Larion ZemskovHobbled Pegasus (collection). Myths and Legends * Pegasus (Phgasoz) What does Pegasus mean as a symbol

The thought didn’t even have time to take shape when the little man abruptly sat up, throwing the aronta off her back.

Hey, what are you doing? - Aron asked, having lost a comfortable pillow in the form of the attractive back of one person, - I almost kissed the skin! And I'm not a bestiality, you know!

El, what happened? - Dartar asked, putting it in the book. Concern was written on the face of the red-haired Jatugar, and even I was overcome with slight excitement when I saw her tense profile in the light of the fire.

In Edwige, a small town a day's drive west of here, a murder has occurred under mysterious circumstances. An adept of the Ellidar Academy of Magic, who was returning from Aitrask, where he was undergoing pre-graduation internship, died. He had relatives living there, so he dropped by for a couple of days,” the little man’s voice sounded muffled.

Who? - Tanorion simply asked, taking the magician’s hand.

Isanter,” she breathed. This name meant nothing to me, and judging by the perplexed faces of Hantar, Saitos and Dartar, neither did they. But apparently it meant something to her. An acquaintance, a friend, or something more? A possessive instinct stirred in my soul, but was immediately dispatched for the time being. Now it is completely unnecessary.

“I’m sorry, El,” the boy quietly exhaled, shaking her hand and looking into her eyes knowingly. Helly tiredly rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed:

That's not all the news. This news immediately reached the Academy; today there was an unscheduled teachers' meeting. Tomorrow three mages of the Academy are sent there, they will leave through a portal, and if Tash calculated correctly, then in three days they will be there! Plus or minus one day. You need to get ahead of them, otherwise they will become interested in what is happening. And if the murders are repeated, or they find out about the previous ones, they will report to the world Guild of Mages.

Khantar, Dartar, go immediately,” I immediately gave the order, rising from my chair, “Find out everything you can and return without stopping anywhere.” And even better - make it seem to the magicians like an ordinary incident, an accident, or anything else, but not arousing unnecessary suspicion.

Dartar came out first, saying that he felt sorry for the magician. After nodding in response to my words, Khantar headed towards the door, but stopped near Helly and, putting his hand on her shoulder, squeezed it encouragingly. The little man only smiled sourly in response.

I don’t understand, how did you find out about this? - Saitos asked when the door closed behind the drow. - An attack of clairvoyance?

Shut up,” Helly and Aront said surprisingly harmoniously. I was not mistaken in my observations.

Did you know him? - I asked, walking up to the magician and extending my hand to help her get up.

Yes,” the little man nodded and, taking my hand, stood up from the carpet, “We studied together.” He was a necromancer and just a good guy. I didn't think it would all work out like this.

Instead of saying a fake "I'm sorry," I just silently pulled the girl closer to me. She didn’t resist, but simply buried herself in my shoulder.

Tanorion, is there a wine cellar here? - I asked, carefully hugging the little man.

Yes,” Aron nodded, clearly realizing what I was getting at, “I’ll bring a couple of bottles to the kitchen.”

“We’ll go down now,” I said and, moving away slightly, lifted the little man’s face by the chin. Her eyes were absolutely dry, but there was an unbearable melancholy in them, “Come on, Helly.” You need to come to your senses.

Are we drinking? - Saitos asked, getting up from his chair.

And where are you going? - I was surprised, opening the door in front of the little man, - Sit and look for information!

The demon muttered something unflattering about me, plopping back into his chair. Let him sit and think. It's useful for him.

Chapter 22


Ceiling, yeah. Wooden, yeah. I stare at him for half an hour, waiting for a smart thought. She doesn't come. So, let's continue to watch. Ugh, nothing smart comes into my head anyway!

A gloomy glance outside the window confirmed that it was already lunch time, and I still didn’t have a pegasus lying around! I mean, I can’t think of anything worthwhile. There is a lot of confusion in my head, and Tash, as luck would have it, is busy, he is part of the commission that takes the final exam. And why should I go to Shaitanar for a request to sort everything out? Well, definitely, it’s better to go straight to Christian, why waste time on trifles?

Hearing the sound of a door opening behind the wall, I instantly rose from my bed, which, unlike everyone else in the house, was more comfortable; during my last visit here I asked Tash for a feather bed. However, I digress.

