How to place an encumbrance on a house. Encumbrance. Registration of unauthorized persons

When the owner of a residential premises does not have the right to independently dispose of his property, this means that the apartment is encumbered. It can occur for a number of different reasons. Thanks to this restriction, the owner of the apartment cannot enter into transactions; he is prohibited from signing contracts and entering into any agreements regarding the residential premises.

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Forms of encumbrances

  • mortgage;
  • rent;
  • seizure;
  • management based on trust;

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Encumbrance on an apartment. What is this?

An encumbrance is a special form of seizure that is placed on property or real estate. Essentially, a limit is imposed on certain actions that are in any way related to the premises. These restrictions on property may appear in different situations: at their own request, regardless of the wishes of the owner. In the first case, this may be a mortgage of a residential premises, when a person independently decides and imposes an encumbrance. In the second case, it may be a bank arrest for non-payment of a loan.

Forms of encumbrances

Not every real estate transaction goes smoothly and without problems. In accordance with Federal Law No. 122, encumbrances are expressed in the following forms:

  • mortgage;
  • rent;
  • seizure;
  • management based on trust;
  • easement (in most cases used for land plots).

It is worth noting separately that encumbrance is not always an obstacle to the sale of an apartment. Federal Law No. 122 states that rights to real estate are registered in the prescribed manner, the same applies to encumbrances on premises. It is worth noting that information on encumbrances is freely available, so every buyer should familiarize themselves with the restrictions that apply to a particular property.

All these complications when decorating a living space have a positive effect on the buyer who wants to save money. The very fact that the apartment is encumbered already forces the seller to significantly reduce the price. If the owner wants to urgently sell the premises, then in this case there is an opportunity to purchase it at a discount, up to 40% of the market value.

A very pleasant bonus, however, you should be especially careful; in recent years, more and more unscrupulous sellers have appeared who are trying to deceive the buyer and take away his funds. Before executing the contract, the buyer needs to make sure that the encumbrance can be removed.


When a person purchases housing under a mortgage agreement, he does not have the right to sell the premises. In this case, the acquired property is considered collateral. However, if there is a buyer for the housing, he can purchase it, but this requires the removal of the encumbrance on the apartment. You can do this in two ways:

Before contacting Rosreestr, you need to prepare the following documents to remove the encumbrance from the apartment:

  • an application from the owner of the premises to remove the encumbrance;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • civil passports of home owners;
  • mortgage contract;
  • contract of sale.


This case is more troublesome in terms of purchasing housing. The thing is that if the previous owner entered into a lease agreement for a long term (from 1 year), then in this case the tenants have the right to live here even if the owner of the apartment changes. Alienation does not serve as a reason to terminate such an agreement.

In this case, the new owner can live in this premises only when the rental agreement expires. Therefore, the buyer must first request termination of the rental agreement, and only then begin the procedure for registering a new owner.

Or the sale of an apartment with an encumbrance can be carried out, but you need to understand that it will be possible to move in only after the end of the contract.


Often, an agreement of this kind is drawn up by elderly people who need help. A person helps those in need (buys food, medicine, etc.), and after their death they pay with their own real estate. According to the law, after the death of the owner of the apartment, all powers to dispose of it are transferred to the person who entered into this rental agreement.

However, there are cases when the current owner no longer needs help and wants to remove the encumbrance from the apartment, in which case he will have to return all the money that was spent on medicines, basic necessities, etc.

Many people do not know how to remove the encumbrance from an apartment after paying off debt obligations to the owner of the premises who has died. The annuity agreement clearly states that after the death of the owner, the owner becomes the person who assumed the function of guardian. That is, the removal of the encumbrance occurs automatically.


Most people do not know how to remove the encumbrance from an apartment that is under arrest. This is quite logical, because this case is considered one of the most difficult. The seizure of the premises is imposed not only on the impossibility of disposing of the property, in some cases the owner is prohibited from even using it. The following structures can impose such bans on an apartment:

  • police;
  • bailiffs.

A lien can be placed as collateral to ensure that a person will fulfill certain obligations (which were the reason for the arrest). If the owner of the premises avoids paying the debt or the deadline that was allotted for solving this problem has simply expired, then in this case the property is sold at auction or through bidding.

From all this it follows that the encumbrance can be removed only when all the problems with the law of the owner of the premises have been resolved. There are no other options to get out of the situation.

Trust management

This type of encumbrance on real estate occurs if its owner has entered into an agreement with another person who can look after someone else’s property during the validity period of the document. In practice, such agreements are extremely rare, mainly when the owner must leave the country.

The authorized person can use the apartment, pay bills, etc. However, his powers cannot go further than those established in the agreement. To remove this encumbrance, you can terminate the contract before the allotted period only with the consent of the trustee and the owner, or after the death of the executor.

Maternal capital

If the purchase of a home was made with the involvement of maternity capital, then in this case restrictions also appear. It turns out that one of the owners will definitely be a child. The sale of residential premises is not possible without obtaining special permission from the guardianship authorities if the child is not yet 18 years old.

A minor child is registered

When a person is registered in a residential premises, this is already a burden. However, it is not difficult for an adult to check out, which cannot be said in the case of a child. To discharge a minor, the consent of both parents and guardianship authorities is required. Plus, the child’s discharge is impossible without immediate registration in another residential area. The new apartment should not be inferior in terms of characteristics to the previous one. This case is not very complicated, however, you will have to take care of a new place of registration. Otherwise, it is not possible to sell the residential premises.

Permission from the second spouse

If the spouses purchased an apartment during their marriage, then this is considered jointly acquired property, therefore the sale of the apartment without written permission (certified by a notary) from the second spouse is impossible.

It is also worth considering the factor that if one person received the premises as a gift, accepted an inheritance or purchased before marriage, then in this case the housing is not considered jointly acquired. Such an apartment is not encumbered and, according to the law, its legal owner can carry out any operations with it.

