Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI): reviews. Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI): reviews Are there budget places in May?

Admission of students is carried out on a competitive budget and paid-contractual basis.

The Unified State Examination is generally held from May 27 to June 20.
Unified State Examination results are assessed on a 100-point scale. The certificate is valid until December 31, 2022. The minimum threshold for the subject will be known within 6-8 days after the Unified State Examination on the main dates. Without exceeding the minimum threshold of points in one of the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), the graduate has the right to retake it this year on additional days provided for in the schedule.
If a graduate does not achieve the minimum threshold of points in two compulsory subjects at once, he can take the Unified State Exam no earlier than next year.

The deadline for accepting documents has also been determined.

The start date for accepting documents required for admission to undergraduate programs in full-time and part-time forms of study is June 20, 2019

Those who enroll exclusively for training at the expense of budgetary allocations based on the results of the Unified State Examination can submit documents until July 26.

Acceptance of documents for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for undergraduate programs ends on August 13, 2019.

Acceptance of documents for studies in undergraduate programs based on the results of entrance tests conducted by MAI independently ends on July 10, 2019.

The deadline for submitting documents for distance learning based on the results of the Unified State Exam is September 13, 2019;

The deadline for submitting documents for correspondence courses for persons entering based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by MAI independently is September 6, 2019.

Additional entrance tests of a specialized, creative or professional orientation are not conducted at MAI.

Enrollment will take place on the following dates:

  • July 27 – summing up the results of the competition, posting the list of those who passed the competition and the list of reserves;
  • from July 28 to August 1 – collection of original documents from persons who passed the competition;
  • August 3 – publication and posting on the official website of the order for the enrollment of persons included in the lists of stage I;
  • August 8 - publication and posting on the official website of the order for the enrollment of persons included in the lists of stage II;
  • August 23 - enrollment in full-time undergraduate programs is carried out under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

In July 2019, the Admissions Committee will accept certificates of the Unified State Examination (USE), obtained in the 2015 and 2016 academic years, in the following subjects:

Towards "Informatics and Computer Science": mathematics (major), Russian language, physics.

Towards "Management": mathematics (specialized), Russian language, social studies.

Documents submitted to the admissions committee:

  1. Certificate of completion of high school or diploma of completion of a secondary vocational educational institution (original).
  2. Photos – 12 pcs. (3x4 - 6 pcs. and 4x6 cm - 6 pcs.).
  3. Certificate of registration or military ID (to be presented) + photocopy of the 1st page of the registration certificate.
  4. Passport (presented) + photocopy of 1.2 pages.
  5. Unified State Examination results.
  6. SNILS.

Military department

The training of students at the military department is carried out on a competitive basis according to the training programs for reserve lieutenants.

Studying at the military department allows you to:

- in addition to the main civilian specialty, obtain a military specialty;

Those who have completed training at the military department are not called up for military service, but can be called up at their own request.


MAI preparatory courses prepare 11th grade students for the Unified State Examination and entrance examinations to technical and humanitarian universities in Russia.

Purpose of the preparatory courses– to provide the future student with fundamental training in competitive subjects: physics, mathematics, Russian language, history and social studies. Classes in the courses will help systematize the knowledge acquired at school, raise the level of training to the requirements for a future engineer, and provide the opportunity to acquire solid skills in independently and creatively solving the most complex problems. The solid knowledge gained from us will serve as a good basis for making a meaningful choice of your life path.

Studying at MAI preparatory courses means:

  • classes with qualified teachers;
  • training on methods of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • analysis of test performance and individual recommendations for students and their parents;
  • textbooks for applicants;
  • adaptation to studying at a university.

Classes at the preparatory courses are taught by teachers from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Peter the Great, having extensive teaching experience, academic degrees and titles, as well as the best teachers and methodologists of the city schools, recommended by the city education committee: Mametova G.U. , Andrianova N.V., Taranina O.V., Martynov A.A., Yashin A.V.

Duration of training in preparatory courses is:

  • 8 months – in groups of one-year training;

At the request of the applicant, he can be enrolled in a study group that studies on days convenient for him.

