What does the lightning icon mean? Lightning. What in Rus' served as a symbol of striking lightning

Flash, surprise, sparkle, energy and incredible power - all this is contained in just one lightning strike. The same can be said about a person who reveres this sign and puts it on his body in the form of a tattoo. The meaning of a lightning tattoo can be very diverse. Everyone who marks themselves with this sign puts their own meaning into this natural phenomenon.

Since ancient times, lightning has been seen as some kind of mysterious force and an incredible mystery. Many legends were associated with her; they feared her, but at the same time they worshiped her power. The ancients believed that God sent lightning out of anger at the people for their disobedience. But at the same time, people who were struck by lightning were revered, since they considered such an event to be a mark of God himself. Farmers held lightning in reverence, since it accompanied rain, and rain, in turn, promised a fertile year.

In modern religion lightning is considered a symbol of fertility, power and endless energy. Often such tattoos appear on the body of clergy. The scripture says that before Moses visited Mount Sinai, thunder and lightning erupted, and then God appeared.

A lightning discharge is a high-power electrical impulse. It is not surprising that current is denoted in this way. Lightning is used on the logos of signalmen and people of electrical engineering specialties. Therefore, people of these professions also often apply the sign of lightning to their bodies. Sailors believe that lightning protects them on the way, it is a kind of amulet, and therefore they honor and respect this sign.

Currently, lightning tattoos are applied by people who are self-sufficient, energetic, have extraordinary thinking, strive for power with great willpower and are distinguished by their unexpectedness. Such people are always in the center of attention, they are revered and respected by the people around them.

Photo of lightning tattoo

Lightning Tattoo Sketches

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Today is Friday again, and again the guests are in the studio, spinning the drum and guessing the letters. The next episode of the capital show Field of Miracles is on our air and here is one of the questions in the game:

What in Rus' served as a symbol of striking lightning? 7 letters

Correct answer - POKER

The order of family division among the Slavs, speaking with a certain degree of generalization, is somewhat similar to the life of social insects. For example, in bees, the family invariably exists up to a certain point; but during swarming it is divided into two parts.

Among the Slavs, the magic of the family was closely connected with the magic of fire. The Slavs believed that the fire kindled in the hearth ignites the fire of love and adoration, which spreads to all family members living under the same roof. In this regard, many ancient rituals find their explanation. Thus, when matchmaking a bride, the Slavs turned to the family hearth as to a family deity, and from him they received permission to remove the chosen bride from the family. According to Bulgarian custom, the matchmaker, upon entering the bride's house, rake coals from the stove. And by this gesture they will know the purpose of his visit. In Rus', the matchmaker, having arrived at the house of the bride's parents, first of all, regardless of when this happens - in winter or summer, begins to warm his hands at the stove, and only then begins his matchmaking. Obviously, this is where the expression “warm your hands” comes from.

In Little Russia, when negotiations are underway about matchmaking, the bride sits by the stove and begins to pick out clay from it. With this she expresses her desire to get married. In the Chernigov province, when the matchmakers appear, the bride climbs onto the stove, and they beg her to come down. If she gets off the stove, she thereby expresses her readiness to leave her home.

In the Kursk province, before the start of matchmaking, the groom's father and his chosen matchmaker tie a poker with a broom. This magical gesture should ensure the success of the campaign. It is easy to see that the poker represents the male genital organ, and the broom represents the female. This is a kind of Linga - the male genital organ of Shiva, resting on the female genital organ of Parvati - the yoni. A.N. Afanasiev interprets this differently. He believes that the poker is a symbol of the lightning club of the god Agni, and the broom is a symbol of the wind fanning the thunderstorm flames. This magical procedure should ignite the fire of love. In the Tver province, the day after the wedding, mummers drive around the village with a broom and a stove damper. Obviously the symbolism is still the same.

In all ancient cultures, lightning serves as an expressive sign of strength, speed, movement and is an attribute of the thunder god, the king of the gods. Lightning, connecting heaven and earth, personifies the divine will, the creative impulse that is transmitted to the earth and becomes the driving force of people and events. Lightning was seen as signs sent by the gods; places struck by lightning were considered sacred, and people struck by lightning were considered divine.

Being an expression of divine wrath and an image of destructive “heavenly fire,” lightning is at the same time beneficial, personifying the awakening of internal vital forces. Psychologically, lightning can be seen as a crisis and at the same time as the ability to see new horizons in the darkness and find a way out. The knowledge of the Truth in its suddenness, strength and shock is like a flash of lightning. “The instantaneousness of spiritual insight was compared to lightning in many religions. Moreover: a sudden flash of lightning, tearing apart the darkness, was regarded as a mysterium tremendum (Latin for “terrible secret”), which, transforming the world, fills the soul with sacred awe” (Mircea Eliade).