How to check

There are several ways to check whether an apartment is encumbered or not. It is highly advisable to find out this information before purchasing, so that certain problems do not arise at the last moment, because not all sellers are honest and may try to hide the fact of the encumbrance. So, ways to determine:

  1. Home Book. Thanks to this document, a potential buyer of a residential property can find out the entire history of the apartment, starting from the first occupancy. You need to be extremely careful if, at the time of the purchase/sale transaction, other people, especially minor children, are registered in the housing. Before purchasing, you need to ask the owner to register all other people.
  2. Real estate office services. These companies provide paid services and independently search for all the information about the legal situation. Moreover, after collecting data, the real estate office advises the client on further steps to purchase a home.
  3. Contact the architecture department. In this structure, a person can find out that this building is in emergency condition. In this case, the owner of the premises is prohibited from making transactions regarding this premises.
  4. The easiest way to determine the encumbrance of an apartment is to check through the Rosreestr website. A potential buyer should visit the official website and make an inquiry for a specific property. Please note that this service is paid.


An apartment with an encumbrance in some cases is not a big problem. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the reason for the sales ban, and only then deal with the removal of this type of restriction.

When purchasing an apartment on the secondary market, the buyer must be aware of the possibility of the existence of explicit or hidden restrictions on the disposal of residential premises by the homeowner.

To protect yourself from fraudulent activities of unscrupulous sellers, you need to know what types of restrictions there are and where you can get information about them.

  • What is an encumbrance on an apartment?
  • Types of encumbrance on an apartment in Russia

What is an encumbrance on an apartment, and who can limit the rights of the owner?

Encumbrance on an apartment– these are restrictions on the disposal or use of the owner’s home, documented in contracts and acts. The rights to the apartment or part of it are granted to a third party, who is not designated in the documents as the owner. All transactions of the owner with the encumbered apartment are carried out with the permission of this 3rd party to conduct them.

Owners of encumbered apartments are not only limited in their rights, but also bear obligations, which happens when they are in the care of dependents when signing a rent document. Law No. 122-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On state registration of rights to real estate” provides the official definition of “encumbrance.”

A reduction in the ability to carry out real estate transactions is sometimes registered at the will of the owner, documented or by issuing an act by an institution to which the law gives the right to register such transactions. The judge has the power to restrict the right to housing without taking into account the will of the owner.

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Only some encumbrances on living space are registered in the unified register of property rights.

Records are recorded on:

  1. Collateral living space(mortgage collateral, collateral to the bank for a loan issued).
  2. The living space specified in the rental agreement.
  3. Housing seized by authorized bodies due to a court decision (for example, for debts).

The register does not make entries about 3 persons, not indicated in the apartment’s DCP and who have not had housing ownership rights until now (relatives of the apartment owner or people who occupy the living space but have refused to privatize it).

Types of encumbrance on an apartment in Russia - features of each case

There are some types of encumbrance on an apartment.

Let's list them:

1.Mortgage housing

The owner of the living space registers it as collateral in order to ensure that the apartment fulfills its debt obligations to the credit institution. The premises continue to belong to the previous owner.

The lender, if the owner of the apartment fails to fulfill the debt obligation, receives the legal right to return the amount of the debt through the sale of the collateral living space.

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A mortgage may arise when:

  1. Purchase or construction of housing, paid for with credit from a banking organization.
  2. Sale of an apartment under a loan agreement.
  3. Signing rent documents for the living space.
  4. Registration of a pledge for the right to dispose of an apartment.

Such a mortgage occurs by direct instructions of legislative acts and is registered in the state register automatically.

Negotiable mortgage occurs in the event of execution of a mortgage agreement, is not considered by legislative acts as an independent obligation. Recorded in the register at the request of the parties, the housing remains the property of the owner. Encumbrances are not stated in the documents for the apartment.

2. Rented housing

The owner of the living space enters into a written lease agreement with the tenant of his apartment, transferring to him the rights to temporary use of the apartment. It is recognized as valid only if it complies with the form specified by legislative documents.

The conclusion of an agreement is mandatory for premises rented for a period of more than 365 days; registration is carried out at authorized institutions.

The tenant has the right to occupy the living space until the contractual obligations expire, subject to compliance with all clauses of the contract.


There are several forms:

  1. Its private form is an agreement between two individuals. Example: a passage room in a communal apartment, since without the right to pass through it it is impossible to use your room.
  2. Public form – an agreement between an individual and the state. Example: restrictions imposed by the state on a residential property on the site of which a new road will be built. The apartment owner is paid compensation or offered new housing for relocation.

4. Trust management

Under a trust management agreement registered with a notary, the owner of the property transfers the right to manage the apartment to the manager without registering ownership rights to it.

Once the purchase and sale documents are completed, this encumbrance loses its legal force.


The rent agreement documents are concluded by the owner of the property (the recipient of cash payments) and the second person making the payments. The owner of the apartment becomes the rent payer, which, in turn, undertakes to provide this area for living until the end of the life of the former owner.

The documents indicate different conditions for interaction between the parties. For example, payment for utilities, lifelong care, cleaning floors, and payment for treatment are considered.

Careful drafting of the terms of the contract and the reasons for its termination by a competent lawyer will protect both parties from deception.

The encumbrance is removed upon the death of the annuitant.

6. Encumbrance with guardianship

Minor owners of an apartment or its shared owners are protected by law during the alienation of property belonging to them.

Guardianship authorities have the right to impose a ban on the sale of an apartment if the rights of children are violated.

When selling an apartment owned by a minor, the guardianship authorities will require documents indicating the provision of housing for the child in another place.

7. Seized housing

The arrest is imposed by authorized bodies by court order to enable the owner of the apartment to fulfill debt obligations.

Also, a seizure is imposed on housing if the owner is under investigation or if a legal dispute arises.

It's worth remembering apartment – ​​architectural or historical monument. It is protected by authorities for the protection of historical, cultural or architectural monuments. These authorities impose obligations on owners to restore housing. The permissibility of changes inside and outside is consistent with the same bodies.