Classes are held:

  • Two days a week (on weekdays) for 4 academic hours a day (from 16 to 19 hours).

Preparation is carried out in the following subjects:

  • mathematics (128 hours);
  • physics (128 hours);
  • computer science (128 hours);
  • social studies (128 hours);
  • Russian language (128 hours).

Training is paid.

Address: Serpukhov, st. Oktyabrskaya, 21, room No. 118.

Directions: by buses No. 4, No. 106, stop “Children's sanatorium” (gps: 54.902791, 37.401167)

Higher education provides an opportunity to get a decent job. This is explained to schoolchildren long before the time comes for them to decide how their future life should develop. Therefore, many applicants are extremely responsible about where to continue their studies. Such future students carefully research information about their future university. This article is intended to make this process somewhat easier. It will describe the Moscow Aviation Institute (departments, faculties, admission conditions). This information will allow you to make an informed decision: is it worth choosing the educational institution in question?

About the university

Over the years of its existence, MAI has grown from a small aeromechanical school to one of the largest national research universities. Today, 1,800 experienced, competent teachers teach more than 20,000 future specialists at 12 faculties in 42 areas of training. Graduates of the institute in question are extremely in demand. Thus, employment for students is guaranteed.

Positive reviews

Is it worth going to MAI? Reviews and people's opinions vary. Often in the most dramatic way. However, the majority of responses are positive. Students and graduates talk about competent, experienced teachers and high-quality knowledge received at the university. Many share that they were able to get a good job after completing their studies. Most graduates do not regret the years they spent at this institute.

Negative reviews

However, not everyone speaks with such tenderness and gratitude about studying at MAI. Some claim that many teachers do not provide knowledge properly. Such students talk about constant tardiness of professors, lack of meaningful classes, problems with the admissions committee, and lack of up-to-date educational materials.

It is not easy to choose which responses to believe. Most likely, they all partly have a certain basis. As a rule, it all depends on the specific people with whom you will have to collaborate. Conscientious teachers will provide quality knowledge, others will waste your time.

passing score

Applicants must take into account many nuances. So, what else is important to know for those who are planning to enter MAI on their own this year? Reviews recommend paying attention to what passing scores the educational institution has set for the Unified State Examination results. They are relevant both for those who plan to enroll in a budget-funded place, and for those who have chosen the option of paid education.

Thus, the minimum score in computer science (or information and communication technologies), as well as in social studies, is 50, in Russian - 48, in mathematics - 39, in physics, foreign language, history and geography - 40.

Reviews recommend that every applicant be sure to take these requirements into account when applying to MAI. This will help you objectively assess your chances.

Areas of training

Before choosing a specialty for which you will apply to the Moscow Aviation Institute, reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of exams required to pass.

So, there are several blocks of subjects, test results for which should be provided upon admission. First block: Russian language, physics, mathematics. These disciplines are relevant for the following areas of study: applied mathematics and computer science, fundamental computer science and information technology, physics, computer science and information systems and technologies, radio engineering, instrument engineering, biotechnical systems and technologies, laser technology and laser technologies, electrical power engineering and electrical engineering, applied mechanics, automation of technological processes and production, technosphere safety, metallurgy, standardization and metrology, motion control systems and navigation, missile systems and astronautics, aircraft engines, aircraft construction, control of technical systems, innovation, nanotechnology and microsystem technology.

The second block of disciplines: mathematics, history, Russian language. It is relevant for those who plan to study as a linguist.

Third block: Russian language, computer science and These exams will have to be passed by those who intend to enroll in the following areas of training: applied mathematics, applied computer science, software engineering, information security, information technology and communication systems, design and technology of electronic means, quality management, system analysis and management.

Mathematics, Russian language and geography will have to be taken by those who want to study ecology and environmental management.

In turn, social studies, Russian language and mathematics will be needed for those who want to continue their studies in the following specialties: economics, personnel management, management, business informatics, advertising and public relations, organization of work with youth, service.

This information will help you reconsider your plans and evaluate your options.