In Ancient India, it was believed that lightning served as a symbol of the power and greatness of Brahman - the impersonal Absolute that underlies all things. Brahman is cognized instantly, with lightning speed, and in Vedic and Upanishad texts the moment of insight is compared to lightning - “truth in lightning.”

The Vedas mention Trita, a very ancient deity believed to be the personification of lightning. It is associated with water, fire and sky. Lightning as heavenly fire is one of the hypostases of Agni; she is also associated with the destructive fire of the “third eye” of Shiva (Vedic Rudra). One of Shiva’s feats was the destruction of Tripura, the capital of the asuras, with one arrow: “Then the three-eyed Shiva quickly released a destructive arrow. The firmament turned red, as if molten gold had mixed with purple, and the sparkle of the arrow merged with the rays of the sun. The arrow burned three fortresses like a haystack straw." The vajra, the mythical weapon of the thunder god Indra, is closely associated with the symbol of lightning. Vajra (Sanskrit "diamond", "lightning") is called the "thrower of lightning" and is considered a force that destroys enemies and all types of ignorance.

The vajra is also one of the most important symbols of Buddhism and denotes the spiritual power of the Buddha, splitting the illusory realities of the world. Tibetan Buddhists call the vajra "dorje". It symbolizes the strength, clarity and all-conquering power of the Buddha's teachings.

In ancient Chinese mythology, the origin of natural phenomena is associated with Pan-gu, the first man on earth: with his sigh, wind and rain are born, with his exhalation, thunder and lightning are born. According to legend, there was a heavenly government of thunder. It included the god of thunder, the god of wind, the god of rain and the goddess of lightning. The head of the heavenly council of thunder, Leizu, was depicted with a third eye on his forehead, from which a stream of light flowed. Dian-mu (“mother lightning”) held two mirrors in her hands raised above her head. Standing on a cloud, she either brought the mirrors together or spread them apart, as a result of which lightning arose. It was believed that Dian-mu illuminates with lightning the hearts of sinners who must be punished by the god of thunder.

In the symbolism of the ancient Chinese treatise “I Ching”, lightning is an image of the hexagram zhen, “excitement”. It marks the moment when life begins anew, going back is impossible, you need to go forward. In this situation, a person may feel fear and lose confidence in their own abilities. But if you do not change the principle of steady action and striving forward, such a movement will lead to the highest success.

Among the ancient Greeks, lightning was wielded by the head of the Olympian pantheon of gods, Zeus. During the fight against the Titans, the Cyclopes forged Zeus a lightning bolt - a magical weapon with which he struck Kronos. Having won these battles, Zeus gained power over the earth and sky, and thunder, lightning and peruns became his integral attribute. The myths attribute the first of two births of the “twice-born” Dionysus to the lightning strike of Zeus.

According to Pliny the Elder, the great Etruscan god Tin commanded “three sparkling red beams of lightning.” Under his command there were sixteen deities, but only eight had the right to throw lightning, and these lightning differed in color. All these features were taken into account by the haruspex soothsayers who interpreted the heavenly signs.

In ancient Rome, Jupiter, like many other ancient gods, initially did not have a human appearance, but was depicted as a stone arrow, which was seen as a symbol of lightning. Subsequently, the thunder arrows that he holds in his hand became a symbol of the power and invincible strength of the king of the gods. Jupiter's three lightning bolts symbolize chance, fate and foresight - the three forces that shape the future.

According to Aztec myths, the Universe went through four stages (or eras) of development. In the third era, which was called “Four. Rain,” the supreme deity, the bearer of the sun, was Tlaloc, the god of rain and thunder, who was depicted with a lightning staff. The element of this era, which ended with a worldwide fire, is fire, and its sign is lightning.

In the Christian era, lightning is associated with the revelation of God, as, for example, in the book of Exodus, where thunder and lightning foreshadow the appearance of God to Moses on Mount Sinai. In addition, lightning is a symbolic expression of God's judgment (on the Day of Judgment).

In the famous Muslim story of the revelation to Mohammed in a cave on Mount Hira, lightning precedes the appearance of the divine messenger - the Angel Jibril.