All risks of encumbrance on the apartment for the owner and buyer

The imposed encumbrance on housing carries certain risks for the owner:

  1. In case of mortgage encumbrance– the opportunity to remain without an apartment if it is impossible to fulfill debt obligations to the creditor.
  2. When encumbered by rental relations– impossibility of living in a residential property or selling it before the end of the contract period.
  3. Encumbrance with easement does not deprive the rights of ownership, but imposes restrictions on the owner, with a public easement - the risk of receiving insufficient compensation for housing or the risk of providing less comfortable living space.
  4. Trust management there is a risk of incurring losses due to the manager’s dishonesty or irresponsibility.
  5. Rent encumbrance imposes the risk of cancellation of the annuity contract by the annuitant upon the occurrence of certain conditions.
  6. Encumbrances imposed by guardianship authorities, it is impossible to rent unless the child is provided with another living space.
  7. Seized housing deprives the owner of the right to alienate it (sell, exchange).
  8. In housing that is a historical or architectural monument even changing the color of the windows is consistent with certain government agencies - as is the glazing of the loggia and the installation of air conditioning.

The buyer bears more serious risks:

  1. Invalidation of a completed home purchase transaction at the request of persons who are potential applicants for an apartment.
  2. Loss of housing property rights by the acquirer due to a challenge to this right by the former owner or 3 persons who have housing rights to it.
  3. Termination of an agreement(when encumbered with a life annuity) by the annuitants upon the occurrence of certain conditions.
  4. Reclamation of living space by persons having rights to it– mortgage banking housing, public easement.
  5. The emergence of unforeseen expenses. For example, expenses for the reconstruction of the premises of architectural monuments.

How to check an apartment for encumbrances?

Not all encumbrances on an apartment are registered with government agencies - sometimes it is necessary to make more than one request to find out about its existence.

You can check the encumbrance:

  1. By requesting data on the apartment from government agencies.
  2. Carrying out verification by questioning neighbors and apartment residents.

When checking, keep the following in mind:

  1. A potential buyer must request an extract from the Unified State Register for the apartment being purchased, extracts from the house register or certificates from the territorial FMS office about registered residents.
  2. It would be a good idea to get a certificate from the management company about the people living in the apartment.. Prisoners or military personnel may be temporarily discharged from it.
  3. Lease encumbrance is more difficult to verify. You need to go to the apartment several times and see if anyone lives there, ask neighbors about the residents and housing.
  4. District administration authorities issue certificates of encumbrance of the apartment as a monument of art or architecture.
  5. On the official website of bailiffs You can see information about the arrest of a residential premises if you enter the name and date of birth of the owner.

It must be remembered that encumbrance may not be an obstacle to the purchase or sale of housing - you can complete the transaction yourself. However, it never hurts to get help from a qualified lawyer or a reliable realtor when completing a transaction.

Most property owners or buyers would like to know about the specifics of the sale or purchase of encumbered apartments. What is important is the possibility conducting operations without problems and additional proceedings.

For example, many do not know what an encumbrance on an apartment is, and how it complicates the conclusion of contracts. By encumbrance it is assumed restriction of the owner’s rights due to partial ownership of the apartment by another person or organization. This can be either a banking or government institution, or a specific person.

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Types of encumbrance

To resolve the current situation of restriction of rights, it is necessary to understand its essence. You need to know what an apartment with a certain type of encumbrance means, how it will influence the course of action of the owner-seller and the found buyer.

According to the law, allocated the following types of encumbrances:

1. Mortgage

It involves receiving finance for the temporary (until the debt is repaid) transfer of part of the rights to real estate to a credit institution.

Since the owner received the money, he must provide the organization with a strong guarantee of its return. That is why until the funds are returned and the contract is closed The owner is unable to carry out operations.

2. Rent

Purchasing a property with tenants is an unpleasant experience. That's why the owner must not carry out the operation until the occupants have moved out and complete release of living space.

The problem is the length of the agreement between the owner and the guests, it can be about a year at the time of sale of the apartment. Then the eviction procedure will require judicial intervention.

3. Rent

Providing the owner with everything necessary throughout his life or for a certain period of time allows him to obtain ownership of his apartment. For this reason the sale of an apartment that should pass to a new owner in the future should be excluded.

If the current owner changes his mind about transferring the property or no longer needs the help of a second party, termination of the contract is required. You will also need to return previously received finances and recalculate money issued for the purchase of essential items, food or medicine.

4. Arrest

This encumbrance is the most difficult. The need for a lien may be caused by a lack of sufficient payment of bills and services. In this case, restrictions will be applied by government services and no outside organizations will be able to influence the decision made.

A special case is not just the limitation of operations and their prohibition, but also the inability of the owner to live in a personal apartment.

5. Trust management

The option with trust management involves the supervision of the property of an outsider. The contract is drawn up for a certain period, therefore rights are partially transferred to the temporary owner.

For example, when traveling abroad, owners want their property to be monitored and incoming bills to be paid on time. The allocated right of disposal may be withdrawn ahead of schedule only upon the death of the performer or by agreement of both parties.

Why is an apartment with an encumbrance dangerous for the buyer and owner?

Selling an encumbered apartment is no less dangerous an operation than purchasing it.

The owner who, due to specific circumstances, did not remove the restrictions and transferred rights, will be forced to deal with the problems that have arisen for a long time. The most difficult procedure will be when the owner, after signing the papers, has gone abroad and is unable to return to resolve the situation.

Owners who want to know how to sell an encumbered apartment should immediately seek professional help. It is best to enlist the help of a lawyer who can clarify all the nuances of the situation and find the most convenient solution.

If the sale goes through, but the restrictions have not been lifted, then you will need to spend a lot of time resolving issues with the court and the new owners. Payment for all funds spent on holding meetings and making decisions will be collected from the culprit himself.

Therefore, it will be more profitable and safer for the former owner to get rid of restrictions before the sale.