The main thing you need to decide on in advance is this. To do this, it is important to carefully study the list of available faculties at a given institute. These include the following:

  • "Radiovtuz".
  • "Aviation technology".
  • "Foreign languages".
  • "Aircraft engines".
  • "Aerospace".
  • "Applied mathematics and physics".
  • "Radio electronics of aircraft".
  • "Applied mechanics".
  • "Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering."
  • "Social Engineering".
  • "Robotics and intelligent systems."
  • "Pre-university preparation."

The Moscow Military Aviation Institute is also quite popular among applicants. It is important to carefully familiarize yourself with all the features of the chosen specialty before submitting documents. This will facilitate the process of adaptation to new conditions during training.

Special rights and benefits for applicants

Some applicants have the right to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute without any entrance exams. Student reviews report that this happens quite often. Among these applicants:

  • Those who participated in the All-Russian Olympiad or won it.
  • Those who participated in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad or won it.

Others can study at the expense of budget funds within a certain quota. Disabled people can take advantage of this opportunity; orphans; those who were left without parental care; combat veterans.

The higher education institution in question may change some conditions at its discretion. Therefore, it is recommended to check regularly for current requirements.

How are individual achievements taken into account?

As reviews from 2016 report about MAI, when applying for training, they can declare their special achievements, which will certainly be taken into account when enrolling. Points are awarded for significant results (from 1 to 10).

The following individual achievements play a role:

  • Sports victories (world champion, European champion, medalist or champion of the Olympic, Deaflympic and Paralympic games).
  • Certificate of secondary general education (with honors or with the condition of receiving a silver or gold medal).
  • Status of laureate, prize-winner, winner of Olympiads corresponding to the chosen specialty).
  • Diploma of higher education (with honors).
  • Diploma of secondary vocational education (with honors).

    A maximum of 10 points can be awarded.

Admission of foreigners

Can foreign citizens become MAI students? Student feedback shows that they can. However, this group of applicants has its own special conditions for admission.

For example, such citizens can study at the Moscow Aviation Institute (reviews about the training of foreigners confirm this fact) both through financial support from the budget and through funding, the source of which is any legal entity or individual. In the second case, as is usually the case, a contract for the provision of services is concluded.

In the higher educational institution in question, there is a strictly defined quota for the education of foreigners, which is established in accordance with current legislation. It may vary depending on the chosen specialty, as well as over time. Otherwise, foreign applicants are treated in the same way as Russian ones.

Such applicants are not required to take a Russian language exam for admission. For neither, the list of mandatory examination disciplines is adjusted in a certain way.

There is a certain quota of foreign citizens who can study in those specialties whose educational programs involve the disclosure of information that relates to state secrets. This mechanism is governed by relevant law.

The need for a medical examination

A number of specialties require the provision of some additional documents. We are talking about results in accordance with the requirements based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation. This condition applies to the following specialties:

  • "Radio-electronic systems and complexes."
  • "Testing of aircraft."
  • "Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering".

Take this into account if you plan to enroll in one of these specialties at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Feedback from students confirms that knowledge of this kind of features greatly facilitates the process. Parents of applicants are encouraged to monitor how their child prepares the necessary documents.

Features of document acceptance

What do you need to prepare before entering MAI? Reviews recommend studying this point in advance to avoid any unpleasant surprises during the document submission process. So what do you need to know?

Along with the application for admission to this higher education institution, you must provide:

  • Any document that allows you to identify the applicant.
  • Two photographs (black and white) four by six centimeters in size.
  • Original document confirming previous education (a photocopy would also be appropriate).
  • If an applicant has any special rights upon admission, additional documents confirming this fact must be provided.

If a potential student considers it necessary to present something else to the admissions committee, he has the right to do so.


The Moscow Aviation Institute is an educational institution that has provided many thousands of students with high-quality knowledge and the opportunity to get a well-paid, prestigious job.

Be extremely careful when choosing a university and specialty. This choice will have a significant impact on the rest of your life. Take it seriously. And then the coming years of study will bring you only the most positive emotions.