Quickly passing the bathroom, I burst into the room occupied by Dart and Ree. The latter, right now, was trying to fall apart on the bed.

El, why didn’t you have lunch? - the student asked, - So, skinny as a sprat!

You'd think you're as thick as a herring! - I snorted in response, - Better tell me, my little fish, where is Shaitanar?

Yes, he was downstairs, with Saitos,” the drow shrugged and insinuatingly asked in a gentle voice, “What’s with the sudden interest in the demon?”

Not to the demon, but to its absence! - I corrected Aronta and, grabbing him by the sleeve of his white linen shirt, dragged him to the door, - Let's go to the library, we need to talk.

Quietly and unnoticed, I passed the wide corridor, fortunately the thick path on it remarkably muffled steps, I left an invisible signal on the stairs leading to the library (in case the demons tramped there), and went upstairs. Ree, following his habit, sat on the back of the chair, and I fell into the next one, leaning back on one armrest and crossing my legs on the other.

So, great sorceress, what secret information do you have for the narrow-minded me? - Ri raised his eyebrow impudently, staring at me.

Ah, Pegasus... such an ass!
Brings me only garbage:

There are no words - I'm very angry.

I wouldn't give a damn about this...
But the brightest Apollo
A host of girlfriends sent me...
How can a Poet be sad with them?

I’m no longer throwing myself into oblivion
Because of a wild donkey...
It's such beauty!..
Yes, Pegasus, fuck you...

On a grass-based diet:
I feel sorry for you carrots...
Because of poetry nonsense
No more blood will be shed!

The rhymes appeared during a friendly chat with the poet Boris Weinstein on the topic of “Buridan’s Donkey” - which (chatter) I quote below in its entirety:

Review of "Buridanov's Donkey" (Yunona Taranova)

Lermontov and I composed it.

To show the size of the foolishness
Buridan brings the donkey.
The donkey is not looking for a storm at all
Yes, this is the moment of that storm.

All the paradoxes and traps
And the question is tormenting me:
And here and there the feeder is full...
But where, where do oats taste better?

Oh these people! They're making a fool again
What to choose? No, complete darkness.
Do you see what a storm it is?
Now the donkey has a heart.

He protests. He's rebellious.
What choice? Here's what -
I'll die of hunger, of course.
This is how the donkey found peace.

Boris Weinstein 09.09.2014 08:49 Report violation of rules / Delete

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Hehe... A fun campaign riding on a rebellious donkey. :)

Yunona Taranova 09/10/2014 00:09 Report violation of rules / Delete

Thank you. Yes, this is such a journey. Juno, haven’t you noticed the connection between the words “verses” and “element”?
Poems I. Someone's Self in the process of composing a poem? Captivated by something, obsessed.

Boris Weinstein 09/10/2014 01:32 Report violation of rules / Delete

I and the hit - verse and I. :)

Rhyming is my element - that’s why I write poetry. :)

I’ve already seen the use of this alliteration somewhere, but this is the first time I’ve heard such an original interpretation of it (voila: interpretation - alliteration :))).
You are right - poems often appear spontaneously, and yet require control and improvement... and this is already taming the elements. I think so. :)

I'm in a playful mood - it's probably because of the donkey. :)

Yunona Taranova 09/10/2014 03:26 Report violation of rules / Delete

And yet they require control and improvement... and this is already taming the elements. I think so. :)

Well, that comes later. When the poem is written.

>Somehow I’m in a playful mood - it’s probably because of the donkey. :)
And if you want to be not a loser
Work hard that's all.
Some people are visited by muses.
I'm Pegasus, or rather a donkey.

He will come and call angrily,
Without wasting time on words,
He can kick his hoof,
So that I create, don’t screw up.

And it only requires a standard
Even though he is just an ordinary rude boor.
And here are Apollo's girlfriends
They only distract from the verse.

Boris Weinstein 09/10/2014 07:20 Report violation of rules / Delete

Donkey inspiration

Ah, Pegasus... such an ass!
Brings me only garbage:
Thoughts are rubbish and feelings are in knots.
There are no words - I'm very angry.

I wouldn't give a damn about this...
But the brightest Apollo
A host of girlfriends sent me...
How can a Poet be sad with them?