The buyer is also at risk when purchasing an encumbered property. Existing restrictions do not allow him to fully manage the property. Refunds until the problems are resolved are also impossible, and legal proceedings can drag on for many years.

The most difficult cases of practice are the purchase of an apartment, where the minor is registered or is the owner of part of it. It is possible to discuss the nuances and carry out a full transfer only with the assistance of the guardian. Not all trustees will agree to such actions.

It is also important to take into account the possibility of full disposal of the owner’s rights. In some cases it will be impossible to stay(the presence of tenants or lifelong residents), and the cancellation of the contract, the return of spent funds and the return transfer of the apartment will be too long.

That's why it is necessary to prevent such phenomena before purchasing real estate. The buyer will reduce the risk of participating in a problematic transaction by studying the house register, information about the apartment, and its restrictions. This will avoid subsequent litigation and loss of personal time and money.

How to sell and buy real estate with encumbrances?

Transfer of rights becomes possible only after restrictions are lifted. When a property is seized, the best solution is resolution of disputes with government services.

Mortgage will require return to the lender of borrowed funds, and when renting, it is necessary to discuss with the current tenants the need to move. Many of the cases are resolved quickly, some require a significant investment of time.

If the owner does not have the ability to remove restrictions, then It is recommended to hold off on selling. According to the concluded agreement, proceedings may follow with the court, government services, and third parties (tenants, manager).

All the nuances of the encumbrance cannot be hidden from the buyer. In most cases, a person who wants to become the owner of his own apartment makes concessions and helps his opponent solve the problem with restrictions (if they can be removed by the buyer himself after re-registration).

The purchase of an encumbered apartment is carried out after studying all the papers on the current restriction and its features.

It is necessary to draw up a sale and purchase agreement at the notary. At the conclusion, additional papers are used (from the bank, government agency) about the possibility of carrying out the operation. The lawyer will draw up a unique document that will describe all conditions of transfer and subsequent disposal new owner.

For example, clauses on the timing of checkout/eviction of strangers living in the apartment may be included in the standard agreement. In case of mortgage encumbrance, it is important guarantees of payments within a certain time frame.

Guardian's permission to sell(when registering a minor) must also be taken into account. Each type of restriction has its own characteristics and must be supported by a number of documents confirming the accuracy of the contract being drawn up.

Contract of sale

We offer a sample contract for the sale and purchase of an encumbered apartment: Download the form.

How to check whether the encumbrance has been removed and how to remove it correctly?

Removal of the burden is based on obtaining a supporting document from the institution that set the restrictions. For the bank this will be the issuance of paperwork confirming the payment of the mortgage, for the state. authorities a certificate of lifting prohibitions in connection with the payment of debts, making a decision on the distribution of property between spouses.

Trust management will be confirmed by an expired contract, death certificate of the managing person or a document guaranteeing a mutual decision to terminate the contract.

Papers are received after submitting and considering an application from the owner to resolve the issue of limitation.

For the buyer, an important step before purchasing will be checking the removal of the encumbrance. Because the you need to verify the correctness of the decision using confirmation from the State Register. You can find out that there are no restrictions when submitting an application to the appropriate service and receiving a real estate extract.

The Unified State Register extract contains all the information on the encumbrance and includes information on previous transactions. Both the seller and the buyer will need a document.

This is what the extract looks like (sample):

The paper is valid for 30 days from the date of receipt.. But the most accurate and reliable data is considered to be within 1-3 days after the statement is issued. The time to prepare information and organize it is about 1-2 days.

When performing operations related to the sale or purchase of encumbered housing, you need to consider not only the attached documents, but also special statement. It will allow you to learn exactly about the specifics of the current restrictions, the number of apartment owners and other nuances.

Preliminary preparation of papers will allow the owner quickly transfer the property to the new owner and free yourself from debt. And the buyer, with the support of a lawyer and a thorough check of papers, will be able to get ownership of an apartment.

An encumbrance on an apartment is the emergence of separate rights to it by persons or organizations that are not the owners according to the documents. According to the law, encumbrance is expressed not only in restricting rights, but also in imposing certain obligations on the owner. What is an encumbrance on an apartment?


When an apartment is encumbered, rights appear in third parties or organizations that do not have ownership rights. An encumbrance may arise from a contract, be expressed in a seizure or a mortgage. Some types of encumbrance only allow you to live in the apartment and use it for rent. Others require the consent of a third party for sale or donation.

How to find out if there is an encumbrance on an apartment you own? To do this, you can contact Rosreestr and request an extract from the unified real estate register. Information can also be found on the official website of Rosreestr.

Main types

The legislation establishes the following options for restrictions on property rights:

  1. Prohibition on carrying out specific actions;
  2. Mortgage;
  3. Rent;
  4. Rent;
  5. Arrest;
  6. Trust management.

Most often, an encumbrance is imposed in the form of a mortgage. When purchasing an apartment, a loan agreement is drawn up, and the bank transfers the funds to the seller. When the agreement is signed, the documents are sent to Rosreestr along with the loan agreement. Thus a burden is imposed. It can be withdrawn when the debt is fully paid. Such real estate can be sold if the bank agrees to a change of owner.

The arrest may be imposed by the bailiff service by court decision. Once the debt is paid, the arrest is lifted. Such an apartment cannot be sold or donated. Rosreestr simply will not register the transaction, and the gift or sale agreement will be declared invalid. To lift the arrest, you must pay the existing debt in full.

As for rent, the apartment can be sold or gifted to another person. But at the same time, you can completely dispose of it only after the lease expires. The new owner can extend the lease, but this will require a new agreement.

The annuity is a lifelong maintenance with dependency. In this case, the owner must provide care to the dependent person. The risk is that heirs may appear, as a result of which the agreements will be canceled.

An encumbrance in the form of a trust is usually used in cases where the owner lives far away for a long time and is unable to take care of his property. As a rule, trust management is issued in favor of a close person or relative.

There is another option for encumbrance - a house that is a cultural or historical monument. In this case, the owner is obliged to carry out timely restoration and repair work. These are not the cheapest apartments. In addition, they require constant financial investments. But they are suitable for true connoisseurs of history and architecture.