MAI preparatory courses

Preparatory courses are no longer a new thing for anyone, but a completely traditional option to gain confidence before entrance examinations to the chosen university. MAI preparatory courses will most likely predetermine your admission to budget-funded forms of education. Often, preparatory courses are taught by university teachers and this is also another way to adapt to student everyday life by getting to know your future mentors in advance.

The MAI Institute trains future applicants starting from the 8th grade of high school. The courses also accept 9th, 10th and 11th graders. Accordingly, these are four training programs of varying intensity and duration (designed for 4, 3, 2 and 1 year of training).

It is better to start attending courses from the 8th grade if you have long decided on your future profession and specialty and the choice fell on aircraft, helicopter engineering, maintenance, spacecraft, or even you just want to be an engineer - preparatory courses at MAI will definitely not harm you during your preparation to take the Unified State Exam. And this is also what the MAI preparatory course program focuses on.

MAI preparatory courses for schoolchildren

Depending on the chosen program (school class when you came for training), preparatory courses include training in various subjects:


To register for courses you must have with you:

  • passport and a copy of the student’s passport;
  • passport and a copy of the passport of one of the parents;
  • 2 photos 4x6 or 3x4;

MAI Institute preparatory courses

among other things, based on the results of their completion, each applicant will receive individual recommendations from MAI teachers. Over the years of operation of the MAI preparatory courses, their teaching has developed at a very high level and, among other things, provides:

  • analysis of semester exam results and individual recommendations to students and their parents;
  • assessment of rehearsal work according to the same criteria as in the real exam;
  • holding parent meetings with the participation of course administration and teachers;
  • prompt and accessible communication between parents and schoolchildren with the administration (the dean’s office of the Faculty of Education is located in the main academic building - the State University of Education and Science on the same floor as the classrooms where classes are held) and teachers;
  • provision of study guides compiled by experienced methodologists and literature on preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam, recommended by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements;
  • career guidance work with students, giving them the opportunity to correctly navigate the choice of a future specialty.

MAI preparatory courses cost

The price of preparatory courses for schoolchildren at MAI may differ from year to year. But you need to consider the following payment information.

Classes begin in October and November of the academic year.

Curriculum: 48 teaching hours per month, training runs through May of the academic year inclusive, payment is monthly.

Registration for courses: weekdays from 12:00 to 17:00 in the dean’s office of the Preparatory Department of the FDP - Main Academic Building (GUK), zone “A”, 4th floor, room. 414A, 414.

Phone numbers for inquiries:

7 499 158-43-54,

7 499 158-46-91,

7 499 158-44-03.

Call them and they will advise you on the cost of MAI preparatory courses.

MAI faculties

  • Faculty of MAI Aviation Engineering No. 1

First Faculty of MAI

It is deservedly called the first faculty, because it is the leading faculty of MAI and produces highly qualified engineers (specialists), bachelors and masters for the design, design and research departments of experimental design bureaus (OKB) and research institutes (SRI) of the country's aviation industry. Here, graduates of the faculty work on the creation of aircraft for various purposes: airplanes, helicopters, study the problems of aerodynamics and flight dynamics of aircraft, engage in standardization and testing the airworthiness of aircraft, analyze the effectiveness of aviation systems, and select promising design solutions.


  • Faculty of MAI Robotic and intelligent systems No. 7

This faculty graduates about 200 specialists annually. Students study disciplines such as automatic control theory, statistical dynamics, decision theory, efficiency of aircraft systems, pattern recognition systems, computer-aided design systems and other complex problems that are extremely necessary for a good, passionate engineer.

Dean's office contacts

Tel.: +7 499 158-58-68

  • Faculty of MAI Information technologies and applied mathematics No. 8

For more than 40 years, the faculty has been training specialists who successfully work in the field of creating and using mathematical and software computing, information intelligent systems, as well as the application of mathematical methods, mathematical modeling and computers in aviation and astronautics, economics, physics, ecology and other science-intensive areas .

Dean's office contacts

MAI Institutes as faculties

  • MAI Institute Aviation, rocket engines and power plants No. 2

Specialists in specialty 05.24.02 “Design of aircraft and rocket engines”, training period is 5.5 years.

Bachelors in the field of training 03/24/05 “Aircraft Engines”, duration of study is 4 years.