I’m no longer throwing myself into oblivion
Because of a wild donkey...
It's such beauty!..
Yes, Pegasus, fuck you...

On a grass-based diet:
I feel sorry for you carrots...
Because of poetry nonsense
No more blood will be shed!

For me personally, the verse has not yet been processed - it is still unfinished. A raw verse is the same impromptu... However, some of them do not require much effort - place the comma...dots and you're done! :)

Yunona Taranova 09.10.2014 16:20 Report violation of rules / Delete

Nice verse. Wonderful first two stanzas. But I couldn’t resist and paid tribute to the form you chose and my tediousness after reading the last two. Do not be angry. What my tediousness doesn’t push me to do.

I’m no longer throwing myself into oblivion
Why burn yourself to the ground?
Because of a wild donkey...
Let him go on...a diet

On what? Of water.
Let him run after the carrots.
No more blood will be shed
Because of poetry nonsense!

Boris Weinstein 09.10.2014 23:54 Report violation of rules / Delete

I didn’t quite understand what to be angry about. :) Shall we continue?

Well, Pegasus the donkey is in trouble,
Once a water diet...
And no one will remember him
At Parnassian heights.

Oh, poets, have mercy,
You don't destroy Pegasus:

He's still quite small!.. :)

Yunona Taranova 09/11/2014 08:13 Report violation of rules / Delete

This is more like the plot of Fedot the shooter

I'll start the story with that
What can I say - donkey - Pegasus
Once he went down to the poets
Once he left Parnassus

After all, they are on the court of opinions
How one carries the absurdity
And there's not enough absurdity
Then they talk nonsense

Yes consciousness flow
Stanzas for twenty plus heels
And no one understands
What's churning in their mouths?

At least the meaning is all zeros
And the shape is entirely Dali
Listen to this one
You'll immediately say "Fuck off"

They recently said
On the plot of "The Three Little Pigs"
The poet wrote a poem
So about fifty pages

To understand what the point is
We all need to take it to our chests
There are no piglets there at all
And wolves. There's only dregs there.

In general, after reading, at once
Pegasus fainted
And I came to my senses a little
And back to Parnassus

Boris Weinstein 09/12/2014 07:38 Report violation of rules / Delete

And, having died, he became Buridan’s donkey. :)

And if so:

Father Horse told his son that he was suddenly punished by the Poet:

You may not be a Pegasus, but you don’t have to be a donkey either...

The son sighed and swallowed a tear:

Dad, you forgot: I am a Mule! :)))

Yunona Taranova 09/12/2014 14:57 Report violation of rules / Delete

Dad, you forgot: I am a Mule!
The son said and said: “Mu.”
The father said reproachfully:
“I have completely forgotten the language of my homeland.”

Boris Weinstein 09/13/2014 07:53 Report violation of rules / Delete

Papa Horse was a patriot.
Son... just a polyglot:
Could "i-go-go" and could "ia"
But "mu"? All this is not without reason.

He acquired the position of Pegasus
And it became dangerous for poets.

Yunona Taranova 09/13/2014 08:38 Report violation of rules / Delete

Yes, that's what the power of words means -
The horse is quite a brute,
He called his wife "cow"
When you came home drunk.

And this word to know stuck
In the mind of a poor child.
That's how domestic scandals are
Even a foal is maimed.

Boris Weinstein 09/13/2014 10:12 Report violation of rules / Delete

He called his wife "patriot" - "cow"
She, the Donkey, answered - not a word...
Fate took revenge on the Horse for his revelry:
The firstborn son is not a horse, but... A mule.

Now we know that Pegasus
Was a Mule. Here's an atas. :)

Yunona Taranova 09/13/2014 19:02 Report violation of rules / Delete

Call the donkey a donkey -
The donkey will immediately get angry.

Boris Weinstein 09/14/2014 08:47 Report violation of rules / Delete

Sister Donkey, no need to be angry:
The truth, of course, cannot be disowned. :)))

Donkey theme - endless theme
The two poets devoted their leisure time.
Carelessly calling upon the Aesopian spirit
We laughed a little and played around.

