrown into the fire, but did not burn; buried by Christians in 372.


Planet - Mercury.

Color - purple.

Auspicious tree - ash.

The treasured plant is the bellflower.

The patron of the name is the hedgehog.

Talisman stone - garnet.


Nikita has known her worth since childhood. He is selfish and purposeful, and, having chosen a guiding star for himself, he goes to it without doubt or hesitation. He does not like to be commanded, is persistent, stubborn - and at the same time vulnerable and sensitive. Typically hardworking and talented; he is a leader, but he has few friends: he does not tolerate anyone’s superiority except that of his father. He is a man of concrete business, cannot stand empty chatter and boasting, Nikita has a charm that is detrimental to the weaker sex, but for him a woman is only fun, like a beautiful cat.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Russian industrialist, founder of the Demidov dynasty

5th version of the meaning of the name Nikita

Nikita looks like his mother. A characteristic feature of a person with this name is lack of composure. It is impossible to force Nikita to focus on one thing, but you can interest him.

Lack of composure is, as it were, a measure of his actions and actions and even, to some extent, predetermines his fate.

Nikita takes on several things at once, but is unable to complete any of them. He is easily carried away by some idea, but just as quickly cools down, although considerable effort and money have already been spent. More active in words than in deeds. Scatteredness prevents Nikita from completely concentrating on one thing: today he is passionate about yoga, and tomorrow he practices karate with the same zeal; While studying in the third year of a technical university, he may become passionate about acting or archeology, transfer to other educational institutions, etc. He is talented and can succeed anywhere. The problem is different: where to stop? Nikita is just as changeable in his sympathies and affections. He is kind, but quick-tempered and at the slightest dissatisfaction he can instantly destroy previous relationships.

In marriage, a woman should not count on Nikita’s constancy, although he can be a touchingly tender and caring husband and a good father.

DOB: 1894-04-17

Soviet statesman and politician, head of the USSR (1953-1964)

7 version of the meaning of the name Nikita

Ancient Greek origin: winner. These are men who know their worth. They are selfish and purposeful, they choose a goal for themselves and follow a direct path to it. They do not like to be commanded, they are persistent, stubborn and at the same time sensitive and vulnerable.

Outwardly they look like their mother, but their character is that of their father.

Their family life is difficult, but, loving their children, they prefer not to get a divorce. Very devoted sons.

These men have talent from God. They are leaders, however, this does not apply to seed life. They have few friends, Nikita lacks diplomacy, does not want to adapt to anyone and does not tolerate anyone's superiority.

“Winter” people are difficult to communicate with and are big debaters. They are hardworking and think through their plans down to the smallest detail. They do not tolerate long conversations on the phone.

“Summer” people are not very lucky in marriage, but they are patient. They love animals and often have a dog in the house. They like to go on business trips and drive their own car (but not repair it). Caring sons.

Ada, Veronica, Zinaida, Alla, Irina, Natalya, Lydia, Svetlana, Polina, Tatyana, Eleanor can become a good wife for Nikita, which cannot be said about Agnes, Anna, Vera, Albina, Galina, Glafira, Maya, Ekaterina, Martha, Tamara .

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Russian officer, one of the main ideologists of the Decembrist movement

8 version of the meaning of the name Nikita

Nikita - from Greek. winner; decomposition Nikitin; vernacular Mikita.

Derivatives: Nikitka, Nika, Nikiha, Nikisha, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikenya, Kenya, Nikesha, Kesha, Kita.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Olenka in diapers, Nikita at her tits.

Nikita was born into red tape.

September 28 – Nikita the goose fly, Nikita the reporez, goose fly, hussar. This day has so many nicknames because they start cutting turnips and killing domestic geese; and at this time wild geese are preparing to travel to the southern regions.