Bachelors in the field of training 03/20/01 “Technosphere Safety”, duration of study is 4 years.

Bachelors in the field of preparation 03/27/01 “Standardization and Metrology”, duration of study is 4 years.


Director of Institute No. 2
Veronica Pavlovna Monakhova
Corp. 2B, room No. 405-1
Tel. +7 499 158-27-31

  • MAI Institute of Control Systems, Informatics and Electric Power Engineering No. 3

The Institute trains bachelors, masters and specialists in the development and design of various types of equipment, instruments, complexes and systems for the aerospace and other industries in the following areas of training, specialties and specializations:

Direction: 03/09/01 - “Informatics and Computer Science”;

Direction: 03/09/02 - “Information systems and technologies”;

Direction: 03/09/03 - “Applied Informatics”;

Direction: 03/09/04 - “Software Engineering”;

Direction: 03/12/04 - “Biotechnical systems and technologies”;

Direction: 03/13/02 - “Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering”;

Specialty: 05/24/05 - Integrated aircraft systems;

Specialty: 05/24/06 - “Aircraft control systems”;

  • Institute MAI Radioelectronics, infocommunications and information security No. 4

The Institute of Radioelectronics, Infocommunications and Information Security of MAI has a powerful laboratory and technical base, rich scientific and educational traditions. Russia has a strong school of radio electronics, recognized throughout the world. It is the high-tech industries that should boost the country's economy, and our institute is one of the flagships of the upcoming and ongoing changes.

  • MAI Institute No. 5

The Institute of Engineering Economics and Humanities MAI annually accepts over 500 people for full-time, part-time (evening) and correspondence courses. Admission to budget and commercial places is carried out in 7 areas of training for bachelors and specialists:

38.03.01 “Economy”

38.03.02 “Management”

03/38/03 “Human Resources Management”

03.38.04 “State and municipal administration”

03/09/03 “Working with youth”

43.03.01 “Service”

Contact Information

  • Aerospace Institute MAI No. 6

Aerospace Faculty of MAI trains design engineers, designers and systems engineers for enterprises and organizations in the rocket and space industry and other high-tech sectors of the Russian economy. Higher education of a design engineer in the aerospace field, in addition to special subjects, includes in-depth study of such disciplines as computer science, ecology, system analysis, monitoring and control, communications and navigation.

Aerospace Faculty of MAI is located in the 24th academic building of MAI

Dean's office:
rooms 418, 416, 414, 412


  • MAI Institute of General Engineering Training No. 9

Students receive special training, which is universal and is applied in the field of:

  • engineering problems of strength, heat transfer, radio engineering, aerodynamics, etc.;
  • computer use and programming;
  • design of antenna systems and their mechanisms;
  • the latest materials, including nanotechnologies and their testing;
  • design of radio engineering intelligent systems.
  • MAI Institute of Foreign Languages ​​No. 10

The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​as a division of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) was founded in 1998. The Institute was created to meet the needs of aerospace industry enterprises for highly qualified specialists with knowledge of foreign languages. Throughout its activities, the MAI Institute of Foreign Languages ​​has kept pace with the rapidly developing industry, producing qualified and in-demand professionals, preparing them to work in modern companies in the aviation, space, and defense sectors of the Russian economy.


  • MAI Institute No. 11

The Institute trains bachelors and masters in the field of metallurgical processes, welding and soldering methods, materials science and technology of polymer materials, medical materials, technical means of environmental protection and life safety, in the field of quality management and production organization.


  • MAI Institute Aerospace Science-Intensive Technologies and Production No. 12

The Institute trains bachelors, specialists and masters in the field of innovative technologies for the design, testing, operation and repair of aerospace equipment, specialists for the development and implementation of advanced microelectronics technologies, precision instrumentation and high technology, control systems, on-board electronic equipment, aviation and rocket engineers - space directions and specialties. Achieving a high level of quality in personnel training is built at the institute on the basis of the integration of science, education, high-tech production, the introduction of modern educational technologies, information and telecommunication systems and the creation of an effective system for training scientific personnel and highly qualified specialists for enterprises and organizations of high-tech industries.