Before purchasing, it is important to ensure all the features of the encumbrance. This will allow you to form an idea of ​​the consequences of such a transaction in advance.

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An apartment with an encumbrance is dangerous because purchasing it is not always safe. If the previous owner did not lift the restriction and transferred the apartment to another person, you will have to face many problems. The procedure becomes more complicated if his whereabouts are unknown or he has gone to live abroad. For this reason, before purchasing real estate, it is worth checking it for encumbrances by requesting an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

If the encumbrance remains, the new owner will not be able to fully dispose of the new property.

If we are talking about a mortgage or lien on real estate, the debt must first be paid off. After this, the relevant information is submitted to Rosreestr. The registrar will remove the restriction and provide a new extract from the Unified State Register. It should contain a column - there is no encumbrance. Then you can sell the apartment.

The following features are distinguished:

  • the owner can dispose of the apartment after receiving permission from the mortgagee;
  • dishonest sellers often hide the presence of an encumbrance;
  • the apartment may be put up for auction;
  • there may be obligations to an individual or organization.

How are the rights of the owner limited?

If the apartment is pledged, the owner retains the right to alienate the property. But this will require the consent of the mortgagee. If the bank sells the apartment to pay off the mortgage, the owner will have to vacate it. But according to the law on mortgage lending, the sale of real estate can be delayed for up to a year. You can live in it temporarily. But this can only be done by court decision.

The lessor does not lose the rights of possession and disposal. He transfers the property to the tenant only for use for a period limited by the contract. The owner can dispose of the property at his own discretion, including selling the apartment. But the lease remains valid for the duration of the contract, unless its terms are violated.

The arrest completely restricts the owner’s disposal rights. But he can use the apartment until it is sold at auction. To avoid this, you need to pay off your existing debt. After this, the arrest will be lifted.

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Advantages of buying and selling with an encumbrance

The presence of an encumbrance is a restriction on transactions with such an apartment. It will be difficult to carry out any transaction. If you need a specific apartment and it is encumbered, you should engage an experienced real estate agent or lawyer. The following advantages are highlighted:

  • owners of such apartments are more willing to reduce prices or initially set a price lower than the market price;
  • If you involve an experienced lawyer, there will be no problems checking the legal purity of the transaction.

There are also advantages to selling such an apartment. Its cost cannot be high, since it is difficult to find buyers for it. But you can agree with the future owner to repay the debt to the bank or bailiffs to pay for the contract. This allows you to solve financial problems.

Purchase and sale with encumbrance

As a rule, the transfer of ownership takes place after the restrictions are completely lifted. This issue should be resolved first, even before selling the apartment. Otherwise, you may encounter problems when registering a transaction. The registrar may suspend or refuse registration of rights.

If the apartment is under mortgage, you can agree with the buyer to pay the remaining debt to pay for the apartment. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. An interview with a bank specialist is scheduled. He prepares the necessary documents.
  2. A preliminary purchase and sale agreement is concluded between the buyer and seller, and a receipt is issued for receipt of funds to pay the debt.
  3. A bank employee issues a statement confirming the repayment of the debt and the closure of the loan agreement.
  4. The documents are submitted to Rosreestr, where the encumbrance is removed.
  5. An employee of Rosreestr issues a new extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Then you can begin to sign the main purchase and sale agreement, register the transfer of ownership and pay for the contract.

The circumstances of the encumbrance should not be hidden from the buyer. Firstly, he or his agent can request an extract from the Unified State Register, which indicates information about the encumbrance. In addition, the buyer may meet you if he needs to pay off the debt. He can do this towards the cost of the contract before or after signing it.

If you are planning to purchase such real estate, it is better to conclude an agreement with a notary. In this case, additional documents are used on the possibility of concluding such a transaction. The notary uses an individual agreement, which describes all the conditions for the transfer and further disposal of real estate.

You can also add a clause to the standard agreement regarding the deadline for eviction and deregistration of persons living in the apartment. As for the mortgage encumbrance, guarantees of payments on time are taken into account. If a child is registered in the apartment, permission from the guardianship authorities is required.

Each restriction option has its own characteristics. Therefore, the contract is concluded with an individual package of documents, including supporting certificates.

Before agreeing to such a deal, you must do the following:

  • Collect complete information about the history of the property;
  • Familiarize yourself with the known encumbrance options and their characteristics;
  • Before signing a contract, consult with a lawyer;
  • Make sure that there are no registered people in the apartment or obtain consent to de-register before concluding the contract.

The extract from the Unified State Register contains basic information about all property owners. If there are too many of them, it is better to choose another option. You will also need an archival extract from the house register. It shows not only those registered in the apartment, but also all previously registered persons. According to these documents, you can see persons whose rights have been violated.

Thus, the disposal of an apartment with an encumbrance depends on its type. In some cases, the apartment can be transferred to another owner. In other cases, this is prohibited.

The law on registration of rights to real estate includes the concept of encumbrance. What is it?

Encumbrances are the rights of third parties to real estate that arise under various conditions. However, these persons are not owners.

The encumbrance arises as a result of the entry by virtue of a judicial act, by agreement of two parties or by signing an agreement.


The encumbrance not only restricts the owner of the apartment from fully disposing of it, but also gives him a number of responsibilities. For example, obligations arise under an annuity agreement or maintenance of a dependent person for life.

Sale of an apartment with an encumbrance possible, but is accompanied by additional paperwork. The advantage of such a deal will be a reduced price compared to similar options. Before signing a preliminary agreement, you should weigh the pros and cons. Otherwise, the contract will result in big problems for the buyer.

The encumbrance must be registered with the relevant government agencies. The information is entered into . For further operations with the object, an extract is requested, which reflects the encumbrance. This allows you to avoid undesirable consequences for the buyer when hiding the rights of third parties to the apartment. Each person can obtain information about the encumbrance in the Unified State Register.