Nikita was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, he persistently moves towards his goal. Nikita is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure or dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to his father’s advice. A very talented, hardworking, charming person. Women easily give him their hearts, but Nikita just as easily parts with the vanquished in order to achieve new victories. True, deep down this Don Juan is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Russian saint, Pereyaslav miracle worker

9 version of the meaning of the name Nikita

Straightforward, specific. Despite their high sexuality, they are righteous and rich in their inner spiritual world. If they are modest, then they experience neuroses and deep depression on sexual grounds.

In early childhood they are sociable and affectionate. With age, good thinking, memory, and creative abilities are revealed, and for a gruelingly long time.

Unlucky marriages lead to children being born of different sexes, often girls.

10th version of the meaning of the name Nikita

Nikita Gothsky (Besogon) (died 372) - great martyr (memory - September 15 (28))
Nikita of Constantinople (sk. c. 372), confessor, saint of God (January 17)
Nikita of Remesian (353-420) - bishop (July 8 (June 24))
Nikita of Lyons - Bishop of Lyon (551/552-573), early Christian Catholic saint (April 2).
Nikita of Chalcedon (8th century) - bishop, confessor, venerable (May 28 (June 10))
Nikita of Midiki (760-824) - confessor, venerable (April 3 (16))
Nikita Stiphatus (c. 1005 - c. 1090) - Christian mystic, theologian, polemicist and writer, venerable
Nikita of Novgorod (d. 1108) saint, recluse of Pechersk, bishop of Novgorod (February 13, May 13, May 27).
Nikita the Stylite (d. 1186) is a saint of the Russian Church, venerated among the saints.
Nikita Alfanov, the monk, together with his brothers founded the Sokolnitsky Maiden Monastery in 1389; died in the 15th century; memory May 4 and June 17 according to Art.
Nikita, martyr (December 17, old style)
new martyrs:
Nikita (Delectorsky), schmch., bishop, Orekhovo-Zuevsky. (according to the old style: January 26 in the Cathedral of the New Martyrs; November 6)
Nikita (Sukharev) (according to the old style: January 26 in the Cathedral of the New Martyrs; June 21)

Name day named after Nikita

January 3, February 13, March 3, March 4, April 2, April 16, April 17, May 13, May 17, May 27, June 2, June 5, June 6, June 10, June 30, July 4, July 7 , September 22, September 28, October 26, November 19, November 28, December 30,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Nikita

Nikita Dzhigurda

DOB: 1961-03-27

Russian actor, director, singer, People's Artist of the Chechen Republic

DOB: 1945-10-21

Soviet and Russian actor, director, screenwriter and producer, public figure

Career, business and money

Being purposeful, such a person can make a good career in almost any field. This could be either his favorite creativity or a more serious area like finance. Nikita often connects his life with teaching: he likes to lead people.

This person must really like the profession, otherwise burnout will quickly occur. Business is one of the occupation options, but Nikita usually chooses areas that require a minimum of responsibility. It is difficult for him to manage a large enterprise or a company with many employees.

Nikita rarely needs money, but she doesn’t earn too much either. Successfully combines his financial capabilities and needs, but always thinks about his family, if he has one. He is generous and tries to do charity work whenever possible. If Nikita constantly works on his weaknesses, a successful and prosperous life awaits him.

Marriage and family

Marriage often frightens Nikita - he is clearly not the kind of man who, after two months of meeting his passion, falls on his knee in front of her with a ring in his hand. This person values ​​freedom, but is ready to sacrifice it if his feelings overwhelm him. You shouldn’t think that a man in love is already ready for a family. For all his emotionality, he thinks sensibly and always evaluates his partner from the perspective of his future life with her. A man must be sure that in her person he will receive a friend, an ally.

Nikita needs the absence of screams and scandals - here he needs a balanced, gentle woman who will sincerely rejoice at his successes, admire all his positive qualities and create a comfortable environment. The chosen one will have to come to terms with the fact that she will have little help in everyday life from her future husband. He loves children, but he begins to take care of them when it is already possible to include active games and some kind of entertaining activities.