MAI specialties

The MAI Institute at one time switched to a multi-level personnel training system and now also trains:

  • bachelors;
  • specialists;
  • masters;
  • graduate students.

However, not all MAI faculties have a specialty. Therefore, if it is important for you to obtain exactly this level of higher education and you do not want to consistently obtain a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree, then pay attention to the areas of training on the above sites or department pages.

If by specialty you mean the name of your qualification after graduating from university, then you can see the full list on the official MAI website at LINK.

MAI passing scores

For an applicant who has passed the final exams of the Unified State Exam in three subjects that coincide with the entrance exams for admission to the Moscow Aviation Institute, this is the sum of points for three exams depending on the specialty (Russian language, physics, computer science, mathematics (profile), social studies, geography, foreign language , history) required for admission to the MAI Institute.

MAI passing scores are set annually, they minimal And designed for applicants to paid departments.

For example, the current minimum MAI passing scores 2019, from which you can sum up the score you need:

MAI passing scores on a budget depend on how 11th grade graduates pass the Unified State Exam from year to year. The MAI passing score also depends on the specialty you are going to enter, since there are MAI training areas that are more popular among applicants - there, accordingly, the competition among applicants is higher.

How does a certain passing score appear? It’s simple - all applicants who have submitted documents for admission are included in the lists by specialty, which are ranked until the last day for accepting documents: the first place in the list is taken by the applicant who has scored the maximum number of points for three subjects, and then in descending order; the last place is equal to the number of places for the MAI specialty and the sum of points in this last place becomes the passing score. Moreover, before the last day for accepting documents, an applicant with a large number of points can push you out of the last place on the list. In addition, the ranking occurs depending on whether you submitted copies or originals of documents for your specialty (if the number of points is equal, the applicant who submitted the originals of the certificate and certificate of passing the Unified State Exam will take a higher position).

Thus, when applying, you can only rely on the passing scores of previous years, but you should aim for maximum scores for your Unified State Examination. High scores for each of the three subjects for admission guarantee a high amount and a high position in the ranking of applicants, from which it will be difficult to displace you in any case.

For information and understanding, we will present the MAI passing scores of previous years by department from the official website of the MAI Institute.

MAI passing score 2018

You can always look at the passing scores of previous years in the corresponding section of the official MAI website at LINK

Passing score MAI 2017

When submitting an application to the admissions committee, you can choose up to 3 areas that you want to enroll in. Until July 26 inclusive, you can change your choice (an unlimited number of times), if the results of the Unified State Exam (and other exams) allow it.

MAI enrollment

Enrollment in MAI traditionally occurs in early August. Student status is being issued MAI orders for enrollment first year students. This entire process is regulated by the Rules for admission to higher education educational programs - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs at the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university), approved by order No. 935 dated September 28, 2017.

Archive MAI orders and information about all enrolled students is available on the MAI Institute website in the “Applicants” section, subsection “Admissions Committee” at LINK

Orders for enrollment in MAI 2019

Everyone entering the MAI looks forward to the moment of the end of their experiences, which comes with familiarization with the order for enrollment in the MAI. This moment comes at different times, depending on the so-called “waves of arrival” (the role played here is:

MAI campus.

The campus includes 9 buildings MAI dormitories with a total number of places - 7020. The total area of ​​dormitories is 79,541 sq.m. Bilateral agreements for the rental of premises and additional services are concluded between students living in the dormitory and the campus.

The MAI dormitory is provided in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (Article 39). Based on the orders of the institute, each faculty is assigned a certain number of places for accommodation in campus dormitories for non-residents students, undergraduates, graduate students. The hostel is provided on the basis of an order for admission to the institute for students, undergraduates and graduate students admitted with the provision of a hostel (the number of available places is regulated by the faculties).

You can find out the MAI dormitory and their cost in the section of the MAI website at LINK.

MAI campus

The MAI campus includes not only academic buildings, a library and dormitories, but also sports facilities, canteens and cafes, and its own nursery, which makes student life easier, relatively quicker and simpler.

Editor's Choice
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