The rights of the owner when concluding a transaction with real estate on which there are encumbrances are significantly infringed. He can transfer the rights to the apartment to third parties or sell it only with the permission of the mortgagee. For example, with a mortgage, a citizen can sell the object of the contract and pay off the mortgage.

According to the law, the owner of an apartment has the right to own, use and dispose of his property. All actions to transfer one’s rights to other persons are possible either with the consent of the mortgagee, or together with the encumbrance to the new owner.

To terminate the encumbrance, the owner of the premises must pay the mortgagee in full. For example, paying off a mortgage loan. After the borrower’s application, the bank submits information to the state registration department about the removal of the encumbrance. The entry becomes canceled and a stamp is placed on the certificate of registration of the right indicating the completion of the encumbrance. In case of failure to fulfill obligations on the part of the client, the bank has the right to take away the apartment. The issue is then resolved in court or peacefully.

Types of encumbrances

There are several forms of encumbrance. The law provides for: rent, mortgage, arrest, lease, trust management.

  1. – rights to real estate are transferred to a bank or other credit institution until the amount is fully repaid (the cost of the apartment plus interest on the use of cash). A mortgage is a long-term loan for a large amount. Therefore, the bank needs a guarantee of the return of its funds. This guarantor is the collateral – the apartment. After the loan is fully repaid, the owner receives full rights to dispose of his property.
  2. – the property is purchased together with the tenant. This encumbrance is impossible until people are evicted and the occupied living space is vacated. In case of a long period, court intervention is possible.
  3. Rent– the third party undertakes to provide the citizen with everything necessary to satisfy his needs. As a result, after death, the rentier receives the property of the deceased. In case of violation of the terms of the contract by one of the parties, it is necessary to terminate the contract. As a result, the funds spent must be returned and penalties must be paid. If there are heirs, the annuity agreement can be contested in court proceedings.
  4. Arrest– imposed as a result of non-payment of fines, utilities and other bills. Government services seize property. Encumbrance rights can only be removed by those who issued them.
  5. Trust management– registered in the name of a third party to monitor the apartment. The agreement is temporary. Applicable when property owners go on vacation for a long period of time. Rights end upon agreement of both parties or death.

How to sell and buy apartments with encumbrances

with encumbrance is a rather dangerous operation. This could result in big consequences.

For those wishing to sell an apartment with an encumbrance, it is worth giving advice: do not waste time solving the problem yourself. Contact professional lawyers immediately. He will help you sort out controversial issues and find the optimal solution. In the case where the operation took place, but the rights of third parties remain, you will have to go to court. Only in a lawsuit can the encumbrance be lifted. The person at fault will be required to pay the costs.

Options for removing the burden:

  • Arrest - through legal process.
  • Mortgage – full repayment of the loan.
  • Trust management and rent - by agreement of the parties.

It is worth noting that if you all decide to deal with an apartment that is in collateral or has been seized, carefully study the contract. New documents must be drawn up with the help of a notary. He will not allow mistakes to occur.

Mortgage - as one of the types of encumbrances

A mortgage is a long-term loan. In such a transaction, the apartment is the collateral property. The third party is the bank. He is the mortgagee.

The owner has the right, without notifying the bank, to allow other people to live in the apartment. When committing more serious actions, such as, you must notify the bank.

Documents for selling an apartment:

  1. Bank consent;
  2. Owner's passport.

When such a transaction is completed, the obligations of the mortgagee are transferred to the new owner.

How to remove an encumbrance, procedure, state duty

The moment “X” comes when the last payment for the mortgage apartment is made. Now it’s time to move on to removing the burden.

  1. You must obtain a mortgage closure certificate from the bank.
  2. Obtain a mortgage for an apartment from the bank.
  3. Provide a statement from the owner and the creditor to the registration chamber with a request to remove the encumbrance. To do this, an application is filled out and certified by the bank.
  4. Also provide:
    • agreement with the bank,
    • on the right about closing a mortgage loan,
    • mortgage on an apartment.
  5. After 5 working days A certificate of removal of the encumbrance on the property is issued. If you want to receive a certificate without marks, you will have to wait 30 days.

Thus, apartments with encumbrances are in demand in the real estate market. Their price is significantly lower than similar options. Typically, such apartments are legally clear, and people are not afraid of the lengthy process of removing the encumbrance.

Selling an apartment with an encumbrance: nuances on video

A practicing specialist in the sale of “complex” real estate explains what types of encumbrances exist, and also explains what the main difficulties await the seller of an apartment with an encumbrance, and how these difficulties can be dealt with.

Encumbrance means restricting the use, possession and disposal of property. However, not every limitation is one. The main feature is that it is imposed in accordance with the law.

Comes in two forms:

  • at the will of the owner, voluntary;
  • against the will of the owner, forced.

An example of a voluntary encumbrance is a pledge: the owner pledges what he owns, thereby encumbering it. Compulsory encumbrance - arrest. When property is seized by court order, the owner’s opinion is no longer asked.

Encumbrance means a restriction on actions regarding any disposal of property. That is why, in order to avoid problems, when purchasing real estate it is necessary to find out exactly whether it is not encumbered.

When passing from one hand to another, the nature and duration of the encumbrance does not change. Thus, when purchasing or inheriting a property, the buyer assumes all associated encumbrances.

Types of encumbrances

  • Mortgage: The owner pledges the property to secure the debt;
  • Seizure: property is seized for debts;
  • Trust management: the property is managed not by the owner himself, but by his trustee, legal representative (for example, in case of incapacity of the owner);
  • Restrictions on the disposal of property for the needs of government bodies;
  • Any other actions, transactions and restrictions that are burdensome.

Reasons for the restriction:

  • laws of the Russian Federation. For reasons specified in laws, property may be subject to encumbrance;
  • the court's decision;
  • agreement, transaction, the result of which is an encumbrance;
  • an act issued by government agencies.