Sex and love

Nikita almost always has great success with women - he is never alone, and has no difficulty in meeting someone. But the ease of dating sparks a certain passion in him: he strives to look for women who do not immediately succumb to his charm.

Winning the heart of a beautiful lady is an interesting and exciting game. Although you can’t count on Nikita’s constancy: he is very amorous and quickly changes his preferences. But such a man cannot be accused of lying: if love or infatuation passes, he openly reports about it. The intricacies of relationships and behind-the-scenes games will definitely not appear in his story.

Sex for Nikita is not a physiological need, but a whole ritual associated with pleasure in all its senses. He is always attentive to his partner, distinguished by sensuality and tenderness. But for all his popularity among women, he does not strive to quickly transform relationships into intimate ones. He needs to get to know his future partner better and understand her.

Ideally, Nikita should be in love with his soulmate so that sex gives him everything he needs. Nikita rarely agrees to quick sex - exotic and crowded places are not for him. A beautiful, cozy environment and comfortable conditions are a must.


Nikita's health does not cause any problems. Since this person tries to be active and energetic, he gets a sufficient amount of physical activity. Such men are often seriously interested in sports - they do it not only to develop and achieve goals, but also to please the opposite sex.

This allows you to kill several birds with one stone, including improving your health. With age, the owner of the name Nikita may develop problems with the cardiovascular system: it is important for these people to eat right, not abuse alcohol and not smoke.

Interests and hobbies

Among Nikita's hobbies there are often creative directions. He can sing, dance, play musical instruments, draw - in all this he finds an outlet, plunging into his fantasies and emotions.

Sports are also often present in his life, but he is chosen not according to the demands of the soul, but because of practical considerations: to achieve a good figure, agility, and take care of his health.

Name - Nikita: kind, beautiful, gentle and unusual! The meaning of the name Nikita attracts him to purposeful activities.

He will not create workarounds to achieve the goal, but will move forward, without doubting the right choice of decisions and means. This is a self-centered and attractive person who is endearing with talent and hard work.

Finding out what the name Nikita means, we discover that its origin is ancient Greek, and we assume the following interpretation: “to win”, “winner”, “victorious”. Throughout his life, a person named Nikita will strive for victory. He has all the abilities for this. Having studied the interpretation of the name, we can conclude that he is a purposeful man who knows his worth.

On the one hand, he is stubborn and selfish, and on the other, he is a receptive, sensitive man with a vulnerable soul.

Nikita's patronymics are: Alekseevich, Leonidovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Viktorovich, Maksimovich, Anatolyevich, Vyacheslavovich, Borisovich.

The meaning of patronymics: Nikitich and Nikitichna - talk about the secrecy and cunning of their representatives. When communicating with them, you will not understand what they are happy about and what worries them, since they are used to keeping their emotions under control.

Would you name your child this name?

In past centuries, names did not gain a place of honor in the world of destiny. This statement confirms the fact that when in the 30s of the last century people were given the opportunity to change their names, one of the first complaints that was abandoned was Nikita. Now this name is back in fashion.

The origin of the name Nikita is indirectly related to the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike, from whom it originated.

The secret of Nika's origin says that she is a young goddess who granted everyone good luck and victory in any matter. Nika stood out on Mount Olympus with courage, fortitude, and goodwill unusual for women, but the main traits of her character were honesty and justice. The owner of the name Nikita also corresponds to these characteristics.

Historically, a prominent representative of this gift of criticism is Saint Nikita the Confessor. He, being the abbot of the Midice monastery, performed the sacraments of repentance and cleansed parishioners from sins.

Nikita of Midiki preached spiritual values ​​and Christianity, and was considered one of the saints.

The history of the name Nikita is closely connected with such famous personalities as Nikita Khrushchev, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Nikita Mikhalkov, and many others.

Name forms

Full: Nikita Affectionate: Nikitushka Brief: Nick Vintage: Nikita

Since childhood, Nikita has been accustomed to independence and does not cause concern to his parents. Nikita is hardworking and talented, and the secret of his name tells of his practicality, but restlessness.