But between the lines, whatever you call it - a donkey or a cow -
Friends cared only about the health of the two-legged fauna. :)

Thank you, Boris, we had fun. :)

Yunona Taranova 09/15/2014 02:07 Report violation of rules / Delete

Donkey's endless theme
We devoted time to you
But they couldn’t stay on topic -
Life is unfortunately fleeting

But you and I are true to habit
Weave lines from different words,
Another wait for roll call
And let’s gossip, that’s for sure.

Thank you, Junona.

Boris Weinstein 09/15/2014 02:55 Report violation of rules / Delete


Well, among the classics, pegasi visit poets too, not just poetesses. :) But it’s interesting about the poetesses: how do you know who visits them and when? If they want, muses and pegasuses run to them for tea... Well, those who really write poetry keep both of them in a glass display case with shepherdesses, shepherdesses, cupids... And they draw inspiration directly - from the Source. :)

© Zemskov L., 2015

© Illustrations. Pashchenko I., 2015

© Layout. IP Bastrakova T. V., 2017

* * *

Hobbled Pegasus

* * *

- Who's there?

-Who-who? Winged horse in a coat!..

* * *

– I’m friends with Pegasus...

* * *

“Golden Spur” is the prize of the student poetry competition “Pegasus 2015”.

* * *

...And from the dowry - a mattress

Yes, unbroken Pegasus.

* * *

And our poet doesn’t even dream about Parnassus -

There are no transferable Pegasus!

* * *

And blinders to my Pegasus so that he doesn’t get distracted by his wife’s art - she also sometimes sins with poetry.

* * *

It happens that Pegasus will rest all four hooves on the back of the sofa, even if you cry!..

* * *

There is no more modest color in the world,

than the mouse color of Pegasus.

* * *

Always orders a room for two, perhaps hinting at Pegasus.

* * *

The long-time dream of a creative couple is a Pegasus biplane.

* * *

Reach the top of Parnassus overnight

The stubbornness of Pegasus prevented him.

* * *

Idle talk about the bluish wings of my Pegasus is nothing more than gossip from envious people!

* * *

Friends, don’t doubt it,

The context of my poems

Approved by Pegasus himself.

* * *

His Pegasus does not lie on the road without an expensive blanket.

* * *

If horseshoes bring happiness to anyone, it’s not my Pegasus.

* * *

Wife, lover... plus muse...

Pegasus will not withstand such a load!

* * *

One drop of such adrenaline can resurrect not only the hunted Pegasus, but also the author himself.

* * *

The wiry and muscular hard worker Pegasus resembles beef in its own juices!

* * *

In the absence of other humorous poems, Pegasus has to laugh at mine.

* * *

It's never too late to catch Pegasus.

* * *

From the interior - blinders, whip,

a bridle, two spurs and a collar.

* * *

I am looking for a sponsor to buy my Pegasus from a meat processing plant that ended up there due to a misunderstanding.

* * *

Pegasus sausage cannot be compared with horse sausage.

* * *

The hobby of the poet Trepov Taras -

to blame for Pegasus' lack of understanding.

* * *

Fed Pegasus with gag,

read, exquisite delicacy.

* * *

The wings of Pegasus cannot be compared with those of a turkey - the wings are not the same!

* * *

Shafts are no hindrance to the wings.

* * *

My Pegasus stood on its wing and is now kicking with all four.

* * *

My Pegasus, no matter how hard he tried,

by the end of the buffet table he became unbridled.

* * *

You have to plow on his Pegasus!..

* * *

Pegasus and I were invited to the meat processing plant...

He and I got into a little trouble there too.

* * *

I don’t have much hope for my Pegasus – he is capable of making a knight’s move at any moment.

* * *

You won't last long on Pegasus chewing gum alone.

* * *

It is naive to see a potential Pegasus in every stallion.

* * *

Nothing practical, except a meat processing plant, had come to the poet’s mind for a long time.

* * *

Only a few are capable of riding Pegasus. As for my husband, he is a complete zero.

* * *

From Pegasus she inherited

All that's left is bug-eating.

* * *

Pegasus for furniture - expensive!

* * *

From constant unsettled life

My Pegasus has put its hooves on itself more than once.

* * *

Where his Pegasus’s wings come from is no longer a secret to anyone!

* * *
* * *

Pegasus is great,

Saved me three.

Hooves - for jellied meat,

Wings - for frying.

* * *

Pegasus was not lying in his bed.

Although I tried several times.