Right to use real estate

Certain types of real estate rights may result in encumbrances:

  1. Rent. When a real estate lease agreement is concluded, certain obligations are imposed on the lessor. Upon subsequent sale of this property, the lease agreement will not be terminated. In this case, all obligations on the property are transferred to the new owner along with it;
  2. The right to use property free of charge is exercised according to the same principle. The sale of an object encumbered by this right does not imply termination of the contract. This means the transfer of the encumbrance to the new owner;
    as a type of annuity - lifelong maintenance with dependents. The basis for such content is the concluded agreement;
  3. Easement. There is a partial encumbrance on the land. The essence of an easement is that the owner of a plot of land has the right to partially use the neighboring plot. We are talking about laying paths, passages, etc. This is appropriate when it is impossible to get to an important object (for example, a water source) bypassing the neighboring area.

Trust management

The meaning of trust management is that the property is managed not by the owner himself, but by some trusted person. Moreover, this person is obliged to perform actions only in the interests of the owner. However, ownership of the entrusted property does not pass.

This type of agreement is concluded in writing. Failure to comply with all the conditions and rules for its preparation entails the recognition of the trust management as invalid.


The essence of a lease is the transfer of a land plot or real estate property for temporary use. Any object can be rented, except those withdrawn from general circulation.

The lease agreement is concluded in writing and must be signed by both parties. In case of any failure to comply with the form and procedure for concluding the contract, it will be declared invalid. When a plot, real estate or part thereof is rented out, a cadastral plan is attached, highlighting the part that is rented out.


The bottom line is that the property specified in the contract serves as a guarantee of repayment of the debt. If the debt is not repaid on time and in full, the property pledged as security goes against it. The pledge does not lose force even if the pledged real estate is sold. Ownership of a pledge can only be transferred with the unconditional consent of the pledgee.


The essence of the arrest is to impose an encumbrance on debt obligations of any kind.

The arrest provides for a ban on any alienation, and sometimes even the use of the property. No transactions can be completed until the arrest is lifted. Thus, the owner of the seized property is obliged to keep it safe and sound until the seizure is lifted or the property is confiscated.

Encumbrance of a share of property

The restriction may affect not only the property as a whole, but also its share. This occurs when the owner only has a share of the property.

It is fair to note that encumbering the entire property, for example, in the form of an arrest, deprives the owner of the right to sell it. But if a share is encumbered, then the owners of other shares have the right to sell them, etc. The only significant limitation on their actions is the division of property according to shares.

Thus, encumbrance involves restricting actions to dispose of property. There are many types of encumbrances that affect the rights of the owner in different ways. In addition, the encumbrance is most often temporary in nature and exists until the end of the contract or the completion of any actions.

A seizure of real estate can only be imposed by a court ruling.
The advantage of seizing real estate at the stage of judicial consideration of the case is that the debtor will no longer be able to either mortgage or sell his property.
Seizure of property is one of the measures to secure a claim. At the request of the persons participating in the case, the judge or court may take measures to secure the claim. Securing a claim is allowed in any situation in the case if failure to take measures to secure the claim may complicate or make it impossible to enforce the court decision.
In addition to arrest, measures to secure a claim may also include:
1) prohibiting the defendant from performing certain actions - for example, entering into agreements aimed at alienating property;
2) prohibiting other persons from performing certain actions related to the subject of the dispute, including transferring property to the defendant or fulfilling other obligations in relation to him;
3) suspension of the sale of property in the event of a claim for the release of property from seizure (exclusion from the inventory);
4) suspension of collection under a writ of execution contested by the debtor in court.
If necessary, a judge or court may take other measures to secure the claim that meet the goals of securing the claim. A judge or court may take several measures to secure a claim.
If the prohibitions are violated, the perpetrators are subject to a fine of up to 1,000 rubles. In addition, the plaintiff has the right in court to demand from these persons compensation for losses caused by failure to comply with the court's ruling to secure the claim.
The judge or court immediately reports the measures taken to secure the claim to the relevant state bodies or local government bodies that register property or rights to it, their restrictions (encumbrances), transfer and termination.
The court's ruling to secure the claim is carried out immediately.
The court may replace one measure to secure a claim with another measure to secure a claim at the request of a person participating in the case. When securing a claim for the recovery of a sum of money, the defendant, in return for the measures taken by the court to secure the claim, has the right to deposit into the court’s account the amount claimed by the plaintiff.
Removal of arrest
The arrest may be lifted by the same judge or court at the request of the defendant or at the initiative of the judge or court.
The ruling of the court that seized property can be appealed to a higher court, in the city of Moscow this is the Moscow City Court. However, in practice, the arrest is not lifted until the court makes a decision on the merits.
An arrest may also be imposed in order to ensure the execution of a writ of execution for property penalties at the request of the claimant by a bailiff simultaneously with the issuance of a resolution to initiate enforcement proceedings. In this case, the arrest is already part of the foreclosure of the property.
It should be borne in mind that a bailiff can seize real estate objects only if the debtor does not have funds in rubles and foreign currency and other valuables, including those located in banks and other credit organizations.
The seizure of the debtor's property consists of an inventory of the property, an announcement of a ban on its disposal, and, if necessary, a restriction of the right to use the property, its seizure or transfer for storage.
The sale of seized property is carried out by selling it within two months from the date of seizure. The sale of the debtor's real estate is carried out through auctions by specialized organizations that have the right to carry out real estate transactions in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


According to the federal law “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It,” encumbrance means the acquisition by persons other than the owners of certain rights to property. These are conditions that constrain the owner when owning real estate. The following may serve as encumbrances:
1. mortgage;
2. annuity with lifelong maintenance;
3. seizure of property;
4. rent;
5. easement;
6. guardianship;
7. belonging of the property to a cultural monument;
8. trust management.
A record of encumbrances must be contained in the title document - a certificate of state registration of ownership of the apartment. An encumbrance may arise upon conclusion of an agreement, or upon entry into force of a court decision.
About mortgage