Symbol of creative power. The thunderers, the rulers of lightning, were, as a rule, the supreme gods (Greek Zeus, Roman Jupiter, Slavic Perun; in the Scandinavian tradition, however, the god of war Thor was the ruler of lightning). As an attribute of the supreme deity, lightning is considered an emblem of sovereign power (the heraldic eagle with a bunch of arrows in its paw emphasizes this symbolism, since the arrow acts as a metaphor for lightning). Lightning is also a phallic symbol, an attribute of the sky deity as the male cosmic principle; in this case, the thunderstorm appears as the intercourse of earth and sky. At the same time, lightning is associated with light and enlightenment; this is the image of the logos piercing the darkness.
Various aspects of the symbolism of lightning can be traced through the example of the vajra. In most religions, lightning is represented as a manifestation of a deity: in lightning the biblical god Yahweh appears; Zeus appears before Semele in a flash of lightning.

In all ancient cultures, lightning serves as an expressive sign of strength, speed, movement and is an attribute of the thunder god, the king of the gods. Lightning, connecting heaven and earth, personifies the divine will, the creative impulse that is transmitted to the earth and becomes the driving force of people and events. Lightning was seen as signs sent by the gods; places struck by lightning were considered sacred, and people struck by lightning were considered divine.

Being an expression of divine wrath and an image of destructive “heavenly fire,” lightning is at the same time beneficial, personifying the awakening of internal vital forces. Psychologically, lightning can be seen as a crisis and at the same time as the ability to see new horizons in the darkness and find a way out. The knowledge of the Truth in its suddenness, strength and shock is like a flash of lightning. “The instantaneousness of spiritual insight has been compared to lightning in many religions. Moreover: a sudden flash of lightning, tearing apart the darkness, was regarded as a mysterium tremendum (Latin for “terrible secret”), which, transforming the world, fills the soul with sacred awe.”(Mircea Eliade).

IN Ancient India It was believed that lightning serves as a symbol of the power and greatness of Brahman - the impersonal Absolute that underlies all things. Brahman is cognized instantly, with lightning speed, and in Vedic and Upanishad texts the moment of insight is compared to lightning - “truth in lightning.”

The Vedas mention Trita, a very ancient deity believed to be the personification of lightning. It is associated with water, fire and sky. Lightning as heavenly fire is one of the hypostases of Agni; she is also associated with the destructive fire of the “third eye” of Shiva (Vedic Rudra). One of Shiva’s feats was the destruction of Tripura, the capital of the asuras, with one arrow: “Then the three-eyed Shiva quickly fired a destructive arrow. The firmament turned red, as if molten gold had mixed with purple, and the sparkle of the arrow merged with the rays of the sun. The arrow burned three fortresses like a haystack.” The vajra, the mythical weapon of the thunder god Indra, is closely associated with the symbol of lightning. Vajra (Sanskrit “diamond”, “lightning”) is called the “thrower of lightning” and is considered a force that destroys enemies and all types of ignorance.

The vajra is also one of the most important symbols of Buddhism and denotes the spiritual power of the Buddha, splitting the illusory realities of the world. Tibetan Buddhists call the vajra "dorje". It symbolizes the strength, clarity and all-conquering power of the Buddha's teachings.

IN ancient Chinese mythology the origin of natural phenomena is associated with Pan-gu, the first man on earth: with his sigh wind and rain are born, with his exhalation thunder and lightning are born. According to legend, there was a heavenly government of thunder. It included the god of thunder, the god of wind, the god of rain and the goddess of lightning. The head of the heavenly council of thunder, Leizu, was depicted with a third eye on his forehead, from which a stream of light flowed. Dian-mu (“mother lightning”) held two mirrors in her hands raised above her head. Standing on a cloud, she either brought the mirrors together or spread them apart, as a result of which lightning arose. It was believed that Dian-mu illuminates with lightning the hearts of sinners who must be punished by the god of thunder.

In the symbolism of the ancient Chinese treatise “I Ching”, lightning is an image of the hexagram zhen, “excitement”. It marks the moment when life begins anew, going back is impossible, you need to go forward. In this situation, a person may feel fear and lose confidence in their own abilities. But if you do not change the principle of steady action and striving forward, such a movement will lead to the highest success.

U ancient Greeks Lightning was wielded by the head of the Olympic pantheon of gods, Zeus. During the fight against the Titans, the Cyclopes forged Zeus a lightning bolt - a magical weapon with which he struck Kronos. Having won these battles, Zeus gained power over the earth and sky, and thunder, lightning and peruns became his integral attribute. The myths attribute the first of two births of the “twice-born” Dionysus to the lightning strike of Zeus.

According to Pliny the Elder, the great god Etruscans Tin commanded “three sparkling red beams of lightning.” Under his command there were sixteen deities, but only eight had the right to throw lightning, and these lightning differed in color. All these features were taken into account by the haruspex soothsayers who interpreted the heavenly signs.