It is impossible to raise such a child by force, because he can withdraw into himself.

The characteristics of the name Nikita speak of a purposeful and independent man who strives to reach unprecedented heights! But Nikita's persistence and stubbornness masks his lonely and vulnerable soul.

Having decided on his position in life, the owner of the name Nikita strives for a specific goal, and progressively moves towards his dream, without wasting extra time on idle entertainment.

He is able to reach heights in his chosen profession; he can become a traveler, politician or director.

According to Nikita’s characterization, such a man strives for honor, fame, admiration and power, and, driven by the goal and the task at hand, he uses all his capabilities. He can go into business and is able to develop options for increasing personal capital. Men named Nikita have all the prerequisites to become a successful entrepreneur or economist, public figure or popular actor, talented artist or successful writer.

Having read Nikita’s characteristics, we can draw a sad conclusion that the owner of such beautiful and extraordinary charisma has a small circle of friends.

Despite this premature conclusion, Nikita values ​​friendship so much and knows how to attract people to herself that she will always come to the aid of a friend in trouble and will not refuse to help a comrade. Nikita will not conflict, but if his rights to leadership are affected and his freedom of choice is deprived, he loses control over himself..

Nikita has the character traits inherent in leaders, although he is weak-willed. But he, on the contrary, does not tolerate being commanded, does not know how and does not strive to adapt to others, and the superiority of others irritates him extremely. The Nikita man is suspicious and takes small and imaginary problems to heart.

Nikita does not show initiative, values ​​constancy, and does not like changes in life. But an unexpected impulse may flash in his head, which can dramatically change his fate. This is temporary, because Nikita perceives new ideas and projects with caution, carefully considering any decision.

The character of the name Nikita is balanced and calm.

He is silent and does not immediately make contact with strangers. To start a serious relationship, he needs an adaptation period.

In an unfamiliar society, Nikita is a quiet and reserved person, and therefore his colleagues use his gentle character for their own purposes. People appreciate him for his kind and sympathetic nature. And although he is sometimes quick-tempered, this does not bring much concern to those around him.

Nikita is a practical person, and because of this, luck rarely accompanies him. He does not like flattery and lies, lengthy negotiations and useless chatter.

Character traits





Hard work


Excessive seriousness

Obsessive diplomacy


The name Nikita is associated with a charming man. A sort of ladies' man, he does not value women and breaks up with them without regret, perceiving them as a beautiful addition to the interior.

Nikita's ideal compatibility is with an intelligent and beautiful, tactful and correct woman. He builds family relationships with difficulty, because he does not know how to compromise.

Difficulties and quarrels often arise in his family. In marriage, Nikita the husband occupies a subordinate position, he is henpecked, but to spite his wife, he does not deign to pamper her with constancy and devotion. One joy is the children whom Nikita will love more than himself.

A man named Nikita is true to tradition: he loves his parents, recognizes the superiority of his father, looks like his mother, and is a devoted and caring son.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a boy

The origin of the name Nikita is associated with the ancient Greek goddess Nike and translated means “winner”, “victory”. The name has become famous in Russia since ancient times, and is now experiencing the peak of its popularity.
The meaning of the name gives the child balance, hard work, and determination.

Nikita creates the impression of a cheerful, mischievous, creatively developed, bright boy. He has a proud nature.
Often the child shows selfishness. His behavior is aimed at looking decent in the eyes of others. He is practical and has leadership qualities. Cannot stand superiority over oneself.

What will Nikita achieve success in?

There is no need to scream or physically punish the boy. He may become withdrawn, vulnerable, and there will be a risk of nervous diseases. Nikita finds it difficult to resolve issues on her own. Parents are obliged to help him cope with his childhood problems. Direct his inexhaustible energy into a peaceful direction.

What games will Nikita like?

The child loves to ride a bike. He watches cartoons and TV shows about animals. The boy is attached to pets and prefers large dogs. Enjoys playing with cars and strives to drive a car.

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