* * *

Pegasus is not a snipe - you won’t catch him attracted to the opposite sex!

* * *

His wife's Pegasus is also not too hard to beat.

* * *

Naturally, Pegasus pointed out something to me...

* * *

Pegasus of uncreative blood.

* * *

Pegasus is on the bandwagon, and the poet is on hand.

* * *

My Pegasus would rise on its wing,

It's a pity, it's chunky.

* * *

Pegasus will unexpectedly appear...

But the creative couple will not be able to pull it off.

* * *

Pegasus can be driven -

The market is vigorous!

* * *

Pegasus of my ex-wife should kick me and kick me too!

* * *

You won’t find a better bedding than a manuscript for Pegasus!

* * *

My rivals' Pegasus has no chance!

* * *

With decent fodder -

my Pegasus is on a roll...

* * *

Zealous winged Pegasus

he turned into a shaggy Savras.

* * *

With such an opportunity as my Pegasus,

my path to Parnassus is forever blocked.

* * *

Freshly baked poems - as they say, fresh from Pegasus!..

* * *

Today I gave Pegasus a day off...

I want to be myself!

* * *

It’s not at all easy to plow the obstinate Pegasus.

* * *

As soon as my husband’s Pegasus stood on its wing, they immediately flew off to another.

* * *

Some poets don't even have a reason to curb Pegasus.

* * *

Was it Bush's legs that inspired the poet to think about the wings of Pegasus?

* * *

The gypsy predicted death from a horse for me - was it really from Pegasus?!

* * *

I let go of the reins a little -

Pegasus let out the fog...

* * *

I am only the wind brother of Pegasus,

and you tell me about the transcendental Parnassus!

* * *

My Pegasus has become completely unbridled - he drinks, smokes, has brought stallions...

To the horse auction in the town of Highmarket, Where everything was sold - even legal wives - The hungry poet brought Pegasus for sale. The impatient hippogriff neighs and dances, rearing up. And everyone around is amazed, their mouths open: “What a great horse! And what a color! If only I could take off the wings! Look for such a horse, brother, even with a flashlight, all over the world! The breed, you say, is rare? What if he brings the carriage under the clouds? No, it’s better to hold the coin!” But, lo and behold, the tax farmer approaches. “Even though the wings,” he says, “of course, spoil the matter, But you can safely trim them, The farrier will do it for me in an instant, And the horse will become like a horse. Five gold, mate! I’m glad that suddenly a buyer was found, He says: “Deal!” And so, with a satisfied look, Hans leads his horse home. It's like a heavy truck, a winged horse harnessed to a cart, it's torn, it's trying to take off with a running start, and in noble anger it throws both the owner and the cart downhill. “Good,” thought Hans, “such a poor horse cannot drag a cart. But nothing! I'm going to the post office tomorrow, I'll try to harness him there. The prankster will replace three nags for me at once, And then, lo and behold, he will come into my mind.” At first things went well. Lightened by the load, All fours cheered up by the careless trotter. The carriage rushes like an arrow. But suddenly he forgot and, not accustomed to kicking the dust of the road with his hoof, looked up, left the rut and, again showing his power, carried it through meadows, streams, swamps, fields. All the horses are mad here, Neither the bridle nor the whip helps, The travelers are barely alive from fear. Night fell, and now, already in darkness, the carriage stood on a steep hill. “Well,” Hans reflects, “I didn’t know caring! As you can see, the fool is reaching for heaven. So that he forgets his flights, Give him less oats, But give him more work!” He said it and did it. The horse, suddenly deprived of food, became thinner in four days than an old nag. Our Hans rejoices, rejoicing at his luck: “Now you won’t fly, friend! Harness him and the strongest bull to the plow!” And so, shamefully doomed to fate, the winged horse with a bull goes out into the field. In vain does the vulture beat the ground with its hoof, In vain does it rush upward into the expanse of its native sky, His neighbor wanders, his horns bowed, And the mighty horse Phoebe bends under the yoke. And, unable to break free from the shackles, Only having broken off his wings fruitlessly, He falls to the ground! nurse of the gods! - And writhes in pain and powerlessness. “Damned beast!” Hans burst out suddenly, and he, swearing, beats an unprecedented horse. “You can’t even harness him to a plow!” The swindler managed to deceive me!” While he is beating his horse, a handsome young man comes down a steep path from the mountain, happily playing the zither. The open gaze shines with kindness, the golden bandage shines in the curls, and the joyful ringing of the cheerful zither. "Buddy! “What’s the use of being angry?” He says to the peasant with a smile. “Which side do you come from?” Where have you seen an animal and a bird begin to work in the same harness? Trust me with your horse. He will show me miracles!” And the horse was immediately unharnessed. With a smile, the young man flew onto his back. And Pegasus felt the master’s hand and, throwing lightning from his eyes, answered the master with a cheerful neigh. Where is the pathetic prisoner? He, as of old, is a mighty spirit, he is a god, he is a king, He leapt, as if on the wings of a storm, Soared like an arrow into the cloudless expanse, And instantly, ahead of the eye, Disappeared in the shining azure. Per. V. Levika.