IN ancient Rome Jupiter, like many other ancient gods, initially did not have a human appearance, but was depicted as a stone arrow, which was seen as a symbol of lightning. Subsequently, the thunder arrows that he holds in his hand became a symbol of the power and invincible strength of the king of the gods. Jupiter's three lightning bolts symbolize chance, fate and foresight - the three forces that shape the future.

According to Aztec myths, The Universe has gone through four stages (or eras) of development. In the third era, which was called “Four. Rain,” the supreme deity, the bearer of the sun, was Tlaloc, the god of rain and thunder, who was depicted with a lightning staff. The element of this era, which ended with a worldwide conflagration, is fire, and its sign is lightning.

IN Christian era lightning is associated with the revelation of God, as, for example, in the book of Exodus, where thunder and lightning foreshadow the appearance of God to Moses on Mount Sinai. In addition, lightning is a symbolic expression of God's judgment (on the Day of Judgment).

In the famous Muslim story revelation to Mohammed in a cave on Mount Hira, lightning precedes the appearance of the divine messenger - the Angel Jibril.

To be struck by lightning, according to shamans, means immediate initiation. “People who are killed by lightning are thought to have been kidnapped from Heaven by the thunder gods, and their remains are revered as relics. Anyone who survives an experience with lightning is completely changed; in essence, he begins a new life, becomes a new person.”(Mircea Eliade).

A lightning tattoo is a drawing of a bright flash of light, a strong energy discharge, a colorful picture. The attitude towards it is formed by a double semantic meaning. Such a natural phenomenon in the minds of many people is equated with danger, with an uncontrollable celestial phenomenon. These concepts are often transferred to the owners of the drawing. When studying the Holy Letter, it becomes clear that thunder and lightning often precede the appearance of the Lord.

History of the symbol

A tattoo in the form of lightning goes back to ancient times to the Slavic god Perun, the Greek god Zeus, the ancient Roman Thunderer and the Indian Manitou. In early historical times, the image was applied to people who, according to social concepts, were close to these deities - priests, religious figures. Currently, the drawing is preferred by sailors who, in their profession, encounter the formidable force of nature, therefore, with the help of the drawing, they create a talisman for themselves against the violence of the elements.

What does a lightning tattoo mean?

The meaning of a lightning tattoo can be described by the following words - fertility, unlimited power, an inexhaustible source of energy. Depending on their beliefs, the inhabitants of the earth have different attitudes towards this symbol. The peoples of North America see him as an incarnate symbol of the Great Spirit, expressed as the lightning bird. Semitic traditions imply God himself, who descends in such a powerful way on earth, administering his justice. Peoples professing Christianity correlate the symbol with both heavenly punishment and the presence of God in earthly affairs. Buddhism places importance on the power of inspiration and spiritual power.

General imagery of the drawing- light that cuts through space and time, representing creation and destruction, symbolizing life and death.

A tattoo of lightning bursting from behind a cloud speaks of divine intervention in a person’s life. A pure flash, without additional attributes, means a person’s spiritual strength, his firmness and steadfastness. The zigzag shape carries the meaning of fertility, endless energy, thirst for life, victory over passions and evil, faith in Higher Powers and supernatural protection.

Tattoo position and placement

The lightning bolt tattoo can be stamped anywhere on the body. The location is determined by the person who wants to apply the tattoo. His choice is influenced by personal motives and the threshold of pain perception. Places with little soft tissue (knees and elbows) are sensitive to pain. The spine and ribs will be just as painful to the injections. But in these places the drawing will look impressive. Therefore, with the necessary margin of strength and patience, you will get a bright drawing.

A small lightning bolt tattoo can be done on the neck. It is necessary to take into account that here the mobile skin and the wound will take a longer time to heal, so the pain may persist for several months. Less sensitive to pain are the external surfaces of the shoulder and thigh, and ankles. The sign, which is part of a large design, is usually applied to the back, and when applied to the thumb, it indicates belonging to a criminal subculture.

Lightning image color scheme

A beautiful and effective symbol, in the right color scheme, attracts the eye. The image is made schematically (similar to a branched tree) and realistically. Zigzag lightning is typically drawn in black, yellow, or orange, although green, red, and other colors can be seen. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, lightning is divided into two types: life-giving - golden, striking - white and purple.

Tattoo lightning for girls and men

Girls most often go to the salon for a beautiful design, paying little attention to its semantic meaning. Usually the design is applied to the outside of the calf. Although the spiritual attraction of the symbol speaks of the strength of her character and inaccessibility, the ability to make quick and responsible decisions. Blue and red colors are used for tattooing.
For a man, a lightning tattoo signifies the strength of his character, steadfastness in decision-making, and energetic strength. Such a person, if necessary, will be able to stand up for his loved ones.

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