A mortgage is the most common encumbrance on real estate ownership. Until the loan taken out to purchase a home is fully repaid, the apartment is pledged to the bank. In this case, however, the living space becomes the property of the buyer-borrower immediately after the sale and purchase transaction is completed. Thanks to this, despite the collateral restrictions, there are still many opportunities to dispose of the purchased housing.
The owner of a mortgaged apartment has the right to register it at the place of residence for himself and any other persons. In this case, neither the consent of the creditor bank nor anyone else is required. There are also no restrictions on the number of residents during registration for the owner, that is, the size of the living space does not matter. A mortgaged apartment can be rented out, transferred for free use or even sold, but these transactions will have to be concluded only with the consent of the creditor bank. The procedure for such approval is determined by the internal rules of the bank that provided the mortgage loan. Usually, the solvency of the person who wants to become the new owner of the apartment is checked so that the bank maintains guarantees for repayment of the loan.
If the buyer of a mortgaged home immediately repays the entire loan amount, then the encumbrance on the apartment is immediately removed, and approval from the bank is not required!
Lifetime annuity.

Lifetime annuity encumbrances are becoming increasingly common in the real estate market. The rent agreement assumes that the buyer of the apartment becomes its owner after the transaction is concluded (he does not pay money for the purchase of the apartment), but the former owner continues to live in it. As a rule, elderly single pensioners use the life annuity. He regularly receives from the new owner a certain payment (rent) or food and medicine, or both.
Most often, a life annuity is defined in the contract as a sum of money periodically paid to the recipient during his life. The monthly rent should not be lower than the minimum wage established by law, but may increase depending on the terms of the contract. Such encumbrance remains until the end of the life of the owner-rentee, after which the apartment becomes the complete disposal of the owner - the rent payer. Sometimes the annuity agreement stipulates the obligation of the new owner to organize a funeral after the death of the annuitant.
While the previous owner is alive, the new owner cannot freely dispose of the property without the consent of the tenant-rentee. In order to formalize a transaction with such real estate, you need to obtain the notarized approval of the previous owner.
You can freely sell, rent or mortgage an apartment after the encumbrance has been lifted. To do this, it is necessary to take the death certificate of the annuity recipient to the Office of the Federal Registration Service and, on the basis of this document, remove the encumbrance.
A rent agreement is subject to notarization, and an agreement providing for the alienation of real estate after the property passes to the new owner is subject to state registration.
A life annuity can be established in favor of several citizens, whose shares in receiving the annuity are considered equal. In the event of the death of one of the annuity recipients, his share in the right to receive payments passes to his surviving recipients, unless otherwise provided by the agreement. When the last annuitant dies, the obligation to pay ends.
Today, annuity agreements with lifetime maintenance are becoming more and more common. Due to the jump in prices in the real estate market, many are ready to take on the burden of a dependent in order to eventually own an apartment. Elderly property owners, in turn, strive to ensure a comfortable old age for themselves, since the state pension, as a rule, is not large.
By the way, unlike a gift, bequest or sale of real estate, annuity with lifetime maintenance is not taxed.
However, you need to keep in mind that purchasing an apartment “for rent” is quite a risky business. There are often cases when elderly people who receive annuities, on their own initiative or after persuasion from enterprising relatives, go to court to terminate the annuity contract. The apartment, after satisfying their demands, is returned to the previous owner, but maintenance expenses and regular payments made to the rent payer are not reimbursed!
Arrest of an apartment (or any other residential premises)

Another type of encumbrance is the seizure of property. The danger for a potential buyer is that a month passes from the moment the transaction is completed until the transfer of ownership. And during this time anything can happen. An apartment can be seized by a court decision if its owner, for example, has not paid utility bills for a long time or has not repaid loans.
If the property is under arrest, then it is impossible to take any legal action with it. Any concluded transactions are recognized as invalid, but the buyer, faced with this, is forced to waste his time, nerves and money on legal costs.
In practice, there are cases when the grounds for arrest have already disappeared, but law enforcement agencies “forget” to remove this burden. Then you need to contact the appropriate authorities that imposed the arrest, and if they do not take any action, remove the encumbrance through the court.
Rent, easement and guardianship

A ban on the alienation of an apartment may be imposed by guardianship and trusteeship authorities. An encumbrance appears if among the homeowners there are minors and (or) incapacitated citizens and their interests may suffer when the apartment is sold. Renting housing is also considered a burden. According to the law, when selling a rented apartment, tenants retain the right to live in it until the end of the contract, and the new owner must provide them with the same conditions of rental. However, in practice, no one buys an apartment with tenants - in the event of a sale, the owner simply terminates the rental agreement with the payment of appropriate compensation, and the buyer receives “free” housing.
Land owners are very familiar with this type of encumbrance called an easement. It represents the right to limited use of someone else's land. That is, if the owner needs, for example, to lay utilities or provide passage through a neighboring plot, he enters into an agreement with the neighbor. Thus, the site falls under encumbrance. An easement agreement is subject to registration in the manner established for registration of rights to real estate.
There are situations when the owner transfers his property for a certain period of time to a real estate agency for management. This is possible if the owner goes on a long business trip or he simply does not have time to take care of his real estate. Moreover, if the manager makes a transaction (this requires a trust management agreement), then he must obtain the consent of the real owner.
It is often difficult to sell an apartment due to the fact that someone has not lived in it for a long time, but is still registered. According to the Housing Code, in order to deregister, people themselves must contact the passport office. And if they do not do this, then they can only be evicted through the courts. If the home buyer signed an agreement in which it was stated that such and such citizens retain the right to use this apartment, then it will be impossible to discharge them through the court. The law will be on their side!
In most cases, real estate with encumbrances can be sold, but only with the consent of the buyer, who will take care of removing the restrictions on the property. A ban on sale imposes only a burden in the form of arrest - such a transaction simply will not be registered with the Federal Registration Service. It may also become impossible to conduct transactions with apartments in dilapidated buildings that are subject to resettlement.
In other cases, the property is transferred to new ownership already with encumbrances.

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