Pegasus is a winged horse with white, black, brown or golden fur. In ancient Greek mythology, he is the favorite of the Muses - the patroness of the arts and sciences. He was born by a creature with the face of a woman and snakes instead of curls, from Poseidon, the god of the seas. Since the horse was born at the source of the Ocean, it received the name Pegasus, which is translated from Greek as “stormy stream.”

Pegasus was born at the moment when the hero-savior Perseus cut off the head of the gorgon Medusa. According to one version, the winged horse jumped out of the mother’s body along with the warrior Chrysaor, his brother. According to another version, the blood of the gorgon Medusa, which fell on the ground, gave birth to a horse.

In order to take off, the winged horse first had to run along the ground. He flew quickly like the wind, lived in the mountains and ate fresh fruits and berries and herbs. The mythical enemies of Pegasus were hippogriffs, horse-bird hybrids, as well as animals with a lion's body and an eagle's head.

Pegasus had the miraculous ability to knock out springs by hitting the ground with his hoof. One day, the singing of the Muses grew a mountain to the sky. The muses were in danger, but the magic horse saved them: having risen even higher, he lowered the top of the mountain to its original height, hitting it with his hooves. This is how the Hippocrene spring appeared not far from the grove of the Muses, also called the Horse's Key, with very tasty dark blue violet water. The Muses bathed in the Horse's Key, and people of art drew creative strength from it. The expression “riding Pegasus” for a poet means finding inspiration.

Many heroes of Greece wanted to have an elegant and fast horse that could fly. Hunters tracked Pegasus both night and day, hoping to catch him. The most patient were sometimes lucky enough to see a ghostly horse, which endowed them with miraculous power. And only a few of them were lucky enough to get so close to the horse that it was hardly possible to stroke his extraordinary beautiful mane. But not a single hunter could catch this creature. As soon as you reached out to him with your hand, the incredulous Pegasus spread his wings and rose to the sky.

However, the hero Bellerophon became the master of Pegasus. According to one version, he tamed the horse during a watering hole with the help of a golden bridle; according to another, he received it as a gift from his father Poseidon. Thanks to Pegasus, Bellerophon performed many feats. One day he wanted to fly to heaven on a winged horse, but he failed. According to one version, as punishment for Bellerophon's arrogance, Zeus, the god of lightning, thunder and the sky, sent a poisonous fly to Pegasus, which bit him under the tail. The horse went berserk in pain and threw the arrogant rider down. According to another story, Bellerophon, sitting astride Pegasus, looked at the ground, got scared and fell. The winged horse flew to the sky on its own. There he settled permanently and began to deliver lightning and thunder from their creator Hephaestus, the god of fire, to Zeus at the sacred place of the gods. To this day, the winged horse lives in the sky, everyone can see it every night in clear weather in the form of the constellation “Pegasus”. However, he no longer has wings.

Pegasus is a symbol of good forces, spiritual growth, eloquence, glory, contemplation, and the interconnection of all living things. His statues were in the polis of Corinth (now a Greek city). The symbol of Chrysostom is a winged horse; it is depicted on the main symbolic attributes of the city.

Sea Pegasus

The mythical sea Pegasus is distinguished by the fact that instead of hind hooves and a tail, it has the tail of a fish. Sea Pegasus was often summoned by Poseidon when he caused storms. According to Celtic mythology, the sea Pegasi pulled the chariot of Manannan Mac Lir, the lord of the sea, across the sea.

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